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Burntmarshmallow 04-01-2008 02:53 PM

I saw GOD today...
I know this forum is for the many who need prayers but I enjoyed Abbie's post and thought it would be nice to have an "I saw GOD today" thread.
it will be nice to read all the times God is visible and shows up in the big and little ways durring our everyday lifes. so me first me first

I saw God today walking on the beach I could tell God was there because not one person wore a frown or was in angry mood , I felt warm sunshine on my face and soft sand under my feet. my b.f. best friend not boy friend :eek:gosh I am married 23 yrs my best pal has been having a rough time of thing and we got to visit and she is doing better, THANK GOD
and when I pulled in my drive way the rain showers came dumping down. which was beautiful and smelled so fabulous.
yup I saw God today ;)
P.S. Has anyone else spotted God lately?????

Bannet 04-01-2008 06:16 PM

Yep I'm pretty sure I saw God today. As my beautiful niece gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy.

yep I know I saw God today:)

Burntmarshmallow 04-02-2008 06:36 AM

congradulations Bannet! :D newborns .. dont you love the way they smell so fresh and new? !! Yes I would say you spotted God :)

DM 04-02-2008 02:58 PM

I saw God's "work" today when the Sun creeped up in the East. IT was a gorgeous sunrise. :) Does that count BMW?

Burntmarshmallow 04-03-2008 07:00 AM

welll of corse that counts DM :)
Gods work :D anything ya see, hear, smell ,feel , even tatse that makes you think of, remember or feel like God has been there had a hand in creating what ever it may be. I am sure most of yous get the just of it. and a sunrise is on the list most defenatly Daisy. a comfort to me to be able to hear how others find Gods work in every day life. as we can always see and find the "drags of life just by watching the news or reading the paper.
so Thanks to both of you for posting . :hug: :hug:

DM 04-03-2008 07:18 AM

I needed this thread right now, BMW~ It reminds me not to take things like a sunrise, sunset or even the new fresh blades of grass Spring is bringing us, for granted.

Watching the sun rise again morning, instead of complaining that I couldn't sleep in, I just sat here, coffee in hand and watched it in awe. It's trying to fight some clouds to shine bright, but it's still fighting for position. Even the sun struggles to shine at times..


Burntmarshmallow 04-03-2008 07:37 AM

Daisy :hug: :hug: :hug:

yup there is beauty and awe in the sturggle tho most dont see it they just concentrate on the struggle and cant focus on the beauty that is there hiding in the back ground . but it is there. dancing like a Ballerina quietly but so gracious. I need this thread too and thanks to Abbies post :hug: I was inspired and started this one.
now I must go and see if I can spot Gods work, Gods hands for I know God is there wathcing over me right now. Ohh and I gotta do my math on line class before my girls get up . They are on school break for a week.:rolleyes:

Corkybird 04-03-2008 03:35 PM

In our daily prayers of thanksgiving, there's so many little things each day that make it a GOD day. I often think of the song "It is no secret what GOD can do". I experienced this yesterday as the eagle was gliding overhead, almost like he was spiralling up to say hello to God!


recluse1 04-03-2008 05:56 PM


I saw God today when I found this thread! What a blessing it is to see everyone singing His praises!


KathyM 04-05-2008 09:02 AM

I'm rarely ever able to get out to see God, so I have to rely on hearing God. My favorite form of connection has always been to watch the sunrise over Lake Michigan, followed by a walk in the woods. Now I just watch my "house" rise (dark to light) as I listen to the birds come to life, starting with the robbins. I like to spend a little quiet time of reflection, gratitude for the gift of life, and prayers for strength and whatever resources I need to make it through another day. :)

This morning the birds put on a beautiful concert for me as the sun rose. When it was over, I turned on my radio - just as the song "Sunshine" by John Denver began to play. :)

That song has a very special meaning to me. I can close my eyes and remember how beautiful sunshine looks on the water, and how it can warm painful shoulders. I can think back on my days having "fun in the sun" in my youth. I can think about the people I care about and wish them my very best. :)

It also brings me back to a single day when I was a teenager, with my best friend who was diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease at the age of 24 and died at the age of 26. :(

