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CoolAngel26 06-30-2008 09:56 PM

Rednow thread #109..mushed-brain wonder thread
I had to add that last part to defend my spelling oops!

I wonder why this Monday went by so fast...:confused::D:D

I wonder if I'll remember not to set the alarm Thursday night..(Off Friday!;))

I wonder why my brain sometimes decides to turn to mush

I wonder if I can leave :hug::hug::grouphug::grouphug: for the room!!!

who moi 06-30-2008 11:19 PM

wonder if coolangel ate too much angel food cake. Thus brain mush. LOL

wonder if I can say that I am with her about mushing brains...then I get into these fastball thoughts that come from all directions and it is hard to contain them and then I can't sleep...

wonder if I can say that I am happy to see Aarcyn posting and so happy to see that she and twinkie met up!

wonder if I can say to AvateRveggies and Shelley that I LOVE the photos...
still warms my heart just picturing special folks getting together (ditto for aarcyn and twinkie)

wonder if I can say that we really enjoyed our visit with my aunt and my uncle and their daughter in law the past couple of days. We saw a couple of baby racoons swimming by the marsh.

wonder if I will get my lazy butt to post them...

wonder how wonderful da wife, don't wonder about dat...

wondering about a lot of things but will try and get some rest...long week ahead so if I don't get back to wonder, I hope you all have a great week...

(((((big hugs))))) and always, ((((hug for the broom))))

FeelinGoofy 07-01-2008 08:04 AM

I wonder if i can keep it short and wish everybody a happy Tuesday... I'm headed out the door to work.... My boss is off today and i have to cover for her today :D (i do that alot anyway LOLOL)

Doody 07-01-2008 09:38 AM

I wonder that I don't think I can catch up with all the posts from last week. My brain was in a whole 'nother place for 3 days. Heavy, man. (insert graphic of old hippie smoking pot)

I wonder how Duck is feeling. I wonder, I think I saw that she 'came out'. :eek:

I wonder that I'm still not really caught up in the brain department myself, so have to opt out of wondering already today.


Burntmarshmallow 07-01-2008 10:14 AM

:hug: My long lost sister Doody :D I wonder if she knows I missed her???

I wonder if I am just gonna ignore anything serious and just goof off for a day or two.I wonder if that dont sound just a perfect way to not shove sock in hubs mouth lol :rolleyes:

I wonder if I can send Hope, B.P. Alffe , AND BIRTHDAY BIRD WREN :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Healing thoughts and warm sunshine .

I wonder if Abbie is having a good day today ?

I wonder if Ducky got any good sleep? I hope she has.

I wonder if Coolangel will wonder again?

I wonder if this is getting too close to serious to be considered goofing off but who cares :grouphug:

I wonder how fun it will be to walk barefoot with doggie around hood, I wonder if I can walk threw a couple puddles along the way.I wonder if Haze wants to come :cool:


Burntmarshmallow 07-01-2008 12:56 PM

I wonder if i am back to goof off here?

I wonder if can can tell AV8 I worked right next to international airport for a few years at semi fancy hotel and I know all bout them there peoples they call pilots :p maybe even possibly crossed your path back then but probly not .

I wonder if Curious knows I think she be a smart smart yappa :hug:

I wonder that they cancled testing till school is back in session so i can take my test now and it is frustrating to be done with all the math and studying and lessons and ..HAVE TO WAIT!!! I wonder how it will feel to have something all of you already have? I wonder if I will feel equal to you all then?? Naww probly not .

I wonder how great it will be to go get my oldest for a few days and then bring her back to college for rest of summer. I wonder how much smelly laundry she will have?
I wonder that she has a new b.f. and I wil get to meet him this thursday.

I wonder if I can go see my best best pal and be goofy over there she just called so :D so I am off.

