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Lynns409 01-07-2010 04:24 AM

When ever I am depressed or overwhelmed I turn to my kitty, Lucy. And in light of a recent tragedy, I thought that maybe we could turn to our pets. To possibly create something to make someone smile a bit when they see it. What kind of pets does every one have? What are your favorite stories that you love about them?

My Lucy is a tiny thing- she weighs eight pounds, and is a feisty little thing. She was a shelter kitty that I got when she was just a six week old baby. I had actually gone to the shelter with another kitty on my mind- one that I saw online. And he had already been adopted. So I decided to look around anyways. There was a litter of kittens and they were all so cute- I thought that there was no way that I could choose between any of them. But then one of the kittens that I was holding kind of stood up in my arms and started licking my nose. I was smitten and just knew that she was the cat for me. Now I swear that it was some sort of divine intervention.

She is the best cat that I have ever had. She's like a little dog and follows me around everywhere- very un-cat like. And she loves to be carried around everywhere- she was a princess in a former life that never had her feet touch the ground. But the best part about her is that she makes these ridiculous little monkey squeaking noises whenever she is unhappy. Pick her up when she doesn't want to be touched, move her away from where she is comfortable, or get in between her and my boyfriend (she is a kitty hussy for him) and she will start chattering at you like an unhappy little monkey. Almost like a cross between a monkey and a duck. It cracks me up.

Who do you guys turn to? What silly things do they do?


knittenkitten 01-07-2010 07:55 AM

I used to have two cats, Jadzea and Ezri (Star Trek fans will know the origen of the names). Jadzea used to lay on my DH's back when it was sore. He said her warmth and weight helped him feel better.

Jadzea died last Christmas. Almost immediately Ezri started crawling on DH's back when he laid on the floor when it was sore. It was like she knew she had a new job to do. She lays on him from when we get home from work until dinner. Then, after dinner s he sits on my lap. She has to spread the love around I guess.

Otherwise, she is the cutest, happiest little critter you ever saw. When my day is going poorly I just think of her and smile. Nothing bothers her.

mrsD 01-07-2010 09:04 AM

Our cats have always been more than "cats" to us.

You can see their pictures in my album.

Over the years we've had several. And everyone is very unique.
You might want to visit our Pet forum here...there are many interesting posts!

loretta 01-08-2010 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by mrsD (Post 607770)
Our cats have always been more than "cats" to us.

You can see their pictures in my album.

Over the years we've had several. And everyone is very unique.
You might want to visit our Pet forum here...there are many interesting posts!

We have a MainCoon cat-11 years old. She has long hair and blue eyes. She used to sleep across my neck and is also a princess. We have a two story house and she insisted on being carried up and down the stairs for like 5 years. She loves to sleep with me and in the morning, when my husband gets up at 5 am she has her own chair in his upstairs office and loves to be twirled around. She is such a blessing, which my feet are on fire, I pet her with my feet-so soothing. Our daughter and husband are staying with us temp. with a min pin dog. The cat, sabrina, is twice as big as the dog. Roxy wants to play so bad with the cat, but Sabrina won't have anything to do with her. It's a good thing, this house is two stories. They each have a floor and then trade floors at night time.
Thanks for the idea of our pets, loretta with soft hugs:grouphug:

keep smilin 01-08-2010 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by loretta (Post 608462)
We have a MainCoon cat-11 years old. She has long hair and blue eyes. She used to sleep across my neck and is also a princess. We have a two story house and she insisted on being carried up and down the stairs for like 5 years. She loves to sleep with me and in the morning, when my husband gets up at 5 am she has her own chair in his upstairs office and loves to be twirled around. She is such a blessing, which my feet are on fire, I pet her with my feet-so soothing. Our daughter and husband are staying with us temp. with a min pin dog. The cat, sabrina, is twice as big as the dog. Roxy wants to play so bad with the cat, but Sabrina won't have anything to do with her. It's a good thing, this house is two stories. They each have a floor and then trade floors at night time.
Thanks for the idea of our pets, loretta with soft hugs:grouphug:

Let me jump in..... We have a retriver-shepard mix female dog named Brianna..I love her..she is so darn affectionate and I believe she is able to spell... she starts out sleeping with my daughter at night and always ends up sleeping in her bed next to my side of our bed at night til morning... Since I have been home, she is great company during the day....each time anyone, family or friend enter the room they go straight to her..kissing her on the forehead.... and her nick name is "Bran-flakes"..all of the kids in our neighborhood call her that....

