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Alffe 06-21-2009 05:56 AM

What's on your plate....
Two of our girls and their two daughters are coming for Fathers Day today and staying several days so we're looking forward to that. I'm been cooking decadent desserts and Mr.Alffe is going to fire up the grill. Barbo is coming for lunch and I'll probably put her to work...*grin

I can't help but grin thinking of our moi on this Fathers Day....wish I could be a fly on the wall at their house! :wink:

Addy 06-21-2009 11:30 AM

I'm on my 2nd cup of coffee - my daily ritual - then its more design work here on the computer.... looking out at my sunny yard hoping that the grass will be dry enough to mow today.

I'm learning how to dry herbs - I have a ton of oregano growing!

I'm off to my brothers for Fathers day dinner and expecting to see my grandaughter tomorrow when they arrive in town!

I hope everyone has a day without any sadness :grouphug:

DejaVu 06-21-2009 09:05 PM

Hey Alffe, Addy and All -

My plate is more than full today.

Everyone in my household is ill with a severe flu. We are each at various stages of illness. The longest "case" in our home so far is at day #9 today. The H1N1 has been documented as an outbreak in this region. Schools had closed early because of this, etc. (We have not been tested, so we cannot be sure this is what we have, of course. Yet, we are getting "cabin fever" for needing to "isolate" for so long.)

It's Father's Day and my elderly stepdad was able to go to his home today, after a lenghty hospitalization. He is totally worn out from chemotherapy, radiation, active cancer, blood clots and more. He has just recovered from a severe infection, due to a very low white count. His prognosis is very poor. He is very worn out. My mother, his caregiver, is totally worn out, too. He's been a great stepdad to me and a wonderful husband to my mother. I love him very much.

My Dad had left us, having taken his own life, over 30 years ago now. I still miss him, especially on Father's Day.

And...this is only representative of a very small portion of "what is on my plate today." The rest, I cannot even begin to mention yet. Maybe I will find the words and the strength or courage another time. I know we all have days like these, at one time or another.

Somedays... are much more difficult than others.
Yet, the sun always shines through... sooner or later.:winky:

I am waiting...ever so patiently.:wink:

Doody 06-22-2009 08:34 PM

Wow. (((DejaVu))) it's been wonderful to see you post. I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner to see it. Busy with my kids.

My plate runneth over with problems. Not the least of which is a raccoon who has taken up residence underneath my house. Sigh. Don't even know who to start with on that one!

No air in my car and can't be fixed, properly!, until July 2. Of course this comes with the summer heat wave. :rolleyes:

And my air inside can't keep up. Not just the heat. The raccoon took up residence at some point in the ducts. 2 of the air conditioner vents don't put out anything. Felt inside them and they are SO ripped up. Aargh.

mistiis 06-23-2009 08:51 AM

~sigh......have to see the lawyer and make some big decisions....:( Why are these things soooooo hard? :o And why do women have such a hard time standing up for their own rights??

Kalani needs her shots...

More and more packing...

Time to enjoy life, in some measure, love in someway, and be grateful for my friends.....:) ...and my relationship with God. :grouphug:

Alffe 06-23-2009 02:25 PM

My daughters left a little while ago so I am playing "catch up" here. I had a lovely pm from Doximama who sends her love, thoughts and prayers to everyone in "SOSville"...says she is running on emply but wanted me to tell you that while she isn't posting, she's thinking of us. :hug:
*whisper...when someone is running on empty, we need to fill them up.

It's so nice to see Dejavu back in the were missed! :grouphug:

And Addy, you must have your arms full of grandaughter by now. We will want pictures!:D

Mistiis, hoping that you are about finished with that book and especially hoping it has a satisfactory can begin again.

Nikki, I want to hear all about Boston...never been there, it is on our to do list. And Goofy girl............LOLOL!

doody, what is that saying...if you didn't have bad luck you wouldn't have any luck at all? Awful time to not have air...maybe the racoon got in your engine too! Ackkk.

I need to read more to catch up....Hugs for the room/boom. :grouphug:

DMACK 06-23-2009 06:01 PM

;what's on your plate?'

a little more than i can cope with at the moment...if only things didnt all happen at could be so much easier.sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Alffe 06-23-2009 07:47 PM

Ok dear you want to talk about it? :grouphug:

jaded2nite 06-24-2009 08:19 AM

My plate runneth over. 1 dog has a vet appointment this morning, Mom has Dr appointment early this afternoon, baby has to go get shots. Found out last week her Mom and Dad didn't keep up on her shots ( imagine that )...................hasn't had any since she was 6 months old!! She is now 15 months old!!!!! ARRRGGGGG.

