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Bobbi 09-17-2006 01:16 AM

Squash - from India
My neighbors (originally from India) have a garden and told me that whatever grows on my side (of our fence) is mine to keep. They grow some awesome squash! I just don't know how to cook "mine." It is 23" long and 18" diameter. It's a light or faint yellow color. I looked for photos online and recipes. Does the squash kinda, maybe sound familiar to anyone?

It's hard for me to catch my neighbors at home since they also work.

I took a photo of the squash late today and can post it if it might help anyone ID the squash type :). The thing is huge!

They told me how to cook the squash from last year, but this is a different type. (It scared my dog when she spotted it. It was hanging from the fence and wasn't there when we left for vacation a week ago. She came home, was sunning herself and looked up and saw it. I wish I had had my camera for that moment.)

ponyboy 09-17-2006 01:51 AM

Bobbi, are you sure it's not a pumpkin? :D

Actually, if it's a "winter" squash (hard shell) I would imagine that all of them get cooked about the same: Remove the "flesh" from the shell, and boil like you would a potato, unless it's small enough to just halve and bake in the oven. A notable exception is the "Spaghetti" squash, which has its own recipe.

Good luck!
I like my squash with a little bit of salt and lots of butter... :)

Much love and

Bobbi 09-17-2006 01:57 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Here's a photo of the squash, and the camera doesn't do it justice (I assure), since it's massive and is more yellow than the camera captured with natural lighting in shade. It's not a pumpkin, but a huge squash. The neighbors told me a few years ago (when they moved in) that their planting seeds are from India. The last time I cooked squash they grew, it was round and they told me that it's boiled or sauteed (sp?) for only a few moments or it turns mushy; it was more the pumpkin-shape than is this one:

Bobbi 09-17-2006 02:02 AM

... P.S.: A week ago, that squash was not even there! I came home to it. And it did scare my doggie. She saw it and looked at it as she had the first time she noticed a ceiling fan with its blades spinning - which was funny to me but sad to see her response since she whimpered.

... P.S. to the previous P.S.: I think I may have just found its name: Bhim. The description I read said it's light greenish. Maybe... it's been a few hours since I cut it and hid it from the doggie so she would stop feeling so frightened of it :).

ponyboy 09-17-2006 02:08 AM

Bobbi, that thing looks like the love-child of a crookneck squash and a jalapeņo... :D

If it has a soft skin, I'd just handle it like a zucchini... otherwise, like any winter squash.

From their comments about it getting mushy, it sort of sounds similar to an eggplant.... a former colleague of mine was married to a vegetarian woman from India, and they ate eggplant quite frequently.

Eat up, and report back! :)

Much love and

Bobbi 09-17-2006 02:18 AM

From what I'm reading of it, it seems it's in the gourd "family."

The Jaya is the one that is the "mushy" if cooked too long, from what I'm now learning (online :)) and it is like the Eggplant. Sooo, you're right about that!

The Bhim has a shell or exterior that feels firm like zucchini. I think I will take your idea and cook it similarly - if I can't find any recipes :).

shotspine 09-17-2006 04:25 AM

Stuffed Squash/Zucchini
Hi Bobbi.......
Oh My.....yummy!!! When I can get a squash that big, I stuff it! I use a meatloaf mixture. Cut in half lengthwise and scoop out enough to leave approx 1/2" rim. Take the scooped out squash and add it to your meatloaf mixture. Fill them, top with bacon, cheese, or whatever you wish. Bake in oven just as you would a regular meatloaf. Drain fat off every once in awhile. I buy the hamburger with the lowest amt of fat, then it's not necessary.

That is my most favorite meal. Gotta go find me a big yellow squash or zucchini. I just took some meatloaf out of my freezer that was left over from stuffing zucchinis last year. I also love meatloaf sandwiches. I don't even eat much meat, but this is a must every year.

Enjoy! Too bad the tomatoes are crawling over the fence!:D

ConsiderThis 09-17-2006 01:27 PM

That is some Amazing squash!!!!

