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tkrik 02-24-2011 12:32 PM

Random Thoughts, Resurrected . . .
It's been a while since we have done the Random Thoughts thread. I think it's time to resurrect it. So my random thought for today . . .

Many times I have stopped what I am doing just to watch our cat. She is so entertaining to watch. She just so carefree and content on just living and being. I have often reflected on that and have come to the conclusion that this cat is such an inspiration to just letting go and being. I mean, really, she just drops down and cleans herself when ever and where ever she wants. If she doesn't want to be bothered, she goes and hides. If she needs me or something, she lets me know. If she gets ticked at me, she swats me with no remorse. Oh the life of a cat.:D

SallyC 02-24-2011 12:40 PM

Great thread. I'll have to ponder a bit, because right now, my thoughts are with what I said in your "Oh Where" thread....and that song is messing with my mind..:D

tkrik 02-24-2011 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by SallyC (Post 747577)
Great thread. I'll have to ponder a bit, because right now, my thoughts are with what I said in your "Oh Where" thread....and that song is messing with my mind..:D

Hey, that could be another fun thread, "Songs that Mess with My Head." :D

Kitty 02-24-2011 12:56 PM

My random thought is this: "How many second (and third...and fourth....and fifth....etc) chances will Lindsay Lohan get???" :mad: Makes our justice system look a little flawed. I feel better. :o

On a happier note, Spring is still here in Georgia and I'm really hoping that Winter has said goodbye for this year. It's still February so nothing will surprise me. :rolleyes:

Blessings2You 02-24-2011 12:59 PM

I just read a quote in the newspaper that really stopped me in my tracks. Struck a really deep chord.

"A mother is always only as happy as her least happy child."

SallyC 02-24-2011 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by Blessings2You (Post 747590)
I just read a quote in the newspaper that really stopped me in my tracks. Struck a really deep chord.

"A mother is always only as happy as her least happy child."

Yep, the squeaky door theory.:)

tkrik 02-24-2011 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by Blessings2You (Post 747590)
I just read a quote in the newspaper that really stopped me in my tracks. Struck a really deep chord.

"A mother is always only as happy as her least happy child."

Dang!:eek: I better make sure DDs are always happy.:D

*tkrik calling dds to make sure they are truly happy.":D

But, seriously, that's really thought provoking, B2Y. I can't make my kids happy, it has to come from within them. I can only hope I gave them the tools they need to seek happiness.

barb02 02-24-2011 01:22 PM

What really is "freezing unknown precipitation?"

Blessings2You 02-24-2011 01:41 PM

A very cold dog next to a fire hydrant

tkrik 02-24-2011 01:49 PM

*tkrik cleaning up computer screen*

B2Y - That's so funny! I wasn't expecting that. I saw Barb's random thought and started getting all scientific like thinking of moisture and molecules and here you had a simple solution. :D:D

NeuroNixed Craig 02-25-2011 01:46 AM

Hi tkrik,

The lesson everyone should learn from watching cats, dogs, children and any other form of life except human beings, is to "live in the moment." Other than humans do you know of any other form of life on earth that is upset by what happened in the news yesterday? Worried about where their next meal is coming from? If they are rearing their offspring according to Dr. Phil's instructions? Let me answer this in complete truthful details so all will understand. "NO!"

Life is short! I am personally living life on my own terms in spite of adversity and primarily by living in the current moment. Recognize this principle and be grateful in return.

Patti_Christmas 02-25-2011 08:05 AM

My 17 yr old son is headed to Detroit today with his Auto Tech class to see the Auto-Rama show:). He is super pumped - Chip Foose will be there and they are suppose to meet him. He watches every Foose show on TV, and has me send in an entry form practically begging to have his 1950 Kaiser picked for an overhaul:). He's super shy, but told me last night that if he gets a chance, he is going to show Chip Foose his iPod pics of his car and ask for his help (a 1950 Kaiser is not too common of a car, especially one that still ones with the original motor and tranny in it).

