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kimmydawn 02-13-2007 08:19 PM

Prayers for my daughter
Please pray for my daughter.

She's three months pregnant Thursday. Her bloodwork is off and they suspect hyperthyroid.

She's been "out of control" emotionally, but she's losing alot of weight and can barely eat. I'm very concerned as she appears weak today. I'm calling her doctor tomorrow.

I'm so worried about my baby girl.

I need to sit somewhere in silence and cry and pray, but I can't right now. I need to be strong. I'm just really worried.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It's a blessing to know that I can ask and receive prayer.


CoolAngel26 02-13-2007 08:46 PM

:grouphug: :hug: {{HUGS}} and {{PRAYERS}}...Love,Kristin

:grouphug: :hug:

sadeyesr4ever 02-13-2007 09:28 PM

Definately prayers being said for your daughter

watsonsh 02-13-2007 09:31 PM


You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Sending you positive thoughts and hugs.

Chemar 02-13-2007 09:41 PM


my heart just aches for what you are going through! and for your precious girl too. Just remember nothing is too big for God's power or too small for his love.........

In terms of her getting in nourishment...maybe something like Boost or Ensure would be a good idea...easy to get down, choice of flavors and complete nutition in a little bottle

Also, do u have her on the waiting list at the specialist....I always do that and am amazed how 9/10 times we get in way ahead of the scheduled appt because someone has cancelled.....especially if they know she really is urgently in need of his attention

:hug: to you and to her

I am praying for God to work in a miraculous way in this whole situation, and also for Him to equip you with extra strength and stamina, and a deep sense of peace knowing He is there for you to lean on. Look after you too please KD. :circlelove:

Idealist 02-13-2007 10:48 PM

Kimmydawn, you can be very sure that my thoughts and prayers are headed your way. May God bless you and your daughter both at this very trying time...

kimmydawn 02-13-2007 11:13 PM

thank you so much (((((((appreciative hugs)))))))

She's just so ill and childlike. I'm calling her doctor tomorrow to see if she can get something for the severe and painful nausea. With the hyperthyroid, it's horrible for her right now. She's not drinking (on top of not eating enough to keep a bird alive) enough either. She called me into the restroom and her urine was sooo dark.

She said that if she can't get something to help stomach she'll have to go in hospital (after I played stern mom and threatened her with what will happen) because she physically can't do more than she's doing now eating/drinking-wise.

She's not as weak feeling right now and was able to eat a pudding and drink a bit more. She's just so worn out from being so sick and anxious.

Her pulse yesterday was 142 and she said she felt it everywhere. She feels faint every time she stands up. She's just so miserable. I'm afraid she's somewhat dehydrated which is adding to everything.

I'll keep you all informed as to what the doctor said, but I wanted to let you know that prayers are helping her right now. She feels stronger, ate a bit and has stopped crying.



Curious 02-13-2007 11:25 PM

being on a iv for a few hours might be just what she needs.

get her hydrated again. 1 si[ at a time from tiny cups. they are so intimadating as a big glass.

how about ice chips? a popcycle or freeze some juice and chip it up?

sucking on a mint helps the nausea. gum....

i had the dry heaves for 6 hours with my second. the er i went. i had lost 10 lbs. i got shots in both hips to relax me and hooked up to an iv for a few hours.

:hug: hugs for you both.

Julie 02-13-2007 11:30 PM

Hugs and prayers Kimmy!

kimmydawn 02-14-2007 12:22 AM

THank you. Yes, I hope the doctor sends her out to hospital tomorrow if she's not doing better. I've seen ppl make amazing recovery in appearance just from an hour's worth of IV.

I wish she could have a shot to relax. In fact, I hope they can give her phenergan for nausea because it will also have a relaxing/sedating effect that surely wouldn't hurt her right now.

I just don't know what is safe for her at this point...

Thank you again!


Curious 02-14-2007 12:27 AM

ginger tea helps nausea...

you tell her the monkey says no more crying. she is losing too much water with her tears. :hug:

kimmydawn 02-14-2007 12:37 AM

Yes, a friend told me that ginger and peppermint (in any form almost) is good for the nausea, vitamin C will help possibly the nosebleeds.

I just hope to get it under control with any means safe, then work on a good maintenance plan. I'm also hoping that if the specialist starts her on meds and the hyperthyroid stabalizes somewhat, she'll have an all-around relief of symptoms.

Thank you again,


mrsD 02-14-2007 12:40 AM

How did I miss this thread?

I have no idea how or if they treat pregnant hyperthyroidism.

I second the suggestion of ginger. But I would use the extract (capsules) is stronger. And purchase a good brand with guarantees on the label for purity etc. (so no contaminants might be in there).
As long as you don't overdo ginger it is safe in pregnancy. High doses promote

There is a special prenatal made for this:

B6 has been recently approved by the FDA to treat severe nausea of pregnancy.

