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amitsa 10-03-2015 08:35 AM

Fat loss

I have tried lots of workouts to reduce my weight . Lots of walking as well. But not a pound that I could loose.

Are there any safe supplements that can burn the fat.

Want to loose just the fat - not the muscle and bone.

I have heard of Herbalife supplements. How are they ? They are very expensive.

Also how is Garcinia Cambogia ?


bizi 10-03-2015 11:38 AM

I do not think there are supplements just for losing fat.
It takes dieting with a decrease in the number of calories eaten to lose weight. exercise alone will not do it.
they say it is 80% diet 20% exercise.
remember that one pound equals 3,500 calories. You have to decrease the number of calories that you eat a day for a week to lose one pound.
good luck in your journey.

EnglishDave 10-03-2015 12:09 PM

I fully agree with bizi, there are no short cuts, only calorie control - under supervision of your Dr if you have other health issues and need to lose a great deal.

I cannot exercise at all due to my disabilities and pain and I have, out of necessity, lost nearly 43lbs (20kg) in 20 weeks. I have, under my Doctor, cut my calories to 1200-1400 per day.

Good luck.


amitsa 10-03-2015 12:19 PM


Your answer is very logical. But it is very difficult to
do in real life. It is a difficult journey. Cravings for food are
irresistible many a times. Is it really possible to control
your cravings ?

eg I get a pack of salted peanuts and I just can't stop eating them-
feel like eating more and more. Finish that entire thing in one go.

Also I do not know the calorific value of what I eat.

You must be aware of supplements.
Do they REALLY aid in fat loss,any idea ? I know it is not a wise thing to do.
Most importantly,are they safe ?


Jomar 10-03-2015 12:20 PM

There might be certain food sensitivity or thyroid/metabolic issues as a complicating factor..

Food choices, how it is prepared, limiting of all junk or negative calorie foods..

Bake, broil, steam is lower calorie than fry or sauté.

Fats, butter, oils, sauces, gravies are high calorie

Chips, crackers, cake, cookies, most sweet treats...high calorie..

Lots of saved info in the sticky threads, food choices. top 100 foods for health..

amitsa 10-03-2015 12:35 PM

Hi EnglishDave,

I must congratulate you. Losing 20 kgs is a big deal. Hats off to you.

I am an Indian. I am a Type 2 diabetic. I am 41. I weigh 94 kilograms. My BMI is 34.6. I am obese. As per height/weight chart for Indians,I am 28-29 kilograms surplus - extremely obese by Indian standards. I have a family history of obesity and diabetes. My father,mother and their sisters and brothers are all diabetics.

I take Glimepiride 3 mg daily in divided doses and Metformin 2500 mg for my sugar. I take Escitalopram 5 mg for depression. I was taking 10 mg before. I am tapering it and am currently on 5 mg.

I wish to lose weight seriously.I take a brisk walk 4 kms daily. After the walk,I feel extremely hungry ,I could even eat an elephant. Ha ha ha.
I eat more than I would have normally eaten had I not done the exercise.

EnglishDave 10-03-2015 03:30 PM


All you need is willpower - a must - a set of scales and a website like:

That is my favourite, it lists all the common foods, measures and calories.


kiwi33 10-03-2015 06:28 PM

Amit, have you come across the idea of your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)? Your BMR is the bare minimum daily calorie intake that you need - metabolic "fuel" for your liver, brain, heart, etc - it takes no account of physical activity.

The are lots of BMR calculators on the Web - they are probably accurate to +/- 10% or so. One of those, combined with a site like the one that Dave has provided, will let you match your daily calorie intake to your BMR - if your daily calorie intake is less than your BMR you will lose weight - I would aim for losing no more than 1 kg/week - more than that will probably not be sustainable.

The idea of mindful eating might also help. Essentially that means eating slowly, taking time to notice the flavours and textures of your food. Mindful eating leads to satiety (feeling full) after eating a sensible amount of food but eating quickly means you will probably eat too much before you feel full.

bizi 10-03-2015 07:16 PM

I meant to add:
It takes eating 500 calories LESS a day for 7 days to lose one pound.
They say that 1-2 pound weight loss a week is safe.

EnglishDave 10-04-2015 07:51 AM


I am a Type 2 Diabetic, too, in danger of going on meds until I started on my diet. Now, even my blood sugar is under control. I found out this year that I have damaged my liver with all the fat, but that will heal with the weight loss.

