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Fancylady_2006 09-18-2006 10:28 PM

I am going to have more surgery~
Hi to all of you tonight.
I've been gone most of the day to Dr. visits. They are so far from home. I first got my stiches out,which should help to make some pain go away. Next to another DR. to see about more surgery and sure enough I need another. I really don't want more but three dr's have confurmed that I need it.

I have what is called Inguinal Femorol Hernia. They have give me lots of material to read on the subject. I never heard of it till my surgeon diagnosed me durning my last surgery. I was so disapointed when the pain returned while I was still in the hospital.I had two bad spells with it and he came in one day I said I thought the pain would go away, what happen? Well he just jumped in and ordered more test and come up sending me to another Dr. Two more dr's confurmed the diagnosis today. I am just two weeks post op and now in 5 weeks facing another surgery.

I don't think it is serious, but the risks are the same. If I don't have it, all kinds of things can happen. It could be serious then. For an intestine loop can
Fall into it and strangulate, cutting the blood supply off and die. So it looks like I have to do something about it. This will be my fourth surgery since last October. All were based on this same problem, so it's not going away without proper treatment. He can't say for sure about the pain itself.

Has anyone had this problem or know of someone who has? They did all my test today so now I just wait.

Maggie 09-18-2006 11:30 PM

I've not had this problem but remember patients who have. It is something to pay attention to and get fixed. I am wondering why they couldn't fix it the first time. I'm thinking they could possible put in a graft like material to strengthen the defect.
I saw one patient that became strangulated before he could get to surgery and he was one sick person. He was pale, sweating profusely, and in a lot of pain.

Here's hoping you can take it easy until then and don't hesitate to call the doctor if you begin to feel really bad.

Fancylady_2006 09-19-2006 07:43 AM

Thanks for the reminder~
Hi Maggie,
Thanks for the info. I did read some and you are right about the risks of not having it done. The reason my other Dr. didn't fix it at the time of surgery is because he is a Ortho doc. As I am sure you know they don't touch any other aera. I had questioned him about the pain and that is why he told me about this problem. I have had 6 back surgeries, with stenosis, much scare tissue, and 7 fusions. Some had to be done again because my bone was used and it just crumbled.

I am doing good, but it is so soon for thinking of another surgery. :eek: At the present time I am cut all the way down my Lumbar area plus I had a stimulator taken out because it didn't help with pain. Thanks for replying!

JoJo6 09-19-2006 12:35 PM

hi Billie. I am so sorry to hear about the surgery. I haven't had this done but needed to a long time ago. Now I'm too old to go in without kicking and screaming. I have been lucky and haven't had extreme problems with it, but you know how those things go.

I wish you all the best. I was glad to see your post about your surgery being done and over with. Sometimes we still hit a few rocks in the road, but I pray all will go well and you will start feeling good again:) take care dear, Julia

Idealist 09-19-2006 04:45 PM

I agree with Maggie. Seems like something they should be able to fix. Maybe this time things will all go right and you'll have finally faced your last surgery. Good luck!

I have to go see a surgeon tomorrow about getting a laparoscopy done, but from what I understand that's almost a routine procedure these days. Still doesn't make me look forward to it, though. :o

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 09-19-2006 05:39 PM

Hi Billie
Hi everyone
Well Billie i am sorry to hear you have to go through yet another surgery.
Hopefully once this is done most of your pain will subside!!
Will you still be able to have people come in and stay with you to help you
out?I sure hope so!!
4th surgery since last october.Lets hope it's the one that will do the trick for you!!
Take care dear {{{{{{{{{{{billie}}}}}}}}}}}}
Idealist...Hi there.Its been a long time since i have talked to you.
I used to be alwaysrunnin...What did you find out about that pain on your left side?
I just read your post and you said your having laproscopic surgery done.Is that for the pain you had been having?
Well write back and lemme know how you are..
Take care everyone.I have to go for now!