My 16 yr old daughter managed to beg and convince hubby and me to allow her to go to the show as well. So, she took the day off school (she's a straight A student) and hopefully, hubby will take her providing I'm not whining. It will be the first time since Sept (when I had first SCS surgery) that I will have the house to myself - can you say N-A-P? I told them both that I should be all right - I know how to call 9-1-1 and I also have a friend that will come ASAP should I need help.

I'm only 41, yet I feel like I'm a kid that needs a baby-sitter at times. Ah, the random thoughts of mine....

Dejibo 02-25-2011 09:54 AM

I wonder why we cant start off life as an old person with all the wisdom and learning and then work backwards into being a child. We would really enjoy the playground as a 70 y/o yet as a 7 y/o many of us didnt get full benefit from it. an Naps! How many fought that nap as a child, and now seek it as an adult? I want life to spin on its head and let us start off smart and wise and competant and then move into being social and playful.

Patti_Christmas 02-25-2011 10:35 AM

Naps are incredible! It is funny how we did indeed fight them as kids, then as young adults they became something to enjoy with a "partner :D , now they have become "real", yet every time I attempt a nap, I usually get woken by the kids when they get home from school.

Hubby and daughter are off to Detroit, pups are all worn out from playing with a laser light and a good ole game of "bitey face". The bad thing is that they are blanket hogs and I am the only one available to snuggle. Three dogs and a squirmy, sensitive adult. Should make for a fun day :) .

tkrik 02-25-2011 11:14 AM

Craig - That is exactly it! You just put it in to words much better than I did.

Patti - I live for my naps! Without them, I stoop to the level of a 2-year old with out a nap. I get really irritable.:eek: :D I've had DDs often tell me, "Mom, you need a nap." :D

My random thought for today is . . . As I ended up back in bed this morning, I looked out the window and despite the fact that my windows really need a good cleaning, which I cringed at that thought and quickly let it go, I could see the sun rising and birds were chirping away. It was at this moment I decided that today I am going to seek out all the beauty I can just by looking out my window - the birds, the dogs barking, the kids running down the street to catch the bus, my neighbors beautiful flowers, etc.

tkrik 02-25-2011 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by Dejibo (Post 747871)
I wonder why we cant start off life as an old person with all the wisdom and learning and then work backwards into being a child. We would really enjoy the playground as a 70 y/o yet as a 7 y/o many of us didnt get full benefit from it. an Naps! How many fought that nap as a child, and now seek it as an adult? I want life to spin on its head and let us start off smart and wise and competant and then move into being social and playful.

Um, Dej, . . . I'm 46 and LOVE the playground, especially the swings. I have always loved swings. The difference between going to the playground as a 6-year old and a 46-year old is that I would probably be picked up by the police and either 1) brought to the hospital for a mental exam or 2) questioned about why I was playing on the playground with other little kids - if you get what I mean. I reserve the playground for when I am with my nieces and/or nephews. :p

SallyC 02-25-2011 11:33 AM

Am I seeing things or is the charcoal roof across the street, white again?? Nope, I'm not going crazy, it snowed again last night. I'm thinking it is pretty but I sure would like to see a daffadil growing up in the middle of it.:D

tkrik 02-25-2011 11:36 AM

Here you go Sally . . .You mean like this?:D

Kitty 02-25-2011 01:14 PM

My random thought for today:

I am happy. Content. I know that I am exactly where I am meant to be. I won't question the circumstances or the things that brought me to this point in my life. I will just relax and know that this is how it is supposed to be. :)

SallyC 02-25-2011 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Kitty (Post 747946)
My random thought for today:

I am happy. Content. I know that I am exactly where I am meant to be. I won't question the circumstances or the things that brought me to this point in my life. I will just relax and know that this is how it is supposed to be. :)

I'd like to say Bull Shucks to this, but instead I'll say...ME TOO..:)

Kitty 02-25-2011 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by SallyC (Post 747956)
I'd like to say Bull Shucks to this

Why?? :(

SallyC 02-25-2011 02:52 PM

Because, I hate that I'm happy where I am....I thank God for allowing me to be content, but......

does that make any sense?

