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MelodyL 08-30-2006 04:40 PM

I figured I'd post a new thread just in case someone is interested.

Here's the link to ebay. It goes off soon.

Obviously the seller no longers needs this item and doens't want to make a profit. You have to go to Indiana to pick it up.

Hope someone makes some use of this.

It's a great deal!!!


Kitt 08-30-2006 06:36 PM

Braun Chair Topper
Hi MelodyL,

I checked the site out and also the seller's other items. This person seems to be a collector of many things so I don't think this seller is the person who used it. It appears to be just one of the items that they are selling. It does seem like a good deal for someone who wants one. Not sure how they are installed or anything. Just my opinion


MelodyL 08-30-2006 08:02 PM

This is what I think. If the guy has excellent feedback and is a seller on ebay, this Braun Chair topper might have been used by a family member who no longer has need of it.

So he's just doing a nice thing by having someone bid and come and pick it up. I mean the thing sells on the internet for something like $4,000. This is a piece of machinery believe me.

I googled it and I actually saw a demonstration. They have a car with this Braun thing on top of it. The thing comes down and puts the wheelchair down. Then it grabs the wheelchair and folds it and puts it on top of the car.

Absolutely amazing. I do hope somebody can take advantage of this if they live near where this guy is selling it.

be well

Kitt 08-30-2006 08:09 PM

Braun Chair Topper
Yes, I think it is a great thing he is doing. I actually have seen one of these in operation. It was amazing how they work. A very good thing to have for someone who needs it. I know about feedback and his appears to be good. I believe the guy who has the bid is a collector of many things as well. Hopefully, it will get to a person who can really use one.


Just looked now and he has two bids now - $10.58. Will be interesting to see what it goes for

dahlek 08-31-2006 04:59 AM

Mel, Kitt, that demo almost does it justice...
I started to get in my car and look at the car parked in front of me and well, my eyes kind of popped. The wheelchair was in some kind of harness/hydraulic lift RISING up and then just gently folding over sideways into this turtle top. No clang, bang, jingle...just a hum and whirr. I just HAD TO GO and ask, and the lady was pleased to tell me it's virtues, only drawback was the cost, apparently. Now, that problem's solved...sort of.

Tho not [if I can help it] expecting to need such a thing soon, I've kind of been 'searching' out what's there. A prep for the overall sticker shock should the time come.. This was kind of sensible, and you don't need to shop for a van, either. Well, you get the drift.

Now, if you folks can find me a sort-of 'foot-sensor' pad...something that tells me my foot is square on the accelerator or brake...that'll do me for now.

Good thoughts and things to you all! - j

MelodyL 08-31-2006 08:11 AM


You know me!!! If such an item as a foot sensor pad thingee exists, I'LL FIND ONE FOR YA!!!!

love, mel

Kitt 08-31-2006 08:41 AM

Braun Chair Topper
Dahlek, I know what you are saying. My eyes popped too;) It was something to see for real, with my own eyes; happening in the parking lot. Really :cool:

If I ever run across a foot sensor type thing, I will sure post it. That would be nice for anyone who needs it as well. Have a good day:)


nide44 08-31-2006 09:05 AM

Well...somebody got it for $10.50 !!
(TEN dollars and Fifty cents!!)
:) :D :D :cool:

Silverlady 08-31-2006 09:35 AM

Congradulations!!!! But I bid $10.51 for it. (just kidding). It is great that one of us needing it was able to get it.

MelodyL 08-31-2006 11:20 AM

To Dahlek: Foot Sensor Pad Thingeee
Guess what!!!

There is such a thing!!! well almost!!! A guy from NASA is doing research in diabetics and foot ulcers, etc. and he's invented this sensor pad thing.

I researched it and while it's not exactly what you are looking for NOW!!!, it is a thing that people place their feet on and it uses sensor cells to transmit messages exactly where the feet are placed. See where I'm headed here???

Don't laugh at me but I contacted the guy at NASA and asked him if there is any research anywhere (maybe even at NASA), to enable people with neropathy to "feel" where they place their feet while they are driving. I explained the whole neuropathy thing.

There is also an option if a person drives all the time and can't use the pedals, they can have their car adapted using hand brakes, etc.

I told Alan a long time ago to have his car adapted so he could continue to drive. He looked at me like I was out of my mind.

What do I expect from a guy who won't try on new glasses??? He's actually going to adapt his car??? oh yeah, that's going to happen, right!!!!!!!!

so if the guy from NASA responds and gives me any information, I'll pass it on.

wouldn't it be a hoot if such a product exists???

take care,

Kitt 08-31-2006 12:00 PM

Foot Thingy
Hi Melody,

Good work checking that out. Always seems to be something new that people are working on.