Great thread!


Mslday 01-09-2010 04:55 PM


We have a MainCoon cat-11 years old.
We have a MainCoon cat too. Rocky is a cheeky 6 year old brown and white tabby boy and he chatters all the time. He's just finally grown into his big paws this past year weighing in at 17 lbs this Christmas. We got him to help keep our other Maincoon company who we adopted as a mature guy looking for a new home. Sebastian was a little man in fur, in fact they both are. Sadly this past summer Sebastian got very sick and we were not able to save him.

Rocky loves to be pampered in every way and refuses to eat any canned food, just wants shrimp. He begs for treats by sitting on his hind legs begging with his front paws like a dog and follows me every where too. He jumps in my arms when I've been away for too long and always manages to bring his toys to my feet so I can play catch with him.

We also have a koi pond with a couple dozen or so koi and goldfish. Sebastian never did pay them much attention but when Rocky arrived on the scene he thought he had died and gone to heaven. He worked very hard to try to catch a fish until one day he finally fell in. What a mess he made. He's much smarter now and manages to lean over the edge of the pond bracing himself while allowing just one paw to dangle over the edge just above the water ready to swoop one up. "Fish are Friends" is the motto around here but I don't think he always listens.
Thankfully he's never caught one.

Since my husband is away working it's been very lonely around here but Rocky keeps me good company and I find it very rewarding caring for the little guy, he's part of the family.

MsL :grouphug:

mrsD 01-09-2010 05:13 PM

Oh, I know that shrimpy-beg! Our Queen Sheba is almost 24 now thanks to her shrimpies!

That beg thing is so cute. I was at a cat show once watching the various judgings, and two breeders sat next to me during the Maine Coon judging. One had a older kitten, getting his first experience, and he begged at the judge! So they explained it to me. Not all of them do that trick. It seems it is a random gene and the breeders LOVE it.

At that same show, there was a veteran Maine Coon who was resting on a table next to his cage. He was one of the few cats there (it was a huge show) that wasn't caged. His owner and I struck up a conversation...this cat was SOOOO HUGE... his head alone almost the size of a bowling ball. She told me he loved the shows, and was too old to really place during judging, (he was over 10yrs old) but she brought him anyway because he loved it and seemed to really enjoy it. He was the biggest domestic cat I have ever seen, and she told me he won many ribbons over the years!

Kakimbo 01-09-2010 06:40 PM

I have a eight month old calico. She is very soft and getting more loving each day. When I am on the floor stretching, she is always right there cheering me on. She has a HUGE crush on my husband and waits in the window for him to come home each night. I did have a Main-Coon named Sebastian. He became my daughter's shadow and would jump in the basket on her bike to travel the neighborhood. We rescued a racoon cub and the cat fell in love with her! I guess the Main-Coon/Raccoon relationship is something special! They would both get in the tub with me when I took a shower. It was quite hillarious to watch them together!

Mslday 01-09-2010 08:04 PM

2 Attachment(s)
That is so funny Kim, who would have thought there were 2 Main Coon cats named Sebastian.

We have a family of Raccoons that live close by to our house. A couple of months back I heard this noise like some one was knocking on the window and Rocky was all excited so I went to check it out. We have floor to ceiling windows in the sun room of our basement level and when I went around the corner I could see the family of raccoons were up on their hind legs on the window, like they wanted Rocky to come out to play. As soon as they saw me they took off back into the forest beside our house. Now I'm very careful not to let Rocky out because wild raccoons can be quite vicious. Actually I'm more worried about an eagle getting him as we have lots of those around here too. What was it like to have a tame raccoon? What do they eat?

