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PamelaJune 06-06-2016 12:13 AM

Facet Joint Injection / Nerve Root Sleeve Injection
Had both done last Friday along with an epidural flush. Facet on the left and Nerve root on the right along with epidural flush. So pleased that procedure seems to have sorted the recently developed pain in my right knee. Came round with chest pain, after much testing, tilting, pushing, bloods and prodding they determined I had a grade 1 AV Block, nothing to be concerned over, but because my BP was so low, 58/36 and remained low they kept me in overnight again. Had my bed head lowered so spent most the night hauling myself back up. The good news is all procedures seem to have delivered results on day one and I'm in much less pain. I'm conscious today of the left side trying to say "hello" I'm still here, but it's nothing like it was and the right side also bearable. My meds have been increased, temgesic up to 6 times a day, (I've taken 3 so far today) still on the Valdoxan daily and endep 10mg daily added back in again along with Valium PRN. MY PM wants me to see a new physio who is apparently gifted with being able to pinpoint exactly what nerves needs injecting so I'm going to go see him asap. If he can tell my PM which nerves to do on the right side as well as a bit more on the left, I could be pain free almost for the first time in years. Something very much to look forward to! Kind of puts the shock of coming round in that situation to the back of the mind. I was so frightened as I also had the real urge to use my bowel which is apparently common with heart arrest. All I could think of was my poor old dad and his last day 7 heart arrests before they let him go. Anyway, that's not the point to this topic. The facet joint injection and nerve root sleeve injection seems to have delivered a good result!!

ger715 06-08-2016 10:14 AM

You sure have been put thru so much. Hope you do have success with getting an appointment asap with the "gifted" physio your PM wants you to see. At least you are feeling hopeful for the chance to be pain free. Pray he comes through.


PamelaJune 07-30-2016 06:30 AM

Saw the gifted physio
Wow she is amazing!! She spent over an hour listening to me, assessing my ROM, making notes, then did some dry needling, pressure points and finally some light neck/ shoulder treatment. She is writing to Dr Salmon says I need on the left side L4,3 and S1 nerve root sleeve injections with epidural flush and nerve root sleeve injection with epidural for T3,4,5&6. Says my sciatic nerve is shot and thoracic pain is causing the migraine of last two weeks. I've got 2 more appointments with her this week & she wants me to also attend physio lead Pilates with 3 in the session (plus physio). So will see what my PM says and will also get results from CT scans last week. It looks like I've lost about 3cm in height :( . Will update again soon

ger715 07-30-2016 10:02 AM

Pam, You've had these type of injections for your knee. Is there a time frame/limit for these injections; i.e., like every so many months need repeating? How is your knee doing?

Hopefully the physio is "right on" where the injections are needed. The thought of being almost pain free has got to be uplifting and hopeful. Looking forward to your updates.


Diandra 07-30-2016 02:08 PM

hi Pam,
sure sounds like you have found a winner in this physio.
best of luck with the full outcome.
you are moving in the right direction.
love, d.

PamelaJune 08-11-2016 07:20 AM

Having the nerve root sleeve injections tomorrow morning. L4,5 S1 & T3,4 along with epidural flush. Feeling quite nervous, don't fancy another overnight stint in hospital again. Hopefully it all goes to plan and I come home in the afternoon.

PamelaJune 08-14-2016 06:11 AM

Had to stay in overnight again, felt quite sore yesterday after I got home via taxi. DB in work but had got home as ready as he could including pre cooking meals etc. had a good sleep last night and my back a little better today, it takes 3-4 days for the injections to give relief. I'm hopeful of a good result, but it's not as instant as it was last time.

On another note, my stomach has been playing up for sometime now, I've been putting it down to bowel blockages, seems not. Had ultrasound late the week before and got a letter in the mail to contact my GP urgently for test results. While in the scan the lady said I have multiple hernias, so I guess a mesh insertion is on the cards. will know more this week.:eek:

PamelaJune 08-17-2016 04:59 AM

No mesh insertion at this stage. Have to try and control the controllable things in hernia management until I can no longer. I'm banking on for a good long time, I have not heard many good or positive reviews about mesh hernia repairs and I have enough going on already without adding to it. Those I know of who have had the mesh surgery have all ended up in a pickle again further down the track, quite a few say they wish they knew more at the time and chosen not to have it done.