I know there are hand controls that people use for their vehicles. As far as I know, they work great.


MelodyL 08-31-2006 02:33 PM

Anytime Kitt!!!!
I love to learn stuff. I am 58 years young, use an IPOD, I have a windows xp media center and I make videos and send them to friends and family.

But most of my friends in my age bracket, not only don't know how to use a computer, they still can't program a vcr.

Someone just told me to get a blackberry and do text messaging.

I said to them this morning "who on earth would I text message, people I know can't even use the remote".


Kitt 08-31-2006 03:06 PM

Hi Mel,

That's a good one. I know what you are saying as far as most people that age don't even know how to use the remote:D I do have an elderly friend, 88, and would you believe she is emailing me and others quite regularly. She is great!!

I think I have you beat in the age department. I believe I read that you are 59:confused: I am 64:p Surely, I do not consider myself old - but I guess I'm getting there and sometimes I feel like it too:eek:

Have a great day!


MelodyL 08-31-2006 03:23 PM

Me?? Old??? Are you serious????
Never gonna happen. I mean, I turn 59 on November 4th. For the first time in my life, I can wear the color yellow, wear pretty skirts, wear tank tops and no one looks at me twice about it.

Do you know how it feels to go on a bus, stand up and see a space between two people and know you can't fit in that space?

I did this all my life.

Now, because this has affected me all my life, I still won't try and fit between two people (even though I can) but the other day, I got the thrill of my life.

I was the first of many people to get on a bus. I sat down and another person sat on the other end of the seat, so there was a blank seat between us.

As the other people began to get on the bus, (there were plenty of empty seats with no one sitting on either side, a lady got on, and sat right down between me and the other person.

I just sat there and said to myself. "gee, she could have taken any of the empty seats but she saw that she had room and she sat between me and the other person.

You tell yourselves these things because in the past, when I got on a bus, and there was an empty seat between two regular size people, I would look at the empy seat and some one would say "don't even think about it, you won't fit". This actually happened to me. So to this day, I will never sit between two people. It's all in the head.

I'm just happy to put on pretty skirts and bangles and earrings and whatever and go out and enjoy life!!!

Oh, and this is for all my lady friends on these boards. Have I got an idea for you!!

I have lots of earrings. I mean lots. Chains also. I went on ebay and saw about buying an earring stand. Well, they range from nine bucks up to sixty. I said "wait a minute, I'll make my own". I went to a fabric store and bought a half a yard of lace. ( a wide piece by the way. Cost me fifty cents.

I then went home, took the end of the piece of lace and wrapped it around a plastic hanger from my closet. I glue gunned the lace over the hanger.
so when you hang up the thing you have a nice piece of lace hanging off of a hanger. The lace has thousands of eyelets (or holes) right?

Well, I sorted out all my jewelry , and hooked the earrings on the lace. I put 30 pairs of earrings on this thing. I then took my chains and fastened them on one end of the hanger and my bracelets on the other end. I could not believe how efficient this thing is. All my jewelry is in one place, No more messy jewelry boxes. I was so impressed with this thing that I brought it around the corner to show my friend and twenty people stopped me in the street saying, "oh are you selling this'. I laughed and said "no, I just made this for fifty cents and it holds all my jewelry.

If anybody wants me to send them a picture of what this looks like, just message me and I'll show you.

you can make this in 5 seconds and hang it on a hook on your wall or in your closet. I hung mine on the wall next to my full length mirror. Imagine getting up and getting dressed and not saying anymore "Oh where are my stupid earrings and chain?"

you've gotta see this. It's adorable.

sorry to go off topic but what the hell, this board is different anyway.


Kitt 08-31-2006 05:12 PM

Hi Melody,

Well, I don't consider myself "old" but it does make one think. I perhaps have only around 20 years left or so. That sounds funny but true. But, maybe not, since I come from a long lived family:p

I can only imagine where you are coming from with that seat situation on a bus. It is something how things just stick in your mind and a person never seems to get rid of the feeling no matter what it is. I can think of things in my school years that still stick with me.

Your jewelry holder sounds really neat:) What an idea and there you have everything all together and no more boxes as you say. I know mine is a mess:( Many boxes of it and never really know where stuff is. Oh well.

Have a great rest of the day:D


MelodyL 08-31-2006 05:32 PM

Make one for yourself!!!
I'm telling you, it's so easy, you can do it in one minute.

Get a half a yard of any kind of lace. Wrap one end around a hanger and glue gun it.

Hang the hanger on a hook.

