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SandyC 08-26-2009 04:02 PM

Daily Insights rolling right along...
New thread!

tkrik 08-26-2009 04:34 PM

"Rollin', rollin', rollin', Rawhide . . ."

LOL I thought of that song when I read our new title for the Insights thread. :D

JustWeave 08-26-2009 05:11 PM

Wahoo! Nice new digs.

Furbaby is at the vet as I type. DH came home from work and said he made the appointment. I noticed her right eye had a ring of white gunk around it. Poor thing is really in sad shape.

Time for some muzak and more typing practice. :rolleyes:

JustWeave 08-26-2009 07:05 PM

Furbaby will live. Vet doesn't know what happened as it could be a variety of things. She has already perked up a bit. :D The next few days will include meds and a bland diet. :rolleyes: I don't really care, I just want the family dog back.

Debbie D 08-26-2009 07:39 PM

Hi all...sitting here with a bottle of wine and a Pearl Jam DVD on the fave group...dancing earlier, Sanford the golden retriever looked at me as if I was insane...just the younger me comin' out is all!

For you who have taken the babes to college...the feeling of emptiness comes and goes as they graduate, marry, etc. I am still feeling a renewed empty nest after DD's wedding, even tho she stayed up in Wis. last year after graduating college. It's always a bit of a loss...I'm trying to rework the programming in my brain to feel gratitude instead of's hard work, but I know I'll feel better eventually...and you will, too:hug:

Got a few inches of hair cut off and layered today...DH hasn't been home to see it yet...gulp. Whatever...I'm sick and tired of the wet hair on my head when the sweats hit me...a major sx this summer, cool or warm...:(

DH & I went to my neuro's lecture last was all about sxs and treatment of MS...made me feel not-so-alone and not so crazy about these sxs...and gave my DH new insight about it all...esp. concerning the sex probs. My neuro was so funny about it...talked bluntly about probs.; recommended an "assistive device" to help stimulation, if you know what i mean ;) where to get it, how much it costs, how it's much better than other stimulation devices...hee DH was extremely interested in this topic:rolleyes: LOL

As you can see I've had a bit of wine, at least I'm happy weeee!
Have a good night's sleep, all!! Wish you well!:D

FinLady 08-27-2009 08:31 AM

Morning all :) Love the new name.

Can't believe it's Thursday or almost september :eek: Where in the world did the summer go???

Ah well, my parents did warn me that time would go faster when I got older. Did I believe them? :Noooo: At least until it happened to me, lol.

Hope everyone has a great day! :grouphug::grouphug:

soxmom 08-27-2009 08:53 AM


back to school shopping in order again. My dd10 is going to the Cape with
friends this weekend so need to pick up some stuff. Just watching the
hurricane to see if its going to get closer to the Cape then expected. They
may have to change plans.:(

Everyone have a lovely day!:grouphug:

ewizabeth 08-27-2009 09:44 AM

Hello everybody!! :grouphug: :) I had a busy day yesterday. I've been following BBS' "get moving" thread. I finally got moving yesterday, lol. Here is part what I posted there...

Yesterday I cleaned the bathrooms and swept and hand mopped all the tiled floors. I also took down the heavy plastic shower curtain liners and washed with some bleach in the water, washed the bathroom rugs too. It was DH's birthday so I cleaned the kitchen twice as well, once in the morning and then after the tasty dinner that our son cooked.

The housework was wayyyyy overdue. Today and tomorrow I want to get the dusting, polishing and vacuuming done as well. I also need to get groceries because we're low on everything.

I also have to file form 1040x for my son today. I hate that form, lol. I work with state of Illinois retail and telecom taxes and employment but the 1040 for the IRS is the pits. I think because of the sneaky changes they make every year, lol.

It rained about 3-4 inches here the last two days, with more to come today and tomorrow so I need to get the indoor stuff done. I can work in the garden this weekend, woo hoo!!! It's supposed to be 58 degrees and sunny on Saturday! :)

Now I better get going on all my stuff, lol. It's so easy to sit here and get comfy.

