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ConsiderThis 09-15-2006 02:00 PM

An introductions thread --
I'm Karen. I'm hopeful. :D

I'm starting an introductions thread because I was worried that some people might not feel they could just join in and be a cheerleader...

Me? gosh.

I'm an old lady who's been bed-bound for nearly two years. (I have been out a few times.)

I had low B12 from stress. That caused nerve damage, which is painful in the form of peripheral neuropathy, and cognitive dysfunction, which is painful on the psyche level.

The cognitive dysfunction really shocked me. So I did a few web pages on how necessary B12 is... etc.

But... the thing is that once I had a bit of brain damage I had a lot more things go wrong because I wasn't thinking as clearly anymore.

I lived in hydrogen sulfide for two years, and that caused even more nerve damage.

Then I got tetanus, a central nervous system disease, which is what laid me low in bed.

Soooo, I am totally convinced that B12 is SO important because when our nerves and thinking aren't functioning properly, there is just too much room for things to get worse, really worse. Whereas if we were thinking clearly we might not make some mistakes that contribute to the downward trend.

I gained huge weight in bed. :o :(

But... Smiling now with hopes of losing it. :)

janster 09-15-2006 04:14 PM

I'm Jan. I've been nicknamed LS because nancy-h is older than me!

I've been battling weight all of my life. I've never been considered "normal weight" for my height. I would try a new diet, lose weight while on that diet, then go off the diet and of course the weight would come back on. I think I am addicted to food. If I know there is some "good food" out there (pastries are my favorite) I just can't wait to eat them! I need this support group to help motivate me to lose some weight, exercise, and maintain a healthier lifestyle.

I just hit the BIG 5-0 this year. Let's hear a YAY! :rolleyes: I'm a widowed (1985) & divorced (2003) mom of a 29 year old daughter and 26 year old son and a "Dramma" to a beautiful 3 year old grandaughter (8-1-2003). I've been on SSD since August 2005.

I've only been diagnosed with all of these "conditions" since October 2004. The conditions are: Arachnoiditis, Idiopathic Large and Small Fiber Peripheral Neuropathy, Fibromyalgia, DDD, Osteoarthritis, L3/4 & L5/S1 Disc Herniations, Low Grade Cancer, Degenerative Arthritis Spine, Facets & Hips, Depression, Intrasacral Meningocele, Straightening of Cervical Lordosis, Diffuse Disc Bulge C 4/C5, Bursitis in hips, Emphysema, Migraines, MRSA, High Cholesterol, Hypertension, and IBS.

It's been a wild two years to say the least!

I'm glad to have found so many friends, who have turned into family, on the "BABE" forum on the other BT. (We called it the BABE forum because it sounded so much better than "Obesity and Neurological Disorders"!) We all adopted each other, I am so thankful for that, and I hope to add many more to the family here!

I can't wait to get back with the gang and meet all the new friends! The more support, ideas, recipes, tips, and friends we have, the better!

Thanks for starting this thread--super idea! I thank DocJohn for coming to our rescue too! I'm hoping he'll make this thread a stickie so everyone can introduce themselves, and we can always be adding to this and/or changing ours. Come on guys lets hear about YOU!!

Jan aka LS

nancy-h 09-16-2006 02:07 PM

Let me introduce myself - "nancy-h"
Hello all, I am Nancy and one of the first members of the weight forum at the original BT. (Jan dragged me kicking and screaming into it. :D Just kidding.) It was so much fun and we were really rolling when - POOF - and we all know the rest.

I am known to some as BS which does not stand for the regular BS but means Big Sis. Since I am older (53) than Miss Jan, I am her Braintalk Big Sis and she is my Lil Sis. We met on Braintalk and have formed one of the most special friendships I have ever had. (Wipe the tear away.)

I have Small Fiber Peripheral Neuropathy in my feet, Fibromyalgia, IBS, DDD, Central Sleep Apnea and a bunch of other stuff. Since the Neuropathy is so bad, I cannot excercise. I even have to be very careful in the pool. So I found Chair Excercise and CHAIR DANCING!!!! I haven't used them lately but now I found new encouragement.