Mrs. D, I thought my cats were big but 24 is huge. How old is Queen Sheba? I've never heard of cats begging like this before but it doesn't surprise me that other Maine Coons do it too. They are quite unique characters aren't they. Here is a picture of Rocky in action. If I didn't know better I'd say he was praying just by looking at the picture alone. There is also a picture of the 2 boys chilling with the fish.

I wasn't fortunate enough to have children so in a way the cats have helped to fulfil that gap for me, I couldn't imagine life without them and even though Sebastian is gone now he's still in my heart.

Big hugs to all.


loretta 01-09-2010 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by kim ames (Post 608794)
I have a eight month old calico. She is very soft and getting more loving each day. When I am on the floor stretching, she is always right there cheering me on. She has a HUGE crush on my husband and waits in the window for him to come home each night. I did have a Main-Coon named Sebastian. He became my daughter's shadow and would jump in the basket on her bike to travel the neighborhood. We rescued a racoon cub and the cat fell in love with her! I guess the Main-Coon/Raccoon relationship is something special! They would both get in the tub with me when I took a shower. It was quite hillarious to watch them together!

Hi Kim, my husband and I regret not letting our main coon have one batch of kittens and keeping one for her to play with. They really are a solo cat- or specially close to their family. What a gift to have pets in our lives. Our coon loves to be with my husband in the early morning and me at night. She is on my bed right now.Take care, loretta with soft hugs:grouphug:

loretta 01-09-2010 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by Mslday (Post 608826)
That is so funny Kim, who would have thought there were 2 Main Coon cats named Sebastian.

We have a family of Raccoons that live close by to our house. A couple of months back I heard this noise like some one was knocking on the window and Rocky was all excited so I went to check it out. We have floor to ceiling windows in the sun room of our basement level and when I went around the corner I could see the family of raccoons were up on their hind legs on the window, like they wanted Rocky to come out to play. As soon as they saw me they took off back into the forest beside our house. Now I'm very careful not to let Rocky out because wild raccoons can be quite vicious. Actually I'm more worried about an eagle getting him as we have lots of those around here too. What was it like to have a tame raccoon? What do they eat?

Mrs. D, I thought my cats were big but 24 is huge. How old is Queen Sheba? I've never heard of cats begging like this before but it doesn't surprise me that other Maine Coons do it too. They are quite unique characters aren't they. Here is a picture of Rocky in action. If I didn't know better I'd say he was praying just by looking at the picture alone. There is also a picture of the 2 boys chilling with the fish.

I wasn't fortunate enough to have children so in a way the cats have helped to fulfil that gap for me, I couldn't imagine life without them and even though Sebastian is gone now he's still in my heart.

Big hugs to all.


Hi MsL, your Main Coon Cats are beautiful. Our Main Coon, Sabrina, is so special, since I'm with RSD. She loves to curl next to me and feels so good. They are so special. We've had her she she was a baby, Making me carry her up and down the stairs, which keeps me mobile. I don't even have to pay her for therapy. smile Take care, loretta

kathy d 01-09-2010 11:28 PM

Dear Lynns,
Great idea to relieve some of our sorrow! I got a cat almost 7 years ago because the month before that my boyfriend was tragically murdered and I needed something to nurture (since I am good like that). My son and I were just devastated and I thought it would be great to finally have a pet. We lived in apts and could never have pets. His name is Tigger and he is grey with black spots and black lines on him. I never had a cat before him so I did not know what to expect. He is so great and acts just like a dog!! He sleeps on the foot of my bed every night and in the morning I find him lying next to me or I pretend I am asleep and find him checking on my breathing by being close to me or putting his paw lightly on my bottom lip. He has been such a blessing to me and I know I would never have been able to move on with my life had it not been for him. Plus, now with the RSD he calms me down when my pain is real bad. I just adore him.

