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legalmania 01-07-2011 11:57 PM

The Stress and Emotions behind SS Disability
This thread is for those who feel they just need to express some of the feelings they have while waiting for their SS decision.

I have helped a few people get Social Security Disability and I must admit it becomes so hard to hear how they are suffering. They have no money, how will they pay their bills? They are in pain and need to see their doctor, what can be done? All these questions seem to be addressed to me all the time. Unfortunately I cannot always answer their questions, so I'm hoping everyone who has questions and positive answers come together on this thread and maybe we can help each other.

I'm looking for positive feedback, I know sometimes there is not a whole lot that can be done, but lets do out best for the ones who are waiting and need someone to talk to and give them a positive outlook even if it is just for enough time to give them a good nights rests, or even a good afternoon. So to all of you out there with a pending case, this thread is for you.

I am also going to start a thread at the "social chat" on this site.

legalmania 01-08-2011 12:10 AM

The Stress and Emotion of SS Disability
The paper work alone is enough to stress you out. We're here to help those who are suffering with the Social Security Disability Administration and just need someone to talk to. Everyone is invited to join in. Whether you are trying to get approved or trying to help someone, I hope we can give positive reinforcement to those who are struggling right now. Your stories are welcomed and I hope in some small way we can help.

Dejibo 01-08-2011 08:36 AM

((hugs)) I am glad you are willing to be helpful. :hug: I have a question tho. Do you charge a fee if you get involved in helping someone file for SSDI? Are you a legal office or just a friendly helper who does this for free?

I was rare, my SSDI was easy. The place I worked for retired me, and filed the paper work for me. My retirement is caculated based on what I get from SSDI so its cheaper for them to get me on it. I didnt have a single hiccup.

I helped a friend file years later and the folks at the small town local office were extremely helpful. They provided a person to sit down with her to help her fill out the paperwork and help her understand the follow thru and next step needed. Many folks dont know that the SS office will assign someone to help you if you ask.

don1956 01-08-2011 12:52 PM

well let me be the first to jump in and to say thanks to you:hug:this is a real tough time for me(us)in every sense of the word(financially,physically,emotionally,etc).not knowing the "Unknown".:( cant get answer's .always on "Hold".but want to say again is a big thanks to "LegalMania" and others here.we may not have the answer to everyone question or problem,but this is a good place for us to hear,listen or just talk to others.its real rough "OutHere"when you feel alone.cause the mind will play "games"with you,and unfortunately there all negative:(.You'll have time when its difficult to get a good night sleep,lost of appitite,hard to concentrate on other things.your whole life as you once knew/had is now different.but i think with this "socialChat" here that "LegalMania" is putting together will help some
hope all will partake and take advantage of this;):hug:

ginnie 01-08-2011 04:32 PM

While I was waiting for my benefits, I had five surgeries with no insurance. All my savings for my whole life was used up. I am on dissability, and sad that I can't work, mad at all the agiencies involved and sick of waiting to talk to them on the phone. I have found the whole proceedure very difficult, and alot of people do indeed suffer. If you have no resourses, there is little a person can do. I borrowed to exist from my family. I receive medicade also, and have now been informed that will no longer exist, it was just instated this past April 2010. Now Where did that coverage go? I am on the phone writing letters once again. fun fun fun ginnie:(

ginnie 01-08-2011 04:34 PM

thank you
Thank you for a place to vent about this subject. ginnie

sakuranokaori 01-08-2011 05:07 PM

Let's do our best together!
Thanks to legalmania for starting this thread. My father applied for social security disability June 2010 and was approved finally in Dec.2010 after months of sleepless nights and I want to share with others my family's story. My message to you all is to not let the worries get to you. Take time out to focus your energy on other things and let things be what they will be. I know it's easier said than done, but it's necessary for you and your family's well-being. We were so worried for the first three months that we were mentally exhausted asking ourselves "What if it get's denied..What if some info is missing..What if"
We got to the point where we said "That's it!We've done everything we can do so if it gets denied then it gets denied, all that would be left to do it to appeal..and if we have to appeal over and over again we'll do it if it comes down to it!" So we stopped worrying and let things run their course..

but ofcourse I do advise to be on top of the doctors/receptionists/nurses in charge of your case. Contact the medical examiner in charge of your case everytime you have to do a medical update(whether you have started taking new medicine, whether there's been a change in dosage quantity, whether you've seen a new doctor, whether you started taking therapy, anything). If you don't have a fax,get yourself one, it is a must. That way you have peace of mind that your info was received. Try to take all the right steps and remember to take things one step at a time. Paperwork is part of the process so don't get frustrated. Get all your things in order, ask many questions and you will have a better chance at getting approved. My advice would be to not leave everything up to others when it comes to your case. Take charge and have a positive outlook at the same time.

