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MelodyL 06-27-2008 11:20 AM

Alan's psoriasis has all but disappeared!!
I have no idea if this is a miracle or whatever it is.

Dr. Fred (last week) gave him a new prescription for Clobetasol. He has used this product in the past (long long time ago, and it did work but for whatever reason, Alan stopped using it.

Well, with all his infusions, and stress, his psoriasis was flaring up BIG time. All over his body. Never saw such a thing. His ears, between his eyebrows, (places where the sun don't shine). I have no idea why this happens, but happened it did to my husband.

We tried everything. The Vitamin E. the A D & E ointment. Everything.


Last week he applies the Clobetasol and in three days it's all gone.

You should see the lesion (or what USED TO BE THE LESION) on his right ankle. This lesion was huge, red, scaly and thick. About 5 inches long and 4 inches wide. It was so bad that when he had the operation and wore a cast over this foot for 4 or so weeks, well you should have seen what came off of this lesion.

Well, I've been looking and it's still gone. He used the Clobetasol for 3 days (starting last week) and that's how long it took for everything to dry up and go away.

Oh there are still little remnants of his psoriasis in places BUT NOTHING LIKE IT WAS BEFORE HE BEGAN this new tube.

I have no idea why this is, BUT I'M HAPPY IT IS.

The lesion is gone from the right leg. Only smooth baby skin remains.

How do you like that??? I still can't get over how fast this cream worked on him.

Maybe his immune system is kicking in???

Momma's Kids 06-27-2008 01:20 PM

that is really great, my 5 yro grandson has psorasis, mostly on his back. I'm not sure which cream he uses, but I will mention this to his mother. He has a flare up once in a while and his doctor changed his medication last time.

We have to be careful about him being in the sun for very long and we always make sure he has a shirt and sunblock...but he does pretty well.

Thanks for the name of this cream...I'm gonna mention it to her! Glad Alan is doing much better!!!

Jodee 09-10-2008 08:09 PM

I have never heard of this med. I will have to look it up i have psoriatic ra and nothing worked except the methotrexate.


MelodyL 09-10-2008 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Jodee (Post 365911)
I have never heard of this med. I will have to look it up i have psoriatic ra and nothing worked except the methotrexate.


His leg is SMOOTH as a baby's bottom.
The patches on his elbows are just red, no scaly, (because he never remembers to put on the cream). But the stuff that was on his legs is GONE. I am so happy he found something that finally worked.

Good luck to all of you and I hope the cream helps you too!!!


mrsD 09-11-2008 06:43 AM

husband's update...
Well, the Aquaphor and Dovonex cream have completely reversed my hubby's horrible elbow and thigh.(where his pocket contents rub on the leg). The elbow was the worst and scaly, and now you'd never know it had been there.

This is without Clobetasol (which is a member of the steroid family) or any other steroid.

However, he is getting new patches on his chest, but they are only red so far. He is very satisfied.

MelodyL 09-11-2008 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by mrsd (Post 366091)
Well, the Aquaphor and Dovonex cream have completely reversed my hubby's horrible elbow and thigh.(where his pocket contents rub on the leg). The elbow was the worst and scaly, and now you'd never know it had been there.

This is without Clobetasol (which is a member of the steroid family) or any other steroid.

However, he is getting new patches on his chest, but they are only red so far. He is very satisfied.

Hi Mrs. D.

I wonder why some of those creams work for some and not for others?? Alan tried the Aquaphor and Dovonex years ago and they did nothing. And I seem to remember that years ago, the clobetasol did nothing either.

But THIS time it did the trick. I wonder why.


mrsD 09-11-2008 09:32 AM

I think Alan's case
is different because of his autoimmune issues.

Using the IVIG now may be tempering his psoriasis.

My husband flares and remits. I don't think his case is as severe or so autoimmune as Alan's.

My husband often gets redness only, and only the severe scaling every so often. The elbow, the doctor said was terrible, so if that is resolving so well, he won't need more drastic measures. We are still watching the strange lesion on his ear --and that worries me. It is hard to tell psoriasis from skin cancer. (basal type) He goes back in Oct/Nov for a recheck.

Koala77 09-12-2008 10:36 PM

My DH also suffers from this horrible skin condition. His doctors will only order him Betnovate cream which is cortisone based. He's seen many doctors about it and they all end up ordering Betnovate.

DH's condition started after he had a back injury at work and his physio sent him to a hydrotherapy pool. The water was very warm and the chlorine content very high and DH's skin got "burnt" from the combination of heat and chlorine.