Get all your earrings and stuff. Just stick the earrings in the eyelets and take your chains and necklaces and open the at the clasp, put them on the hanger (at one end) and reclose them. They can't fall off either. Do the same at the other end with your bracelets (the one's that open and close).

And hangers have a two little hooks on the tops (at least mine does).
I just put all my rings on these.

So I will say that 95% of my jewelry is right in front of me on my wall. And if you secure the earrings correctly, (with the posts on the backs), when you have to travel, you just lay it in your luggage, and when you get to where you want to go, you just open your suitcase, take it out, hang it up. Now many of my earrings are the kind that just slide in my pierced ears and hang over in the back. They don't have any backs. These are the easiest thing to put on this earring hanger thingee. You just pop the earrings into the eyelets. I mean, what on earth is simpler than this thing???

I'll bet Joy Mangano (ever hear of her?), will invent a similar thing and charge $49.99 on Home Shopping.


Kitt 08-31-2006 05:38 PM


No can't say as I've heard of her but I would bet too anyway that she would charge plenty for it. Thank you for telling me how to make it. It sounds super:) Some of my earrings have the backs on them and others are like you described.

By the way, I didn't mean to imply that I am old:p I meant that at times I feel old when I'm not feeling so swell - hehehe;) It does happen.

Take care,


MelodyL 08-31-2006 10:26 PM

I just came home from my friend's 74th birthday party!!

My friend around the corner turned 74 today. She's a widow. We all sit on her porch in the evening and talk and shoot the breeze. She lost her husband 8 years ago and has never been the same.

I recently took a photo of her and me together on the porch. I put that photo in a beautiful picture frame and put it in a gift bag and brought it over and they made cake and coffee in the backyard. She absolutely adored it. Seems all her lady friends have passed on!!!

Want to know what she said when I gave her the gift? She said "and I thought I would never have another friend!!!

After the party, I said to her "guess where we are going now? and she said "i'm going in and I'm going to bed" I said "oh no".

(there is a feast (a big giant bazaar with music, food, rides, etc.) that starts at the end of her block and runs for 12 blocks or so.

She hasn't been to a feast in over 10 years. She just sits in her house or on the porch. I told her "we are going to the feast". She said "we are????" I said "yup, you are getting out of your comfort zone on your birthday". I gently walked with her through the crowds over to the earring racks and there she stood amazed looking at the thousands of earrings for sale. We walked a bit to a stand that sold clothing for dogs (she has a dog she adores). We only stayed 15 minutes or so but for those 15 minutes, she got off her porch and took a walk. I walked her home and came home myself.

No one has to get old anymore as long as people have friends, family (if you're lucky to have them) and people who care.

Thats the creed I try to live by.

take care,Melody

dahlek 09-01-2006 07:12 AM

Melody - that's what...
we ALL should be about!
It's waay too easy to get/be isolated. We must, and must help others push, punch and blast outside that 'Circle of Comfort'. Life is far better.
When we give, we get-and far more in return. I surely never keep track of the interest!

Good thoughts ALWAYS! - j

MelodyL 09-01-2006 07:59 AM


But what do you do when you are the only person who thinks this way.

I have a son who I haven't seen in over 4 years. He became a compulsive gambler, lives 3000 miles away,has this personality disorder, that disorder, but manages to be very self sufficient, exist in his own vacuum and be on welfare. He says that life owes him. He was in an accident at age 14 that left him with scars on his forehad. They have faded now but of course that can scar you emotionally and mentally.

so I was thinking yesterday, maybe I should be loving (how much more loving I could be, I have no idea), and understanding. So I wrote him and gently asked how his depression was going. He's on all sorts of meds for anxiety and depression but he has to control everything and everybody in his surroundings. That's how most compuslive gamblers are. I belong to Gamanon and have learned MUCH from that organization.

So I wrote him a nice e-mail, not preachy or anything but from an interested mom (just like I've been doing for over 4 years).

This is what he wrote me just now.

"Scars are still there, but thats the least of my problems. I hate life because luife sucks. If life was so great then I would not be depressed. Life sucked way before I went into the window and it stills sucks.



So what can a mom do when she has a son who talks like this all the time. He's in therapy, has case managers who he can go to and I speak to them but they have never met a case like my son. They know he has been diagnosed with Aspergers disorder but they never saw a case like him.

I could have let this destroy me but I have to survive and take care of Alan. I was a mom for 25 years but I can't be a mommy any more. My son told me a long time ago, he would come home as long as he doesn't have to work and we could take care of him. You don't want to know what my response to him was!!!

Sorry to go off the neuropathy topic but you guys give such great advice and once in a while it's nice to talk about other stuff. I promise not to stray any more.


