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slogo 09-06-2006 03:30 PM

FancyLady has had her surgery
1 Attachment(s)
Billie is recovering very well from her back surgery on Tuesday. She called me today and I was very happy to hear she is doing much better than she expected. Hopefully she will not have to go for rehab.
Prayers hve been answered! GC :)

OK, I am really sorry whoever I stole the angel from...I needed one for Billie!

ponyboy 09-06-2006 07:29 PM

Thanks for sharing the info, SloGo!
If (when) you talk with her again, tell her that the old Pony Guy wishes her well, and hopes she has a quick recovery. :)

LindaM 09-06-2006 10:24 PM

GC, Thanks so much for posting, Billie has been so much on my mind and in my thoughts and heart, she has way more to deal with then I believe is fair...
Please, Please, give her my love and very best when you speak to her, I'm ashamed to say I have not been as available as I would like to have been for her and I'm so sorry.
I'm so happy to hear she is doing well, we know she sure deserves a break!!
Thanks again.

MeganLyn 09-07-2006 12:46 AM

As with the rest, thank you so much for the update on Billie.

I am so happy to hear she is doing good. I was so worried about her. If you talk to her again, or anyone, please pass along all my love to her.


LindaM 09-08-2006 04:37 PM

I know it's not been long, just wondering if you have heard any more news from Billie??

slogo 09-08-2006 06:53 PM

Haven't heard anything but will call her in a day or so. I am hoping she is home and healing well. :)

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 09-08-2006 07:54 PM

I am happy to hear she is getting along ok too!!!
Please be sure and tell her i said hello and i am still saying prayers for her...

Fancylady_2006 09-09-2006 06:58 PM

Got Home
Dear Friends,
I got home this afternoon,and I'm very tired. Everthing went ok, but I still got some surgery that may still have to been done.I had some severe pain that they don't know what to do about. Going to see another doc at Indy in two weeks.

Will write more in a day or so. I have someone taking care of me so better close for now.

LindaM 09-09-2006 10:32 PM

So happy to hear you are home and hope that you are able to be taken care of and rest and take it easy.
Your in my thoughts and prayers daily.
Love, Linda

slogo 09-09-2006 10:41 PM

((((((((((((Hugs Sis)))))))))))) and glad to see you back! GC :)

Fancylady_2006 09-10-2006 08:00 AM

I've got a lot of of pain and almost no help at all. I can barely take care of my needs and now have to help the care giver. I can't figure out a way help keep her on track and me off feet. You see I had my sister in law coming, but she backed out. I don't know what I can,do , that could do more and she backed out at the last minute ane gave me a name of someone that I could get. When I called, she was busy so now I am stuck without any good help. I actually shouldn't be alone any, but the friend went to church, so here I am without anyone.

My pastor & family are coming here for a Bible study and to eat dinner. She is bring our dinner, thank the Lord for people like that. They will help me while they are here where the other doesn't even cook. I never thought this would happen lilke this and here my friend has been paid to do all these things.Somehow I will get by. I have one more to call back & see if I can hire her. I can't send out e mails with this computer also can't recieve so don't think I'm mad if you don't get mail from me The other puter should be back soon.


Lynn52 09-10-2006 04:38 PM

Hi Billie
Hi Billie,

I'm so sorry to hear your help isn't working out. If you were closer I sure would come and do the best I could. Maybe you can find someone who can at least cook for you and take care of you until you get better. I've been thinking of you but didn't write until now because I thought you were still in the hospital.

You will be in my prayers for a quick recovery and hopefully the pain will resolve after a little healing. Don't try to do too much too soon!!

Love Lynn:)

Fancylady_2006 09-10-2006 08:41 PM

Hi to you all. Today went well and pastors family were a big help. I'm so thankful for them. Not only did she cook, she fixed for the future meals. my pastor fixed this laptop for the time being. He said my big one should be back tomorrow. I like it so much better.

My other problem is a Femierol Hernia repaired. I am not familair with this. I have had many spells with severe goin, thigh, and knee pain. my sergeon seems to think this may be my problem. I guess he told the family what he done won't help this pain. I had two bad spells while in the hospital. He has me schueduled to see specialist the day my stiches are taken out.

