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Fancylady_2006 02-07-2007 05:19 AM

Marvelous Wednesday~
What a wonderful day to be alive! I woke up an hour eariler today and I'm not going anywhere, so it looks like. I can't tell how the roads are, but probably slick. It is so pretty out and everything looks clean. There is no school today.:eek: Here they don't get out much, if any in this county. Where I did live they got out all the time, do to hills and curves.:confused:

Well hows everyone doing today? I weighed this morning and haven't lost any, I can now get my hand inside the waist of my tightest jeans. I am using the stomach cruncher daily. I hope it is changing me slowly. I don't want to over do it with my back feeling so good right now. I don't have an ache or a pain. My heart goes out to you that do. I think I mst be completely healed. Praise The Lord!

I see on the calendar that it is one week till Valentines Day. One year Bob bought me a new car on that day, in 03. What a present to get.

Hope this is a good day for you all. Go out and make it a day.:grouphug:

fiberowendy2000 02-07-2007 08:13 AM

Today I go and get trigger point shots in my back that are greatly needed. I have had backspasms going on three weeks now and silly enough are just starting to go away. Always the way.
Well I have enough time to start drinking my coffee, brush my teeth and give the car a good warm up and then I am off.
Have a great day everyone!

Fancylady_2006 02-07-2007 09:45 AM

Talk about luck~
Marvious Wed.***Well my furnace was making such a noise, that I shut it off. The temp. right now is 2 above zero.:eek: I called the repairman and just missed him. Wife said he would come before the day is over. She told me to turn the oven on.??? I do have a wall heater in the family room but that is all. Any sugestions. I already call my pastor and had to leave a message, so here I sit. I need a group hug to keep me warm.:grouphug:

froglady 02-07-2007 10:11 AM

Billie crawl in the bed and pile on covers. I am sure you are freezing. My poor friend...wish I could send some warm air!:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

{{{{{{{{{Big Hugs Wendy}}}}}}}} Sure hope the shot helps your pain. :hug: :hug: :hug:

Hello to everyone else today and God bless, gaye :grouphug:

snoozie 02-07-2007 12:05 PM

Good morning all, Gee Billie I read your first post and it put a smile on my face. You "sounded" so alive and happy, then i read where your furnace quit working and that has to be very cold for you with the temps you are having. I would agree to turn your oven on and open the door so at least one room may get a little warm. My mom used to do that when we were little, she even put our socks in the oven to get them warm before she put them on us while we were still in bed. My mom was the greatest and I still miss her so much although she has not put warm socks on me in over 30 years :p

Well still no weight loss but my energy levels are way up. I am now taking lots of B12 along with many other supplements and it is making a difference. I do sometimes do too much and get to hurting but it seems like I recover faster. I hope to see some weight come off soon though.

I am meeting my sister for lunch today. We are going to Sweet Tomatoes salad bar. I will fill up on fresh fruit and veggies and use a low cal dressing to keep it nice. I went to Wild Oats the other day and bought a bunch of organic spinach, carrots, tomatoes, and cucumbers and made a big salad which we ate on all day. The dressing was olive oil and red wine vinegar. More vin than oil :D

So I hope that my buddies here can stay warm and I wont tell you the temps here because I don't want to rub it in. But I will tell you this I need to get some new sunglasses:winky: ...Sue

Jomar 02-07-2007 12:09 PM

I think you could keep running the furnace? maybe call back the repair guy and ask? just for safety reasons- to double check.

usually the only part in a furnace that moves to make noise is the fan? so maybe the fan just is very noisey but can still put out the heat for you??

or only turn it on for short sessions to keep a bit of warmth.

but call and ask
does a neighbor have a electric heater you can borrow to keep at least one room a bit warm?

Fancylady_2006 02-07-2007 01:28 PM

Good afternoon to all~
Thanx for your thoughts. I have been shoveling snow the biggest part of the morning and still not done.

I still don't have a furnace working, but I have a wall heater in the family room. It don't heat the whole house. The repairman isn't home Sue. I guess other people have problems also. They said he will come for sure today. I have a hard time believing he don't have a cell phone, but nobody knows his number, if he does. He is hard to catch even at home. They don't answer their phone.

I found out at noon that the chill factor is 9 below zero and temp. of 7 degrees. Thats why I've been outside. I might as well be working to keep warm. Hoping to loose too! I weighted this morning and I haven't lost a pound.

I wish Alffe would come in and see how cold it is up north. take care everybody.:hug: I feel fine, just sore from shoveling so much snow.

nancy-h 02-07-2007 05:37 PM

Billie, Be Careful

I once had a furnace that made noise like you describe and it was scary. It turned out to have some bolts missing and was completely safe but it sounded like it was going to blow up to me.

Hope you get it repaired soon as it is no fun being cold.

I really blew my diet while in Phoenix last week-end so I put back weighing in until this coming Sunday. We shall see!!!

Working on legal matters today - ick.

Hope everyone is fine - talk to you later,

fiberowendy2000 02-07-2007 06:37 PM

Billie I do hope that the repairman has fixed your furnace. And you are right, he does need a cell phone. My father is an electrician and for years we tried to at least get a pager but fought us tooth and nail. Eventually he got one and he still "hides".

Fancylady_2006 02-07-2007 06:51 PM

It is past 6:30 PM and no sign of the furnace guy. I am very disappointed. He hasn't even called. You can bet I will have someone else's phone number soon. I have another number but they live in another town so I don't know. They may be just like this guy. I am going to call someone else if he don't come tonight. It's sippose to be zero or below not to even mention the chill factor. I am keeping warm, but not in this room. There hasn't been no heat since 8:00 am. I am discussed. This guy is like this and I won't put up with any longer than tonight. My pipes could freeze!:eek: I have a heater already in the bathroom that is turned on all the time. This electric heat is not a warm heat anyway.:confused:

Well my pastor just called and said he would come and look at it.He don't know if he can help me, but at least he is willing to come. have a good evening and say a prayer for me, OK!

watsonsh 02-07-2007 06:51 PM

Billie, hoping your furnance gets fixed soon. Brrrr I cannot imagine how cold you must be.

