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mrsD 02-05-2011 09:50 AM

Grapefruit and Insulin Resistance:

I just saw an author on Dr. Oz, this week, who said that grapefruit juice (unsweetened) can open receptors in muscles
and prevent weight gain when eating forbidden foods. (in his opinion, having one free day to eat forbidden foods, helps with weight loss when the other 6 days, are carefully managed.)
His name is Tim Ferriss and his video is on Dr. Oz's website.

So I decided to research his claim, and found this paper.

Click on parts 1 and 2... as well...all are very interesting...and Dr. Oz and his medical staff vetted these ideas!

Be aware that Grapefruit interferes with the absorption of some drugs you may be taking. So check with your pharmacy before trying it.

Jaspar 02-06-2011 12:00 PM

Thank you - Great videos with Dr. Oz.
Personally, I nix the ice therapy - no way! I feel cold already!

Click here to watch Part 2.

Click here to watch Part 3.

Anyone here read the book about the 4 hour body? Follow it? Results?

mrsD 02-06-2011 12:45 PM

I just ordered and received it from Amazon. I was very curious about it.

Haven't read much yet. It is huge tho and filled with medical stuff. 500+pgs and very heavy to hold.

I am doing the cold packs on the neck and upper chest once a day, and they are not really that bad. With a thin cloth to protect the skin, they don't make me cold at all! (I do cold packs sometimes anyway for my spine, and PN).

What I have noticed right away is that I am warmer at night.
Our temps this winter have been in the single digits, and I tend to be cold because of my thyroid issues, but the cold packs seem to be resulting in more metabolism and creation of heat!

The grapefruit thing is not in the book that I can find. It is not in the index in the back. But it was intriguing on the show. And Dr. Oz went to the trouble of making a digital graphic to illustrate it. There has always been a "grapefruit diet", but new evidence of moderate use of it with calorie restriction, shows that it may help those with elevated insulin levels, improve that.

His diet is restrictive and is called the slow carb diet. Basically it is NO white anything. Even limits dairy.

Jaspar 02-06-2011 07:45 PM

Well then, I retract my "nix" of the cold compress. I'll give it a try.

Slow carbs? Sounds like what my family calls "better carb choices." Nothing refined. Not meaning we eat nothing refined, but we eat them with the understanding they are a poor choice.

mrsD 02-07-2011 08:20 AM

His slow carbs are beans... lentils and beans and other legumes.

He claims that lentils are easier to digest, and I am going to try that. Red beans really upset me! He has a "mashed" lentils with cauliflower" to subsitute for mashed potatoes.

I am doing steak and eggs omelets with some success for breakfast tho. That 30 gm of protein is difficult. I've also done salmon for breakfast. (trying to keep the new kitten off my plate! LOL )

He also states, that if you diet everyday, your thyroid hormones slow and stop converting to T3. Hence the "binge" once a week to prevent that. I guess he tested himself and showed that or has a study to back it up. I find this intriguing too... because of my low thyroid status.

Amazon is offering this huge hardcover book 1/2 off right now. It was only $13.98.

MelodyL 02-14-2011 10:24 AM

Okay Mrs. D.

I watched Dr. Oz and understood about the grapefruit thing if a person binges. I do not binge. I cannot binge. I don't want to binge. But they say one day a person has to binge!!!!

Maybe I can eat some forbidden food (but this does not have to be a sugar laden thing, right?) It could be fried chicken, or some other indulgence but not a big piece of cake right?

let's say once a week, I drink a small glass of grapefruit juice before I eat some forbidden thing.

I just need to know what you think a forbidden thing is better for a diabetic.

Or can I eat ANYTHING I want and just make sure I drink a small glass of grapefruit juice before I eat this.

I mean, I don't eat pizza, red meat, anything with sugar, nothing white, no refined carbs, so all of these are a FORBIDDEN thing to me.

I can pick anything of that list, and drink a small glass of grapefruit juice before I eat this, and it will rev up my metabolism??

Sounds strange but hey if it helps me lose the last 20 or so pounds I'll do it.

As a matter of fact, I'm going to buy a bottle of fresh unsweetened grapefruit juice and before each meal I'll have a small cup. Then I'll continue to monitor my sugar and if it stays good, well, I just might have a shot at losing the rest of my weight.

Imagine if I hit 65 and look like Beyonce???



mrsD 02-16-2011 09:38 AM

List of drugs that interact with grapefruit:

No one list is 100% complete. New drugs come out all the time and may not appear on lists yet.