Godbless and don't lose hope, even if you get denied just try and try again. You are not alone, so many people get denied the first time but you just have to re-strategize and just do it! Don't lose confidence in your case, only you know your condition, only you feel the pain so you must fight for it!

and as a final note, always have god in your heart..he is the one fighting alongside with you and your loved ones.

Big hugs and kisses to all of you going through this process. :grouphug:

don1956 01-08-2011 10:17 PM

"Sakuranokaori"said something that i strongly agree with by having god in your heart.i got baptize on 10/10/10.i pray to him daily.and by joining a church it keeps me busy with there functions.good people and good fun:hug:;)

legalmania 01-09-2011 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by Dejibo (Post 732806)
((hugs)) I am glad you are willing to be helpful. :hug: I have a question tho. Do you charge a fee if you get involved in helping someone file for SSDI? Are you a legal office or just a friendly helper who does this for free?

I was rare, my SSDI was easy. The place I worked for retired me, and filed the paper work for me. My retirement is caculated based on what I get from SSDI so its cheaper for them to get me on it. I didnt have a single hiccup.

I helped a friend file years later and the folks at the small town local office were extremely helpful. They provided a person to sit down with her to help her fill out the paperwork and help her understand the follow thru and next step needed. Many folks dont know that the SS office will assign someone to help you if you ask.

I would never charge a fee to someone in need. I am presently working freelance, however I have attorney's who can lead me into the right direction. Why don't you p.m me with the details and I can help you.

legalmania 01-09-2011 08:46 PM

I'm so glad to see people getting involved please let your stories become reality. Thank you for your time. Peace be with you.

clarkstar 01-10-2011 12:41 AM

i filed back in august and am awaiting a reply. i am kind of worried that since i am not using a walker all the time now, i might be denied. but i am definitely not cured (MS) and basically get by on assistance, i don't think i could work more than a couple hours a day and that would depend on how the morning went.

legalmania 01-10-2011 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by clarkstar (Post 733317)
i filed back in august and am awaiting a reply. i am kind of worried that since i am not using a walker all the time now, i might be denied. but i am definitely not cured (MS) and basically get by on assistance, i don't think i could work more than a couple hours a day and that would depend on how the morning went.

I can't tell you for sure if you will win right away, did you write the complaint yourself? Having MS is a very serious illness. If you have the doctors reports and are taking all the medications then hopefully you will get approved. The rule usually is if you can' walk, stand, sit, or think for more than a minimal amount of time, then you deserve benefits. Not using your walker all the time should not become a factor in determining your case. Please read below for further information..
If you filed back in August then you should hear from the agency soon. Please let us know what happens we all care and want to give you all the support we can.

legalmania 01-10-2011 04:52 AM


Originally Posted by don1956 (Post 733027)
"Sakuranokaori"said something that i strongly agree with by having god in your heart.i got baptize on 10/10/10.i pray to him daily.and by joining a church it keeps me busy with there functions.good people and good fun:hug:;)

Wow don that is incredible. Did you pick that date on purpose or did it just happen to fall on that date? I continue to pray for you, you have a long road ahead and I hope your faith and strength get you through. Even though your body is not strong right now, your mind and faith will get you through.

Mz Migraine 01-10-2011 01:08 PM

To flip the coin a bit..........

I was very fortunate from most of the posters who post here when I applied for SSDI back in 2002.

I had enough years at my job to fully retire, collect a pension and UE too boot!