Kitt 09-01-2006 09:26 AM

Wow Melody that is something about your son. Can't say as I blame you for not letting him come home and do nothing. He really sounds mixed up. I think, for what it is worth, that you are doing the best that you can and taking care of Alan and yourself. You have enough of a load. Sometimes a person reaches out but they just can't help. It's just the way it is.

That was sure nice what you did for the lady. It did get her out if only for a little while and got her mind off of things. I'm sure she is grateful to have you as a friend. The 88 year old I was talking about before is a friend and we don't see each other often but we always email. And she is out and about as much as she can. She is a go getter. A retired school teacher and just chose to move to another neat apartment in another town. The reason being that they are making the place where she lived assisted living. No if, ands or buts. None of those people need assisted living. Soooo, there were around 8 of them who moved to this brand new place. Much to do there and she always gets out otherwise as well as do the others. She also is in great demand to play for weddings, funerals, and the like. She's a great pianist and organist.

Oh my, I know I'm way off subject and I apologize for that. But it's good to be able to tell it to people who understand. Take care:)


MelodyL 09-01-2006 10:12 AM

You know something Kitt: Once in a while, it's nice to hear that there are people living way beyond their life expectancies and that they know computers, e-mails, do stuff and LEAVE THEIR COMFORT ZONES!! once in a while.

I mean, I know ME!!! I can't imagine being an 80 year old Melody wearing frumpy black clothing and no jewelry. I looked like that when I was 40 and never again.

The people who frequent these boards have such pain (I mean the real stuff, not just emotional pain), and sometimes I think it's a good idea to bring a laugh or two (or three).

Really, I do.

And Kitt, if you ever want to hear a story that will make you fall off your seat (believe me, you'll need a box of tissues, you'll laugh so hard), just private message me and I promise you, you will forget if you even have a headache. .

Oh, one more cute thing about my Alan. he never gets words right. I mean never. He doesn't remember the titles of movies, he gets them screwed up.
I believe I posted this little ditty on the boards but I don't think you know this one.
By the way, alan is jewish and I'm catholic and he's born again. Living here is fun believe me. I never know if when I walk into the living room, I'm going to find him standing up praying, shouting Halleluyah! or talking back at the tv.
Anyway, alan says to me. "maybe I should get some rosemary bees" or something like that. I said "what on earth are you talking about this time, (I say this at least once a day).

He goes "you know rosemary bees". I said 'what the hell are rosemary bees?
He goes , "you know what you catholics use in church."
I said ROSARY BEADS????? yep....

then last night he gives me back a video tape of a movie I gave him . He says "here's the Rosemary Murders". you guessed it!!! The Rosary Murders with Donald Sutherland.

He's got Rosemary on his brain. I wonder what he would call Rosemary's Baby with Mia Farrow. Probably Rosary Baby.

be well

dahlek 09-01-2006 11:08 AM

Melody, I believe those are called something...
like 'spoonerisms', malapropisms, no matter. Still very, verry good!
As for being the only one to 'do stuff' - you aren't alone..

Last mo. went to neuro-opth. [He'd moved], and I WENT to where I thought I'd seen on the address change card...NOOOOOO wrong block #, and worse, the Address was the same as the building in front of it.. Only got there 1 hour late. [I was told later by a staffer that THAT was GOOD!?] An older lady who saw the doc before me, was standing outside looking for her "ride service"..they'd disappeared. So, I asked her, I can take you, IF you don't mind a crazy PN'ed driver...She accepted [it was in mid-90's and she's recovering from a stroke]. I took her & she's asked me to Lunch in her senior home. I believe she want's people to 'wonder' who I am. That's cool! As long as I can drive, I'm gonna try to help others.

No MELODY! YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE HELPING. Each little thing, or bit, each of us does ADDS UP. And that's not any form of formal 'volunteering' - it's being human to other humans. It's not the sun that brings light to life, it's the sun in the spirit!

Hey! I used to work in a place that allowed off for all religious holidays- One lady was a Bhuddist, Catholic, & married to a Jewish gentleman. Boy! Did she cash IN! Good thoughts to all! - j

MelodyL 09-01-2006 11:28 AM

I Love You All!!!!1
That about sums it up!!!

Be well, stay focused and do the best you can!!!

Alan is at the gym trying to look like the Terminator!!

me?? I'm taking myself out to lunch. They serve half a sandwich and a salad.

Just for today, I think I'll take care of ME!!!

by all.
Love ya to pieces.

Kitt 09-01-2006 01:09 PM

That's quite a story Melody about those beads/bees and all the rest:p Makes a person laugh for sure. Take care,


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