Sometimes I dread days off.....I have to go back to work just to rest up.

My son was sentenced last week, he dodged a bullet, the state offered 1 yr and a day followed by 1 yr house arrest and 2 years probation. he took the offer. The minimum manditory sentence was 15 yrs. His gf has not been as lucky. The State offered her 15 years! She has 2 prior felony drug think she would have learned. SIGH!!!

So my life is full and busy. I don't have a lot of time to visit. I sure miss everyone and hope you all are well. I read when I can and post on the run!!


FeelinGoofy 06-24-2009 08:45 AM

today is my day off, but my boss asked me to come in for the morning. :rolleyes: the van stopped running last night it was after 11:00 before we could get it towed. Rebecca was out with some friends and it stopped in a restaurant parking lot. I'm so greatful it didn't stop while we were in Missouri this weekend.
I had a wonderful trip. It was filled with both sad and happy news. one of my uncles has liver cancer and one of my cousins cancer has returned. :( I reunited with an aunt that i loved dearly. (her and my uncle divorced) she disappeared without a word and nobody talked about it. Her daughter came to the reunion. It was so good to see her again. She has had a "troubled" life but is doing better now.
My boss should be here any minute now to get me. LOL I told her that was the only way i could come in. LOL.....:hug: take care i love you guys!!!!

Doody 06-24-2009 10:54 AM

Oh my. People here are shocked at the shooting of a coach this morning in Parkersburg, IA. This was the town that was hit with the devastating F5 tornado last year and wiped out. Coach Thomas was instrumental in helping to rebuild the community.

Shot in the head at point blank range in front of about 50 students in the gym in weight room at the high school. :(

Me, I'm still feeling overwhelmed by raccoons and air conditioners at home. :rolleyes:

Burntmarshmallow 06-24-2009 04:12 PM

Wow how sad and scary!
My prayers for all those affected and dealing with this.
and for you too sister ((( doody)))

Alffe 06-24-2009 05:27 PM

And a special hug for GmaSue. :hug: Just an awful story. :(

Abbie 06-24-2009 06:31 PM


This story brings tears to my eyes...

I want to reach out and hug every person who was in the gym when this happened... what a frightening day.

Thank you for sharing this story...

GmaSue 06-24-2009 06:35 PM

Yes, Alffe, my husband, like evryone else, is having a hard time comprehending that this really happened. I heard him tell someone, "If there ever was a person you would think that something like this could never happen to, it would have been him."

Cherish each person in your life everyday.

GmaSue 06-25-2009 12:01 AM

I also lost a friend in a needless way, a few weeks ago. Her name was Colleen and I grew up in her home almost as much as mine. She had a daughter who was my best friend and our mothers were best friends-and we lived just a street apart. Her daughter moved away when she got married and I moved ,too, but not far. So the way life goes, the older you get, the less age difference matters. So she became my very good friend. She saw me through the deaths of my mom in 1982 and my dad last year. She had heart attack symptoms a few weeks ago, including severe neck pain-went to the emergency room and they told her it was not her heart-gave her pain meds and sent her home. Since it "wasn't her heart" she didn't even call her daughter, who is an RN. Went home, took her pain meds and died from a heart attack. In 2009. An ER Dr., in 2009, didn't take her seriously because she was a woman. Can you believe it? Sadly, my pain was starting to get under control enough that I thought I could visit her more this summer and we could do things together. I miss her so much.:grouphug:

FeelinGoofy 06-25-2009 10:23 AM

I wonder if i can give Gmasue a {{{{HUG}}}}] I'm so sorry. :( We lost one of my fellow coworkers to a heart attack just the other day. :( I'm headed to OKC to see my mom. She says shes sending me home with a bunch of potatoes and onions from her garden... LOL.... I hope everybody can stay cool this hot summer day!!!!!:hug:

Doody 06-25-2009 11:15 AM

((Gma)) I am SO very sorry for the loss of your friend. I don't want to imagine life without my best friends.

ER doctors and heart attack symptoms in I'm not surprised, and most especially wouldn't be surprised if you had said it happened up here at our hospital.

