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who moi 02-07-2007 12:51 AM

wonder bread numero twoty-sleven
well, guess I'll start the new wonder bread...but wonder if anyone will recognize this as the new wonder thread...or will they think it is a swedish bread? LOLOLOL

I wonder if Jules will ever take it easy on herself, she works waaaay too hard! But bless her heart!
I wonder if she'll send me a PM about her addy? LOLOLOL
I wonder if Jules will tell our friend in Tenn that we miss her??
and I wonder if "E" will make it safe and sound to wherever it is that he has to make?

I wonder when curious will take it easy herself as well??
I wonder if the monkey knows that I wish I was the yellow guy, he's a lucky fella! LOLOLOL

I wonder if we should call Jingles "pinky" now?? LOLOLOL
I wonder if pinky knows that if she's the pink one, she definitely don't want me to be grabbing her (_!_)...LOLOLOL
My gosh, especially that she is going to be getting colonoscopy and then the talk about (_!_) grabbing can bring a host of "jokes" there...LOLOL
wonder if Jingle knows that we'll be thinking of her?

I wonder if Kell knows that I hope she is now flea free and is able to sleep sound at night without thinking about being bitten, sometimes, that is harder than being bitten by a flea! LOL

I wonder if the doodys are all getting better??? I really hope so, what a trying time it is for the whole family!
to the doodys, hope all your doodoos get in order!

I wonder if goofy knows that we watched AM Idol tonight and didn't see Scott's teacher? But am so glad of Scott's solo!

I wonder if the alphos know how much we've missed them??

I wonder if kimmy is OK, still...

I wonder if bizi knows that we care!

I wonder if BP who's BJ drinks OJ or is she in the CIA or the FBI but has OCD that can be delivered with COD or via UPS; does she like BLT with MMK or does she prefer TLC with LOH; would she say TTFN when she is all DFD??

I wonder if Addy knows that I am sorry that I missed her birthday back in Jan? Been so busy that I hope I can wish her a happy belated birthday?

I wonder if Abbie is feeling better??

I wonder if scrabbly's new job is going to get her what she deserves, the very best in life including a new car, perhaps a nice guy??

I wonder if I can send you all hugs, the in-laws are here so we won't be around much, but know that you all are in our hearts and thoughts...

here's to hoping everyone well

who moi 02-07-2007 01:06 AM

before I hit the sack...I must get some weird wondermont outta ze head...

if Desmond Tutu had brothers, would they be named...

oldest bro: Edmond wonwon
younger bro: Raymond treetree

I wonder about the the T-shirt I saw today..."Been to Colorado? How's your Aspen?" LOLOLOL

I wonder about Mrs. Tutu, would she be Tootie from "Facts of Life?"
but then, that would make her Tootie Tutu??

I am fascinated by Mr. Tutu, if he would've been a ballet dancer, he would've been a wonderful one. But let's say I took ballet with Mr. Tutu, and let's say that I needed to borrow his tu tu, but let's say that his wife was there, seeing me taking his tu tu, would she then yell, "HEY!, Don't take Tutu's tu tu!!"

hmmmmm.... Tutu and Tu tu, that would make EIGHT???????

his daughter wouldn't have been named, Jasmine Fourfour, would she???

gosh, if the Doodys and the Tutus become in-laws...

we can have either Tutu's Doody or Doody's Tutus...


I wonder...*Bigsigh...

Alffe 02-07-2007 04:34 AM

I wonder why it's so hard to sleep when you know you have to get up early the next morning............

I wonder why, since I get up early every morning....

I wonder if I can wave hello to Spanish Moss's parents who are just wonderful people........:Wave-Hello:

I wonder what moi is cooking today...............

I wonder if BJ knows that I feel like a lucky woman to get out of this cold today...

I wonder if you all know that I'd like to take you with me.....;)

I wonder how Dottie is feeling....

I wonder what Reyn will be doing on her birthday.....