So if in doubt, ask your local pharmacist before mixing your drugs with grapefruit.

MelodyL 02-16-2011 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by mrsD (Post 744992)

No one list is 100% complete. New drugs come out all the time and may not appear on lists yet.

So if in doubt, ask your local pharmacist before mixing your drugs with grapefruit.

I read the list. I looked up Alprazolam (I take either one half or 1 mg) at bedtime. I also take Lisinopril in the am. Being taking a PRIL since I'm 26 and I weighed 250 and my doctor said "you are 26 and I'm putting you on a high blood pressure med"" The only time in my life I ever had high blood pressure after that was when I had toxemia when I gave birth.

After that, (maybe it's because I take this pill every morning), I have NEVER had any high blood pressure readings. At Cornell or any doctor's office.

So I'll just take a bit of the grapefruit juice and see what happens with the Alprazolam. If I need to take one half of the pill, I'll take that.

Thanks much for all the great info. I do not know what I would do without you.

Soon to be skinny MELODY!!!!! lol

mrsD 02-16-2011 11:22 AM

Lisinopril should be ok. This drug is NOT metabolized by the body at all and is excreted whole in the urine.

If the grapefruit is far enough away from the alprazolam, it might be ok. But you may have to reduce the dose of it by 1/2 also, and that you will have to see when you do this.

In the book, when went to press before the TV shows, he suggests 3 oz of unsweetened lemon juice. You might have to use that.

MelodyL 02-16-2011 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by mrsD (Post 745015)
Lisinopril should be ok. This drug is NOT metabolized by the body at all and is excreted whole in the urine.

If the grapefruit is far enough away from the alprazolam, it might be ok. But you may have to reduce the dose of it by 1/2 also, and that you will have to see when you do this.

In the book, when went to press before the TV shows, he suggests 3 oz of unsweetened lemon juice. You might have to use that.

I have true lemon packets of crystalized lemons. I can pour a packet into a little water, chug it down and that would be that.

I can do this INSTEAD of the grapefruit juice?? Same effect?

If not, I'll just do what they all did in the video, chug down a little cup of unsweetned grapefruit juice, have some binging (god I hate that word) thing, and then do squats (or whatever resembles squats) for 60 seconds.

The video was very informative, but all that food on that table made me want to barf. To think that this is exactly how I used to eat, well, good lord!!


mrsD 02-17-2011 07:45 AM

Yes, I would try the lemon.

MelodyL 02-17-2011 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by mrsD (Post 745271)
Yes, I would try the lemon.

Okay, I'll do the lemon thing.

Who knew that all these packets of crystalized lemons would come in handy.

So no grapefruit juice, we shall have LEMONS!!!

Thanks much


Jaspar 03-09-2011 10:00 AM

I just received the hefty book. I am torn between starting this one or "The China Study" which a family member is insisting I read "immediately."

MelodyL 03-09-2011 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by Jaspar (Post 751551)
I just received the hefty book. I am torn between starting this one or "The China Study" which a family member is insisting I read "immediately."

Hi Jaspar:

I just purchased the China Study from Ebay. I was so fascinated by what I read (in the description), that I just had to get it.

I grow my own sprouts and I've been eating healthy for 5 years. I do eat chicken and the occasional bison burger and recently began this once a week binge eating plan that revs up one's metabolism. But honestly, I don't like how my body feels the next day after eating more than usual. I am so not used to eating like this.

So I have about 20 or so more lbs to do and I'll just either walk more, or do whatever I have to do to lose the last 20 but I don't think I'll do the binge thing any more. There is scientific evidence to back up this binge eating once a week (I saw it on the Dr. Oz show), but for ME, I don't think I can do this any more. I just felt tired, lethargic and yucky the next day.

When you grow your own food, and eat a plant based diet, and on that one day (the binge day), you load up with stuff you don't normally eat, so your thyroid gets a boost, and your metabolism gets a boost, well it might work and be good for a 20 to 30 year old, but this 63 year old, well I don't like how I feel. I very much DO like how I feel when I eat a plant based diet. My tummy likes it to.

I lost a few pounds but honestly I really don't think I can do the binge diet any more. Too much food for a gal that's been eating SO sensibly for years.

I'll find another way to boost my metabolism, and if I don't, well I don't. I've lost over 100 lbs (took me a long long time), and hey, I look fine.

