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screwballpookie 12-27-2009 05:29 PM

been awhile
Hi Everyone,
I know its been a while since I have been on here but I have had a lot of things happening for a while now.I just have a couple of questions for you all and maybe you can help me.
I haven't been on the site for one big reason. For a month and a half I was literally on my back due to major lower back pain. I woke up one day feeling like my hip was out(which will happen on occasion cuz I have a bad hip) so i went to a chiropractor. I seen him 3 times out of 6 days and it didn't help. I was in so much pain I ended up going to the ER. I went to the ER 5 times and still couldn't stand without major pain.When I had to go to the bathroom was the only time i got up due to the pain and that hurt like the dickens. The ER finally decided to send me to my pm doc. He gave me 2 injections in the lower back and sent me home. After about 4 days I was finally able to get up and walk very little but at least it was progress. I had to see him in 4 weeks 2 more times once every 2 weeks for my injections. I am now doing better but still a bit worse than what I was before all this started. When the chiro tried to pop in between my shoulders he bruised my sternum so i thought and the last 2 visits to the ER was a nightmare.I couldn't hardly move but the nurse on duty (which seemed to be the same one everytime I went in) decided I wasn't moving fast enough to get out of the wheel chair to get to the bed so she just yanked me out and boy did i scream bloody murder in her ear.She also expected me to take a pill and drink water with it while lying flat on my back. What fun that was,not. I had water down the front of me. Ever since the chiro my sternum still hurts and can't get it to heal and my right side just under the breast to my side hurts still to this day. It has been over 3 months now and don't know if rsd has just set in or not. I am scared that it may have.sometimes it hurts to breathe,stretch and move to the right.Has anyone had an experience like this as far as the pain goes? My legs haven't been the same since. They feel like they are going to sleep on me alot so they are very shaky and weak.All since just waking up one morning and just out of the blue having back pain. Also since all this my right shoulder has been hurting non-stop. My rsd had started in my left hand and arm 7 1/2 years ago due to a work related injury.Is this something normal to happen? Is it rsd trying to be a devil again?
Also my parents don't believe me when I tell them what is going on with me. I didn't go to there house for Thanksgiving cuz I was still working on trying to heal my back from whatever made it the way it was in the first place.My parents thought it was just another excuse to not go to there place. I am so hurt with them not believing me. I haven't made this disease up. It is a real thing and if they would just do a little research they would see that I am not making it up. My brother and sisters just gave up on me because they couldn't deal with me the way I am now, they don't know how to handle it so they took the easy way out. Is there any way I can get them to believe me? I have always been the blacksheep of the family but that shouldn't matter this is a real disease. With me being so hurt by my family I just feel that I don't know if i can face them anymore due to how they have made me feel. Am I wrong? They just want me to put on a happy face when I am there even if I am not. i can't fake being happy if I hurt. I didn't go to there house for christmas due to us living in the country and having 1-2 inches of ice on the gravel and not leaving due to the roads, but even if we could have made it I still felt like not going because I can't face people who don't believe me and who can't deal with who I am now. Is that wrong and does that make me a bad person? I don't know if I will ever be ready to face them which hurts me very badly.
Not only is my biological family feeling the way they are my husband admitted to me the other night that he stays out on the road and stays as busy as he can due to my disability. But it is only part of the reason he says. He says he can't deal with it either. Am I hurt yeah very much but I love him. We have been married for 16 years and been together for 18 years. You can't just give something like that up. I have had a few people tell me to leave him but I can't because I still love him. How do I deal with something like this? It hurts me so bad but I can't show it because he will ask,"Now what is the problem?!" So I have to keep it bottled up no matter how bad it hurts. I just don't know how to deal with it as well as deal with my rsd and all the other sress in my life.he says he still loves me. Is he for real or is he not? I don't know anymore. I am so confused. If anyone can help me please do. I am begging for help. Thank u.
You all have a Happy New Year! Thanks again for reading my rambling.


smile357 12-28-2009 12:37 AM

It is so sad when our families don't understand what we are going through. Your pain is real and is very tough to deal with. The stress of it also makes it worse. Is there a person outside of your family you could talk to just to get it all out? Maybe someone at a local church can help direct you who to talk to. Sometimes just letting someone know how much you are hurting and them just listening and no trying to fix the problem reduces the stress levels and in turn we can handle the pain better. The people we think should understand what living in pain is like disappoint us and it does hurt. So we have to go outside of that and find other people to help. Try to do it before your marriage takes more stress on. let us know how you are doing and what has helped. Tomorrow may be a better day.

AintSoBad 12-28-2009 01:52 AM

I agree, Tracy.

You need to get the stress of off the relationships that are important to you!
I've 'lost' lots of loved ones to it, and it's really painful.

You can't deal with things if you're in that level of pain that you describe.
You've got to get that under control once and for all!
Nobody MRI' your spine, or did any other relevant tests?
Unfortunately, for us and the general population, our health tends to get worse as we age, not better. And, people find it easy to be cold about things they can't or won't understand.

I hope you can get to a caring doctor, who will manage your pain better! It seems to me that you are under treated. Do your best to find a real good doctor, because until you do, you, and those around you will suffer.

