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waves 08-23-2011 01:09 PM

Earthquake! 8/23 Check In Thread
Just hearing (live) about an earthquake in New York?

The reporter corresponded there sounds petrified... her voice is shaking...

Bobby ARE YOU OK??????????????????????

Sharla, if you are reading, pls check in....

love :Heart:

~ waves ~

ladydeedee 08-23-2011 01:15 PM

Delaware had one too. I just felt it not too long ago. Wow...that's my first real earthquake I have felt. My home shook.:(

Brokenfriend 08-23-2011 01:15 PM

We had a 5.8 earthquake. I have never experienced this type of thing. It felt like the house was going to shake apart. It seemed like it went on for 5 minutes. It hit North Carolina,Virginia,and Washington DC. BF:hug::hug::hug:

Dmom3005 08-23-2011 01:20 PM

Just in the last half hour its hit as a aftermath or a earthquake.

Its not a definate, but in the Indianapolis, Muncie and other area's
of Indiana.

That is in the central part for those that have relatives.


P.S. I didn't feel it, probably only because I have been concentrating on a case I can't go too. Have been on phone most of day, trying to solve a problem that I wont be there for.

Jomar 08-23-2011 01:21 PM

Found info on a Virginia quake-

Brokenfriend 08-23-2011 01:48 PM

The center of the earthquake was in Mineral,Virginia. That's in the next county above where I am in Virginia.

I will never forget this event. I just felt the second aftershock. BF:hug::hug::hug:

ladydeedee 08-23-2011 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Brokenfriend (Post 798432)
The center of the earthquake was in Mineral,Virginia. That's in the next county above where I am in Virginia.

I will never forget this event. I just felt the second aftershock. BF:hug::hug::hug:

Stay safe BF!

mymorgy 08-23-2011 01:55 PM

i didn't feel a thing...poor brokenfriend

waves 08-23-2011 01:56 PM

Thank you that is very helpful Jo

i think it is the Virginia quake they must have felt up in NYC... but all i saw pix of was NYC... they said they had to evacuate some buildings etc... this is an international correspondent who had to be evacuated too... i might have missed the beginning when they said Virginia epicenter or our news got it screwed up.

STEVE i'm glad you are OK!!!! :hug:

I'd still like to hear from Bobby ASAP and I know Sharla isn't around often so i will assume optimistically if she doesn't pop up right away...

sigh... i nearly flipped. the reporter was saying the streets were undulating!!! IN NEW YORK! that's SOME aftershock!!!! are you guys getting any of this same "version" or is this reporter maybe exaggerating?

~ waves ~

waves 08-23-2011 01:58 PM

Ahhh there you are Bobby... thank goodness! :) :hug:

Mari 08-23-2011 02:01 PM

Dear Friend, :hug:
Thank goodness you are alright. I thought about you when I heard it was centered in your area. Thanks for checking in to let us know that you are safe.


DiMarie 08-23-2011 02:25 PM

Brokenfriend I thought if you right away because it was so close.
Said it was 2.1 in NY. The 6.0 was the same strength as the one in Haiti a year ago.

I was sitting in the recliner thinking the fat cat was pushing from under it to make me rock. I called at him to knock it off, leaned over and cat. Then I saw him sitting nearby like "wasn't me!"

I heard from a friend in NY that was on the 42nd floor swaying. They were thinking 911 not earthquake. So much fear of the events 10 years ago.

MSNBC interviewed a Penn State geologist and he stated that the east coast is old packed rock and dirt. That the energy could dispurs over a larger area.
I will take a bit of swaying to keep BF safe any day.....
Hope there are no strong aftershocks.


Just Jacquie 08-23-2011 03:38 PM

It was really scary for my d-i-l, who was home, in our house. She saw the water in the pool next door spilling out on either side! My puppy was hiding under the bed, and would not come out.

Me? I was in Sears, shopping for bras, and didn't feel it, neither did a lady only a few feet from me, but the salesclerk at the register felt it, said the signs were swaying back and forth. I'm home now, wondering about aftershocks! I am supposed to go visit my DH in his new hospital, which is about 1/2 hour away!

:eek: It was a strange day all around! We saw a snake in our backyard this morning - wonder if it knew it was coming? They say animals can predict stuff like this!?

DiMarie 08-23-2011 03:45 PM

Waves, up our way it was like a sway, I went forward and back for multiple seconds the first and second time.
My friend was putting gas in her car and could not figure out why it was moving.

The news is showing terrible damage in areas of Virgina now. Windows broke, facsades off buildings, gee.

PLUS we are all bracing for the hurrican this weekend too, well we will be a rain event on top of terrble rains last week. I want to take younger dd to NY Niagara area to see her sister. Last week before school starts for her on Sept. 6.