Idealist 09-19-2006 11:05 PM

Hey Kell! It really has been a long time! How ya been? :)

They still haven't found what's causing the pain in my left side. The laproscopy is just the next step in a seemingly never-ending series of them. Hopefully, this will be the one that turns the trick.

I see you gave yourself a name change too, huh? Too bad we can't do that so easily in real life! Sometimes it would sure come in handy. :rolleyes:

Hope to be hearing from you again!

Fancylady_2006 09-19-2006 11:35 PM

Mine is Laparocopic too~
Thanks Julia, Idealiist & Kell,
This surgery is Laparocopic too. Just three holes around my belly. This doc said he usually lets people go home the same day, but he is going to keep me over night, just to be sure with my medical history. I will have an Internist (sp)present also, just incase something would go wrong.:confused: I have never had this happen before. It kinda makes my eyelid open wide. Like what are they expecting?:eek: I have a large book to read on the hospital and 2 more on the procedure.

This is an expensive looking hospital far away from home. It don't even look like a hospital. My sister in law may stay over night with me, for we got lost in the parking lot. It is that big. She was going to stay with with her daughter, but after getting lost she may not.:rolleyes:

Kell, the pain in my hip was probably scar tissue. I forgot to ask, but I didn't see the DR, just his nurse for the stiches to be removed. I see the Dr. next month, just before surgery.
Well folks it is my bedtime. I stay up way to late!

LindaM 09-20-2006 07:09 PM

I want you to know not a day passes that you are not in my heart thougts and prayers..
Please know I believe you to be one of the strongest people I have ever had the pleasure of getting to know.
I pray that this surgery will bring you much releif..
Love, Linda

Fancylady_2006 09-20-2006 10:11 PM

Linda, friend of mine~
I'm not a strong person. You are making me out, to be superwoman, and I am not. Most of the things that have happen, I had no control over. I just hope I am making right decisions now. I haven't told all of my story this summer. Some of my husbands family have almost disowned me and to this day won't have nothing to do with me. They didn't think I was making the right decisions and we got into it. I ask for forgiveness, but didn't get it. That is hard to live with. Even half of there own kids won't come around to them anymore. I would hate to be in their shoes someday, for I know what the Bible says about unforgivness. They will never be forgiven, not in this world or the one to come.

Friends have tried to get this stopped and it doesn't work. Even I would like to move far away, but I won't.

Thanks for your continued support. I do appreciate it. Sometimes I feel the things we have to go threw in life help make us to become the person God wants us to be. I am thinking of joining the Hospice group & helping others to deal with death. I still have healing to go threw, then I will know for sure. They have already told me I could help out.

carolynms 09-20-2006 10:57 PM

Billie, I just read this thread, and did not know your surgery was going to be laparoscopy. I had this done about 13 years ago to rule out endometriosis. It was an easy surgery, I just had a sore tummy for a few days. I was supposed to take 5 days off of work, but asked to come back after 3. The incisions are small. I think one of the few side effects can be shoulder pain if they pump gas in your stomach. I did not have the pain, and I did get the gas. Anyway, I hope this eases your worry and concern a little. We will be praying that it is an easy, successful surgery, and that it is the end to your pain!

Fancylady_2006 09-21-2006 06:43 AM

Laparoscopic surgery~
Yes it is laparoscopic. My new Dr. has told me in my case it could take 2-3 week's or longer for recovery. I am a diabetic so things heal slower also. My greatest worry was, that I have so much pain already. This will be my third cut in the adominal aera in 5 weeks. I'm sorry, I can't spell some of the words so I am leaving them off. I hope you get my drift!

Oh, I'll be ok. I sure hope I don't need any help at home. That was a joke before. I still have someone helping me feed my pets, but not the same person.