Well it is bed time and I have to give this room to my caregiver. Talk to you later.
Hugs & thanks for comming in,

snoozie 09-11-2006 02:12 PM

Hi Billie, I was glad to see that you got some help. I hope that you can get the proper type of care that you need everyday. Maybe the Pastor will put the word out and other members of your church can pitch in and help also. How are you feeling today? When are you scheduled to get your stitches out? Let us know so we can at least check on you in our cyber world. You know if I was closer I would be there with you. I miss your funny posts so hurry up and get back here, your friend...Sue

Fancylady_2006 09-11-2006 07:00 PM


carolynms 09-11-2006 09:23 PM

Billie, I am glad your home from the hospital, but sorry to hear your help is not working out. I do not know what kind of back surgery you had, but I know taking care of yourself is definitely an issue (I had my surgery in July, and was totally dependent on others for the basics!). I don' t know where you live, but this is my suggestion and also what my doctor did.

Try Lutheran Family Services, if there is one in your area. I would check the phone book, or internet. They have a group of people that specialize in assisting patients with different needs, that do home health care. I do not think they cost too much, but they may also not be as reliable. My Mom uses them for her partner, and the help that comes always do a good job, they just don't always show up when they should. Her partner is in advanced stages of Parkinson's disease, and they help him bathe, dress, and even come in the evening and help him get ready for bed. They also help my Mom with her housework.

My Doctor had home health care come to my house the 1st 2 weeks I was home from the hospital, to check my vitals, wound, etc. They also took out my staples at the 2 week mark. My insurance covered most of it, and they were very nice.

I hope this helps you! I am so sorry that things didn't work out the way they were supposed to! Churches have a way of coming through for the needy, though, and I hope they continue to help you.
In the meantime, I will add you to my prayers. You certainly must be a very strong lady to have gone through what you have in the last few months, and still be doing as well as you are.
Keep us posted as to how you are doing, and I hope you heal and get better every day!

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 09-11-2006 09:25 PM

Dearest {{{{billie}}}}
I am sorry to hear you now have a hernia to deal with..
I hope they are helpin to make you as comfortable as possible -while you
have to wait to see the spec doc!
I wish i lived closer to you as well-I feel terrible for you!!
I hope the church members continue to stop by daily...If not please reach out and call them.Tell them what kind of "help"you have.Maybe a church member might know someone that also works in home health care.
I dont know -just trying to send ideas your way.
I say a lil prayer 4 you everyday..Sending blessings"your way"!
May your burdens be lightened soon!
Besure and drink plenty of water-dont wait till your hurting to take your meds..
Another idea- Have whoever takes care of you leave the things near you that you will need-Always in my thoughts and prayers!!!

slogo 09-12-2006 11:57 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Hope you are having a good day today Billie. I'm glad I got to talk to ya last night. Hopefully the hernia surgery will take care of the rest of the pain your having. Bless your heart you have HAD ENOUGH and it is time to get some rest and relief! {{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}

Have you heard from Jan? I haven't seen her on here in a while and wonder how she is. GC :)

janster 09-12-2006 06:57 PM

I hope things are getting better each day for you sweetie!! Keep a positive attitude and remember we all love you and are praying for you!!

So that WAS you that got kicked out of Wally's World that I read about in the paper GC!! First a skateboard, now a unicycle, what next? Billie, please get well soon--GC's out of control!!

Fancylady_2006 09-12-2006 09:02 PM

Got good Help today!
Hi gang,
I have really got good help today. She is my neighbor, new friend and we had a nice visit. She cooked two meals, sweep the floors and did a good job. Then we sit down had a nice visit. The one here now is a sleep on the sofa. I think she is taking a cold so I been taking care of her. The med. must of knocked her out. At leased I can be on the computer while she sleeps.