I have to tell everyone that this will be a very supportive and fun thread. So tell us a little about yourself and lets get going on killing some fat cells! :cool:


Fancylady_2006 09-16-2006 06:25 PM

Hi, I'm Fancylady,BC,& Billie,
Now that is a list of names and I'll answer to about anything. I used to be called Funnyface and meant to put it in my user name and instead I had typed in Fancylady. So call me any of these and I'll come running. I am 65 yrs old, from Indiana and I am resently widowed. My husband Bob died July 18 of cancer. We would of celebrated our 47 th Wedding Anniversary Sept 26th. I have good days and bad days just like the rest of you. These gal's has stood by me during the sad days and there is nothing that could replace this wonder group of gals. They have called me to cheer me and let me know that I could count on them at anytime. They are truely my family. I also have an adoped son named Donnie. I don't have much family left execpt my husbands family.

I came over on the weight loss group on the old forum. At first it was just Gaye and I , I think. I don't know if it was over a yr ago or not. It soon grew and we had many over there. We all worked hard doing things about our weight. I and another gal put a lot of hints from Dr. Phil's book. others write of good hints. You would be surprised how intersting it gets. There are aways the "cheer up" ones that help on the bad days.

I am looking forward to all you new ones too. Even if some things gets repeated, that news is for someone for that day, so don't worry about that. Lets just all have a ball and learn to. Oh, Gaye is my adopted Sister, well not really, but we are as thick as two peas on a pod. Let's attempt to watch our portions and get started. Good Luck!

slogo 09-16-2006 08:53 PM

Hello, yes Billie and I are truly Sisters! This forum got started because I was wanting to lose weight and asked on the BT1 spinal forum if there was anyone that would like to join me...the rest is history!

I struggle with losing and gaining. My trouble is when pain, boredom from being housebound (a lot of the time) and frustration hit, like a ton of bricks, I start looking for food to comfort and relieve pain. Not the way to go but it is what I do. All the fun and laughter with fellow suffers of overweight and other malodies make the weight forum a good place to hang out.

I can still remember the day Jan made me a cheerleader and gave me my great uniform! Wow, I was so excited cause in real life I am to shy to be a cheerleader. I would faint if I had to stand up in front of people. :D I have taken my position seriously and even make up some cheers in the past, which are corny and terrible. Ha, I don't care I still make them up. :p

I have lost 33 lbs and gained back 2 of them, so am struggling to lose from 209 to hopefully around 165. Usually I think of losing a small amount and reachiing that goal, I press on twoard the next goal. Right now I want to be under 200. Will I ever make it? I hope so. :) GC

snoozie 09-17-2006 02:31 AM

Hello everyone, I am Suebabe from the old BT. We are a fun bunch of folks and you never know where we will go on our cyber walks.

I don't get nearly enough exercise so it helps to be motivated by the gang here. I am in the process of putting in a pool so I can go back to exercising in the water. It really is easy on the bones and can be alot of fun.

Watch out for these girls cause you just never know what will happen here, but I guarantee you will leave with a smile on your face and hopefully fewer calories in your body. Hey laughing is exercise right??:D

Have fun, lose weight, life is good...Sue

LIZARD 09-17-2006 11:39 AM

Hey, everybody!

I'm Liz from the original BT forum, and for years, I tried all kinds of diets, but I only ended up putting back on what I had lost and LOTS of additional weight. Finally, last year, I was visiting my mom and went to a Weight Watchers meeting with her. Before we left, her hubby (whom she married when I was 28) made me my typical breakfast sandwich WW-style. It was absolutely delicious!! Since then (Aug 18, '05), I have lost 82 lbs!!!!!!!!!!! :D I can't even begin to tell you how much better I feel!! I still have a ways to go--another 60 or 70--but I have all the tools to lose and never be fat again. :) will give you all the info. It has changed my life. :) Just sayin'...


MeganLyn 09-20-2006 01:35 AM

Hello, my name is Megs. I am 33 years old. Married 13 years to a wonderful and the most handsome man, I know.
I came here....well, some very good friends of mine, told me about this great loving and caring place.

I have a host of spine problems, born with a spine birth defect. And I have an A/M illness.(auto immune sp) and horried spelling. Sorry all.

I have problems with muscle tone, and that is the reason I want to be a part of this great group.
With my illness, part of my leg muscles never fully developed as a child. But, I need upper body workouts. As I can only stand for about 10 minutes.

I have not been able to get on the computer as much as I like as of late. But, I promise I will try my best to keep in touch and check in as much as I can.

I look forward to making new friends here. As I have made all ready some wonderful friends. I am a people person. I love to talk, and make new friends.
As it is, with all of you, I never have to be the fake person, that seems fine, when inside and out, I hurt in so many ways.
Thank you for inviting me to be part of this wonderful group.