My trigger was a fall where my own weight busted my ribs on my fist as my arms could not stop the fall. Believe me, it is a struggle every day, but I know I have the support of everyone here.

When you are hungry, especially after your walk, drink plenty of water or 0cal/low cal drink - but NOT carbonated sodas, even artificial sweeteners have been shown to expand waistlines.

We support you in your endeavours.


amitsa 10-04-2015 09:28 AM


Some 6 years before, one laparoscopic surgeon had advised me to go for Bariatric surgery to lose weight using some rubber band technique.I dont know the technical name for that.

My weight at that time was 103 kgs.

But I did not go for it as I feared it. It was new in India at that time and even my father feared the complications.

Some 2 years ago,my diabetologist also advised me to take Victoza (Liraglutide - incretin mimic ) injection for 5-6 months for my sugar and also to decrease weight. I did not accept it either because when I searched on the internet,I found it causes pancreatic and thyroid cancer in some people just like .

But I have myself seen one of my friends lose more than 20 kgs by taking Victoza

EnglishDave 10-04-2015 02:14 PM

Ah yes, weight loss (or gain) from the side effects of prescription meds. The problem remains the same, without a change of habits, when the meds stop the weight returns to the previous level.

I do not know the med in question so cannot comment on the carcinogenic nature, other than to say I have had 2 rare cancers and I would not risk a third.


bizi 10-04-2015 03:16 PM

I continue saying the same thing it is all about control of what we eat. I don't believe supplements work and are potentially dangerous.
I sometimes chew gum at night to keep my mouth busy and to not snack in the evening. (it has xylitol in it which is actually healthy for our teeth!)
Also I drink a lot of water in the evening, like 20 ounces sweetened with stevia the only safe non calorie natural sweetener on the market that is made from a plant. I get the sweet leaf kind in drops, I use a full dropper full for each cup of coffee (I drink 3-4 cups a day with half and half and stevia), 2 droppers full for a big glass of water. It costs $11 for 2 ounces but that will last you a while. I get the flavored kind toffee. I have tried cheaper brands and they don't sweeten as well or I have had to use twice the amount of sweetener for my liking.
I have been having a piece of organic(pesticides go thru the skin of the fruit and should be organic) fruit, pear or apple every night and also snack on smoked almonds if I am hungry or a piece of cheese.
I try to follow a lower carb diet. It gets easier to avoid carbs/cravings after the first week.
For instance this was my breakfast at a local diner:
3 eggs scrambled with chopped spinach with the eggs.
a side of brocolli
a side of black bean salsa heated up that I put on the eggs.
It is very filling and delicious!
Coffee is the only beverage beside water of which I drink 8-10 cups of water thru out the day.
I have steadily been losing weight over the past 40 days since I quit drinking was a big factor to me gaining weight over the summer.
We have control of what we eat and drink. We don't have control of our genetic tendencies.
Post here when ever you like we will listen and offer support, try cutting out one thing at a time.
You did not become this weight over night and it is unwise to think that it will come off quickly.
I wish you much luck in this journey.

amitsa 10-05-2015 02:39 AM

Hi All,

I have just one more thing to add.

Some months back when I had severe neuralgia (it has decreased a lot now),my neuro had prescribed me L Carnitine 500 mg for 20 days.

I can tell you my experience about this drug. I used to walk 4 kms and get extremely tired. For the 20 days when I took L carnitine, I felt as if I have just started walking after 4 kms. In those 20 days,I sometimes walked 7-8 kms and still as fresh as ever.

I had decreased 4 kgs in 20 days without any diet restrictions. When I stopped the drug,I again gained weight (keeping the diet the same). There was not an iota of exhaustion when I took this for 20 days. I felt extremely energetic as if I could run for hours though I was obese. If you want to run a marathon,take L carnitine for 2-3 days and you can complete it easily. In those 20 days,I felt as if I could complete a 42 km marathon easily. This is my personal experience.

Later on,I did a lot of research on it. googled for L Carnitine,it is used mostly by Body builders and athletes in doses of 2-3 prams per day. I read there have been reports of atherosclerosis (plaque build up in arteries) in people who took large doses and for long time.

