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Curious 11-30-2006 10:55 PM

Posting Pictures- PhotoBucket, Glitter Graphics etc -Editing & how to info
How to post full size pictures using PhotoBucket. is a free picture hosting site.

First you have to regisister. :) Click on the RED Register button.

After you have registered and are logged in, go to your ALBUM page. It will look like this:

You are ready to UPLOAD. Where it says Upload Images & Videos there is a grey button that says BROWSE. Click on the BROWSE button. A POPUP screen will come up. Click on the picture you want to UPLOAD.

Curious 11-30-2006 11:10 PM

Page 2
Page 2...

After you have selected and clicked on the picture you would like to upload, click on the grey UPLOAD button. The location from which the picture you are uploading will show up in the box to the left of the BROWSE button.

After the picture has fully uploaded it will show up and have 3 different codes to use for posting. I prefer to use the bottom one. The IMG code. HIGHLIGHT the IMG code (right all), right click and copy the HIGHLIGHTED code.

To add the picture to a REPLY, just RIGHT click and PASTE the IMG code you copied on the REPLY box.

I hope this helps those who have been asking.

kimmydawn 11-30-2006 11:26 PM

What a great thread, curious. Thank you!

I couldn't do without my photobucket account. :)


Curious 11-30-2006 11:29 PM


you're welcome. i wanted to help those who have been asking how to post the pictures.

Jomar 11-30-2006 11:34 PM

Our cat Silver-
oops just noticed this looking back thru this thread...

if you delete the photos on the photo bucket website the IMG code will delete too - so the picture will not show anymore.

Curious 11-30-2006 11:35 PM

she is a beauty jo!!!

this makes me sooo happy i could help!!!

Jomar 11-30-2006 11:38 PM

it's a He but the pink blanket would make that hard to guess LOL
pic taken in daughters room

Boopers 12-01-2006 01:14 AM

Thank you Curious!!

I have tried to figure out how to do this!! I plan on registering with Photobucket first thing tomorrow. I'm too tired tonight to concentrate!
Thanks Again!!
Linda :)

befuddled2 12-01-2006 07:16 PM

Thanks Curious,

Can you also do graphics you create on your computer?


What a handsome kitty. I miss my hubby's cat.


Curious 12-01-2006 07:36 PM

you sure can!!

you can upload the picture. :D

befuddled2 12-01-2006 09:28 PM

Thank Curious,

I made this graphic in my graphic's editor for a friend who recently celebrated his 5 year quit smoking anniversary. I learned how to make an image appear
3-D from my Art book. Just the border of the graphic should appear 3-D.


watsonsh 01-16-2007 08:22 PM

Wow curious you are a computer wiz!:laptop:

Thanks I am going to check out Photobucket, I have not heard of it.

Jo, great pic!

Curious 01-17-2007 12:37 AM

thank you shelley :o i saw some pictures on posts tonight, so i t looks like the bump helped. :)

if you need any help, let me know.

~scrabble 01-18-2007 10:25 AM


I keep hearing about Photobucket but I haven't gone to their site to check it out.

Now that you have taken the time to walk us through the steps ... I guess I have no excuse for doing it!

(Maybe this weekend .... ) ;)

jingle 01-18-2007 11:17 AM

I am not dumb about computers ... I am blazing idiot :eek: .
But, thanks to Curious, I can easily handle Photobucket and post photos here.

Jomar 01-18-2007 12:03 PM

Are those wild skunks??

jingle 01-18-2007 12:11 PM

Yes, jo, wild skunks. The photo is so fuzzy because husband stays inside behind closed window - lol.
The skunks and raccoons came when I called.

