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Corkybird 01-25-2008 10:29 PM

Pray for our son please
I'd like to ask for prayers for our 28 yr old son. He discovered a lump in one of his testicles about a month ago..let it go for 2 wks before he finally went to the family dr. about it. Bloodwork and ultrasound results show that it is testicular cancer. He is having surgery Tuesday the 29th of January. The urologist feels that they've caught it early enough that it is contained to just the one testicle...we won't know what all is involved until after the surgery and biopsy. I'd just like to ask for prayers....for Keith, as well as for Mom and Dad here as it seems the two of us are taking it a lot worse than our son so far!! I'll try to keep you informed of what takes place on Tues with the surgery...for now just pray for our whole family as well as for his steady girlfriend of 2 yrs, she is being a tremendous support for all of us!!!



Curious 01-25-2008 11:02 PM

:hug: oh sweetheart...of course you have my prayers. for you, your family and the dr's.

i know how frightened you must be. :hug:

take care sweets. let me know if you need to talk.

love ya

karousel 01-25-2008 11:08 PM

Sending prayers your way. :hug:

Friend2U 01-25-2008 11:08 PM

My thoughts and prayers are with you... prayers for healing and strength.
God bless,

Looking4hope 01-25-2008 11:11 PM

I'll be praying for all of you, Corky.

Take care, OK?

Bannet 01-25-2008 11:38 PM

Aw Corky:hug: I am so sorry to hear about your son.

My prayers go out to you and your family. God Bless.

Please keep us posted.

AfterMyNap 01-25-2008 11:52 PM

Keep the faith, Corky, two of my friends' husbands have gone through this and live full, productive lives. One of them had two more children afterward.

God knows what to do, and I'll be praying for all of you.:) ><>

Darlene 01-26-2008 02:39 AM


My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. :hug: to all. Please keep us updated.


Blessings2You 01-26-2008 06:34 AM

Praying for you

Chemar 01-26-2008 07:40 AM


I pray for a successful surgery and a complete recovery for your son
and for you to have the comfort and peace that only God can bring.

with love and continued prayers

Alffe 01-26-2008 08:12 AM

Prayers going up for you all Marilyn. :grouphug:

FinLady 01-26-2008 10:52 AM

:hug: Prayers being sent. My brother had this when he was 19. They caught it early enough for him, and hoping the same for your son.

Wynd 01-26-2008 12:14 PM

Prayers being sent for your son and your family...

Corkybird 01-26-2008 03:05 PM

You're all so wonderful! Reading thru all the posts, my eyes begin to fill with tears as I become ever so thankful for such great friends. We've heard many stories of men who have had this same type of cancer and have fathered children afterwards. Someone said to me in chatroom last nite "Tell your son to send his sperm to bank so he can have kids later on". It kinda hit a nerve with me at the time. I replied "Right now we're just praying that our son is able to get through the surgery and not require tons of radiation..I'd rather have a healthy son than a zillion grandkids right now!!"
He's now telling family when they call that he's "kinda scared". Well duh, of course we get scared. I remember myself many yrs ago when an Air Force dr. said to me..."Marilyn, we don't know what is causing the severe abdominal pain you've been having for months, we're going to cut in the middle and do exploratory surgery". It truly IS a frightening feeling, not knowing what you're going to come out of surgery with..or without!! Turned out that I had ovarian cysts that were larger than the ovaries themselves, but they were lying on the backs of the ovaries and not noticable with xrays. I had 2 healthy boys after such surgery too!!!!
We're keeping the faith, we know the power of prayer, and we know that he's at a world known Clinic with wonderful surgeons.



AfterMyNap 01-26-2008 03:35 PM

I'm so glad you checked in, Marilyn, you seemed so down the other day. Keep the faith, sister, we're all right here with you.:hug:

Tootsie 01-26-2008 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by Corkybird (Post 197256)
I'd like to ask for prayers for our 28 yr old son. He discovered a lump in one of his testicles about a month ago..let it go for 2 wks before he finally went to the family dr. about it. Bloodwork and ultrasound results show that it is testicular cancer. He is having surgery Tuesday the 29th of January. The urologist feels that they've caught it early enough that it is contained to just the one testicle...we won't know what all is involved until after the surgery and biopsy. I'd just like to ask for prayers....for Keith, as well as for Mom and Dad here as it seems the two of us are taking it a lot worse than our son so far!! I'll try to keep you informed of what takes place on Tues with the surgery...for now just pray for our whole family as well as for his steady girlfriend of 2 yrs, she is being a tremendous support for all of us!!!



I will pray for your dear son. I've known two men with testicular cancer and they had surgery and went on to live long and productive lives.