About a year ago my son decided to get a Chihuahua/Pomeranian Mix puppy (but mostly Chihuahua) with his girlfriend. They lasted a month and I got him full-time because they broke up. Well, he has turned out to be another love of my life. He is my PT because he gets me up out of bed every few hours and makes me walk outside. He is lying across my lap right now. Now, I have my two babies in my bed each night. Since I am single it is a comfort to have Buddy sleeping next to me. He barks at everything so he is a great watchdog too. I feel so much more secure while he is on duty.

The best part of my day (I know this is sad but it is my life) is when the dog chases the cat up and down the condo (We call this crazy puppy time). They are so funny to watch. Then, the cat lies on his back and the dog nips at his paws. They do this for about 15 mins. then both like to take a nap. Buddy keeps Tigger in shape and when Tigger has had enough he lets Buddy know by either playfully biting him or by giving him the evil cat eye to stop. They are very entertaining. My son tell me I need a life and I tell him "Well, you stay in the house for five years in agony and tell me how you would stay sane."

I just adore my best friends and would be in an asylum somewhere if it were not for them. They get me through each day. Thanks for the idea.
kathy d

mrsD 01-10-2010 09:22 AM

Oh, I wasn't clear, sorry...

Sheba is almost 24 yrs OLD. She does not weigh 24lbs. She used to be pretty big but has lost weight, on IAMs dry food Eukanuba, and has been normal size for about 10 yrs when I switched her to that. (she was having reactions to Science Diet which has alot of corn in it)

I have some pictures of the cats in my album...under vacation and family.

Your pics are gorgeous! I love that begging posture! ;)

Mslday 01-10-2010 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by mrsD (Post 608966)
Oh, I wasn't clear, sorry...

Sheba is almost 24 yrs OLD. She does not weigh 24lbs. She used to be pretty big but has lost weight, on IAMs dry food Eukanuba, and has been normal size for about 10 yrs when I switched her to that. (she was having reactions to Science Diet which has alot of corn in it)

I have some pictures of the cats in my album...under vacation and family.

Your pics are gorgeous! I love that begging posture! ;)

That's good news...Sheba must be a very happy cat to live such a long life. Your photo's of you family, your cats and your gardens are beautiful! You have a little slice of heaven there don't you.

We have a big garden too and occasionally have the odd deer or bear roam by. Fortunately the bears were not too active this past year. Everyone here has to practice bear aware living so we don't attract them to our backyards. Sadly not everyone does and then the bears get into trouble and end up getting shot. This year there was only one bear shot, thankfully the rest were all tranquilized and relocated.

I feed Rocky a dried food from Medi-Cal, its vet recommended which means it's expensive but again it's the only dried food Rocky will touch. I spent a small fortune on trying all the expensive natural foods and he just turned his nose up to them all, including tuna a salmon so I finally just gave in to the shrimp thing. Now a days shrimp is a lot less expensive and in the end probably about the same as canned food.

I found a recipe for a cat crunchie treat that plan to try on him. Let me know if you want the recipe and I'll send it along.

Warm wishes.


mrsD 01-10-2010 01:46 PM

That's so funny that your cat wants the shrimpy- a- day. We always thought it unusual for our Sheba to be so insistent. Must be something unique in the shrimp. She did lose alot of weight when we started that shrimpy-a-day treat.

We did this for Sheba for YEARS. I would get the frozen, and give her two thawed (the 50-60 size), each afternoon, around 3-4pm. Then all of a sudden she refused them! I tasted them, and they tasted I bought another, and same thing. So we stopped them. She is eating less and less as she ages anyway. Her skin hangs almost to the floor! If she runs fast (like when a MAN comes in the house to fix something)...her boobies/lion belly flaps and it is hard not to laugh at her.

The vet said she had grade 4 cardiomyopathy years ago and its been 6yr past her estimate of death. I am feeding her now a new formula of IAMs dry that has acetyl carnitine added. I think this is helping her move around. I found it at the new super WalMart on vacation in Sault Ste Marie . So she is still going strong. Sometimes I wonder how accurate Vets are...sort of like human doctors...:rolleyes:

Mslday 01-10-2010 02:56 PM

LOL...I think Main Coons must have a special gene that makes them train us so well either that or I'm just a big sucker :wink:.

