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Alffe 11-02-2006 06:33 PM

Thoughts from Pter on Suicide
"Our minds are quite manipulative particularly when cultivated by fear. Do not fear your suicidal thoughts. Do not be ashamed of them. Do not let them be a negative aspect of your being. Accept them..and post them here or talk openly about them to friends and family...

A suicidal thought is NOT initiated by the mind as a way to harm the person.
It is initiated by the mind as a misguided attempt to protect the person. By understanding its intent you will be able to redirect it with self esteem and self love in place...fear will not be able to stimulate the negative cascading psysiological affects that make so many of us tire to the point of accepting suicide as the solution."


~scrabble 11-02-2006 08:45 PM

Wise words ... from a wise guy. It is good to read them again. Maybe they should be stickied?

Thanks Alffe :)

Alffe 11-26-2006 04:03 PM

Peters' words regarding suicidal thoughts
As to the thoughts, I will be the first to say they are exhausting and, as I have said previously, they tire us to a point where we honestly believe suicide is the only solution. It is not. BEFRIEND and TALK. These thoughts are a part of you, for better or worse. I believe strongly in a physiological connection with suicidal thoughts. Our fear of the thought stimulates a negative physiological reaction which appears to give the negative thoughts enhanced power over us. Step back for a moment and place yourself in an imaginary situation. You see a child running into a busy run quickly to save this child from oncoming cars...feel the reaction rising in your body. The adrenaline pounding throughout your body and brain. Now the rescue is over, your alone, feel the exhaustion of your body and mind.

You are rescuing yourself daily, hourly, every few minutes. Each thought envokes a physiological reaction with the end result being exhaustion. Befriend this thought. Treat it as you would the child who ran into the pathway of cars. Hold it, talk to it, teach it that there is another way to walk the roads of life. Post it here and allow others to comfort it. Do not be ashamed of it. What is it really but a thought that wants attention. Understand now, I did not say a PERSON who wants attention but a THOUGHT that wants attention from that person. It is the fight against the thought that tires us and makes us vulnerable to enactment of the thought.

I cannot give you a reason to live. I can, however, take away your reason for dying. An untrained unaccepted thought is not justification for death.

BJ 11-26-2006 08:23 PM

I hate to sound ignorant here but who is Peter? :confused:

Alffe 11-27-2006 12:24 PM

Who is Peter? LOL...well, you are asking someone who was blinded by his ability to "get it" and then share it. He was an old man...the best kind..who was suicidal his whole life but fought the demons and died of old age. He educated a whole bunch of us on OBT about learning to redirect those suicidal thoughts...about not letting our minds fool us into thinking that we could end our pain by killing ourselves. And he entertained the hell out of me.
I miss him BJ....I'm glad you asked. :D

BJ 11-27-2006 08:21 PM

I didn't mean to make you sad Alffe and I'm sorry. :( He sounds like he was a wise man. I've seen his name around here in a few places and thought maybe he was a famous person or wrote a book or something. I was going to ask where to buy it. :confused:


Understand now, I did not say a PERSON who wants attention but a THOUGHT that wants attention from that person. It is the fight against the thought that tires us and makes us vulnerable to enactment of the thought.
This is sort of what I was told when I was in the "hospital". A lot of people said I did it because I wanted attention. But the docs assured me that it wasn't so. I was crying out for help.

Thanks for posting this. It makes for a good reading.

Alffe 12-03-2006 12:30 PM

I remember something else Pter recommended. To sit on your hands. He said, "your hands can't hurt you if you are sitting on them."

And he used to do this when he was really in battle with the Beast!

BJ 12-03-2006 01:09 PM

That's good advice Alffe and I've been sitting on my hands all week. How come I still hurt? How much heartache and rejection can one person take? How come I have this lonliness inside and this feeling of is anyone out there?