We were 16 years old. Both of us saved up our money and bought guitars. I thought I was pretty good because I learned all the chords quickly. I went to my friend's house, and she wanted to show me what she had learned. That song (Sunshine) came on the radio. She picked up her guitar and started picking and strumming to the song. I was amazed at her talent - it's just not something you learn in a book. :o

When the song was over, we hopped on our bikes and headed out to the woods to meet up with some friends. It was a beautiful day. :)

This morning made my heart smile. Didn't see Him, but I heard him. :cool:

AfterMyNap 04-05-2008 09:21 AM

I saw God today in the face of my 18-month-old neighbor; he was using sand toys in the remnants of snow piles. I told him that he may have all that snow for his very own. Oh! His happy eyes and great big smile!

recluse1 04-06-2008 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by KathyM (Post 251980)
I'm rarely ever able to get out to see God, so I have to rely on hearing God. My favorite form of connection has always been to watch the sunrise over Lake Michigan, followed by a walk in the woods. Now I just watch my "house" rise (dark to light) as I listen to the birds come to life, starting with the robbins. I like to spend a little quiet time of reflection, gratitude for the gift of life, and prayers for strength and whatever resources I need to make it through another day. :)

This morning the birds put on a beautiful concert for me as the sun rose. When it was over, I turned on my radio - just as the song "Sunshine" by John Denver began to play. :)

That song has a very special meaning to me. I can close my eyes and remember how beautiful sunshine looks on the water, and how it can warm painful shoulders. I can think back on my days having "fun in the sun" in my youth. I can think about the people I care about and wish them my very best. :)

It also brings me back to a single day when I was a teenager, with my best friend who was diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease at the age of 24 and died at the age of 26. :(

We were 16 years old. Both of us saved up our money and bought guitars. I thought I was pretty good because I learned all the chords quickly. I went to my friend's house, and she wanted to show me what she had learned. That song (Sunshine) came on the radio. She picked up her guitar and started picking and strumming to the song. I was amazed at her talent - it's just not something you learn in a book. :o

When the song was over, we hopped on our bikes and headed out to the woods to meet up with some friends. It was a beautiful day. :)

This morning made my heart smile. Didn't see Him, but I heard him. :cool:

((((((((KathyM)))))))))) Thank you for sharing this story. It truly touched my heart! God is in everything...and in this post....I felt His love and yours! Blessings to you sweetie!

dorrie 04-06-2008 08:39 AM

I see God each and every morning when I go in to wake my Saffire up! She is always so happy as she shouts out "HI" when I walk in the room. Each morning we sing Good Morning To You to start the day. In the evening we rock and sing and finish the night off with a song that goes like this " YOU ARE VERY SPECIAL, THERES NO ONE JUST LIKE YOU.....CREATED BY THE MASTER, GOD MADE YOU TO BE YOU.......YOU ARE VERY SPECIAL, EXCLUSIVELY DESIGNED...YOU ARE VERY SPECIAL AND I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE MINE.....YOU WERE HAND MADE BY GOD!!
I feel God every time I sing that song to Saffire. I picked up the CD for $1.00 at dollar I ever spent!!!!
Have a lovely day everyone!!:grouphug:

Darlene 04-07-2008 01:59 AM

Isn't it nice to walk in and see God in the beautiful eyes of a grandchild. Most the time I just stand and look at them as they are sleeping. I too usually go into a room and sing "Good Morning To You" when they are here over night.
One thing that I love is on Sunday they jump up got of bed wanting to go to church with Granfather and me, their parents aren't that active in church, but always allow them to come. They really grow to fast.:hug:and one for Saffire

DM 04-07-2008 08:48 AM

BMW~ I hope this thread never goes away. It makes me feel good. It's dreary looking out today, but I saw a Robin peckiing at the ground. She cocked her head sideways, as if listening. Was there a worm surfacing?

I feel God w/o even seeing his work sometimes. I just close my eyes and I can be anywhere and see anything I want to. :)

Burntmarshmallow 04-07-2008 02:35 PM

Every time I hear a whip-poor-will calling out in the night and early morning I think of God and how that whip-poor-will seemed to be sent to keep me company the months after my accident. And too music either mother natures music or sometimes certain songs and melodies I hear/think of God. And this is one of my favorite threads too so I hope it hangs around for a long time. Its so Nice to read about the many ways God works and also the many ways OF God’s work. :)
Many Blessings Daisymay :hug:and blessings to everyone :grouphug:who reads this thread

Abbie 04-07-2008 03:22 PM

In case anyone hasn't read it... I could retype but... nah...

here is the link to my story from several days ago...


