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Pamster 07-22-2011 09:02 AM

hey all, checking in...
Hey everyone! I have been doing well on the dieting, still around twenty pounds lost, and been exercising so I think I have had some muscle mass added. Getting a new laptop too! I gave Mom my netbook because she needed something small and wanted to get online from home. So I automatically offered it to her, no questions asked, she's done so much for us it was a No Brainer, you know? So we checked out Dell again and they had a killer sale! So I am gonna be getting a 17.3" Inspiron one of the newer ones with an i5 processor and twice the ram I've ever had in a computer! I am stoked. I should have it Monday. :)

Kiddo and Jack both have done well on the dieting, they are about the same as me at 20 pounds lost. I am really excited that I am under 220. I just worked out this morning on t he total gym and it actually felt good! I hope that things continue along this path. I am really tired of feeling fat and out of shape. :p

So how are all of you doing? I haven't forgotten my NT friends, I just have been busy with kiddo out of school and the netbook being gone, made it harder to get online. Hope you're all doing well. :D

Dmom3005 07-22-2011 01:36 PM


Been wondering about you. I am so glad you are doing so well dieting.

Me well I'm dieting the wrong way its so hot here just not hungry.

But working to eat and drink some. But not bad on weight loss I don't
think. Have to wait till I get to the doctor for a scale though.


BlueMajo 07-22-2011 07:45 PM

(((Pam))) thanks for checking in ! Im glad to read you are doing pretty great...

Keep in touch :hug:

Mari 07-23-2011 02:38 AM

Dear Pam,

It is great to hear from you. Summer is almost over. When does your kiddo go back to school?


waves 07-23-2011 03:12 AM

hi Pam
Dear Pam...

it IS nice to hear from you and all the positive news. i can't seem to lose an ounce. or rather i lose it and put it back on. i.e. i am the same weight after the last round with Zyprexa. SIGH. i just cannot "diet." in the sense that most people mean it. it makes me frantic. and all the stress the past months i've just been eating whatever i want/is available/is convenient/is not inconvenient. so anyway

a big
Congratulations! :)
from me on that.

that was so sweet of you to give your mother your netbook. :)

Dear Mari,

Originally Posted by Mari (Post 789016)
Summer is almost over.


say it isn't so!!!

i thought it only started June 21 or 22.... we're only a month into it!!!! that's two left. that's not half over!!! i still have two months worth of light. in winter, i go to work in the dark... and come home in the dark... per se, i like the dark but work seems so all-encompassing then. arriving and leaving when it's still light gives the impression work gives a different impression. things are still going on before and after. like birds, and people walking their dogs, and ... non-worky observable things, different from other pour souls dragging their butts back and forth.....

Mari 07-23-2011 10:50 AM

school starts early here

Originally Posted by waves (Post 789021)
i thought it only started June 21 or 22.... we're only a month into it!!!! that's two left. that's not half over!!!

Hi, Waves,
Pam lives in Florida where the students often return to school the third week of August. My guess is that Pam's son start school in 30 days (one month) . .. .or maybe less.

Dmom3005 07-23-2011 12:24 PM

Its July 22 here. And I'm in Indiana. And Derrick goes back to
school on I believe August 18th this year. This is honestly later
than we have started in years.

I'm personally excited that my area has chosen to go at least
one week later than usual. Especially since many of my schools
had to make up 10 days or so. Some had to go till June 6th
I think it was.

Its really odd for my area to go till June 1st.


I wanted to tell you that I have had some luck with growth of my nails.
Not much, but I'm really excited with what I've got. I have been
using something for nails, hair and skin.

Its something that I'm hoping will work better for me than biotin.
In my area biotin, cost as much as this.


waves 07-23-2011 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Mari (Post 789090)
Hi, Waves,
Pam lives in Florida where the students often return to school the third week of August.

that's nuts. i lived in Florida for 12+ years but never realized that! :o ... 'course... i moved there to go to college :p but even that started in september, same as my high school (not US, nor here). have things changed over the years? wowwwww.

anyway thanks for explaining the "summer" terminology... you were thinking in terms of summer break........ not the season per se. :o:) :hug:

~ waves ~

DiMarie 07-23-2011 03:47 PM

Oh Pam, how exciting to lose the weight, I just was so motivated this year. Unfortunalty with the stress of the long, long litigation, and work I lost very little. Partly because by the time I was weighed at the doctors, I had put on another 20 lbs, filled with water, BP was up and kidney screwy putting protein in my urine.

I need to go for another blood work to see if the water pills helped. My cortizol is not well from the stress....
But, how do you rid oneself of stress? I try to redue what I have at work, but that just means not completing assignments in one day, I use a second day to finish the photos or reports.