Prior to applying, I went to my local library & researched SSDI & SS attorney fees in my state. Therefore, I knew before hand the backlog length in my state (4-5 yrs) and I could do all the paperwork filing myself. Knew if necessary I could hire an attorney at the ALJ level if need be (which I ended up doing).
I guess you could say, I was fully prepared of what to expect when I applied for SSDI. The only surprise for me was that I received a fully favorable decision based on the paperwork that I submitted from all my treating physicians with no help from any attorney. SS did not pay him the $5000+ as I did all the work. The only thing my attorney did, was show up at the ALJ hearing which I paid him OOP ($250). :D

I really feel for all the people here who are not as fortunate as I was during their time of waiting. Trying to collect SSI & SSDI can be really financial draining for a lot of folks. :grouphug:

ginnie 01-10-2011 01:35 PM

Dear Legal Mania
Hello, I vented the other day. You may know about this, I do not. I applied for and received medicade since last april 10. This has now been taken away starting this Jan. The exact sentance stated "You are not eligible for dcf Medicaid because ssa found you to be eligible for ssi medicaid." There was no explaination that I could understand nor do I know all processing. I am lost. I was dumped on the phone 3 times after a wait of 40 minutes each. I wrote back asking for my caseworker to call me RIGHT away. No answer, so I don't know whats happening. I feel sick in my stomach, as it has been such an effort up until this point. I thought my work was over and I could heal from my last surgery. I am fed up and tired. Help please people, legal aid,so I can rest. I need response so I can sleep. love to all and Yes I God in my heart as so many of your od:hug::hug::hug:ginnie

Feel the Burn 01-10-2011 03:31 PM

I literally left work on Xmas eve in 09 knowing I wasent coming back, my neuropathy had gotten to the point that I was dangerous to myself and my co-workers, I was a electrician, I did talk to my employer about trying something different but was pretty much told I was a electrician and that was that, I was not upset about it becasue I knew my body was giving out

I applied for SSDI, had all the functional papers sent to my doctors, called them to make sure they were filled out, and new testing I had done I faxed it to my caseworker, literally flooded her with it, five months later I got the award letter, am I glad I go it?, yes I am, but I wish I were still able to work instead of spending my days sitting at home not being able to drive and being in pain, but for all those still trying,,stay the course, keep trying,

ginnie 01-10-2011 03:51 PM

dear mz
no I was not lucky to recieve a favorable decision the first few rounds. I was not able to do any of the paperwork on my own, even though I wanted to. There was a trust from my mother that played hell with what the agencies had for its rules. I had to spend the money for the attorney, as this trust existed at the time. I do not think after this experience I would advise any parent to leave a trust to a child having medical issues. My mother tried to help me as she knew before she died that I was having medical problems. This trust complicated all matters in the tens of degrees. I was not allowed to keep my familys' trust. I was required to use all assets and go broke before I was able to receive my benefits. All my parents savings were required to be used and that was not hard to do with 7 surgeries. The whole process is lousy to go through lawyer or not. People who are sick and injured have so much more on their plate to deal with. When you are in pain it is hard to do anything at all much less have to yak with all these agencies. Even when you have a real case, real dissability, it is not easy. Just venting again to day, since I am writing letters and sending certified mail again. ginnie:(

don1956 01-10-2011 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by legalmania (Post 733353)
Wow don that is incredible. Did you pick that date on purpose or did it just happen to fall on that date? I continue to pray for you, you have a long road ahead an I hope your faith and strength get you through. Even though your body is not strong right now, your mind and faith will get you through.

god seem to work that way.i didnt notice it till i got home and looked at the date that was written down for me in my coming to the lord,going to that picticular church and of all days and years it happen to fall on that day of days.i prayed last night at my church and at home last niece told me to read "proverbs3" number that night i did.this morning i had and afternoon luncheon with the guys from my of the guys who put the luncheon together is in "legal"and has worked on disabilty cases:eek:i didnt know thats what he use to do and he didnt know of what i was going thru it was just by chance.he even knew the doctor that is going to give me my "EMG"wednesday and how this proceedure is done.will this make me confident of my case(who knows:icon_confused:)but guess who will get a good night sleep to night;)......and most of all how our savior"jesus" works(in his name "Amen"):)

legalmania 01-10-2011 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by don1956 (Post 733523)
god seem to work that way.i didnt notice it till i got home and looked at the date that was written down for me in my coming to the lord,going to that picticular church and of all days and years it happen to fall on that day of days.i prayed last night at my church and at home last niece told me to read "proverbs3" number that night i did.this morning i had and afternoon luncheon with the guys from my of the guys who put the luncheon together is in "legal"and has worked on disabilty cases:eek:i didnt know thats what he use to do and he didnt know of what i was going thru it was just by chance.he even knew the doctor that is going to give me my "EMG"wednesday and how this proceedure is done.will this make me confident of my case(who knows:icon_confused:)but guess who will get a good night sleep to night;)......and most of all how our savior"jesus" works(in his name "Amen"):)