So I fear taking this drug but let me tell you ,it is a wonder drug - This drug will pour in mountains of energy in your body. You can do severe physical work endlessly when on this drug without getting tired.

kiwi33 10-05-2015 05:27 PM

You might find this professional information about carnitine of interest; .

As long as your dietary protein intake is adequate and unless you have an underlying medical problem you will not be deficient in carnitine.

Although athletes often eat carnitine as a supplement, there is no evidence that this is of any benefit.

caroline2 10-05-2015 06:44 PM

The gal who cuts my hair is losing weight, the last time I saw her she was down 30 lbs. She told me when she was told borderline diabetic, she took control. She is eliminating all WHITE foods....flours etc....greens, proteins and water.

I will be seeing her tomorrow and I'm thinking she'll be down more. She is committed to what she is doing.

Pushing away from the table is the best exercise. Changing one's habits are so rewarding.

kiwi33 10-05-2015 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by caroline2 (Post 1175789)
She is eliminating all WHITE foods....flours etc....greens, proteins and water. [my emphasis]

Caroline, sorry if I have misinterpreted what you wrote but I am concerned about your hairdresser.

Eliminating proteins and greens (vegetables) from her diet is a really bad plan.

As far as eliminating water is concerned, the "rule of three" applies:

Three minutes without oxygen is usually lethal, three days without water is usually lethal and three weeks without food is usually lethal.

I really hope that she has not stopped drinking water.

bizi 10-05-2015 08:48 PM

yes I wondered the same...bad advice.

glad that you cleared that up!

caroline2 10-05-2015 08:53 PM

No, she is concentrating on greens, protein and water. Sorry I was typing too fast.

Eliminating Whites...

caroline2 10-05-2015 08:56 PM

Forgot one thing about me. I haven't brought a loaf of bread into my house for over 5 yrs and even stopped picking up a personal size pizza now and then....don't miss it.

I'd hate to think what I'd be like if I was a breadaholic...not being able to walk well, I'd really be in trouble. So working on eliminating white stuff is important.

bizi 10-05-2015 09:14 PM

yes I try to eliminate whites but I will eat quinoa and sweet potato.
For dinner we usually have meat 2 servings of veggies and then some berries. I ate some quinoa salad today for dinner and baked teriyaki/ginger salmon and roasted corn and raspberries. I don't eat corn very often.
It is working for me.

amitsa 10-06-2015 01:47 AM


The diet in western countries is entirely different from India.

Let me tell you about my background. I am a Hindu by religion. I am a pure vegetarian. Majority of the Hindus do eat meat(other than beef) but my caste/sect does not allow it. In my caste,it is prohibited to eat any type of meat or even egg. It is considered a serious sin because you are killing the animal.

Killing any animal (even a small ant) is considered a sin. It is permitted however for self say a tiger attacks you ,then you are permitted to kill the tiger.

Cow is regarded as equivalent to God in India. Cow slaughter is considered a serious crime by ALL Hindus.In fact ,in my state in Mumbai, beef has been banned officially around 7-8 months back. If somebody is caught killing or slaughtering a cow,buffalo (particularly a cow) or even in possession of beef , the person is liable for five years or more imprisonment and/or fine. Cow milk is considered good and recommended
because you are not killing the cow by deriving her milk.

I have never eaten ANY TYPE OF MEAT(any animal food other than cow milk) in my entire life,be it beef,chicken,pork,lamb or fish. I am deficient in proteins because of this and hence carnitine. Also I was low in B12 once but I am taking tablets to rectify it.

The only protein sources I can think of are plant sources - chickpeas,soyabean,soy milk, pulses,legumes,whole grain and lentils.

kiwi33 10-06-2015 02:05 AM

Bizi, I like your dinner :).

I agree with you about avoiding "whites" (= highly processed carbohydrate products).

However, unprocessed carbohydrate foods (for example, brown rice or bread products made from unprocessed grains) can be part of healthy eating.

kiwi33 10-06-2015 06:22 AM

Amitsa, people who have chosen, for religious and/or ethical reasons, to adopt a vegan diet are at risk of being nutrient-deficient.

I suggest that you talk with what is called here an Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD) - I don't know what the Indian equivalent is.

APDs are evidence-based health professionals who specialise in nutrition. An APD will be able to review what you eat with you and suggest ways in what you eat could be changed in a way which meets both your nutritional needs and your religious beliefs.