Alffe 12-03-2006 01:25 PM

(((BJ)))You ARE going to hurt this holiday season...I just don't want you to hurt yourself. You are early in grieving your dear mother BJ....feel what ever it is you feel: fear, anger quilt, apathy....and hold yourself tight, rock while you're holding yourself. And I don't know who on earth is rejecting have siblings ....did I remember that right?

Turn to others for if you have no one in real life. Most importantly...remember to remember. Your tears will eventually lessen....but not this Holiday season.

Love, Alffe

BJ 12-03-2006 02:41 PM

Siblings? Oh yes, I have a brother who I’ve seen once in 10 years. He got married and took off and drifted away. The one time I did see him was at my dad’s funeral. He never even came to my mom’s because he said she always loved me more. Well yes he was right for once. She did love me more because I was the one who she called all hours of the night because she was having a bad asthma attack when my dad was working. She just wanted someone to be with her or sometimes take her to the ER. My brother was no where to be found. Another one who said he was “too busy”.

I left a message last week and asked if we could get together for the holidays. He never returned my call but yesterday I got a Christmas card in the mail from him. I was shocked when I saw it and I thought maybe things would be “okay” finally. In it was a picture of his two boys and a note saying they were going to Astoria, Queens to be with his wife’s family for the holidays and he was sorry and maybe another time. I certainly won’t be holding my breath waiting to hear from him again. He couldn't even call and tell me?

Alffe 12-04-2006 08:35 PM

I'm sorry BJ....another brick wall. :( You know what helps me when I'm really down?....doing something for someone else. I've served breakfast Sat. mornings for years at the Rescue Mission and when you see how appreciative those people off the street are, it really lifts you up.

How about visiting at a nursing home? Reading or writing letters with the were such a blessing to your own mother I'm sure there are patients who would love some attention from a woman with empathy.

Just wracking my brain here trying to come up with an idea that might help you get thru the holiday. Warm hugs....stay in touch.

Alffe 11-23-2008 05:27 PM

Wise words from Sue..Pter's daughter
Like you posted- the walls can be built both ways- "Pter" often posted messages here that made sense to others - even seemed to help some- yet when those same messages were extended to his family members years ago they were often met with the "wall'- Now his words make sense to me and I carry them with me knowing that a suicidal thought is just that - a thought that can be dealt with in various other ways besides a suicide attempt- I now know there can be various reasons one might have a tendency towards suicidal thoughts- and that it isn't just emotional or mental instability as it was once said to be- I also learned that we can set ourselves up in situations that make us think the act is justified- sometimes just to give a REASON for the thought- as he would say- it made an illogical thought logical- It took years to hear- and looking through strangers eyes to understand but I think I do now

Lara 03-10-2009 07:05 AM

reflecting upwards

MandaC 06-19-2009 12:23 AM

you guys have no idea how frequently i read this.

billie 07-20-2009 12:07 AM

Is anybody out there?

Originally Posted by BJ (Post 45345)
That's good advice Alffe and I've been sitting on my hands all week. How come I still hurt? How much heartache and rejection can one person take? How come I have this lonliness inside and this feeling of is anyone out there?

I know the feeling of lonliness inside and wondering if anybody is out there. I think they are, but you have to reach out, probably more than once and experience some rejection in the process. People in this chat forum seem to be out there for you and me.:grouphug: billie bluecat

Alffe 07-25-2009 04:35 PM

More of Peters words....
The eyes of a parent of a child whose death occurred due to suicide are eyes I have always had great difficulty looking into. I have found little difference here in the Forum. Your posts were ones I had great difficulty reading and I rarely responded to them. Why?...because there is a very thin line between a negative or positive understanding of words. My straight to the core manner would be unproductive for a person whose inner core had so recently experienced devastation.