DM 04-08-2008 02:48 PM

Reading it a 2nd time gave me shivers all over again, Abs!

I think God's work is right here on the boards of NeuroTalk too. Helping others get through a rough day,helping someone not feel so alone, or just letting people know we care whether it's through prayer or a kind word.

That's God working through us. :grouphug:

4boysmom 04-08-2008 04:03 PM

I saw God's handiwork while looking at my 18 yr. old this morning before he left for school.
1) He had a ruptured appendix a couple of weeks ago that he came through miraculously, and credits that miracle to a blessing given to him by a brother and a father when he first became sick with what we only thought was the flu.
2) He was up early this morning going to a religious class two hours before his regular school day started so he could learn more about our Savior and how he can become more like him!
3) He smiled and told me, his mom, to have a great day!

A mom and dad can't raise a miracle like this without God helping along the way!

DM 04-11-2008 06:38 PM

This morning the Sun came out for a few minutes, then decided to hide behind some dark clouds and NO, it never did make a reappearance. BUt, I felt it was a lil message for me to "wake up" and don't take anything for granted.

Just like the sun peeking at me and then leaving ever so abruptly, things can change that fast.

God has a way of reminding me to be thankful in his subtle way. I feel so humble at times.

Burntmarshmallow 04-11-2008 06:58 PM

Just now as the night is beginning to settle on the fading day light I looked up and saw the moon partly lit up so bright white . Almost like a night light to lift part of the darkness away from the comming night time hours. I know sunday night it is going to be cold and my pain will flare up and the moon reminds me that even in those times there is a light to brighten my dark . It may be hidden behind clouds but it is there .
:hug: DM God always reminds us if we pay attention and are looking ;)

Abbie 04-11-2008 07:21 PM

I heard a little noise coming from the next room over... I know no one uses that room so I went to see what was up...

My two oldest nieces were in there trying on their prom dresses so that grandma (my mom) could pin them up so she could make them fit just right.

What a beautiful sight!!! I can still remember seeing these two for the first time.

What a beautiful reminder to cherish little ones and little moments for they grow up so fast....

God I love those girls!!!


Burntmarshmallow 04-12-2008 10:02 AM

Prom dresses ... my teen is shopping for hers right now and oh I remember when she was a tot and used my dresses for princess play time. they do grow so fast but the memories stay . a gift from God and yup a reminder to cherish every second.

4boysmom 04-13-2008 09:15 AM

It is Sunday morning, and I am once again finishing up preparations for a lesson in my church. God is clearing the fog and giving me insights into life so that I may be a better person. Here is one of the thoughts that I'm using on some scriptures related to contention. In this political day and age, with General Petraeus visiting congress, I wish some of our leaders would be as Abraham Lincoln:

The old story, presumably authentic, is told that during the Civil War when the fortunes of the Union armies, under the command of General Ulysses S. Grant, were going badly, some concerned ministers called on President Abraham Lincoln at the White House and forcefully urged the dismissal of Grant. To these men Lincoln is alleged to have said: 'Gentlemen, General Grant has under his command all that we hold dear in this nation. Instead of criticism, you too should get down on your knees and pray God that He would see this nation through to victory'.

DM 04-15-2008 08:33 AM

The sun is bright, the sky is blue and it's supposed to be in the low 70's today. I love it. I took my poochies out this morning and literally yelled up to the sky, Thank you Father for this beautiful, new Spring day.

Thank goodness I live out of town.

My perennials are poking through the ground, so the harsh Winter didn't stop them. God was showing me HE is still working hard to renew the land. It's just wonderful. I love SPRING.

Burntmarshmallow 04-15-2008 01:24 PM

I saw God in a tear that rolled down my friends face and I saw God even more when my friend smiled .The smile was brighter then the sun itself and warmmed the whole room. together those two things reminded me of God ,and how crying can be like rain feeding thirsty new spring flowers.

out in the windy chill I watched a cardinal hopping in my back yard peecking around by the bushy hedge . the hedge a wall from the wind it found a snack and then flew off. It was a color dance of feathers as it flew . A free sight for me from you know who on days like today when I cant go outside. ;). and if not just for me well lets pretend it was :D.