Junie 09-20-2006 09:28 AM

My name is Junie and I am almost 50 and have struggled with my weight since my 18 y/o ds was born and 3 years ago when they began the horrible steroid treaments for my back (which I have stopped) I became a full blown diabetic and started researching ways to lower my blood sugar and I found it through low carb and I do belong to a low carb forum but after the crash it seems you can't have too many home away from homes!
I posted very little at the old BT because I found usually I was ignored so mainly lurked and used it for a couple of years ago I had started taking via pm's with a couple of woman and the disapeered so I stayed out of the limelight.
I have lost over a 100 lbs with 30-5- to go...depends I guess on what size I feel best at and my blood sugars were fantanstic until right before my fusion I got a sty in my eye and the infection caused it to flare up so during my 10 day stay at the hosp I got insulin, 4 x a day but I am also hoping it will settle back down soon as the stress of my son's wedding this weekend is over!
I have not been able to exercise for a year now and I am 3 months post op and I am lucky to walk 10 minutes with a walker. I am also on a new med that I am waiting to see if it affects my loss but it affects my memory so if I seem wacky, blame it on the Lyrica!
Sorry for writing a book!
I also applied for disability in may on the advice of my NS as he said my back was a trainwreck and he does not see me being able to work in the future!

Jomar 09-23-2006 10:28 AM

I was skinny all my life until I had 4 kids, then hit 40, then got work injuries. {RSI/TOS/CMP} -that really slowed me down activity wise.

50 + yrs old, 5'3" and 165 lbs

I need to get my fanny in gear and get rid of my "apple" shape LOL!

bizi 09-25-2006 08:48 PM

My name is Bizi and I turn 44 in a few months...actually Jan avatar is a picture of my twin sister whom I am very proud of.
I am on the left.
I have struggled off and on for years of weight gain and loss.
up 50 pounds then down then up...I hate the fact that I have so many different sizes of clothes due to the fluctuations...hate it!
Want to throw everything away and start over.
I just joined a gym and have been getting up early which is not like not a morning person.
I am glad that I found you looking forward to being part of a supportive network.

mrsQ 10-10-2006 09:03 PM

I am Karen. I use to post over to the other brain talk board. I am almost 30 married six years to a great guy who is also disabled.
I was born with spinal problems, have scolosis that went untreated, DDD, SI joint sysfunction, hypothyrodism, PCOS and high blood pressure.
I have been overweight all my life. No kids, very much would love to be a mom but don't think that is God's plan. I have been a foster mom and have several furry kids. I also care for my mother in law who has Alzhimers.

Curious 10-10-2006 09:06 PM

welcome karen. :D

Junie 01-22-2007 10:07 PM

I am Junie 49,married with 3 grown sons, scads of medical problems but at least for now my scales are going in the right way....way 203 yesterday and my all time low was 195 2 years ago so its creeping back up on me. Yay!!!
I normally eat Lc but here lately I just have to make myself eat.
I may not check in a lot but I do read and silently cheer you guys on!

BroadwayBaby 02-08-2007 04:47 PM

Hi all!
I'm Bethany, I'm 21 and a college senior.

I have CRPS and take Neurontin for pain. Like many, I've gained weight from this. So far, I've lost about 10-15 pounds, but have at least 10 more to go. This is the first forum I've found where people understand how difficult it can be to lose weight when a) the meds you absolutely need make you gain weight and b) your mobility is limited.

I'm so glad to be here!

froglady 02-21-2007 08:40 PM

Just read what I posted and I didn't mean I started this forum...I meant I started the group of Babes on the old Braintalk forum.

Junie 02-21-2007 09:16 PM

I am Junie and also have ICRS and just noticed I have two intros here already! :)
BTW I am now down to 198 with all my clothes on and after tons of liquids!!

bizi 02-21-2007 11:12 PM

hi junie and broadway babe!
great work junie!!!!

peppermint1 04-27-2007 12:43 PM I think I would do better on the high diving forum.
I spent more than 60 years being painfully skinny. For the past few years my neurologist threatened me with hospitalization to see if I'd go over 100 lb on hospital food instead of a diet of cigarettes, Diet Pepsi and Ding Dongs :p .

Well, Oct. 2005 I quit smoking and started eating. Oh, how I eat. Now what? I'm 5' 3", small bones, and over 150 lb.