I am so glad to hear that, I believe faith brought you to together. Remember we are here for you, but I'm glad you found someone you can discuss your case with.

legalmania 01-10-2011 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by ginnie (Post 733507)
no I was not lucky to recieve a favorable decision the first few rounds. I was not able to do any of the paperwork on my own, even though I wanted to. There was a trust from my mother that played hell with what the agencies had for its rules. I had to spend the money for the attorney, as this trust existed at the time. I do not think after this experience I would advise any parent to leave a trust to a child having medical issues. My mother tried to help me as she knew before she died that I was having medical problems. This trust complicated all matters in the tens of degrees. I was not allowed to keep my familys' trust. I was required to use all assets and go broke before I was able to receive my benefits. All my parents savings were required to be used and that was not hard to do with 7 surgeries. The whole process is lousy to go through lawyer or not. People who are sick and injured have so much more on their plate to deal with. When you are in pain it is hard to do anything at all much less have to yak with all these agencies. Even when you have a real case, real dissability, it is not easy. Just venting again to day, since I am writing letters and sending certified mail again. ginnie:(

I am so sorry things are not going good for you. I can't say I know how you feel because nobody really knows how someone else feels, however some people have an idea of how you feel and it sounds like lousy might describe it. I guess your mother would have never left you that money had she known it was going to make things so bad for you. It sounds like you are trying to get things under control. May I suggest that when you write the letters try to use rules or statutes. For example write according to Title 42 section 435.120 (B) it says...... If you find this to hard let me know and maybe I can help you find the right statute or rule that applies to you. When you go to the website you can find these statutes if you go to the search window. By sending it certified is good that way they can't say they didn't receive it. Well hope you feel a little better and if you need something we are all here for you.

legalmania 01-10-2011 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by ginnie (Post 733460)
Hello, I vented the other day. You may know about this, I do not. I applied for and received medicade since last april 10. This has now been taken away starting this Jan. The exact sentance stated "You are not eligible for dcf Medicaid because ssa found you to be eligible for ssi medicaid." There was no explaination that I could understand nor do I know all processing. I am lost. I was dumped on the phone 3 times after a wait of 40 minutes each. I wrote back asking for my caseworker to call me RIGHT away. No answer, so I don't know whats happening. I feel sick in my stomach, as it has been such an effort up until this point. I thought my work was over and I could heal from my last surgery. I am fed up and tired. Help please people, legal aid,so I can rest. I need response so I can sleep. love to all and Yes I God in my heart as so many of your od:hug::hug::hug:ginnie

It sounds like they put you on SSI Social Security Income Medicaid and took you off DCF Department of Children and Families medicaid. Did you get a card in the mail? I'm not to familiar with how SSI medicaid works but they should pay for most of your medical bills. Especially your surgeries. I think you can submit past bills I'm not sure how far back. Do you feel good enough to go into your local office? If you do I would ask for an appointment take all your bills and letters you have received and get them to explain it all to you. If they won't pay for certain medications you can call the medicaid pharmacy and see what they will pay for. If anyone is familiar with medicaid could you please join in and help ginnie. I know you're going through a lot, it sounds like you're going in the right direction. Keep us informed and we will continue to try and help.

ginnie 01-10-2011 06:24 PM

thinking of you
Don I was the one who spoke out about the test. That EMG you have to do soon. Are you sure your doctor said there was no other test you could do?. Some how I did manage to get through all these surgeries without having that test. There are others that can be done maybe. I just hate to think of anyone going through that unless there was no other option. I choose another doctor and changed directions mid stride because I am so stubborn. I did't like shots as a kid. I hid behind the couch, and hid behind the chairs. I held on to the furnature while they dragged me away. Nope not for me, I just don't want to. The good lord knows me quite well. I am asigned an extra guardian angel, just to let the other one take a break from me. I do not think my doctors were prepared for me! Good luck in which every decision you make, and I hope the results turn out with your best interest at heart. :hug:g:hug:innie

jana 01-11-2011 11:02 AM

Here is the neurological listing on the Soc. Security website for MS: Multiple sclerosis