You should draw those Roswell Alien eyes on it... :rolleyes:

No. Just kidding. :)

I have a pretty huge zucchinni in my garden right now, practically so big it defies being picked...

I love to put olive oil in a pan, add chicken, wait for it to brown, then add the squash and a lot of black pepper....

Oops, mouth watering here....

Bobbi 09-17-2006 05:43 PM

Thank you the info. on how to cook it, Shotspine :). I've never made stuffed zucchini, so I'll try that first - using your pointers.

Tomatoes? Don't need those. I grew my own :).

ConsiderThis, I hadn't cooked zucchini in olive oil until last night. I posted the recipe I used here:

The next zucchini I make, I'll try doing it as you've done :cool:.

I might draw the eyes on the gourd before I cut it, too, and take another photo of it :D.

Nearly forgot... before posting about what I initially believed was a squash, I tried searching using: "squash" and "India" and mainly found sites about the sport. But, when I entered "squash" and "from India," I found pages about the veggie and about gourds. As soon as I saw the photos, I knew it's a gourd (and one that will soon have eyes for a while. LOL).

ConsiderThis 09-17-2006 05:46 PM


while I would JUST LOVE to see the squash with Alien Eyes...
I'm not sure it would be good ... what if it seeped toxins in....

but, I would Love to see it!!!!!!!!!!

carolynms 09-17-2006 07:00 PM

I slice my zuchini, spray it with nonstick spray, cook it on the grill just for a minute or two on each side, and then take them off the grill and drop in a dish of parmesean cheese, shake them around until they are pretty well covered with the cheese.

PS I loose a lot in the bottom of the grill, and they are only really good freshly cooked, not served later.

ConsiderThis 09-17-2006 07:05 PM

MMMMM, that sounds good.

I absolutely DASH here each time there's a notification for this thread... hoping to see the Alien eyes on the squash... even though I tell you not to do it....


Bobbi 09-17-2006 07:30 PM

Carolyn, someone told me yesterday that I've about 3 more weeks of the veggie growing/showing up time here, so... I've also gotta try the way you cook zucchini. Sounds so delicious!

The one thing I probably won't try is making zucchini bread, since I tend to muck bread recipes :o.

ConsiderThis, I'm working on it ;). I've drawn faces on golf balls in the past, but never on food! I read your cautionary note, as well :D. Given the thickness of the skin, I think it will be okay since I won't be using it to make condiments (sp?). Next one, I'll try that.

ConsiderThis 09-17-2006 08:02 PM

Ohhh, I am SO Excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bobbi 09-18-2006 02:29 AM

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Ohhh-kay... here's the hip-hop gourd dressed in Roswell style :D. I ran out of room on the memory stick, so I'll have to tweakster the photogenic appearance of her tomorrow... and... was it more than a wee bit sadistic that the photo was done atop my stove!

shotspine 09-18-2006 04:35 AM

Awww....that is so cute! Does this mean the skin is too thick to eat? In your research, did anything explain what the difference is between and gourd and a squash?

Carolyn....your recipe sounds delicious too. If you slice them lenghwise, you won't lose so many between the grates. Or, get yourself a fish basket for grilling.....or toothpicks (2 in each piece) but you have to cut them thick enough to run the toothpicks thru without breaking the slices. Easiest is cutting lengthwise. Yum Yum! I'm so anxious to see how these all turn out. Bobbi, remember when making your meatloaf that adding the squash will put plenty of moisture in. I use lots of tomatoes, onions and mushrooms too which add even more moisture. You lucky lady, growing your own tomatoes! I have a neighbor that had a tomato plant and it took every bit of will power to not steal one. I didn't and pray she didn't let them go to waste.

Dang, it's 2:30 am and I'm hungry now but much too tired to do anything about it.

Happy Cooking Bobbi

Bobbi 09-18-2006 12:43 PM

Nope, Shotspine. It only meant that the skin, I think, will prevent the ink used in creating Roswell from seeping :D.