I believe your son's death was an accident. I do not believe for a moment, having been his age and having walked in his shoes, that he understood that his solution would allow him no chance for further solutions. It was an accident. It is not just okay to say your son died due to a shooting is correct. The momentary action of a gun disallowed him the recourse of reaction with thought.
I pray I haven't hurt you. PTer

jjks 07-27-2009 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by Alffe (Post 33881)
"Our minds are quite manipulative particularly when cultivated by fear. Do not fear your suicidal thoughts. Do not be ashamed of them. Do not let them be a negative aspect of your being. Accept them..and post them here or talk openly about them to friends and family...

A suicidal thought is NOT initiated by the mind as a way to harm the person.
It is initiated by the mind as a misguided attempt to protect the person. By understanding its intent you will be able to redirect it with self esteem and self love in place...fear will not be able to stimulate the negative cascading psysiological affects that make so many of us tire to the point of accepting suicide as the solution."


Well, Alffe, it seems I can't post a link so you will have to copy and paste plus add all the pre-url jargon. Weird how out of the blue I felt the need to come here and leave this song for you. :confused: Hope all is well. Many :hug:s, Susan

Alffe 07-27-2009 06:14 AM

It's not weird at all Sue....we have a "heart connection". Now if I can just learn what was edited out...:confused: Come are missed and loved.
Tell me everything!! *grin

~scrabble 07-27-2009 08:04 AM

Hi Sue!

How are you? :hug:

Alffe 07-27-2009 08:04 AM

Still "crazy" here. *grin And I really wish you'd come back.

Hugs for the room..especially our Koala. :grouphug:

billie 08-18-2009 02:40 AM

To My Friend BJ
BJ, BJ - you have us, always. I have a brother just like you describe. Sometimes I think I deserve his lack of time for me - I was a teen when he was born and didn't have a lot of time for him then. But I always loved him. And now he's too busy for an occasional call, even when it's me doing the calling. And I lost my mother in recent years. I have obsessive thoughts about suicide, but no real intent since certain independent churches got hold of me. It was very traumatic, but now I fear death. However, I have learned that when pain gets bad enough, suicide is no longer out of the question. Isn't what we are really saying is that we want out of the painful situation, not that we want to die? Sometimes that does seem like it's the only way out, I will give you this. But know this. Neuro is all that I have for support. Dad would like to be supportive, but he's pretty sure that "getting out among people" would cure my depression, social anxiety, body dysmorphia, back disc problems and everything else. But Neuro - certainly you being a major player - is enough. I love it. PM me anytime you are sitting on your hands or getting sick from treatment, if you do. Use me, I'm not good for anything else, and I'd like to be good for something. And bless you for all the support you have given me! billie :hug:

findingjulz 08-20-2009 08:19 AM

Powerful Words
Thanks, I would have thought it was from the Bible, but if I understand right, a wise old man shared this wish us. I do wish that if there is more, it would be posted here so that I could keep it next to my bed, in my car, printed in Vinyl on the LR wall. (unlikely, but possible).

What happens when the pain becomes more than I can handle? I've handled it before. Why give yourself any room to speculate? Haven't I learned already I can handle the pain? Didn't God ask you to give Him all of my anxiety? Then why Julz do you speculate that there will come a time when can no longer handle it or that they won't make a medication that could cure AD? Isn't there a way to kill this nerve so it can no longer give me grief?

I am looking for peace. Peace that there will never come a time when you or I will take our own life. It is a sin. Is this pergatory, then? Probably so. Be patient while He helps someone who needs His healing more than you. My niece started calling me a "steel magnolia"... why would u ever want to leave those girls without the greatest aunt in the world? How do you think they would handle it? Maybe that's why in some cases it is a hereitary thing. Don't let it creep into our family who has been so blessed. Believe in Him.
Study His Words and try keeping and talk of it to yourself. Keep this wherever u need; but stop thinking about a time when no one will help u through the pain. STOP IT! You've come a long way already R u not exhausted yet? Didn't just the thought of suicide cause you to tire and sleep and awaken without pain? Just remember, your husband really loves you. He continues to tell me that he will change or go to therapy with him. Be well, b/c u r well. AD is just a signpost that gets in the way of the awesome view. But soon, I will get past it. And it will be an awesome view of life.
Finding Julz, u r on your way! God Be With You as He is with US. The almighty healer. You keep expecting a doctor, but he is an angel. Expect the miracle. Finding julz.:hug:

Lara 04-30-2010 06:25 AM


wishnomore 07-01-2010 08:08 PM

i miss pter. *sigh

Alffe 07-02-2010 05:30 AM

Me too dear wish...but he left us so many life lessons. (((Wish))) I've missed you! :hug:

wishnomore 09-19-2010 08:23 PM

Alffe - can you share more with us about Pter? It has been so long ago ... anymore wise words, anything else about him? How did he learn so much? :hug:

Lara 10-01-2010 04:49 AM

Not Alffe, but heck, I resisted replying for a while.

He had insight, wish. He learned from living.

He did good, he did wrong, he loved, he hurt, he was loved, he was hurt and he made mistakes, but the thing he had was "INSIGHT".

He had grown to know himself and his thought processes and tried to help all of us by sharing that.

Just my thoughts... <sigh>

Alffe 10-01-2010 06:14 AM

You have "nailed" him Lara. How I wish he had written that book!! :hug:

kulf 10-25-2010 12:19 PM

pter suicide
always pick up the phone, dont stay alone!

Addy 10-25-2010 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Alffe (Post 700434)
You have "nailed" him Lara. How I wish he had written that book!! :hug:

Alffe... I wish you would write your book.

There - I said it.

So, somewhere down the way... am I gonna say: "How I wish she had written that book!!" ????

I can't tell you how many times I think I should write a book with what I've learned here... and about the role it has played in my life...

yep... insight... its a gift to recognize it within yourself...

:sing: Addy

Addy 04-24-2011 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Lara (Post 765002)
OMG :(

I just re-read this whole thread over and over and over trying to understand it and some things that were written and you know what?

I don't know that it was a wall. I think it was secrecy. Trying to keep secret painful things from family.

I don't think they knew. I imagine or think it must have been shocking to them to find out how he'd been thinking all those years.

PTer's daughter was/is always a friend of mine. She's the most amazing woman. We met in person in the USA and she's a Long lost but much loved contact.

I think it was me that accidentally tipped her off to her father's posts at SOS. She had asked me how I knew her father and I knew her father because he'd visited my home forum and suggested I might find some friends at SOS... which thankfully I did. I didn't know she had no idea he posted there. :( It may have been very shocking to her. :(

She had wondered how I knew her father. I knew him because I stood side-by-side with him on a number of times in that original old forum where people were being discriminated against because of certain conditions. I raised my voice with him to try to help other people understand more about the particular conditions. I remember this so well.

I recall PTer coming to my home chat/ not forum at the old mgh place and saying he was going forever, (I remember it was late at night my time in au and I was talking with robyn from Victoria and she wondered what was going on. I was so sad. He said that I wouldn't talk to him again and that was that. We talked/chatted in real-time and then he was gone. forever.

Oh my...

Lara :hug:
How I wish I could sit across the table from you again... a pot of tea between us... maybe some cookies...

We are pioneers of cyberspace... and the relationships and experiences we have lived are incredible.... we are lucky to have been invited ...
and... to have stayed.

Hold dear your memories of Pter :grouphug:

Alffe 09-03-2011 07:26 AM

Excellent link...may have to put it "downstairs too".

regigirl 10-17-2011 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by Alffe (Post 33881)
"Our minds are quite manipulative particularly when cultivated by fear. Do not fear your suicidal thoughts. Do not be ashamed of them. Do not let them be a negative aspect of your being. Accept them..and post them here or talk openly about them to friends and family...

