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DeanBJJ 06-13-2022 03:42 AM

I'm so over hitting my head and worrying about head injuries
I've almost reached the end of my tether. I've had 4 concussions in 18 months, had a mild concussion 11 days ago and another potential mild concussion 3 weeks before that.

I've quit contact sports now and want to look after my long term health and then I go and have the worst experience.

I was just getting something from the boot of my car and we have a storm going on atm and the boot lid came down on the back of my head from the wind. Because I was so angry and annoyed I yanked my head out and actually someone managed to clobber the otherside of my head on the boot as I was holding it and lifting it off my head.

SO I am 11 days post concussion and just sustained 2 hard knocks to the back of my head. I have a huge headache and pressure in the back of my head and feel sick.

I'm honestly so over this and every single thing giving me a concussion or flare ups.

If this is another concussion, what dangers happen if I get on after sustaining one 11 days prior?

Mark in Idaho 06-14-2022 12:23 AM

Are these concussions or just head bumps? A boot/trunk lid is not enough to cause a concussion. Annoying,,,, YES.

DeanBJJ 06-14-2022 02:27 AM


Originally Posted by Mark in Idaho (Post 1299869)
Are these concussions or just head bumps? A boot/trunk lid is not enough to cause a concussion. Annoying,,,, YES.

Well I had a concussion specialist come see me today (been booked for 4 weeks).

I spoke to them and they said this :

33 days ago (1 month) - Sustained Mild concussion
12 days ago - Sustained knock that flared up and added cumulative effect to previous concucisson
1 day ago (yesterday) - sustained knock that again added cumulative effect.

I asked if there was a way to determine if it is another concussion or a flare up and they said no because there is no sure way to know unless you were knocked out with 2 different incidents.

So honestly, I am freaking out about my long term health right now as what happens if I did sustain 3 concussions within 1 month.

I was feeling honestly fine yesterday (12 days post second knock), and today I feel awful. Pressure in the head, headache and I have literally slept most of the day. I can't do anything for more than 20 minutes without fatigue so it honestly feels like a concussion ontop of a concussion ever since I hit my head on boot lid.

The lid actually came down from wind and struck me on the head. They said because I am still in the vulnerability period that things that wouldn't normally cause issues can add a cumulative effect when recovering.

I'm honestly so stressed and upset and wished I had listened to you after that FIRST knock I recieved when going back training and stopped.

Right now I am so worried as I have potentially had 3 concussions in 1 month. I don't know what to do or who to see. It seems that speaking to doctors or even concussion specialists they can't tell me if I am or am not recieving multiple concussions.

I'm thinking of privately paying for a full nuerophysc exam and also I'm being referred for CT and MRI just to rule out other issues.

How dangerous is recieving a concussion ontop of concussion apart from SIS?

Jomar 06-14-2022 11:33 AM

Explore our sticky threads and read past posts by others with similar minor head bump concerns.. 2 important sticky threads below..

Anxiety, bumps, symptoms , treatment info links

Vitamin and Supplements Regimen

You mentioned in another post that you had anxiety before the initial injury... That anxiety can become magnified after a injury... Any concussion /care providers you see should know that information to give you the best treatment plan.

DrewDigital 06-14-2022 02:48 PM

You need to protect your head. The minor head bumps cause inflammation and the inflammation is what causes your symptoms, so it's important to protect the head while your brain recovers and heals.

Wear a padded hat like the Ribcap or the Unequal Dome 3.
Protective Dome Baseball Hat Inserts & Liners
The Unequal Dome 3 needs a larger hat to go into so get the XXL size like this Under Armour

Mark in Idaho 06-14-2022 09:00 PM


You need to stop asking doctors for a diagnosis THAT DOES NOT CHANGE your future.

I would confront these 'experts' as quacks. They are a part of the Concussion Industry. The Concussion Industry is focused on MAKING MONEY by keeping patients undergoing worthless treatment and diagnostics and imaging.

There is nothing you can do but resolve your irrational anxiety.

You did not have three concussions.

"33 days ago (1 month) - Sustained Mild concussion
12 days ago - Sustained knock that flared up and added cumulative effect to previous concucisson
1 day ago (yesterday) - sustained knock that again added cumulative effect."

"However, tonight I got "diagnosed" with a "mild concussion."
I was told all the nuero tests were fine but that because I was walking funny and "that caused me to come in to see a doctor," they said it was a mild concussion.