I wonder if my goofy care a less just have fun attitude can spread to all of you here... I sure hope so !!!!!!

bizi 07-01-2008 08:54 PM

I wonder if alffe is haveing a good time with my sister....
I wonder when david changed his name....
I wonder if I will ever sleep normally again....
I wonder how long am I supposed to try not sleeping with the ambiem....
I wonder if I can blame the cold meds for not sleeping this past week?
Blah blah blah....

who moi 07-01-2008 09:08 PM

wonder if bizi knows that I've been really trying hard to sleep without ambien and just am not able to do it. Thus the many sleepless nights yet again.

wonder why they say that ambien isn't addictive? *bigsigh...

wonder if wren had a wonderful and great time today on her special day and that we should give her another party on August first?

wonder if Deja Vu will be able to post to us after her surgery next week? I hope she will be able to find some voice recognition device so she can somehow post and let us know?

wonder if I can just say that I am "whelmed" at the moment. I really like it. I wasn't overly excited nor sad when my relatives left today. I was really enjoying their company and enjoying the moment...I really love that feeling...just enjoy the moment and not worrying about it.

wonder if I can do that with my dad's anniversary coming up? Seems to not able to apply the "whelmed" feeling toward him...but maybe...maybe...

wonder if I can just leave hugs for everyone. I am taking an ambien tonight and hoping it zonks me out so I can get these projects finished...wall sections are hard to draw...LOL

:grouphug: (extra (_!_) squeeze for wren but hey, da wife is the green one)

tovaxin_lab_rat 07-02-2008 01:14 PM

I wonder if BMW might PM me with the Int'l airport that she worked at and who knows, maybe. I used to travel a lot all over the place when PODH was in the Navy...

I wonder if I can tell everyone that the med the neuro put me back on is starting to work. I got some sleep last night without my legs aching! Yeah! It's a drug I was on for a couple of years and switched last March to the one I am on now..not working. Glad I am being switched back! :)

I wonder if I can just say hi and leave's hot, and I have a lot of work to catch up on! :hug:

Burntmarshmallow 07-02-2008 03:38 PM

I wonder if AV8 will get p.m. I sent?

I wonder If I can leave a million zillion healing comfort hug for my Koala sister :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:.I wonder if she got the rocket launch yet...av8 got her shells they left same time Koala should have rocket soon :p.

I wonder how Twink is and if she knows T.P.IS the Travelers Prayer...LOL:p

I wonder if Alffe is relaxing and getting some time for her. I wonder if she knows I think she is wickedly wise caring and a Blessing for all of us to know?

I wonder how Hope and her 4 babies are doing? I wonder if she will get my card soon? I wonder if she can use this :hug:

I wonder the most how doing lately and I pray she really really knows how much all of us care and luv her? I wonder if she can use some hugs too :hug::hug:

I wonder if I better go hide from AV8... naaawww :D Ill just run fast instead.


Alffe 07-02-2008 08:05 PM

I wonder if I can tell Bizi that yes, we had a wonderful time with her sister...

I wonder if she'd be suprised to know that we looked at old slides...of your graduation from H.S....and newborn Nick....

I wonder why I have so much trouble adding pages to those dang scrapbooks...I'm not mechanical...:mad:

I wonder why Mr.Alffe volunteered me to make food for all the mentors and the kids.....:eek:

I wonder how long NT was down....

I wonder at how shocked I was!

I wonder at how I take it for granted....:confused:

I wonder if Dave liked the bunny...:D

I wonder if BMW will get some sleep tonight...

I wonder if I can start another round of P.Cards tomorrow...

I wonder if Twink knows she made me LOL...relative indeed! ;)

tovaxin_lab_rat 07-02-2008 09:44 PM

I wonder if BMW knows just how much she makes me laugh! And how much I need the humor!!! I got her PM and have landed at the International Airport to which she referred!

I wonder if Koala knows that I figured out what her mystery shrub is and wish I had one in my yard! I use that flower a lot! It's very very pretty! She's very lucky to have one in her yard!!!

I wonder if I will get my next round of Posties out this weekend b/c everyone will be very surprised when they get them!!


Nik-key 07-03-2008 03:10 AM

I wonder if I can tell you all how much I loved my post cards:hug:

I wonder if I can tell you my health has not been well, I had another TIA stroke - that is another reason I haven't been on. I am doing better now and will share more later.

