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bizi 10-04-2021 10:37 PM

Bizis new October 2021 thread.
Well I made it one day with out alcohol.(Alcohol free = AF)
For lunch I had a turkey with bacon and tomatoes and a

side of steamed chard. I ate a lot at dinner but it was sort
of healthy:lentil soup with carrots and pieces of pork roast.

But the really big news is that I made it to the gym.
I had a half an hour to "work out" before the planet
fitness gym closed.
I did 2 minutes on the stair master and about had a

heart attack. I really want to work on my thighs
they are so weak. My heart was just pounding

at 2 minutes....I think I will go back to that again
as it really gets my heart pumping quickly. and it
works out what I am aiming for thigh muscles

exercises. I then went on the tread mill with

7% incline that got my heart pumping a bit I

think I did that 10 minutes. Then I went to the
bicycle, had to have the guy show me how to

adjust the seat....I felt stupid but they are here

to help us. so I rode the bike for a few minutes.
then looked for the leg press the mother of thigh

muscles machine I thought I found one but I

could not use it. did not have time to ask

because they were closing. walked right out at 10 pm.
I feel great that I went.

And proud of myself for making it one day AF.

mymorgy 10-05-2021 02:41 AM

that is all so great.

Dmom3005 10-05-2021 04:42 PM

Fantastic day yesterday. And hoping you get another day at the
gym and AF free.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Lara 10-05-2021 10:55 PM

Thinking of you.


bizi 10-06-2021 09:27 AM

thank you friends.
I did stair masters again and did them at a reduced level and made 4 minutes then later at the hard resistance 2 minutes again. it is a killer.
day 2 of no drinking.

mymorgy 10-06-2021 09:58 AM

you must be so proud of yourself and well earned.

Dmom3005 10-06-2021 10:38 AM

Yah, :circlelove::You-Rock:

bizi 10-06-2021 08:04 PM

thank you my friends!


bizi 10-06-2021 08:25 PM

I mixed 8 oz of grapefruit juice with 12 oz of le croix seltzer drink. This will be my go to special
drink that only has 120 calories.
I liked the pineapple one best. But am out of it so will need to pick up
that in a couple of days. Jeff is out with friends he called me to tell me which I appreciated.
I am going to the gym to do more stair masters and bike riding.
The scale is already going in the right direction.

bizi 10-06-2021 10:26 PM

I made it to the gym again
Planet fitness is great.
I walked up the stair masters machine
at level 3 for 2.5 minutes this time,
progress. rode on the bike for 20 minutes
heart rate right around 120 bpm
Which is aerobic at my age.

mymorgy 10-07-2021 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by bizi (Post 1295968)
I mixed 8 oz of grapefruit juice with 12 oz of le croix seltzer drink. This will be my go to special
drink that only has 120 calories.
I liked the pineapple one best. But am out of it so will need to pick up
that in a couple of days. Jeff is out with friends he called me to tell me which I appreciated.
I am going to the gym to do more stair masters and bike riding.
The scale is already going in the right direction.

please check if grapefruit juice doesn't interfere with any of your medications. it does with mine and i love grapefruit juice.

mymorgy 10-07-2021 07:46 AM

bizi that is so very great. i know when you set your mind on something like this you have such an iron will. keep on letting us know how you are doing. it is spectacular.

bizi 10-07-2021 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by mymorgy (Post 1295976)
please check if grapefruit juice doesn't interfere with any of your medications. it does with mine and i love grapefruit juice.

I forgot that it can interfer. thanks for the reminder, your a good friend!
love bizi

Lara 10-07-2021 10:09 PM

Sounds good bizi.
Keep up the water too. You probably need it extra with all that exercize. Take it easy though if you feel you need to slow down a little some days. I worry about you stopping hard like that. :hug:

bizi 10-08-2021 09:50 AM

Thanks for your support gals! I appreciate your encouragement.
I did not go to the gym yesterday wanted to give my back a break.
Will go tonight.
I went to fat pats yesterday and drank a diet soda and ate seared tuna salad. It was delicious!Down a couple of pounds since starting my AF/dieting.
I refuse to let myself get any bigger.It has to stop. and alcohol contributed to me getting so over weight.I am hoping I can lose this weight and not have to get my rings sized again!!!!!!. get back into my smaller scrubs. that will take a long time I know.
love to you all,

Dmom3005 10-08-2021 10:10 AM


I'm so proud of you. And Bobby so glad you got the reminder in for
grapefruit juice. Its the same for my meds and Derrick's both.

