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Idealist 02-08-2007 08:58 PM

A Request For Compassion...
A friend of mine is lying in the hospital tonight, kept alive solely through the use of machines. He has been a friend and a business compatriot for many years, and became ill shortly after myself. As it turned out, his journey has been much worse than mine, and after a short remission, he succumbed to his condition even more severely.

His name is Jimmy, and I ask that anyone who reads this will please take a moment to send him a prayer, a wish, or even a good thought. Whatever you are comfortable with. Because of events I won't go into here, I have not been to see this friend for a very long time, because I had thought he was getting better. Now it's too late, as he's in intensive care, and if I never get the chance to speak to him again I will carry that guilt for the rest of my life.

Each and every good thought will be sincerely appreciated...


moonstar 02-08-2007 10:15 PM

idealist....i will be saying many extra prayers for jimmy and sending all my best wishes and thoughts..and many special hugs for you my friend....linda :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Julie 02-08-2007 11:04 PM

Idealist, I will keep Jimmy and his family in my prayers. Big prayers for you.

Curious 02-09-2007 12:08 AM

Dear Heavenly Father,

Tragedy touches Your heart, as well as ours. Thank You for not taking our human sorrow lightly. Our friend Idealist needs Your comfort and strength. Let him know how near you are. Give him room to grieve and heal. Give him peace, in spite of so many unanswered questions. Amen.

my prayers are lifted for Jimmy and his family and friends. :grouphug:

Lara 02-09-2007 02:12 AM

Dear Idealist,
I'm so very sorry to read about your friend, Jimmy. He will be in my thoughts.
I will keep you in my thoughts as well. :hug:

Chemar 02-09-2007 08:25 AM


I say Amen to that prayer that Curious prayed for you and Jimmy, and just want to add my own :hug: for you

You are a very deep and caring person Idealist and I am sure Jimmy always knew that.


DiMarie 02-09-2007 10:04 AM

Your friend Jimmy
I will add both you and Jimmy to my prayer list.
God be with you both,

KathyM 02-09-2007 10:48 AM


When my best friend was dying, the nurses told me it would probably be her last day. My car was in the shop, but my father wouldn't allow me to take his car or watch my son for me - said he didn't want me in that neighborhood at night. In an awkward way, he was trying to shelter me from the pain of seeing my friend die.

She died that night, and I was furious with my father. It was the first time I was too angry to say anything to him, and he was too afraid to say anything to me. :eek: I let it go because I knew he meant well. :rolleyes:

However, his actions made me take the hard road. I didn't get the chance to tell her how much our friendship meant to me, and I didn't get the chance to say goodbye. :(

You're in that position now with your friend. If you can, contact his family and pass a message on to him. If not, keep him in your prayers. He'll know your friendship meant a lot to you, and he'll know you would have liked the chance to say goodbye in person.

You and your friend Jimmy will be in my prayers.

colombiangirl1 02-09-2007 05:01 PM

I am sorry to hear about your friend, Jimmy. I will keep you two in my prayers, and have already said a prayer for you guys. My father-in-law died a couple of years ago. The worst part about it for me was seeing the people I love so dearly so deeply hurt. My heart truely goes out to you and your loved ones, and all those who know and love Jimmy.

FeelinGoofy 02-09-2007 07:05 PM

You and Jimmie are in my thoughts and prayers...

sadeyesr4ever 02-10-2007 06:30 AM


You and your friend Jimmy are in my thoughts and prayers during this sad time. :hug:

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 02-10-2007 01:41 PM

I'm so sorry!!
Don't put all that guilt on your shoulders..
We do the best we can with what we've got at the time!!
You have not has it easy these past few years...
Maybe make a trip up to visit him today?
Just say everything you need to say.
Take care and know that i am here for ya!

watsonsh 02-10-2007 01:49 PM


My love thoughts and prayers go out to you and Jimmie.

God Bless you both

BJ 02-10-2007 06:38 PM

Idealist I'm so sorry about Jimmy. I certainly will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers. :hug: I'll light a candle at church tomorrow. It always seems to make me feel like I've helped in some way.

Alffe 02-10-2007 06:51 PM

I've been away Idealist...just now trying to get caught up reading. Prayers and positive thoughts are coming your way...please don't get lost in the regrets. Warm hugs.

Idealist 02-10-2007 08:13 PM

Thank each and every one of you for your special replies. I'm a firm believer in the power of prayer and positive thought to alter things for the good, so I consider this a very personal favor to me. I just can't thank you enough.

The last I've heard Jimmy is still not doing well. He is suffering from a really bad lung condition which they can't diagnose, but due to complications he had to have surgery to his stomach and diaphragm, and now can't breathe on his own. The sad thing is that because of the shape his lungs are in, the ventilator is shredding them badly. But they can't turn it off.

Kell, I wish it was as simple as going to see him now, but they have Jimmy in ICU, immediate family only. And if you knew all the details of why I haven't been to see him earlier, you would understand why I feel so guilty now. This is something that is truly my mistake, and there's no way around that.

Anyway, thanks again for all the wonderful thoughts. I was thinking that if no one opposes it, I might print a copy of this and send it to Jimmy's wife. I know it would mean a lot to her.


~scrabble 02-10-2007 11:07 PM

(((Idealist)))) :hug:

My warm thoughts and prayers are being sent out to Jimmy and his family, with warm hugs and thoughts for you too.

Please try to remember the good times with Jimmy and try not to be too hard on yourself. We are only human.


Chemar 02-11-2007 08:31 AM

just checking in to see if you have had any news on Jimmy, and if you have maybe been able to get a message to him


sadeyesr4ever 02-12-2007 07:12 AM

Idealist I'm still keeping you and him and his family in my thoughts and prayers... :hug:

~scrabble 02-12-2007 10:23 PM


How are things going for Jimmy? ........ and how are you doing?


Idealist 02-13-2007 05:44 PM

Hi Scrabble. The last I've heard, Jimmy's condition hasn't changed much. Which really isn't good news. From what I understand, the longer he has to stay on that ventilator, the worse his chances get. Be he is a fighter, I tell you that, and I know he'll never willingly give in. So I have hope.

As for me, I've begun to go through sleeping problems again. I know that this think with Jimmy has a lot to do with it. But you are pretty familiar with how important sleep is to me. I'm trying to keep it from setting in and becoming a long-term problem again. It always makes me feel sick to wake up and look at the clock and see that's it's 2:30 in the afternoon, like I did today. Everyone else is starting to wind down just as my day's beginning.

But I'll deal with it. Especially if Jimmy gets better again. But thank you a lot for asking. It makes me feel better already.

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