The pain isn't under control very well yet. I talked to my surgeons nurse this morning and they want me back on Neurontin for a while, to control the numbness in my left leg. As bad as I don't want to, I will for a short period. I also talked to my GP and he agrees, at lease I don' have to buy it. Got plenty on hand. I am icing my back down, because of swelling also. If it's not one thing, it's another. Thanks for saying I am brave, But you would do the same , if in my shoes. I had to make myself walk or I couldn't come home. My Bear dog is fine. I am sure he missed me, but we have fell onto a rountene again. if I just get so I can stay by myself I will be happy. It's been kinda nice to have some lift my dog on the bed though. I can only lift 5 pounds. well
it's getting late, I will try to post when possible. Thanks for your prayers, they are whats keep me clam threw this all.
Hugs to you all,
Billie:) :)

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 09-13-2006 09:01 AM

Good to see a post from you billie.
I hope you are able to get your pain under control soon!
I know you dont want to take the neurontin.Like you said.At least you wont have to buy it and hopefully you want have to take it long!
I'm happy to hear you have made a new friend!!
You find out who your real friends are in times of need...
I hope your caregiver is taking care of you-not the other way around!!!
I say a prayer for you everyday!!
{{{{get well soon}}}}}}}

slogo 09-13-2006 12:21 PM

Hi Jan, glad to see you cause I was wondering where you were. Oh yesssssssss I stole the new frog too! Hee Hee!
I think once long ago you said you liked covered bridges and I got some new ones so I will try to put it on here. Of course it probably want work for me! :o

Billie, can you get rid of the person that is NOT taking care of you? I sure hope you don't catch her cold.
I will be glad when you can get your email again I miss ya, gaye:)

Fancylady_2006 09-13-2006 08:32 PM

Thanks Kell & Gaye
I so appreicate when you gals come in for some encouraging words. It is like having you right here at home with me. I would love to say come right on in.
Nothing would cheer me up more than you can. You are my family!

I had a good day today and stayed by myself. My friend and neighbor are here now and it is an allergy she has, not a cold. She is doing ok tonight.
I have been looking & calling about about a new house for me & Bear (dog).
Tonight I had a couple over wanting to buy wanting to buy my farm ground. At least I have some competion now.

Gaye I can e mail. I have been wondering why I haven't heard from you. I couldn't at the hospital, because it didn't work. Since I come home I hadn't been up to it, but I think I am now. I expect to get better each day.

May God bless you all and have a good night!

slogo 09-13-2006 09:37 PM

Great...I will start e-mailing again. I was waiting for your puiter to get fixed. Hugs, gaye :)

ponyboy 09-13-2006 10:09 PM

Thanks for the update, Billie! I hope you're recovering quickly... :)

Much love and

Regards from,

Fancylady_2006 09-14-2006 07:38 PM

Not feeling well
No ponytail, I am not doing well today. I only wish I was. This left leg pain is driving me crazy. I am almost ashamed I keep griping about it. My surgeon thinks it is a groin hernia. I haven't got the frogest idea what it is, but pain meds don't touch it. What does a person do for a hernia pain? My doc has lead me to believe I may need more surgery. I can hardly stand the thoughts of it. They need to put a zipper in me and be done with it. I now have had three surgeries trying to rid myself of pain. Nothing has helped any length of time. I hope you all have a good night.

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 09-15-2006 10:18 AM

Going out to you fancylady.
You should not feel bad about having pain-or telling anyone about it!!
If you need to make it stop..Thats the only way your gonna get help.
I do understand where your coming from when you say that-but please dont hold your feelings in and suffer!!
You have legit things wrong with you and you need to get your pain under control.Why dont you call the doc and ask for an increase in pain meds??
I hate to think of someone sitting and just suffering.I dont know your whole story.But i do know what its like to sit and suffer!!!
I also understand your not wanting another surgery..but hopefully this hernia surg will ease that pain for ya....
I have had 8 surgeries in the past 14 i do sympathise with you completely.....They may not have all been exactally the same as what you are going through surgically-but i did'nt want to have any of them and thought what more could i possibly have taken out??
What more could possibly go wrong?

I hope you can make a call and get different pain meds and get that under control at least!