I really hope the best for you!


loretta 12-28-2009 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by screwballpookie (Post 604171)
Hi Everyone,
I know its been a while since I have been on here but I have had a lot of things happening for a while now.I just have a couple of questions for you all and maybe you can help me.
I haven't been on the site for one big reason. For a month and a half I was literally on my back due to major lower back pain. I woke up one day feeling like my hip was out(which will happen on occasion cuz I have a bad hip) so i went to a chiropractor. I seen him 3 times out of 6 days and it didn't help. I was in so much pain I ended up going to the ER. I went to the ER 5 times and still couldn't stand without major pain.When I had to go to the bathroom was the only time i got up due to the pain and that hurt like the dickens. The ER finally decided to send me to my pm doc. He gave me 2 injections in the lower back and sent me home. After about 4 days I was finally able to get up and walk very little but at least it was progress. I had to see him in 4 weeks 2 more times once every 2 weeks for my injections. I am now doing better but still a bit worse than what I was before all this started. When the chiro tried to pop in between my shoulders he bruised my sternum so i thought and the last 2 visits to the ER was a nightmare.I couldn't hardly move but the nurse on duty (which seemed to be the same one everytime I went in) decided I wasn't moving fast enough to get out of the wheel chair to get to the bed so she just yanked me out and boy did i scream bloody murder in her ear.She also expected me to take a pill and drink water with it while lying flat on my back. What fun that was,not. I had water down the front of me. Ever since the chiro my sternum still hurts and can't get it to heal and my right side just under the breast to my side hurts still to this day. It has been over 3 months now and don't know if rsd has just set in or not. I am scared that it may have.sometimes it hurts to breathe,stretch and move to the right.Has anyone had an experience like this as far as the pain goes? My legs haven't been the same since. They feel like they are going to sleep on me alot so they are very shaky and weak.All since just waking up one morning and just out of the blue having back pain. Also since all this my right shoulder has been hurting non-stop. My rsd had started in my left hand and arm 7 1/2 years ago due to a work related injury.Is this something normal to happen? Is it rsd trying to be a devil again?
Also my parents don't believe me when I tell them what is going on with me. I didn't go to there house for Thanksgiving cuz I was still working on trying to heal my back from whatever made it the way it was in the first place.My parents thought it was just another excuse to not go to there place. I am so hurt with them not believing me. I haven't made this disease up. It is a real thing and if they would just do a little research they would see that I am not making it up. My brother and sisters just gave up on me because they couldn't deal with me the way I am now, they don't know how to handle it so they took the easy way out. Is there any way I can get them to believe me? I have always been the blacksheep of the family but that shouldn't matter this is a real disease. With me being so hurt by my family I just feel that I don't know if i can face them anymore due to how they have made me feel. Am I wrong? They just want me to put on a happy face when I am there even if I am not. i can't fake being happy if I hurt. I didn't go to there house for christmas due to us living in the country and having 1-2 inches of ice on the gravel and not leaving due to the roads, but even if we could have made it I still felt like not going because I can't face people who don't believe me and who can't deal with who I am now. Is that wrong and does that make me a bad person? I don't know if I will ever be ready to face them which hurts me very badly.
Not only is my biological family feeling the way they are my husband admitted to me the other night that he stays out on the road and stays as busy as he can due to my disability. But it is only part of the reason he says. He says he can't deal with it either. Am I hurt yeah very much but I love him. We have been married for 16 years and been together for 18 years. You can't just give something like that up. I have had a few people tell me to leave him but I can't because I still love him. How do I deal with something like this? It hurts me so bad but I can't show it because he will ask,"Now what is the problem?!" So I have to keep it bottled up no matter how bad it hurts. I just don't know how to deal with it as well as deal with my rsd and all the other sress in my life.he says he still loves me. Is he for real or is he not? I don't know anymore. I am so confused. If anyone can help me please do. I am begging for help. Thank u.
You all have a Happy New Year! Thanks again for reading my rambling.


Hi Tracy, I am so sorry for your pain, both physically and emotionally. I wrote you earlier today, but accidently erased it before it went thru. NOT GOOD!
Have you ever been in counseling? Most of us need it to grieve our loss of health and the other issues that come up with our families etc. There is just no way 'others' can understand what we are going thru. But there are communication skills we can learn to help get our feelings across. Self-help sections in book stores have some wonderful books. I went thru 2 plus years of counseling when my parents died. I'm in my 6th year with a wonderful psychiatrist for my full body RSD. I see him once a month, but went anywhere from 1-3 times a week back in the 80's. It was a blessing.
This wise Dr. also is a neuro, pharmacologist, so works with my meds and has helped me grieve thru the losses. I have used journaling both times, and feel that is a wonderful tool. My best friend is a counselor, so we talk alot too. We need compassionate friends. Do you have a local support group near you? RSDSA has lists if you give them your zip code.
You need support and loving compassion-hopefully you can find someone you feel comfortable with. Good suggestions from others that have already posted. Take care of yourself- loretta with soft hugs:grouphug:

AintSoBad 12-28-2009 06:05 AM

I'm still feeling your pain..
(I forgot to take my aricept for two days (altzheimer's med) for my brain injury, and I get loopy, without it. Forget the topic, and write stupid things as above, and look stupid.)

It's awful, to get a tbi on top of rsd, mine is since 98, on top of rsd since 83.

I hope you choose to learn about it.
Here is the national brain injury website, with links to individual states.

I hit my head right straight into the windshield frame of a top down convertible, (passenger).
Click click, I herniated four discs. I have all sorts of sleep anomalies. Apnea too.
The rsd pain level shot way up as well.

I know you have lots going on, I'll try to write to you more, please keep us posted?

My prayers for you, Ada!


lostmary 12-28-2009 08:10 AM

I'm so sorry you are having to go thru this. I wish I could make it better for you. PM me and I'll talk to you, either here or on the phone. I also sometimes think ppl think I'm making this up. It's hard. I just don't hang with the ones that have told me that it heals itself and it gets better, and that I should be better now. That's just me. I have had the pain pump trial and once they found the meds that worked, it worked better then I could have hoped. It took my pain down from a 8-9 to a 2, maybe a 1. I get the perm unit Jan 19th. I've spoken to many many ppl who have this implanted, both for rsd and back problems. They love it,(yes there are some , very very few, who don't have luck with it). Once in you have most of your life back. I have horses and I will be able to ride them again with the pump. I have had 2 scs and they don't work very well for back pain. My rsd started in Left foot and has spread due to the scs surgeries. A lot of drs don't want to put in the pump. I've had to find a dr 3 hrs away in Md. that does it. Why??? One big answer is that with the pump you develope a relationship with your dr. It involves long term care. You know, adjusting meds, refilling the pump, etc. With the scs the dr. puts it in and once the staples are out they are done with you. they get the money and are done with you. Just give it a thought, and if you have to, call around till you find a dr that will talk to you about it, and even give you an inhospital trial to see if it works. If it does, wonderful, if it doesn't at least you know.

