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Alffe 12-16-2011 08:12 AM

What's on your plate...
Way too much!! Seeing the surgeon this op and pre-opt.
Enjoyed the company of my old friend yesterday although we had so many tree people in the yard, driveway, and on the much flying sawdust we thought it was snowing...and noisy!!! It's going to look very different out there in the spring.

Need to make dog food this afternoon and do some baking for sil's arrival on Sunday....:o Mustn't mix those two...also need to make more banananut bread...:wink:

Got a yummy box of cheese from sister in Wisc. last night..late last night..driver said he couldn't get in our driveway due to the tree people in the always gets my attention when people drive in to love those security lights!

What's on your plate???

FeelinGoofy 12-16-2011 09:43 AM

Getting ready to go to work... its pay day so this evening Rick and I will get a tree and tomorrow, since both my kiddos are home, we will decorate.... LOLOL. Rebecca let me know in no uncertain terms that i was NOT to decorate the tree without her this year LOLOL.... Finals were over for both kids yesterday and she had to be out of the dorms by 3:00 yesterday.... Scott decided to come home too for a long weekend.... i love having my kids home... :D

hippiechick 12-16-2011 09:34 PM

The last of the shopping is glad. What do you buy for someone who has everything he wants and doesn't want anything??? It's hard... It's for my father-in-law; I hope he likes it. He's the only one in the family who gets a present....and he rakes it in!!! It's so great to watch him! He's like a kid in a candy store! I say he doesn't 'want anything' because that's what he tells everyone....but he'd be crushed if we didn't all (35 of us) find something for him! LOL

Yesterday I went to visit the Convent I used to work in. I was really close to one of the 'younger' Sisters...she's probably late 70's now. We were so close; she's been to my home so many times, I'd take her out to eat and for ice cream, to swim, for drives, etc. and just spend time with her. Yesterday she didn't know me at all. Couldn't even remember me and looked right through me. She told me the same things over and over so many times about all of her brothers and sisters. Of course, I already knew it, because I know them. They didn't tell me that she'd been diagnosed with Alzheimer's earlier this fall. I just saw her in the summer and she didn't seem like this.

I didn't cry in front of her, but I was so totally shocked. I couldn't believe that she didn't remember me. She kept calling me "Sr. Hipchick".....and even told the Superior that I was "Sr. Hipchick" (she knows me, too, and played along)....I just sat in my car and cried for a long time because I never thought it would be her in a million years.

What an ugly beast this thing is. It really makes me angry; I was angry with my disease but Alzheimer's really stinks big time. And I wish that I still ran the Infirmary at the Convent so that I could be the one taking care of her. I know that they're impatient with the ones who get like that because so many of the 12 Sisters that I took care of had Alzheimer's and, oddly enough, I could relate to that. So what does that say about my brain??? Maybe I'm the one who has something wrong!

I guess I'm just a bit surprised by it all...saddened by it all. Maybe that will be my mission for next take her under my wing and spend as much time as I can with her.

Alffe 01-02-2012 06:08 AM

Will be a very busy very iffy. We are supposed to go into Chicago today on the South Shore, stay overnite at The Raphael, see sil for breakfast tomorrow and then head home tomorrow afternoon. (part of a lovely gift pkg from two of our girls) There is Lake Effect snow in our forecast...normally we would love an adventure but.......

Mr.Alffe begins his prep on Wednesday for his Thursday surgery..oldest daughter coming home for this...we all have to be able to get in and out of our driveway...:confused: 6 to 12 inches of drifting snow might be a bit of a problem. What to do, what to do!!

What he calls an adventure, I call being responsible. Will update later. :o:o

The "weather wimp" wins! We are staying home!!

hippiechick 01-02-2012 09:09 PM

I'm a 'weather wimp', too. I don't get out by myself in the snow anymore....only because hubby gave our son his truck, he drives my 4x4 and I have the sports car....well, that's great when the weather is nice....but not when it snows! So far it hasn't...yet! I know it's coming, though, and I dread being 'trapped' in the house....yikes!!

I hope that Mr. Alffee sails through whatever he's doing. We'll have to make him an 'honorary Mr. Alffe-chick'...*grin. That, alone, should get his spirits up!! Or maybe he should be a 'Mr. Alffe-dude'....whichever he'd rather be, I suppose!

A whole new year ahead of me....I'd thought I'd read 150 books last year and failed miserably...not really, I managed to read 106 and that's more than I read the year before, so that's improvement. And I just ordered 27 more and bought 2 today; oh, joy of joys!!! I'm one happy gal tonight.