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 01-18-2007 08:55 PM

Ok.i dont usually post nor read over here..However these wild skunks lured me in!!!!:eek:
How in the world do you manage to get sooo close w/out getting sprayed???
I think i would be behind the glass too..LOL

jingle 01-18-2007 09:19 PM

Kelly - the skunks were crazy about the food I offered and were interested only in it. They are solitary animals and my feeding drew them together which was not good for them so I finally gave it up ~sigh~

I still miss them and their babies. Oh, you just can't imagine how wonderful their batchies of babies were. I loved the raccoons more.

stevem53 01-22-2007 12:13 AM

Photobucket is a great tool to save pictures

Photoshop is a great tool to have fun with those pictures..:D

jingle 01-22-2007 05:53 AM

Steven - I don't have a clue :confused: I don't have the faintest idea how to do something like that :confused: I couldn't even understand if you tried to TELL me :( :(

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 01-22-2007 09:07 AM

That's too cute Steve :D
I have photo shop...
Yet i don't know how to do that with it...hhmmm a few more hours at the ole desk,i guess!;)
Thanks for sharing all the cute pics with us of all the lil critters jingle.
You are one brave woman!!!
Sorry you had to stop feeding them:(
Yet i can understand why.

stevem53 01-22-2007 10:21 AM

Its really not that complicated..I installed photoshop and read through the tutor and the next day I had this part of it figured out..Its a matter of going through the proper sequence, and learning how to use the tools..After a short while you can figure out what works best by simply studying the pictures that you want to alter

Lara 01-22-2007 11:03 PM

Just what I needed.
Wow, thanks Curious and everyone else who's posted on this thread. This is something I really need to get organized for myself as soon as I can. I want to be able to post some pics. but never have been able to get it all organized. [I need to borrow a scanner first as I don't have a digital camera yet. My son and daughter have them instead.]

jingle, just love those skunks. WOW
We don't have them here of course. I was just wondering if they're nocturnal or not? I take it they're not from the pics..

Jo, what a beautiful cat!

lol steve. Photoshop looks like fun.

Curious 01-22-2007 11:10 PM

lara, you can post pics you save from the internet or even emails. just save them on photobucket. that's how i posted the deer pics for alffe. she emailed me.

stevem53 01-22-2007 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by Lara (Post 62215)
Wow, thanks Curious and everyone else who's posted on this thread. This is something I really need to get organized for myself as soon as I can. I want to be able to post some pics. but never have been able to get it all organized. [I need to borrow a scanner first as I don't have a digital camera yet. My son and daughter have them instead.]

jingle, just love those skunks. WOW
We don't have them here of course. I was just wondering if they're nocturnal or not? I take it they're not from the pics..

Jo, what a beautiful cat!

lol steve. Photoshop looks like fun.

If you dont have access to a scanner, you can go to CVS and have them put on a floppy disc or a CD

Lara 01-25-2007 05:34 PM

Thanks, steve.
My daughter has a birthday next month so I'll be inheriting her old digital camera (barely used, and a gift from me lol) 'cause she's getting some brand new fancy one from her father :rolleyes: that's apparently not released here yet. Once I have the digital, I'm all set as I have all the stuff for it on my own computer. One day I'll sort through all my regular photographs and get them organized. I am not as fond of digital cameras as regular cameras, but maybe I've just never used a good one.

It's Australia Day here. Might go out soon and take some pics down the beach. Will see how hot and crowded it gets first. I was just checking out some webcams and the crowds are forming as I speak. Could head for the hills and have a barbie instead, but I'm not sure if the barbeques are working with the state of firebans and all. We'll see how the day progresses.

thanks again

Curious 01-25-2007 05:43 PM

give me a shout if you need any help. :)

stevem53 01-27-2007 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by Lara (Post 63294)
Thanks, steve.
My daughter has a birthday next month so I'll be inheriting her old digital camera (barely used, and a gift from me lol) 'cause she's getting some brand new fancy one from her father :rolleyes: that's apparently not released here yet. Once I have the digital, I'm all set as I have all the stuff for it on my own computer. One day I'll sort through all my regular photographs and get them organized. I am not as fond of digital cameras as regular cameras, but maybe I've just never used a good one.