Rocky is now up to 6 50/70 size shrimp for both lunch and dinner. If I don't feed him on time he comes to get me and leads me to his bowl making lots of noise until he gets what he wants. I cut them up into bite size pieces for him and he paws at my leg to make me give him the tails of each shrimp while I cut up the rest. I was worried about giving him just that for a diet of protein but my vet said it's ok as long as he does eat his dried food. He did turn his nose up to a batch of shrimp last summer and after tasting them myself I had to agree with him. There was a nasty chemical taste to them so I returned them to the store. Now I get large bags from Costco and he loves them the best.

Main coons are known to have heart problems and my vet said Rocky has a heart murmur but I honestly think it is only when he is stressed like going to see her that that happens. Acetyl carnitine is very good for the heart and also in the Med-Cal I feed Rocky, I get the Fiber formula to help keep his weight under check. Glad to hear Queen Sheba is still going strong after all these years. They really are like little people in fur aren't they.

Sebastian had a good strong heart and we estimate he was about 13 when he passed last summer. He was very good at hiding his illness, as I learned most cats are because it wasn't until he decided that he just couldn't get up anymore one day that I found out he was in complete organ failure. There was no other signs of problems so it was a real shock and it broke my heart to lose him. He was the junk food junkie in the house, would eat anything and his favorite was butterscotch ripple ice cream. If I was ever upset about anything he would jump right up on my chest and kiss my face to make me feel better. He was very tuned into human emotions.

Like others have expressed here caring for pets has been a real joy for me, helps to keep me active and distracts me from the daily grind of RSD.

Have a wonderful day.


mrsD 01-10-2010 03:08 PM

Oh, I'll have to try the Costco frozen. I do buy their fresh now and then, for myself, and give Sheba one of those now and then.

But twelve a day! Wow... I thought I was indulgent. LOL

I have a saved nutrient chart from Whole foods on shrimp:
I thought it was interesting..

The reason you have to give regular cat food in some form is that cats must have Taurine (it is supplied by mice in the wild) and will die if they don't get enough. This is why one cannot feed dog food to cats.

I am trying to find out how much taurine is in shrimp:

It appears that taurine is in shrimp to some extent. I can't find an exact amount however yet.

Mslday 01-10-2010 03:37 PM

Yeah he is a spoiled kitty isn't he.:o

The nutrition information you posted here is very interesting, Thank you.

I posted the cat crunchie treat recipies for you on your visitor messages. Perhaps I could add a bit of Taurine to the cat treats?

You're the best.


mrsD 01-10-2010 03:55 PM

Yes, I think so. As the article says, it is non toxic and can only help. With a LARGE cat... the requirement for the taurine would be higher.

For humans you know, Taurine is used now in insulin resistance when inositol is used to help blood sugar levels. It also improves bile flow in humans, as well as provides the other necessary benefits. It is very inexpensive. But if you are in Canada, it might be hard to buy...maybe your Vet would sell it to you or at least give you an RX so you could buy it? The last I heard Canada required RX for single amino acids. I don't know if that is still true or not.

Mslday 01-10-2010 04:19 PM

Yes it can be difficult to get some products here in Canada but I do have a very good supplier that I can still get my single amino acids from. It will probably change soon now that everything will need a NPR (Natural Product Number) later this year. The government's new laws have most companies in the natural supplement manufacturing up in arms. I'm heading out there tomorrow to stock up on all my goodies and will add the L-taurine to my basket. This may sound like a silly question but is there any difference between Taurine and L-Taurine? They sell 60 gm of the L-taurine powder for $8.99

I read that Taurine is good for pain modulating transmitters that affect neuropathic pain, muscle tension and spasms. L-Glutamine and and glutamine acid are also indicated as single amino acids that also have inhibitory properties that neutralizes the stress response.

I started taking L-glutamine last month and thinking of adding the other 2 amino acids too. so I would appreciate your expert advice on the subject.

Many thanks for such a lovely exchange about our dear pets.


mrsD 01-10-2010 04:38 PM

The average dose for humans or Taurine is 1000mg (gram) daily or twice a day.z(this is a therapeutic dose) For cats, it is much less, of course.

