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curlydawg 08-31-2011 02:41 PM

What is wrong with these Pdoc?
These pdocs in SC are wimpy.

Yes, I was noncompliant and checked myself out of the hospital. Yes, my pdoc dumped me because of that. Now it appears that all of the pdocs around here are refusing to see me as soon as they see my records with Noncompliant stamped all over them (or however they indicate that).

Do they just want sane patients or what? Surely I'm not the only person in this fair state that's ever been noncompliant. Do I have to move to another state? Maybe change my name? Get a black market SSN? Have my fingerprints burned off? Get myself sent to prison?

It seems easier to just go mad!!!

waves 08-31-2011 02:44 PM

i'm sorry CurlyDawg!!!

that just seems so totally ridiculous. :(

all i can say is there has to be someone out there with half a heart... who will see you.

do you have a therapist (or can you get one)? maybe your therapist can get you into a new pdoc via personal referral.


~ waves ~

Dmom3005 08-31-2011 03:11 PM

The only suggestion I have is to Contact
Nami, they might have some suggestions.

They work with this kind of thing.


curlydawg 08-31-2011 03:55 PM

Thanks for the feedback Waves. And Dmom3005 I will contacct NAMI and see what they suggest.

I'm very stable right now and am fine just letting my mdoc administer the meds. I'm on 1200 mg of Lithium and 50 mg of seroquel. We have gotten the seroquel down from 200 mg twice a day (I think that's right) to 50 mg once a day. I plan on getting completely off of the seroquel and just let the lithium handle the rest.

But this whole deal about pdocs dropping you so easily and then you getting blacklisted just seems so petty to me. I know that there is a huge shortage of pdocs and they can pick and choose their patients...but give me a break. Would a mdoc drop you if you checked out of the hospital early? :eek: No, he'd probably just scold you.

bizi 08-31-2011 04:56 PM

just let your mdoc keep you on if they are willing.
sorry that you were black listed....not a good feeling.

bizi 08-31-2011 05:11 PM

when I was first diagnosed psychotic after a birth control shot triggered the episode.....I was let out after 3 days...I was good at looking normal...but then was not good when I came home and had to be readmitted for another 3 days....sigh.... hospitalizations are so hard on us...but a necessary demon when we need it.
I have had 2 other stays in the hospital since that time.
once when I went off medication......that was really bad..
and another time when I was put on prozac and left unsupervised to go famous 2 cars in 3 weeks story. bad pdoc....

shikantaza 08-31-2011 10:50 PM

Did you know that you have the right to do this medication free? There are other ways of doing this thing without the crap medication - i have been doing it for years now. For me, i ended up with tardive dyskenesia, tardive dystonia, pre-diabetes, and likely tardive dimensia - and i will tell you after that when you tell a psych that your not going to do the freakin meds they don't argue with you. i had no other choice.

maybe you higher power is giving you a direction to go in. As far as i see it, all the Bipolars are crazy with or without meds. You can do this thing medication free - just wish i had realized that before Risperdal. : (

What a tragedy.

curlydawg 09-12-2011 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by waves (Post 801073)
i'm sorry CurlyDawg!!!

that just seems so totally ridiculous. :(

all i can say is there has to be someone out there with half a heart... who will see you.

do you have a therapist (or can you get one)? maybe your therapist can get you into a new pdoc via personal referral.


~ waves ~

Well I found someone with half a heart. I see him the end of this month.

Mari 09-13-2011 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by curlydawg (Post 804715)
Well I found someone with half a heart. I see him the end of this month.


Congrats on finding a pdoc. Good luck at the appt. :Tip-Hat:


waves 09-13-2011 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by curlydawg (Post 804715)
Well I found someone with half a heart. I see him the end of this month.

This is great news! :) I hope he works out well for you! :hug::hug::hug:

~ waves ~

curlydawg 09-13-2011 12:57 PM

Thanks Bizi, Mari and Waves.

When my wife called his office she talked to the secretary. She told her the whole story about my "noncomplience" :)

The secretary said something to the effect, "we're here to help him, we'll work that part out". That was nice.

curlydawg 10-06-2011 08:07 AM

Well, I went to my new pdoc last week. He advised we do away with my Seroquel (25mg) and 300mg of the 1200mg of lithium. And He added trazodone (25mg). He talked to me for very close to an hour to get background stuff.