My BFF and I are planning a trip to the Mall of America later this year....our maiden voyage alone! Yes, we're going to our old "hometown" of Hannibal, Mo. later this summer and having a pajama party on 7/3...we'll be in one motel and poor hubby will be in another, but we'll take him to town with us on 7/4 for the fireworks!!! I'm lucky that she loves him to death and he's a good sport, so he'll be right in the middle of us...oh, lucky man!!!

I think I have way too much fun than a person should be entitled to in this life! But I'm taking all that I can get and I'm not going to feel guilty for any of it this whole year!!! :) :)

barbo 01-02-2012 09:29 PM

Way to read!!

hippiechick 01-02-2012 11:32 PM

I'm going to have to change my 'reading hours' before long, I'm afraid. Right now I can read from 10 pm to 4 am and it's perfect....hubby's going to be home for almost a year on a that's going to cut my hours in half! We'll see...I still have great plans, though....I just checked on my order of books from's on the way....27.60 lbs. of books. Somehow that just sounds thrilling to me!!! But they'll be read so quickly!

Lara 01-23-2012 07:20 AM

27.60 lbs. of books sounds totally thrilling to me! :D

I've been a busy girl...

Been helping out my elderly neighbour. That's a really long story for another time. <sigh> Her family is sending her to a low-care facility and it's all happened within 2 weeks and it's really sad, sad, sad.

I've been in a cooking frenzy making tomato relish, mango chutney (although it was a new recipe and I'm not fond of it really), pickled cucumbers, banana/orange/lemon butter (curd), and about a dozen other things.

Pelting down rain here at present so I've been watching the grass grow before my very eyes and my herbs and hibiscus are blooming. Heat and rain... what a great mix. lol :rolleyes:

What's on your plate?

FeelinGoofy 01-23-2012 09:02 AM

father in law back in the hospital.... its been a very tiring weekend... :( BUT he is doing better and will hopefully come home in the next couple of days. crazy weather here.... it was 70 yesterday and very very windy.... the high today is only suppose to be in the low 40s today. LOL :hug: off to work i go.

Alffe 01-23-2012 02:04 PM

Finally got out of the house and met Barbo for lunch downtown. Had a yummy chicken wrap with spicy cheese. Walked a block back to the car and the wind tried to blow us away but we won.:rolleyes: Going to hit the couch now and explore some more of Australia. :heartthrob:

Addy 01-24-2012 11:24 AM

I have a busy grand-daughter on my plate... I'm a happy grandmother! She is with me for the whole week... which is bringing my son closer to me all the time... I am so blessed!

Lara, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend - you're going to miss her and I hope she'll be in a happy place. :hug:
And Goofy-sis, once again, another tough trial for your father-in-law... :hug:

Alffe 01-30-2012 03:10 PM

I'm going to try to lower my bad cholesterol from 105 to something under 100 so I don't have to take pills...dr gave me until July apt to do this. So I have Kale in a slow oven for 2 hrs.& 15 mins. It's supposed to be very good for you....not sure I ever had Kale before. :o

So enjoying seeing the sunshine today...lots of grey days in Indiana. We went to a movie this morning...there is a very inexpensive theater near us and if you go in the morning..seniors pay 4.00. Great price, fair movie...One For The Money. :rolleyes:

Trying to get interested in Dancing At The Rascal Fair...on page 63 and about to give it up. Poor Mr.Alffe, every time he falls asleep today someone calls and wakes him up.

What's on your plate?

Abbie 01-30-2012 08:25 PM

It's been a beautiful day here... sun was out, blue skys, temperature was 56F!!! I could get used to this kind of winter!!!!

I know I'm going to pay.... it will probably snow and the temperatures will probably hit the negatives sometime soon.

I took my mom to run a couple of errands for things my sis who lives up north needed but couldn't find there. We found them!!

Then we went to the grocery and I stubbed my foot walking in on an uneven part of the sidewalk and now my ankle is SWOLLEN... and I can't use ice on it... so I just have it propped up. My leg hurts all of the way up to my hip.