So 60gm would be 60 doses for a human.

There is one patient on PN who uses glutamine for her husband.
Most glutamine (about 1/2 is kept in the GI lining), and the rest goes into the body.
This article recommends a very high dose of glutamine:
But this article is for chemotherapy induced PN.

L-taurine and Taurine I believe is used interchangeably. I don't think they sell mixed RL Taurine. The R (also called D) form is not bioactive.
So check the label of what you buy.

I have not seen any problems with carnitine and taurine. They are pretty benign. Very high amounts of glutamine could conceivable lead to elevated glutamate formation, as glutamate is an end product of the complex chemistry for glutamine. Very high glutaMATE can stimulate pain receptors. But since glutamine is a substrate for many reactions, it might not be a problem for most people.

Here is one trivia factoid... human breast milk is 10 times higher in glutamine than cow's milk. Seems human infants require this to develop a healthy digestive system.

Mslday 01-10-2010 05:07 PM

Hi Mrs D.

Here is a link to the article I read on Amino Acids and diet in Chronic Pain Management.

I'm also thinking of supplementing with the 20 amino acid chain recommended in this article. I find this all quite interesting.

As for the cats diet I think he'll be quite happy with even a bit a taurine sprinkled on his shrimp. I sprinkle a small amount of lysine on his food when life gets a bit stressful around here, like when the repair guys come into the house rattling all their tools :wink:

Warm wishes.


mrsD 01-10-2010 05:22 PM

I have used tryptophan myself, with good results. 500mg at bedtime.

I would only suggest at this time to start with lower doses and increase. You might get by with lower doses.

The Whey designer proteins, are often a good place to start.
You can make smoothies with them, and have some fun with it.

Often whey sources of aminos are more cost effective, and help with maintaining lean muscle mass as we age.
When you buy the aminos in supplements put into capsules they tend to cost more.

Mslday 01-10-2010 05:38 PM

Angels & Animals

An angel, in the sense in which we use the term here, is not necessarily a celestial being. Any messenger who wakes us up to be more alive, more truly ourselves, is an angel. The Greek term “angelos” means “messenger.” We have all met messengers in this sense. They come in the most unexpected guises. We may not be immediately aware of it, but their messages are all about gratefulness.

Yes, we are truly thankful to that “angel” who flashes us a smile on a rainy day or gives us the quarter we thought we had at hand when we got on the bus. And of course we are thankful to our animal helpers – not only to seeing-eye dogs, but also to the cat purring in our lap, the sparrow chirping under the eaves, the antelopes which we see only in pictures. Each of them sends us a message of joy.

Our focus here is not on thankfulness, though, but on gratefulness. Animals teach us gratefulness, the art of being in the moment. We humans half cling to the past, half stretch out to the future, with little of us left to enjoy the now. Animals are fully present. Through their unconditional acceptance of each moment, they sometimes draw even us into it.

When humans learn to be gratefully present every moment, they become angels. It’s not the wings that make the angel, but the message of courageous presence and creative acceptance, no matter what the moment brings: “Fear not!”

“ I have lived with several Zen masters – all of them cats.” - Eckhart Tolle, The Power of NOW.
This put a real smile on my face from

Warm wishes to all.


Kakimbo 01-13-2010 12:14 PM

Hi Msl!

Really? Another Main Coon named Sebastian? I bottle fed my racoon when she was an infant, a replacement for cat milk. Then the pet store said to feed her Puppy Chow. It was a riot to watch. She would wash her hands in her water bowl, then wash her food (which then fell apart!) racoons are very clean animals and love shiny things. She would sit on top of the couch and pounce on my head to get my earrings. She would sneak into my purse and steal my quarters and flip them around in her hands for hours. I would later find them in my chest of drawers. I always thought that when mother cats cleaned their kittens, it was an emotional response. I learned the hard way that baby racoons, like kittens, need to be taught to go to the bathroom. Kinda gross...

