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bizi 06-13-2017 07:37 AM

Bizi's thread.....
I have been charting recording things on the web site optimism for a couple of months now.
I really like it.
I record when I took a shower last, how many drinks I have had, hours slept and quality of sleep. and my mood. So it is very useful then you can print out in a chart a graph of these items so you can see any parallels, relationships between items. It is very useful for me and my health professionals liked it too. They liked the graphs to see patterns.
I could not log into them this morning very frustrating. I got a great nights sleep and took a shower this morning. I had a couple of margaritas with my clients last night around 6pm then nothing else so that was good. So I did not get to record any of that, and I rowed 30 minutes yesterday and sweat quite a bit, my hair was a fright. Thus the need for a shower this morning, plus it had been a while.
I woke up naturally at 6;30. my hips do not bother me. onto my second cup of coffee and need to do a bit of paper work before leaving to see an appointment at 8;30am. I have not done my exercises in a while, nor play the ukulele. Maybe I can get into the routine again while on vacation.
We leave tomorrow. I have a lot of billing to do this night and need to pack and clean out my car. It looks like we will just have paul (he left his wife) staying at our house while we are gone, I gave my girl friend a key in case she feels the need to stay away from her house. She is going thru a divorce and her husband has been acting weird and angry at her. He was recently arrested for child pornography. heavy sigh. They have an 11 year old girl.
Both my good friends are going thru divorce. So there has been quite a bit of drama here over the past 2 weeks. And having worked the entire weekend I needed to get a good nights sleep. I got a solid 8 hours only woke up once and right back to sleep.
I have to pick up my meds tonight and fill up the rest of my pill boxes. Increasing the seroquel and decreasing the klonipin
(which she has wanted to get me off for quite some time because I drink).
Just taking 400mg of lamictal and now 75mg of seroquel. These are the only prescribed meds I take. My mood is stable even with all of this drama going on. My therapist said that I seem pretty calm in the midst of this drama.:)
I am taking zyprexa with us in case I get hypomanic.
Looking forward to seeing family and friends, will be up to see my folks for fathers day. Need to pick up a bottle of wine for my dad and a card.
I won't be on line for the next 2 weeks as we leave in the morning. A stop in memphis for the night then indy bound.
I hope you all have sunny days.

OhKay 06-13-2017 07:48 AM

I'm so happy that your mood has been good and you seem calmer :)

I hope you have a good trip! :):):)

Dmom3005 06-13-2017 10:50 AM

Have a safe trip. Its really hot now in Indiana..

Donna :grouphug::hug:

bizi 06-13-2017 08:10 PM

I just found out that the optimism web sight that I was using is no longer available. They shut it down for some reason.
Very sad about this.:(
I will need to find a new charting/tracking system.
Finished billing so that is good.

bizi 06-13-2017 09:39 PM

packing to ensue!
edited to say that I am all packed and heading to bed!

Mari 06-14-2017 01:46 AM

Great job packing.

Enjoy your trip.


OhKay 06-14-2017 06:27 AM

I'm so sorry about that website Bizi. It sounds like you were really benefiting from it :hug::hug::hug:
Sometimes when really good sites like that go down, new ones like them spring up to meet the demand for a replacement. I hope that happens.

I'm glad you were able to finish up your billing and packing last night.
I hope you got a good night's sleep!

Have a great trip! :):):)

bizi 06-14-2017 09:11 AM

Thank you!
we are heading out soon.:)

Dmom3005 06-15-2017 11:59 AM

Be really careful driving through and around Indiana. We had some
really bad weather yesterday. And are scheduled for part if not
if not all the week.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

bizi 06-26-2017 10:49 PM

We got back tonight at 7pm.
Saw family and friends so it was a nice vacation.
On the way home we Stopped by my favorite restaurant The chimes in baton rouge where I had their new orleans style bbq shrimp. yummy!
Unpacked, catching up with the forums here. Getting ready for bed. I have to work tomorrow....I hope I sleep well.
Missed you guys.:grouphug:

Mari 06-27-2017 03:19 AM

Nice to see that you are home safe.


OhKay 06-27-2017 06:19 AM

I'm glad it was a good trip… missed you :hug:

Dmom3005 06-27-2017 03:10 PM

I missed you too. I think you took the hot weather with you for a couple of
days. Thanks we needed a break.

Glad you had good time.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

bizi 06-27-2017 09:41 PM

hope you all are well.

ger715 06-27-2017 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by bizi (Post 1245834)
hope you all are well.

Enjoyed reading all your updates. Nice to be with family and friends; but always nice to be safely back home. Hope you got a good night's sleep.


bizi 06-27-2017 10:50 PM

went to a going away party. it was fun. lots of head is spinning.
need to get up early and take a shower,

OhKay 06-28-2017 05:41 AM

I'm sure your clients were missing you, too. You must be in high demand now! I hope you had a nice day back to work even though I know it must have been busy :)

bizi 06-28-2017 11:16 AM

I missed my morning appointment but did get a shower in.
I am looking at my appointment calendar and it is full.
Wondering how I am going to fit in the calls, clients who want to be seen?
Today I wish I had an assistant to help me..
these clients are far away.....
which is harder to work in.