Tbackpain1 09-21-2006 12:49 PM

Good luck with your surgery Fancylady. I've seen quite a few of the various hernia repairs (back when I was working) done laprascopically and everyone said that the worst part of it was the "gas" during recovery. I spent some time in Same Day surgery, and I can't tell you how many folks were embarassed to pass gas. Just let it all out, 'k? :D

Just make sure to take it easy during this recovery period, so that when the time comes for your hernia repair you are well rested and up to the surgery. Take care.


Fancylady_2006 09-21-2006 07:54 PM

Need more time
I wish I had more time to heal. That's what I'm so unhappy about. I'm only 16 days post op. And I have to get along just like I had no surgery. I drove a long ways today then came home to sell 100 acres. All my days are full. With me here by myself there's no way I can baby myself. I'm not suppose to lift more than 5 pounds and food weight's more than that.

My computer broke down again tonight too, so I had that to lift also. I wish I would have put the money on a new one instead of this laptop. Does anyone know if I can have both hooked to the printer? Somehow I thought not, but I'm not sure.
Yes, I would hate to pass gas in front of someone. I had so much after this back surgery. They came in and kept asking, but mine happen after I got home. I do have to stay over night because of my history, so they say. I sure hope the sight isn't to uncomfortable. I wish I could put it off, with moving and all and today they moved me up a couple hours.

debtoo 09-21-2006 08:05 PM

I have to agree you are way stronger then you realize you are. You have show such strength dealing with loss and your pain so gracefully. In the middle of all you are going through you are still finding time and energy to support others.

Yes, you are strong and so many folks care about you and will be hoping and praying all goes well for you.


~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 09-22-2006 01:27 PM

I agree you are a very strong person in my eyes too!!!!!
Thats ok that you wont take the title.Just means your humble.
Which makes you shine even more in my eyes..heehee
I wish with all my heart that i lived closer to you,so i could help you!!!
I am glad to hear that you have someone coming in though.
You said you have a laptop.If at possible.Please try not to lift it TOO much..ok
I imagine it is very difficult living alone..Just have whoever is there to make things available before they leave.I'm not trying to boss.I just worry about you.
I am not sure about whether or not you can have both puter hooked to a printer.I will ask my hubby and see if he knows.
About the gas passing.It is VERY important as someone else said to get that out.You have had many surgeries so i am sure they told you..
With the tummy laproscopic it may settle in your shoulder and if you hold it back it wont be good.
I am so sorry that your hubbys family and yourself got into it over the summer.Whatever it was about.Like you said...We are suppose to forgive..
If they cant..Then thats on them-You have alot to deal with right now and cant be weighed down with all that.
Maybe in time....I hope and pray...
You are always in my thoughts and prayers billie.
It's good to see you too.
It has been a long time..I will start another thread..dont wanna jump into billies here..LOL

shotspine 09-22-2006 05:25 PM

Hi Billie.....

I'm sorry I've been very quiet the last several days. I see you have to have another surgery for hernia. That's not great news but sounds like it must be done sooner rather than later.

You are in my heart and thoughts daily and my prayers go out to you.

You, my dear strong strong lady, I know you don't feel strong ACT strong and that's what counts. Trust in yourself because you are making good decisions. You have plenty of support and love right here to draw upon 24/7. I'm just suffering side effects of a new med and stopped them last night so I should be thinking straight by Monday, according to my Doc. Until then, I can still think about you and send by thoughts and prayers to a very special lady.:)

((((((((((((((((((((((((Billie)))))))))))))))))))) )))))

Blessings for you!

Fancylady_2006 09-22-2006 07:30 PM

You are my world~
Hi Kell & Shotspine,
My spine is shot too. That's a very good user name! You gal's make me feel good. Yes, it can be very lonely, living alone. On the other hand you can stay up as late as you want, as long as you don't have to punch a time clock.
I don't have to answer to know one, except to God. My FAITH helps. I'm not preaching, my main goal is to help others.