SandyC 08-27-2009 09:51 AM

Morning all! I have to run over to the Chevy dealer to get a part put on (arm rest) and then home to clean. MIL is coming over tomorrow. I think I need to get groceries tomorrow. :wink:

Have a good day everyone! :hug:

Weave, glad the furbaby is ok.

barb02 08-27-2009 11:17 AM

Good Morning! Just finished my class. I think it went fairly well. I do have one problem child that keeps making irrelevant comments or asking questions that are off topic. My patience is definitley going to be tried.

He also is vision impaired so I think that has probably resulted in a certain social awkwardness on his part. I have blow everything up to 24 font for him and his textbook is on a cd. It has to be tough for him. He has always had this vision problem -- uses a cane when he is walking.

SandyC 08-27-2009 11:33 AM

Well, looks like I am stuck. I went out to start the van and it's dead and when I say dead I mean no turn over at all. Ugh, hope it's just the battery. We did have issues with the battery last winter. Gosh, when it rains it pours eh? lol I'm waiting on AAA to come and jump start it or tow it.

Vonn07 08-27-2009 11:45 AM

sorry about the 'dead' battery, Sandy ... that happened to me last summer ... it rained and rained ... and when I wanted to GO someplace - the car didn't ... and ended up with a new battery!!

got the crockpot going: venison polish sausage and sauerkraut ... mmm, good!

Wiz: 1040X has been the TOP form this year .. I've already done 5 amendments for friends this year - more than any year (and I've been doing taxes for over 30 years!) .. guess the government is milking what's left of the economy for every penny they can find!

hollym 08-27-2009 12:08 PM

Tricia - Your daughter's roommate sounds kind of off balance. I think I would have told her to go to a hot place with her rules. I'm with whoever suggested she go to the housing dept and try to get a new room. She can't seriously be expected to live like that (blinds closed, no one allowed in, etc.). It is her room, too! It would be a cold day in that hot place when I would call someone's computer Felix unless it was a joke! What a nut job!

OK, I just had to say that because it bugged me - it was just so unfair to your daughter.

Vonn07 08-27-2009 01:22 PM

2 Attachment(s)
here are two of the 10 quilts going into the art submission:

Pink Gingham Cows and Spiders Plus

JustWeave 08-27-2009 05:59 PM

Okay. Who is sick of hearing me go on and on about learning to type, raise your hand. raises both hands :D

I'm learning with thoughts of enrolling in a certain school and they have a speed requirement. My learn type disc says my speed is one range and the website the school suggests for timing yourself says something very different. I like my disc better. :p

Anywho... I called the school and spoke to a very nice lady. I explained who said what and asked who I should listen to. I'm one step closer to being ready to enroll. :eek: Passed the pre-enrollment test and now my typing is good enough to start. :D

So next comes deciding if I'm going to take this leap or not, cleaning the house (other students highly recommend doing so before the huge box of school stuff arrives) and figuring out how to pay for it if I jump. :rolleyes:

DS first day back to school is Monday. DD hopes to go off to college next fall. I could be going to school in October, maybe.

barb02 08-27-2009 06:13 PM

Tricia, I would suggest that your daughter talk to her RA before going to the housing department. At most schools, they are going to tell her that she should first talk to her RA -- unles the roommate is viewed as dangerous.

SandyC 08-28-2009 09:41 AM

Morning! We're up having coffee. MIL is coming today so I think I need to clean the basement, yeah, that's what I need to do. :wink:

Other than that, nothing else planned except I need to take my neighbor to the doctor at 4pm (he had knee surgery and needs a ride). Bless his heart he is such a sweetie, we call him pops.

Have a good day everyone. :hug:

ewizabeth 08-28-2009 10:48 AM

Morning everybody. :grouphug:

I have a job interview next Tuesday morning at Nicor, wish me luck!! :) I take a typing test on Monday at 11:00 at the local hiring agency. The job is for customer care and is a entry level job. As soon as I got off the phone my right hand started feeling numb. :eek: I tested myself and I can type around 38 - 40wpm without mistakes.