PamelaJune 08-28-2016 06:08 PM

Feeling the results of the procedure already. Pain is minimised considerably for the first time in years and tomorrow I'm attending my first Pilates class. It is run by the guru physiotherapist and only 3 of us in class. The plan is to build and develop my muscle strength in my back to provide better support for when the procedure wears off, which we all know can happen anytime within the next 6 to 18 months. Make hay while the sun shines :)

PamelaJune 08-28-2016 06:15 PM

Hi Gerry, the procedure was all done on the back and had the added bonus of sorting the knee pain out. Apparently the knee pain was referred pain from L4 in my back. Who knew!! My right knee is doing great, from the minute I took my first step I knew the knee pain was gone. The injections are needed every 6 to 24 months. You can never predict when they will wear off. For me usually about 6 to 9 months in, but I'm hopeful this time will be longer as I have had the left side sorted as well. :) my PM is brilliant.


Originally Posted by ger715 (Post 1218784)
Pam, You've had these type of injections for your knee. Is there a time frame/limit for these injections; i.e., like every so many months need repeating? How is your knee doing?

Hopefully the physio is "right on" where the injections are needed. The thought of being almost pain free has got to be uplifting and hopeful. Looking forward to your updates.


ger715 08-31-2016 12:31 PM

Not sure what you mean by control the controllable things in hernia management?

When I had my three (3);( one of which was an epigastric hernia) Ventral (abdominal) incisional hernias repaired this past November, it was done with mesh... (surgeon advised to help retain closure).

So a little over a couple of months later; I am now dealing with Diastasis Recti (separation of the abdominal muscle from navel; side to side and up to breastbone and down to pelvic area). I am in constant abdominal turmoil, discomfort and pain.

It is almost impossible not to do straining because of my opioid pain meds causing constipation for which I take three doses daily of Miralax to try to keep things a bit runny. Also, ventral hernia repairs are at risk for recurrence. When I told my surgeon, after the Diastasis Recti diagnosis, I was concerned about hernia recurrence; he said I have "a good reason to be concerned".

It appears the mesh, which was done at the time of the Ventral surgery, has not made any difference and possibly caused more problems. The mesh can disintegrate, infection, etc., etc.

I had read up about mesh prior to surgery. My surgeon felt using the mesh would give a better chance for closure than using sutures alone. That was also confirmed by many of the articles I read.


PamelaJune 09-02-2016 10:08 PM

Gerry, controllables are
1. what you eat - no more processed foods including biscuits, breads, sugars & honey etc, cut out snacking, increase fibre in meals - I'm only allowed 12grams fibre a day so I'm closely watching & recording what I have so eventually I can slowly increase intake and avoid obstructions
2. how often you eat - Instead of larger portion 3 meals a day, I have 6 smaller portioned meals
3. increase water intake - I have a water plan that begins with 200ml cold water on rising, 400ml before each meal, 200ml with every movicol sachet followed immediately with 200ml cold water, 200ml after every cup of tea & reduced number of cups of tea throughout the day, 200ml cold water again before bed
4. reduce medicines that can contribute to blockages, hard to do as I've already minimised considerably so I've introduced the distraction method, at a time I would normally take meds I deliberately do something that takes me away from the medicine cabinet so I can stretch out the time between meds. It can be go for a walk, make a phone call, look something up on line, play a game, anything really that ultimately helps in the long run reduce the number of meds taken a day, even if it just 1 less it helps.
5. Increase exercise - I'm walking further every day and I've begun Pilates classes

ps, I've lost 2.8kg & can already notice less pressure on my abdomen wall.

We got told back in 2007 to avoid any further stomach surgery at all costs, I've had so many ops on my stomach over the years and the next stomach surgery likely to be fatal. Hence in 2013 when I was due to have spine surgery again they couldn't go through my stomach to do a cage & instead I had to have the metal rods fusion again.


Originally Posted by ger715 (Post 1222344)
Not sure what you mean by control the controllable things in hernia management? Gerry

PamelaJune 02-02-2017 08:37 PM

Home from a very big round of nerve root sleeve injections. Went in Weds am and home late (very) that night. They wanted to keep me in but I insisted I come home. I had injected T3,4,5 & 6. L3,4 & 5 & S1. Yesterday passed in a haze, today I'm with it more, lower back seems to be responding. Upper back not so much, lots of pain on the left upper side still. Saw my Nevro specialist in theatre & agreed to meet with her within the fortnight. PM face blanched when I said I don't think the unit is working, I got the feeling he agreed with me. Will see him within the month. Now if I can get this depression under control I might feel half human.