Note: you will have to scroll back and forth to find all of this info. IF you "meet" these requirements and it "shows" in your medical records, you automatically qualify for disability. The KEY is.................your doctor MUST make sure that it accurately states this in your medical records -- OR a Social Security doctor can ascertain this from an examination.

don1956 01-11-2011 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by ginnie (Post 733562)
Don I was the one who spoke out about the test. That EMG you have to do soon. Are you sure your doctor said there was no other test you could do?. Some how I did manage to get through all these surgeries without having that test. There are others that can be done maybe. I just hate to think of anyone going through that unless there was no other option. I choose another doctor and changed directions mid stride because I am so stubborn. I did't like shots as a kid. I hid behind the couch, and hid behind the chairs. I held on to the furnature while they dragged me away. Nope not for me, I just don't want to. The good lord knows me quite well. I am asigned an extra guardian angel, just to let the other one take a break from me. I do not think my doctors were prepared for me! Good luck in which every decision you make, and I hope the results turn out with your best interest at heart. :hug:g:hug:innie

hi "gennie"and yes i remember you from my other post:Dglad to hear from you here.well i dont know anything about the different type of medical exams.i guess i have to leave that part to my doctors and hope there making the right decision on my part.the appointment is tomorrow night and hopefully i will find out the results friday morning.if the doctor recommend just more therapy then i will ask him can i go back to my job and do therapy after hours.this way i can get the help i need and im back working i can have my "LifeBack":yahoo: i only need 5more yrs to go and then i can retire.but if he see's something a little different:confused:...Gulp:(:icon_frown:

ginnie 01-11-2011 12:38 PM

Hi don
Hi and I got your post through the e-mail, got lost again on which post. I understand about you wanting to put your faith in your doctors, that they know best for you. I don't know about that sometimes. Each doctor approachs problems differently. I still would run for the hills and check to see what other solutions may present with another opinion. I have been through alot and delt with all those needles like we all do. I still turned down this test. God bless you don, I will pray for you. ginnie:hug:

finz 01-11-2011 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by legalmania (Post 733273)
I would never charge a fee to someone in need. I am presently working freelance, however I have attorney's who can lead me into the right direction. Why don't you p.m me with the details and I can help you.

Dejibo was very clear in the post.......already approved for SSDI

don1956 01-11-2011 08:12 PM

"Ginnie" that little bit what you said just made my night:Wave-Hello:its not how much you say as to "whatYousaid" .now im getting another good night sleep:wink::Thanx:

legalmania 01-26-2011 12:55 AM

Someone that I helped get benefits a few years back, called me very upset. She told me her benefits were being stopped in March because she no longer was available for SSI. I told here to call the SSI local office and find out why, there was no explanation in the letter. The SSI administration said they had nothing in their system that showed her benefits were stopping. So I asked her if she could fax me the letter. In receiving the letter, I noticed my name at the top with her address and SS#. Because I was the representative someone put my name as the claimant. Even though they made this error she still has to file an appeal so her benefits won't stop, until we straighten this out. This is just some of the emotions and stress of the SS administration. So when you get a letter make sure you keep it make copies and don't ignore it if it's a mistake, because even though it is totally their fault she still has to prove they made that mistake.

Rickey 01-26-2011 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by legalmania (Post 738604)
Someone that I helped get benefits a few years back, called me very upset. She told me her benefits were being stopped in March because she no longer was available for SSI. I told here to call the SSI local office and find out why, there was no explanation in the letter. The SSI administration said they had nothing in their system that showed her benefits were stopping. So I asked her if she could fax me the letter. In receiving the letter, I noticed my name at the top with her address and SS#. Because I was the representative someone put my name as the claimant. Even though they made this error she still has to file an appeal so her benefits won't stop, until we straighten this out. This is just some of the emotions and stress of the SS administration. So when you get a letter make sure you keep it make copies and don't ignore it if it's a mistake, because even though it is totally their fault she still has to prove they made that mistake.