Corkybird 04-15-2008 08:31 PM

A true miracle cure
God's work has been evident to me today. A brother to one of my church friends was recently diagnosed with cancer cells in his bloodstream. I'm not that sure, but guess it's different than leukemia. He was told that he would need chemo, possibly as many as 4 rounds, and most likely a bone marrow transplant. After completing his first round of chemo, they did repeat bloodwork. Doctors were in total shock as there was zero signs of any cancer cells!!!!! Art asked the dr, "so this miracle means I can go back to work and I'm done?" LOL Drs still want to do weekly bloodwork and another scan, but we've indeed seen the power of prayer!!!!

Abbie 04-17-2008 09:55 PM

I went to the doctor today... no biggie there... I left and decided to take the long way around to get back to the house.

I rounded the corner passing the place where a friends office is located. Might I add that this was quite a while after she normally leaves for the day. I saw her putting things in her vehicle.... I decided to buzz through the parking lot and just say hi...

I don't know if this makes sense...but I beleve God put her there at that time today...for a reason.

So this is my I saw GOD today... if not him... his actions. I think I needed to see my friend today.


Burntmarshmallow 04-19-2008 02:32 PM

I did my first relay for life last night. I almost didnt want to go because I am having a bit of sad time but I went and had the most funnest time I have had all dang year. I didnt see Gods work but I felt like God was right there with his arm around me leading me around. I ran into a doctor who worked on me after my accident. we have not seen eachother since I had my steel plates put in over 9 years ago and he took stand for me in court. We had such a good long chat. And the relay was sooo beautiful with all the candles lit along the walk lap area. Not one person there was a stranger they were all so friendly and like around 3 when most were chilling napping under the near full moon I got out my pen and wrote a poem. No I didnt see God but I surely felt him and still do... feel so uplifted Thanks big guy up there.;)

DM 04-20-2008 03:31 PM

Hi everyone~ I didn't "see" God today, but I am so happy. A friend announced in church today that according to the almanac, today is HAPPY DAY. We have been on pins and needles worrying about whether our Pastor would be appointed to another church.

We are a small church and can't afford "seasoned" Pastors too long. So, he announced today that he is 99% sure that he will not be leaving for at least another year. The reason I am so relieved is~ He is one of the most compassionate Ministers and as a person, so caring. He was with us all through my Mother's illness and passing, besides being very ill at the time himself. He has been there for me and my family. He presided over my DD's wedding and is just an amazing spiritual man.

I just wonder if God knew our little congregation needed him a while longer.

For whatever reason, I am soooo thankful. :)

FaithS 04-20-2008 04:13 PM

I saw God today at a Christian Women's conference as we made connections with women that will like continue.

~ Faith

Burntmarshmallow 04-24-2008 06:41 AM

welll yesterday afternoon the breeze grew into that wind I dislike so much , it even rained and a weak tree branch fell ,so that by the time I had eatten dinner my head and face , mouth was not happy. I couldnt sleep but tryed well around 2 am I pulled my head out from underneath the pillow and what did I hear.... a whip or whil chattering to the shadows and moon light. well when ever I hear a whip-o-whil to me it is God sending a verbal signal a melody of comfort that even though things have me feeling yulk God is right beside me singing in my ear softly. so I saw/heard... God in the dark last night.
I also felt God strolling and dancing on some of the threads here at neuro over the last few days maybe some of you have also :) :grouphug:

DM 04-28-2008 09:35 AM

Sorry about your lack of sleep, BMW. But, guess you wouldn't have God's voice through the night otherwise. Whipperwill's have such a beautiful sounding voice. :)

Abbie 05-03-2008 07:52 PM

Last night as the sun was setting and dark clouds were rolling in...

The sun shown over the top with rays pointing in all directions...

What a great reminder that God is with us even as darkness falls upon us.

Burntmarshmallow 05-09-2008 07:48 PM

Just looking up at the sliver of moon that is shining it looks like a smile from above and you know who I'm thinking of thats smiling down on me in the dark..
yup God.
p.s. I hope you can see or feel that someone smiling down on you too :)

DM 05-11-2008 02:04 PM

Well, BMW~ I think I do feel that "someone" smiling down on me. Since it's Mother's Day, I feel my Mom more than ever today and I know the Lord is taking good care of her. Thank you for that last post.