PamelaJune 02-07-2017 09:53 PM

Struggling to get this severe upper muscle spasm under control, took 5mg Oxy at 4am, 1 temgesic & Valium at 7am and same again at 8am. Nothing is working. I've managed to get an appt to see my PM at 3.30 tomorrow. Hope he can help. Called in sick today including not working from home. its 11am, I'm clock watching until 12noon where I can take temgesic & Valium again. Beside myself with pain. Have even tried rolling against the wall with a tennis ball in between the shoulder blade (scapula) and spine tying to relieve the pain. I can't recall having a spasm like this since the time they put me in the mount hospital back in 2013 after I had the Nevro implant. I know my PM gave me an epidural last week along with the nerve root injections but maybe he was unable to inject the upper spine where needed because it's where the SCS leads are?? This combined with my spiralling depression & anxiety is tippping me over the edge. At 8.30am I thought the drugs were starting to work but they didn't last long at all, maybe 30 minutes. Think I will have to revert to 2 temegesic every 4 hrs along with 1 Valium every 6 hours until I see the PM tomorrow.

Did everything I could to distract myself until 12noon & at 12.03 took just the 1 temgesic & Valium & in another 10 minutes will take the 2nd temgesic, so far its 20 minutes in and no relief. Pain score is about 8. Can't put myself anywhere to relieve it. Getting quite worried but at least it's taken my mind off of the depression....

PamelaJune 02-08-2017 06:26 PM

Got everything ready for DB so when he got home he wouldn't disrupt me, (dinner & instructions) cats done, retired dogs done and also inreadiness for the 2 working dogs coming home with him. Send him an email to say I'm going to bed & all is done, he sends back, how will I know if the animals have been fed... duh because I've told you and you will see DD3 & DD4 food in their regular spots and DD1&2 will have their bowls in the same spot as always in readiness for tomorrow morning....
Went to bed at 6.30 just as he got home fully hoping to get in 12 hours sleep with the medication I've taken. I woke up at 10, in pain, came out and he says what's wrong with your leg? Nothing why? You are holding it - I'm bent over double with pain from my back and my hand happens to be resting on my knee. Sigh, I go back to bed, wake again at midnight with pain, back to sleep & again at 2, I'm lying there thinking this is just relentless but I can't take anymore drugs. I drop off and into a deep sleep.
Guess what! Numnuts DB forgot to turn his 4am alarm off, I wake up, the dogs wake up and by 4.15 I know no chance of me going back to sleep so up I get to do the dogs - again! DB has the ability as you all know to sleep at will. I know he's tired and I don't mean to whinge about him, but gees how hard is it to turn off the alarm when you know you are not getting up. I'm saying this because it's a regular occurrence unless I remind him to turn it off. So because I was abed, no reminder. Life is just not being fair to me at present.
We are in for big storms apparently with 80ml expected in very short period so I've been and cleaned / done the kennels and runs (nothing worse than wet Doo doos that pooches then race through if excited).
Maybe I should have been the DDO. If my health / spine had been good I think I will have been a good one. DB is excellent don't get me wrong, he's very good, but something needs to change here at home, I can't go on like this.

ger715 02-08-2017 08:45 PM

You have been on "overload" for quit some time. In addition to dealing with very possible side effects of the Sleeve Nerve Root Injections; the painful back spasms are causing you to double over. I'm sure the inability to get some badly needed sleep has you just about at your "wits end"....

I just don't get it; so many men just don't seem to be able to either show or have the compassion needed to console us. I think my husband just turns the compassion dial on "off" and does not seem to realize the level of pain that is going on before his eyes. He's really a good man too. Somehow, we just seem to see they are taken care of first.

How was your appointment with your PM? Hopefully he was able to calm down some of the spasms.


PamelaJune 02-09-2017 08:45 PM

Saw PM yesterday - his receptionist is a god send, she sent me through to him straight away at 3pm rather than wait until 3.30, she said Nevro rep not here yet so she can wait a little and it's clear you need to see J now. He's sent me for X-rays & blood tests (may have an infection, unlikley but worthwhile checking) which I've just had first thing this morning at 8am at the hospital. He doesn't think the lead could have moved, but is also not ruling it out. I still believe it's a muscle spasm. The only way to describe it is imagine the worst possible foot or leg cramp you've ever had and then add a severe burning sensation to it.

He has changed my medication, insists I go off the anti-depressant and restart the 10mg Endep, take 2 sublingual temgesic every 4 hours and 2 x 20/10 Targin twice a day. Says if I can't get it under control I'm to present over the weekend to the private hospital Murdoch which also has an emergency department. (You pay $300 upfront and don't get it back, your health fund picks up the rest) he said not to go to the big public hospitals, they wouldn't understand my condition or chronic pain. Believe me, I would never go to them ever for my chronic pain. I've experienced their disdain previously.