PS. the pump trial didn't hurt, even surgically. the scs trial had me in pain, in bed, for 3 days before I could get up and try to walk.

AintSoBad 12-29-2009 09:50 AM

This is weird, these last two posts, the first of which is mine, (which I though I lost), and reposted, they're from Ada's post.
Not Tracy's.
I see that lostmary's came here too....


dreambeliever128 12-29-2009 11:38 AM

Hi Tracy,
You may have something more going on in your back then just the RSD. I would ask for some test. I woke up one morning and couldn't get out of bed due to my back. I have osteoarthritis in it and some bad disc. I spent months in PT and tried to take meds for it and couldn't do it. Don't just assume it's ony the RSD.

I do hope you try and find a councellor. We need someone to talk to when others aren't listening. Luckily, my daughter takes care of a lady with MS and me so she knows what I am going through but she didn't at first.

Somehow we have to teach our family about RSD. Ask them to come here to read or send them links about RSD so they can read about it.

Somehow we have to get past the fact that they don't want to understand it, if they don't. What I have noticed in today's world is that everyone is so consumed with what they are going through that they don't have time to learn what others are going through. People today seem to be missing a sensitivity chip. They just don't seem to care what is going on with others. Hopefully there will come a day when people get back to caring about others.
Luckily you can come here and talk to everyone here but you do need someone in person to talk to. Seek out a Councellor.

Hope you feel better soon and glad you are back.


screwballpookie 12-29-2009 01:55 PM

Total wreck!
:eek:First off I want to thank everyone for my rambling. It really means so much to me.
Yes I do have a psychiatrist and a psychologist that I see every 2 weeks for the one I talk to and the other for meds I see every 3 months. The psychologist(which is the one I talk to I think, but not sure. That is the one I and talking about) is the most wonderfullest person for me. I love her to death and wouldn't trade her for nothing. She is doing all she can to help me. I just haven't been able to tell her about my hubby yet cuz i don't see her til after the holidays so I just cry to myself and I try to do that when no one is looking. Yes I have a friend outside the family but I don't talk to her much cuz she runs a book store near where I live and that is where I see her when i go.But she is also having health issues herself right now so very hard to talk when we are both not doing to good.Don't get me wrong I love her to death and wouldn't trade her for the world either it is just hard to talk when we don't see each other very much.
As far as a support group I don't know of any around me. I will check it out.Thank you for that information. I have tried different books and I can't seem to find the right one to help me yet. If anyone has any names or ideas please help me by sharing them with me. i would greatly appreciate it.
As far as MRIs I can't get that done now because i have a scs implanted in me. I can't and haven't been able to use it for a long time due to the fact here just before I started having back trouble I tried to get the scs reprogrammed again for what seems like the umpteenth time now for along time. I had it put in in Dec. 2006 and havent been able to run it since Feb. 2007. i had a car reck then where my daughter and i got rearended by a teenager after my daughter had stopped for a bus. my scs hasn't been right since. I went to my pm doc the day after the accident knowing that there was a chance that my leads were jolted cuz the night before when I got home I turned it on and I wasn't getting stimulation where I should have. They reprogrammed the next day and it seemed ok at the office but when I got home it didn't seem right. I can't explain it. I haven't run the scs ever since. I kept calling the pm doc about it and evey time I turned around I was having to go and see the woman from medtronics to try and get it reprogrammed and it seemed ok at the office but when i would get home and turn it on it didn't seem right everytime. I couldn't figure it out. Well just before my back prob I had tried to get reprogrammed again and everytime she would try to reprogram it I felt like it was going directly to my spine and it was burning my spine like crazy and I would tell her to shut it off and tell her what was going on and I finally was sent to see my pm doc again and he did some special what he called mri on my leads and found out that my leads are not on track that they have been moved. They need to take out the old ones and replace them with new ones cuz of them being what he said in records twisted and moved up by the neck area. THe office sent an approval letter to wc to get wc to approve it and it has been well over 3 months and still haven't heard anything from them so I still sit with no replacement and no running of the scs. I don't understand wc approved of getting scs implanted but they won't approve of the upkeep? What the heck.
For my back I think my pm doc called it something to do with neuropathy sometheing. Can anybody help me by explaining to me what the word neuropathy has to do with my lower back? I don't understand what that word is.Is that a bad thing in my case or not?Is it another way of saying I have something else wrong because of this monster rsd? I am so scared with everything.I know i shouldn't freak out but it just seems that everything is bombarding me at one time and I don't know if i am strong enuff to handle it all. I am really trying but I don't know how much more weight my shoulders can handle.
I am so sensitive to so many things lately. Is that normal? I feel like a big bawl baby. Especially when I seem to be rambling on and on about my problems when you all have your own problems. I am so sorry. I guess I am just hurting so bad right now.
To know that my family don't even want to try and understand what is going on is very painful. They are suppose to be there through thick and thin so I thought. I have been no matter what my problems have been and are today,but I just got to the point where I can't take it anymore. I have tried to send my family information on my disease but whether they read it or delete it I don't know. I just know what I heard and they just don't understand so they are giving up on me. My hubby hasn't given up completely but I don't feel he loves me anymore. I just want things back to what they were before i got hurt. I know I can't have that I am who I am now and it scares me.I am so afraid of losing my husband and then having nothing. I will have my daughter because she is really trying to understand but she shouldn't have to babysit her mom. She is just 14 yrs. old. How fair is that to her? I just want back what my husband and I were like before I got injured. I just feel like emotionally he is not there but he says he loves me. Like I am so sorry for rambling like this I just feel like I am a complete mess and don't know how to get back on track so I am not so angry with my disease.I keep dropping things and I just tell my self that I am stupid or I will just blurt out "Stupid hands why did you do that? You are so stupid" How do I get back to who I was before not who I am now? Is it possible? I don't know anymore.
Thanks for listening to me rambling on. I just don't really have anyone else to talk to. I need some help and all of you seem so knowledgable and so helpful. I don't know what I would do without you.


