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Curious 01-24-2007 10:31 AM

Wednesday Water Day
i thought i would combine the check in with those of us making sure we drink our 8 glasses of water today.

i have had 1 glass so far. plain water.

Alffe 01-24-2007 10:44 AM

If I drank that much water, I'd wet my pants for sure. :D

Fancylady_2006 01-24-2007 10:49 AM

I'm present & hanging in there~
Thats about what I have had too and no breakfast. I know I shouldn't, but it is so easy to go without it and leaves me free for calaries later in the day. I hope all has a great day! We had more snow last night. One of those pretty kind where it sticks to the trees.

Curious 01-24-2007 10:59 AM

hehehe...alffe..especially if you are going to spend the day with the moi's i can imagine mr moi making you laugh after drinking a full glass. :p

i'm getting ready to have my oatmeal. breakfast speeds up the metabolism. even something small is better than nothing bc. a piece of fruit....or a glass of juice. mmm...i have some of that v-8 spash. i don't like the plain v-8..the veggie kind. but those make for a good snack or little meal.

watsonsh 01-24-2007 12:34 PM

Thanks Curious for the reminder.

we started a water club at work. There are 3 of us and we went to costco and bought cases of water and crystal light for the office. Then during the day we IM each other to DRINK. It's working so far.

They saw 1 oz for every 2 lbs and the last two days I did it. Hooray! Although I won't admit how much it was because then you know how much I weight...ugh!

Actually feel better and less sluggish...maybe there is something too this water thing.

Curious don't make me laugh today or I will pee my pants like Alffe.

It's a good diet day so far. Yogurt and water. Today I will make it.

So DRINK up. Salud

Curious 01-24-2007 12:46 PM

:rain: i'll be on good behaiver. i think we will all have the ole water flowing today.

2nd glass done for me. had my oatmeal with the vanilla fat free soymilk.

:Crazy 2: i'll try and be good.:Dunno: might be hard.

nancy-h 01-24-2007 01:30 PM

I have tried and tried but I cannot drink that much water. (When I was younger I could have if there was bourbon in it - HA.) You know that little magazine thing that comes in the Sunday paper? It had an article in it about drinking water and those "experts" said it's only necessary to drink water when you are thirsty. I don't really believe that because when you drink water, even your skin looks better. So I drink more water than I usually would when I'm thirsty or if I'm hungry.

Everyone seems well today and committed to watering themselves so we all should have a good day. Hubby and I are making a Weight Watchers approved soup for dinner so must go for now. . .


watsonsh 01-24-2007 02:09 PM

Finished one big bottle. On to second. Not as hungry

Need to tell boss to move office closer to bathroom. :icon_eek:

Feel skinnier. Curious we need a skinny smiley face :p How doe we get one? For when we are skinny?

Curious 01-24-2007 02:19 PM

:Crowded:'re the one in the middle. eyes are bugging from having to wait for a bathroom break...

these 2 are pretty

watsonsh 01-24-2007 02:57 PM

LOL...gotta go again. You guys squeezing me.

I love the skinny smiley's Thanks curious. I wanna be the one on the right...skinny jeannie in a water bottle.


Curious 01-24-2007 03:05 PM

Lara 01-24-2007 03:51 PM

Hi everyone. Don't usually post here, but the *water day* caught my attention.

OK, I'm surprised. Maybe it's the climate difference or something. Don't you all drink that much water every day??? It's like 90% humidity here, so I guess we're losing a lot of water in perspiration in this heat. If we didn't drink water all day we'd be dehydrated.

My daughter and I have been having a cabbage soup day every week lately. Well, sometimes we have two cabbage soup days a week. We notice that it seems to be a diuretic. Not sure what it's about, might be the cabbage or might be the onions lol.

Curious 01-24-2007 03:58 PM

the tendancy to drink soda's, sports drinks, energy drinks has become so common. but plain water...for most it has gotten to be a lost habit.

i'm usually really good about drinking water. i just wasn't so much when the cold weather set in. hot herbal teas ( i am really getting lots of water..but still not the same) seemed to be what i was drinking.

but boy in the summer...drinking a gallon a day is about my norm.

ps...good to see you here. :hug:

Lara 01-24-2007 04:41 PM

Thanks, curious. :)

Yeah, you're right. I was just thinking about how I don't like to drink much water in winter here, and heck it's not very cold in our winter. I tend to drink more teas in winter too and really find myself forcing water down. I always make sure I have water bottles ready cold in the fridge for when any of us leave the house. It's getting expensive buying decent water though. Some of the bottled water that's cheap tastes like plastic. *yuk

Could be worse. I went to an island up the coast years back and the only water they had there in this huge resort was water which was shipped across in a tanker every now and then. The water tasted like gasolene. *yuk again

good luck to you all with your water drinking... don't go overboard though. What goes in has to come out. ;)

froglady 01-24-2007 05:01 PM

Tomorrow I will promise to drink, drink, drink, hic-up...oh sorry, not that... I will drink WATER tomorrow. LOL I will know if I drink enough cause if I do I will wet my pants. I really do, it's no joke. Got to get more depends. :)

Fancylady_2006 01-24-2007 05:31 PM

Gaye, what do you usually drink? I wouldn't drink more than 8 glasses a day in your case. Try to stop after supper or you will be up all night. Sometimes I am. I like peach tea. Probably comes from GA. LOL Have you ever got the Walmart brand? I think I'll freeze some and see if I like it that way. I don't put as much water in as it calls for. It is to weak for me that way.