I wonder if Furious reads here.....:rolleyes:

FeelinGoofy 02-07-2007 09:10 AM

i wonder if Moi knows that i taped the american idol show last night as i had to take sis to gymnastics, and long story short the episode i want to watch is going to be on tonight...looks like we'll be taping again tonight....

i wonder why i'm feeling so nauseous?

i wonder where the alffes are going in Florida?

i wonder if we'll get to go there this summer? we're waiting to hear from the time share people.

i wonder how Jingle is today and when her colonoscopy is suppose to be?

i wonder if i can leave hugs for the room :hug: :hug: :hug: :grouphug:

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 02-07-2007 04:30 PM

Iwonder if {{{whomoi}}} knows just how much he made me laugh this afternoon:D
I wonder if a little humor is what we all need around here..I think so!!:)
I wonder if i can happily share my news of being flea free.At least i think..HAha
I wonder if whomoi knows i thought i was being bit last night:rolleyes:
I wonder how {{jingle}}}is feeling right now.Hopefully it's all over with by now...
I wonder why goofy is feeling nausea.Sorry cant spell..:rolleyes:
I wonder how {{{julie and curious}}}} are doing today.
I wonder if the alffe's would adopt me:D
I wonder if {{{Mrs Alffe}}} will check in with us like last time..
I wonder if{{{ kimmy}}} will ever check in with us anytime soon.She has been on my mind ALOT!!!
Iwonder if alffe ever went back to sleep this morning..
I wonder if the doodies are feeling any better also...{{{{doodies}}}}
I wonder if Bj will still post the same amount while alffe is gone.I sure hope so{{{bj}}}}
I wonder how {{{abaski}}} is today.
I wonder if forgot anyone..So heres one last:grouphug:
I wonder if i've gone hug krazy today or what:confused:

Doody 02-07-2007 07:51 PM

I wonder what Who Moi is doing up in the middle of the night all the time...the man needs some sleep!

I wonder if you'd like to know Granddoody is doing much better and returned to his babysitter today. He's sleeping through the night and taking his treatments pretty well.

I wonder that my daughter is sick right on granddoody's heels. She has a double ear infection and strep throat. Poor baby.

I wonder if Jingle has enjoyed eating since her colonoscopy.

I wonder how a person can be so thrilled as I am that Lost will finally be back on tonight.

I wonder what the neurosurgeon will say tomorrow about my sleep study report. Oh, I did tape myself 2 nights in a row and LMAO when I listened to them. I DO snore and moan most of the night.

I wonder that I got one wall in my bedroom painted and how many years it will take to finish the other 3 walls. :rolleyes:

BJ 02-07-2007 10:24 PM

I wonder if Who Moi knows how much he made me smile when I read this :D

I wonder if Who Moi knows that I thought he was a she :confused:

I wonder how Jingle is doing and if the test turned out okay :hug:

I wonder if Kell knows that I'm trying, Alffe just has a way of bringing me out :o

I wonder why it's so hard for me to open up (hmmm maybe why my pdoc gets angry)

I wonder why I feel uncomfortable at times and feel afraid to say things. I've never posted on a board before and I'm afraid of what I say could come out wrong so I hush up, my comfort zone

I wonder why I I feel it's hard to fit in and that I feel like I'm at Cheers where everybody knows everyone but I'm trying

I wonder if I can thank you all for wondering about me

Speaking of which I wonder if Alffe is soaking up the FL sunshine ;)