Tracy the mess

AintSoBad 12-29-2009 03:07 PM

There is no need to be sorry, or call yourself a mess.
I'll give you one bit of advice however.
It may or not work. It will probably take some time both to master, and take effect.

There's an old saying, or maybe not so old...
"Expectation is your doorway to Disappointment".

Maybe you should try lowering your expectations of your family, and husband.
The more you complain, and stay in a negative place, the more "Helpless" they feel. Do you like to be made to feel that way? Of course not. So then maybe they retaliate?

Then, of yourself, and your body..
You do your best everyday. Your doctor and body will do as will happen.
If you have Faith, use it!
And, for heaven sakes, stop talking to your hands! They can't hear you, and it's really like being Passive Aggressive, especially if anyone is in earshot, just like you're doing more complaining.

Try this:
Absolutely stop complaining to your hubby and family, that's why you have a therapist, and us. It makes them feel useless. (Think; how do you make Them Feel?)

Accept what you can't change, I don't think very many of us are going back to 'where we were' or what we once were. I've had this since 27, I'm now 53. It's only getting worse.
But, if a friend calls and asks if I want to go out, I'll just say, sorry can I have a rain check? Or, sure, be happy to!
No negativity should be shoveled onto loved ones and friends. It's just not what they're for. (Except of course on a rare occasion, or when they ask).

This may help you Tracy, or it may anger you. I don't mean to anger you, it's only a suggestion....
But, the people whom I treat this way, actually end up becoming my Advocate! They'll speak up for me, if need be.
Because they "Understand" there's nothing they can do, except that.



screwballpookie 12-29-2009 04:06 PM

Thank you so much Pete. You made my day today. I had to chuckle at the part where you told me to quit talking to my hands. U don't know how much i really needed that today. You made me smile. Thank you so much for that. i had to share that with my daughter and her boyfriend and they kind of chuckled at it to. They asked me if you were married and I told them no that you are having a rough go of things. I also told them about my being able to contact you and you wouldn't believe what they said. I am sharing this with you cuz i thought it make you chuckle a little. They said maybe he could be our new think i am feeling better now because you as well as the kids made me chuckle and i needed that today. YOu brightened my day today thank you so much for being such a wonderful friend.I am so lucky as others are on this site.I think God meant for me to be able to be friends with you and everybody here. Thank you so much.
As far as talking negative to my family and hubby I can explain a little more.My family I would go see and they would see my walker and I think they realize that I do have a disease but they don't know how to accept it so they just try to take the easy way out.I didn't talk negatively to my family. They seemed that they could care less about my disease as it was so I just involved myself in they're conversations but I don't laugh like I used to. My mom let me know that one. She said that when I go to her house I am not the same Tracy I once was. I used to laugh and giggle all the time and now I seem to be depressed. That may be true but I can't just flip a magic wand and make myself better its not like that. My mom wants me to smile and laugh every time I go down and I am sorry if this makes me a bad person but I can't do that all the time. My mom knows that i am not the same person I used to be but that is what she wants. I can't give that person to her because i am not that person anymore. My dad thinks that everytime I am asked to come down that I am just making up an excuse to not go down.That is not true. I told them all I can only take things one day at a time and see how i feel on that day. If it happens to be a bad day for pain then I try to stay home to settle the pain down. My mom spoke for my sisters and brother and told me that they told her that they don't know how to deal or handle with my disease therefore they just don't want anything to do with me. All that right there is just very hard for me to accept. I really try hard not to talk negative or even talk about my disease unless I am asked about it but I think the walker is a huge reminder. I could be wrong but what else is there with them not believing me? My husband has to bust his rearend everyday to try and make ends meet and to be able to make sure I have my meds and I understand that his part is not easy either. I have had conversations with him telling him that I know he is really stressed and has a lot to worry about on his end and that I really appreciate everything he does for this family. I tell him words can't say enough about how much i appreciate what he does. I tell him I love him every day,but I don't feel that when he says it that he means it.I am sorry.When you hear your own spouse tell you that they are staying out on the road and trying to stay busy when he is not on the road partially because he doesn't understand the disease and he can't handle it how am I suppose to feel? I really do love him. I just feel there is a huge distance between us and I really believe it is due to what he told me. How do I get over all that? I am trying but don't know how.Please help.

Tracy the mess

AintSoBad 12-29-2009 04:16 PM

I'm glad you got a chuckle!
Nobody here should EVER take me too serious!

Have you joined
You can tell them you're financially "behind the ball", and they'll let you join.
That way, you get a newsletter, and you can get some of their cool brochures, for your family.
They can read 'em, and deal with it as they will.
Education is a beginning to Understanding!

check out:

As for books, check out!
They have lots on RSD.

Hope that helps...
Most of all, keep your chin up around others, and cry in private.
That's what I do. (Try to anyway).
It's impossible to do always, but, it's good to strive for!!