That's what I like at BT. We can exchange idea's and that is good. I may ask for Topamax when I see my Dr next. Neurontin & Cymbalta I have been on a long time. I don't find anything wrong with Cymbalta, I just can't see where it is doing any good either.I'm suppose to stay on it till after the my Laparcopic surgery. I am just afraid I'll gain and also my leg spasms started up and I loose so much sleep over it.
Thanks again girl's for cheering me on. I wish we lived closer too. BT is nice too.

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 09-23-2006 01:45 PM

Afternoon Billie
I'm glad we brighten your day some 4 you!!
You brighten mine as well!!!
How are you feeling today??
I am doin ok.Just a gloomy saturday here.
How very true about not punching a time clock and not having a bedtime!!
I am in that spot myself right now.
When i was working i just dreaded having to get up everyday at 5 am..LOL
I take topamax and have for almost 2 years.
I am on 200 mgs a day.It does pretty good for helping for the burning nerve pain.I would advise you to read up a bit before you switch though.
Check out this site.THETOPAMAXTRIP.COM
Then you can decide for yourself if you want to change meds.
I can understand your concern over gaining weight..As for the leg spasms.You could ask your doc for something to ease those.I know firsthand if you cant sleep at night..Your gonna feel yucky all day..
As for the cymbalta sometimes you might think a med is'nt working-until you go off of it.So you might wanna really think about that one.
I have heard from alotta people thats a real good med!
Especially with everything thats going on in your life right now..Once again just my 2 cents...
I am actually gonna ask my doc if i can go on that ..LOL
I know weight gain is a side affect.I am just hoping if i drink alot of water that i will be ok.My thinking is that if i feel better mentally.It will all be ok eventually!
I keep meaning to ask you -how old is your doggie??LOL
I just love animals.We have a 7 yr old male cat and a lil stray that we just took in because she had babies 9 days ago.
Animals are just the greatest when your sick..My cat was always by my side when i had any surgery!!!Just like one of the kids..LOL
Well i did'nt mean to go on and on ..heehee
I hope you are doin ok today mentally/physically.
I think of you often even when i am not online!!

{{{{{{gentle hugz billie}}}}}}}

Fancylady_2006 09-23-2006 10:04 PM

Kell you are so sweet~
You have a gift with words. You can say the nicest things. My dog will be 12 in October. He was born around Halloween. My husband came home with him one Christmas eve. I will never forget.I was doing dishes and I saw him carring a small puppy, not no bigger than his hand. He is about medium size and is half puddle & half Hienz varity! He still plays,and is spoiled rotten. He gets a toy at Christmas and some goodie treats.

He was real close to my husband and they even let him lay on the bed with him. I was surprised but thats where he belonged. Next to his master. I think I have said what his name was,didn't I? In case I didn't, it's Bear.

We also have some cats too. Two, had kittens this year and that put me up to 11. Yes, to many and they aren't real tame either. Some have names and some don't. One is mean, and makes me tend to shield the others. I don't know what I will do when I move into town this winter, I hope. I am looking for a house now. Think I'll take one cat with me. I know of one person that would want some if I can catch them. The best time is when can pet them is when I feed.

I hope this finds you ok. I haven't been feeling so good today. I don't sleep very good and that drags me down. It gets hard to do anything when you sleep 4 hrs. a night. I have been like this for years tho.

I better sign out for the night and get some rest. It is good sleeping weather.
Take care and Blessings,

dadsgirl 09-24-2006 11:29 AM

Hi Billie ~

You don't know me, but I belonged to the "old braintalk" and I was keeping up with your story there. I just found this place yesterday ~

I'm so very sorry you have to go through another surgery. My Mom had what you have, but she had to have an open surgery because her bowel became strangulated. Poor thing, she was so sick. But she came through the surgery with flying colors and she is fine now.

My Sister and Dad both had the laparoscopic surgery to have their gallbladders out and they came through fine too.