Mslday 01-13-2010 01:49 PM

Hi Kim,

Do you have any pictures of your Sebastian? That's just too funny, I'd love to see what the other Sebastian looks like. What is your Raccoons name? Raccoons are very smart aren't they.

Warm wishes.


Lynns409 01-14-2010 02:09 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Crazy kittyness!

Thank you all for responding to this- I hope it made everyone feel a little better and maybe smile for a moment. Lucy always makes me laugh. I swear, she is the best $58 I ever spent (little pound kitty). She has a new catnip cigar, and she's just been going nutty the last few days. And I found her a bird feather too. As an indoor kitty, this is as close as she gets to wildlife, and it makes her very excited. So she keeps her cigar and feather at the foot of the bed- yes, she carries around her toys like a little dog. And then if you come near them she will go and guard them, just in case you want to steal them from her.

This is a nice photo of Miss Lucy- coming out of a box. What is it with kitties and boxes? I swear that half of my photos are of her being silly in a box.

mrsD 01-14-2010 03:26 AM

If your cat lived on the street, she will have some odd habits, I think.

My son's 3rd cat who adopted HIM by running in the door one cold day, has some odd habits. She rummages thru the garbage, and will eat anything. She also loves boxes more than the other two (I guess she lived in some) and she tends to sit or sleep over the heat registers in his new home.

She is also very SMART.

Kakimbo 01-14-2010 09:32 PM

Haha! Yes, kitties are smarter than we are! We are THEIR pets! (I'm usually not complaining about this). It's too cute the way they find ways to be pretty. When I was stringing the lights on my Christmas tree, my innocent one just jumped in the middle of them and posed for the camera. I swear, it is the best pic I have ever taken. Even cuter than my kids! We are SO trained...I wish I would be fed, have my bathroom cleaned and have someone pet me 24/7! Hmm, lobster for lunch, a good rub, climbing into anything I want without having to clean up after my mess. Tuna for dinner, another rub, maybe a brushing, a good nap, more snacks. Oh yeah, where's my desert B***tch?!? Now I'm tired so leave me alone!

Kakimbo 01-14-2010 09:46 PM

Hi MsL!

I DID have really good pics of my Sebastian. My computer crashed right before Christmas and am on my Third replacement since. (don't ask!); so no, I don't have any pics. He was very gray and striped. Looked like he was wearing sweat pants. He was very noble, hence the name Sebastian. If he coulda smoked a pipe and worn glasses; he would. I saw your pics. Very handsome and elegant. I don't think I have ever seen a more beautiful creature.

My racoon's name was "Tink". I called her "Bebee", just because of the lilt of it. Think my ex-husband called her "Tink" was because he loved to deer hunt and tink is lure. (She always responded to me first!). She would float around in our pool on a floatie and I would actually paint her nails! I swear, above the risk, she was the very best pet (besides Sebastian, of course!) ever!

Mslday 01-14-2010 11:10 PM

Kim you make me laugh so much:D...I always say "we are just here to open their cans" but now Rocky has taken it to a whole new level with his insistence on real shrimp. I waisted so much money on canned food that he wouldn't eat so I finally just caved. I'm the living example of a very well trained human. :o The only way I can justify this to my husband is by comparing the cost of shrimp to canned food. It actually is about the same perhaps a little less since canned cat food went up so high last year.

I'm sorry you lost your photos of Mr. Sebastian, computers really suck sometimes don't they. Did you name him yourself? We adopted our Sebastian from a man who couldn't keep him any more because he had fallen in love with a woman who was allergic to him, he came with his name and responded to it when called. The good news is that his old papa did get married and Sebastian had a very good life with us. He took to me like I was his mom which is unusual for an older cat. We had a very special bond. I called him "Mr. Sebastian" and when he would come outside into the garden with me he would always listen to me when I called him back if he wondered too close to the forest.

I used to get "soft paws" put on Rocky's nails because he would scratch Sebastian's nose when they would get rough with each other. I put a bell on Sebastian so Rocky always knew where the big guy was. The soft paws were were bright pink so he looked quite funny. It sounds like Tink "Bebee", was quite a character too and I'm sure a real joy for you. Thanks for sharing.