GRRRR. It wasn't that long ago my godmother called 1st nurse in the middle of the night with discomfort in her chest, upset stomach, and she was scared. The first nurse told her to chew some Tums and try to relax and go to sleep. Next morning she went to her gp and he blew a fuse! She was in the cardiac care unit immediately.

Women and heart attacks - getting very prevalent - and women often present with such different symptoms then men.

Shame on that emergency room. :( Now I'm wondering which hospital it was.

I'm so sorry. :( :grouphug:

Abbie 06-25-2009 12:11 PM

My plate has a little on it today....

Doc appointment this afternoon...
Getting my file from them while there...
Taking said file to my lawyer

All while dogding the heat here....

Waiting on my little sis and her family to arrive... they had a death in the family... by Bro-in-law's aunt passed away.

Sending BIG but gentle hugs to all of you!!!

Alffe 06-25-2009 03:06 PM

Got the lawn cut in case it really does rain as promised..:rolleyes: And I got the "words" put up....think I like them..:o Found a big red, white, and blue ball stuck in the bushes, threw it in the hot tub and Cooper is having a fit! *grin...He'd pop it in a flash as it's plastic.

Seriously considering a nap even tho it's so late in the day. :wink:

GmaSue 06-25-2009 03:32 PM

oh do it-please take a nap for all of us!

Lara 06-25-2009 04:02 PM

Thinking of you all out there with so much on your plates.


mistiis 06-25-2009 06:15 PM

I am getting ready to shut down my computer and pack it up. But, I will be in touch, some, through my little netbook, and my i-phone. Hope all my friends here will be able to keep on trucking, and finding some love, laughter, joy, and support while walking through all of this 'stuff' on our plates....:) :grouphug: It will likely be several weeks before I am fully online again. :rolleyes:

Abbie 06-25-2009 07:57 PM

Will miss you my friend!!!

I'll be here when you get back!!!


DejaVu 06-25-2009 08:23 PM

Awaiting your return

Stay well, happy, safe and keep letting your lovely light shine!:circlelove:
I am looking forward to your return!:hug:

Koala77 06-25-2009 10:43 PM

Safe journey Mistiis, and hope your move turns out the way you want. Let us know when you get settled, but don't forget there are Internet access places if you get withdrawals from SOS while you're waiting. :p

What am I doing today? Looking forward to a visit from a girlfriend.

She and I were 12 years old when we were both the new girls on our first day at a new school. Both our families had relocated, so as new girls we naturally teamed up ... and have been close ever since. 12 years old.... Hmmmm! I hate to say this, but seeing I'm getting old now at 38 years old (plus or minus 20 years) :D ... that makes us bestest friends for 46 years now!

Gosh I'm looking forward to seeing her. She's staying the night so I'm planning a nice dinner party!

At the moment I'm waiting for my cousin to arrive (she's late as usual), but she's just popping in for coffee!

What's on your plate today?

Alffe 06-30-2009 11:58 AM

I'm of course wondering how Koala's visit with her old friend went and what was literally on the dinner plate..*grin

Barbo and I had a wonderful lunch at one of our fav. restaurants and got caught up...or think we did...:rolleyes: We're going to make a list of what we forgot to tell each other.

I think I finally found a place for everything...funny how one "new" thing can make you rearrange everything..(we had an old table refinished) I think everything has found a new spot..

I keep looking at that little cauliflower growing in my garden and wondering how I'll know when to pick's about the size of my fist right now...any suggestions?

GmaSue 06-30-2009 04:31 PM

Well, Alffe, you know...when it looks like it is ready to be picked-and hopefully about half a day before the pests find it.
I remember on the farm, my FIL would always try to get the sweet corn close to it's peak, but just gefore the coons decided it was ripe. many times you could hear him grumbling because they would have a moonlit picnic before the morning he showed up to pick the sweet corn.
Here in Iowa, people get crazy about their sweetcorn; even going so far as to have a huge pot of water boiling on the stove while they are picking it-now THAT's fresh sweet corn!
BTW, I wish some of that fresh Iowa sweet corn was on my plate right now-but no.
On my plate is a lot of work that is overdue and long hours ahead trying to keep my spirits up so I can do it, instead of just putting it back for "a better time".
I sure wish I was a neighbor to some of you. I love tackling work with the Buddy System! I could help you do your work, and you could help me. And we could grumble and gossip all the way through it. oops, I mean we could have uplifting talk while we worked! lol :hug::hug::hug:

Addy 06-30-2009 07:45 PM


I just CLEARED my plate!


of debt!!!!