Brokenfriend 08-23-2011 03:59 PM

I was standing in the kitchen,and everything started to move back,and forth. I didn't hear much of a roar,or anything. I really didn't know what was happening at first. Then It kept going on shaking. I realized that it must be a earthquake.

I just found that a clock came off of the wall behind my computer. I think that I mentioned that a fan came off my stand where I do my laundry.

They are saying on the local news that the center of the earthquake was now south west of Mineral. I'm toward the southwest of Mineral,so it was closer to me then First expected.

The Walmart that I shop at had drinks,and foods in the shopping Isles. The local news has been continuously broadcasting reports of what happened around here. BF:hug::hug::hug:

Brokenfriend 08-23-2011 04:12 PM

Hey Di
It looked like I'm in the middle of the area where the hurricane is going to pass over according to the weather centers hurricane track forecast. I'm not to concerned about it yet.

Lots of earth,and weather occurrences going on right now. BF:hug::hug::hug:

DiMarie 08-23-2011 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by Brokenfriend (Post 798486)
It looked like I'm in the middle of the area where the hurricane is going to pass over according to the weather centers hurricane track forecast. I'm not to concerned about it yet.

Lots of earth,and weather occurrences going on right now. BF:hug::hug::hug:

Oh good grief, what else do you need. I hope that you do not lose power. I am still hoping that it goes off to sea and misses land. I have friends going to Disney and they were to drive down the end of the week.

waves 08-23-2011 04:50 PM

(((Di))) and (((Steve)))

Too much too much weather stuff. Here i am complaining about the heat. so freakin what if it's hot. at least my building is standing and the worst i have is tiger mosquitos (nastier, itchier, longer lasting/painful bites).

in the Bahamas they are having a Dengue fever outbreak... the hurricane could help wipe it if winds are real high (but then it will wipe out bunches of other stuff too) OR... it will make it real difficult for them to control - administer medical treatment, spray the stupid mosquitoes, prevent insect proliferation.

Steve i am glad you are holding your own with all this * STUFF * going on. :o

I've been in a couple of earthquakes but only minor ones thankfully.

How stressful. :(

~ waves ~

Dmom3005 08-23-2011 05:11 PM

Sending hugs to all


waves 08-23-2011 05:20 PM

requested/awaiting thread title change...

i requested a name change on this thread because i was only half informed when i posted it and the quake was, well, NOT in NYC, erhmm. :o:rolleyes::o

glad you are all checking in... just want to let ppl know that, at some point, this thread will seem to "disappear" but one with a more appropriate title will suddenly be there instead.....

same thread, new name. ;):o


~ waves ~

Jomar 08-23-2011 05:53 PM

Title changed :)- be safe everyone. :grouphug:

Brokenfriend 08-23-2011 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by DiMarie (Post 798489)
Oh good grief, what else do you need. I hope that you do not lose power. I am still hoping that it goes off to sea and misses land. I have friends going to Disney and they were to drive down the end of the week.

Thank you Di. They are now saying that the middle of the hurricane is going up the coast of Virginia. It looks like I will be on the outer edge of the hurricane,and I probably will just have stormy weather. BF:hug::hug::hug:

Dmom3005 08-23-2011 06:14 PM

Sending thoughts that it just keeps moving on. So that maybe it will
pass on right by.


Brokenfriend 08-23-2011 07:19 PM

A big after shock
At 8:05 PM,I thought that we where going into another earthquake. The floor started to shake,and something sounded like a bounch of things rolling,then It suddenly stoped.

I called my sister,and they had one over there also.

That was a big after shock. My cat ran out of the room. BF:hug::hug::hug:

bizi 08-23-2011 08:39 PM

glad to hear you are safe steve!

BlueCarGal 08-23-2011 08:56 PM

Hey, Jacquie, I had a 3-legged Siamese female cat in CA who would howl & beg--tear thru screens even!--to get outside about 20 mins before a quake. The other animals noticed her predictive powers before I did: an Airedale, standard schnauzer, miniature schnauzer, and a Scottie would all line up behind her & raise almighty h€ll till I let everyone out.

She was never wrong.

After she died, the standard schnauzer took over. She called a quake 1ce when I felt none.

BlueCarGal 08-23-2011 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by waves (Post 798490)

~ waves ~ , WoW, you say * STUFF * exactly like I do!

Dmom3005 08-23-2011 09:20 PM

I am personally glad my couch hasn't found a quake tonight.


Brokenfriend 08-24-2011 12:05 AM

We had the 2nd aftershock
I felt a second aftershock at 12:44 AM. The first aftershock was at about 8:05 PM. They said it was a 4.2.

Hey. This is interesting to me. There must be a shelf rock along the East Coast that is about a half of a mile down in the earth.