Please know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers ~ Like everyone else has said, you are a very strong woman ~ I too, wish I lived closer to be able to help you out. I live alone and know how hard that can be ~


Fancylady_2006 09-24-2006 07:34 PM

Nice to meet you~
Hi Dad'sgirl,
It's so nice to meet you. I don't think I have heard of you. We have a lot of fun and learn on here. We like to exchange ideas and tell others what works for us and what doesn't.

I would like to be the first to welcome you on this forum. Please feel free to jump in anytime. I sure can use your prayers and appreciate them.It is much different living alone.Now I am getting ready to buy a house in town and have been in the country for 47 yrs. What an adjustment! I hope I can get use to it. When I was first married I hated it out here.It was so quiet!Now I don't know if I can stand the traffic noise. When it snows next winter I can at least say I should be ok in town. It can take days in the country to have cleaned off roads.

Yes, I guess the laparcopic isn't to bad a surgery. The back ones are and this should be easy compared them. This is my third this year tho. I better back on out of here for now.

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 09-24-2006 10:12 PM

Hi dadsgirl
Welcome to BT2
My oldname is at the bottom on my sig..
Ilike your name.I am a dads girl too..LOL

Hi there Billie
Sorry to hear your not doin so good.
I will be sooooo happy 4 you when the day comes that you can write and say your feeling better.
I hope and pray you can have one soon!!
Thanx so much for saying such nice things to me billie..
I am just me...LOL...Your bear dog sounds adorable!!!Our felix {cat}just turned 7 and he sleeps with us too..You have11cats-WOW!!LOL
Afriend of mine takes care of wild cats.She is trying to tame them .She says she can only pet hers while feeding too!!
My stray that found me this past june was friendly from day one.
My husband says we cant keep her or any of the babies..
I am hoping to change his mind -at least about keeping the momma.
I have really grown attached to her.I am holding her in the pic.
I am so glad you put your pic up.I like to be able to see who i am talkin to!!:)
We had some nice weather here over the weekend.Then it turned cooler this afternoon.
I did'nt go anywhere or do much.But it was nice to walk outside and not freeze!
Well i should go get my clothes outta the dryer.
A womans work is never done-dontcha know?LOL
Also i have to get up early andtake my girl to school.
Talk to ya soon .
Your friend Kell

dadsgirl 09-25-2006 09:32 AM

Hello Again ~

Billy ~ You probably hadn't heard of me ~ by the time I started reading about you I had pretty much stopped posting ~ but I was following your story before the crash and I was keeping you in my prayers ~

Hi Kell ~ Thanks for the welcome! I've been a daddy's girl all my life ~ still am and I'm 48! LOL


~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 09-28-2006 12:02 PM

Hey Billie
Where are yooouuuuu??
I thought i would hop on here real quick and see if there was a post from you yet.
I know sometimes i post on other threads-then my hands/arms are just too sore to type anymore.Just check in and let me know your ok.

I went to see my ortho doc on monday.I asked for an Mri of the neck-was told no.He says to wait and see if this surgery i had will make all the burning go away.I was kinda bummed out-but what can i do?
Nothing really.Just wait!!!
Today i have to go see my rhuemy doc..He takes care of my fibro/arthrits.
I am gonna ask for stronger pain meds.Whether i get it or not -who knows.It does'nt hurt to ask is my philoshpy!
I really need something stronger for this pain.I hope and pray he will listen to me!!!

Write soon and let me know whats going on with you my dear friend.
I need to get ready for my appt.

Fancylady_2006 09-28-2006 04:38 PM

Haven't been on here much~
Hi Dadsgirl and Kell,
My telephone was out so I couldn't come in today. The phone company got it fixed this afternoon. Well girls I haven't been feeling good at all and I don't know what the problem is. My back and my left leg are driving me cazy with pain.My surgeon is far away, but he probably wouldn't know either. I can't take much in the way of pain pills. I either itch or have stomach problems. I was actually much better than this a week or better ago. It seens I just got this pain flare up and I doubt if any doc can help with it. I haven't had a chance to do somthing that I shouldn't have done. I am loosing weigh faster now that I am not trying to.