Darlene 02-14-2007 01:48 AM


My prayers and thoughts are with you and your daughter. It is so hard to see one of own kids going through things like this.

We all have to just stay strong for them, but we should go off and release some of the pressure for ourselves.

:hug: to you both. Just clinging to one another helps a lot.

God bless you both.


Alffe 02-14-2007 06:26 AM

I hope your daughter feels some better today KD....:hug: are such a loving person...your very presence must be such a comfort to her.

KathyM 02-14-2007 08:33 AM


The first trimester can be so rough. I don't have a daughter or grandchildren yet, but I certainly can imagine the worry involved. :eek:

I'll keep all three of you in my prayers, and hope she can find some relief.

johannakat 02-14-2007 04:35 PM

KD- I took B6 throughout my pregnancies (recent, as my youngest is now 17mo) for nausea and for mood...I was crazy emotional and fatigued. My OB told me to take 100mg in the AM and 100mg in the PM. It really worked miracles.

Also, I second the thought of a few hours on an IV- once you are dehydrated it is SOOOOOOOO hard to get back on an even keel. If she is still that weak today perhaps a visit is in order.

Hopefully today has brought some improvement for her...


CoolAngel26 02-14-2007 07:12 PM

Still keeping you and your daughter in my thoughts and prayers..

:hug: :grouphug: :hug: :grouphug:

kimmydawn 02-14-2007 09:41 PM

Thanks so much guys. We're going to wait to check how she's doing tomorrow to see whether to call dr or not.

Today was a better day. She was able to eat and drink on and off all day...small amounts of eating, but she drank really good. Her nausea and pain was better.

She wasn't as dizzy or weak feeling, so I said we'd wait until tomorrow. Also, she didn't have that weak shortness of breath after moving and doing and didn't complain of pulse at all.

Her eyes look still very, very weak. She actually laughed and played around with her hubby and the boy some tonight. It was good to see. Hearing her laugh was music to my ears after last night. Last night she had a complete meltdown. She looked at me and said, "Something's bad wrong with me mommy. I just feel it."

She's been nibbling on ginger snaps and we got her some ginger ale. I was turned onto the B6 as well. It was actually suggested she take B6 with magnesium but not for longer than 6 wks.

thank you all so much for the suggestions, thoughts and prayers. I'll let you know tomorrow. You've all meant the world to me!



kimmydawn 02-15-2007 10:41 AM

Her day today so far is better even than yesterday! She's gone to take a nap and I made her drink a full glass of liquid beforehand...LOL. I honestly think she was dehydrated, but is coming back.

She is moving around better, color improving, mood improving, eating better. Thank you so much y'all!

Last night I made her favs...meatloaf, fried potatoes, green beans, corn, applesause. She ate and started feeling off tummy-wise. I told her to set it aside then go back to it. She did. By the time the night was over, she'd eated alot of what she put on her plate! She's learning to manage this, I think. I explained that she needs to keep going back to the liquid and food with hit and miss continually to prevent another day as she had before.

FINALLY she's listening to her "old mom". Goodness.

The prayers and thoughts have, no doubt, given her the strength to turn this around...a strength she didn't have the day before yesterday.

Thank you so much!


Chemar 02-15-2007 12:53 PM

:hug: oh Kimmy what a relief to hear that!

hoping things just keep getting better:p

Darlene 02-16-2007 02:32 AM

That is great news to here Kim. Especially that she is eating better.

Sometimes it hard to listen to your moms, but eventually they come back. My kids always here from me, Moms know everything, which get a like bit of laugh.

You all are still in my prayers and thoughts.


johannakat 02-18-2007 12:58 AM

:icon_biggrin: So glad she is feeling better...

keep up the good work, mom!!!

kimmydawn 02-18-2007 09:20 AM

Thank you so much.

This is going to be hard for the next six months...with her herniated discs, suspected hyperthyroid, and all. It's just really going to be a rough ride.

My concern is that when her back was at its worst, she really couldn't deal. It took her to a place in her mind that she wasn't ready to go, nor had the skills to deal with. She'd never really dealt with pain or serious illness, outside of cramps and once having an abcessed tooth that we got fixed.

Since then, this independent, "the-world-is-mine" girl has become very anxious, afraid, panicky and clinging to mama (I had to work closely with her mentally to try to work through her pain).

It started a process....her needing me to wanting that 24/7 and angry when she doesn't have it. She's become almost childlike. Well, not almost, but really is.

After we see the specialist and IF things are going to be managed OK, I have to begin to teach her how to self-soothe and learn to be OK with herself again, if not OK being by herself.