Remember too...Lance Armstrong overcame his cancer and look what he went on too.

So getting it early and having the support of family, plus everyone's prayers....I'm sure he will do okay.


Taffy 01-26-2008 09:38 PM

Your son will be in my thoughts!:hug:

duvabw 01-27-2008 12:39 AM

Sending Prayers for your sons surgery! Keeping mom and dad in Prayer too!

KathyM 01-28-2008 11:21 AM


I'm so sorry to hear this. :( Is this the son who spent time in Denmark? Your whole family, as well as his girlfriend, will be in my prayers.

Corkybird 01-28-2008 12:15 PM

No Kathy, this is the son that lives here in town with us and is a Civil Engineer for the state of Ohio. The one that was in Denmark doing international architecture study at the college there in Copenhagen is now an architect and living in Chicago, IL.

We had a bit of a scare over the wknd with this son that's to have the surgery. He had bronchitis a couple of wks ago and was on antibiotic, but then on Saturday he started running fever again and coughing a lot. Prayers have already been answered (after 2 days of his temp being up to 101) as he said he's feeling better and not coughing as much this morning!!! AMEN!!! As of right now, it's still a go for surgery tomorrow. The clinic was sweet enough to give his girlfriend personal days off for the rest of the week and not dock her any pay. They aren't even ENGAGED yet, and I truly don't know how we'd be making it through all of this without her. She's such a support to Keith thru this all.
My husb. is taking an extra day off on Wednesday too. We're going to become housekeepers for a day! LOL The girlfriend will have her hands full caring for Keith, so hubby and I are going to go in and do their sweeper, dusting, dishes, laundry kinda stuff for them.
I shall keep you all posted......thanks ever so much for your love and friendship.


misshayleesmom 01-28-2008 03:21 PM

You'll be in my thoughts and prayers

ckepi 01-29-2008 01:35 PM

Sending lots of Prayers Corky I hope all goes well today!


SurvivingMSwithHOPE 01-29-2008 02:33 PM

Thinking of you today!
Hi Marilyn,

Thinking of you all today! Sending prayers your way! Keep us posted.


Corkybird 01-29-2008 03:35 PM

Surgery went well
They took Keith in for surg. at 7:30 this morn, it took about 45 mins. Dr. said that it went very well, the "mass" seemed to be confined to just the testicle area from what he could tell. Wants to see him back in a week, will discuss results of the biopsy at that time, also do a CT scan at that time. We were home by 1pm!! Keith doesn't seem to be having too awful much pain, just complaining of his legs cramping up from keeping them in the same position as it hurts to move them too much.
Thanks to all for the ever so many prayers, we'll keep ya posted.


Bearygood 01-29-2008 06:58 PM

Corkybird, glad to hear that everything went well today and the mass seems to be confined. I hope the biopsy report brings you more good news!

KathyM 01-30-2008 09:49 AM

Thanks for the update Marilyn. :) I'm glad to hear the surgery went well, and it sounds like he'll have a good prognosis. Continued prayers for Keith and your family.

Alffe 01-30-2008 11:16 AM

Adding my prayers Marilyn. Glad this surgery is behind him. :hug:

Corkybird 01-31-2008 04:25 PM

The waiting...
Now comes the long wait...until the follow up appt. next Monday. Keith's doing remarkable good!!! He didn't loose his appetite at Wednesday evening, the live-in girlfriend needed to go to the groc. store and I had choir practice. Dad said he'd "sit with him" while she did the shopping. By time Dad got down there, Keith was up and dressed in warm clothes and said "If you don't mind pushing me dad in one of the stores wheelchairs, I can go with you guys, I feel ok". So they did!! He was fine, except realized a bit of dizziness when he got up and started walking around (apparently the pain med was doing it's job). We have received sooooo many emails, phone calls, etc. from all over the world!!! Hugs to each and every one of you
After reading stuff online, we've found out that 95% of tumors found in the testicle are malignant, but they are 98% curable if found in the early stage (which we feel his is). I still say it's like sex ed. for us seniors checking out all the websites!!! LMAO

God bless you all!!!

watsonsh 01-31-2008 04:35 PM


You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers :hug::hug:

Looking4hope 01-31-2008 06:58 PM


I haven't been here in a while, so it's great to hear that it went well. I'm sure that the waiting is going to be hard. I think it's great that at least your son asked for the wheelchair. Most men wouldn't do that. At least he has some common sense. ;)

I will keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers.


Chemar 01-31-2008 08:54 PM

Marilyn I am so thankful reading your updates.:hug:

continued prayers for your son to make a quick and complete recovery :)

tshadow 02-01-2008 04:41 AM

When my nephew got his, he said HUMOR really helped.