You're a good friend Tracy!


smile357 12-29-2009 10:04 PM

I think sometimes we have expectations that our family will always be there and understand our lives. But it is not reality always. So we find new friends and pray that one day our family will come around and understand what we go through. I have come to the understanding they dont get it and how sad that as a family we could grow from each experience we go through. Not everybody wants to grow and become better more compassionate people.
As far as your husband, look at it from a different side. He told you what he feels, now your job is to do what you can to validate his feelings and find ways to show appreciation. Words don't always do it. The first step in order for things to even begin to turn around is to say what we feel. And he has.We always take it in a negative way but if you could turn it into positive, however small ways, life will begin to change. God never promised us everything would be easy, but He would be there to help us and ask Him to put the correct people in your life and your husbands to help him get through this also. Take care of yourself and of your husband the best you can.

screwballpookie 12-30-2009 03:37 PM

Thank you all so much. I do feel somewhat better but it is hard to get over all the hurt just because of one disease, one accident. Sometimes i wonder why me,but I can never answer that. It is so tough because there were so many things I could do and can't now. I used to be able to help my husband with cutting wood, stacking it, taking care of the wood stove, helping him with whatever he needed help with in the cattle yard and I can't do that kind of stuff any more. It just makes me sad. I do go outside when he is out working on the wood and ask him if there is anything i can do to help him even if it is something small and all he tells me is its all to heavy for you so no there is nothing you can do. It makes me cry and wish that I could be like I use to be. I know I will never be that outgoing person I use to be and it is really hard.I do cry when he says that to me but not in his presence.I am so angry at myself for that one stupid accident. I tell myself if I wouldn't have made that one mistake I would be what I use to be, but I know there is no changing it. It is so hard cuz I can't even do the things I use to do with my daughter. That really sucks. She is 14 and I have missed out on so much time with her. I can't even ride bike anymore. i haven't rode bike for I don't know how many years. We had just gotten me a brand new bike to ride just before I found out I couldn't do it due to me hurting real bad when I held the handle bars. so I couldn't do it any longer. I know there has to be a positive or two in this mess I just have to find them again. I was there at one point but I went backwards again so I need find the right hill to pull me out of where I am at. I know I have come to the right place for that because EVERYBODY here cares about one another and you all can help any of us pull out of anything at least mentally. Physically might be a little more complicated cuz we are all different. No matter what we are all there for one another and can and will be there to try and help one another out the best we know how to.
Thank you all again for trying to help me.
Pete you are still one of a kind and I would never replace you for the whole world. Thank you so much for being such a wonderful friend.


SandyRI 12-30-2009 05:42 PM

Dear Tracy,

My head hurts all the time. But I NEVER tell my husband that, I don't think he would be able to stand it if he knew how much pain I am in. I am quiet about my pain with the kids, too. They don't need to hear about it, they are only 19 and 15. My husband is very concerned about the meds that I take, so to make up for it I'm careful with my diet, take lots of vitamins, exericise often (I can only really walk because I can't use my arms for much), and don't drink booze at all to avoid problems in that department.

I think when there is a lot of mutual care and concern between couples we have to do our best to be thoughtful of each other. Yes -there are so many things that have changed for us with the RSD - and it's really, really hard. Our 25th anniversary is coming up within a month. But life and marriage is about challenge. Our babies were challenging, our teenagers have been challenging (!!), at one time in our marriage our finances were challenging, and now my illness is challenging.

And it's by far the WORST challenge we've ever had. I never could have imagined I could feel this kind of pain, or how incredibly evil WC the people at The Hartford could be, or that a doctor could write the IME that was written about me (the worst that many of my treating medical professionals admit they have ever come across), or how many tears I could cry. And now I know that as soon as my son finishes high school we will need to sell our house and move to a less expensive area where we can get by on just one income if necessary. It's too risky with my illness to keep, even though it's not extravagant by any means.

It's been a long year and a half since I was diagnosed...I could whine on and on and you know with RSD it's just one thing after another as the symptoms keep getting worse over time. But I TRY to whine to you guys and NOT to my family. As I said before, I don't want to burden them with my pain.

As a couple my husband and I have always been close and tried to work out our problems together. I am so thankful most of the time that there are 2 of us! But if it ever got to the point where I felt like you seem to feel, I would call a therapist. It sounds like you want to stay with your husband and daughter together as a family.