It's Australia Day here. Might go out soon and take some pics down the beach. Will see how hot and crowded it gets first. I was just checking out some webcams and the crowds are forming as I speak. Could head for the hills and have a barbie instead, but I'm not sure if the barbeques are working with the state of firebans and all. We'll see how the day progresses.

thanks again

There ya go!..Thats even better..Ive yet to get one myself

Jomar 01-30-2008 01:12 PM

Glitter Graphics posting info
adding how to thread link for the Glitter Graphics-

Jomar 02-28-2008 10:40 PM

How to - Save & Add Glitter Graphics to emails

Jomar 02-28-2008 10:41 PM

How to make a screenshot

FlyFishin Momma 08-13-2008 07:29 AM

OMG.............I did it......I am not as dumb as I thought I was....wwooo how to make it my avatar????? I will have to work on that....

FlyFishin Momma 08-13-2008 07:42 AM


I even made an avatar from photo bucket......this is way way to cool...........

thanks for the step by steps................couldnt have done it w/o ya !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I call this picture....Mornin' Ponder...........

I am sitting on the front steps of my camper pondering about the day!!!!!!(ya have to ignor the bed head here lol lol)

whispers 09-06-2008 01:59 PM

Curious, that is so-o-o-o great. You rock!:Good-Post:. I tried before but it was done on 'trial and error' basis. I learned a bit but was not very successful. Now, at least, I will have a step-by-step approach which is much better .:D

tamiloo 11-12-2008 02:30 AM

Picture Problems
I'm going to go nut! I used dial up for most of my life and now I'm using wonderful high speed. I havenever used Intenet explorer before so now I'm having problems with loading pictures from photobucket. Help.............

Jomar 11-12-2008 01:42 PM

Hi Tamiloo,
I don't know why your IE is having a problem. I only use IE if a site requires it.

But I would recommend trying another browser... it's nice to have a second option and one like FireFox is generally quicker at loading pages and has better security built in.

you can learn about it & download it - free of course -

i have also used the Flock browser - free also-

Jomar 03-18-2009 01:14 PM

Adding text to pictures with MS Paint

Originally Posted by Jo*mar (Post 483094)
I just took my siggy pic and added some text to it with MS Paint.

how I do it-

open pic with Paint {right click on pic and select open with...}or open Paint and then use file /open {then locate pic that way}

then adjust the size if needed - Image /stretch/skew- and adjust percentages - if too small or too big use undo{ in edit toolbar tab} to try again.

when you get the size you want-

then click on the A in the left side tools area - that is for text box
place cursor on pic click once, hold and slide to make a text box to the size you want. when the size it good release the button.

below the the tools on the right a box will show where you can click to make the text box transparent or with a colored back ground
the color choices are at the bottom of the screen.

to add the writing just click in the text box and type
if you wan tto choose or try other fonts make sure in the tool bar under View that Text Toolbar is clicked to show.
after you type you can try out other fonts and sizes by just clicking thru the font list.

then when done click save or just close and it will ask you to save it.
if you want to keep the original use the "save as" and make a new name -sometimes i just add a number or letter to the original name.

then post your test pic here for display :D

BlueMajo 03-19-2009 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by Jo*mar (Post 406895)
But I would recommend trying another browser... it's nice to have a second option and one like FireFox is generally quicker at loading pages and has better security built in.

Jo, now that I know you uses firefox, could I ask you, how do you save a pic ?? I mean, I cant simply right click over it so I can see "save image as" can I ?? Im in mac, so, I have ended taking screen shots of pics I like... :rolleyes:

Thanks for your help !

klb1553 04-01-2009 05:57 PM

Posting Images

Originally Posted by Curious (Post 44396)
Page 2...

After you have selected and clicked on the picture you would like to upload, click on the grey UPLOAD button. The location from which the picture you are uploading will show up in the box to the left of the BROWSE button.

After the picture has fully uploaded it will show up and have 3 different codes to use for posting. I prefer to use the bottom one. The IMG code. HIGHLIGHT the IMG code (right all), right click and copy the HIGHLIGHTED code.

To add the picture to a REPLY, just RIGHT click and PASTE the IMG code you copied on the REPLY box.

I hope this helps those who have been asking.

Okay, it's this last step I don't get. How do I get the image to another place?
Computer illiterate. . . sorry.:o

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