I will be there NO MATTER WHAT. I will go the mile. She needs to help me to do that because she's going to need me. She needs to begin to do as she can again, with mama being there for her, not with mama micro-managing and doing it all. I have news for her...she's a married woman and soon to be a mother. ;)

Bottom line, I can't add additional hurt or upset right now, but try to manipulate this so that she's wanting and doing it for herself...maybe explaining that I'm still highly involved just in a different aspect of dealing with her fears and anxieties so that she can be the young woman life is calling her to be right now. She just appears so frightened, lost, bitter and angry.

That's another prayer request post, though. ;) One I'm going to make because this has been so good for me and has helped more than y'all know.

Love and so much thanks,


KathyM 02-18-2007 11:14 AM


Having a solid and strong mother is probably the finest gift a child can have. She ought to know. ;) It's right up there with having a solid and strong father. :)

She won't be able to do anything about the father part, but she can work on providing her child with a solid and strong mother. :)

I'll continue to keep your daughter in my prayers.

~scrabble 02-19-2007 10:25 PM


I just found your thread or I would have posted to you sooner.

I'm glad there has been some improvement for your daughter and that some of the suggestions have been helpful. I'm not sure if it was mentioned (and you might know this one anyway) but something that crossed my mind was to also have plain crackers to nibble on. When I was pregnant, I found it helpful to have some Premium Plus crackers beside my bed so I could have one or two when I woke up before I even sat up in bed.

You sound very level-headed and I think you are managing things well .... Just don't forget to look after yourself too!

It really does sound like you have a good understanding of what your daughter needs and how you can help her to help herself.

I hope things continue to improve.

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

hugs :hug:

kimmydawn 02-21-2007 01:14 AM

Thanks so much, ((((((((((( all )))))))))))))))

After 9 hours in ER, phenergan and 2 1/2 bags of IV fluids, she's not better at all. Maybe tomorrow?

She's to call her OB tomorrow, and go back to hosp for more blood work to take to the specialist.

I'm so, so, so concerned.

It's like I'm watching her get weaker and sicker and nothing is helping. :(

Continued prayers please.



Lara 02-21-2007 01:22 AM

Oh gosh, I had no idea.

I actually responded on another of your threads in another forum, KimmyDawn. I had no idea how things had progressed. I've not even read this whole thread yet. I'll go do that now, but I just wanted to send my best wishes and regards for your daughter and hoping that she's feeling stronger soon. What an awful business to have to go through when you're pregnant. Thinking of you there.


Lara 02-21-2007 01:28 AM

p.s. just read more. Yes, as Curious said, ginger is marvellous!

also, that clingy part that she's been doing. You know, my daughter went that way when she was ill and she needed surgery to have her kidney removed. It made her have to think about things she'd not had to face before... like life and death and in between. She'll get over that as her health situation improves, KimmyDawn. I reckon she's probably scared, and especialy scared as she's carrying a child as well.

michael7733 02-21-2007 03:20 AM

Should I Fear the Storm?
Should I Fear the Storm?

Chemar 02-21-2007 09:27 AM


Kimmy dear....our prayers are lifted for her and for the baby and for you

as hard as it is, especially with the hyperthyroid combined with the pregnancy throwing her emotions on the rollercoater, yet staying as calm as possible is so important for her now.
I am praying that God will impart that calm to her

KathyM 02-21-2007 10:47 AM


I think we all need to sit down and have a chat with that grandchild of yours. I'd like to remind him/her of a quote I once saw: "If Mamma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy."

I hope her doc will be able to help. :(

Continued prayers for you, mom, and baby.

kimmydawn 02-21-2007 06:03 PM

So true, Kathy!!! And, trust me, when she/he gets here and old enough to understand, I'm gonna give PROOF how much mamaw loves him/her...even then. ;)

Thank you guys, so much.


Well, today we went for more bloodwork and she walked all through the hospital without getting out of breath really bad, crying or anything. Now, we went to the pharmacy after that and she said, "hurry, mommy, I need to sit down." Not perfect by a long shot but so much better!


We get home and the phenergan from last night must've worn off because she started the crying with upset in stomach, etc. Well, she took 1/2 of her phenergan and tummy feels so much better, but it's sedative effect is a MARVELOUS bonus for her! YIPPEE!!!

She just said, "oh, mom, I ALMOST feel normal except for the weakness."

Thank you so much for the prayers that WE FEEL THE COMFORT FROM.

You all are a blessing to me right now. I'm reading the posts to my daughter as well and she's so appreciative.

Much love and thanks,


kimmydawn 02-23-2007 04:23 PM

Update on daughter, continued prayers please
I'm not remembering all of it, so forgive me...

We saw the specialist today. We have ALOT of questions answered. It's scary, a relief, just a combination of alot of things.

Jessica not only has hyperthyroidism, but she has Grave's Disease AND a thyroid goiter which is three times larger than the average 19 years old...and 3 months pregnant. Her thyroid levels are also three times again what they should be.