Oh well... that was my day... my plate is empty.
:hug:<----for all

Alffe 01-31-2012 06:09 AM

56!!! Abbie I am so jealous! It got to 42 yesterday and a lot of our snow melted but made it very slippery in places...hopefully today it will be even higher. Can you put a heating pad on your ankle? I can't remember if heat bothers you as much as cold does..:( I'm sorry. :hug:

We have been going to bed so early lately..supposedly to read and watch tv but fall asleep...fell asleep before 9 last night and didn't wake up until 5:30 a.m. I do believe that our bodies talk to us so we must need this. :rolleyes:

Ended up making that kale and LOVED it! A little salty so I'll ease up the next time. Barbo and I are meeting for lunch and that will be fun.

Hugs for the room. Hope everyone has some fun today. :grouphug:

Addy 01-31-2012 03:38 PM

Alffe...... I think I will go on that cholesterol challenge with you - I was told mine is high and don't remember the number - I see my doc for a check up this week so I will ask her the number. I need to get this under control once and for all....

Did you put butter on the kale?

Abbie - how is your ankle/leg today? :hug:

I'm in "rest" mode after having my granddaughter for so many days! That said, I've been very creative in moving my furniture around.... I've been here 2 years now and its time to really settle in (using what I have - being frugal).... and speaking of frugal - as some of you know who follow me on facebook - I've become a coupon nut - time consuming (I have the time)...
and I'm helping organize our 40 :eek:year Grad reunion so have had a lot of time reminiscing with friends.

How are things with you right now Lara?


Abbie 01-31-2012 09:09 PM

First...thank you for asking...:)
My ankle and foot are still quite swollen and very painful from ball of foot to hip!!

If it continues to get worse... I guess I will have to give in and call my doc.


Wren 01-31-2012 10:06 PM

Abbie - it sure sounds like you need to see a doc.

My plate? Today I baked two batches of macadamia, coconut, white chip cookies, a big apple cake and a big pineapple, banana, walnut, coconut cake.
The kitchen is still a sticky wreck.

Lara 01-31-2012 10:10 PM

Oh Abbie, that doesn't sound good at all. Give in and go see your doctor. :hug:

Addy, doing okie dokie. Thanks for asking. I'm in rest mode too. I wore myself out racing around in the pouring rain trying to keep all the stormwater drains clear of leaves so we didn't get water in the house and my flat. I always seem to get bitten by something or other so that doesn't help. At least it wasn't a snake. :wink:

It's all gone for the moment though and Mr Sun is blasting away again. Nice to be able to get the washing on the line and air out the house. Lots of leaks in this roof so I spend a lot of time cleaning off the mildew after heavy rain. Very difficult with my vertigo standing on a chair with my neck leaning backwards. LOL I need to pick the right moment.

If I owned the roof it'd be fixed years ago but neither of the two separate owners have been interested or give a darn, basically. The cost of a new roof is pretty large, so in a way I do understand. :)

Out of petrol, but pay day tmro so will buy some petrol so I can resume my surf checks and occasional fish and chips next to the water. Plus being the isolationist that I am, I need to force myself out into the world of traffic and tourists from time to time just to keep my nerve up.

Edited to add: just saw Wren has posted while I've been typing. YUM, sounds delicious, Wren.

Alffe 02-01-2012 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by Addy (Post 846939)
Alffe...... I think I will go on that cholesterol challenge with you - I was told mine is high and don't remember the number - I see my doc for a check up this week so I will ask her the number. I need to get this under control once and for all....

Did you put butter on the kale?

Abbie - how is your ankle/leg today? :hug:

I'm in "rest" mode after having my granddaughter for so many days! That said, I've been very creative in moving my furniture around.... I've been here 2 years now and its time to really settle in (using what I have - being frugal).... and speaking of frugal - as some of you know who follow me on facebook - I've become a coupon nut - time consuming (I have the time)...
and I'm helping organize our 40 :eek:year Grad reunion so have had a lot of time reminiscing with friends.

How are things with you right now Lara?


No Addy, the kale is like potato chips only good for you. Your grandaughter would love them I think...I sure do.
Take a bunch of kale and strip the leaves from the stems, wash and dry carefully. Then rub olive oil into both sides of the leaves. Put parchment paper on cookies sheets...lay leaves on paper and sprinkle with sea salt.
Bake in preheated oven on lowest temp (mine in 170) for 2 hrs. and 15 mins. Enjoy. :wink:

My daughter Bizi loves Kale, I'm not sure how she fixes it.

And she shared this gem on facebook...

Abbie 02-01-2012 06:40 PM

The swelling in my foot has gone down a bit so has the pain... I just feel bruised mostly on the bottom of my foot. My niece was here and told me the sole of my foot did look bruised to her.