So I've had the bloods and X-ray, the X-ray technician remembered me being here from last week on Wednesday, she said a strange thing. Pam, if you continue bent over like this for the rest of today, I think you shouldn't wait until a Monday to see J for your blood test results, I think you should go to Murdoch now. Well, the blood people have my mobile and they know the results are requested urgently, so I'm sure if they find anything they will phone me and I'll take myself off then. In the meantime, having again been up since 3 and going to bed at 12, I'm off back home to bed & hopefully sleep. DB will be home it's his RDO. I think he will be supportive today.

It's obvious to everyone I'm in agony, yesterday my PM J, his receptionist wondered aloud why he wasn't admitting me there n then....

Nevro rep then proceeded to need to make a number of calls to Victoria, Sydney, Atlanta... apparently one of the leads / electrodes has disappeared. She and the others she spoke to who could all see my data on their laptops had never experienced or seen anything like it before. She's turned the unit off completely and will see me on Monday at 1.30 with J to review my X-rays.

ger715 02-09-2017 11:04 PM

Thanks so much for all the info. I will try to absorb this a bit at a time.

Not sure you remember a poster named Rrae or maybe you had not started yet. She was quite interesting. If I understood correctly, when you first had your SCS done and redone; there was only space for one lead because of excessive scar tissue. From my understanding; most have a few leads. I digress....

Rrae had at least one horse, if not more. It appeared fairly soon after her SCS was implanted she was baling hay and one of her leads either moved or broke. Her spasms were unreal; She even mentioned having rolled over on the floor from the pain (not sure she was at work at the time). I'm not sure that there was ever a connection with the spasms and lead issue; but what you are dealing with seems very similar. I think you mentioned after the bowel obstruction and treatment in the hospital may have caused a problem with the lead/SCS.

I'm glad you are off the Zoloft...That is in the range of the Prozac and high end anti-depressants. There were articles indicating, in some individuals, the depression deepened and was quite concerning. The month I was on the Prozac was really quite worrisome.

I hope DB will be more supportive. It does mean so much for our partners to understand and show love and support. I love my husband, he is a good man; but as you know, in addition to the PN (ankles/feet often on fire; he just don't seem to understand the pain/ nerves going haywire with one another. In the house; winter or summer; I have velcro sandal/slide with no backs and a heel about 1 to 1 1/4"; and no socks because the touch just adds to the nerves acting up/burning.) My belly/stomach/groin/hip are a painful mess; especially with 3-4 Miralax a day the belly/stomach/cramping, etc. plus the fact that I don't have a rectum so the colon is directly connected to some muscle/a....nal area. I am on the "potty" several times a day for 1/2 hr. or more each session. This afternoon hubby was in the Family Room, I went to sit for a while on my easy chair with my feet elevated on some floor pillows. I mentioned how badly my tummy felt and was feeling really quite tired......What he did was on "Q".....without a word, he got up and went into his office where his computer is and sat down starting using it. I kinda gave a bit of a "shout out" like....."did I scare you away"???? All he could say was "no" and continued using his computer. As I mentioned yesterday, while he is a good man; he, as well as many men, I think have a dial that is turned "off" to compassion. Sorry for the long "pitty pot"; but know you more than understand.

Pam, you really had quite a workup. Hopefully, the results will enable you will get the treatment needed, including the possibility going to the ER at the private hospital.

With all the pain issues, etc., caring for the animals/pond, house, etc. are a full time job; can't imagine where you find the strength to have a job too. Please do take care of yourself. Unless you do, you will be of no help to DB or anyone else.

Appreciate your keeping me up to date.


PamelaJune 02-10-2017 05:35 PM

No change to the pain, I still believe it is a muscle spasm. The "burn" gets worse as the day progresses. This morning I awoke, I'm aware it is there (very aware) but on the lovely highly subjective inaccurate pain scorer scale of 1 - 10, currently it is sitting at a 6, I can do things, I can get involved in something and my mind can park the pain off in a corner of my brain until it says hello again.... so in all, a 6 is an improvement to the 8-9 I went to bed with last night.