I truly wish you the best of luck. XOXOX Sandy

loretta 12-30-2009 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by screwballpookie (Post 604766)
:eek:First off I want to thank everyone for my rambling. It really means so much to me.
Yes I do have a psychiatrist and a psychologist that I see every 2 weeks for the one I talk to and the other for meds I see every 3 months. The psychologist(which is the one I talk to I think, but not sure. That is the one I and talking about) is the most wonderfullest person for me. I love her to death and wouldn't trade her for nothing. She is doing all she can to help me. I just haven't been able to tell her about my hubby yet cuz i don't see her til after the holidays so I just cry to myself and I try to do that when no one is looking. Yes I have a friend outside the family but I don't talk to her much cuz she runs a book store near where I live and that is where I see her when i go.But she is also having health issues herself right now so very hard to talk when we are both not doing to good.Don't get me wrong I love her to death and wouldn't trade her for the world either it is just hard to talk when we don't see each other very much.
As far as a support group I don't know of any around me. I will check it out.Thank you for that information. I have tried different books and I can't seem to find the right one to help me yet. If anyone has any names or ideas please help me by sharing them with me. i would greatly appreciate it.
As far as MRIs I can't get that done now because i have a scs implanted in me. I can't and haven't been able to use it for a long time due to the fact here just before I started having back trouble I tried to get the scs reprogrammed again for what seems like the umpteenth time now for along time. I had it put in in Dec. 2006 and havent been able to run it since Feb. 2007. i had a car reck then where my daughter and i got rearended by a teenager after my daughter had stopped for a bus. my scs hasn't been right since. I went to my pm doc the day after the accident knowing that there was a chance that my leads were jolted cuz the night before when I got home I turned it on and I wasn't getting stimulation where I should have. They reprogrammed the next day and it seemed ok at the office but when I got home it didn't seem right. I can't explain it. I haven't run the scs ever since. I kept calling the pm doc about it and evey time I turned around I was having to go and see the woman from medtronics to try and get it reprogrammed and it seemed ok at the office but when i would get home and turn it on it didn't seem right everytime. I couldn't figure it out. Well just before my back prob I had tried to get reprogrammed again and everytime she would try to reprogram it I felt like it was going directly to my spine and it was burning my spine like crazy and I would tell her to shut it off and tell her what was going on and I finally was sent to see my pm doc again and he did some special what he called mri on my leads and found out that my leads are not on track that they have been moved. They need to take out the old ones and replace them with new ones cuz of them being what he said in records twisted and moved up by the neck area. THe office sent an approval letter to wc to get wc to approve it and it has been well over 3 months and still haven't heard anything from them so I still sit with no replacement and no running of the scs. I don't understand wc approved of getting scs implanted but they won't approve of the upkeep? What the heck.
For my back I think my pm doc called it something to do with neuropathy sometheing. Can anybody help me by explaining to me what the word neuropathy has to do with my lower back? I don't understand what that word is.Is that a bad thing in my case or not?Is it another way of saying I have something else wrong because of this monster rsd? I am so scared with everything.I know i shouldn't freak out but it just seems that everything is bombarding me at one time and I don't know if i am strong enuff to handle it all. I am really trying but I don't know how much more weight my shoulders can handle.
I am so sensitive to so many things lately. Is that normal? I feel like a big bawl baby. Especially when I seem to be rambling on and on about my problems when you all have your own problems. I am so sorry. I guess I am just hurting so bad right now.
To know that my family don't even want to try and understand what is going on is very painful. They are suppose to be there through thick and thin so I thought. I have been no matter what my problems have been and are today,but I just got to the point where I can't take it anymore. I have tried to send my family information on my disease but whether they read it or delete it I don't know. I just know what I heard and they just don't understand so they are giving up on me. My hubby hasn't given up completely but I don't feel he loves me anymore. I just want things back to what they were before i got hurt. I know I can't have that I am who I am now and it scares me.I am so afraid of losing my husband and then having nothing. I will have my daughter because she is really trying to understand but she shouldn't have to babysit her mom. She is just 14 yrs. old. How fair is that to her? I just want back what my husband and I were like before I got injured. I just feel like emotionally he is not there but he says he loves me. Like I am so sorry for rambling like this I just feel like I am a complete mess and don't know how to get back on track so I am not so angry with my disease.I keep dropping things and I just tell my self that I am stupid or I will just blurt out "Stupid hands why did you do that? You are so stupid" How do I get back to who I was before not who I am now? Is it possible? I don't know anymore.
Thanks for listening to me rambling on. I just don't really have anyone else to talk to. I need some help and all of you seem so knowledgable and so helpful. I don't know what I would do without you.


Tracy the mess

Hi Tracy,I am so sorry you are going thru this. Getting RSD and all the physical emotional changes that go with it, is a huge adjustment. You are still you-the same Tracy. You now have limitations, pain that wears on you. but their are coping skills you can use to be happy. Happiness is an inside job, not dependent on external circumstances. It's called the ''peace within'
If you are a spiritual person, you can pray for peace and joy, the fruitage of God's spirit Galations 6:7.
There are books that helps us with communication skills. The way we communicate is so important. It can make a difference from the other person receiving our message and really receiving it, or rejecting the message and viewing it as criticism. There are even classes at community college -interpersonal skills. An example would be, "when you stay away from the house, I feel lonely and really miss you." Instead of saying something like-You don't like being around me anymore-I hate that.
You are grieving just like someone grieving that last a dear marriage mate or friend. Your are grieving for what was-what you used to be like, what your marriage was like-the things you loved to do together. Perhaps, you could journal those feelings down and cry, Look for the things that you could do together NOW. If you don't like basketball and he does, learn what the game is about and watch it together-have a pizza basketball night.
Losing your hand skills is terrible- I couldn't cut my own food. or zip my clothers or botton things-peel potatoes etc. 100 treatments of physical therapy, massage therapy, including massage therapy helped me get half of the use of my hand back. Can not cut my food, dress myself, prepare potatoes etc. There is a book out Always Looking Up by Michael J Fox- he has MD and it's all about his adjustment and optisim and gratitude. He wasn't that way at first-he drank and felt sorry for himself. Now he travels, gives lectures and helps others to adjust to their circumstances.
It's tough on us and tough on our families. My daughter and I playd tennis 5 days a week, tournaments, water skiied, snow skiied, traveled to many countries and now I have full body and in a lot of pain. After 15 years-still mobile, stretch, desensitized, grateful for so many things. It's not the same with my husband, I used to run our business, but my memory inhibits me doing that. I am limited in driving due to medications. We used to go to Maui every year and water ski all summer and Arizona has a long summer. Our daughter misses our water and snow skiing days. She was 15 when I got RSD following breast surgery, benign. She is married now and her hubby does all those things =he's a doll. They have done a lot of research themselves on RSD and encourage me to keep active. He is a pilot. I've started my own business I can do from bed a lot and visit people when I feel like it. So that's been really encouraging. I see a psychiatrist that has been wonderful. When my parents died back in '73 & '81 I got into counseling for 2 plus years and helped so much.
Something extremely important to take care of is any legal issues regarding the car wreck, when you were rearended. Your SCS not functioning correctly since that accident. You need to get that documented and have an attorney handling that for you. The issues from that wreck may not even be manifest now. Not to scare you, but some people get body wide spread from SCS surgery. Are they wanting to re-do your leads? This disorder and meds are very expensive. WC is terrible to deal with. A private insurance company from an accident would be much better to deal with, if your SCS quit working because of the accident. My daughter is a court reporter and she see's it all. Sad, but true.
I read a book called, You can't Afford the Luxury of a Negative Thought " by Peter McWilliams. Besides journeling, music can lift our mood, candles, painting-even paint by numbers LOL. Writing friends, calling friends, Distraction is huge to help us get thru each day.
I'm 61, hubby 72, daughter and son in law 30. We have lived here 12 years in Arizona, have friends visit every year from Oregon, Washington. Keep in touch, we all need each other-your friend-loretta with soft hugs:grouphug:

keep smilin 12-30-2009 08:50 PM

whew..what a wonderful thread..