This would be a good company to work for I suppose and I can run the office here part time because we aren't busy.

I'm thinking there will be hundreds interviewing but hope I can snag a job, even if I work second shift and weekends. It's a company you could move up in too, I'm guessing.

Kitty 08-28-2009 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by SandyC (Post 560135)
MIL is coming today so I think I need to clean the basement, yeah, that's what I need to do. :wink:

Sandy, you keep your MIL in your basement?? :confused: Hmmmm.....good idea. I should have done that!! :cool: Just kidding (sort of). :o

I have a full blown cold or terrible or the other. My head is so stuffed up I have to breathe through my mouth. It's pouring rain here. I mean POURING. There are flash flood warnings out all over the place. One area of my back yard looks like a lake! And they can't install my storm door in the rain so it's been rescheduled to Monday. That's OK, though. I really didn't feel like having it done today anyway. They'll probably have to keep the back door open part of the time to install it. Monday is supposed to be nice and sunny with highs in the 70's! :) Finally.

I had to purchase a new washer and dryer. Ordered it from Sears and the boys will go tomorrow with the truck and pick it up. Saves me $65 in delivery charges. They can hook it up,'s an electric dryer so it's not hard. If I had Sears do the delivery and hook up on both units it would be nearly $200! :eek: How can they get away with that??

I think I'm going to go take a nap. My head is pounding. Maybe I'll take some Benadryl. If nothing else it'll put me to sleep! :rolleyes:

Ya'll have a good Friday. :grouphug:

soxmom 08-28-2009 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by ewizabeth (Post 560154)
Morning everybody. :grouphug:

I have a job interview next Tuesday morning at Nicor, wish me luck!! :) I take a typing test on Monday at 11:00 at the local hiring agency. The job is for customer care and is a entry level job. As soon as I got off the phone my right hand started feeling numb. :eek: I tested myself and I can type around 38 - 40wpm without mistakes.

This would be a good company to work for I suppose and I can run the office here part time because we aren't busy.

I'm thinking there will be hundreds interviewing but hope I can snag a job, even if I work second shift and weekends. It's a company you could move up in too, I'm guessing.

fingers crossed for you Wiz...good luck:hug:

soxmom 08-28-2009 11:24 AM

Kel........feel better soon .:hug:

Vonn07 08-28-2009 11:31 AM

hey, Kelly - sorry to hear that you are stuffed up .. hope you can breathe normally soon ...

cleaning the basement, Sandy?? I thought that you have it all remodeled to hang out down there?? .. so, it's not a basement, it's really the 'fun-room', right??

hope all goes well with the testing on Monday, Wiz ... my hand goes numb when on the phone - think it's because I'm grasping TOO hard and not relaxing enough ... stay calm the best you can!! will hope for the best with the interview!!

today, I submitted 10 quilts to the Wisconsin Art direct purchase program .. and when one sells, I post a new one .. but, I will continue to keep the quilts 'turning' by only keeping them 'open for sale' for 30 or so days - then rotate to a new quilt .. and donate the one that didn't sell ... everyone wins then!!

the 2nd program that I'm applying for is a Fellowship ($8g) ... only 7 are chosen .... and disbursement won't occur until Feb 2010 .. but the winners will know in October (I think) ...

well, I'm going to move - move back to Green Bay, my hometown - as tho the prodigal child returns ... I found 2 apartments (w/garages) that are in the area I would like to go (my own backyard! neighborhood) ... planning on relocating by November ... I can always go 'up north' anytime I want .. .and have plenty of friends to hang out with and stay overnight if need be ...

hope you all have a great day and wonderful weekend .. they keep calling for rain here, but haven't seen a drop yet!! so far, it's nice and cool - like I like it ... :D

SandyC 08-28-2009 11:56 AM

No I don't keep her in the basement. That's my excuse to disappear! Jim's on his own. LOL

tkrik 08-28-2009 12:08 PM

:eek:I forgot how hectic it is getting kids out the door and to school. I spent the night last night at my brother's as he and his wife were flying out to my niece's wedding at 4:30 this morning and needed someone to be here with the kids and take them to school. UM, UM, UM!:eek: I am exhausted.