But, I have hope after reading your report. :winky:

Pamster 07-24-2011 09:52 PM

I am so happy to report that my computer gets here tomorrow! I am so excited! Kiddo goes back to school in a couple of weeks. He got out in May though, late May. But we've been doing a lot with him. I am happy to say that we're working hard on this diet and I have worked out like 3 times this week! I am pleased because staying motivated is so DARN hard! I don't go for more then 15 minutes at this point while Jack is working out almost daily still for 45 minutes or MORE. If kiddo and I can get under 200 and stay there I will be so thrilled! He and I weigh the same right now. Kinda weird. LOL!

I am so glad to see you all, thanks for posting to me, I haven't forgotten you guys, I have just been real busy with kiddo and summer and all. Big hugs to each of you! :grouphug:

bizi 07-25-2011 10:26 PM

way to go go pammie!!!!!!!
keep at it, you are doing great!

Pamster 07-26-2011 07:26 AM

Thanks Bizi! I am really pleased with the way things are going, Kiddo looks so much better, and we've been swimming in the pool as much as we can, like for an hour a day so it's cool. I was gonna work out today but I have to go shopping and my hip is bothering me so I am putting it off til tomorrow. Hoping it will be better by then. I feel much better overall though, I am in an awesome mood today though, my new laptop got here and it's a BEAST! I love it! It's freaking awesome! So that plus the dieting and I am a happy camper. :D

bizi 07-26-2011 09:26 AM

so happy for your new lap top!!!! yippie!!!!!
you sound great!

Pamster 07-28-2011 07:30 AM

thanks bizi! It's pretty freakin' cool!~ I LOVE it! media powerhouse! The only drawback is that it's heavy and awkward to move. But I only move it twice a day to take it out and put it away. So that's okay. It's such a great machine, I can definitely overlook the weight and awkwardness for the great features it has in return. :)

Kiddo is down almost 30 pounds! I am so pleased, he's looking much better. I have hope that he's gonna get down about thirty more pounds and he'll be so much better off. If only I can do that, he now weighs less then me by two pounds! :D We're all doing great though. I feel good, a little tired all the time but we're taking our vitamins so it's helping. :D

Mari 07-28-2011 08:27 AM

Dear Pam,
You are doing great with the weight loss. Such a huge accomplishment!


Pamster 07-28-2011 01:41 PM

Thanks Mari! I know it's been rough, but it's happening, I finally got sick of being overweight now, and am motivated to work out a few times a week, basically every other day. :D So far so good! :D

Dmom3005 07-29-2011 06:17 PM


Its honestly harder for adult to lose than children. So keep up the hard work.


BlueCarGal 07-30-2011 07:42 PM

Hi, Pam! I'm Jude.
I popped up here just over a month ago. Discovered I was bipolar 2 yrs ago at age 63 (Finally! I'd been declared clinically depressed since I was 8, & that just wasn't working for me).

I'm so pleased to meet you & your turtle. Kiddo is your son, right? Bet you've written about him here somewhere?

I adore computers & most electronics, so I can appreciate your joy at your new toy. Also have battled weight ferociously since The Change & cheer with you there too. :hug:

Introduce me, please to your turtle. Kiddo too, if that's not here already.

See you later, i hope, Pam! :Wave-Hello:

waves 07-31-2011 04:37 AM

Hey there Pammy! :)

i'm so proud of you for being able to stick to this diet and exercise program - it is so hard. that's true what Donna said - and i've also heard/read (but don't recall where) that it is easier for men to lose weight than women.

i know that at baseline "healthy" weights, the female body is "built to carry more fat" than the male body or something... maybe that has something to do with it but i don't recall how it works. point is, don't be discouraged if your two guys get ahead of your game, you're playing as hard and as well as they are, and bit by bit it sounds like you are going to be meeting your goals!

the new computer sounds like a blast....
:Dancing-Chilli: :yahoo: :Dancing-Chilli:


~ waves ~

Pamster 07-31-2011 08:36 AM

Hi JudeLauren! Lovely to meet you here. Yeah it's harder when you're going through or done with 'the change' and I am going through it now at 42. Kiddo is Jackie my son, he's 14 going on 15 and he's autistic. That's him with me in my avatar. Our turtle is named Mr. T and we call him Turtlini because it's his nickname. He's a great pet for our family, I am bipolar II and got dx'd like 12 years ago but denied it was possible that I truly had BP II so it took a second dx being made with a new counselor a few years after that before I believed it fit me. I asked to start meds and when they actually helped with the rapid thinking and rapid speaking, making living in my own skin so much better I vowed to never be without them if I could help it. :)