EnglishDave 10-06-2015 08:09 AM


I agree with Kiwi that you should, if you can, set up a plan with a Dietitian. It is especially important as you are intending to cut down, have underlying health problems and are already vitamin deficient.

I would expect you to need more supplements than the b12 you are currently on.


bizi 10-06-2015 08:24 AM

good morning.
If I remember right most vegetarians are thin. Have you checked out yourself with a complete physical...a thyroid test. You may have some ailment physically going on with you.
Yes b12 is needed to be taken...I think that is the only vitamin that you need to supplement.
I just heard about tempeh...a meatless entree.
I am going to look into that.
Do you eat cheese?

Enna70 10-06-2015 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by caroline2 (Post 1175822)
if I was a breadaholic....

I have always been a breadaholic....:( I used unbleached flour....and antioxidant water when I for me not having pizza was hard the first three days....but it does get easier.....:grouphug:

bizi 10-06-2015 08:47 AM

They do make a gluten free pizza crust at our local parlor.
I am sure you can buy bread/dough mixes at your health food stores even target carries them. Also sprouted breads like ezecial are very good for us.
From what I have heard, It takes some getting used to, I don't use it though.

amitsa 10-06-2015 09:21 AM


My thyroid tests are normal ,all T3,T4 TSH.

I do my CBC,Thyroid,B12,VIT D3 ,LFT ,Serum creatinine atleast once annually.

It is a myth that all vegetarians are thin.I have been eating loads of sweets since childhood. My parents developed that habit in me. My parents not at all calorie conscious. They themselves were obese.My mother has passed away. .My father is 71. He is a diabetic for the last 32 years.

In India,you would see many obese vegetarians. In fact,vegetarians are more obese than meat eaters here. Because Indian veggies eat lots of rice,chapatis (wheat), sweets which are fried and made of condensed milk ,ghee,fried food - all these in large amounts.

EnglishDave 10-06-2015 10:17 AM


Indian food is very popular here in England and with me, so I understand the calorific content of even the vegetarian meals. Whilst we usually have meat or seafood I enjoy the vegetarian dishes - Aloo Saag, Chana Masala and tonight I have a pack of Paneer Butter Masala which I have never tried before. It is not the same as cooking fresh, but comes from an authentic Indian Company. I am looking forward to it, despite the spices setting off my Neurological burning - one cannot live on bland alone.

Naan are a downfall I have had to virtually eliminate. I know that would be difficult for you with chapattis, but you must try to cut down on amount and those fried, sweet desserts.


Enna70 10-06-2015 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by bizi (Post 1175906)
They do make a gluten free pizza crust at our local parlor.
I am sure you can buy bread/dough mixes at your health food stores even target carries them. Also sprouted breads like ezecial are very good for us.
From what I have heard, It takes some getting used to, I don't use it though.

Bread is difficult for me to chew so I just gave it up altogether.... I am having difficulty with sugar. In my am (only cup of coffee), I have just creamer....then my ensure or special k shake...I have added Cinnamon.... And I was having white tea as the liquid (with coconut water) for my smoothies... No sugary snacks at all.....but I wonder what else I can do to lower the sugar from my creamer and shakes......:confused:

bizi 10-06-2015 11:00 AM

glucerna is the diabetic formula of ensure...less sugar. look at the sugar/carbohydrates on the labels to pick the highest protein least sugars/carbs. You could use almond milk protein with out the dairy if that bothers you.

caroline2 10-06-2015 01:04 PM

Soy products play havoc on our thyroids.

I was told for 10 long miserable years that my thyroid labs were "normal"....Not So. We are not numbers, we are symptoms.

I can't imagine not having meats in my life. I was born in eating meats and at 77 feel strong and good with my meats. Most vegetarians I've met are overweight. My 87 yr old neighbor is too thin and she needs more fat on her to fight what comes her way. She's in a lot of pain with arthritis in so many parts of her body and her appetite is poor.

amitsa 10-07-2015 01:08 AM


Aloo Saag has potato. Aloo means a potato in Hindi.

I eat Chana masala every 3-4 days.Chana meaning chick peas or Bengal gram Masala means spice in Hindi.It has high protein content.