I don't want anymore surgery! It can be very painful with winter coming on. it feels like arthritis to me. We are getting rain about every other day. I heard of a different pain pill today that I am going to ask about. It's called Trimadol. Has anyone here took it? I just want something that works.

I better get ready to go house hunting tonight. i have a nephew helping me.
Hope gals are doing fine.

LindaM 09-28-2006 10:13 PM

Hi ((((Billie))))
Sorry that your pain is so bad, it is way pass the time for you to get a break girl!! I wish that I could do something to help you..
About "Tramadol" I don't have any first hand knowledge of it but did look it up and it is an opiate and a generic for ultracet, I don't know if you have tried ultracet or ultram before but that is it.
A long the same line as viciodin, percocet or such.
It is just so sad that you can not find some pain med that you can take, I wonder how it would work for you if you had the pain pump and didn't take these meds orally.
What kind of reactions do you have to the pain meds??
Well hon know as always you are in my thoughts and prayers, please try and rest.
Love, Linda

Fancylady_2006 09-29-2006 03:31 AM

I m to have a lot of respondability~
:rolleyes: So glad to see your post Linda. I am at the point, I would not consider a pain plump if it is anything like an SCS. It seems like there is always medal involved in putting those things in. Doc woundn't even put a screw in me this time. Everyone agrees, I just can't take the hardware inside my body. I am at the point that I don't know what to do.

Here I have woke up in the, middle of the night just doubled up in pain, and I have nothing I can do except ice it down. That is uncomfortable also. I haven't took any pain meds that relieve this at all. The last three surgeries have all been done to relieve this pain to no avail. Now they think I need the groin surgery because of a hernia. All three Drs believe this will help.I first thought it might, but I am begaining to think nothing will. I don't know anything i haven't tried.

Yes, I have been on Ultram and it didn't help either. There has got to be a answer. I think I have been cut very deep trying to get the scar tissue out. I am at the point I can't lift my am or I can't lift my foot much at all without pain. Sleeping is the worst torricher I go threw. I can't even turn over in bed without just draging my body.I just got a sinking feeling this won't help either.I appoligze for feelings about my lack of faith on my part. It will take a year to heal up, so that's bad. Each time I have heard of another cure, I fall for it. But not so fast ,anymore.
Blessings & I hope your doing better,:)

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 09-29-2006 12:49 PM

I am so sorry you are in such pain!!!!!!!!
I read your posts and wish so badly there was something i could say or do
for you my friend!!!!
I have had to endure some pain,but never as you describe.I can only imagine what you must be going through!
Dont apologize for coming on here and not being able to talk of having faith.
We all have bad days/times.Especially with what you are going through.
I know i have praised you for being such a strong person.That does'nt mean i expect you to be happy all the time.
I know you have it rough and would'nt want you to come on here and fib just to make everyone happy!!
My heart aches for you billie!!! I hope and pray once you heal from these surgeries that your pain levels go down for you!!!
I take ultram and have for the last 3 months.
It is'nt as strong as the other pain meds.But it works ok.I hope you can find something to help you soon!!!
As always you are in my thoughts and prayers!!
{{{{{gentle hugs}}}}}}}

Fancylady_2006 09-29-2006 06:41 PM

We all have pain somewhere down the line~
Hi Kell,
Another day of pain. It just keeps on raining tho. I expect its the left over surgery pain that lingers like this. I keep thinking I'll get up one morning and it will be gone. So far, it hasn't got much better. if I go to pick anything off the floor I could screen. The same thing happens if I turn to get out of the car. It's just these small things that get to me for I can't clean the house the way I want to. I am wanting to move before cold weather gets here and how can I help with that? I did do as much as I could before having this done. But there is never enough time to do everything.