I am sooooooo hungry today. Holding myself back from eating between meals but I am just not sure I will make it. :Starvin:

fiberowendy2000 02-07-2007 07:08 PM

Oh Billie! Well hug Bear and your kitties and hope that your pastor can help somehow either by fixing it himself or knowing someone who can come ASAP! This is NO type of weather for this!

watsonsh 02-07-2007 07:29 PM

Nooooo, someone left lemon meringue pie outside my office. I am crumbling.

Someone save smells so good :eek:

fiberowendy2000 02-07-2007 07:46 PM

:holysheep:Oh no! Luckily that is one thing I can resist. I hate the meringue. BLAH! The rest sounds good.:Starvin:

Fancylady_2006 02-07-2007 08:25 PM

My pastor came and brought grandola bars. I eat three! I was starving, so I thought. It is hard to resist once the temtation is there. He also got the furnace running. He still wants someone to check it tho. It has never quit since I turned it up. It must of been cold in here, even tho I had the gas heater on high. I can smell this furnace and I do wish he would come & check it. It just made a terrible noice when I turned it on. I think pastor put oil in some part of it.

Sorry to keep writting abouit it, but it has been a concern all day. I sure will get me another phone number after this. I even called this guy tonight and they don't answer. Where would anybody go at night when it is so cold like this? it's getting nice in here now. I hope it will shut down and not run all night.

Jomar 02-07-2007 08:43 PM

did the pastor say anything about what might have been the problem?
if it was just the fan part making the noise? It probably has bearings where it spins so that could be what is making the noise- like when a wheel bearing goes out on a car - makes a horrible noise.
and if he oiled it that could be some of the smell.

Doesn't the furnace have a thermometer showing on the control panel or temp adjusting dial in the house?

sounds like that repair guy is unreliable and probably untrustworthy - I wouldn't give him any business if you can call someone else to come.

Anyone at the church have a handyman connection or name to recommend to you?

Fancylady_2006 02-07-2007 09:13 PM

I still have a problem. The furnace isn't working right. It isn't putting out any hot air and now it won't shut off. I don't know what to do. I may call my pastor soon. I have it shut off and it just runs. No, there is no one to fix it here in this town. I'll have to call out....Only thing I know is call someone tomorrow.

snoozie 02-07-2007 09:20 PM

Hi Billie, I would give it about 15 minutes and if it doesn't shut off call your pastor. Is there any way you could stay somewhere tonight so you wont be so cold? I worry about you because I have read about people freezing in their own homes because they couldn't pay for heat. If all else get Bear in bed with you and share some of his heat :p

Please take care and let us know...Sue

snoozie 02-07-2007 09:23 PM

One more thing, is there a emergency number that can be called for the city for help. Here they have a number you can call for assitance for your heat or A/C unit. Is it a gas heater? The gas company here will do a free check and since your a senior citizen it should be put on an emergency basis. Not saying your old now but if ya got it why not use it :D Hope you find some help...Sue

Fancylady_2006 02-07-2007 09:53 PM

Thanx for your concern~
Thanx Sue, I am not cold. I did call my pastor back and he had changed the blower switch to on instead of auto. So it has quit and Now it won't start back up on it's own. Pastor said he thinks I may need a new motor. My problems lie in the fact that my pipes could freeze. If they do so be it. In the morning I am calling someone else. No more of this. I thought the repairman was our friend and he didn't even call back. I tried again to get him & now the phone is busy. It doesn't surprise me. You never can get them & I know it is on purpose. I don't see how he has any business. He was good to me last Fall when I had trouble out at the farm tho.

Anyway Sue, don't worry, my family room can be set on 80. I am use to sleeping in there for I don't like the total electric heat here in IN. I had a big tank put in last Fall and it is full. I will be ok. I do have an electric blanket if I have to go to bed. I even sleep on the floor sometimes with Bear right beside me. It is my favorite room and is the bigest in the house. It even has water in it. (A wet bar really!) Don't worry about me.

Yes, I am a senior citizen, but I never heard of having a place to call for an emergency. I live in a small town.

Hey, it just started blowing on it's own. Praise the Lord!

watsonsh 02-07-2007 10:29 PM

Phew Billie, I was worried about you being in the cold all night after all day and the pipes freezing. I am so glad that it came back on.

I agree that you shouldget someone else to look at it. That guys just is not responsive enough.

I am praying it stays on all night for you. Stay warm

Fancylady_2006 02-07-2007 10:58 PM

Thanx Shelley~
I have been on the phone talking to Gaye. She was worried too. Yes, I am going to get someone to check it out tomorrow. It is making that awfull noise again now. I can turn it off if it gets to bad, at least I have learned to get somebody else and not mess with the other guy. I do thank all of you for your concern for me. I will be ok tonight. The family room is as cosey a can be.

froglady 02-07-2007 11:37 PM

Shelley I hope you made it through your temptation. :hug:

watsonsh 02-07-2007 11:56 PM

I made it through...woo hoo, no pie and went home and had diet shake.

Thanks guys!

froglady 02-08-2007 12:06 AM

Greatttttttttttttttt Shelley :Tip-Hat:

bizi 02-08-2007 12:56 AM

dear billie, you are running water in your pipes to keep them open?
This sounds like it has been quite a day..arg!

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