Thats simply rediculous, they throw all the head aches and worries back on her because of their mistake. And people ask me in this forum why I disagree so much with most all of the rules set by the SSA. The post above pretty well answers that question I think.

legalmania 01-27-2011 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by rlj1959 (Post 738610)
Thats simply rediculous, they throw all the head aches and worries back on her because of their mistake. And people ask me in this forum why I disagree so much with most all of the rules set by the SSA. The post above pretty well answers that question I think.

I requested the file for one of my clients, to prepare for an ALJ Hearing, they sent me a c.d. which I thought was nice. Until I started going through it, I found other peoples files in there. I found doctors that weren't treating my client. SSA is a mess, they got to many cases and not enough help. It is going to get worse with around 78 million babyboomers that will retire over the next 10 years.

Rickey 01-27-2011 07:17 AM

I know this has been said before probably. I don't understand why SSA, SSDI, SSI and most any other so called public assistance program whether it is state funded or federally funded has to fight tooth and nail to keep people from getting help. They don't give a hoot if you are loosing everything you worked for all your life or can't afford to eat. They don't care if your lights are going to be cut off. They don't seem to realize that when a person becomes disabled, that persons bills are not put on hold. They keep coming and coming and a person has got to survive somehow. Take SSDI, that money is not theirs. It was paid in by the person applying for it and they are bound and determined that the person is not going to get it without a long drawn out battle royal and sometimes not even then. All the so called "lawmakers" in Washington who were elected by these people to help them and protect their rights and property. But yet and still, these elected officials let one of their own organizations cause this terrible nightmare for the people who gave them their cushy job in the first place. It just don't make sense.

don1956 01-27-2011 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by rlj1959 (Post 739045)
I know this has been said before probably. I don't understand why SSA, SSDI, SSI and most any other so called public assistance program whether it is state funded or federally funded has to fight tooth and nail to keep people from getting help. They don't give a hoot if you are loosing everything you worked for all your life or can't afford to eat. They don't care if your lights are going to be cut off. They don't seem to realize that when a person becomes disabled, that persons bills are not put on hold. They keep coming and coming and a person has got to survive somehow. Take SSDI, that money is not theirs. It was paid in by the person applying for it and they are bound and determined that the person is not going to get it without a long drawn out battle royal and sometimes not even then. All the so called "lawmakers" in Washington who were elected by these people to help them and protect their rights and property. But yet and still, these elected officials let one of their own organizations cause this terrible nightmare for the people who gave them their cushy job in the first place. It just don't make sense.

finally someone sum it all up in one paragragh:hug:

echoes long ago 01-27-2011 05:03 PM

because politicians are part of the elite and serve them and we are the common swill who should accede to their wisdom. in other words they are bought and paid for by corporate america and every dollar you get is one less dollar for them. they want it all.

legalmania 02-03-2011 10:06 PM

I got a phone call today from my clients District Manager. She apologized for the error. She said it was corrected and that my client should get a letter from the agency, within a couple of weeks. So it pays to go over peoples heads. It's the way I have always gotten things done, when I couldn't get anywhere with an agent. Thank you AJS for your quick response. I told her about this site and she said she would check it out. It will be good to have a good DM on the site.

clarkstar 02-04-2011 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by legalmania (Post 733351)
I can't tell you for sure if you will win right away, did you write the complaint yourself? Having MS is a very serious illness. If you have the doctors reports and are taking all the medications then hopefully you will get approved. The rule usually is if you can' walk, stand, sit, or think for more than a minimal amount of time, then you deserve benefits. Not using your walker all the time should not become a factor in determining your case. Please read below for further information..
If you filed back in August then you should hear from the agency soon. Please let us know what happens we all care and want to give you all the support we can.

thanks, sorry for not replying sooner, but it has been too much physically and mentally for me to type much. i am still awaiting a decision. i applied online the time, i could not walk without my walker, presently i don't use any mobility aid, but still can't walk long distances and stumble around a lot. i should use my cane, but i would need it on my right side, and my right hand has nerve damage either from the MS or a fall i had last year. i will update when i receive a decision either way. on another note, i was approved for an ADA card by Arizona's transportation agency, basically for free dial a ride service. but they seem to think i can ride a bus so only if the bus is unavailable. this angered me, as i cant walk the 1/4 mile to the bus stop, and i highly doubt i could climb the steps into the bus even so. and i was at my dr's office when he filled out the form he sent them so i know he told them that...

