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Alex123 04-04-2010 09:04 PM

Dental Flipper Question
Has anyone ever worn a dental flipper or know if it ever feels completely comfortable? I had my front tooth pulled almost 4 weeks ago and have had my dentist adjust it two times already. But there is a spot that is still sore on my gum right next to my other front tooth. In between were the other front tooth is and the flipper sits. I guess you would say it is in the extraction site itself, but on the side.

Anyways, I didn’t know if you will always have some discomfort with them. It feels better then it did when I first started wearing it, but I just want it to feel comfortable. I even went back to the oral surgeon because I was still having discomfort and was worried about the healing and he said everything was healing fine.

Any suggestions? I am definitely looking forward to my dental implant!

MsBees 04-06-2010 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Alex123 (Post 640318)
Has anyone ever worn a dental flipper or know if it ever feels completely comfortable? I had my front tooth pulled almost 4 weeks ago and have had my dentist adjust it two times already. But there is a spot that is still sore on my gum right next to my other front tooth. In between were the other front tooth is and the flipper sits. I guess you would say it is in the extraction site itself, but on the side.

Anyways, I didn’t know if you will always have some discomfort with them. It feels better then it did when I first started wearing it, but I just want it to feel comfortable. I even went back to the oral surgeon because I was still having discomfort and was worried about the healing and he said everything was healing fine.

Any suggestions? I am definitely looking forward to my dental implant!

Could you please tell me what a flipper is? I've heard this term used before and think I may be headed in that direction.

Bryanna 04-07-2010 05:38 PM

Hi Alex,

Could the flipper appliance be pinching that area of gum tissue making it sore? Have you specifically pointed out that spot to your dentist? He may be able to adjust it so it's more comfortable. It's not unusual to have several adjustments to the flipper as the extraction site is healing and then again after the implant is put in. You will be wearing that flipper for several more months so it really needs to be as comfortable as possible and shouldn't be making anything feel sore.



Originally Posted by Alex123 (Post 640318)
Has anyone ever worn a dental flipper or know if it ever feels completely comfortable? I had my front tooth pulled almost 4 weeks ago and have had my dentist adjust it two times already. But there is a spot that is still sore on my gum right next to my other front tooth. In between were the other front tooth is and the flipper sits. I guess you would say it is in the extraction site itself, but on the side.

Anyways, I didn’t know if you will always have some discomfort with them. It feels better then it did when I first started wearing it, but I just want it to feel comfortable. I even went back to the oral surgeon because I was still having discomfort and was worried about the healing and he said everything was healing fine.

Any suggestions? I am definitely looking forward to my dental implant!

Bryanna 04-07-2010 05:57 PM

Hi MsBees,

A flipper in dentistry is a slang term for partial denture. It is made of a thin pink (gum colored) acrylic material and it has a fake tooth/teeth on it. It is worn in the mouth and taken care of just like a removable partial denture.

A flipper is used to temporarily replace one or two extracted teeth during the healing phase of the surgery. It is also sometimes used during the healing phase from dental implant surgery. The reasons the flipper are worn ... 1) To keep the space open where the tooth was extracted so the teeth on either side do not close it in... and 2) For esthetics if the missing tooth was in the smile line and for chewing purposes if the missing tooth was in the back of the mouth.

Depending on the individual, flippers can made with reinforcement wire making them more durable so they can be worn for longer periods of time. For instance, if someone had their upper front tooth extracted and they were not going to replace it with an implant or bridge, rather than go without a tooth, they could possibly wear a reinforced flipper instead.

Sometimes, depending on the individuals diet and lifestyle, they may be able to wear a flipper appliance indefinitely or until it wore down and needed to be replaced by a new one.

Every case is a little bit different and it all depends on what the patient chooses as a replacement option for the tooth/teeth that were removed.

I hope this information is helpful. If you feel comfortable sharing your story here, there are others who could probably relate to it..... sometimes that can make the unknown a little bit easier ;-)



Originally Posted by MsBees (Post 641281)
Could you please tell me what a flipper is? I've heard this term used before and think I may be headed in that direction.

watsonsh 04-07-2010 08:57 PM

I had a flipper and it was absolutely miserable. Pulled on my TM joints and caused a lot of pain.