But I was told that it was so minor and nothing like my previous concussions and that it is too early to tell if it is an issue and that if I feel fine tomorrow not to worry but if I don't get better come back."

You thought you were walking funny.... Self-diagnosis is rarely helpful or correct. Walking funny is not a symptom of a very lild concussion. If you truly were walking funny due to a brain trauma, you would also manifest other symptoms. "I was told all the neuro tests were fine...."

THAT WAS NOT A CONCUSSION. That was an anxiety response.

Medicine/health care is a business. They make money examining you and treating you. They get paid more if they chart a diagnosis. Charting ICD Codes determine the fee they get paid. International Code of Diagnostics.....

Your anxiety and access to health insurance to pay doctors is building a mountain out of nothing.

The simple evidence that you are irrational is that you chose to continue with BBJ despite knowing the risks. That was irrational thinking.

Find ways to start thinking rationally.

DeanBJJ 06-15-2022 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by Jomar (Post 1299872)
Explore our sticky threads and read past posts by others with similar minor head bump concerns.. 2 important sticky threads below..

Anxiety, bumps, symptoms , treatment info links

Vitamin and Supplements Regimen

You mentioned in another post that you had anxiety before the initial injury... That anxiety can become magnified after a injury... Any concussion /care providers you see should know that information to give you the best treatment plan.

Thank you I will explore those threads.

yeah I definitely have big anxiety after the concussion I do need to see someone about that

DeanBJJ 06-15-2022 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by DrewDigital (Post 1299876)
You need to protect your head. The minor head bumps cause inflammation and the inflammation is what causes your symptoms, so it's important to protect the head while your brain recovers and heals.

Wear a padded hat like the Ribcap or the Unequal Dome 3.
Protective Dome Baseball Hat Inserts & Liners
The Unequal Dome 3 needs a larger hat to go into so get the XXL size like this Under Armour

Those hat things look really good. I heard that helmets and padded things that sports people use don't reduce the risk of concussion tho as it doesn't stop your brain from accelerating/decelerating in your head so how are these supposed to help?

DeanBJJ 06-15-2022 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by Mark in Idaho (Post 1299883)

You need to stop asking doctors for a diagnosis THAT DOES NOT CHANGE your future.

I would confront these 'experts' as quacks. They are a part of the Concussion Industry. The Concussion Industry is focused on MAKING MONEY by keeping patients undergoing worthless treatment and diagnostics and imaging.

There is nothing you can do but resolve your irrational anxiety.

You did not have three concussions.

"33 days ago (1 month) - Sustained Mild concussion
12 days ago - Sustained knock that flared up and added cumulative effect to previous concucisson
1 day ago (yesterday) - sustained knock that again added cumulative effect."

"However, tonight I got "diagnosed" with a "mild concussion."
I was told all the nuero tests were fine but that because I was walking funny and "that caused me to come in to see a doctor," they said it was a mild concussion.

But I was told that it was so minor and nothing like my previous concussions and that it is too early to tell if it is an issue and that if I feel fine tomorrow not to worry but if I don't get better come back."

You thought you were walking funny.... Self-diagnosis is rarely helpful or correct. Walking funny is not a symptom of a very lild concussion. If you truly were walking funny due to a brain trauma, you would also manifest other symptoms. "I was told all the neuro tests were fine...."

THAT WAS NOT A CONCUSSION. That was an anxiety response.

Medicine/health care is a business. They make money examining you and treating you. They get paid more if they chart a diagnosis. Charting ICD Codes determine the fee they get paid. International Code of Diagnostics.....

Your anxiety and access to health insurance to pay doctors is building a mountain out of nothing.

The simple evidence that you are irrational is that you chose to continue with BBJ despite knowing the risks. That was irrational thinking.

Find ways to start thinking rationally.

That does make a lot of sense. Luckily I have health insurance and where I live it is all covered under accident compensation but I suppose the people get paid either way.

Yeah only thing is that first "mild concussion" I don't think was one as I was honestly 90% fine the next day and 100% fine on day 2. Only symptom was trouble sleeiping for 2 or 3 weeks which had never happened to me before.

That second knock, I definitely think something was wrong as for 4 or 5 days I was getting fatigued/dizzy after 2 - 3 hours of doing something. So I wasn't that bad for that knock but it felt like a concussion.

Anyway, 2 days ago, I was doing really good, I had quit BJJ and was focussing on getting my life back on track, but honestly, that boot lid incident was a double whammy.

