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Dejibo 05-17-2011 10:26 AM

Weight Watchers and MS
Oh joy, this should be fun. I recently discovered that I am WAY bigger than I thought I was. its horrible! so I need to fix that. DH started on nutrisystem, and since I am a pure food snob, I refused to eat prepackaged anything. I cant eat splenda, aspertame or even equal as they give me massive headaches. I am allergic to mushrooms which is a common ingredient in these foods. so. WW it is for me. They count heavily on getting exercise into your routine and I simply cannot somedays and drag on others. This is going to be a challenge.

Is anyone else doing WW? tips? tricks? ideas? Thanks!

Kitty 05-17-2011 10:32 AM

I'm going to try it, Dej. Mostly for the tools they give you to keep track of what you eat and drink. I've tried keeping a food journal but find I get side tracked easily and don't keep it "honest". I love the food tracker feature WW has and you can do it online. I won't eat their prepackaged food items but I do eat lots of fruit and veggies. I can tailor it to my eating habits. I lost about 40 pounds last year and have managed to keep it off but find that some days I just need that extra "umph" to keep me on the straight and narrow. I cheat......but it's within reason. A cookie here or extra bread there. Sugar and HFCS kill me so I avoid those most days. I like the online website and the tools they give you to succeed. Even if you don't necessarily want to lose weight....this is a great plan for just eating healthier.

SallyC 05-17-2011 03:09 PM

Good luck you two brave ones. Keeping track of anything, these days, is not my strong suit.:D Maybe After my nap!:p

Kitty 05-17-2011 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by SallyC (Post 771281)
Maybe After my nap!:p

I wonder how she's doing? :D

SallyC 05-18-2011 06:36 PM

Originally Posted by SallyC
Maybe After my nap!:p


Originally Posted by Kitty (Post 771290)
I wonder how she's doing? :D

Bahhhh, I wonder if she wonders how we're doing. I do miss hersef and her spitty humor..:D

Kitty 05-18-2011 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by SallyC (Post 771677)
Originally Posted by SallyC
Maybe After my nap!:p

Bahhhh, I wonder if she wonders how we're doing. I do miss hersef and her spitty humor..:D

I know.......:('s been a long while since anybody's gotten smacked or knocked upside the haid! :D

SallyC 05-20-2011 01:16 PM For old times sake, Kelly..:D

Dejibo 05-20-2011 02:48 PM

I am having trouble finishing my points. I went to a WW meeting place today. I refused to pay the fee for them to weigh me, but I did ask some question. I told her I just cant eat that much food, and I dont want to stuff my mouth with cookies just to meet my goal. She said as long as I felt satisfied and was getting in plenty of fruits, veggies and fiber, I wouldnt worry. so hurray! DH was worried that I was leaving so many points on the table, but I dont want to get sick, I just want to be a good person with my diet. I do have some snacks, and I have had some guilty pleasures. I have not weighed myself yet. I promised to wait till Sunday. IN days gone by I would sit on the scale everyday, and its hard to see progress if you only see it in tiny increments. Tons of folks are saying I look like I am losing weight. I didnt tell anyone I am on a diet.

Kitty 05-20-2011 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by SallyC (Post 772211)

Thanks, Sally! That should hold me for another year! :D

Dejibo 05-22-2011 09:34 AM

I lost 3 pounds! wahoo! I was so worried because I cant finish all my points they give me. I spoke to an advisor on the website and they are adamant that not only do I need to eat more, I need to include a dessert at night so I dont feel deprived. They say I am causing my metabolism to crawl, and that is how I got in trouble in the first place. I am malnurished and my body thinks its starving. If I eat every 4 hours I will have plenty of food, good treats, and my body will wake up and tell itself that it doesnt have to store anymore. Follow the plan, eat all your food they say.

Sheesh. no one wanted to hear that I have a broken tummy, and MS. They said move and you get more points, dont move and you get the same points. They prefer you move around.

So, that is week one for me. I didnt eat enough, and I lost 3 pounds.

Kitty 05-22-2011 09:49 AM

Just do what you can do, Dej. No one plan is going to work the same for everyone. They ought to know that. Everybody has their own set of circumstances.

Next time you go to your PCP ask for a blood test to determine your vitamin levels. I doubt that they (WW) can diagnose you as being malnourished as you've stated numerous times how well you eat.

If you're losing, even though you're not eating everything the plan tells you to, you're doing something right.

Dejibo 05-23-2011 07:37 AM

ok, followed their advice and used ALL of my daily points, and then used 8 of my weekly points on a big yummy dessert. I HATED IT! I felt stuff, bloated, over fed, and my tummy immediately over reacted and went into shut down mode. I required drugs to start it up, then drugs to calm it down once it over reacted. I am NOT going to stick to that routine. I did try it once as they suggested and i didnt feel satisfied, I felt sick!

