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Alffe 02-03-2007 02:15 PM

What's on your plate.........
I'm in the kitchen, ratteling those pots and pans while watching an old interview (3-19-98) on C-Span2 with Molly Ivins who was at that time promoting her new book "You got to dance with them what brung you". and I am reminded of her integrity, her sense of humor and how much I will miss her. (she died recently of breast cancer)

Mr.Alffe took Cooper and went off on a "mission" so he said.

They are predicting blizzard conditions for tonight...3 more inches of snow with 40 mile an hr. winds. The wind right now is out of the west so it's hard for me to understand how it can be 6 degrees....what's it going to go down to if the wind changes and comes out of the north?

Ok...what is everyone up to?

Doody 02-03-2007 08:59 PM

((Alffe)) Well, as you already know, my day was at the hospital to see Oscar. For those who don't know, Oscar is in the hospital with pnuemonia and a double ear infection. He's a pretty sick little boy.

And it is soooo cold. I wish we were having your snow Alffe. At least the cold would be prettier.

Oscar getting one of his albuterol treatments from daddy at the hospital.

Julie 02-03-2007 09:28 PM

Oh no, poor Granddoody!!!! Please send him healing hugs from all his Aunties here. Poor little baby. Dear Oscar, your Auntie Julie can sympathize with those double ear infections. I hate them too sweet baby. I hope you feel better and are home real soon dearie.

Alffe 02-04-2007 09:01 AM

Off to church, it's up two degrees to -6! Will say a prayer for little doody..that he can soon go home.

Go Bears!

Silver Swan 02-04-2007 11:00 AM

Daddy with son having treatment
Hi Doody:

Thank you for this sweet picture of Daddy holding his little boy. Daddy's love just shines in this picture. Little boy looking so relaxed and secure in his Daddy's arms. Hope things are improving for this darling child. And hope both Mommy and Daddy feeling better. It is so hard when little ones are sick.

Shirley H.

BJ 02-04-2007 11:25 AM

For little Doody. I hope he feels better and comes home soon. :hug:

Doody 02-04-2007 01:48 PM

Thanks everyone.

Today I'm off to the hospital again. Granddoody's oxygen level is still not high enough so as the day progresses we'll see. When he sleeps the oxygen level goes down to 80 and the doctor wants it at 90+ sleeping before she lets him go.

The only way he gets oxygen level that high while sleeping is if they put the oxygen mask on

Dogsitting Otto as well. Gotta get to Target and get him some bones so he'll quit chewing up everything else in sight.

Hope your day goes well and I just can't decide about the Colts or Bears.

Grandma and Granddoody.

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 02-04-2007 08:33 PM

aawww,poor lil baby.I will keep him in my prayers Doody.
I hope he starts to feelin better real soon!
Give him lots of hugs for us all....

Doody 02-05-2007 03:34 PM

Oscar's oxygen level went up into the 90s last night during his sleep and he's coughing up stuff like crazy, so he's lungs seem to be on the mend. They let him go home from the hospital just before lunch.

Other than that, I dun't know nuthin.

Lara 02-05-2007 04:38 PM

I'm really sorry to read that Granddoody has been in hospital. Yikes. Is this still from all that dreadful illness that your family had recently, Doody? Poor little boy. I hope he's feeling brighter today and those lungs clear up really well.

alffe, what was mr. alffe's mission? What did he and cooper bring back home for you? I love that saying. I'm on a mission LOL I use that a lot myself

very little on my plate today. *sigh
I don't know how some people do it honestly.
I've been waking up in so much pain lately that it's driving me crazy. I can understand getting some pain later in the day, but creaking and groaning at 5am is just ridiculous... there are things to be done.
Oh well, could be worse.

Glorious sunny day here so far. Thinking about stockpiling water for the future. It worries me that my daughter has such concerns about the future of the earth ... but that's a whole other story.