It must still be Chinese New Year celebrations ? We seem to have fireworks go off each evening between 8pm & 8.30pm. I had to bring DDDog4 inside last night as he was freaking out & looked ready to jump the fence. DB said the night before he had to sit outside with him to soothe him. I'm like, dude it's an unusual summer here, it's 15c outside (unlike the what would normally be at that time of night 25-31c) and raining like never before, I'm not sitting outside in the wet, cold and hunched over in pain with your DDDog. (DB is in bed). Also, my tablets had kicked in (yay) and I was struggling to keep my eyes open, sitting outside I would have nodded off for sure. Anyhow, at 9pm I roused myself, realised the fireworks finished & put DDD4 outside. I can sense this may be an issue in the future, our other 3 DDDogs couldn't care less, DD4 is so tall and lanky he could leap that fence with zero effort.

Fingers crossed today pain score remains at a 6 or below, I've taken the Targin 20/10 & 1 sublingual at 4am. If no improvement by 8am I will add to it the Valium. I'm so worried about a bowel obstruction, I have no stomach sounds so today will be a liquid only day for food consumption. Ensure for breakfast & lunch & tea will be apple & blackcurrent cordial with 250ml cold water.

ger715 02-11-2017 01:33 AM

I'm glad it's down to a 6; as you mention, at least you can think without the constant zapping. I usually have a 6-7 is my norm; but what is norm for one may be different for someone else. But those brain zaps really do get in the way of even thinking or accomplishing much.

Are you taking any of your laxatives (can't remember what you call them which are similar to my Miralax).???? The meds so often get in the way of BM's. You probably are taking more meds than usual which, for you, might be a "red" alert.

Hopefully you and the DDDogs sleep well tonight.


PamelaJune 02-11-2017 04:35 AM

Pain ratcheted back up to a 9. IBe just taken a Targin 20/10., I've increased my movicol to allow for the increase in opioids but there are no gurgling sounds at all. Usually one of the first signs a blockage is coming. Just taken another movicol sachet. Drinking lots and lots of water

ger715 02-11-2017 09:08 PM


How is your pain level now?? Also, has any gurgling sounds, or matter occurred?


PamelaJune 02-12-2017 07:30 AM

Pain has remained high all day, really sharp and targeted to one area almost. Took the Targin and a temgesic, which dropped it back to about 7, from 4 onwards it's up there at 9 with no relief in sight. I've resorted to a smidge of Xanax in hope I will gets some sleep. See the PM at 1.30 tomorrow afternoon. Fingers crossed he can come up with a plan. Had some odd gurgle sounds Gerry, I'll take them as a good sign and keep the movicol and water intake high. I spread out taking the movicol across the day.

ger715 02-12-2017 02:26 PM

After trial and error (still working on it) found for the most part working doses about 2 hrs. apart seems to work best. If I am unable to take the 3rd as planned and have to tak it a little later, that often takes it away from add onto the 2nd on and does not quite work as well. Glad the pain has gone done a bit and do hear some gurgle sounds.

I mentioned having taking Amitriptyline for several years (the brand name here is Elavil) I use the Amitriptyline (generic ) myself. I have up until last you taken 25mg's before going to bed. Last year I asked my Primary/doctor/endocrinoligst if okay to cut in 1/2. So for the past year have been taking 1/2 of a 25 mg Amitriptyline before going to bed, It is a Tricyeti(sp.?) antidepressant used for mental/mood disorders. Helps relieve anxiety and sleep better.

Thanks for keeping us in the "loop".


PamelaJune 02-13-2017 06:46 AM

I've got to go back into hospital this Friday for another procedure, apparently the X-ray revealed some spine fractures. No idea how I sustained these ones, I don't recall a fall or a significant jarring event recently. Blood tests came back all good so no infection. He's going to do an epidural and something else, it's to late / far gone for vertoplasty (which I won't have anyway). So with the epidural hopefully it combined with the yet again today increase in medication I can get it under control. I have to be well enough to be in the office next week, conference is coming up and we have a few busy months ahead.

ger715 02-14-2017 07:43 PM

Under DB's Sobriety thread, I mentioned the incident you had at work some time ago when you chased someone that was harassing an employee. I think I recall something about you mentioned later being in quite a bit of pain. Wonder if this may have started something that has been deteriorating over time. Just a thought.

Pray all calms down. It appears there are work pressures that will be needing your attention and participation.