I needed it today. :hug:

I hope you feel the smiles today too!

Abbie 05-11-2008 09:23 PM

I can't say that I've seen GOD recently... probably have but didn't realize it.

I know that I truly experienced GOD's presence and love yesterday.

I spent a lovely day with a wonderful man who is a true friend. (YES, FRIEND ONLY.)

We talked, we laughed, and we cried together. I feel so blessed to have him in my life. I have learned so much from my friend and I pray that he's in my life for a very long time!!!!


gamgam 05-12-2008 08:57 AM

I was away for a few days and was blessed to see God several times and in different places. I am truly grateful!

We made a trip up into the North GA mountains to visit family and stayed in Toccoa, GA. There is a Christian school there that is located in such a beauriful area. Back in the 1970's, the dam broke and around 30 or so people were killed. It was a terrible ordeal and I can remember listening to the news that morning while they were trying to figure out how many student, etc were missing. The dam broke in the wee hours before daybreak so there was no way to evacuate the dorms, etc.

ANyway, with God's blessing and love, they still have a most incredible corner of the world there. We were fortunate enough that the flowers were blooming, mountain laurel, rhodadendrums, ets. Its was amazing. The waterfall was beautiful and so very peaceful! I have never been able to understand how its possible for anyone NOT to believe in God when they see things in nature.

Then, on our way home, I stopped in Athens, GA to put flowers on my Mothers grave for Mothers Day. When we finished placing the flowers, we were just visiting and enjoying the breeze before getting back in the car for another 3 hours.

There was a bird that I could not recognize about 50 ft from us and she was carrying on like she was trying to tell us something. I mentioned to my family that it sure seemed like she was trying so hard to tell us something important to her. She would not give up. We were not going anywhere near where she was as we were done with placing out flowers, etc. Finally, I started walking slowly over toward her. The trees were surrounding the cemetary so there was no tree right around for her to guard. So as I got a little closer she jumped over a couple of feet and started acting like she could not fly. So I thought maybe she was hurt. I went a little closer, she went a little "sicker" and moving farther away from me. Mind you I was not getting close to her. I just wanted to see if her wing was hurt. I knew she would die out there because she could not get to any cover. Well, she kept talking and throwing her pitiful looking wing up and out and scooting all around on the ground. My family said she is hurt. She has to be. I told them to give me minute to look around. Sure enough, (I promise I was very careful and did not get too close) there on the ground under some silk flowers were three pretty speckled eggs! I was right. She was trying to "tell" us something! I told my hubby she is not hurt. She is trying to divert our attention away from her eggs. If she pretends she is hurt, normally whatever is there would go after her and she would keep her eggs safe. It was amazing to watch her. She was very determined and was not going to give up on tricking us away from those eggs! I had seen it on nature shows but had never seen it that up close and personal. We were all so intrigued and blessed to see the Mother on Mothers Day doing what God assigned her to do!

This was a special moment for us. We know God is watching out for us with everything we do. I am so thankful that we were able to see that exhibit of a Mothers love. I pick up on more things in nature than my husband does. I don't know if it just has to do with looking for it more when I am out or what. I am always checking things out like that cause there is so much to miss in nature.

Thank you for taking time to read this. I hope you are able to focus on the little things too. That is where some of the most remarkable things happen for me.

DM 05-21-2008 07:21 PM

I just feel God's presence so much lately. As I sit by my patio door looking out every morning, sipping coffee, I realize what an amazing world we live in. I finally saw my first hummingbird tasting the nectars of my Fuscia plant that I put up just for her and her friends.

God created those elegant wee creatures for a reason and I'm amazed as I watch them flit around. Maybe I just needed to be reminded of the GOOD all around us. :)

Burntmarshmallow 06-23-2008 09:42 PM

well I have been looking and searching for works of God and or Gods work for a good while now but today I definatly saw the beauty and awesomeness of God . I was keeping company with the sky as the clouds and storm built and was near coming when the sun burnt threw the dark gray for five or so minutes and a double rainbow shone brilliant and bold within the clouds and approching dark storm short and quick like a big fast smile from a passing friend.
and it made me smile back up into the sky. :D I hope some of you see works of God all around you too. and if/when you do share it here. Thanks
PEACE to ALL in this room.

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