This is where I found some info. about the gourd:

I'm torn on whether to eat Roswell, though. Someone suggested that I have Roswell looking over the fence, toward the neighbor's and present them with Roswell. They've got a good sense of humor and... kinda thought I lost I lost it when I mentioned, a few years ago, that chicken is vegetarian :eek:. I'd gone to their house, with another neighbor, to invite them to our annual July 4 block party/pot luck. When they said that they were vegetarian, I said, "Oh, that's okay. We'll be serving some chicken." At that moment, all I saw was their pearly whites! They were laughing so hard at what I said. I learned: Chicken is not vegetarian.

I used the stuffed zuccini recipe last night - for zucchini; it was delicious.

About your neighbors 'matoes... Would they give you some if you ask? I'd ask. The worst you'll hear is: No. But, I betcha they say yes.

clouds z 09-18-2006 01:34 PM

id never use teflon -its bad

shotspine 09-18-2006 04:09 PM

Hey Bobbi...

I'm glad you liked it!! My thoughts of stuffed zucchini are stuck in the forefront of my brain. I must go find a big one...I've seen a groc store carry them and have always wondered why.

The neighbor's tomato plant is done for this year. It was a small one and only had about 10 pretty small tomatoes. Obviously all veggies homegrown are better than store bought, but tomatoes seem to have the biggest difference in taste of all the others.

My computer is in crash mode.:mad: I got a blue screen and "Device Driver instead caused Windows "Stop Error". I'm afraid to go to any websites until I figure out what to do. Sadly, I'm computer STUPID. :confused: Hope to be back soon but I don't know what to do. Decided to catch up on posts and emails before I shut down and see what happens.

The veggie chicken cracked me up!!!! It brought to mind though how many meats are available in veggie style......Veg Hamburger, Veg Turkey..hotdogs, sausage, etc, but I don't think I've ever seen veggie chicken.

Enjoy your very cute squash and have fun trying lots of recipes!!:)


Bobbi 09-18-2006 05:00 PM

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Roswell returns... this time, I put a collar and leash on Roswell. I didn't want her to vanish before I could get another photo...

shotspine 09-18-2006 06:27 PM

Ohhhhh, how adorable. Be careful she doesn't get kidnapped. She'll be a big hit with the guys.

Bobbi 09-18-2006 06:59 PM

There is a woman, and two of her friends, from India and each has her own blog. Within them, there are recipies. I saw one for the gourd that looked good. I'll have to re-trace the search and find her site again :).

After personalizing Roswell, though, I'm not so sure I could cut into her :eek:. She's playing with a zucchini right now; she made a friend in my refrig. :D.

Bobbi 09-18-2006 08:14 PM

Lara, your timing is perfect - with pumpkin harvesting time approaching. Would you mind writing out the prep. directions?

Shotspine: I hope your 'puter is okay.

crytears 09-18-2006 10:29 PM

It's a Loofa gourd!
1 Attachment(s)
Hey...I dont think its a thinkz itsa loofa gourd.
Try a google search for it.
Have you opened it yet? Hmmmm.
I love squash....butternut the best. My garden only yeilded 4 good sized ones, but I think I put too much horse poopies on my dirt. Didnt know what to do with all those nuggets out in my field....those ponies sure make big doo-doo's! And Molly...the mare is due March 13! This is going to be fun!
Back to butter nut squash...
I love making soup out of it.....cook it, smash it...add plain yougurt, white wine, sugar, ginger, butter, chicken or veggie stock.....yum! Got the recipe from Mayo clinic when I went there 2 years ago. If you want exact recipe let me know.
Blessings, cheryl

crytears 09-18-2006 10:32 PM

got it
It's an opo squash (Nam Tao). I found it next to the loofa gourd section!
If you google Suptra's Thai Vegetables you can also find it.
Hope this helps. Its used in Tai food like squash.
Blessings, cheryl

Bobbi 09-18-2006 11:33 PM

Uhmm, don't know if you may have seen where I posted that it is a gourd; I discovered that such hours and hours later - following my initial post. It's a Bhim - as I posted its name a number of messages ago :).