Breakfast, hair brushed, teeth brushed, dressed, shoes on, etc. all got taken care of. I go to take a shower before leaving and there is NO DOOR to that part of the master bath. I close the bedroom door, take my shower, wrap the towel around me and my little nephew barrels in.:eek: LOL I told him I need a little privacy. Then my niece comes in, then my other nephew. Sheesh! Can't an aunt have a little private time to get dressed. :rolleyes: I ended up going in the "toilet" section of the bath that has a door.

And, regarding DD18's roomie . . .She knows that she can go to the RA as we talked about that. She wants to stay where she is as far as that floor and dorm go. By being where she is, she automatically is part of the WISE group (Women in Science and Engineering). She really wants to stay put. Knowing DD18, she will only put up with something for so long and look out when she speaks up. Additionally, she is part of this program and not only do you have to keep up on your grades but your behavior as well. She wants to stay in that program as for the most part it will pay for all 4 years of her schooling. Her roomie is part of that too.

My guess is that the roommate will not be able to deal with living in the dorm and eventually move. She is extremely rigid and dorm living is difficult for people like that. Just to give you an idea, she wants to go in to neuroscience/neurology. They are unique individuals as we have all experienced.:p

Anyhow, DD18 is a strong person. While she is kind and compassionate she is also firm in her beliefs and eventually will say enough is enough. Thank you all for your suggestions.

tkrik 08-28-2009 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by SandyC (Post 560177)
No I don't keep her in the basement. That's my excuse to disappear! Jim's on his own. LOL

You are going to disappear in THE MAN CAVE. :eek::D

SandyC 08-28-2009 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by tkrik (Post 560181)
You are going to disappear in THE MAN CAVE. :eek::D

:p She is here and I am in the living room eating my lunch. She's in the bedroom talking to Jim. I haven't said anything at all, being a good person as best I can. I am headed to clean the man cave as soon as I am done. She just came in here to get a chair and said something to me about it and I just kept typing as if I didn't hear her. Honestly I am steaming inside but being good. She thinks she can come in here and act nice and all is forgotten? I don't think so.

My poor dog is getting yelled at because she's excited that MIL brought her dog. I just called Bergie in here with me and said she shouldn't be getting yelled at because she is excited that another dog came in the house. :mad:

sabimax 08-28-2009 12:45 PM

Sorry Sandy, hoping it gets better!!!

hugss to all..

Was off yesterday, golfed, then golfed this morning, and I work tonight. But then off for weekend, as we have a wedding to attend tomorrow... fun fun!

feeling pretty good, hugssss, sarah:D

SandyC 08-28-2009 01:03 PM

It's better thanks! I am now in the man cave and secured. :wink:

Debbie D 08-28-2009 08:05 PM

Hi all,
Sheesh, Sandy, it's not cool that MIL walks in and acts like she owns the place...just learn from her...say to yourself, "Thank you God for such a wonderful example of how not to act when I'm a MIL..." what a gift she's giving you (just kidding). Just goes to show you that Jim must be an even more great guy, considering what he must have put up with years ago...

T, I like the faith you have in your DD...she sounds like she knows how to take care of herself...

We went to the Cubs game today...neighbors took us...row 9 behind the Cubs warmup area for the was cool, and they won!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

SandyC 08-29-2009 08:40 AM

Morning all! Thanks for the words of encouragement! Trish, thanks for the call, I sure needed that! :hug:

We're off to the Cubs game today. Not sure how long we'll hold out due to the cold weather and possible rain. We haven't been all year so off we go! Hopefully they'll win for us like they did for Deb!