Love your exercise and food habits right now. Maybe you can walk and
things when you don't go to the gym.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

bizi 10-08-2021 07:30 PM

I usually go to the gym when it is dark outside. which I am afraid of the dark and will not walk by my self. Jeff is tall and has long legs he has been walking/ jogging every morning since May. He enjoys it and has been watching his portions and snacking when he should be eating a full meal. He has lost about 15 pounds. I am really happy for him. I could not do one mile on the tread mill and that helps you propel so it is easier than walking out side.
thank you for the support.

bizi 10-09-2021 12:18 AM

They close at 7pm on fridays and 7 pm

on sat and sun.
made it to the gym and lasted on the stair
master for 2.5 minutes at a high level 5
i think. then 20 minutes on level 5 which

I kept my heart rate up to 130. Ate a
good of whole foods hot food bar.
ground beef with carrots and onions. It was
very good. had a turkey and bacon wrap

which was very good for lunch and a side

of roasted brocoli.
which was yummy. saw 4 clients
af 5 days and down a coul of pounds since monday.
have a great weekend!I see 2 clients in the after noon,
I think they will be difficult.

mymorgy 10-09-2021 02:09 AM

so wonderful that you are doing this.

bizi 10-09-2021 11:48 AM

Thanks bobby! the gym closed at 9 on friday nights.
down 4 pounds since monday.
I am drinking this flat belly tonic that I mix up in a glass of water.There must be some sort of pepper my mouth is all tingly . I am glad that I like it as I have 6 months worth of the stuff.and was expensive.
I am not counting calories but definitely am keeping a eye on them.
I was down to 189 the end of june so I was 200 for two days last week. so just decided I am going to do this. So this morning I weighed 195.8.
So am happy the scale is going in the right direction.:)

mymorgy 10-09-2021 01:32 PM

that is so wonderful.

bizi 10-09-2021 05:18 PM

Thanks bobby.
every day I think about drinking.....
today is day 6 if I make it thru the day that is.
love bizi

mymorgy 10-09-2021 06:13 PM

you are doing so great. it is so difficult but you are shining. remember one
hour at a time.

bizi 10-09-2021 09:41 PM

Thanks for your support and encouragement bobby.
love you,

bizi 10-09-2021 10:42 PM

another set of hoops to avoid. like I usually have bloody marys on sunday morning at the diner that we usually go to on sundays for brunch.
sweet dreams ladies.

mymorgy 10-10-2021 04:38 AM

can you fool yourself and just have one without the vodka and extra tobasco
or can you ask the server if they have any great tasting beverage that doesn't have alcohol in it? how about nonalcohol beer. Cecilia who was an alcoholic but stopped drinking after her throat cancer always ordered that non alcoholic beer. i can't remember if it was St .Paulis She really liked it and found it was a great substitute.
i think at this point you are so motivated which is fantastic that it will just be a little hoop that you over. my father was an alcoholic probably bipolar
2 and he stopped drinking without a problem in his sixties.
bobby with fingers crossed

bizi 10-10-2021 10:27 AM

did he have mood swings too after he quit drinking?
love bizi

mymorgy 10-10-2021 11:01 AM

he was probably bipolar 2.
he didn't. have medicine and wasn't diagnosed. he still suffered from
depression. he no longer had to worry about money and was well off. he had put myra and me in private schools and paid for my going to u of penn which was private and myra smith which was also private. finally they moved into the apartment house he owned.

bizi 10-10-2021 08:46 PM

I found a new non alcoholic beer!!!
It is partak brewing company, a craft IPA

and only 10 calories.

