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Judy2 10-12-2010 03:26 AM

Does anyone have any skin issues also?
Psoriasis, eczema, etc.? I believe I've read that these are auto-immune related and can go along with others such as MS. Every once-in-awhile, I seem to get seborrhea (sp?) on my scalp which drives me crazy with the itch!!:( Have to use one of the medicated shampoos that has tar as an ingredient a few times to get it simmered back down again. While it's active, I just have to scratch so much, it makes scabs (YUCK), then have to keep at them to get rid of the gross scabs.( I know, my mother told me NOT to pick at scabs!

I've also noticed when I'm stressed, frustrated trying to do something, it seems like all the nerve endings in my scalp come alive!! Itches again.:( Seems like it's all connected. Anyone else?

Friend2U 10-12-2010 05:16 AM

Sometimes, usually when I'm having other issues from my MS, my skin is so terribly itchy and when I scratch it leaves a bad rash. It is not something I have all the time. But miserable when it turns up. I have no idea if it is related to the ms. But I know any kind of skin irritation is no fun.

I am guessing it is related, as I think yours is, IMO. Wish you could get some relief for it. :hug:

Dejibo 10-12-2010 06:35 AM

Me me me! of course its better since stopping Copaxone, but still thre. :o

kicker 10-12-2010 07:10 AM

I use Neutrogena, massaging it into my scalp, leaving it there and concentrating on other body parts. I let it work some, then I rinse well and condition my hair that runs down my back (older hair) which requires conditioners, avoiding scalp area, which produces oil it self. Because I need DH's help to wheel me into shower (Luckily he could build wheelchair access shower for me in a chair) and transfer me to shower chair I now take less showers, but for my dry hair and skin, this is good. Both look better (for my age). But I've never had greasy hair or skin in my life. My big sister started me on skin lotion when I was 12. I get a weird excema/rash thing behind one knee, but extend leg to allow air to freely circulate on it. Helps. Will discuss with doctor next time I go. Don't pick/poke at anything. Like your Mom told you , you'll only make it worse. I once worked in a psychiatric ward and saw the damage a patient did to herself with picking at her skin. Keeps my hands away. I have a hair/scalp scrubber thing which helps me greatly (I only have use of on hand. I scrub my scalp, but never threaten the integrity of my skin (never scrub TOO hard and cause breakage in skin cover). Skin is there as a protection. Respect it.

SallyC 10-12-2010 12:26 PM

I give my scalp an oil treatment, once in awhile. My scalp is extremely dry, bringing all kinds of itches. I'm scratching it now..LOL!!

I don't wash it every day, but brush and condition every day, or I scratch and pull my hair out.:eek:

I have psoriasis on the palms of my hands, but, thank heavens it hasn't been on my scalp.

Having psoriasis along with MS tells me that MS is a auto-immune disease and many times they go hand in hand (pardon the pun):D

coffeegirl 10-12-2010 12:40 PM

This is such an irony! The last 5 years I thought this was all in my head!!!!

Like you all have mentioned. Head itchies and body itchies. Yep... Have the same thing too. No matter how much dry, skin, itchy lotion I apply- I still itch. Ugh! Neutrogena hair gel shampoo for itchiness does work. That is the only thing I too, have found to help with the scalp itchiness. With the body itchiness- nothing works for me. All my body does is just reject it all and I get the joy of itching like a dog with fleas!;)


kicker 10-12-2010 12:56 PM

When I was a child, on my belly was a 50 cent size round patch of Excema. It was gone one day, but all through adolescence and to now have had "dandruff".
Now also have a rashy thing on back of kneecap. My childrens' pediatrician would never really discuss skin concerns with me, leading me to think this is not an area Doctors know a lot about.

doydie 10-12-2010 06:01 PM

I have psoriasis on legs, arms, feet, belly and everything in between, and scalp. Hate it!

ewizabeth 10-12-2010 10:12 PM

I have had excema in the past and I've learned to avoid things that trigger it. I also have extremely sensitive skin and have to use unscented, hypoallergenic products for everything.

Judy2 10-13-2010 12:40 AM

WOW!!! Thanks so much for all your replies and shared experiences!:) Guess that pretty much answers the question of do skin problems go along with auto-immune "stuff"?

Don't think I mentioned that those scalp things just seem to appear when my MS is active. As others mentioned, I use Neutrogena T-Gel shampoo a few times and it goes away. If I use it all the time, it dries out my hair too much. As it is, the hairdresser I went to occasionally when still mobile, (who is in her 40's and has lupus) comes to my house once a week and washes it for me. By keeping it short and sleeping in my recliner, it doesn't get all 'mushed' up.

Thanks again everyone. Wish I could push the thanks key and have it work. Old webtv you know. This lousy disease doesn't give us a break anywhere, but just knowing I'm not alone makes life more tolerable.:)

pud's friend 10-13-2010 02:28 AM

Had a new thing of dry skin on my scalp recently as well as on my chin and sides of mouth.
Have recently learnt not to blame MS for all my issues...

Turns out i have a major underactive thyroid drying my scalp out as well as an allergy to a brand of toothpaste damaging my face.

Who knew?

Judy2 10-14-2010 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by pud's friend (Post 704102)
Had a new thing of dry skin on my scalp recently as well as on my chin and sides of mouth.
Have recently learnt not to blame MS for all my issues...

Turns out i have a major underactive thyroid drying my scalp out as well as an allergy to a brand of toothpaste damaging my face.

Who knew?

Toothpaste?!?! That's a new one I hadn't heard of before. Guess it must work by osmosis through your cheek!

I know what you mean by trying not to blame everything on MS. It seems like sometimes doctors do soon as they see MS on the chart, it makes a good thing to blame the current problem on. It's so easy to do being MS has so many different weird symptoms, various for everyone.

Good to hear from you, PF!! Is spring arriving "down there"?:)

pud's friend 10-14-2010 04:18 AM

Almost. a bit up and down. last week 17 degrees, this week 27, next few days back to 17.
Lots of rain coming which is a pain since I have all my hay on the ground waiting to be baled.

My face rash was more at the corners of my mouth; common allergy to Colgate apparently.

Good to be back :)

Desinie 10-15-2010 01:36 AM

Yes, me also. Dry scalp, more so in the past 5 years or so. Also, I'm very sensitive to certain soaps like Zest and Irish Spring and have never been able to use them. I have to use Ivory or Dove soap. I even had to pick my wedding dress around which one didn't cause me to be itching and get a rash.

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