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Lauren (Aspigander) 07-27-2009 10:34 PM

Anyone here from BrainTalk?
I was just made aware of this forum from someone over at BrainTalk, where I frequent the autism forum over there, as the site is down for what appears to be an unknown amount of time.

Just wondered if anyone else from BT is over here?

roadracer 07-28-2009 01:48 AM

If BT is down for good this time, I sure hope we can all get together again, I sure would miss everyone

Chemar 07-28-2009 08:39 AM

welcome Aspigander and roadracer :grouphug:

Alffe 07-28-2009 09:18 AM

Welcome to NeuroTalk Laren and Roadracer. As a former member of BT I can say that this is also a great place to make friends and exchange information. :grouphug:

Lauren (Aspigander) 07-28-2009 10:36 AM

Same here.

Chemar and Alfie,
Thanks for the welcome. :)

Keggy 07-28-2009 11:01 AM

I thought if anybody was not going to make it here I would have guessed it would be you two (being noobs)! There is another board for firedrills, but this is the one I would go too.

Since JL no longer cares about his passion, i kinda doubt he will rush to fix the boards.

Lauren (Aspigander) 07-28-2009 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Keggy (Post 543615)
I thought if anybody was not going to make it here I would have guessed it would be you two (being noobs)! There is another board for firedrills, but this is the one I would go too.

Since JL no longer cares about his passion, i kinda doubt he will rush to fix the boards.

LOL! You know, I was just a few months ahead of RR getting to BrainTalk, and he was the first one to point out NeuroTalk to me yesterday (then this morning Pamster also let me know about it).

Never underestimate aspies, being noobs or not. :D

Pamster 07-28-2009 01:31 PM

Glad you made it RR & Lauren! Let's hope John Lester gets around to fixing BT soon, in the meantime feel free to post here, it's a nice place and many people from the BT forum are here. :)

Lauren (Aspigander) 07-28-2009 02:01 PM

Yeah, Pam, hopefully it will get fixed, but if not, hopefully our friends from BT who don't already post here, will mosey on over.

roadracer 07-28-2009 02:04 PM

thanks for the welcome Chemar and Alfie


Originally Posted by Pamster
Glad you made it RR & Lauren! Let's hope John Lester gets around to fixing BT soon, in the meantime feel free to post here, it's a nice place and many people from the BT forum are here.

I really dont think he will be around, so I really hope that everyone makes it to this board and we all can just make this our new home :D, even if he does come around to fix the one problem, everything is outdated, and there are so many other problems, it is only time before it will happen again, so, this is probably the end for BT, sure it would be nice for everything to get fixed, just not holding my breath.
Seems like a great place to make a new home, and :holysheep: they got a ton of cool smilies :D

Pamster 07-28-2009 02:27 PM

Yeah they do! :grouphug:

Lauren (Aspigander) 07-28-2009 02:42 PM


Seems like a great place to make a new home, and they got a ton of cool smilies
:I-Agree: They do! :trampoline:

Oh and LOL! They have a beating a dead horse one...something my mom tells me I do a lot. :deadhorsebeat:

peglem 07-28-2009 03:27 PM

I'm here. How is everyone?

Lauren (Aspigander) 07-28-2009 03:31 PM

Hi Peg! :) I'm good.

Hey, perhaps you could restart the math game?

roadracer 07-28-2009 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by peglem (Post 543772)
I'm here. How is everyone?

hey pegs, it must have been all the math that killed the board, all those numbers must have fried the computers, lol
At first I thought it was the end and no one would be able to talk again, so I am just happy to be seeing people getting back together on this board :)

Lauren (Aspigander) 07-28-2009 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by roadracer (Post 543785)
hey pegs, it must have been all the math that killed the board, all those numbers must have fried the computers, lol
At first I thought it was the end and no one would be able to talk again, so I am just happy to be seeing people getting back together on this board :)

LOL! All those numbers nearly fried my brain!!!! You know what the big bummer was, though? We were on 7, and I woke up yesterday morning and thought of a good equation for 7, and made a beeline for my computer, my 'mental blueprint' having it in mind to post that equation, went to the URL for the BT autism forum and...DRAT!

I was also a bit concerned we may lose communication. Very glad that does not appear to be the case. The BT autism forum really has become my online home. The cat forum that I frequent, it has been my online home since my original two were just 5 month old kittens, so I've been on that forum nearly four years now -- I still pop in there but it definitely has taken a back burner to the BT autism forum. So, I'd really hate to lose communication with folks there, even if BT does go belly up.

peglem 07-28-2009 05:30 PM

Well, I hope its not curtains for BT, I love that place. Been there like eleven years, since back when you didn't have to even sign in. It was the first contact I had with other parents of autism. The last big crash lasted @ 3months.