PamelaJune 02-15-2017 07:16 AM

I had completely forgotten that, I wonder like you if it was the beginning of a compression fracture? I guess I'll never know for sure, it could even be the time I fell in the front yard last year in April and broke my hand/ finger and 2 ribs. Had also forgotten about that as well. And I had another fall in the laundry one time last year also. So yes maybe there a combined instances that have lead to it and the SCS unit when working was masking it. As you know since November I've being saying it's not working so that would fit with a reasonable time line, although compression fractures usually take 3 to 6 months to heal. Maybe it's was even then violent vomiting. So many to wonder over, and just not worth it, have to accept it's happened and trust the epidural on a Friday will provide some relief xxx


Originally Posted by ger715 (Post 1236626)
Under DB's Sobriety thread, I mentioned the incident you had at work some time ago when you chased someone that was harassing an employee. I think I recall something about you mentioned later being in quite a bit of pain. Wonder if this may have started something that has been deteriorating over time. Just a thought.

Pray all calms down. It appears there are work pressures that will be needing your attention and participation.


PamelaJune 02-17-2017 02:04 AM

Keeping me overnight night again, same heart complications as last time in 2016. So, that is 3 AV blocks in the last 2 years, a cardiac arrest in 2012 and a heart arrest in 1966. I'm not happy, not happy at all. Wish people would fricking listen to me and stop brushing me off as a hysteric. Luckily the anaesthetist this time is the same one as at Hollywood last year in 2016 and remembers me.

Now I've told work I'm in hospital having a reasonablly serious procedure today Friday 17th February and told them not to bother me AT ALL. one of the AM' has phoned me twice and emailed 3 times over something he could have picked up the phone and checked with our ES payroll himself, or if he actually read his emails where I've provided him with the info earlier this week of what he is today chasing.

I've just seen an additional left phone message from our HR consultant who has also phoned at 10.17am on behalf of another AM asking if I have a copy of a document. This would be the document I emailed that AM yesterday afternoon before I left the office making sure everything is up to date and there being no need for me to be disturbed today, or at over the weekend before next Monday. People are just too lazy to check for anything themselves, phone Pam first, she'll help. I'm super disappointed. I've forwarded the email I sent yesterday to the AM & HR. I'm sure they will be a little red faced.

I've also said as much to the other AM who has phoned & emailed me so now there is a record of it as well. You know had he contacted payroll in the ES when he first tried phoning me this morning they will have been there & given him the answer as I had also contacted them, now due to time difference, they have gone home, so I've told him to speak with them next week. I have additionally provided him with a screenshot of the message I sent him, payroll and his store manager (SM) on Tuesday. I've not given him a nicely nice rely today, it's short sharp & terse. Do you think he will get I'm annoyed. I HOPE SO.

I have 4 AM's the 2 female AMS have sent messages good luck, don't work, stay safe. I've heard nothing from the men!

My machine is beeping, my BP is 87 over 60 my stats are 11 & my heart beat seems to showing an erratic pattern, better go xxx

They also aren't giving me any pain relief, my PM has left & didn't realise I had the heart complication and staying in and has nothing charted for me. They've given me 2 panadol

ger715 02-17-2017 08:07 PM


Hope you are home and resting today. Are you under the care of a cardiologist???


PamelaJune 02-19-2017 12:21 AM

I'm home, I forgot to add my stats dropped so low they ended up putting me on oxygen & I was connected to the heart monitor all night. I was put in the Observation Ward which is connected to the nurses station, it's like PCU. The embarrassing thing is I had to share with a male, a very nice man who it turns out we knew each other as children, went to the same school and still know many of the same people. Anyhow what's embarrassing is with the epidural it affects bladder control. At 3am I awoke and knew I needed to go, leapt out of bed but because I was connected with a drip, heart monitor and oxygen by the time I managed to disconnect everything the bladder had begun to flow. So there I am stood frantically trying to disconnect, stuffing the hospital nightie between my legs along with towels they have hanging on the bedside table. And of course I crying. The male patient trying hard to pretend he is not aware of the embarrassing situation occurring. The nurse came, helped me, but it was too late. She kindly helped me wash, got me a new nightie and gave the floor a quick wipe. The good news was I didn't wet the bed as I'd managed to get out in time.

The bad news is the problem is still occurring & yesterday afternoon here at home I leapt from the couch but didn't make it in time so I then had to mop the floor from the living room to the toilet. Then last night about 2am same thing again, leapt out of bed & as soon as I stood it just started to flow, by the time I got to the toilet it had flowed down my legs and to the floor, so at 2am there I am again up with the mop & bucket washing the floor, having yet another shower and in general hating myself. I don't think the epidural has worked as well as they had hoped, I've got the same stabbing sensation in my upper back only it's not as bad as it was. It keeps coming in waves and I would say the pain score at present is about a 5. Yesterday I thought it seemed to be working, maybe having had to mop the floor twice has exacerbated it??