I wonder if I can say I have been in the fight of my life trying to get the tools needed to keep my husband home with me and out of a nursing home!! :eek:

I wonder if I will be strong enough for the hike up my Dad's favorite place, to scatter his ashes on his birthday (July 30th) (Red Hill, it is the "mountain" in the background of my posty) My Dad always said, if you can't see Red Hill, it was too far for him to go!

I wonder if I can leave a :hug: for everyone

da duck 07-03-2008 09:54 AM

I wonder at everything....any time anyone tells me anything, I can think of a dozen things to wonder about it. I wonder what that's a symptom of? LOL
I wonder if I can tell BurnrMarshmallow...I DID sleep! Yay! and I feel better than I did...and I am happily munching on peanut butter M&Ms at ten in the morning. LOLOLOL
I wonder if I can tell Doody how good it is to see her. I know about battling the depression and I'm sending her (((hugs)))
I wonder thath Moi has stayed perfectly whelmed. LOLOL....that takes practice....and take the ambien if you have to, Moi. I know living with no sleep and I know how bad it is. If I could take the stuff, I would. I know about hating to take meds too...sigh.
I wonder about Moi's how one person can have that many redeeming qualities. I love that lady.
I wonder if I will ever remember everyone and then I realize that the answer is no...but I will contiue to try....
I wonder about the Kid...he's doing well. Our frustartion levels are down a bit... the vacation helped a lot. But I wonder what sort of volumteer work I can find for him? He wants to "give back"...but being autistic...well, not a lot of volunteer agencies want that sort of help. Sigh....
Ah well, I wonder if you will all have as great a Fourth as you can... I am going to a small cookout follwed by a long nap...


Doody 07-03-2008 10:54 AM

I wonder if anyone has seen Twink's newly rescued baby bird, named Maxie (after Mrs. D). It is SO CUTE! Twink's birdie thread here

tamiloo 07-03-2008 03:13 PM

I wonder why I haven't been wondering...plenty to wonder about...I still love you all.

I wonder when I will be mailing all the wonder posties I have ready and in my car...need a few more stamps....:D

I wonder why I'm such a slacker?:o

I wonder if I can get hugs as I'm giving them?:grouphug:

CoolAngel26 07-03-2008 08:14 PM

Tamiloo-quit wondering..
Here ya go! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::hug::hug:

Okay-now it's wondering time:

I wonder why summer television is so rerunny...:rolleyes:

I wonder if i'll be able to sleep past six tomorrow morning.

:grouphug::grouphug: for the room!!

who moi 07-03-2008 08:35 PM

I wonder if I can say what a great day it's been for me.

I feel "whelmed" still. I've had two job offers and one of my previous clients called me today with some good news but I am sworn to secrecy until it happens then I am allowed to talk about it. LOL

I wonder if I can say that I went to a meeting tonight with a client and I really think that being nice and jocular (I almost typed being nice and go for the jugular) can go a long way. We got our project approved with little effort.

I wonder if the board knows that's how I'd like to be treated: with sincerety but that's how I want to start it. From my end...

anyways, just did my little dance and sharing that with da the wife. We got a bunch of photos of the grandkids today. They look so cute and cuddly and happy. What else can grampa and gramma ask for.

I wonder if anyone thought I was young cause I act like a teenager...LMAO....

I wonder if I can leave hugs to all (((((:grouphug:)))))

I am really good at hugging, I can do it in


(just as effective)

who moi 07-03-2008 09:24 PM

before I leave for the night (going for another ambien night)

wonder if I can just say that I am really excited about the new Mötley Crüe album...I feel young again!!

tovaxin_lab_rat 07-03-2008 09:28 PM

I wonder if Who Moi knows that backward hugging is just as much fun as forward hugging!! ))guh((


Have a great nite!!

Burntmarshmallow 07-03-2008 10:50 PM

ha ha ... :p

Burntmarshmallow 07-04-2008 12:08 AM

I wonder if all of you who enjoy humor will laugh as much as I am at this

I wonder that I just spent over an hour copying and pasting and posting fireworks on everyone’s Profile message board. AND THEN REALIZED…You cant see the graphics when your logged in all you see is the text.

I guess I will turn the lights out on this wonder thread..It sure was a mush brain least on my part :D


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