What I mean is, the boot lid came down on me and I freaked out and yanked my head out and actually clobberred the other side of my head. So the boot lid hit the back of my head and then I ripped my head out and smaccked the back left side of my head, so I gave myself 2 good whacks within 1 minute.

And then, that night, I slept weird like my head was all pressured and I was dizzy and headachy and I slept pretty much all night and then most of the day. And then last night, I slept from 9pm - 12am today so slept mostly 35 hours since the last 48 hours of the injuey.

And especially that first day, I couldn't look at screens or read etc.

To me, that seems like obvious signs of a concussion and that was why I was so worried.

DrewDigital 06-15-2022 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by DeanBJJ (Post 1299886)
Those hat things look really good. I heard that helmets and padded things that sports people use don't reduce the risk of concussion tho as it doesn't stop your brain from accelerating/decelerating in your head so how are these supposed to help?

The padded hats I referred to are very effective at reducing the deceleration force of low-force impacts. It's these low-force events that people complain about the most, like the trunk lid incident.

Padded hats are not effective in high-force impacts, such as a bicycle crash, because as you say, they don't reduce the deceleration significantly enough. That's why they are not meant to replace bicycle helmets for cycling.

These hats will also reduce anxiety because they give you a sense of security so you don't have to worry about hitting your head. And if you do hit your head, it will be a significantly lower impact so your brain won't over-react with excessive anxiety or inflammation.

Mark in Idaho 06-15-2022 10:33 PM


It appears you have been doing online reading about concussions. That has trained your mind to respond to events that you think might be a concussion. Your mind creates the sensations that support the idea you suffered a concussion.

One thing you likely did suffer is a neck injury. That screwed you up in many ways.

It takes 60 to 80 G to cause a concussion. You cannot impact the boot cover at a 60G level. It moves when you hit it.

It sounds like you are in the UK. This forum has decades of posts of people in the UK who struggled to get good concussion diagnosis and care. Headway is an organization that is focused on helping head injury people find help in the NHS system.

DeanBJJ 06-18-2022 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by Mark in Idaho (Post 1299892)

It appears you have been doing online reading about concussions. That has trained your mind to respond to events that you think might be a concussion. Your mind creates the sensations that support the idea you suffered a concussion.

One thing you likely did suffer is a neck injury. That screwed you up in many ways.

It takes 60 to 80 G to cause a concussion. You cannot impact the boot cover at a 60G level. It moves when you hit it.

It sounds like you are in the UK. This forum has decades of posts of people in the UK who struggled to get good concussion diagnosis and care. Headway is an organization that is focused on helping head injury people find help in the NHS system.

Yeah I've booked in to get my neck done in 1 weeks time.

Yeah I think part of the anxiety is researching way too much.

What about the boot lid coming down? Not me hitting it the lid was up and the wind caused it to basically shut on the back of my head. That was what screwed me up was that big metal boot coming down on the back of my head.

I'm booking in to see a neuropsych or someone similar as well to discuss my anxiety because it is definintely not helping.

The final straw came tonight because I realised I wasn't letting my partner touch me as much as I was so sensitive, so she tried to hug me in bed and her arm bumped the back of my head and then she pulled me in (which upset my neck too).

That set me off and I started feeling dizzy and nauseous and I think because I had s similar bump like that in BJJ which set me off and the doctors said "mild concussion," I started to believe that I now have another concussion as it was the same bump as last time.

That is not possible right that kind of bump to the back of the head even tho I am still recovering from an existing concussion?

I am definintely going to see someone about the anxiety tho.

Jomar 06-18-2022 10:34 AM

You can use the Reply button off to the left , it reduces all the scrolling thru long quotes.....

Mark in Idaho 06-18-2022 04:37 PM

There is NO treatment for the subtle neck injuries that are common in this situation. We must self-treat with changes in posture and behavior. It takes months for the upper neck to find stability after the ligaments have been stretched.

There is NO imaging either.

BBJ is the worst thing for an unstable neck.

Notice, I use the term Subtle Neck Injury. They are subtle because they do not manifest common neck injury symptoms. No stiffness. No pain. No loss of range of motion. No image abnormalities.

What subtle neck injuries do is get inflamed when stressed or aggravated causing changes in blood flow to the brain and nerve function.

UK/NHS will not have any idea about subtle neck injuries. There might be a chiropractor or physio who does. Upper Cervical chiros help some. Most therapies are too aggressive.

That is why I say we have to treat ourselves with discipline with posture, especially when sleeping when the neck muscles are relaxed.

I get my safest sleep in a recliner chair.

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