I walk tenderly...

Alffe 02-02-2012 06:02 AM

Going to Chicago today and staying until Sunday. Have tickets for the opera Aida tomorrow and will try the matinee as last time I couldn't stay awake for the evening performance..can't remember which opera it was...:o

Cassie is going to get a much needed bath and haircut while she is at the kennel. Our snow is finally all gone although there is some predicted for Sunday. Weather is so don't supposed we ruined our climate do you? :rolleyes:

I'm not a big Super Bowl fan...but am enjoying all the hype in Indianapolis via my kids reports. Son in law working the half time show and is naturally excited about seeing to see the high wire in the street outside Lucas stadium and am told they've heated the streets so everyone can walk without worrying about snow.

I am not into professional sports...much prefer college football and basketball which brings to mind IU's loss last night...another on the road game. ~sigh

Hugs for the room...especially ginnie. Abbie I'm glad you're some better. :grouphug:

Addy 02-04-2012 12:35 PM

Woke up to beautiful sunshine and the anticipation that I will meet girlfriends for lunch down at the beach!

I'm not into all the Superbowl hype, either... it blows me away that so many people are caught up in it... but then, I kinda understand... as I get caught up in hockey sometimes :)

barbo 02-05-2012 01:06 PM

Unexpected ER trip
5 spent the evening in the ER having a brain scan and all of my fluids checked. I was staggering all over my apt. and my head was spinning so that I expectd to faint. Turns out I have acute vertigo, They gave me tqo pills and told me to check in with my doctor bit to come back if zI got worse, Never a dull minite.

Lara 02-05-2012 02:39 PM

How are you feeling today, barbo?

I'm sorry to hear about your scare. I have dealt with residual vertigo on an almost daily basis for years after a concussion. Hopefully the doctors can get to the bottom of it fast in your case. Feel better fast. :hug:

Lara 02-05-2012 02:46 PM

Here's a recipe for Alffe from Kitty who posted it in the Social Chat Food Court - Kale
Kale and White Bean Soup

barbo 02-05-2012 03:52 PM

They gave me lorazepam and meclizine - are you familiarwith those?

Lara 02-05-2012 04:09 PM

Yes. Haven't taken either but could probably do with some lorazepam on a daily basis. lol

Did they check your ears, barb? Not got an ear infection have you?

barbo 02-05-2012 05:21 PM

Yes they checked my ears but I goofed. I told the woman who took me for the brain scan that i would like to be weighed (since I am still dieting and haven't been weighed in months) She said to mention it to the nurse who took me out because there is a scale right where you leave - I FORGOT!!

Lara 02-05-2012 06:11 PM

Not sure what you mean, Barb.
You mean you goofed because you didn't get weighed?

Why do you need to be weighed so badly... have you lost a lot of weight recently? Did they check your blood pressure?

How are you actually feeling today? R U OK???

barbo 02-05-2012 07:04 PM

Yes I'm anxious to be weighed. I've gone down 2 jean sizes since 9-11. but haven't been weighed. I am still dealing with the spatial stuff - don't know where my boundaries are when I move. I fall into and out of chairs. When I lay down my head spins like I'm passing out. It's lots of fun. I have an appointment with a different doctor for another problem. Alffe is taking me thank heaven.

barbo 02-05-2012 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Lara (Post 848636)
Not sure what you mean, Barb.
You mean you goofed because you didn't get weighed?

Why do you need to be weighed so badly... have you lost a lot of weight recently? Did they check your blood pressure?

How are you actually feeling today? R U OK???

My blood pressure was high.

Lara 02-05-2012 07:51 PM

I'm sorry. It's such a dreadful feeling, I know.

Perhaps it's related to your blood pressure being so high. Although if you were really anxious having that scan and being at the hospital, that may account for that a little.

Call an ambulance if you feel worse today/tonight [or whatever time it is there right now] and there's no-one around to get you back to the hospital if you need it. Try to relax, as hard as it might be. BREATHE

Addy 02-06-2012 05:29 PM

Barbo: :hug: Thank goodness you have Alffeee there!
And all of us here! :grouphug:

Doody 02-07-2012 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by barbo (Post 848646)
Yes I'm anxious to be weighed. I've gone down 2 jean sizes since 9-11. but haven't been weighed. I am still dealing with the spatial stuff - don't know where my boundaries are when I move. I fall into and out of chairs. When I lay down my head spins like I'm passing out. It's lots of fun. I have an appointment with a different doctor for another problem. Alffe is taking me thank heaven.