Chemar 07-28-2009 05:53 PM

not sure if our newcomers have noticed, but in addition to all the neat stuff you can post on your profile page here, you can also change the page theme for the forums

if you look at the bottom left of the main page
you will see a small drop down field that will say "Default Style"

click on the arrow and you can choose a new theme
I like Tulip and Spring best :p

Pamster 07-28-2009 06:17 PM

I really hope it's not curtains for BT either, a lot of people post there that might not find their way here. :( I hope they do, and I hope John Lester does the right thing by BT. :) Only time will tell though. :(

I like the tulip theme too Chemar, I currently use the default one though, but the skins are a great feature! :D

Keggy 07-28-2009 06:40 PM

Ah yes... and the rules here are less strict as well. If I remember correctly last time they were going to take down this board when the other reopened but then decided to let it linger? DOes that sound correct to anybody else? I thought bt was down much longer than 3 months too.. but I really don't know.
JL is not the same man he once was. I really don't think he will bring back braintalk just like he never brought back brigadoon after ripping it out from under our feet. Not even allowed to mention that on bt. And as for SL, he seems to avoid us bt'ers... or at least me! :o

Lauren (Aspigander) 07-28-2009 08:42 PM

I hope Mili trickles over here, because I think she'd be interested to know that with this incident, I think I'm starting to understand all that "we" stuff.

Would it be nice to see BT return? Sure, but I keep thinking: You know, as long as we're all communicating with each other, I just don't really give a rip where. I'd hate to lose the folks I have come to consider friends. If BT returns, great! If it doesn't, as long as everybody knows about NeuroTalk and we can all talk here, that's fine with me. :)

I guess the drawback, though, is that there may be some that don't find out about this place, so there still may be some loss. And that would be a bummer.

CoolAngel26 07-28-2009 09:43 PM

Hey everyone,

Kristin here..been posting here for awhile..Welcome to the new posters!!!(CoolAngel28 over on BT..)

ewizabeth 07-28-2009 11:23 PM

Welcome everybody! :) I joined here a couple of years back when BT crashed and was down for awhile. This is an awesome forum and well managed as well. It's nice to have continuity. I hope all the BT members will find their way over here.

Keggy 07-29-2009 11:27 AM

I think most of the old timers know this place, and I did ask Mike Weins to send an addy with this address if possible, but I am sure he is bombarded with emails at this point. If ya'll did the same he may see it sometime though.

At the moment I am so ****** off at Lester I could care less about BT. I found out last nite they killed my account on Second Life and it can't be revived. They wiped me out of my lindens, all my inventory, contacts etc. They said I owed them 5 dollars from March when I downgraded my account, so they took all my money (more than 5 bucks), didn't write me, and just screwed me over.

I blame lester for bringing us in the first place, taking away our belongings without a word, diserting us, ignoring us.. then leaving BT for SL without the tools to keep it going, and then deserting us on SL! If you don't know what I am talking about Brigadoon was a virtual world for people on the autism boards. I don't know what his problem has been but I am tired of just being cool with him.:mad:

Pamster 07-29-2009 12:02 PM

Wow I had no idea he could do such a thing! That whole 'experiement' was a big deal to him supposedly, I can't believe he'd take away your SL account and possessions like that with no explaination at all. Just that you owed them $5? That is really WRONG! :(

Maybe it's time to let go of BT. He sure has...

Lauren (Aspigander) 07-29-2009 12:37 PM

Wow, that would be frustrating (I really don't know anything about JL or the SL stuff or anything like that, so can't really say much). I will say that what I find difficult to understand is having an online community, having it get really busy, to the point that BT has, and then leaving it hanging. I can understand maybe losing interest, getting too busy with real life stuff, or whatever, but in that case, at least if it were me, I'd probably find someone to pass the baton to, so that someone that is active has the access to do something about problems as they crop up.

Pamster 07-29-2009 02:56 PM

That would be the RIGHT thing to do, but JL refuses to do it and now BT is broken beyond what the site admins left in charge can fix. I doubt we see it get fixed anytime soon sadly, but at least NT (neurotalk) was set up two crashes ago and is STILL here for us. I am truly grateful for that. :D

Lauren (Aspigander) 07-29-2009 03:04 PM

There was a crash after the big 2006 crash?

roadracer 07-29-2009 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by Keggy (Post 544325)
I think most of the old timers know this place, and I did ask Mike Weins to send an addy with this address if possible, but I am sure he is bombarded with emails at this point. If ya'll did the same he may see it sometime though.

At the moment I am so ****** off at Lester I could care less about BT. I found out last nite they killed my account on Second Life and it can't be revived. They wiped me out of my lindens, all my inventory, contacts etc. They said I owed them 5 dollars from March when I downgraded my account, so they took all my money (more than 5 bucks), didn't write me, and just screwed me over.