It's going to be rough. It's scary in that the baby can be affected because her levels are completely WAY up there. The scariest part was the complete shock on the dr's face that she was three months pregnant and had never miscarried.

He said that usually a woman can show hyperthyroidism early on due to the hormones in the uterus. This is not the case with Jess. It has complicated it greatly.

Her levels are three times higher than those of high normal thyroid tests. This answers so, so, so much in regards to her itching, her emotions and agitation, double-vision, exhaustion...goodness just so much. He said she's had this for a while, and she became this emotional firecracker at about 14-15. It makes so much sense. So, in that way, she's relieved. She looked at me and said, "So I'm not crazy? I thought I had a bad personality disorder or something." God love her.

She will have to take HIGH doses of PTU for now and be watched closely...her and the baby. She'll have to be watched for hepatitus and some other things; the baby for tachycardia which might be indicative that blood flow is compromised for the baby.

There are the obvious concerns outside of that...miscarriage, early birth, low birth weight, hyperthyroidism for baby at birth, etc. Also, he said with the levels she has, if we can't get them regulated and it's affecting the baby, she very well may have to have surgery during pregnancy.

I have to stand on the fact that it will be's a miracle this baby was conceived and is still in-urtero with Grave's, add that she was on the pill, are there any odds even to that???

Thank you all for your love, prayers and care.


kimmydawn 02-23-2007 07:29 PM

I want to correct something. She's not taking high doses of PTU; they appear to be starting doses. Jess misread when she was reading. ;)


Lara 02-23-2007 07:29 PM

I certainly can understand your mixed feelings with so much going on for her right now. I can't imagine the worry she must feel. Just from the way you've written the post, KimmyDawn, it sounds as if your daughter is in good hands with this Specialist she saw today. That is a very good thing. I'm so sorry she's having to deal with this at such a time in her life. Will be keeping you all in my thoughts.

hugs for you both.

kimmydawn 02-23-2007 11:40 PM

Thank you, Lara. Yes, her OB came HIGHLY recommended and helps with our local community pregnancy center (which oldest daughter is a director of volunteer services). He's a very spiritual man, who has strong beliefs and faith. He's not taken a vacation in seven years because he won't leave his patients. He hasn't brought a partner yet, because he can't find one who believes as he does to trust his patients with completely. He's so reassuring to her. He's a kind and wonderful dr. and man.

He's talked with her in a very soothing tone each time he's seen her...letting her know that it will all be OK. He'll be there for her night or day.

He recommended the endo. He said he's a very smart man who will help her.

I firmly believe she's in excellent, God-guided hands.

I've read more about the Grave's disease and it just answers more and more...her erratic behavior which there was no calming or controlling at times, the "verocious" appetite (she'd be sick as all get out and cry HARD that she was so hungry, a hungry "that no one can understand"). It just answers so much and she appears just a bit calmer knowing there's a cause and there's a hope for a calming of it.

She's a strong young woman. Even with the physically brought on anxiety, agitation and erratic behavior, she's handling all this so well...doing what she needs to do. She listened to the concerns, and stated them like, "OK, I have this to do and I'm going to do it."

She took her first 50mg. PTU pill tonight and said the taste in her mouth was horrible afterward. I don't like the side effects to the drug...well, the potential ones. I have concerns there. However, even the common side effects only happen in 1 out of 100 cases.

We found out that Grave's Disease happens in only 5 out of every 10,000 people. That there are no drugs approved for her to take during pregnancy at this point. PTU is the safest because it doesn't appear to cross the placenta.

Mama's got to help her girl at this point probably more than I've had to since she's been an infant...and I will.

Love and thanks,


Darlene 02-24-2007 01:47 AM



Seems you are going to have a busy six months. The best way, and I am sure many have said this, take one day at a time. Looks like Jess maybe taking a lot of bed rest. You can tell though she has a good caring mom beside her.

My prayers are with you all.


Chemar 02-24-2007 08:25 AM

dear Kimmy

I am praying especially for the baby to be protected from the drug, and for it to be very effective for your daughter with minimal side effects

Dont forget those dark leafy green veggies, especially broccoli, plus things like blueberries, avocados etc that my friend who has Grave's in remission has recommended. Also total avoidance of iodised salt etc

Her doctor sounds like a perfect guy to be caring for her now. May God continue to give him wisdom and direction in her treatment.


KathyM 02-24-2007 10:33 AM


That grandchild of yours sure is determined. I can see what you mean about it being a scary relief.

I hope the treatment works and hope her condition won't cause any harm to mom or baby. It doesn't look like she has much choice in the matter, and it's certainly no one's fault.

It's nice to know she has such a caring doc - and a dedicated mom. :)

Continued prayers for your family.

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