Originally Posted by loretta (Post 605146)
Hi Tracy,I am so sorry you are going thru this. Getting RSD and all the physical emotional changes that go with it, is a huge adjustment. You are still you-the same Tracy. You now have limitations, pain that wears on you. but their are coping skills you can use to be happy. Happiness is an inside job, not dependent on external circumstances. It's called the ''peace within'
If you are a spiritual person, you can pray for peace and joy, the fruitage of God's spirit Galations 6:7.
There are books that helps us with communication skills. The way we communicate is so important. It can make a difference from the other person receiving our message and really receiving it, or rejecting the message and viewing it as criticism. There are even classes at community college -interpersonal skills. An example would be, "when you stay away from the house, I feel lonely and really miss you." Instead of saying something like-You don't like being around me anymore-I hate that.
You are grieving just like someone grieving that last a dear marriage mate or friend. Your are grieving for what was-what you used to be like, what your marriage was like-the things you loved to do together. Perhaps, you could journal those feelings down and cry, Look for the things that you could do together NOW. If you don't like basketball and he does, learn what the game is about and watch it together-have a pizza basketball night.
Losing your hand skills is terrible- I couldn't cut my own food. or zip my clothers or botton things-peel potatoes etc. 100 treatments of physical therapy, massage therapy, including massage therapy helped me get half of the use of my hand back. Can not cut my food, dress myself, prepare potatoes etc. There is a book out Always Looking Up by Michael J Fox- he has MD and it's all about his adjustment and optisim and gratitude. He wasn't that way at first-he drank and felt sorry for himself. Now he travels, gives lectures and helps others to adjust to their circumstances.
It's tough on us and tough on our families. My daughter and I playd tennis 5 days a week, tournaments, water skiied, snow skiied, traveled to many countries and now I have full body and in a lot of pain. After 15 years-still mobile, stretch, desensitized, grateful for so many things. It's not the same with my husband, I used to run our business, but my memory inhibits me doing that. I am limited in driving due to medications. We used to go to Maui every year and water ski all summer and Arizona has a long summer. Our daughter misses our water and snow skiing days. She was 15 when I got RSD following breast surgery, benign. She is married now and her hubby does all those things =he's a doll. They have done a lot of research themselves on RSD and encourage me to keep active. He is a pilot. I've started my own business I can do from bed a lot and visit people when I feel like it. So that's been really encouraging. I see a psychiatrist that has been wonderful. When my parents died back in '73 & '81 I got into counseling for 2 plus years and helped so much.
Something extremely important to take care of is any legal issues regarding the car wreck, when you were rearended. Your SCS not functioning correctly since that accident. You need to get that documented and have an attorney handling that for you. The issues from that wreck may not even be manifest now. Not to scare you, but some people get body wide spread from SCS surgery. Are they wanting to re-do your leads? This disorder and meds are very expensive. WC is terrible to deal with. A private insurance company from an accident would be much better to deal with, if your SCS quit working because of the accident. My daughter is a court reporter and she see's it all. Sad, but true.
I read a book called, You can't Afford the Luxury of a Negative Thought " by Peter McWilliams. Besides journeling, music can lift our mood, candles, painting-even paint by numbers LOL. Writing friends, calling friends, Distraction is huge to help us get thru each day.
I'm 61, hubby 72, daughter and son in law 30. We have lived here 12 years in Arizona, have friends visit every year from Oregon, Washington. Keep in touch, we all need each other-your friend-loretta with soft hugs:grouphug:


As I read this thread.I can not help but think if others don't feel the love and friendship before they should be reading this's all in Prego!! I want to add..that Tracy listen girl everything you wrote and feel is very genuine and common..I have always said the appearence is only the beginning of our troubles..Not sure if some one told me this or if I came up with it all on my own, if I did I am mighty proud of myself..but the word...."expectations"... right on Pete! I learned and feel very strongly not to place expectations on my peeps..Honest, because you will set yourself up for disappointment... they, your husband children and friends are all going thru this illness with different levels due to their relationship with you..AND they are having pain just it feels different that ours... Now I am not saying our needs shouldn't be met by them just that this is devestating on them too...I too try to vent to my therapist (they make good $ to hear us out) and try to stay supportive for my peeps cuz since this RSD is so dang confusing and painful for has to be to them and they need our support getting thru it just as we need theirs...We have all changed thru this..I say if we don't change then we are not being honest with each other..change for the good tho..I now look for the simple sweet things in life..most of the time they are free...I was a tennis instructor for 15 yrs...can't even walk on the court now with out my cane but remember and I always say..the love I feel in my heart and what is in my mind is still the same as prior to me becoming ill with RSD.. and that makes me feel good. RSD can't take that away... I still think I am the luckiest lady out there...I just have a larger agenda now..

You have many caring friends here...vent to us..we'll see you thru..

Keep Smilin...