I saw my neighbor, the husband, tonight. He laughed when he heard that the gourd scared my doggie. Not that he thought it funny it frightened her but that its length reached such so fast :). Some can grow to a length of 40 inches, and there are two more now growing on my side. He said that they should be ready in a week. I believe him!

I gave him one of my huge zucchini and several purple bell pepper I grew, along with some other things from my garden.

I've not cut it open - yet. He told me, though, how he prepares the gourd. It was an ahh-haa moment... as in: That's the scent that always makes me feel so hungry.

Bobbi 09-20-2006 05:07 PM

One of my doctors just called; she was laughing so hard when I told her the story behind the creation of Roswell, the gourd. She wants to see Roswell's portfolio next week :D.

shotspine 09-20-2006 06:07 PM

New Elmo
Hi Bobbi....

Please post Roswell's portfolio.:) I have to tell you that I woke up with you in my first thought. My TV was on and the news program was showing the new Elmo. I was only a tiny bit awake and wasn't ready to get any more so, but this new Elmo had me laughing so hard. Do you have it? Have you seen it? Absolutely no one could keep a straight face with this new guy.

I want one! :D

trekker 09-20-2006 06:16 PM


I saw the new Elmo and want one too. According to CNN we might have to fight over it tho. Maybe we could work out a sharing plan?

Would love the soup recipe and I loved the attachment. :0

carolynms 09-20-2006 06:18 PM

Shotspine, thanks for the advice on how not to loose my zuchini on the grill. I am going to have to try the meatloaf recipe. Is that kind of like a stuffed pepper?
Bobbi, your gourd (?) is lovely! I bet this one doesn't get cooked, though. It sounds like you and the zuchini have gotten quite attached to it.
If you do cook it, you will have to let us know how the recipes worked out. As you can see, your gourd has attracted a lot of attention!

Bobbi 09-20-2006 07:12 PM

Shotspine... haa haa, the portfolio is Roswell's "modeling" shots :D.

I've not seen the new Elmo, Shotspine & Trekker. But... I will make sure to find one!

Cheryl, I'd also like your soup recipe.

Carolyn, if I can't bring myself to cut into Roswell, I'll be sure she has a coat for Winter :). There's another growing, and my neighbor said that it should be ready in about a week. I won't draw on this one so I will be able to let you know how it turns out in a recipe.

shotspine 09-20-2006 08:11 PM

Oh Gosh Trekker....didn't you just crack up? Me laughing upon waking is a miracle and has never been accomplished in my very long lifetime.:o Sounds like we better hurry to get ours. Since I can't really afford one, I thought I could buy one and rent it out to all the sad faces around here.;) are welcome. I had just seen the 2 toothpick trick on a cooking segment a few days ago. Yes, the meatloaf mixture is exactly the same as for a stuffed pepper except better. It comes out much more moist because you mix in the scooped out zucchini and then it's cooking in the zucchini which is also nice and moist vs dry green pepper. I always liked stuffed peppers until I found stuffed zucchini......much better.....but....much shorter season to have them.

Bobbi.....well........then where are all the rest of the pix? Like the one playing in the refer with the zucchini? I trust you could make a whole album with a zucchini and a gourd.:D

Bobbi 09-20-2006 08:39 PM

Don't temp me, Shotspine. Uhhh, I think we've all seen what happened when I ran with the idea ConsiderThis generously presented :D. If I continue with the photo-taking time, I won't be able to test out all the recipes that people kindly shared :o. But... the temptation is here! :D

shotspine 09-20-2006 09:11 PM

Well darn Bobbi.....
I sure don't want to take you down the wrong road so I'll just sit here and pout.:rolleyes: Maybe if you give me the link to what happened in Consider This' post I will be appeased?;)

And........recipe reviews will be nice to have. I've still got to go on the "big" zucchini hunt.

No temptations from me, oh no, I would never do such a thing. :) I was taught good manners.:D

Bobbi 09-20-2006 09:20 PM

It's within the first page or so of this thread that ConsiderThis gave the (hint hint) idea of creating what turned out to be Roswell :D.

The largest zucchini I've ever gotten was from my own garden this year. Came back after a week away at the shore, and ... booooom, there two were.


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