Vonn07 08-29-2009 09:34 AM

Sandy & Jim .. have a great time ... remember to snuggle up if it gets too cold ...


submitted my 2nd ap for the fellowship - mailing off the paperwork (with signature) today with CD - hopefully I burned it correctly ... I 'tested' it a couple times on my computer .. and the slide show started out just fine!!


Kitty 08-29-2009 09:45 AM

Mornin' everyone! Well, I'm still sniffly and stuffed up. It's got to be allergies because nothing hurts but my head. As long as I take Benadryl every 4-6 hours I'm good but it sends me night-night! I am enjoying the extra sleep, though. I slept right through supper yesterday and was too sleepy to get anything to eat when I did wake up. I figured I'd be famished when I got up this morning but I'm not. Just wanted coffee. Hey, maybe I've found the secret to losing weight and keeping it off. Just sleep all the time! :p :rolleyes:

After yesterday's monsoon today is supposed to be nice. Next week cannot get here fast enough for me. We're forecast to have lows in the upper 50's and highs in the upper 70's! Heaven on earth for me! :D I'm not expecting it to last but I'm sure going to enjoy it while it's here!

I need to go to Rite Aid and p/u a prescription but that's about the extent of my activities today. Oh, I bought some strawberries and whipping cream at the store and walked right out and forgot to buy the pound cake! I guess I'll go pick that up, too.

Ya'll have a wonderful weekend! :grouphug:

FinLady 08-29-2009 09:54 AM

Morning all :) Allergies in full swing here too. On the plus side, haven't had that head noise yet. Seems weird that it's better when my sinus issues are worse. :confused::confused: At least I get to see the eye doc on Tuesday to talk about the issues I've been having, so we'll go from there.

Enlisted hubby's help for the powerpoint I had to do. If it wasn't for the apple filled house, I'd attempt to do it myself. But he likes to help and contribute to my art insanity - so it works out. :)

Sandy, don't blame you for taking over the man cave. :D Hope you guys are able to have fun at the game

Kelly, hope the allergies clear for ya soon. :hug:

Sarah, have fun on your weekend off :)

Trish, hope the DD gets the roomie thing figured out

Vonn, you go girl!!!! :cool:

Wiz, Good luck!

Everyone, :grouphug::grouphug:

ewizabeth 08-29-2009 11:42 AM

Thanks everybody!

If I did get this job it would be great. :) It's only a few miles from home and of course Nicor has GREAT benefits. It doesn't pay as much as my last job, but I think the benefits and lower stress would be worth it.

Vonn07 08-29-2009 07:11 PM

hey WIZ ... that's great!! you have the stamina to work full-time?? I wish I could ... but, they wouldn't like me showing up whenever, stay a little while .. and then leaving early .. or better yet, not coming in ...

yesterday - I was doing fine (like when we got together) .. then all I did was do some grocery shopping - ran into a friend and stood and chatted a bit - and got home ... when I got home, I was in so much pain that I had a 'meltdown' and couldn't do anything .. and was getting very frustrated to just do the simple things ...

better today - went to my friend's quilt shop ... for 'therapy' ... and feel LOTS better!! ;)

Jenn .. thanks .. and hope you feel better!!


this may be the end of August ... but, the weather thinks it's the end of October!! .... :eek:

Debbie D 08-29-2009 10:33 PM

Hi all,
Vonn, I was wondering the same thing about Wiz...although I've met her, and I think that she's a ball of energy...but still...she can work a home biz and get a job? She IS a Wiz...:p
Sandy, you saw a wonderful game...Lucky!!

I took my inlaws to their great granddaughter's 4th bday...a 63 mile ride one way...DH had 2 softball games today...grrr. I told him to play, though, since it was playoff time and he's the pitcher. My niece's DH showed me his horses, turkeys, chickens and roosters...I love horses. He let me give one a treat, and I got to pet much fun!!
When I got home, DH was still partying out with his teammates, which got me I bought some wine, a sausage sandwich, and enjoyed myself...he felt guilty when he got home...good!:mad:

I'm up late this evening with leg spasms...waiting for additional meds to kick in...
hope everyone has a good Sunday!!