A soft hug for you!

screwballpookie 01-01-2010 02:08 PM

Thanks a Billion
I really want to thank Pete, Loretta and KeepSmilin for all your kind words. Words can't begin to express how I really feel about what was said to me. I really needed all that advice. It all has helped me to be able to pick my chin up a little higher.
I keep trying to reach out to my family, meaning my mom,dad,sisters,bro and my best friend that I thought she was, but for some reason it seems that I keep getting rejected by them. I don't know what else to do. I had gotten into a little arguement with my mom yesterday over why we didn't make it to there place christmas day. She was angry that day as well as all the rest of my family and she told me that she still is. I couldn't help it.We live in the country and our gravels had 1-2 inches of ice on them my husband said it was to dangerous to go so we stayed home. My mom is still a little angry about just that. What can I do to get her to understand? My mom also told me that when my best friend got to her house that she had to use the excuse that her and my brother got into a fight in order to get me to answer her call. That was a complete lie. I answer her calls everytime she called me and answered her texts when she texted me. We promised each other that we had each others backs. I kept my end of the promise up but I feel she didn't cuz she lied to my family and made them even more angry. I told mom that was a complete lie. I always answer her calls everytime she calls and all mom could say to that was "I don't know that is what she said" I asked mom if she believed me and she said yes in a way that I know from being younger and growing up the tone she used was that she really didn't believe me. It hurts that my family would choose her over me and that at least my mom as she put it is still a little angry with me. What do I do? i am expected to just let everything go and move on according to my mom, but she hasn't since christmas so why should I. She isn't the only one hurting here so am i. My best friend try to contact me yesterday and I couldn't even answer her text because i am so hurt that she could go and tell my family one thing and tell me something else. She lied to me. We were suppose to have one anothers backs and she dropped her side. Am I looking at this whole thing wrong or not?Please help me. I am hurting so bad inside that all I can do is cry off and on. I will lock myself in the bathroom or be here in the computer room and cry. I try not to cry but it is real hard right now. If anyone has any ideas for me please help. With all this stress it sure isn't making me feel any better if anything i am hurting more with pain phhsically and emotionally. Please help I feel as if I am drowning. Thank you for listening to my rambling again. I am so sorry, but thank you.


AintSoBad 01-01-2010 03:21 PM

You asked, I'll give you some advice.. I'm not saying it will be easy, ok?

Yes, I do believe you're looking at the thing wrong, you need a small adjustment.

You want your mother / family to change. I'm sorry to say, that you can't change them.
Accept things you cannot change, remember that prayer?
You want your mother / family to accept you. Yet, you're not accepting them.
While you can't change them, you very may well be able to lead them! Thereby changing things slowly. You'll change the dynamic.

I'm going to repeat this to you until it's marked on your brain....

"Expectation is Your Doorway to Disappointment"!

(repeat it to yourself, it took me a while to get it, and live it!)

So, if you "Expect" something of your Mother / Family, you may well be disappointed. If you don't expect much, you'll be much happier!
Same as with your body, hands etc., if you don't "Expect" them to be as good as they ever were, you won't be disappointed!

Let go of your expectations, Tracy! Otherwise you are going in circles of disappointment, pain and hurt!
Think about how much you want to stop crying. Slowly, a smile will come over you!

Think about this, too. How much are you acting like your Mom? (I have no idea, this is for you to answer), but, I'd guess that it's more than you might think...

Be well, Tracy, and feel well!
there is no magic pill. This will take a little time.
Always wish you the best!~

Happy New Year!


keep smilin 01-01-2010 05:08 PM

Think... real hard..

Originally Posted by AintSoBad (Post 605741)
You asked, I'll give you some advice.. I'm not saying it will be easy, ok?

Yes, I do believe you're looking at the thing wrong, you need a small adjustment.

You want your mother / family to change. I'm sorry to say, that you can't change them.
Accept things you cannot change, remember that prayer?
You want your mother / family to accept you. Yet, you're not accepting them.
While you can't change them, you very may well be able to lead them! Thereby changing things slowly. You'll change the dynamic.

I'm going to repeat this to you until it's marked on your brain....

"Expectation is Your Doorway to Disappointment"!

(repeat it to yourself, it took me a while to get it, and live it!)

So, if you "Expect" something of your Mother / Family, you may well be disappointed. If you don't expect much, you'll be much happier!
Same as with your body, hands etc., if you don't "Expect" them to be as good as they ever were, you won't be disappointed!

Let go of your expectations, Tracy! Otherwise you are going in circles of disappointment, pain and hurt!
Think about how much you want to stop crying. Slowly, a smile will come over you!

Think about this, too. How much are you acting like your Mom? (I have no idea, this is for you to answer), but, I'd guess that it's more than you might think...

Be well, Tracy, and feel well!
there is no magic pill. This will take a little time.
Always wish you the best!~

Happy New Year!



The word is not to have ANY expectations from others...Then you will NOT set yourself up for hurt..from is a hard concept to understand and live by but I promise in the long run you will be happier for when people including ALL family members surprise you and meet you in the will warm your heart at that time and not before!!

I had to learn this myself just recently.. my bestest friend who brought herself closer to me due to her compassion for my illness..and we became good friends... well she is a bit of a loner by nature... many times, I would love to pick up the phone and say... hey..I need you now but I stop my self because.. I EXPECT that of reality she is home, relaxing with a good book.... SHE has been so supportive of me.. and I need to be less demanding due to my RSD, that in itself can push others away who care .... Another added bonus of RSD

This way of thinking does alignate us a bit more than we need or want but it will come back to helping you feel better..I if RSD is not enough for us to live with but setting your self up for hurt by having expectations and trying get others to act like WE want...Whew..thats like moving a mountain, my friend!!!!

Remember... Keep smilin.. and the world WILL smile with you!!!!!!

Talk to us...let us help will be okay!!!:grouphug:

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