Thinking of you..
{{{{{prayers and hugs}}}}

Fancylady_2006 09-15-2006 09:13 PM

Thanks Kell for your understanding & prayers.
Believe me it means a lot, when a fellow sufferer understands the pain. I am doing great today. Sometimes I think the weather does play a part in it. it has been beautiful Fall day here in Indiana. I have to be careful yet, but If I continue to do this good I won't mind a little pain.I do have most of my spine stiched and several near my waist line, from the Stimulator being took out. It never gave me one monents relief. Kell, you name it and I have had it taken out or worked on. I have had six back surgeries, gall bladder, knee, tonsillectomy, hemorrhoid sur. 3 felmale sur. now you have an idea, I may of forgot some. The back has been the worse and I keep having trouble there. Pain will finally drive me to surgery. I am also have Diabetes, Periipheral Neuropathy, sleeping disorder, and I want to lose somemore weight. I am sure I have bored everybody so will back out for tonight.

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 09-16-2006 11:36 AM

Dear Billie
You sound like a real trooper!!! I bet i would be whining like a baby right now if
i had the surgery you just had done!!!! I am not kiddin either..LOL

I had 4 female surg.Gallbladder removed.Vein stripping in my right leg.ulnar nerve repair in my right arm.Carpel tunnel surg on my hand.Then this past july,i had rotater cuff repair done..I just realized i had 9 surgeries..I guess i lost count..LOL
Like you ,after a while.It all kinda blurs together.I hate to go to a new doc and have to fill out those forms..How many surgeries have you had and when??
I always say.I have no idea of when....LOL
I truely hope this last back surgery you had will give you some relief!!!

I get so down sometimes with what i have to deal with.Then i come on here and read your words.It really gives me some inspiration .I just wanted you to know that!!
Now that does'nt mean i want you to come on here and fib about how your
I just say to myself.If she can keep on keepin on.So can i!!!!
You have been helping someone and did'nt even know it...:)

Is the neurontin working for you yet??My dad just started taking it.He has neurapathy in his feet and legs pretty bad.So far he is on 300 mgs.Just at night and says it's starting to work a lil bit.

I have some emails to answer.
Take care {{{{{hugz}}}}and as always.Your in my prayers~
I'll write you again soon.

marijo 09-17-2006 05:21 PM

Topamax for neuropathy.
I take topamax for neuropathy, but I think its beginning to lose efficacy. Im going to see neurologist at end of month to discuss implant.

Fancylady_2006 09-17-2006 08:55 PM

So glad you stopped by~
Hi Marijo,
I wrote you a big post and lost it on the last sentence. Then it stormed and I had to quit for a while. Long time, no see. It's good you have found your way back. Are you having a stimulator implant? You sure have had to wait a long time. I had to wait 8 months. Mine never done a thing for me Marijo. It shocked me some to the point it would kick my leg foward. But I did have it taken out 2 weeks ago. The stiches come out tomorrow along with the one's in my spine. I am so sore, but I have done well. I have seen the day when I would have still been on a walker, but I was determine this time That I was going to have to take care of myself. And it has come to pass.

It has been a ruff summer for me as my husband of 47 yrs. died of cancer at home as he wanted in my arms. He had many treatments and that didn't help him either. It's been hard trying to live by myself, but their for the Grace of God and the encouragement of the gal's on here I have come this far. I take no credit myself. When I needed to talk the girls on here were there for me. I have so much to be thankful for. Hope you are doing ok. I remember you from the old BT. Good Luck with the implant Marijo.

janster 09-17-2006 11:25 PM

Hi marijo~
I also take Topamax for Neuropathy. How much are you on? I take 100mg. 4 x's/day for a total of 400mg/day. Do you take any other meds for your Neuropathy? Just curious as I am scheduled to go back to my Neuro on the 5th. I've tried most of the usual bunch except a couple, as I'm sure you have. The fun just never ends, does it? Let me know how you turn out.

