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Earl 02-08-2011 11:23 AM

Who's prepared - TEOTWAWKI
Who here has a TEOTWAWKI kit in their car? House, etc?

I was at men's group this morning and this came up.

Every Tuesday morning about 6 guy's from church meet at the church at 6am to talk guy stuff. No scripture, no prayer, just guy stuff. Today John, my Sr. Pastor asked us who had a The End Of The World As We Know It bag in our car.

Only one of us did, and it wasn't me.

Today I am assembling two of them, one for me, and one for Laura.

There are sites all over the net on how to assemble one. I am using a small backpack. In it I am putting two pairs of underwear, 4 pair of socks, water purification tablets, matches, collapsable glasses (used for camping) a knife, and silverware set for two. Beside the bag I am putting 2 gallons of drinking water and one gallon of regular water. (for a radiator, washing etc). I would like to get a small battery powered radio but gotta find a reliable cheap one. For food I am going to try to find something like the military uses called MRE (Meals ready to eat), until then, cereal, snacks, raisons, etc.

SO, who here is prepared for The End Of The World As We Know It?

kicker 02-08-2011 12:07 PM

Officially no, but I envision could drink the water in the pool, from 9/11 aftermath panic bought and have some freeze dried food (Just add hot water) in basement and always have camping stuff. Think we could survive awhile and woods have plenty of deer and squirrels (ICK). IF it comes, hoping for a quick death!!! 4 cats and 1 dog too (double ICK). I live with an ex-boy-scout who was very serious about his wood lore and woods are on our house side. I'm not worried. I got other things to worry about.

Kitty 02-08-2011 12:12 PM

Well, I'm prepared for the end of the world as I know it but it doesn't require a survival kit. I have the handbook and, if I take anything with me, that'll be it.

kicker 02-08-2011 12:18 PM

What handbook? (we got a Boy Scout handbook). Kitty, if you wander this way, stop by for a bite of ..........

mrsD 02-08-2011 12:18 PM

There are inexpensive flashlights that do not require batteries ever. On Ebay... you shake them and they light. We use one upNorth all the time. (batteries tend to explode up there in the cold over winter).

Also you can get a cheap crank radio too. Ebay has lots of stuff in this vein fairly times. So take a look there.

The PUR pitchers will purify up to 99.99% for organisms and that is what we do up there for water. Double filter, in fact with 2 pitchers. Water IMO is the worst thing to plan for.

You might find this website interesting:

kicker 02-08-2011 12:28 PM

Obviously I do not agree. |Who said "we have nothing to fear but fear itself?

Erin524 02-08-2011 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by kicker (Post 742536)
What handbook? (we got a Boy Scout handbook).

I think Kitty is talking about the Bible. (not a bad idea. I'm an atheist, but I'm starting to rethink that some lately)

I've thought about buying a stockpile of food. (enough for 3 people for at least 6 mos) My dad has looked into it. I'm not sure where we could store it in the house tho. I have to figure out what we'd need and how much it would cost to buy it, and if we have the storage space. (yes, I do watch Glenn Beck sometimes. That's where I'm learning about stockpiling food)

I dont think we'll be prepared for the end of the world, or more likely a natural disaster tho...unless we need lots of toilet paper. I'm a big believer in always having a huge stockpile of toilet paper...which reminds me. I need to tell my parents to buy a few more huge cases. We're down to two cases now.

I want to have enough toilet paper in the house that we can use it to trade for food. I'll be able to build a bed out of cases of toilet paper.

kicker 02-08-2011 12:54 PM

DH takes his Boy Scout training very seriously. We have lots of toilet paper.

Kitty 02-08-2011 01:06 PM

I always have plenty of toilet paper. That's something I buy a pack of everytime I go to the store..even if we don't need it right then.

Mrs. D the PUR watch pitcher is excellent. Even though I use a filter on my tap I keep a pitcher in the fridge, too, with cold water in it.

One thing I've started doing just for convenience....and it helps if the electricity goes out for any to buy canned goods with the easy open top. No can opener required. I cannot manage a hand held opener any longer so my electric opener is a must have.

Yes, Erin, I was referring to the Bible. I believe in being as prepared as possible for weather emergencies and/or power outages, etc. If the end of the world happens in my lifetime.......I'm not going to need any of the "survival" items I have on hand. :)

Jomar 02-08-2011 01:49 PM

I've had a few dreams where we were invaded -armies & aliens LOL - and had to leave our home fast..
then I end up semi awake and to relax & be able to go back to sleep I need to make up a ending scenario..
usually throw a bunch of basics into our camper which ever other rigs have the most fuel. let all the animals loose -chickens & horse they can fend for themselves until we can get back home.
then we head into the coast range - only bad part is the rest of the family like my parents and brothers families..but after all that planning I'm ready to go back to sleep..

anybody ever have weird dreams like that?

SallyC 02-08-2011 03:13 PM

Is there such a thing as physically preparing for the end of the world? I'm with Kelly in preparing spiritially and I think I am.:)

I'm not even prepared for a mini disaster, physically.:rolleyes: Just recently our power went out in an ice storm and I couldn't find my portable radio or batteries..and had no wood for the FP.