Naan is nothing but white bread moulded into circular shape.It is EXTREMELY HIGH in calories.May be 600 or more per Naan.It is equivalent to 7-8 white bread slices,may be more.

Paneer is cheese. I eat paneer very rarely. It is high in calories.

All this Indian food is Punjabi origin. Punjab is border of India and Pakistan.

I have been to UK in 2001. I stayed in Edinburgh for 7 months, just near the Princess Street.I used to travel to my work place in Rosyth,Fife every morning crossing the Forth Road Bridge over the sea.

I stayed for a week in Milton Keynes and another in Hounslow,London for my work.

UK has lot of Pakistanis (Muslims) though there are Indians also.
Indians are mostly Punjabis and Sikhs(they wear a turban always on their head). There are fewer Hindus

Indians are mostly concentrated in London's Wembley,Southall,Hounslow and some in Manchester.

Birmingham is Pakistan inside England. I have heard it has 60% population of Pakistani origin.

Most of Pakistanis migrated there as asylum seekers.

EnglishDave 10-07-2015 06:45 AM


Indians, due I think to our Colonial and language links, make up the largest Minority Group in the UK at 1.5 million, or 2.5% of population. 1.5% of the population are Hindu. There are 1.17 million Pakistanis and just under a million Africans. Add to this the additional European, Middle Eastern and Asian people who come here and we have a wonderful Melting Pot of Cultures which - in the main - live and intermingle together well.

Sure, there are some anti-immigrant voices, but time and again they are drowned out and voted down into obscurity in every case that matters.

Personally, I believe we should concentrate on stronger ties with our Commonwealth friends rather than the EU.


amitsa 10-08-2015 12:44 AM

Which is the safest zero cal sugar substitute which can be used with tea,coffeee or milk?

There are many brands in India.

Which generic is safe - Sucralose, Aspartame, Acesulfame K, Stevia Rebaudiana which is a herb ?

I read Aspartame and Acesulfame K are carcinogens .

Is sucralose safe ?

Stevia natural sweetener is good but its sweetness is very less .You have to put 3-4 pellets to make it sweet.

amitsa 10-08-2015 01:19 AM

Population of India is a whopping 1.3 billion, may be more. It is a densely populated country. It is more than 4 times the US population. The geographical area of India is just one third of the USA. That will give you an idea of how populous India is. There is crowd everywhere.

82% of Indian population is Hindu. 16% Muslims and 2% other religions like Christians,Jews etc.

Surprisingly India is the largest exporter of beef in the world though 82% (820 to 830 million) of its population does not eat beef.

All the beef exported from India is by the 18% (180-190 million) non Hindu population.

kiwi33 10-08-2015 01:48 AM

This independent evidence-based professional health site discusses all of the sweeteners that you have mentioned; .

They all look fine to me.

Animal (rat) model studies have shown that both aspartame and Acesulfame K can be carcinogens. The dose of Acesulfame K which put rats at increased risk is the equivalent of a human consuming 1343 12 oz cans of artificially sweetened soft drink every day - I don't know anybody who does that and similar data apply to aspartame.

Quantitative thinking (considering dose-response relationships) is, in my opinion, the basis of making rational health choices.

Lara 10-08-2015 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by amitsa (Post 1176259)
Which is the safest zero cal sugar substitute which can be used with tea,coffeee or milk?

There are many brands in India.

Which generic is safe - Sucralose, Aspartame, Acesulfame K, Stevia Rebaudiana which is a herb ?

I read Aspartame and Acesulfame K are carcinogens .

Is sucralose safe ?

Stevia natural sweetener is good but its sweetness is very less .You have to put 3-4 pellets to make it sweet.

I have been buying an Australian Organic Stevia powder. It's expensive. I've become used to it being less sweet and only use a little of it in my tea. I grew up in sugar cane country so we ate a lot of sugar and sugar products when I was young unfortunately.

I found out recently when looking into Stevia further that are some disputes regarding it being all that good for us as well. There are probably much better sites about it but I had saved this one in bookmarks so it's easier for me to post.
Food Magazine.
Sugar Vs Stevia: What's in store for the future?

note in the article - Stevia is an additive, not natural ingredient - for labelling purposes.
Solvents and resins used in processing.


Lara 10-08-2015 01:55 AM

Posting at the same time. Thanks for that link Kiwi. :)

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