Alex123 04-08-2010 02:56 PM

Thanks Bryanna! At least I know it is normal to have to have several adjustments made to a flipper. I did go back for another adjustment. It feels a little better.

People have to go back every few weeks to have it adjusted as the site heals? I thought you just got it adjusted when you first started wearing it and that is why I thought it was weird that my flipper kept feeling uncomfortable. So your reply made me feel better about having to keep calling the dentist. :)

Bryanna 04-08-2010 06:25 PM

Hey Alex!

How are you getting along with the flipper, other than the adjustments?

Yes, it is common to see the dentist several times in the first few weeks/months of wearing a flipper. It needs to fit properly and be at least somewhat comfortable. Surprisingly......... some people have little to no problems with it and then others...... can't wait to get rid of it!

There is no way to know ahead of time which side of the fence a patient will be on. We always hope that the patient will have a positive experience.

Good to see hear from you!



Originally Posted by Alex123 (Post 642142)
Thanks Bryanna! At least I know it is normal to have to have several adjustments made to a flipper. I did go back for another adjustment. It feels a little better.

People have to go back every few weeks to have it adjusted as the site heals? I thought you just got it adjusted when you first started wearing it and that is why I thought it was weird that my flipper kept feeling uncomfortable. So your reply made me feel better about having to keep calling the dentist. :)

Bryanna 04-08-2010 06:27 PM

Hey Shelley!

That's sounds terrible! It probably didn't fit very well and was interfering with your bite. That could cause all sorts of TMJ problems. Did you have the flipper to replace a front or back tooth?



Originally Posted by Shelley (Post 641823)
I had a flipper and it was absolutely miserable. Pulled on my TM joints and caused a lot of pain.

watsonsh 04-16-2010 09:34 PM

Hey Bryanna,

It wa a flipper made for that bone graft area. Upper Right back area. Just pulled on both jaws. Have been without it for a while. Thinking of having another one made though just with 2 teeth as opposed to three as It always felt two big for my mouth. We are actually only going to do the implants with two teeth instead of the three as my mought is very small.

Bryanna 04-17-2010 10:46 AM

Hey Shell...

It may have been too big, you're right. If I'm not mistaken, I think I mentioned awhile back about replacing only 2 of those teeth instead of 3. Has the area healed since the grafts were done or is there still a question about the integrity of the jawbone in that area?



Originally Posted by Shelley (Post 645201)
Hey Bryanna,

It wa a flipper made for that bone graft area. Upper Right back area. Just pulled on both jaws. Have been without it for a while. Thinking of having another one made though just with 2 teeth as opposed to three as It always felt two big for my mouth. We are actually only going to do the implants with two teeth instead of the three as my mought is very small.

watsonsh 04-19-2010 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Bryanna (Post 645395)
Hey Shell...

It may have been too big, you're right. If I'm not mistaken, I think I mentioned awhile back about replacing only 2 of those teeth instead of 3. Has the area healed since the grafts were done or is there still a question about the integrity of the jawbone in that area?


Hey Bryanna,

Graft has healed well and will have the next step this friday. Just still lots of pain and a subsequent RSD dx. RSD more related t bad left side shoulder though pain is pain and when the left shoulder is in pain and spasm'd up, it pulls everything in the jaw on both sides outta whack.

MeganDiane 05-01-2010 10:33 PM


I am going through bone grafts and implants for 2 teeth in the front (7 & 10). I have had the flipper they gave me for a few weeks now and have been experiencing discomfort in my jaw (never had this before). Mentioned it to the dentist and said he hadn't heard of this being related to a flipper. He suggested not wearing it as much and that was that. Had your dentist experienced other patients with this problem? Wondering what to do for the rest of the treatment (through Dec/Jan). Considering an Essix retainer with pontics.


Originally Posted by Shelley (Post 645201)
Hey Bryanna,

It wa a flipper made for that bone graft area. Upper Right back area. Just pulled on both jaws. Have been without it for a while. Thinking of having another one made though just with 2 teeth as opposed to three as It always felt two big for my mouth. We are actually only going to do the implants with two teeth instead of the three as my mought is very small.