Lots of problems too long, complicated and boring to go into -- count your blessing before you sleep :D but -- good grief. I don't know what to do and I spend 1/2 the waking hours a day cooking a complicated diet for picky picky picky husband and I would not eat a bite of it. And I HATE cooking.

colombiangirl1 06-28-2007 08:19 PM

New to this forum...
Hi, everyone!!

I'm Cherise. A little background first. I have schizoaffective disorder. I was put on Zyprexa in the latter part of 1999. In the 18 months I was on the dreadful medication, I gained, 160 lbs.!! My normal weight, (before the Zyprexa) is 115 lbs. I have since, lost 70 lbs., only to gain back about 40 lbs. since, my last hospitilization, in January/February, of this year. They had to adjust my dosage. Of course that means now I take more. And, with that adjustment, came back the 40 lbs.

I just got myself a membership to the YMCA, and, have started working out about 2 hours per day. I walk briskly on the treadmill for 30-60 mins. and, then, swim laps for about an hour a night. The exercise, has really improved how I feel overall. Better moods throughout the day, more energy, better sleeping patterns, etc. Really glad, I got the membership.

I'm trying to get my doc to add an antidepressant that has a common side effect of weight loss. I really do need the antidepressant, and, weightloss would be a welcome side effect. Not really sure, if I'm gonna do that though. The exercising alone, is improving my moods exceptionally!! Have to wait, and, see how things go for awhile. Anyway, enough rambling from me!!

Peace, and, Love,

MSacorn 08-20-2007 02:33 PM

:Wave-Hello: Hi everyone, I'm Beth. I'm expanding my horizons beyond just the MS forum, which I love. I was dx'd 10 years ago. Most of my stuff is sensory (read invisible) pain is constant in my hands especially. No relief at all.

My story, lets see, I moved here 2-1/2 years ago from Ohio. I am contemplating going back home. When I moved out here I was 140 lbs. Thinnest in years, I was half way doing South Beach at my sisters where I was living. I found that quite successful, limiting carbs.

Out here they have krispy kreme donuts, hot. Wow, I really indulged, and being 40, I think my age caught up with me. I was homesick, left all my family and an excellent p/t job. On Aug 1st at new neuros office I stepped on the scale and weighed in a heart dropping, 198 lbs. :(

Back in '06 I had a bad flareup or 4, and did steroids each time, which only increased my weight. I was put on Lyrica, last year, way upped dose this past spring, which I stopped 2 weeks ago, because many said it causes weight gain. I am tending to agree with that assessment. Before I stopped, I was nibbling constantly and now I have to remind myself to eat.

This summer, I cut almost 8inches of my hair. In July, I joined a walking group on-line. Bought a pedometer and am tracking my inactive lifestyle. My big activity was to walk to the mailbox at the front of the complex. And I am waiting for my wrist weights to be delivered so I can start my 8 minutes in the morning workout.

I am living with my soon to be ex-SO. Shh, he doesn't know yet. I have so much going through my head that focusing on getting my body back seems like the easiest to tackle today.

I'm hoping to get to know everyone and I am a good source of encouragment.

Curious 08-20-2007 03:29 PM

hmmm...i think i know you..from somewhere. :rolleyes: :p

heheehee..welcome beth!!!:hug:

MSacorn 08-20-2007 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by Curious (Post 139054)
hmmm...i think i know you..from somewhere. :rolleyes: :p

heheehee..welcome beth!!!:hug:

I thought your monkey looked familiar too. :wink: :hug:

billie 07-31-2009 10:37 PM

To Considerthis
I, too, am becoming bedbound and finding weight maintenance a problem. Do you think that eating acidic foods like orange juice and grapes would help? Do you do anything special to keep from gaining weight? Do you have someone, such as a dh, to help you? What are your other heath concerns or interests? I am finding that it is not too easy to eat and type at the same time, so that working these forums is helpful to me! Would enjoy corresponding with you! billie '

billie 07-31-2009 10:47 PM

It's me again. Forgot to thank you for the information on the importance of B12. Will try to increase my intake. Bless you for sharing.

FaithS 12-17-2010 07:23 PM

Didn't notice this introductions thread, at first.
Posted in the regular weight loss forum.

~ Faith

whatsnew2day 07-02-2013 11:35 AM

I am old, too, coming in at age 66 and have just found out I have IBS (so that's the reason for all the pain over the years). Am on Prilosec PPI and am doing much better. Hoping to keep my weight down now that I am able to eat bread again.

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