I hope that they do go away though. They may have damaged more things then we know right now. BF:hug::hug::hug:

waves 08-24-2011 01:08 AM

info on Central and East Coast quakes/risk areas/faults
Dear Steve

you are handling this really well. 4.2 is a pretty big aftershock. :( :hug:

according to this article, which i found quite informative:


Quake Highlights East Coast Fault Lines
Missouri, Virginia, New York are home to significant seismic zones.
By Will Oremus | Posted Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2011, at 4:20 PM EDT
“Earthquakes in the central and eastern U.S., although less frequent than in the western U.S., are typically felt over a much broader region. East of the Rockies, an earthquake can be felt over an area as much as ten times larger than a similar magnitude earthquake on the west coast.”

Easterners curious about their local earthquake risk shouldn’t get too hung up on the precise location of fault lines, yet another USGS explainer points out: “In California, a large earthquake can generally be associated with a particular fault because we have watched the fault break and offset the ground surface during the earthquake. In contrast, east of the Rockies things are less straightforward, because it is rare for earthquakes to break the ground surface. In particular, east of the Rockies, most known faults and fault lines do not appear to have anything to do with modern earthquakes. We don't know why.
the above article contains several links to more technical information. here are two of them:

San Andreas-like fault found in eastern U.S.

U.S. Fault Lines GRAPHIC: Earthquake Hazard MAP

Brokenfriend 08-24-2011 06:18 PM

Hey Waves
That article,along with the quake,and after shocks where fascinating. This area has worn down mountains,compared to the West Coast Mountain peaks.

I think that it has something to do with the Pacific ring of fire that can be googled on Wikipedia. That's where there are many active volcano,earthquake,and tsunami activities.

It makes me wonder in fascination what is one mile below me,and on,and on. If I didn't have mental health issues,I could have be a scientist. I love science. BF:hug::hug::hug:

Dmom3005 08-24-2011 08:06 PM


Keep thinking and wondering this is good for you.

I see so much difference in you.

I think this kind of thing is what you need to have to
do with your brilliant mind.


waves 08-24-2011 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by Brokenfriend (Post 798860)
I think that it has something to do with the Pacific ring of fire that can be googled on Wikipedia. That's where there are many active volcano,earthquake,and tsunami activities.

here's the link, for others curious about this:

Wikipedia: Pacific Ring of Fire


The Pacific Ring of Fire (or sometimes just the Ring of Fire) is an area where large numbers of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in the basin of the Pacific Ocean. In a 40,000 km (25,000 mi) horseshoe shape, it is associated with a nearly continuous series of oceanic trenches, volcanic arcs, and volcanic belts and/or plate movements. The Ring of Fire has 452 volcanoes and is home to over 75% of the world's active and dormant volcanoes.[1] It is sometimes called the circum-Pacific belt or the circum-Pacific seismic belt.
Eruption of Mount St. Helens on July 22, 1980.

About 90% of the world's earthquakes and 80% of the world's largest earthquakes occur along the Ring of Fire.

It makes me wonder in fascination what is one mile below me,and on,and on. If I didn't have mental health issues,I could have be a scientist. I love science. BF:hug::hug::hug:
yeah... if not that ancient fault... then what... i even looked at the world plate map and there aren't separate plates on the eastern areas...

you would have made a great scientist, Steve :) :hug::hug:

~ waves ~

Mari 08-24-2011 10:20 PM


In contrast, east of the Rockies things are less straightforward, because it is rare for earthquakes to break the ground surface. In particular, east of the Rockies, most known faults and fault lines do not appear to have anything to do with modern earthquakes. We don't know why.”
That is pretty cool, Waves.Thanks for finding that for us.


Brokenfriend 08-25-2011 12:16 AM

This is early Thursday morning (1:09 AM)
We just had a strong aftershock. If I didn't know that it was a aftershock,I'd think that a plane crashed by the house.

Things started to shake,and I heard rolling sounds,and a rumble. It disappeared very fast. Very interesting.

The cat ran for cover. BF:hug::hug::hug:

bizi 08-25-2011 10:05 AM

I am happy that you have a cat for some company.
love our fur babies.

Brokenfriend 08-25-2011 12:34 PM

Hey Bizi
Me to. I love cat's,and dogs. They make good companions. BF:hug::hug::hug:

Mari 08-25-2011 12:41 PM

Dear Friend,You are doing great. Keep holding on.


BlueCarGal 08-25-2011 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Brokenfriend (Post 799155)
Me to. I love cat's,and dogs. They make good companions. BF:hug::hug::hug:

BF, my current 2 cats, Tigger & Bubbles, are on my profile in an album. Please introduce yourself. I talk with them about my friends here.
Haven't gotten to the dogs yet.

Guess I should be glad I'm not traveling this week. Take care. Thinking of you with prayers. :hug::hug::hug::grouphug:

Dmom3005 08-25-2011 02:41 PM


Think you just found a silver lining in your situation.


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