Gosh, I'm so sorry Barb!!!! :hug: Dizziness is the pits. I have meclizine on hand for when I get dizzy which isn't that often. My dad sure does though. He frequently goes in for physical therapy for his inner ear. Have they checked your ears thoroughly??? It's something about crystals in the ear needing to be shifted. This link talks about just that. Hugs.

Lara 02-16-2012 05:58 AM

Well, my dear old neighbour moved a week ago to her nursing home. I phoned her yesterday and she sounded a little flat but just like her she kept making positive comments after the negative ones. I feel for her. Miss her.

Have made friends with my new little grocery store. These things aren't easy for me. He's getting me a few kilos of second grade locally grown figs tomorrow. They will still be good quality, just not perfect. Like most of us people I guess. Second grade makes them sound a bit off. They're not. ;) I'm going to make fig and apple relish. I'm usually the tomato girl around here, but have been branching out, so-to-speak. Last lot was a mango relish (different from my usual mango chutney). I could probably make some sort of income from doing these things, but tend to just give them to my friends and neighbours and enjoy myself of course.

I'm so disappointed I won't get to see the Queen Mary2 pass by here. She came down at 2am this morning and has left again after spending a day In Brisbane at some horrid area of the port because she was too big to get under the bridge. lol Oh well. I guess if you pay that sort of price for a trip on the largest ship in the world you shouldn't really worry too much about the wheat from the silo falling upon your outfit as you disembark in a city without a deepwater harbour. :eek: Will be coming by here after 10.30pm and I won't be going out in the wind and the dark to watch. Wish I could.

Sunny day here tomorrow apparently. Clipped my hedge a few days back and have been out in the garden for a short time morning and late afternoon. Still too hot for much else for me.

Alffe 02-16-2012 08:41 AM

Lara that brought back memories of you looking at the Queen Mary when our friend was on board...nice to feel that connection over the miles. Am yearning to be out in my yard...triming bushes. And it's so like you to stay in touch with your neighbor. :hug:

Cloudy, rain and fog this morning but most of the snow has melted. Looking forward to seeing our daughter and her family Sat...a quick overnite visit...I think she wants to take a look at her parents and get a "feel" for where we are in all this. :o We are so blesssed with three wonderful daughters...wish our Michael was still here..he's missed so much.

I am so confused about my diet these days...they contradict each other...and the scale is going up instead of down.

Looking forward to lunch with Barbo tomorrow..maybe an olive burger in my future...not on either of my diets!

Addy 02-17-2012 09:41 PM

Hi everyone. So nice to keep up with each other this way!

Barbo, I hope you're feeling better and more like yourself? (((hugs))) Lucky that you get to see your sister so much! I can't wait for my sister's visit next month - a whole lot of sitting around in our pj's, I think! (Lara, wish u could join us!!... well, actually, wish all of my friends here would join in!)

Alffee... are things ok, health wise with you and the Mr.? Your mentioning the girls coming makes me wonder if I've missed something?! And yes, I'm sure its absolutely wonderful having those girls.... and forever sad missing Michael! ((hugs))

Lara, I understand how healthy it is to share with others... your friends are so lucky to reap the benefits of knowing you!

Ok... me - I'm working a TON these days. Thank goodness... as I've needed the $ (don't we all?!). Grand-Addy was over for 2 nights and days - she is 3 1/2 now. I am filled with adoration ... we have so much fun together.

And now its Friday night... I think I'll watch "Shark Tank" and "The Gift" (as Lara scratches her head in wonder... lol... and I'm too lazy to explain). :rolleyes:

Lara 02-24-2012 03:05 AM

Scary weather system overhead. I don't like that when it's through the dark of night. I may sleep in my lounge room tonight. I have a wonderful couch with a pull out bed if I need it. I wasn't so scared until I watched the news. Funny how that goes! :o

Lara 02-24-2012 06:15 AM

Can one of the 7 people viewing SOS please just say "hello" or something? Pretty Please? Freaking scary weather here and will probably have to log off in the next 20 mins.

Gotta power down. I heard from Koala so that was a blessing indeed.

g'nite world. ugh

Alffe 02-24-2012 06:37 AM

Oh just got on here dear Lara...hope you are still around and safe. Sometimes I'd like to put my foot through the tv...between hollaring about the election and our strange changing climate it's hardly entertaining.

Hugs...and more hugs. :grouphug:

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