I wonder why I'm so tired, maybe because I've worked 24 hours in 2 days

I wonder if I can sleep tonight, just need to shut the mind off

I wonder if I'd better get off her before I crack my head into the monitor :o

I wonder if I can leave :grouphug: :grouphug: for the room

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 02-08-2007 08:42 AM

I wonder if BJ knows how happy it made me to see a post from her this morning.:)
I wonder if she knows that i often worry i might say something wrong too.I actually have had things come out wrong on here...but these people aren't judgemental and they understand.
Iwonder if she knows that our alffe makes me feel that way too.
I wonder if alffe has majical powers..:eek: LOL
I wonder if {{{goofy}}} is feeling any better today.
I wonder if i can send{{ healing hugs}} to daughter doody.
I wonder if i can say how happy i am to hear grandoody is feeling better..:)
I wonder at how i used to be a painter and worked 10-12 hours a day sometimes..All of my walls/ceilings need a new paint job for the last 2 yrs...:rolleyes:
I wonder if jingle will post soon and let us know how she is doing.
I wonder if she ate lots of food yesterday,like i did once my colonoscopy was complete.:D
I wonder very seriously if our {{{{kimmy}}}} is ok these days....
Iwonder if the alffe's are soaking up sunshine yet.
I wonder when my flare of pain will let up:confused:
I wonder if maybe i have been sitting too much playing those online games i found:p
I wonder if it will ever warm up around here..
I wonder if i can leave hugs for the room

Alffe 02-08-2007 06:18 PM

I wonder at how much I miss my mouse.....*grin

I wonder if you can imagin an old white haired lady riding around Florida in her sister in laws red convertible with the top down....

I wonder at all the allegators we saw today in the everglades....

I wonder if I can say the 49 years ago today Mr.Alffe and I got hitched...

I wonder if I can also say how tickled I am to see ya'll posting and carrying on.....

I wonder if anyone will hate me for saying that it's 78 degrees here...

Julie 02-08-2007 06:25 PM

I wonder if I can say Happy Anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. Alffe

I wonder if I can tell Alffe it was 72 here yesterday and is 38 today.

I wonder if my pork chops on the grill will turn out as yummy as they smell

I wonder if we should go to meet our legistators on Saturday or take Michael to chess club

I wonder if you know he made the chess team and gets to play in a tournament.

I wonder if Robert knows I'm going to ground him until he is 35 if he calls Michael a chess dork again.

I wonder if I can tell BJ she fits in just fine

I wonder if I can give Kell gentle soothing and pain free hugs

I wonder what we can do to get the Doody's in perfect shape

I wonder if I can give pink Jingle a hug.

I wonder if I can send healing hugs to cranky grandmonkey

I wonder if I can get all my stuff upstairs before Efren gets home to move the desk

I wonder if I better go flip those pork chops.

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 02-08-2007 06:26 PM

I hope you 2 had a great day together:)
So glad you popped in for a while {{alffe}}
Nah,i dont hate you..Just very jealous:p
You know you are missed round here!!
But i'm happy you get to travel and enjoy yourself:)
Bring back some sunshine..please;)

Doody 02-08-2007 07:03 PM

I wonder if I can chime in and tell Mr. & Mrs. Alffe happy anniversary!!!

I wonder if she knows that when people see her brilliant blue eyes in that red convertible that she'll probably get some wolf whistles (especially if she's steppin out in shorts with those mighty pretty legs). :D

I wonder how sad it is that Anna Nicolle Smith died. :( And so soon after giving birth to a new baby and losing a 20 year old son. :( I hope she's in a happier place now.

I wonder if everyone knows how grateful I am that they care about the doody family.

I wonder if everyone would like to know that granddoody is healing well, sleeping very well, and taking his treatments well. Now we need to get daughter doody well from her strep and double ear infection. My poor baby. :(

I wonder what movie daughter doody and I will watch tomorrow night for our movie night. I'll be glad to see granddoody again, bless his little heart.

I wonder why BP feels like an outsider because I like BP very much and everyone else in here.

I wonder at how glad I am that Dru Sjodin's horrible murderer received the death sentence today. North Dakota doesn't have a death penalty but he took her across the state line into Minnesota.