This was about 5 years ago now and it still hasn't eased. One dermatologist did a blood test and although I can't remember the readings or the name of the test now, it was an allergy blood test. IGG or similar. Anyway it was supposed to be under 10 or under 100 or something, but my DH's level was over 200,000. The Dermo said she'd never in all her medical life ever seen a reading that high. 5 years later it's down to about 5000. Still way over normal, but no where near as high as it was.

annie63 12-31-2008 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by MelodyL (Post 310757)
I have no idea if this is a miracle or whatever it is.

Dr. Fred (last week) gave him a new prescription for Clobetasol. He has used this product in the past (long long time ago, and it did work but for whatever reason, Alan stopped using it.

Well, with all his infusions, and stress, his psoriasis was flaring up BIG time. All over his body. Never saw such a thing. His ears, between his eyebrows, (places where the sun don't shine). I have no idea why this happens, but happened it did to my husband.

We tried everything. The Vitamin E. the A D & E ointment. Everything.


Last week he applies the Clobetasol and in three days it's all gone.

You should see the lesion (or what USED TO BE THE LESION) on his right ankle. This lesion was huge, red, scaly and thick. About 5 inches long and 4 inches wide. It was so bad that when he had the operation and wore a cast over this foot for 4 or so weeks, well you should have seen what came off of this lesion.

Well, I've been looking and it's still gone. He used the Clobetasol for 3 days (starting last week) and that's how long it took for everything to dry up and go away.

Oh there are still little remnants of his psoriasis in places BUT NOTHING LIKE IT WAS BEFORE HE BEGAN this new tube.

I have no idea why this is, BUT I'M HAPPY IT IS.

The lesion is gone from the right leg. Only smooth baby skin remains.

How do you like that??? I still can't get over how fast this cream worked on him.

Maybe his immune system is kicking in???

My daughter (16) has psoriasis in her scalp and has begun to get it on the rest of her body. Her dermatologist prescribed her clobetasol for her scalp and an ointment for her body. It does work fantastically, the even have a once a week clobetasol shampoo. So I am glad to that you have found success with this drug because I think it works miracles. Keep the faith.

MelodyL 05-17-2011 10:20 AM

Hi All.

I didn't want to start a new thread because it's about the same subject and I have a video that I made of Alan's psoriasis that I want to share. Maybe some of you can share your thoughts.

Initially, when I first started this thread, Alan had started using the Clobetasol and it worked wonders. As the years and Alan has been under more and more stress, well he has had flare ups, and then they quiet down.

He has patches on elbows (lots of patches), then they move up the arm.

He has patches on the front of his legs and the back of his legs, he has a patch on top of his bald head.

Sometimes around the ears, he has THICK patches.

He also suffers from dry skin.

Now when he remembers to put on the clobetasol twice a day, well it does indeed make a difference. But he doesn't remember.

He got assaulted last week on the bus and he got injured. Big stress here. He's fine now but that triggered a psoriasis flare up that was really something.

Last night I noticed his right ankle (the one where he usually has this 4 inch patch (for want of a better word). Over the years, it would be bright red, lots of scales, etc. I would put on the clobetasol, it would calm down.

A few days ago I purchased the pine tar soap at GNC. He loved it, he used it and it helped.

He did not use clobetasol or the pine tar soap yesterday at all. Well, last night he was sitting at the computer and I noticed his right ankle. I said "oh my god, did you see what your ankle looks like?" he said "oh I forgot to use the clobetasol" I then put some on.

I decided to make a video using 3 clips. The first part of the video is last night (not using clobetasol). The second clip was this morning, (big difference) and the third video was taken exactly one hour after I put some clobetasol on his right ankle. What a difference. I bet if he puts it on again later, it would go away. I know this is auto-immune. But it moves from place to place, it disappears from between his eyes, and now it's not on his elbow anymore. What the heck kind of thing is this kind of psoriasis?

He has to keep remembering to use it.

Here's the video.

Thanks if you have any thoughts on this

MelodyL 05-17-2011 07:43 PM

Okay, I had to go for my foot appointment today and because we have the same doctor (for years!!), I took the video of his ankle with me just to see what he thought.

He watched the video and said "he's got psoriasis, but you know that, see how well the clobetasol is working?" I said "so all the various stages of the rings, that's PSORIASIS??"

He said "absolutely, I have seen Alan's psoriasis come and go over the years."

You see, I thought he had some fungal infection or something.

He said "not at all, it's psoriasis"

So there you have it.

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