I blame lester for bringing us in the first place, taking away our belongings without a word, diserting us, ignoring us.. then leaving BT for SL without the tools to keep it going, and then deserting us on SL! If you don't know what I am talking about Brigadoon was a virtual world for people on the autism boards. I don't know what his problem has been but I am tired of just being cool with him.:mad:

that is bad, but what is worse, and something I have been wondering for awhile now, is that this guy has been taking donations for the site (if you go to the bottom you will see where you can give a donation) and and it being a non profit, were is that money going? you can be sure that there are people who dont know any better and donate money to the site. That seems pretty shady to me, almost illegal (maybe it is, taking the money and hiding from everyone, refusing to be contacted)

roadracer 07-29-2009 08:31 PM

I am still very worried that everyone from BT is not going to find this place and we are going to loose contact with people and loose our group of people. If any of the other BT autism board people are reading this, say hi or something!!!

roadracer 07-30-2009 01:23 AM

well it looks like Saturday will be the last day for BT, they will be turning off the switches then, closing the doors, and it is highly doubtful that we will ever see it again :( :Sob:
It seems we have till then to still us the PM function to contact people, to let them know were we will be going/posting at

peglem 07-30-2009 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by roadracer (Post 544675)
well it looks like Saturday will be the last day for BT, they will be turning off the switches then, closing the doors, and it is highly doubtful that we will ever see it again :( :Sob:
It seems we have till then to still us the PM function to contact people, to let them know were we will be going/posting at

That makes me very sad, like my home just burned down and I have no insurance.:Sob:

roadracer 07-30-2009 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by peglem (Post 544680)
That makes me very sad, like my home just burned down and I have no insurance.:Sob:

sorry pegs, I dont know what to say, I guess all good things come to a end at one time, BT was around from the beginning, it was around for a long time, it is sad that it will probably end

There is a slight amount of hope, but it seems like this will be the end, I guess there was a e-mail sent out, but you can read it in this thread,

Abbie 07-30-2009 04:16 AM

Hello to all newcomers and WELCOME to Neurotalk!!!

We love newbies!!!!

Please feel free to roam around and join in anywhere!!

Ask questions when needed and help others as you can....

If we can be of any assistance please don't hesitate to ask... someone will always be around shortly to help you in any way that we can!!

Hope to see you around the boards!!

Keggy 07-30-2009 06:56 AM

JL did a bunch of things to get that non -profit status a few years back. I remember sending a check in a christmas card. He said he got the card but never cashed the check, said he didn't know what he did with it.

I have talked to him a bit and he is a nice guy, but he has been very unfair with us, he forgets who his friends are...... and a bit too fatherly vs. friendly you might say. He should of let us take over the expense of the island when it got to be too much, and he should have let other people take over bt when SL became to much of a task and or expense for him.

Lauren (Aspigander) 07-30-2009 07:43 AM

Our home may have burned down, but thanks to NeuroTalk it seems we have insurance.

Hopefully it won't be totally the end of everything. I'm hoping that our friends still at BT will escape the inferno and head over here.

Thanks! :)

Yeah, that does seem pretty unfair.

Lauren (Aspigander) 07-30-2009 08:26 AM

Anybody from BT remember Nikabee? I just remembered her and found her on BT's member list and WOW! I knew she was new but she was so active I didn't know she'd posted for just a little over two weeks before dropping off the face of the internet. I really thought it had to be longer than that. Anyway, I just sent her a PM with the link to NeuroTalk. Hopefully she'll get it.

Keggy 07-30-2009 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by roadracer (Post 544584)
I am still very worried that everyone from BT is not going to find this place and we are going to loose contact with people and loose our group of people. If any of the other BT autism board people are reading this, say hi or something!!!

I wouldn't worry too much about them. We have all been through this a dozen times, plus we have each others email addy. The only people I thought may get lost in the shuffle were you, aspielander tgrimes and jackstraw (who I pmed)

moldy is probably busy folding her hamsters laundry or something.

Lauren (Aspigander) 07-30-2009 03:37 PM

Looks like they decided to close it today (though it says temporarily), so no PMing as of, well, whenever they did it.

(Just thought I'd let everyone here know in case anyone was hoping to use the PM function)

ZombieSlayer 07-30-2009 04:12 PM

I am happy to announce that BrainTalk is back online and repaired :)

No John didn't do squat, I don't even know if he is aware that there were any problems :rolleyes:

David Hosobuchi had enough access to optimize and repair the tables :) So the site is live again, it's going to be slow for a bit since all of the cache's were deleted.

Once things get to running a bit quicker I will send out another mass email informing everyone that BT is back online.

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