My doctor is also happy with my numbers.

The once a week pizza was very nice, very enjoyable, and the bacon eggs and cheese for breakfast was to die for, but my body didn't like the way it felt (even if it's only once a week).

I guess I'm too old to change.

My I really do like the stuff I've been putting into my body. My sprouts, my bok choi, my veggies, the chicken breast, the Gardein products (vegetarian products).

My body LIKES this. And my numbers are fine. Especially my morning fasting levels which are 75 to 104. So for me, well I can't wait to get the China Study.

Thanks so much for posting the info on The China Study. I had never heard of this book.

Should be fascinating.

Now if I can only get my husband to eat like I eat.



MelodyL 03-09-2011 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by mrsD (Post 745271)
Yes, I would try the lemon.

Hi Mrs. D.

I just replied to Jaspar. You'll get my posting because you subscribed to this thread. I've decided not to do the binge thing any more. My body DID NOT like the way it felt after eating that way, even if it's once a week.

I felt yucky.

So back to my semi-vegetarian ways, and when I get the China Study, I'll read it and maybe I'll learn something new.

Take care and thank you for all your info on grapefruit and lemon water.

Much appreciated.

And I got into my Pajama Jeans. Whoa, what a fit. They make you look 20 lbs thinner immediately.



mrsD 03-09-2011 12:36 PM

I don't do so much eating on treat day. I just allow myself that pizza. And maybe a couple of tablespoonfuls of ice cream or 2 pieces of chocolate. Hardly a binge in quantity, but a nice treat for a day.

My morning sugars have come down 30pts on the Glumetza. Only one a day so far 500mg at bedtime.

Saturday my son was here helping with our new TV installation.
I took him to Baja Fresh...a very nice Mexican place.
I had a plain chicken garden burrito...not huge like Qdoba...but no carbs except the thin tortilla. He had 2 portions of chips, and a huge dinner bowl (shrimp, beef, rice and beans). When we got home he had candy for dessert and then I checked his sugars... 106. 2hrs after eating. Mine was 154! Mine does come down in the low 100's by the next meal, but not as fast as his did! I can't eat such large amounts of food anymore without feeling stuffed and ill either.

I was surprised that Baja Fresh had this nice Type II friendly choice on the menu! Mine had no rice, just a few beans, and lots of dark greens, some avocado, and grilled chicken. I suppose if I had it in a bowl, instead of the tortilla, my sugar would have been a bit lower.

Going to the doctor on the 16th, and expect a dose increase with the Glumetza, to 1000mg a day. No GI upsets so far with this new metformin.

I'm glad you are getting into you new slacks, Mel.

I find the protein breakfast and the cold pack treatments the most useful. The cold really accelerates my metabolism and I can feel that during the night. I am not so cold then or the rest of the day, and I've lost weight besides. The treat day has not resulted in any negative change for me that I can tell so far. But as I say, I don't eat that much, just differently.

mrsD 03-09-2011 01:10 PM

Here is another take on the China Study book and its author;

I believe that politics and capitalism drive our media and nutritional advice. Even the studies may be skewed in some way to be persuasive of a particular viewpoint.

Food is a very big industry, and food will become difficult soon to produce. Dwindling water supplies, and changing climate with enormous increases in population, will change our future. In 20 to 50 yrs, we won't have this luxury, it is predicted.

MelodyL 03-09-2011 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by mrsD (Post 751592)
Here is another take on the China Study book and its author;

I believe that politics and capitalism drive our media and nutritional advice. Even the studies may be skewed in some way to be persuasive of a particular viewpoint.

Food is a very big industry, and food will become difficult soon to produce. Dwindling water supplies, and changing climate with enormous increases in population, will change our future. In 20 to 50 yrs, we won't have this luxury, it is predicted.

And Monsanto is trying to run EVERYTHING. And they soon will prevent us from being able to purchase our own seeds, and that would drive me nuts.

I'm going to try the COLD PACK thing. Hey, whatever works.

Good job on your glucose numbers.

And it's so funny, when I hear that a person can eat the entire kitchen sink and two hours later their blood sugar is 106. Sounds like Alan.


Burgess 04-13-2011 01:47 AM

Hi mrsD,
Thanks for sharing this useful site with everyone. My mom is diabetic and these sites will be of great info for me. I have bookmarked these sites and will share it with my friends also.

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