He is now cured. I know the same will be said of your child.

Burntmarshmallow 02-01-2008 07:49 AM

corky Ive been lurking, reading your posts here and praying for you and family.
I know others have been doing the same, you have more folks praying then you would know and it is great to hear things are flip flopping out of worries and stress to better sunny times. many blessings Marilyn to you and family.
Peace and Love

Corkybird 02-04-2008 08:49 PM

Another day, another decision to make...
Hello to all, Today was the day that Keith went back to the urologist for the follow up appt. for the CT scan, and to discuss the biopsy. The dr. assistant basically said.......
CT scan is negative, basically it shows that the cancer has NOT spread anywhere else, however the lymph nodes will not show up that much on this scan.
We don't have the final pathology report, however the Dr did talk with him and he'll discuss that with you.

At this point & time, Keith and the girlfriend are feeling very upbeat that the cancer was confined to the one testicle and that nothing else is going to be necessary. Doctor comes in, and it's like a complete 180.....

"I spoke with the pathologist, he seems to feel that the cancer had gone into or near a couple of blood vessels. There's a 40% chance that it could also be into the lymph nodes. What I'd like to do is surgery to remove about 30 of the nodes from your abdominal area. I'd cut from the breast bone to the pelvic bone to remove them, you'd be in the hospital for 5 days, and off work for at least 8 weeks. It could be one of two things..either they have no signs of cancer, or they show cancer and we'd have to do a couple chemo treatments. Let me look at my book here, it looks like March 5th is a pretty open day on my calendar so we could schedule it for that day".


So by this time Keith is shaking, his girlfriend is in tears..and they'd basically said very few words!!! After they got home, cried for over an hour, discussed things..they came to our house to ask OUR opinion of his decision. You see..urologists are also surgeons..therefore, they're going to think SURGERY, not CHEMO !!! The thought of having his whole chest cut open and being scheduled for the surgery was a complete shock to the system!! What Keith has decided is to cancel that surgery date and tell the urologist that he wants his complete file (which there is no problem getting) and wants a second opinion from a local oncologist. If that dr says yes it IS in the lymph nodes and he DOES end up having the whole chest cut open, at least we'll know that it's necessary at that point. We're kinda hoping that the oncologist will suggest chemo instead of a big huge cut right off the bat. I've received several phone calls from family members that feel they have M.D. after their name and suggest that perhaps the surgery's best. I very much appreciate the concern, the love and prayers, but sometimes people just don't know what to say or how to say it:rolleyes:
I'll try to keep you all updated on an additional appt and what we find out, but for right now, all we know is that yes it IS malignant, don't know to what extent.


Chemar 02-04-2008 09:37 PM


oh how my heart goes out to you and especially too to your son and his very shocking an experience that must have been

I think it is very wise to get a second opinion

I will be praying for you and for your son ..... I pray especially that God's guidance will be the clear direction your son follows on this...people may mean well but opinions clearly differ on treatments.

I pray your son will have peace, hard as that sounds, and not be afraid, but just cast this burden fully on the Lord, and let Him bring good out of even this.

In the meantime, I do hope your son will also begin nutritional and other support for his immune system and body and strengthen that which he can. That way, whether it be chemo or surgery or whatever treatment appears the best route for him, he will be as healthy as possible to sustain it

dear Corky...:hug:.....I cant begin to imagine how hard this is for you...nomatter how old they are they are still our babies.

God Bless and do keep us posted so we know how to pray


Darlene 02-05-2008 02:47 AM

I will agree with you that Keith needs to get a second opinion. You all are still in my thoughts and prayers. Keep us update.


Alffe 02-05-2008 07:02 AM

Please do get a second opinion and have someone write down what is being said. When we get shocking news we just can't take it all in. Praying for you all. :grouphug:

Curious 02-05-2008 09:34 AM


there are other options to this type of surgery. they can to it with a scope. it takes longer.

i do agree with a second opinion and maybe get a non family member as an advocate to go to the appointment. like alffe said, when you get shocking news, you can't take it all in.

lots of prayers and hugs :hug:

Chemar 02-05-2008 10:59 AM

so sorry not to be able to chat last night Marilyn but do want to let you know you and son are in my thoughts and prayers right now:hug:


MooseasaurusRex 02-05-2008 11:36 AM

You know Moose and The Man Upstairs is here for you and Keith, beautiful.

One big rig slam full of prayers and good feelings on I-95 North right now.

...then they pick up I-40 East and...:o:confused:

Well... he's got a map. He'll get there.:):hug:

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