Kitty 02-25-2011 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by SallyC (Post 747962)
Because, I hate that I'm happy where I am....I thank God for allowing me to be content, but......

does that make any sense?

Sometimes I feel guilty for being happy. :confused: :o :confused: I think it's all part of being a woman and a Mom. :rolleyes:

Dejibo 02-25-2011 03:37 PM

if you have a hysterectomy, and a mastectomy does that make you less of a woman? I have watched several transgendered shows lately, and they hack off their breasts, and ovaries, and uterus and are happy smappy. I had a hyst/mastectomy still a girl! gurrl power! dont get it. boobies dont make me a woman any more than a peenie makes a dude a man.

NeuroNixed Craig 02-26-2011 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by Dejibo (Post 747978)
boobies dont make me a woman any more than a peenie makes a dude a man.

If a guy has a "peenie" then I would seriously be concerned for his manhood self perception. I don't think any man wants to be known as having a "peenie" and that's the "short story of it." :eek:

Dejibo 02-26-2011 09:23 AM

I was trying to avoid the *** that would happen if I used the Big Boy P word. :p

Patti_Christmas 02-26-2011 10:02 AM

Nice quiet morning, got the kids up, they did their chores and headed out to our local historical society to help paint the community room. If I could only get them interested in helping with the dry wall mudding and painting in our house...

SallyC 02-26-2011 11:29 AM

Ahhhh, the end of the week. I'm thinking that this has been a busy mental week for me. So many important matters to pondor and roll around in my brain:eek:.

Kitty 02-26-2011 11:42 AM

I wonder who the first person was to milk a cow?

I mean, really......what possessed them to pull on that thing? :confused:

And another question that has me stumped.....why doesn't Tarzan have a beard???

doydie 02-26-2011 12:28 PM

I am watching match play in golf right now. One guy wasn't one spot shie of being invited. One guy had to drop out because of a bad ankle (I think that's what it was). The guy that was brought in in his place is kicking butt! Moral of this story is if God closes a door, He opens a window. Open that window and put a flower box on it, keep it clean and sit back and see what blooms

tkrik 02-28-2011 12:12 PM

Why is it that 1 fingernail always grows quicker than all the rest? I know, really random, but my right thumbnail grows so fast. I have to file it down yet again.:D

Dejibo 02-28-2011 12:22 PM

hot dogs come in a 10 pack, but buns are an 8 pack. What gives?

Kitty 02-28-2011 01:00 PM

Why does Chik-Fil-A always sound so good on Sunday but not on a weekday when they're open? :mad:

Dejibo 02-28-2011 05:51 PM

Why doesnt jello melt at room temp? even butter gets soft at room temp, why not jello?

SallyC 02-28-2011 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by Dejibo (Post 748722)
hot dogs come in a 10 pack, but buns are an 8 pack. What gives?

Because the buns are longer than the dogs, it takes 1&1/4 hotdogs to fill each bun..:D

My question is....why???:rolleyes:

SallyC 02-28-2011 11:52 PM

Who had the guts to eat the first raw oyster?:vomit2:

NeuroNixed Craig 03-01-2011 04:52 AM

Have you ever wondered what color a Smurf would turn if you choked him long enough?

What about if you had a funeral at night, would you drive in the motorcade with your lights off?

If a dog is man's best friend, what's that really say about the dog?

Hey! It's 4:45 AM so what else should I be thinking about?

Dejibo 03-01-2011 08:07 AM

Aww craig, you made me spit out my tea when I laughed about the smurf.

Why do stores think that 99 cents for an item sounds better than $1?

If I cant spell a word how am I going to look it up in a dictionary? My hubby is from italy and is constantly saying "how do you spell ..." He cant look it up if he doesnt know the begining. Why does Knife have a K in it?!

SallyC 03-01-2011 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Dejibo (Post 748975)
Why does Knife have a K in it?!

My DH always pronounced it as ka-nife..:D

NeuroNixed Craig 03-01-2011 01:39 PM

Ever tried to get change back at the gas station for paying $3.20 9/10 of a cent?

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