I didn't know where to go from here, will go see my GP this week and request she refer me to a cardiologist. I'm so over everything right now. DB made me breakfast then put himself back to bed, he made no effort to help me yesterday clean up nor again last night. I got up to find the kennels hadn't been tended to so I did them along with the cat run, did a load of washing, emptied the dishwasher, tended to the 2 older dogs injuries (cuts that flies won't leave and we can't afford for them to become fly blown). I'm beyond empty, I can't see the point in anything anymore, I'd rather he did the dogs than make me a cup of tea and crumpet. It's like the old days when he was drunk and didn't get up, so I got up and took care of everything so the pub could open, even on occasion opening and running it until he put in an appearance. Drink is no longer the excuse, he doesn't drink. Maybe he's just bone idle lazy. He tells me his psych has said it's ok to lie in bed, I'm sure she doesn't mean all day long, eat every meal in there, but because she has said it's ok I'm mean if I say anything.

Feeling very very sad, the pain has returned & nothing has changed.

ger715 02-20-2017 12:10 AM

Pam, What's with the bladder control??? The situation in the hospital with a male patient and your accident had to be very embarrassing. Please see if you can go to a Uro gynecologist (sp?) who specializing in incontenence issues as well as female gynecological issues.

I had issues with my bladder dropping about 7 years and had to get a Cystocele to raise the bladder in a sling. It still is in the sling. I believe it came down because of all my forcing form opioid med constipation.

I just wish I had known about Urogynecologist (Urogyny). I went to my husband's Urologist who is a male and should have referred me to a Urogyny but instead he did the surgery. Put extra mesh, etc., problems....

Also when you have a Cystocele, you need to have a Rectocele done at the same time.....that is to suture the bowel from dropping afterwards which; as the Urogyny told me when he did the Rectocele said It is a fact that when a Cystocele is done; the bowel will drop; no if and or will and it did within 2 months requiring a second surgery. By this time tho, I was aware not to have the Urologist touch me again I learned the hard way. The Urogyny also cares for incontinence patients.

You have so much going on. You might mention to DB that maybe you need to get a smaller place without all the animals because it is getting too difficult to maintain (especially without more help on his's part).

I'm afraid he got accustomed to your soothing and handling everything; especially early on during his recovery. I had mentioned previously, while our husbands may be very good men; the compassion for a wife that has physical issues often appears to be detached if any mention is made not feeling well or a difficult painful day.

It has to be a "downer" that you have gone thru so much and nothing has changed as far as the pain is concerned.


PamelaJune 02-20-2017 03:20 AM

Hi Gerry, the bladder problem is a common occurrence after epidural procedures unfortunately. It's also a very well kept secret!! The epidural as we know numbs the muscles so we don't feel pain, it also works on the bladder sphincter muscle. I've encountered it previously only not to this degree, it will be due to me having had 3 epidurals within 10 weeks. It takes bladder training to get it back to normal and luckily I know what to do. I'm lucky in that I'm getting the sensation I need to go so saving further embarrassment from wet couches or beds. It's the sphincter muscle that's affected, but, just to be careful I will follow up on the bladder with a specialist as I was told back in 2001 when I had the first bowel resection I will have difficulty with my bladder in the future. I'm worried you say not to see a urologist. Perhaps I should see a general surgeon instead. My mum saw a urologist some 15 years ago and had some sort of bladder surgery, she ended up with leakage for months and still has "accidents" ... have enough going on without having to deal with that as well.

ger715 02-20-2017 11:39 PM

Pam, The Uro Gynecologist is a Urologist and a Gynecologist so he/she is able to handle female issues with a specialty in bladder. The Urologist was a surgeon; but just did not seem to be able to handle the female anatomy. Again, I hope you can locate the Urologist/gynecologist.

If thinking of going to a regular surgeon; then a Urologist would be probably have about the same issues. Within a little of a week of the Cystocele surgery by the Urologist, my legs/feet started swelling, I had developed Edema and Stasis Dermatitis. I have been on water pill called Spironolactone daily for the past 7 years. When I went to the Uro/gyny who later did the Rectocele, he told me (as well as 2 previous progeny's that he should never had put the mesh in. There are issues with the internal area/vaginal using this material reported by the FDA.

I was concerned about you having so many of these epidurals/root steroids. That really is quite a lot to deal with.

Take care my dear friend.


PamelaJune 02-21-2017 07:41 PM

1 Attachment(s)
The procedure hasn't worked on my upper back. Pain this morning about 6, I've taken 2 x 20/10 Targin & 2 x .200 Temgesic, nothing seems to be helping. I'm tossing whether to go to work today, but given I forced DB out the door yesterday & assisted him go again today I feel bad to give in myself.