I wonder about the nice neurosurgeon I saw today that wants me to have another sleep study done. He said...well, he said a lot, but I didn't sleep long enough to get the results he wants because he said he's positive I have sleep apnea, but the 'numbers' won't allow him to prescribe CPAP for me because insurance won't like the numbers.

I wonder that I only slept for less than 4 hours at the sleep study and he said I never went into REM sleep. I also had limb movement 29 times per hour. Good grief. I did snore a lot. I stopped breathing 2.4 times/hour but it isn't high enough for insurance to give a rat's patoot and cover cpap treatment.

I wonder if insurance will cover another sleep study.

I wonder about the student I saw today walking across campus with shorts and a sweatshirt on. Good grief.

I wonder about how everyone is today and give hugs and love to all.

FeelinGoofy 02-09-2007 12:37 AM

i wonder about that student Doody saw walking across campus dressed in shorts :thud:

i wonder if i can be a proud mother and brag on how good Scott did on his solo tonight??? :rolleyes:

i wonder if i can tell you its 11:37 here in Oklahoma, and we just got home from this concert maybe 10 minutes ago!!! :thud:

i wonder how long Alffe is going to be in Florida? I hope its not until her snow melts.... that may take a while ;)

i wonder about Anna Nicolle Smith too Doody.... :(

i wonder if i can give everybody here a :hug: and finish my wonders tomorrow. Rick and I have a funeral to go to in the morning and i think we need to get to bed....

Julie 02-09-2007 11:01 AM

I wonder at the people in shorts at McDonald's yesterday too.

I wonder if Goofy will tell Scott we are proud of him too.

I wonder about Anna Nicole Smith and the vultures that will pick her and that baby apart.

I wonder about my friend's husband....he had a seven pound tumor removed and they told them yesterday they didn't get it all.

I wonder why bad things happen to good people.

I wonder how Michael will do on his first day as acolyte.

I wonder if I can remember to take pictures of him.

I wonder if I can leave some hugs for those who need them

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 02-09-2007 12:53 PM

Iwonder if {{jo}} knows how pleased i am with the siggy pic she made for me:)
Iwonder if i can send congrats out to goofy's son Scott today also.
I know you were one proud momma..:)
Iwonder if goofy got enough rest after gettin in soo late.
Iwonder if i can say that i must have missed something on AI.I never saw his teacher...I think i stepped outta the room while she was on:(

I wonder why i added to my pain by staying in the tanning bed too long yesterday:confused: :eek:
I wonder at how sickly i looked being pale,so decided to go tanning,now i may wasted a weeks membership:o

I wonder if i can share that my soon to be daughter in laws granma passed away yesterday.All she talked about while she was lucid was the kids upcoming wedding.My son is sooo sad!:(
Now those kids will have a heavy heart on their"special day"..

Iwonder about my dream i had about Ann nicole 2 days before her death:eek:
That's the second time i had a dream about something before it happened:eek: :eek:

I about fell over when my spouse told me of her passing yesterday...
I wonder how long they will drag her through the mud.Iwish they would let her rest in peace!
I wonder if Michael did well today..|
I wonder what acolyte is..hehe
I wonder if i can tell doody how happy i am that grandoody is feeling better ,and how sweet it is that you call your daughter your baby still:)
I wonder why Bj is working so hard lately.I hope you are doing ok:hug:
I wonder if i can tell julie thank you for those hugs:hug:
I wonder if doody can get another sleep test performed as well.Maybe you could have your doc send in info to your insurance comp..Not sure,just an idea.
I wonder why on earth i let myself get burnt yesterday.I am so mad at myself!!!
I wonder if i can leave :grouphug: for everyone because i can't sit for long at all today..

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 02-10-2007 01:50 PM

I wonder where all the posters are today:confused:
Iwonder if my leg pain will go away or if i have to go see the doc.
I wonder if i can say,i wish i would have gone yesterday,it's been VERY hard to try and sleep with my leg throbbing like a bad toothache!
I wonder at how much fun the alffe's are having.
I wonder if i can just send some hugs and love out to the room.:grouphug:

Julie 02-10-2007 04:41 PM

I wonder if I can tell Kell that an acolyte serves in the procession in Episcopal and other churches. They either carry the candles or the cross or crucifix. They also serve other functions on the altar during church. Robert has been doing it for years and this will be Michael's first time.