When I left the office his secretary gave me his card and said for me to call anytime I needed, calls are free :eek:

So, after the 3rd day of no sleep (I went up from Trazodone 25mg to 50mg) I called him. Meantime I had to go back to seroquel for sanity reasons. So, when I called him I got his machine but he called back 3 times until we hooked up. I was starting to freak out a little because lack of sleep is a major trigger point for me.

He said he knows nobody who gets insomnia from trazodone so he wanted me to go to 100mg. That worked like a charm. I've been sleeping like a baby and have NONE of the hangover effects that came with seroquel.

So, the insomnia wasn't from the trazodone, it was removing a great sleeping aide (seroquel) and replacing it with not enough trazodone.

bizi 10-06-2011 08:48 AM

this is great.
YOu have a new pdoc who is responsive to you and actually called you back several times. that is great!
and congratulations on finding something to let you sleep.
thanks for the update!

waves 10-06-2011 05:46 PM


i'm really glad you have found a pdoc who is looking after you and sounds like he is really on top of those meds too! It is really hard to find doctors like that... sounds like a keeper. :hug:

aside... ugh... i hated Seroquel sleep paralysis, other hallucinations/color distortion, daytime total brainlessness... ugh ugh UGH sorry you had some of the same and so glad he got you off that stuff!

~ waves ~ wishing you continued wellness....

curlydawg 10-07-2011 08:09 AM

Yes, he calls me back...until he gets me:D

Yes, I was definately glad to do away with the seroquel. From 200mg twice a day (I can barely remember those days :confused:) down to 25mg once a day and finally swapping it out completely to trazadone.

That stuff sure does make you sleep good, but has some hard-to-deal-with side effects.


waves 10-09-2011 08:15 PM

just checking in on you

how often are you supposed to see your pdoc?

how are you doing now?


~ waves ~

curlydawg 10-10-2011 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by waves (Post 813502)

how often are you supposed to see your pdoc?

how are you doing now?


~ waves ~


Right now I'm seeing the pdoc once a month. Hopefully I'll cut back to every 3 months for the lithium bloodwork.

I feel like I am doing very well mood-wise. I'm sleeping good too.

I have some problems with memory and some issues with fuzzyness (can't figure out how to describe that one). Some of the fuzzyness may be sinus issues. 10 years ago I totalled a motorcycle and it cracked my skull almost all the way around my head, and went through both sinuses.

Well, I've totalled 4 bikes so maybe that's most of my issues, memory too :D

bizi 10-10-2011 05:54 PM

curly dog, and you still ride one????:eek:
I think I would be staying far away from any bikes...after your experiences with them.

sorry about all of the trauma to your head....ouch that sounds painful!

curlydawg 10-11-2011 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by bizi (Post 813736)
and you still ride one????:eek:
I think I would be staying far away from any bikes...after your experiences with them.

sorry about all of the trauma to your head....ouch that sounds painful!

Yeah, Maybe I should sell the harley huh :eek: When I totalled the last one and got the insurance money I showed my wife a picture of the new one I was gonna get. She said, "Don't you think God is trying to tell you something", and I said, "Yes, this is not how I'm gonna die". :D Of course I was still on some serious pain meds and she wasn't:hug: I still wear the leather jacket that the paramedics cut off of me (I stitched it back together) and I figure it can save me again :o

But on a serious note Bizi, as dangerous as it can be, I love to ride...sometimes it is my sanity.

BlueCarGal 10-11-2011 09:06 AM

"But on a serious note Bizi, as dangerous as it can be, I love to ride...sometimes it is my sanity."

I get it, curlydawg, I really do. Coming from me, though, I'm not sure what that tells you;).

curlydawg 10-11-2011 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by BlueCarGal (Post 813872)
"But on a serious note Bizi, as dangerous as it can be, I love to ride...sometimes it is my sanity."

I get it, curlydawg, I really do. Coming from me, though, I'm not sure what that tells you;).