I must be nuts! I keep smelling smoke off a fire for two days now. I have checked everything I can think of. There is no smoke, it is just a "smell". I even changed those room air fresheners and I still smell it. I checked my neighbors place and nothing. It smells like trying to burn wet leaves. Now I am using spray. Bear looks at me like I a have went bonkers. Diet is going fine. It's my mind now!:eek:

fiberowendy2000 01-24-2007 07:47 PM

I drink Arizona Diet Green Tea most of the day and fill a 42 oz bottle at least once a day. I only drink that until 5 or so. Then its only water for the rest of the night. I have a 32 oz bottle I just bought and I usually fill that once during the night. I like to have water next to my bed to take meds during the night.
Yes I pee like a racehorse daily! That is why I never got a kidney stone!:D

Curious 01-24-2007 07:50 PM

thought we might all need this...

i have had more than my share of water and fluids today. i decided to measure how much the glass i drink my tea out of hold. 4 cups! :eek:

stand in line...i'm first...:p

Fancylady_2006 01-24-2007 08:11 PM

Now that is funny! It is funny to, how we women have to stand in line at a restroom and men don't. Ever notice that?
Is this the toilet?

watsonsh 01-24-2007 08:23 PM

Herry up Curious...I gotta go :yikes:

Curious 01-24-2007 08:28 PM

:p done....go ahead shelley.

but hurry....cuz i drank 3 of those big glasses of tea! :eek:

watsonsh 01-24-2007 09:09 PM

3 teas....You will be up all night!:holysheep:

Lara 01-24-2007 09:16 PM

gosh, you're all starting to scare me. lol

Don't forget that it can be dangerous to drink tooooooooooooooooo much water. Can mess with electrolyte balance.

:Trapeze 2:

watsonsh 01-24-2007 09:20 PM

But I am drinking smart water...with electrolytes...however it has not made me any smarter.

Besides I will never be balanced....LOL:Doh:

Bu alas you are right...did you all hear about the poor woman that recently died of water toxicity?

Lara 01-24-2007 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by shelley (Post 62925)
Bu alas you are right...did you all hear about the poor woman that recently died of water toxicity?

Yes, I did, that's what made me think about it now. It was listed in the Health News Forum. I read in our local paper (a long way from where that happened) that they sacked heaps of staff members over that incident. Was shocking.

Don't mind me... I just was suddenly overcome with anxiety when I kept coming back and reading how much you were all drinking lol

watsonsh 01-24-2007 09:28 PM

Such a shame over a video game she was trying to win for her kids and now they have no mom.

You have a good point anxiety...too much water can cause imbalance and wash out all the good stuff.

I am trying to follow the rule of 1 oz per 2 pounds of body weight.

I like Water Wednesday but I think all this water has made us silly.

Billie...that smoke smell is the pounds melting off :D

P.S. Lara I Wish I were on the island in your avatar.

Curious 01-24-2007 09:32 PM

:hug: lara...don't worry..i drink that much everyday. it just shocked me when i measured.

guess it's a good thing i';m really good about taking my supplements. and getting to the bathroom before shelley


Curious 01-24-2007 09:34 PM

I like Water Wednesday but I think all this water has made us silly.[quote]

were we supposed to eat brain food too? :eek:

watsonsh 01-24-2007 09:42 PM

Who needs smart when we can be silly...laughter was much more fun otday although there were a couple times I was laughing so hard I almost did not make it to the bathroom.

Oh good idea onthe supplements!

What's tomorrow going to be...Thirsty Thursday...Tea Thursday? we need a catchy names.

Quit hogging the loo Curious:hug:

Fancylady_2006 01-24-2007 10:21 PM

Sorry I can't help you gals. My heart is in the sandbox.

Fancylady_2006 01-24-2007 10:29 PM

Help.... I can't see my sandbox for the smoke.

watsonsh 01-24-2007 10:32 PM


I can't see you throughthe smoke? Where'd she go.

I got it...Tequila Thursday

Fancylady_2006 01-24-2007 10:56 PM

I got help.

nancy-h 01-24-2007 11:00 PM

I Think You All Are Craaaaazy !!!
I think you have added SOMETHING in your water today you skinny, crazy bunch.

You are having a great time and that's great. How about a round of "99 bottles of water on the wall"??


Fancylady_2006 01-24-2007 11:11 PM

I am so thirsty.

Fancylady_2006 01-24-2007 11:20 PM

OKAY, I'm drinking. Hey Gaye, I see you! Wanna join in?

Lara 01-24-2007 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by shelley (Post 62931)
P.S. Lara I Wish I were on the island in your avatar.

Me too. I've been there a lot of times. It's the Low Isles off Port Douglas in Far North Queensland. Great Barrier Reef.

Just saw the rest of the posts.
LOL, you're all giving me a happy chuckle on a dready day. Thanks! :D

Jomar 01-25-2007 02:45 PM

oh man i missed this- I'll have to catch yaa all next wed..

did you ever go into the mens room? so you didn't have to wait in a line??

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