Doody 02-10-2007 06:48 PM

I wonder if Julie knows I understand about friends being bad sick. A friend of our's has sarcoma, and the mass is at the end of his tailbone. He's on chemo and if they get it small enough, they will remove the rest, hopefully, in surgery. My son-in-law shaved his head for this friend, because the friend is losing his hair.

I wonder if Kell knows I understand the pain. I too am in horrible pain and my knees are throbbing badly, especially the one I fell on. Hugs.

I wish I could have my sister back. I miss her a lot.

I wonder if you'd like to know my daughter is better, but her ears are still plugged up. She's on Biaxin and it's messing with her guts. My poor baby.

I wonder if you'd like to see a picture of Oscar pushing poor Otto around in a doll buggy and a picture of a squirrel today in my mom and dad's tree. My dad makes these squirrel feeders, and he made one for Mr. and Mrs. Alffe's squirrels.

LOLOL! Cara put a baby hat on poor Otto in the dollbuggy.

And yes, Oscar is doing MUCH better. His cough is very loose now and he's almost done with his meds.

BJ 02-10-2007 06:53 PM

I wonder if Kell knows I'm so sorry she's in so much pain. :hug:

I wonder if maybe, just maybe Kell should go to the doctors :hug:

I wonder how the Alffe's are enjoying that 78 degree weather :D

I wonder if I can say Happy Anniversary to the Alphos and many more :)

I wonder how Jingle's doing after her colonoscopy :hug:

I wonder what the weather man means when he says we're getting significant snowfall Tuesday and Wednesday...inches please

I wonder if I'll be able to keep my feral kitties warm and dry in all that snow


I wonder why Bj is working so hard lately
Me too. I just can't seem to slow down. Today I only had to work 8 hours but I couldn't sleep so I went in at 7AM and stayed till 6PM. I'm so tired but can't shut it down. I don't even like the "m" word but maybe :o

I wonder why they didn't put down that ice melter stuff at work.

I wonder if that's why my back is screaming right now

I wonder if I can leave extra special hugs for Bizi. :hug: :hug:

We are posting at the same time so I wonder if Doody knows I'm so sorry she's in so much pain but glad the family is doing better

I wonder if I can leave :grouphug: for anyone that needs them, heck even if you don't.

Alffe 02-10-2007 06:56 PM

Home again home again jiggety jig! Have missed you all...need to unpack and fill the empty feeders before it gets completely dark.

And fill that empty squirrel feeder's a busy place much to Coopers delight! :D

So glad to hear news of Scotts triumph, and Grandoody feeling more like hisold self.....

Wondering how our curious is......

Hugs for the room.

Alffe 02-10-2007 06:57 PM

P.S. Thank you all for the anniversary greetings! We had a great time in Naples and the weather was beautiful. It's 14 here but my car started so that's a good thing. :D

~scrabble 02-10-2007 11:38 PM

I wonder how Curious is doing too?

I wonder if Idealist got his test results yesterday?

I wonder if you know I was very disappointed that my massage had to be cancelled today as my massage therapist was sick? I wonder if there will be a cancellation or if I'll really have to wait another month before I can see her?

I wonder if Scott is still singing that solo?

I wonder if Otto enjoyed his ride in the baby stroller?

I wonder if Doody knows I enjoyed seeing that well-fed squirrel?

I wonder how Jingle is doing?

I wonder if I can add a belated Happy Anniversary greeting to the Alffes?

I wonder if you know I'm almost finished making Valentine's Day cards for 2 classes of students at the elementary school where I work?