I will be turning the SCS back on this Friday & go through a charted program to note what or when I get relief, hope it works.

Additionally, I have the normal familiar lower back pain at a constant 4 each day since the Feb 1 procedure. Feb 17 procedure has made zero difference. None of the epidural procedures seem to have taken, other than to affect the bladder!!

I learned last week the nerve roots for S1 are unable to be injected as it's where the fusion is. So in my mind that means he can't inject L4 or L5 as they are fused to S1. Perhaps he's only been able to give me epidurals in that region and that's why I've not had the success rate others seem to achieve. The T3,4,5 & 6 were definitely root sleeve injections on Feb 1 & I believe they've worked but the T11 & T12 has over taken everything.

You know I wouldn't know about the inability to nerve root inject S1 if it hadn't been for me reading the letter to my GP on my file while he was on the phone. When I see the PM next I will ask him if anything can be done for the lumbar region and see what he says. I don't think he has deliberately withheld information, he's just a very busy man and mildly forgetful, as I say he has written and told my GP but she hasn't relayed the information. I discussed my PM with the male patient in PCU that night, he tends to us both. We agreed he is a brilliant man, expressed our concern he is nearing retirement and how here in WA there are few young PM specialists coming through. Bit of a concern....

Have attached a photo of DD1&2 this morning after DB left for work with DD3&4. They give me so much comfort.

ger715 02-21-2017 09:39 PM

My fusion is L4-5, as well as the laminectomy in the same area. This was done in Nov. 2006. The surgeon said there were more issues including the spinal stenosis; but said he did the areas that were causing the biggest issues., The narrowing of the spinal cord in that area was quite considerable; thus the laminectomy

Even with all my Oxycontin and Percocet, my pain level is always present to what I consider a 6/7. The spine issues continually, as well as the PN; especially the burning ankles/feet. Added to that was the rectal cancer and removal of rectum and continual stomach pain, along with all the laxatives because of the opioids. I am grateful the tumor was at the top of the rectum so even with of the rectum removal, along with a couple of feet of colon, I was able to maintain enough muscle to attach to the "potty" area below. (if I use the a....l word, it just gives a lot of stars/astrics.

The dogs are beautiful and obviously resting well. Did you decide to go to work after all??? How many days do you usually go into work during the week?

Hope something can be done about the SCS. You certainly do not want to deal with another implant. The past couple of months or so, beginning with the bowel obstruction has been one thing after another for you. I hope/prays all will calm down to a more tolerable level.


PamelaJune 02-22-2017 12:14 AM

Yes, I'm at work, having my lunch break. Working hard on convincing myself there is no need to go home yet. My pain score for the thoracic is about an 8, it's like a lump of coal burning in one particular spot. Anxiety levels at an all time high... if it's not one thing it's another.

PamelaJune 03-03-2017 07:02 PM

MY GP is on annual leave, won't be back until the 15th. I'm seeing the PM again on Monday 13th, the epidural hasn't made any difference to this pain in my thoracic T11/12 region. I'm aware of it as soon as I awake & throughout the day it gets gradually worse. Being moderately active exacerbates it, i.e. walking & living life in general. By the end of every day it's like a lump of hot coal burning in my back. I've noticed in the last few days along with the burning I'm getting a tingly sensation at times. Mum thinks I've got a trapped nerve.

PamelaJune 03-13-2017 06:23 PM

Another procedure again next Monday, he said yesterday he did the epidural from S1 to T10. But the area I'm having trouble with is T11/12. He works off of his notes, that's twice now he's written down something different to what's been discussed. ie. he said he would inject T11/12 but did T10. & he wrote down I was taking tapentadol when in fact I said Im not taking tapentadol..

ger715 03-13-2017 08:47 PM

Am a bit concerned with so many Epidurals, as well as the doctor's inability to look at or keep very important notes.

Pray all will be good.


PamelaJune 03-14-2017 02:55 AM

I agree, if the pain I have was bearable I wouldn't go ahead, but I can't keep taking the high dose of pain meds I'm on as I'm walking the thinnest of lines with bowell obstructions, eating 1 solid low fibre meal a day along with Ensure for breakfast & 2 non consecutive days of just water. I think the diet is what's causing the significant increase in headaches. I'm booked in for overnight so at least DB doesn't have to worry over whether I will or won't need a ride home.
Thanks for thinking of me :hug::hug:

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