Have you seen the FOS or Fructo Oligio Sacchardes in their products that they sell? I mean those lemon pie snack wedges look amazing, but the list of ingredients is scary! The peanut butter bars had an amazing photo on the box. Almost made me drool, but the list of ingredients is wild! Why do we need to do this? And why all the palm oil? dont we know we are deforresting the rain forest for this product? There are MUCH cheaper, must more socially responsible products that we can use, like canola or corn. I cant in good spirit buy a product with this many issues attached to it, no matter how yummo it looks.

So, back to my slow lane, not using enough points life. So, I wont lose weight as fast as everyone else. At least I lost 3 pounds. in my life that is huge!

mochagirl13 05-23-2011 02:38 PM

Do what works for you.
You have to do what works for you. Having them give advice is great but if it doesn't work for you, it doesn't work. As a former yo-yo dieter who used to always only need to lose 10 pounds and never could while listening to what diet "gurus" had to say, followed my own path and have lost almost 20 pounds and kept it off.

Trying to get the weight off is hard enough by itself, you shouldn't have to be not feeling good while doing it. Three pounds is great! I believe weight loss is individual. As long as you're healthy during your weight loss journey, what difference does it make that they feel you are not eating enough.

Dejibo 05-31-2011 07:18 PM

Had my vacation in NEwport and stuck to my points. I didnt go over. As a matter of fact I am having trouble meeting my daily points. I dont want to just fill it with ice cream or chocolate, that does my body no good at all. The first week I lost 3 pounds. 2nd week I gained, 0.8 pounds. not a big deal, but its the wrong direction. Spoke to the online counselor who advises that if I cant meet their minimum points total (by the way she agrees about not filling it with chocolate or ice cream. empty calores does a body bad.) then I MUST get moving a bit more. She understood about the MS and said to do the best I can. Even 10 more steps today than yesterday will help. I managed to go out at the crack of dawn and did the whole circle around the neighborhood. about 2.5 miles. its a long walk, but I was very slow and in trouble a few time. I go blind (fuzzy vision) when I over heat or get over tired. DH left me twice to go uphills and down hills. I was crampy and winded and blind by the time I got home, but I did it!

I hope to loose 7 pounds as my first goal. Even at 2 pounds a week I will be very happy. As long as the needle is moving in the other direction. I cannot wake up and find myself on my 50th b/d next year and cry about how i had a whole year and did nothing. June 25 is my b/d and I will be 49. its time to start moving! I want the next half of my life to be in good shape. (yes, I plan on living to be 100) HA!

This is harder than I thought it would be.

Dejibo 06-05-2011 07:49 AM

Wahoo! I lost 5 pounds total! It was slow going, and I had worries. I cant meet my points challenge each day and my body thinks it starving and forces me to hang onto each calorie. The WW online guide person told me if I cant bring up my calorie count thru good food (not just cookies and ice cream) then I need to trick my metabolism by moving. if my body is moving it will force my metabolism move too. She told me she knew it would not be easy but try. sweat, move, nad use my spoons if I have to for a kick start. It was a wonderful mild weather week. here, so I doubled my walk, and changed my route. I am walking 2 miles one day and 1 mile the next. I guess I had gotten comfy on my flat, no incline street full of pretty things to see. Now I take the dirt path that leads around to the other side, and has a few mild hills in it. I also dragged out and dusted off my Wii. she said its been 510 days since she saw me last! I guess I cant lose if I dont use it huh?

So, hurray me! I met my first 5 pound goal! it feels great!

Dejibo 06-12-2011 07:33 PM

I lost another 2 pounds! its been hard work, and boy oh boy I want to emotional eat right now, but I am sticking to my diet, and continuing to allow DH to drag me out of the house. I am even starting to cook more adventure foods. adding stuff to meatloaf. We had omelets today instead of cereal. that helped. I needed real food, not just oatmeal.

Dejibo 06-19-2011 05:58 AM

I lost 1.8 pounds! WHOOO! They were right when they said you would lose between one and two pounds per week. I have been stuck right in the middle of that. its been a real struggle to eat all the food I am supposed to eat, unless I chuck cookies, and ice cream into the pile up. I have been walking each day. I have been taking my vitamin, and drinking more water. I also starting eating every 3 hours with some sort of a snack which has my metabolism jump started! whooo! doing the happy dance!

I am still eating good food, good drinks, and not suffering on this diet. DH on nutrisystem is suffering. he is tired of their preprocessed, dehydrated mush, so he asked me to stop his next shipment so he can go on WW with me. I have lost 8 pounds total and he is one week ahead of me. He has lost 30, but he is hungry, and not getting enough food he said.

Im just so proud of myself.

Dejibo 06-27-2011 05:15 PM

I gained 1.6 pounds! it must be all that food from the casino and the trip, and all the stress I have been under.

I was ONE point from my first major goal, and then...bloop, im up again. so...this too shall pass.

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