OhKay 06-29-2017 06:11 AM

I remember when I was in home care it was really hard to stay on schedule when it was tight, especially if I had chatty clients, and a lot of driving to do. I don't know how you will be able to fit more clients in!

It's hard to go back to working so many hours right after being on vacation :hug:

Are you working through the weekend, or have you scheduled yourself a day off?

bizi 06-29-2017 07:30 AM

Jeff is going away to a friends house this weekend and back on Monday.
yes I am working saturday a full day. Next weekend I am working both saturday and sunday. last night I got back to town around 6;30 and went straight to whole foods for steak night with jeff.
It was very good.
slept like crap last night.
restless legs syndrome kept me up.
Down to .25 mg of klonipin now.(which helped to keep the restless legs at bay) sigh

I have an early appointment with my tdoc this morning....
she will want to talk about my drinking and I want to talk about an other issue.

bizi 06-29-2017 09:37 PM

I forgot to tell you that my mother lost her balance and fell down the stairs backward. She broke her collar bone and fortunately nothing else. She could have broke her neck.....
Started watching You-tube with jeff about quantum physics....very complicated.
My best friend is definitely moving to her parents in nashville tenn. When I don't know yet. She has to go to court 2 more times to finalize every thing.

Her soon to be ex is on house arrest to avoid going to jail. HIs mom is living with him so she will be not allowed to leave the house either. He was sentenced for internet child pornography.
She has an 11 year old girl.:(
So they are going to have to find someone to do their shopping for them etc. He doesn't have any friends so his dad may have to drive from mississippi to do the shopping. None of that is Nicoles problem! She is probably going to have a hysterectomy soon before she moves to tenn. as she will have to get insurance there. Her state insurance doesn't transfer.
I feel sorry for her and will miss her.:(


OhKay 06-30-2017 05:22 AM

You will be a busy woman!

There are other treatments for RLS you can explore if your pdoc won't work with you with the Klonopin (I would see you PCP about those options though). Seroquel can cause a similar side effect that I experience, but since you take a low dose and have a history of RLS, I highly doubt that's the culprit.

I hope that you were able to assert yourself and got to talk about the issue you wanted to at your pdoc appointment yesterday. She needs to realize that there are other things in your life going on aside from drinking :hug::hug::hug:

I know you will miss your friend :hug:
What a terrible situation for her and her daughter to be in. I'm sure she will face a lot of challenges by moving, but maybe getting some distance between them and that ***hole is what they need to move on right now :hug:

bizi 07-01-2017 10:52 PM

Thanks Kay.:)
I spoke with my friend and she is having an open house for other realtors to come in and see the house. Then Saturday she is heading up to nashville until the 20th, when she has doctors appointments.
Her parents have been here for 3 weeks and they are leaving sunday.
They helped her with the attorney and moving stuff of his out of the garage.
He is on House arrest with his mother. The dad will drive every couple of weeks to grocery shop for them as they can not leave the house. They finally have a phone that is clean and not able to access the internet so it is ok for them to have. He will go to federal prison for his internet child pornography.

My rosacea is back and I can't stop picking at it.
It looks awful again, It has been 5 years I think when I last had my flareup, diagnosis.
I feel fat and ugly....

Mari 07-01-2017 11:53 PM


How is your mother?
I hope that she is doing better.


bizi 07-02-2017 12:54 AM

thanks Mari.
My mother is wearing a sling that my DAd devised out of pretty fabric because the one they gave her hurt her neck. She is sleeping with it on as well.
My parents have had the health issues the past few weeks.
Dad injured his knee playing golf, cortizone shot seems to have helped quite a bit, hope it lasts! and now mom....
It is not easy getting older.
Mom is very very lucky to have not broken her neck...she could have died!


OhKay 07-02-2017 05:21 AM

I'm sorry about your Rosacea, Bizi :hug::hug::hug:

You are not fat or ugly!!!

I went through a period where I had SEVERE acne from lithium, and din't want to leave the house either, so can understand the impact it can have on your self-esteem :hug::hug::hug:
I'm also a picker. I know it makes things worse, but I just can't help myself!!!