Steff in Michigan 09-13-2010 05:16 PM

I have had my flipper now almost 2 weeks and I love it.... It is extremely comfortable. Only problem I have with it is I can not eat with it in my mouth.....Any I deas on that one Anybody?

sandy60 09-16-2010 08:13 PM

For me, it was a total waste of $500. I wore it a few times, couldn't talk, lisped...definitely couldn't eat, it was the biggest, most uncomfortable contraption. I just told my friends I was missing my eye tooth and they just got used to it. Finally getting a fixed bridge. They flipper hurt my gums where it hooked in the back and no adjustments helped. Every dentist I know admits the thing is a monstrosity. Don't bother with it if it hurts that much, not worth it.

Bryanna 09-17-2010 07:28 PM

Hi Steff,

If the problem with the flipper is that it becomes loose when you are eating, you could try to use a <<very small>> amount of denture adhesive and see if that helps to keep it in place. One of the best adhesives on the market that does not contain zinc is called Secure.

If the problem is due to a bulky feeling in your mouth while eating, then it's probably best to remove it when you eat.



Originally Posted by Steff in Michigan (Post 694709)
I have had my flipper now almost 2 weeks and I love it.... It is extremely comfortable. Only problem I have with it is I can not eat with it in my mouth.....Any I deas on that one Anybody?

michaelS 07-12-2013 11:59 AM

Gags me
The flapper is horrible. It makes me gag and it interfers with talking.

Is there someone to stop the gagging? Maybe get a slimmer model?

This is for a front eye tooth.

Bryanna 07-12-2013 01:46 PM

Hi MichaelS,

Is it for a front tooth or an eye (canine) tooth?

If it is replacing just one tooth, then it should not be made so it goes that far back in your mouth where it would be covering that part of your palate that causes a gagging reflex.

Have you been back to your dentist for him to adjust it for you?



Originally Posted by michaelS (Post 999347)
The flapper is horrible. It makes me gag and it interfers with talking.

Is there someone to stop the gagging? Maybe get a slimmer model?

This is for a front eye tooth.

Saab8 09-28-2016 12:48 AM

yes, Flippers are awful
Flippers are....what can I say? They destroy your self esteem, make you gag, you can't eat and you want to rip them out of your mouth as soon as you can. I saw this post and it was years old, however, I thought it might help someone.

I had some teeth broken in an accident and then some more broke off. I had really nice teeth. Dental insurance is pointless. I am getting two dental implants....and I cannot wait.


Originally Posted by Alex123 (Post 640318)
Has anyone ever worn a dental flipper or know if it ever feels completely comfortable? I had my front tooth pulled almost 4 weeks ago and have had my dentist adjust it two times already. But there is a spot that is still sore on my gum right next to my other front tooth. In between were the other front tooth is and the flipper sits. I guess you would say it is in the extraction site itself, but on the side.

Anyways, I didn’t know if you will always have some discomfort with them. It feels better then it did when I first started wearing it, but I just want it to feel comfortable. I even went back to the oral surgeon because I was still having discomfort and was worried about the healing and he said everything was healing fine.

Any suggestions? I am definitely looking forward to my dental implant!

caroline2 10-02-2016 01:44 PM

I have a 3 tooth flipper and it's GREAT. Probably having it for 15 yrs and the alternative was implants and that was not where I wanted to go. I was fortunate with the dental work done. Back when I had it done, I think it was like $200.

jenny8484 11-30-2016 04:56 PM

I am currently wearing a flipper over an implant site as I wait for a crown. I have to say that it really depends on how the flipper is made. The first flipper my dentist made, which I paid over $700 for, was poorly made, came loose very often when I talked and was uncomfortable to wear. I didn't realize this at the time but thought that is just what I would have had to deal with for the next 8 months to a year until the implant and crown process was finished. Well, 4 months later after first getting the flipper- as luck would have it, I lost the flipper while I was on vacation, I sneezed and it fell into the ocean! So after being toothless for the remainder of the vacation I went back to my dentist and they ordered me another flipper (but, this time only charged half price, thank goodness). This new flipper was 100% better, it is more sturdy and covers more support area so I don't feel like the flipper is going to fall out if I talk or sneeze. In your case I would go back to the dentist and let them know that the flipper is uncomfortable and they either need to adjust it or make you a new one if possible. Good luck!

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