GJZH 09-17-2006 11:34 PM

I just went back on the Topamax again too...I read that once you go off Topamax and then need to go back on it again, that it is not as effective the second time around.. My pcp wanted me to go on Neurontin, but I saw a Rheumatoid doc and he suggested Lyrica...I think I am going to hold out for Cymbalta...I think it helps with depression and the pain...I see my PM doc in a few weeks and I am going to ask him to switch me to Cymbalta...Me depressed? I keep asking for something for depression and I think because I am usually smiling, they will not prescribe anything...How much crying do I have to do? I started crying while talking to my PM doc and he closed the folder and ended the I guess crying isn't allowed...

Jan I just read how much Topamax you take....WOW! I would be a Zombie.... stuff just makes me feel whacky on my small dose!

shotspine 09-18-2006 02:52 AM

Hi Billie....

It sounds as if you are doing very well for yourself. You have truly had a summer no one would want. Again, I'm so sorry for your loss of your husband. You sound like you are handling it so well although I'm sure it's not like that when you sit alone and remember. Lucky you to have those memories to keep forever. That is a treasure not a lot of people get to experience and I'm one of them. Even as a teenager, I pictured myself living happily ever after with the man I married, lived and loved with for my entire adult life, watching children and grandkids and even greatgrandkids. We would be walking along a beach just enjoying each other as we were truly of one heart. That was my dream! Nothing even close happened in my real life. I'm only telling you this because your story has been held close in my heart. I don't know all that much because I didn't know about you until middle of summer and word spread about you and your husband's cancer. I hope you will be able to find peace and happpiness until you meet again.

Enough of my novel .......I just wanted to let you know how much you have meant to so many and so loved by all.

Blessings Billie!


Fancylady_2006 09-18-2006 07:32 AM

Good to hear from you~
Hi Shotspine,
Your story sounds great only mine isn't pretty all the way thru either. We couldn't have children and after 16 years we decided to adopt a son. he was hyperactive & always in trouble. What a mess every year. I dreaded school starting up each year.

Findlly he grew up and left home wanting to see his real parents. That was the beganing of the bad times we have known. He is in prison now and may not get out till I am 83. I have tried to help for he says he is innocent of this crime and I do believe him for we raised him in church. He is an ordained minister. If I had only known somethings then, that I do know now, he would have gotten out much sooner. That was bad enough without my husband getting cancer.

We had a wonderful life together and it was better as time went along. I think we both mellowed out.The cancer only drew us closer together, and at the same time was breaking my heart. He wasn't saved and that bothered me. He finally was about 8 days before he died. What a glorious time that was. Time was slipping up on us though. The last 5 days were bad. Thats when I would come and talk to my friends on the old BT.There comes a time you just have to except what you can't change and he passed away.

He had alot of friends though and a large viewing and funeral. It was one of the biggest I have been to. I got over a hundred cards both get well & sympathy. I just wasn't perpared for all this, but somehow I got threw it, bad back & all. We can do what we don't realize, when we got the Lord in our
life. I better stop here before I write a novel.
Blessings to you shotspine!

shotspine 09-18-2006 06:01 PM

(((((((((((((((((((((((Billie))))))))))))))))))))) )

Thank You Billie for filling me in. I am so sorry to hear about your son. Don't we all wish we could go back and redo all the things we learned lessons from but couldn't go back to fix them? I just said to a friend the other day.....our lifecycle is backward. I hope you and your son can find peace in such a terrible situation. Losing your husband too!!! You must be one really strong, and independent thinking woman. No wonder you are so adored and admired here. You're my kind of lady.

I remember even in high school being afraid I would be an "old maid". No reason that I can think of, but that's where my mind kept going. So......I married at 17 figuring it was now or never. Well never would have been a much better option. As it turned out, marriage was very abusive and we divorced 5 years later (3+ yrs we were separated out of 5). I never remarried as it became apparent that I made bad choices in men. I am, in no way, a man hater. I just was attracted to the bad guy that looked like good guys. So, my fear in high school came true. I'm 60 and finding a man is the last thing on my mind. I had 1 daughter during my marriage and raised her as a single Mom. She was also a handful. She is bipolar, but not diagnosed until just a few years ago. She is turns 40 in Oct and has 4 kids. Our relationship is on and off. The ole 'egg shell walk'. Luckily, she's never been to prison. I can't imagine that at all. I love her dearly through it all. I'm sure you feel the same about your son. Gosh, after waiting 16 years?