FeelinGoofy 02-05-2007 05:12 PM

its been a busy day for me too... went to the dr to get some blood work done:rolleyes: off to the dry cleaners, pharmacy, bank, and my mothers... not nessicarily in that order LOL Tacos for supper... easy and fast....

Curious 02-05-2007 05:40 PM

awwwww...poor granddoody.:( i'm sorry i haven't replied sooner. i haven't been posting too much. but i sure have been sending lots and lots prayers for our sweet boy.

well...i have the for sale sign in front of the house now. i hope it sells fast.

Alffe 02-05-2007 06:13 PM

Oh we love tacos of Mr.Alffe's favorites.

I am so glad to hear that lil Doody is home! :hug:

Curious, I hope your house sells quickly...did you bury the statue of Virgin Mary?...some people swear by that.

And that reminds me, I just finished reading the Handmaid and the Carpenter by Eliz. Berg....not sure how I feel about it. :o And not at all sure I can get it out of my head. :confused:

And Lara, Mr.Alffe brought me a beautiful silver angel on a silver chain....he made the jeweler make her heart gold...what a guy. He said I looked like someone who needed a guardian angel. :rolleyes:

Julie 02-05-2007 08:49 PM

Laundry and laundry and then more laundry.

After that, iron and iron and iron.

My life is so exciting.

jingle 02-06-2007 11:23 AM

What's on MY plate????
absolutely nothing. I'm having a colonoscopy tomorrow ~shudder~ so my plate is empty ALL day. I can have nothing except clear fluids and jello. Oh, yum.
I don't like this...... I don't like this at all. It's not even noon and I'm getting very grumpy.

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 02-06-2007 12:07 PM

I hope that you can find something good to read or maybe play some online games to keep your mind busy {{{jingle}}} has some good games..
I also wanna tell you good luck with your testing tomorrow:hug:
I went out in the freezing cold temps i could get food.
I am NOT going out in it today..Thankfully!
I am just gonna try to not sit here so long today playing games..My lower back and my neck are not in good shape for the past few days!!
I wonder why i cant just lay down and relax when i dont feel good.
OOOoooppps wrong thread:)
My daughter has an appt with a new therapist tomorrow.I hope it warms up to at least 20 degrees by then.
It has been 10 to 15 below 0 here lately...
I have to go shopping this weekend to find shoes for my daughter and some odds and ends.
Otherwise i am just gonna try to relax
I have to go do some back exercises now<sigh>
I hope all you stay warm and you have a good week!

Doody 02-06-2007 05:39 PM

(((Jingle))) I have to have a colonoscopy every year because of my long-standing illness with ulcerative colitis.

The colonoscopy is a breeze. It's the prep that sucks. Be sure and put plenty of vaseline or other ointment on your tushy before you start...well, you know.

Hope you've already drank that nasty stuff. I start early or I'm up til after midnight.

jingle 02-06-2007 05:44 PM

Oh, THANK YOU, Doody --- I start drinking the nasty stuff this evening and head to the hospital in the morning. ugh.
I've had lots of the wretched things before because I had polyps 20 years ago, my sisters have polyps and my father died of colon cancer.
But I've never even thought of vaseline.
:o Right now I could EAT vaseline.

Alffe 02-06-2007 07:00 PM

I know you'll be glad to have this behind pun intended. :hug:

Curious 02-06-2007 07:05 PM

oh great...jingle wants hugs...and she ends up the butt of everyone's jokes. :p ;)

sweety both my mom and dad had one done this last year. no problems at all. mom has diverticualitis and has a this done a few times.

i've got prayers being lifted for you. :grouphug:

FeelinGoofy 02-06-2007 07:33 PM

YUP.... same here.... prayers going up for you!!!!!
It was 72 here today :thud: but tomorrow they're
predicting freezing drizzle.... ick.....
Gotta take my daughter to gymnastics
tonight so i'm going to miss American Idol...... :(
Thank goodness we can record it. I'm not a big AI
fan but since several people from Oklahoma will be
on it, i want to see it.. {{{HUGS}}} for the room..

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