Vonn07 08-29-2009 10:49 PM

Debbie ... I was SO tired around 830, that I was relaxing ... paging thru a quilt magazine getting ideas ... starting thinking on what to do next ... and then couldn't fall asleep - so I came online to see who else is up and about .. sorry about the spasms, tho - I get those, too!

OH, Debbie - Wiz also has a garden .. with REAL goodies growing!!


well, I did it ... both of my art applications have been submitted EARLY!! and now to wait ... should know in only a couple of weeks for both if I've been approved and that I'm one of 7 winners for the fellowship - recognizing me as an individual artist in the state of Wisconsin ... that would be quite an honor for me (and a FIRST of any sort of reward) ..

In the meantime - submitting 3 items for the promotional program: Something Special from Wisconsin (which I'm a member) ... and get recognition thru-out the state and then some ... those have to be in by Oct 23. ... need to get the website set up!!

when I get my mind rolling about quilting and fabric and ideas and helping others ... my pain isn't so bad - it's there, just don't think about it as much.

Sandy - rechecking that 'list' you sent me ... and get working!! ;)

thanks, Jenn, for all your help!! need to work on estay and zazzle .. I get so busy - I forget to eat! LOL

barb02 08-30-2009 09:10 AM

Good morning! It was a beautiful day here yesterday , and today it is only supposed to be in the mid 60s. I have all of my windows open, and I am cold!:cool: Even though it was so nice yesterday, I spent the whole day at home. I did sit outside for about 1/2 hour, but most of the day was spent watching Teddy Kennedy's funeral. It was so moving.

The first week of classes has kicked my ***. I am not used to the schedule and standing so much. I am trying to stand and move around when I am teaching two of my classes, but it is tough. I am so tired, and I am also having trouble sleeping. Today, I need to go to the grocery and drugstores. Otherwise, I plan on taking it easy.

Debbie, Sorry about the spasms. I recently had my balcofen increased by another 10 mg (take 10 mg, four times per day) and it seems to be helping a bit. However, the stiffness and pain when I walk remains.

Hope you all are having a good weekend.:hug:

SandyC 08-30-2009 10:36 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Morning all! We had a great time yesterday and the Cubbies won! Whoohoo!

Jim and I during the game.
Attachment 5159

There's nothing more beautiful than Wrigley Field.
Attachment 5160

tkrik 08-30-2009 11:02 AM

Good morning everyone!

Wiz - Saying prayers that you get the job. :hug:

Vonn - Congratulations! You have worked so hard on not only the quilts but your schooling as well. I am so proud of you. :hug: Saying prayers that you get the fellowship.

Debbie - Hope you are feeling better this morning. :hug:

Sandy - Glad you were able to enjoy the game. And, they won! How awesome is that.

Kelly - Hope the allergies are better today. I've been dealing with them myself. Yuck! And, don't be bragging about your "perfect" weather. It's still in the 100's here. :rolleyes: j/k

Fin - That is great that DH is so supportive and helping you out. You have a keeper there. Hope your allergies are doing better today as well. I am glad you are going to the eye dr to get that checked out. Let us know how it goes.

Barb - I hope your 2nd week of school is much better.:hug: Doing a lecture for 1 to 2 hours has to be tough not only physically but mentally as well. Please don't beat yourself up for having a rough week. I admire you for what you do and your ability to do it.:hug:

Hi everyone else I know I missed here. Hope you are doing well.:hug:

Not doing much today. DBF and I went to a dinner party last night and stayed up way to late. Anything past 10:00 is way too late for me. LOL So, I won't be doing too much today, I think. A burst of energy may hit and I'll probably work on some clay work. DBF's neighbor wants to fill the kiln again.

Speaking of DBF's neighbor, Vonn as you know DBF's neighbor has traveled the world showing her quilts and teaching quilting. She's fairly well known for her work. If you need any ideas, advice, etc. let me know. She is always willing to help others with their artistic endeavors.

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