I'll pick ya up in a few hours:D

BlueCarGal 10-11-2011 10:05 AM

Hey! I'm old-fashioned!

Originally Posted by curlydawg (Post 813879)
I'll pick ya up in a few hours:D

Only with your wife's permish:).

curlydawg 10-11-2011 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by BlueCarGal (Post 813885)
Only with your wife's permish:).

Yeah, the wife will be with me, need a side car;)

Dmom3005 10-11-2011 04:21 PM

Sounds like a nice ride.

all te way to New Mexico.


waves 10-11-2011 06:04 PM

Dear Curly,

I'm sorry you had so many accidents... that all-around skull fracture sounded terrible... the memory issues and fuzziness could in fact be linked to that - did they dx a TBI?

Nonetheless, riding sounds like a real passion for you. Have you always been a Harley man or were you at some point into the high-revving, rip through the speed of light Japanese bikes (Ninja etc)?


Originally Posted by curlydawg (Post 813861)
When I totalled the last one and got the insurance money I showed my wife a picture of the new one I was gonna get. She said, "Don't you think God is trying to tell you something", and I said, "Yes, this is not how I'm gonna die:D".


I still wear the leather jacket that the paramedics cut off of me (I stitched it back together) and I figure it can save me again :o
I love how you stitched that jacket back together. sounds like it's a second skin to you, not just in terms of protection... but perhaps in a way it's like a part of you?

I've only ridden as a passenger before but i've loved every ride i must say. Anyway, just be careful.... you know... vaya con Dios. :hug:

~ waves ~

BlueCarGal 10-12-2011 12:46 AM

All right then!

Originally Posted by curlydawg (Post 813954)
Yeah, the wife will be with me, need a side car;)

Honk 3 times :D.
Sorry for the delay. Hard getting signals in & out of these canyons!

curlydawg 10-12-2011 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by waves (Post 814004)
Dear Curly,

I'm sorry you had so many accidents... that all-around skull fracture sounded terrible... the memory issues and fuzziness could in fact be linked to that - did they dx a TBI?

Yeah, that one was bad, I was soaked in blood from the waist up...and it was all from my ears. They said that was good though, cause my brain didn't swell. I ended up with a few stitches on my elbo and a few behind my ear. No broken bones...well, except for my headbone :rolleyes: So, it could have been much worse.

Honestly I'm not really sure what they dx'd. I've had some TBI symptoms over the years...what can they do now, 10 years later?

A year earlier I totaled another bike which was less tramatic on me and then 6months before the bad wreck I had 4 disks fused together in my neck. So when I woke up in the emergency room my neurosurgeon was standing over me looking worried. But she said all of her work held together well:D

My wife is my medical note keeper, she's really good at that cause she's interested. So I let her have it.


Originally Posted by waves (Post 814004)
Dear Curly,

Nonetheless, riding sounds like a real passion for you. Have you always been a Harley man or were you at some point into the high-revving, rip through the speed of light Japanese bikes (Ninja etc)?


Yes, I really do love to ride. When we go on vacations, or just wherever we go as a family I'm on the harley and they are in my wife's car. I've been riding since I was 14 (1969) but my first harley was in the early 90's. My 13 year old daughter used to want to ride all the time when she was little, but now that she's gotten old enough she's decided it's not cool. Either her mama has talked some sense into her or she don't want to mess her hair up

Even though I remind them that none of the wrecks were my fault...well they don't seem to care :mad:


Originally Posted by waves (Post 814004)
Dear Curly,

I love how you stitched that jacket back together. sounds like it's a second skin to you, not just in terms of protection... but perhaps in a way it's like a part of you?

Yeah, that thing was so cut up I thought pieces were missing. But during the recovery of the wreck I started stitching what I could back together and found it was complete. Then I got some similar leather to patch over a few nasty looking spots. The insurance company actually bought me a brand new one but I ended up getting rid of it and keeping this one. Yes, in a way it truly is a part of me.


Originally Posted by waves (Post 814004)
Dear Curly,

I've only ridden as a passenger before but i've loved every ride i must say. Anyway, just be careful.... you know... vaya con Dios. :hug:

~ waves ~

Thank you :winky:

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