Do you have meds or a plan for flare ups?

bizi 07-02-2017 11:15 AM

Thanks kay,
I have gained even more weight....sigh
When will it stop? my work pants cut me at the waist and are so uncomfortable.:(
Going thru menopause sucks, am having hot flashes again.
I was taking an estrogen blocker but that did not seem to help.
Jeff gets back late tonight. I was on the computer late until 1am.
Then could not get up to go to the UU fellowship to meet my girlfriend there for a 1030am service. Got out of bed a little bit ago.
Working on my second cup of coffee.
Work was fine was a normal work day traveling here and there.
Next weekend is my out of town assisted living day where I will see many folks in the same location.(then I will get my oatmeal):) And then I work sunday also, then a normal work week. Going on vacation for 2 weeks leave me with trying to see 40 clients before and after the trip to see everyone.
Thank goodness I love my job!

bizi 07-02-2017 12:06 PM

I am still in pajamas. Got up late, missed Unitarian services.
A friend called me to ask me over for dinner: cook out chicken and pool.
Yikes....getting into my new bathing suit...I look pregnant.
My rosasea is back with a vengeance, bumps and pimples on my face, wore make up for the past few days to hide the redness. It looks terrible.
It was 96 here yesterday so don't know what it is today.
I am also having hot flashes again....
My husband will be back tonight from his trip up north to visit a friend.
I am so glad she called and invited I have something to do. I need to pick up a fruit salad....should do some paperwork as I am not ready for my work day /week for tomorrow.

bizi 07-02-2017 09:50 PM

Saw my cousin a bit this evening. He is a flight attendant. He and hubby went out to dinner and then came to my friends house for a visit. It was good to see him.
My friends house is beautiful and we had great bbq chicken and wonderful baked beans and cucumber salad and fruit salad. The pool was very refreshing as it was was so hot today 96 with a heat index of 106!
I wore sun screen and a big hat. I wore make up to cover my rosacea and it did not melt off thank goodness. I am still picking at it....sigh

OhKay 07-03-2017 06:19 AM

I'm glad that you got to sleep in and spend some time hanging out in your P.J.'s yesterday. You won't get a day off for a while :hug:

It's nice that you got to spend time with your friends and cousin this weekend. BBQ's can be a lot of fun.

I think it's time to buy new scrubs. If you buy the ones with draw strings, you can always wear them later when you lose weight. I've always bought unisex Medium. How roomy they are depends on how heavy I am (I still wear them around the house), but they've always been comfy. They still look neat if they are a bit big if they are ironed and are at least a 50/50 blend.

If you are using a foundation a water-based one vs. and oil-based one is less likely to aggravate your rosacea :hug::hug::hug:

bizi 07-03-2017 09:31 PM

Thanks kay! It would cost me $300 to buy new scrubs....sigh

Forth of July starts at At 10am. Looking forward to hearing my 77 year old friend sing at the visitors welcome center. I met her at a blue grass jam session a couple of months ago.
Later in the day at 5;30pm our friends come over to go to Erath a small town about 45 minutes from here. It is a small community and they have a little fair with small rides and fair food. At dusk they will have a 30 minute fire works display which is quite nice. We have been for the past 3 years. It is nice.
IT WILL BE in the 90' hot hot hot. We will have to find some air conditioning....have a few beers.
Should be fun.

OhKay 07-04-2017 05:12 AM

It sounds like a good day! I hope you have fun! :)

bizi 07-04-2017 04:51 PM

At the visitors welcome center, My friend helen was great! She has a great voice, I met her at the blue grass jam.
A friend is coming at 6 to go to Erath 45 minutes out of town, to watch the kids ride the rides and eat some fair food and have a few drinks and then see some fire works. nice relaxing day.
I just found out that a good friend of mine is moving back to Iowa....sad but happy for her she will be close to her dad and other family members.

Dmom3005 07-04-2017 07:59 PM


So sorry to hear about your mom's collarbone. Tell her we are thinking
about her.


OhKay 07-05-2017 04:13 AM

I'm sorry that you have a good friend moving to Tennessee, and one to Iowa now :hug::hug::hug:

I'm glad Helen did great, and you enjoyed her performance… hope you had a Happy 4th! :)

bizi 07-05-2017 08:24 AM

thanks kay.
I may have one another friend move to north carolina. that would leave me with a new friend, we do things as a couple. and then one lunch friend whom we never get the chance to go out for a beer, she is too busy and has family responsibilities.
heavy sigh

OhKay 07-06-2017 06:41 AM

I'm so sorry, Bizi. Those are a lot of losses all at once. It must be hard :hug::hug::hug:

We are here for you, as always :grouphug:

bizi 07-06-2017 10:11 PM

Tomorrow I will say good bye to my best friends little girl. She is taking her to nashville Saturday morning to live with her grandparents. Nicole comes back on the 18th for a while, has some medical issues and lawyer issues, trying to sell her house.....etc. So I am not sure when she leaves....
Losing friends is hard.
thanks kay.

Mari 07-07-2017 12:06 AM

Hi, Bizi,

Nicole will be out of state but still part of your live in some way.

Still, it is hard to see a friend move. :hug::hug::hug:


bizi 07-07-2017 10:12 AM

I may go see her in October....
Thanks Mari.

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