don1956 02-04-2011 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by clarkstar (Post 741300)
thanks, sorry for not replying sooner, but it has been too much physically and mentally for me to type much. i am still awaiting a decision. i applied online the time, i could not walk without my walker, presently i don't use any mobility aid, but still can't walk long distances and stumble around a lot. i should use my cane, but i would need it on my right side, and my right hand has nerve damage either from the MS or a fall i had last year. i will update when i receive a decision either way. on another note, i was approved for an ADA card by Arizona's transportation agency, basically for free dial a ride service. but they seem to think i can ride a bus so only if the bus is unavailable. this angered me, as i cant walk the 1/4 mile to the bus stop, and i highly doubt i could climb the steps into the bus even so. and i was at my dr's office when he filled out the form he sent them so i know he told them that...

how bad off does one has to be to get any type of help or approval from these people.i wouldnt be suprise if they would denied there own mother on her death bed:mad:

ginnie 02-06-2011 03:41 PM

back and witchy again
So This past week I had to get a lawyer for my benefits again. This past week I was denied food stamps because I did not have $2,700.00 for this home that is in trust to me. I ran out of money in 09 and applied and recieved medicaid and months later a resonable amout of food stamps. The rules of medicaid state you may not have that much money in your possesson, no can I work to earn it. If I could earn it I would pay it. My son paid my taxes and they cut out my food stamps because I do not have the money for taxes. Well I don't have the money for food eithor. I am being treated like SH__. I worked 30 years. I can't help what happened to me regarding my finances. My health cost all that two generations had. This same gov. does not give me enough to live in my current home Now I have to fight one part of my family to let me move from here. I have to take my family to court over this same trust. One funny....On friday, I got some mail from DCF. I refused to open it and ruin my super bowl sunday. I am giving it to the lawyer on monday. DCF want to do this by phone with two of their agents and just me, no way....I want help with an attoney on my side. Why am I having to do all this anyway, somebody remind me...ginnie:mad:

ginnie 02-06-2011 04:18 PM

Hi Legal Mania
I did put in a new squack today, thank you for replying to me directly in your post. I Did indeed go to both offices in person and waited in long lines, and neithor agency would pull my information up on their PC, to find out was going on in my case. Each agency sent me to the other agency, so I am driving repetedly back and for between SS office and medicaid office. The both of them refused me help. So I got :mad::mad::mad:and got my former attorney to help me. He was the good soul who helped me to get before a judge. My families trust confused all three acencies. I cannot tell you how many copies I have made of this document that they cannot keep track of. Evidently neithor agency talks to the other. I am also having to go to court over this same trust with my family. I do not receive enough in benefits to keep a paid for home. This home is in trust to me, only while I live in it. It is a long icky story. I could not pay my taxes, flat out. My son had to and they took my food stamps away. I had less money so they took my food away. What is going on? Ginnie :(:confused::mad:

don1956 02-06-2011 05:49 PM

hi gennie,sorry i dont have any advice but just to let you know that someone here is you have read from my post and how you responed to my, you to know what and how my situation is very similar to yours.just met a lady in my church who asked for our prayers.when she began to tell her story it was what we all are going thru .its her knee she having problem with but all the red tape she going thru and being denied this and that .she worried about her checks or money coming many of us are out there who are hurting and have no one to turn to:confused::( who can help us:(.....all i have is "the good lord" my faith and the good people "Gennie",Rlj1959,and of course "LegalMania":hug:

ginnie 02-07-2011 10:15 AM

Hi legal mania
Thank you for your response, I will be back in the attorneys office today. DCF wants an interview by phone with two of them against me. NO WAY. I will have the law in front of me through my attorney. I know that right now, I cannot do the research this would require. My BP soared, 225/100 with dealing with it. I had to get the help or go crazy. My son will pay my fee. In changing from DCF to SSID something went wrong. I will find out for sure just what can be done. thanks ginnie

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