I am really grateful that meds have helped me so much, I used to have trouble saying a prayer before bed, thoughts would interrupt and overlap overtop of one another and it was beyond uncomfortable for me. My son is why I sought treatment, see I am an amputee too, I was nearly killed in a motorcycle accident 23 almost 24 years ago where I lost my left leg practically to the hip. I still drive and do things independently, I put the chair in the trunk and go on dr appts alone and shopping by myself, so it's all good. It's not easy though, I won't lie, I get depressed and upset about it all still even this many years after the fact. But I have my family to help me stay in good spirits and trust me that helps tremendously. *I just got a hug and kiss from my son as I sat here typing, which I took a sec to return warmly* I may be disabled and have BP II but I feel like the luckiest woman in the world sometimes. :)

It's so good that you found us here at Neurotalk's Bipolar support forum JudeLauren! I welcome you to the board with open arms as I am sure the others did too. :grouphug: Thanks for posting and I look forward to posting with you now. :D

I just worked out again this morning, but I had to take two days off because of 'that time of the month' hitting me hard this week. I feel much better though, and it's working, I don't look nearly as overweight as I did two months ago. I am so happy Jackie has lost 30 pounds, he's down to 208! His doctor will be very pleased and surprised as will his school mates and teachers. This high protein and low carb diet is the ticket to better health for us. I am so glad Jack, my son's father, is as health conscious as he is, he wanted to do this and at first I was resistant but I am totally on board now. :D

The new computer is working great and I am loving having it. My old desktop is the kiddo's now, and things are awesome now. Very pleased with our life at the moment. The kiddo will be back in school and I am thinking with this new computer, it might be time to get back to writing. I really need to work on my stories and try HARDER to get an agent interested in representing my work. :) Big hugs to you waves! :hug: and big hugs to you all! :grouphug:

BlueCarGal 07-31-2011 09:40 AM

It's grand to meet you, Pam! Jackie & Turtlini too!
What a delightful family you have, Pam! Imagine a 14-yr old who gives spontaneous hugs. Autism is a major challenge as are the teen yrs; sounds like you're a great mom & I send both applause & lots of prayers for you & Jackie.

Turtlini! Oh, wow, my mouth :D & :D with sheer pleasure just saying that name. What fun! I'm a big fan of reptiles in general, especially lizards. Snakes enchant me. Yeah, I'm weird as well as bipolar :winky:.

I got myself in hospital & was on mood stabilizing meds for nearly a month. They really helped, more than all the anti-depressants I'd swallowed over the decades. It was only after I went to a pdoc as followup after release from hospital that anyone mentioned bipolar. I was stunned, but the meds were working so well that I was just so relieved to feel the way I did that I didn't care what label they used. I started reading, asking questions--& I was lucky to have a psychiatrist willing to talk & answer questions until I was satisfied with the answers. He was the one who sent me here.

Thanks for filling me in about you. I'm so glad you're a fighter! :hug: I had a friend in college badly injured in a motorcycle accident. He fought valiantly thru rehab but when it came to day2day living he just gave up. Whatever inner secret you've got, I pray you always have it.:hug:

You're a writer! Me too. My...umm...3rd career. Took it up while caring for my dad & was homebound. Discovered early on I loved the writing part & was very good at it; conversely, hated marketing & was abysmally dreadful at it. Was offered a chance to do ghostwriting & seized it. Still do a little, but memory problems make writing difficult now.

This has been such fun. Take care. :hug::hug:

bizi 07-31-2011 10:37 AM

dear Pammie,
I am so happy for you that things are going well for you and your family.
really happy for you guys!
have a great day and thanks for posting again.

Pamster 07-31-2011 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by JudeLauren (Post 791384)
What a delightful family you have, Pam! Imagine a 14-yr old who gives spontaneous hugs. Autism is a major challenge as are the teen yrs; sounds like you're a great mom & I send both applause & lots of prayers for you & Jackie.

Thank you JudeLauren, both are deeply appreciated. I am so very blessed to have these two great guys in my life, my son and his father. And of course we count Turtini as part of the family.

Turtlini! Oh, wow, my mouth :D & :D with sheer pleasure just saying that name. What fun! I'm a big fan of reptiles in general, especially lizards. Snakes enchant me. Yeah, I'm weird as well as bipolar :winky:.

I got myself in hospital & was on mood stabilizing meds for nearly a month. They really helped, more than all the anti-depressants I'd swallowed over the decades. It was only after I went to a pdoc as followup after release from hospital that anyone mentioned bipolar. I was stunned, but the meds were working so well that I was just so relieved to feel the way I did that I didn't care what label they used. I started reading, asking questions--& I was lucky to have a psychiatrist willing to talk & answer questions until I was satisfied with the answers. He was the one who sent me here.