I keep finding homes that I like too, and for some reason my plans get shot down. I guess the places weren't for me. I want sell my own place too before I end up having to heat it for the winter. That could get expensive.

Now my son is mad at me saying I am selfish. I knew that letter was coming. He says he is in a wheel chair. This is the first I have heard of that.
Always problems down the road. It sounds like from your bio that you have had your share of pain. Most people do.somewhere in life.When my husband got cancer I seen him in very bad pain before it was over.This isn't something I planned, but I am going to work with patients like this after I get better.I have already told them I would yesterday. It isn't that I want to, but that I feel I have been called to do it. I sure hope I can be understanding and measure up to the test.

LindaM 09-29-2006 11:39 PM

HI Billie, I can understand you not wanting to get anymore implants.
I just feel so bad for you as I know to well whatlit's like not to be able to control your pain.
I have been on a very long list of meds and now am on methadone, baclofen, cymbalta for pain and have to say that this is by far the best combo i have had thus far..
Hugs and much Love, Linda

Fancylady_2006 09-30-2006 02:42 AM

I'm on Cymbalta,but doc wants me on Neurontin. I just don't want it as I am always hungry and will gain up to 30 pounds. His nurse say's thats not true, but she should see me now that I have took it back off. I'm not about to go there because they put the implant lead up my spine.
Sometime I am worse than if i took nothing.
I wish I wasn't so sentive to pain meds, but I am, for some reason. They either don't work or they make me sick with side efects. I alway dread the fact that ,of what a new one will do. I usually take Hydrocodone. It is not a miracle drug for me either.
Take care and have a wonderful day.

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 09-30-2006 11:35 AM

{{{{{Dear Billie}}}}}}
How are you feeling today my friend??
I hope the rain has stopped where your at.
I can feel when it is coming in my bones as well...
I used to love to have a few rainy days.Not anymore!!!
You are right ,i dont imagine any of us will escape having pain at one point or another in this life.
I try to keep my mind off of it as much as possible!
Somedays it's impossible.....Lately i have been doing crossword puzzles..
Since i have to lay so much thats just what i have found to keep me busy.

What a wonderful gift you will be giving when you work for hospice!!
I am sure that right now with everything you are going through your probably "are" having second thoughts.
Like you said.If it's what you feel you have been called to do..It wont happen until the timing is right "for you"...
Only someone that has dealt with such trials and life changing things can help someone else cope.
I dont know your whole story -but i think i have heard enough to know that you would go above and beyond in helping others billie!!
Those people in need would be blessed to have you at their side.
I am not just saying those words.I really mean it!!!

When the time is right everything will fall into place for you.
I know you want it all to be like yesterday!!!
Hopefully you will find a house soon and all this will be over for you..
I always tell myself-everything happens for a reason.I may not like it's timing-but i do believe that way...
You take care and i'll be checkin in on you again soon!

Fancylady_2006 09-30-2006 10:14 PM

Kell, I sure hope things fall into place soon. I am feeling better tonight and want things to be ok.Sometime life gives you somthing unspeasant to handle tho. I only wish I could of had family to count on.I have some but I mean a man that can handle things.WE only have one near my age and he treats me bad. If I ever want something fixed I do know, not to count on him. My husband would have stopped and offered to help, but not him, Isn't it a shame a family member can't offer no help for me I get moved.

Yes I am going to give help to hospicse when I get head and know what to do and where. I don't have a degree so, I expected the work with running, or bady sitting the older folks. I don't mind tho, since it has been a while since
I have done at a hopital, as an aid. Some of it never leaves you tho. just feel the need to do this at this time.

Well its bedtime and I better go. I have to get up early Sunday morning.

sallyb 10-03-2006 08:14 AM

Sorry to hear about your surgery after surgery. I know how hard it is to bounce back. I am not familiar with your type of pain problem, but I feel for you. Good luck.


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