Warm wishes,


RNcrps2 01-16-2010 10:35 AM

I agree. I have 2 dogs. Big mama is a 135lb and Doodle Doo is 6lbs. I love them to death. They give unconditional love. If I am crying Big Mama is there licking me and moaning. It's incredible what they understand. Last year my son asked for a cat for his birthday. I never owned or had friends with cats so i was kinda hesitant (but they know I never say no to animals). It was the best thing at the best time. Bugga Boo is so cool. He has such personality. My RSD was bad and he would make me laugh so much. I was becoming depressed prior to getting him(Bugga Boo) and he truly saved me. momof4

bobber 01-16-2010 07:07 PM

I have been blessed with 15 year old tiger manx cat,,she is very obediant and follows me around as well. Pets show us unconditioned love and are always there for us. I found her 15 years ago crying at night in the middle of a street , just a few weeks old,scared,hungry,and not knowing where to go,,She since then has returned the favor of her love,for now, im scared and in pain ,not knowing with this disease,where im going,,she is a good friend,always there for me, I Thank The Lord above for giving her to me . We should learn from the animals,although,she is in pain and is getting old,,she still is faithfull, and always not letting her pain , get in the way of loving me,,,When comparing her to me ,,I am a pathetic,pitiful,disgrace of an excuse for a human being,,,,, Bobber ,,,,,, P.S ,,, I use her name as my screen name , her name is bobber,,,my name is boyd

Kakimbo 01-19-2010 11:43 PM

Awesome! Nuff said.

loretta 01-20-2010 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by kim ames (Post 612417)
Awesome! Nuff said.

Hi Kim and everyone,
There is a cute commercial on TV. A lady in her pj's and housecoat is calling for her cat to come in for the night and cuddle up with her. She doesn't have her glasses on-and here comes a big round racoon out of the trees toward her and goes into the house with her right behind for the night cuddle time. :) The big racoon reminds me of our main coon cat who also likes to cuddle-sleeps with me every night. your friend, loretta with soft hugs:grouphug:

mrsD 01-20-2010 07:44 AM

We bought the Costco shrimp (frozen) this weekend, and Sheba now is having 2 a day! I gave up on Kroger's, as they don't taste normal.

So now she is having her shrimpy afternoon snack and very happy like the old days!

Thanks for that tip, msL.

Kakimbo 01-21-2010 08:01 PM


I also had a Manx. His name was Robin. I was homeschooling my daughter and went on a "field trip" to the local SPCA. I fell in love with him and we had a six acre horse farm, so he would fit right in. (With the horses, billy goat, 2 potbelly pigs, a pony, a chicken named Ms. Kim Ames (from my 3 year old son) who, by the way slept in the house (both the chicken and the 3 year old!). 3 ferretts, a collie, a tennessee walker hound, two bulls (named #1 and #2. You can't name them, cuz you fall in love with them), and...I can't remember! Well, Robin was very loving, very elegant and strong and would knead my legs SO bad that I would bleed through my jeans. He also had this terrible habit of relieving himself in my plants...BIG no-no in my house. He was just beautiful. Totally gray with really light gray eyes. If I were to be a cat, I would want to be a Manx. Or maybe a Main Coon. Oh, the power! Haha!

bobber 01-22-2010 11:03 PM

Hi Kim
I read up on manx cats,,they are said to be very obedient,and love people and are very intelligent,,their ears are a little farther apart than the average cat and their hind legs are taller also than an average cat,,if you notice,when they are kittens, because their hind legs are taller,,it hikes them up in the air, thus causing them to hop around instead of walking when they are kittens but as they get older,they lean to walk with out hoping,,this genetic profile enables them to have on the aveage an 8 feet vertical leap and higher,,,,but Kim,,thats why i called here bobber,,because as a kitten she would "bob"[hop] aound instead of walking,,so i gave her the name bobber..........

Kakimbo 01-24-2010 12:03 AM

Wow. So true!!!

Kakimbo 01-24-2010 12:32 AM

Thank you my friend.

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