Alffe 07-07-2009 10:30 AM

I finished reading Olive Kitteridge while on the train coming home from Chicago. It's a wonderful book! There is a "suggestion" of suicide in many of these short stories. Is it me or am I just "lucky"?

Must admit that I love having the new branch library right down the street from us. Recently read Still Alice..about a woman with altzheimers from her own point of view. Scary, very touching.

Waiting to hear from Barbo about lunch...*grin. It's lunch out or go cut the grass. I'm also either getting lots of, or no company soon. :D

Please remember Abbie with prayers and positive thoughts for Friday's decision. :grouphug:

What's on your plate?

Doody 07-07-2009 11:20 AM

Wellll, I'll be seeing Mr. and Mrs. Alffe in 2 weeks. Guess I'd better start thinking about what I need to take. Hmmm....clothes and jammies, and...Oh, I'll think about that later.

I have a home visit on my plate later for a little pup named Kenji from HUA. He's a Shiba Inu and adorable.

Alffe 07-07-2009 11:42 AM

Do not forget your bathing suit Doody! :D

Doody 07-07-2009 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Alffe (Post 534043)
Do not forget your bathing suit Doody! :D

No skinny dippin? :D

Alffe 07-07-2009 02:40 PM

:D Not a pretty picture! Only one of us has lost alot of weight and it isn't Mr.Alffe or me. :D

Addy 07-08-2009 04:25 PM

Well... i'm waiting for the lightening/thunder/downpours to stop so that I can complain about the heat again and cut the lawn...

I'm also complaining about my internet provider (phone co) because I have had HUGE issues with my modem... they replaced it yesterday after MANY hours wasted on the telephone... they told me they had never seen this issue b4... big deal, I don't care... just fix it! and now, today, I go to turn it on and NO internet (I'm at work right now!).... AGAIN... more time on the phone ... I dunno... I'm about ready to call the cable company and switch providers!

So now I'm killing the last 1/2 hour of boring times at work (its summer and the church isn't very busy) .... and look forward to going home and talking to the phone company NOT!

Alffe 07-08-2009 06:11 PM

Oh sounds like the same problems we had with our provider...took forever to get fixed and stay fixed...soooooo frustrating. And we pay for this aggrivation! :rolleyes:

I did get the lawn cut and fertilized some flowers that won't bloom for me..had lunch with Barbo and that was fun. I still don't know if I'm having company for the next five days beginning on Sat...I can't decide if I'm too uptight or the world is a little too casual for me. I will not take it personally. ~sigh

Sending all my positive thoughts and prayers to Abbie...please join me in this. :grouphug:

Addy 07-08-2009 11:17 PM

Ok... I'm joining in the big hugs for (((((Abbie))))) :grouphug:

And now internet is working now so I'm happy... and I promise not to burn too much energy on any anger... its not worth it....

And Yeppers, the world has changed when it comes to firming up plans with people.... I hope you know soon dear Alffeeeee.

And although this isn't the wonder thread... I've wondered lots about Bizi lately... hope all is happy with your family (Alffe) :hug:

And back to that cauliflower question... I'd think you'll know when to pick it... and if in doubt... "google it" :D

Alffe 07-09-2009 08:58 AM

I learned about the first set of company..coming Sat eve. for a cookout, spending the night and leaving in the morning. So glad as this is an old friend and her husband from high school. And her bathing suit is still here from her last visit...years of our grandaughters fits into it. :rolleyes:
She said she still can....I love her anyway. :p

And Sunday noon we are going to a suprise brunch for a dear friend's 84th birthday party....we all want to be just like her if we live that long...

And that will give me time to strip and put the beds back together for Mondays group...assuming they are coming..:confused:

I have a dr.apt. with a neurosurgeon this afternoon to discuss the MRI I had's a beautiful day...still no rain here.

What's on your plate?

Addy 07-09-2009 10:44 AM

I must admit that I don't particularly care for people who can fit in tiny bathing suits.... :rolleyes:

Enjoy all the company Alffe! and OF COURSE you're going to live as long as 84!... I predict even longer :D

I'm out the door to work, nothing too exciting on my plate this weekend... counting down the days until my vacation in August (going to Vancouver to see all my friends and family - grandaughter!!!) for 2 wks. whooo hoooo!

:grouphug: whats on your plate?

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