So it meets both my requirements,

low calorie and non alcoholic beer.

It is like an oduls.
But tastes better, Yay!
I bought some diet ginger beer.
It looks good. and my pineapple mixer with
lacroix seltzer, that is 120 calories so will

save that for a special occasions.
Now when I am obsessing about drinking a
beer now I can drink a fake one.
This is a 12 pack with 4 different flavors.
now I don't have to suffer.I have been thinking

I would drink maybe tonight or tomorrow.

But I did not so that makes it a week.I made it!!!!


Lara 10-10-2021 11:10 PM

That must have been a full-on week bizi. Tempted everywhere even at brunch. It must be really hard to be socially active as you are and surrounded by it all the time. You're very strong to have done so well. I hope as the days go by that it gets easier and easier for you. I have no idea how long it all takes for the body to settle without it. If not already doing so, I'd be taking at the very least a really good multivitamin that also has minerals if you have some. (esp. the B vits, C and zinc). If you have any aches and pains try some epsom salt food baths to get some magnesium. Thinking of you.

mymorgy 10-11-2021 05:43 AM

nice and thoughtful post Lara. I better start taking my vitamins too.

mymorgy 10-11-2021 05:49 AM

i am so happy for you. when there is a will there is a way or something like that. i am going back to mostly soup again which helped the stomach aches which i have now.-the health valley lentil soup. i won't have to worry about the sodium.
i am so excited for you. i wish one of my online stores sold that beer.
amazon sells it.

Dmom3005 10-11-2021 10:19 AM

I'm so glad you found the non alcoholic beer. That should really help.
Donna :grouphug::grouphug::hug:

bizi 10-11-2021 06:32 PM

and they are low calorie!I think I like the radler best it has 35 calories. infused some fruits, It has the same ingredients as real beer but not the fermentation.
yay me!

mymorgy 10-11-2021 08:26 PM

sounds so great.

bizi 10-12-2021 09:36 PM

I can't remember if I told you guys that we are going to new orleans to see james taylor and jackson brown in concert saturday evening, spend one night there come home on sunday. It should be a great concert!

Lara 10-12-2021 09:40 PM

Very jealous. :o. ;)

bizi 10-13-2021 08:24 PM

good dinner tonight went out for sushi
and had some great miso soup and
seaweed salad which was delicious.
I had a roll of spicy crab crunchy roll.
one roll was plenty the seaweed salad

was huge!

It was good with ponsu sauce think

of it as better soy sauce.
picked up heinican 0.0 beer it taste alright.
I prefer the partak craft brew but I figured that drinking all 12 cans in 2 days was not helpful. I was up peeing all night.At dinner I drank a large glass of water had one heinican beer before we left for dinner.guzzeled it for the burn that I like from the carbination. I won't have any more to drink see if I can't sleep peacefully thru the night.
I am getting ready to go to the gym.
wish me luck!

bizi 10-14-2021 10:42 PM

I went to trivia tonight with jeff and drank really good beers 4 of them strong pineapple flavor high alcohol content. 8% so that was like 8 beers.
sigh tomorrow is a new day.

mymorgy 10-15-2021 12:17 AM

i guess we both have very difficult struggles which we can't overcome. i wonder if you have severe underlying depression and are suffering. so much and mask it with enjoying excess drinking so much. when you wrote how good it was you made me feel so sad. we love you. It sounds as if jeff is blind and an enabler and doesn't seem to care about your health. We do .I am so angry at Jeff. have you ever thought of going to rehab??. alcohol for you is poison no matter how good it tastes and makes you feel. You can't do it by yourself and must be torturing yourself. How much are you suffering? Finally when my father stopped drinking i asked why did he drink. He simply said it made him feel good. I guess he didn't care how he destroyed my childhood and only cared about himself.He never got into an accident with his frequent drunk driving. His tolerance was low so he got drunk fast. It didn't affect his health. I am so worried of your long term health.
Love you and so worried.

I hated to write this but i love you.

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