A suicidal thought is NOT initiated by the mind as a way to harm the person.
It is initiated by the mind as a misguided attempt to protect the person. By understanding its intent you will be able to redirect it with self esteem and self love in place...fear will not be able to stimulate the negative cascading psysiological affects that make so many of us tire to the point of accepting suicide as the solution."


I have found that suicide should never be mentioned to friends, at least not to any friends that I have. I don't really think I would ever do it, but as things progress and life has become so difficult and hope and peace seem to be no where in my life, I actually subconsciously picked where and how I would do it. It's the loneliness and isolation that is the worst.

Alffe 10-17-2011 06:22 PM

I think you need some new friends. :hug: Welcome to the forum regigirl.

icelander 09-15-2015 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Alffe (Post 33881)
"Our minds are quite manipulative particularly when cultivated by fear. Do not fear your suicidal thoughts. Do not be ashamed of them. Do not let them be a negative aspect of your being. Accept them..and post them here or talk openly about them to friends and family...

A suicidal thought is NOT initiated by the mind as a way to harm the person.
It is initiated by the mind as a misguided attempt to protect the person. By understanding its intent you will be able to redirect it with self esteem and self love in place...fear will not be able to stimulate the negative cascading psysiological affects that make so many of us tire to the point of accepting suicide as the solution."


I don't see how it can be considered "misguided" in all situations. Again this is a subtle jab at suicide as a viable option for each of us that wants it. IMO suicide is the great gift of nature to man. When the pain is unrelenting and no viable solution presents then suicide is the gift of deliverance from unrelenting pain. And each person should be the decider for themselves what constitutes an unacceptable life. What right would I have deciding that for another person? I have none as that would turn others into my slaves in effect, doing my bidding rather than their own.

Lets check in with a great philosopher on the subject . A. Schopenhauer.


As far as I can see, it is only the followers of monotheistic, that is
of Jewish, religions that regard suicide as a crime. This is the more
striking as there is no forbiddance of it, or even positive disapproval
of it, to be found either in the New Testament or the Old; so that
teachers of religion have to base their disapprobation of suicide on
their own philosophical grounds; these, however, are so bad that they
try to compensate for the weakness of their arguments by strongly
expressing their abhorrence of the act--that is to say, by abusing it.
We are told that suicide is an act of the greatest cowardice, that it is
only possible to a madman, and other absurdities of a similar nature; or
they make use of the perfectly senseless expression that it is
"_wrong_," while it is perfectly clear that no one has such indisputable
right over anything in the world as over his own person and life.
Suicide, as has been said, is computed a crime, rendering
inevitable--especially in vulgar, bigoted England--an ignominious
burial and the confiscation of the property; this is why the jury almost
always bring in the verdict of insanity. Let one's own moral feelings
decide the matter for one. Compare the impression made upon one by the
news that a friend has committed a crime, say a murder, an act of
cruelty or deception, or theft, with the news that he has died a
voluntary death. Whilst news of the first kind will incite intense
indignation, the greatest displeasure, and a desire for punishment or
revenge, news of the second will move us to sorrow and compassion;
moreover, we will frequently have a feeling of admiration for his
courage rather than one of moral disapproval, which accompanies a wicked
act. Who has not had acquaintances, friends, relatives, who have
voluntarily left this world? And are we to think of them with horror as
criminals? _Nego ac pernego_! I am rather of the opinion that the clergy
should be challenged to state their authority for stamping--from the
pulpit or in their writings--as a _crime_ an act which has been
committed by many people honoured and loved by us, and refusing an
honourable burial to those who have of their own free will left the
world. They cannot produce any kind of Biblical authority, nay, they
have no philosophical arguments that are at all valid; and it is
_reasons_ that we want; mere empty phrases or words of abuse we cannot
accept. If the criminal law forbids suicide, that is not a reason that
holds good in the church; moreover, it is extremely ridiculous, for what
punishment can frighten those who seek death? When a man is punished for
trying to commit suicide, it is his clumsy failure that is punished.

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