Bless you Billie! May your future be an adventure of Good Things!!! :) It's time for you to take care of you and it sounds like you are doing just that!!!

LindaM 09-18-2006 08:53 PM

HI Billie &
So many familar names it's such a pleasure to see.

I have been trying to get here and catch up and post more but things here at home and the pain levels are keeping me from doing the things I want.

So hi to all of you and Billie, please know you are all in my thoughts and prayers and forgive me for I'd really love to be able to catch up...

Many hugs!!

Fancylady_2006 09-18-2006 09:15 PM

Well I have to have another surgery~
The news is in, I need another surgery. I have had three Dr's agreeing so I guess I have to agree with them. I have already have all the test I will need for the surgery. It's to be done Oct. 24 th. They can't promise it will relieve my leg pain, it just needs to be done. It can cause a loop of intestiine to fall into it and get traped and cause severe pain. It can lose it's blood supply and die, it is caused by strangulated intestine. Then you are an emergency to have surgery. I can't hardly buy this, but what do you do when 3 Dr's agree to my case.
Thanks Shotspine for all the kind words you said about me. I don't feel strong though. I just do what anyone would do in a case like mine. Into every life some rain must fall. I feel we deal with life the best we can. I do know going threw a divorce isn't easy. I have had friends tell me all to well especally when they are children involed. Since you raise a daughter alone, you are braver than you give yourself credit for. My goodness, I don't think I could do that. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done.

marijo 09-19-2006 04:58 AM

Hello again.
Its so good to 'see' you guys again. All in the same place. I cant write much today cos I'm in a flat spin, family coming for meal, got to make steaks and apple pie and husband going back offshore tomorrow for three weeks, and he doesnt think much of me spending 'unecessary' time wafting through space on net. I've missed you all. Loads to tell. Will write tomorrow after Mr Grumpy has left. Got to keep him in a good mood!!!:) :)

marijo 09-20-2006 12:51 PM

Hello again
just to say a bit about the medications I've had over the last 12 months or so, and I know they are different for all of us.
Neurontin made me put on 28 pounds in as many months, and made me feel like a zombie with a massive chest. None of my clothes fitted me, and I am normally a UK size 8/10, (quite little) Then My Doc started talking about Lyrica, the new wonderdrug, so I did some reading, and I looked at the chemistry etc, and I reckoned in my own little brain that it was very very similar to neurontin, but with clever branding, ie, a lyrical sort or name, which sells it, (I joke not) I think its very similar to neurontin, and will do just as well, especially as the producers of the former lost the exclusive rights to its manufacture so other companies could produce their own identical (is the term generic) versions only much cheaper. Anyway Then I landed on Cymbalta which sounded great. No weight gain, suitable for neuropathy, a few side effects, which should wear off with time, and so on. I asked my doc to prescribe it, and he said he could but that it was not licensed for neuropathy in this country. However we were not breaking any laws, he reassured me. When I got the prescript. I saw the box said it was for urinary incontinence, which bothered me, initially I thought I had the wrong meds. I called the manufacturers. They reassured me, that it was right, but in the UK that was what it was used for. I didn t feel very happy with that, as part of my problem was the opposite, retention. Anyway I pressed on, and for the next few weeks suffered appallingly with the most awful runs, stomach upsets and so on. Then I started reading up more, and discovered that on the clinical trials, which had taken place over an alarmingly short period of time, one girl of 19 I think, with no previous history of depression, had killed herself, and there were a number of other unexpected suicides also. My memory is a bit vague, because all this was at the beginning of last year. I would read up on it first. I now take 400g of topamax daily. No side effects once you get used to it. But you have to start on a small dose and titrate up in tiny increments, otherwise it will make you feel sick. No weight gain with this though. I also take small dose of antidepressant at night, but I still have a dreadful problem sleeping, and my doctor will not give me sleeping tablets so sometimes I buy them privately if I'm desperate. Generally if I get 4 hours I can get by.

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