I did have enough frozen food for a week, a working big flashlight and a neighbor got me fire logs from the grocers. TG I was only out for 24 hrs.:rolleyes: You think I would have learned from being out a week, a couple of summers ago.:rolleyes:

Anyway, when the world ends, I'm ending with it!!!:D

Erin524 02-08-2011 03:30 PM

If the world ends in my lifetime, I dont want to know about it. (I dont want to have to live in a remake of The Road Warrior)

TwoKidsTwoCats 02-08-2011 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by Earl (Post 742502)
Who here has a TEOTWAWKI kit in their car? House, etc?

Got them, but we simply call them BOBs = bug out bags :D We've been "prepared" for years.


I've had a few dreams where we were invaded -armies & aliens LOL
that reminds me of the upcoming movie "Cowboys and Aliens" lol

KajunButterfly 02-08-2011 04:08 PM

Well, if it's the end of the world, I won't be here! God has everything prepared for me.

Riverwild 02-08-2011 05:52 PM

As a Registered Maine Guide I am prepared...but just last week, I remembered something I hadn't thought of. If we were to stay in place with no way to get gasoline or kero or fuel, why don't I have the old hand pump hooked up to my well?

I know I can get water from the lake and filter it or boil it but what happens when the filters and the fuel/electric run out? I have a deep well with a check valve on it and I know I can pump safe water with the hand pump.

It's my new fix it chore now! I have the pipes and connectors and rather than wait for when I might need it, I am going to be proactive and set it up now!

mrsD 02-08-2011 05:54 PM

remember Y2K? Anyone?

Dejibo 02-08-2011 05:55 PM

I have one in each vehicle, and one bag stashed at the house in case we need to just grab and go. The Marine hubby came up with the idea and I didnt fight him too hard.

I am not worried about the 2nd coming of Christ, that is a welcome event, and I shall be taken home, but if a war breaks out, terrorists attack, or a natural disaster occurs I wont be searching for clean water while I search for shelter. We are both survivalists and would do well for a long time living off the earth.

I almost never think about it, but now and again I smile because I know its there.

Kitty 02-08-2011 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Earl (Post 742502)
In it I am putting two pairs of underwear

What made you decide on 2 pair, Earl? What will you do after day 2?

kicker 02-08-2011 06:48 PM

In order not to need more underwear, I need more pee-pads! Jeez, I got to switch into manual chair, there will be no recharging will there?This is really getting complicated. I can't bend over anymore and kiss things good-bye either.

kicker 02-08-2011 06:50 PM

Where's everyone going? I'm staying here with my underwear and beds.

Dejibo 02-08-2011 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by kicker (Post 742668)
Where's everyone going? I'm staying here with my underwear and beds.

What if a natural disaster happened and you were forced to leave your home? no water, electric or stability of its foundation?

If I get the choice, home is where you will find me. I am ready! I can live out of this house without needing to go out for supplies for months. if its good weather I can grow my own or forage for what I need. Never abandon your home if you get the choice.

Whew, got my head spining with what ifs! im not going to tell DH, he will want to repack stuff. :cool:

Earl 02-08-2011 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Kitty (Post 742666)
What made you decide on 2 pair, Earl? What will you do after day 2?

I only need 2 pairs because I normally go commando. I normally wear sweat pants, I only need boxers when I wear jeans, which is rare. so 2 pair is ample for me. :) (Yeah, if you don't want the answer-don't ask the question) LOL :winky::thud:

Becca44 02-08-2011 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Earl (Post 742502)
SO, who here is prepared for The End Of The World As We Know It?

Best laid plans....

I think TEOTWAWKI will come with a whimper, not a big bang. It'll be like the fall of Rome: we won't see the forest for the trees, and instead be sitting smack dab in the middle of it ...all too self absorbed in our day-to-day to interpret the ominous signs. The survivors will adjust incrementally, and take the least important lessons into the future.


It will come as a big bang. In which case an extra tank of petrol and a collection of canned goods or heritage seeds will only prolong the inevitable. I think I'll break into the nearest art museum with a bottle of champagne and caviar, say my newly minted prayers and toast a beautiful but flawed civilization. ...and then exit.

Becca44 02-08-2011 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Erin524 (Post 742594)
If the world ends in my lifetime, I dont want to know about it. (I dont want to have to live in a remake of The Road Warrior)

No kidding. Mel Gibson IS NUTS!!!!

SallyC 02-08-2011 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by Becca44 (Post 742722)
No kidding. Mel Gibson IS NUTS!!!!

And not just in his movies..:eek:

kicker 02-08-2011 10:10 PM

I like Becca's plan.(wearing my best undies)

Erin524 02-09-2011 01:47 AM

Earl...about the commando thing...more than we needed to know (well, I wasnt the one who asked!)

About Mel Gibson. I like his movies, even The Road Warrior. Loved the Lethal Weapon movies...but he was characters in those movies. In real life, he's a wonder he did so well playing wackos in the movies.

as for the end of the world, I dont think anyone will ever be prepared for it. I hope it's quick and not a Road Warrior remake...mostly because I never did like camping, and I like having running water and air conditioning.

I also dont want to know about it ahead of time.

Dejibo 02-09-2011 08:22 AM

spoke to DH about this thread and he said BRING IT ON! Dear God the Marine in him is up. DS also a Marine keeps a kit in his car. Since I was raised in the back lands living off the land can fish, hunt, grow crops, and know where and how to find water, and fire I think I would be ok.

I would have to start the MS ranch. We can have a community to simply take care of special needs folks.

kicker 02-09-2011 08:38 AM

I can ride - book me a room

Becca44 02-09-2011 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by kicker (Post 742749)
I like Becca's plan.(wearing my best undies)

I'm honored. :)

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