It's the meds working that made me a believer in the diagnosis, I wish I had tried meds sooner you know? I would have had a better time in my late twenties and early thirties. :)

Thanks for filling me in about you. I'm so glad you're a fighter! :hug: I had a friend in college badly injured in a motorcycle accident. He fought valiantly thru rehab but when it came to day2day living he just gave up. Whatever inner secret you've got, I pray you always have it.:hug:

You're a writer! Me too. My...umm...3rd career. Took it up while caring for my dad & was homebound. Discovered early on I loved the writing part & was very good at it; conversely, hated & was abysmally dreadful at it. Was offered a chance to do ghostwriting & seized it. Still do a little, but memory problems make writing difficult now.

Yes I am into writing, I like to think of myself as a hobby writer. I have eight books, two are versions of my Memoir and some younger kids early readers and three young adult novels, I have also been known to pop out a poem or two. I got a lot of joy out of writing them over recent years, but I stopped writing to concentrate on my son. I feel the tugs of creativity at the fringes of my mind so I know that I am going to work on the books I think have the most potential. A place I have gone to for YEARS for writing related issues, feedback and all around chat is a place called Absolutel Write:

Check'em out, I am Pamster there too. :) Let me know if you want a link to the bipolar support thread I started there. :)

This has been such fun. Take care. :hug::hug:

I agree this has been fun! It's always great to make new online friends who've been in close to the same boat especially. :)

Thanks Bizi! I am so happy to be able to say things are good like this. I am glowing from my son's weight loss, and my own progress is also nice. I will get under 200 before too long. :) We'll all be at our goal weights before we know it. :) Life style changes are like that, they just work because you get into a routine of living. :) We had a good stretch of time where things weren't so good. So that makes it nice to have a good stretch of progression forward. :) Summer is almost over and I am looking forward to lifting pen to paper again so to speak.

Dmom3005 07-31-2011 04:32 PM

So happy for both you and Jackie.

Not sure how Jack is doing. But happy for him too.

I am hoping to one day get down to 180. WOw, I said, it out loud.

But have to get under 200 first. that is not happening soon.


Pamster 08-02-2011 08:41 AM

I know I can get to 180, I see it in my minds eye. :) Jack is doing well, and we're very pleased with the results this diet is giving us, all three of us. :) They say that just SAYING a desire out loud is the first step to achieving it in real life. I just worked out this morning, I knew I had no choice it's a lifestyle change, it involves reprogramming your bodies, the mental body to be disciplined enough to stick to a new exercise and diet regime for at least one month. If you can do that you can pretty much fly form there on out and stay riding the waves of successes you have as you reshape your physical body to match the one you see in your mind. :) I am 212 and need weighed again soon, but with the period in the way that is why I am still over 210. So 200 is in sight at this point. :)

If you're interested, check this out:

If you're interested in it it's very enlightening. I am working with Jack to restructure our water and I think it's an amazing documentary on the properties and structure of water. Fascinating stuff, but it's 86 minutes long so maybe book mark, watch some and then get bored and come back. I watched it in its entirety though, I was enthralled. See what you guys think. :)

BlueCarGal 08-02-2011 09:05 AM

Thanks for this!
Lovely, yes. Art + science. Their claim that water is unique to earth is, I think, not valid. H2O ice on our moon, Mars, a Jupiter moon, other places...

I'm so restricted in diet-diets. I'm a vegetarian. Bummer. Really all I can do is go on a juice fast for a couple of weeks. Usually add backpack with increasing weight on my daily walks, & that knocks off a lb/wk.

Sure does go ON a whole lot faster...

Pamster 08-02-2011 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by JudeLauren (Post 792027)
Lovely, yes. Art + science. Their claim that water is unique to earth is, I think, not valid. H2O ice on our moon, Mars, a Jupiter moon, other places...

I'm so restricted in diet-diets. I'm a vegetarian. Bummer. Really all I can do is go on a juice fast for a couple of weeks. Usually add backpack with increasing weight on my daily walks, & that knocks off a lb/wk.

Sure does go ON a whole lot faster...

I saw that too, I didn't agree with it either, that was the only thing I didn't like too JudeLauren. I think water brings life to planets and it either blossoms or it doesn't, depending on the other external factors of the planet. I think it travels vast distances with life frozen in animation and when one crashes into a planet that could support life like Earth can, it melts into the existing seas and bodies of water.

The rest of this program was very impressive in the depictions of different types of structured water, from the negatively charged water to the positively charged water. Very interesting stuff. :) Pretty seeing what the holy water is charged up to look like as a crystal. :)

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