I wonder if you know how yummy my Papaya Bubble Bath smells (from The Body Shop)?

I wonder how BP's ferral kitties are fairing and how much snow they'll get this week?

I wonder if Kell's leg pain is doing any better?

I wonder if Doody will get to have another night of 'sleep study'?

I wonder if there will be any Night Owls around tonight?

who moi 02-11-2007 03:49 AM

I can't wonder now...but just wanted to give everyone a ((((BIG HUGS))))

we lost our sweet cat, Simba yesterday...I am sitting here more upset than when I first found out...just thinking about him, feeling guilty for not being a better papa...he was a good cat that has been through a lot in the past couple of years...

here's to you, our sweet simba, a tribute...

rest in peace, dear Simba while I gently weep

Alffe 02-11-2007 07:22 AM

(((moi, spanish moss))) Awesome video my friend. (((simba)))

Doody 02-11-2007 12:48 PM

I wonder if Who Moi knows I'm feeling his pain with him. I lost Sweetie Pie last year and it still hurts and I questioned myself as well. I will miss Simba and Sweetie Pie but know they are STILL making the world a better place. ((((((((Ed)))))))) Go into a place in your mind and meet Simba and hold Simba and feel all the love that's there.

I keep editing. Because I want you to know how much I feel your pain and am crying as well. I wish I could hold you and comfort you, and you could comfort me back. I know how much it hurts. It just hurts. I love you Ed.

For Who. Sometimes the tears have to flow. The pain doesn't go away. But it's not too late to let Simba know how much love you have and how much you cared. Go there and let Simba know. Hugs my friend. Wind Beneath My Wings

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 02-11-2007 01:24 PM

I wonder if i can let whomoi know that i am sooo very sorry to hear about your baby passing!!
I wonder if i can send you some comforting {{{{hugs}}}}
I wonder if whomoi knows about rainbowbridge??
I wonder if whomoi knows that we all feel like we could have done better when we lose someone that we love..
I wonder if you know that you and your wife will be in my prayers today..

I wonder how bj is feeling today..
I wonder about her lil visitors in the garage...
I wonder if i can tell alffe that i am glad she is back.
I wonder if i can leave hugs and love for everyone as i just cant sit too long...

Doody 02-11-2007 01:27 PM

I wonder how Ed knew he was listening to one of my heroes from my favorite album. While My Guitar Gently Weeps

I wish I could be there to hold you and cry with you.

BJ 02-11-2007 03:29 PM

I wonder if I can tell Who Moi I'm so so sorry for his loss.

:hug: Spanish Moss, Who Moi, Simba :hug:

I wonder if I can share a poem that someone sent me when I lost my beloved Cinders

Poem For Cats

And God asked the feline spirit
Are you ready to come home?
Oh, yes, quite so, replied the precious soul
And, as a cat, you know I am most able
To decide anything for myself.

Are you coming then? asked God.
Soon, replied the whiskered angel
But I must come slowly
For my human friends are troubled
For you see, they need me, quite certainly.

But don't they understand? asked God
That you'll never leave them?
That your souls are intertwined. For all eternity?
That nothing is created or destroyed?
It just is....forever and ever and ever.

Eventually they will understand,
Replied the glorious cat
For I will whisper into their hearts
That I am always with them
I just am....forever and ever and ever.

Author Unknown

I wonder if Biofreeze will help my back

I wonder if I should take a nap and wonder more later

I wonder if I can leave :grouphug: for the room

Julie 02-11-2007 09:10 PM

i wonder if I can leave kitty hugs for Who moi and SM for Simba.

I wonder if Who Moi remembers we have a Simba too.

I wonder if I you are all sitting down so that I can tell you that the desk is upstairs.

I wonder if homeschooling will be better upstairs

I wonder if I should stop pouting since I have the master bedroom and let Efren have the extra bedroom by himself as the study.

I wonder if I can stop this sore throat that keeps coming back

I wonder who needs hugs

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