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Justice 04-09-2007 06:19 AM

COPD-Fear of the unknown.....................
I was just diagnosed with COPD in January,2007(this year),evidently I've had it for about 9 years without knowing about it.My Doctor just assumed I already knew,until I asked him to test me for it.That's when he realized,I had no idea! So he told me.The bad part is I'm a heavy smoker,and have been the entire time,and now I'm under so much stress with so many different things going wrong in my life at the same time,that my battle with quiting smoking is failing!I've read articles about COPD,and they just scare the **** out of me,but I have so much fear of the unknown,that isn't written in these articles! Is there anyone else here suffering from the same illness,that knows more about it,than the articles tell you!Such as,possible life expectancy without treatment,stuff like that?:confused:

jms okla 04-09-2007 04:37 PM

I don't have copd but have known people who do. The below link actually says it all. I don't know what stage you are in, but if you didn't even know you had it perhaps it is in the early stages.

If you have lots of stress I am sure that your doctor could help you with a program to quit smoking. It is hard to quit and you mail fail many times before you suceed. Good Luck

Justice 05-08-2007 07:37 AM

THANKS! I've been researching it a lot!
Thanks for the link.I've been researching it a lot,and I've learned much more about it,which honestly scares the hell out of me,but I'm trying to make the best of it.It's not easy,it's painful,and I'm already in a more advanced stage because of not knowing about it,and being left untreated with smoking for up to 9-10 years.I got the nicotine patch,and have tried 3 times to quit smoking,but each time I fail,I get back up after a little while,and try again! From what I've learned about it,the only thing that is going to help it slow down from becoming much worse is to stop smoking! But unfortunetely there is so much irreversible damage already done,that I can't do anything about.But I can do something about adding much more,and I'm really trying,it's just so hard,and it's very frightening for someone my age to know that I have a terminall illness like that,and will never get that energetic person that I was just 2 years ago.And I also am a singer,and it's affected my ability to give my singing my all,because of the decreased lung power,which is probably what hurts the most.Singing is one of my passions in life,and to see it going down the drain little by little,is very hard for me.It was a very good coping skill when I was stressed out,I would go to the recording studio,and just sing my stress away,when I'm stressed!:(

Justice 05-11-2007 05:29 AM

I'm So Sick, I Can't Sleep!
I'm so sick right now,I've been up since 2 am,my fevers are getting so bad,I don't know how much more of this I can take.The inhalers aren't doing the job.I was spitting up blood this morning when I woke up.I have the fan on me,and next to nothing on,and I'm still burning up.I'm so nauseated,but I can't puke,cause I already took my medication.How much worse does this COPD get,does anyone know? I don't feel good at all,I might have to lay on the floor for a minute.

Justice 05-11-2007 05:57 AM

Sorry,i'm Back......................

Originally Posted by Justice (Post 98024)
I'm so sick right now,I've been up since 2 am,my fevers are getting so bad,I don't know how much more of this I can take.The inhalers aren't doing the job.I was spitting up blood this morning when I woke up.I have the fan on me,and next to nothing on,and I'm still burning up.I'm so nauseated,but I can't puke,cause I already took my medication.How much worse does this COPD get,does anyone know? I don't feel good at all,I might have to lay on the floor for a minute.

Sorry,that dizzy spell just came on so sudden,I could'nt finish my post.But God I hate that floor when I haven't done the vacuuming yet.But I have an Ice Pack on my head now,so hopefully that will help.2 days ago,I collapsed on the floor in my bedroom,I didn't pass out,my legs just gave out on me,and I went down.I was really upset by that,because I've been working really hard to keep my legs strong,by going on walks,stretching them out,using Little Nico as a Barbell,as if I was at a Gym,and lifting him up and down with my legs,he loves it,by the way! lol....
I swore I would not go another year without being able to walk again! And then losing the strength like that after all that hard,painful work I went through,it was like a slap in the face. So now when I feel the weakness,or dizzy spells,I get on the floor willingly.I had both my front teeth knocked out,by passing out in the bathroom,and my face hitting the counter on the way down,it broke my nose too,but I didn't care about the nose.It's the teeth,I can never smile normal again.I just wish I knew back when I started smoking daily at 18,that 6 years later I'd have COPD from it!
When I read about the illness,it seemed weird that only 6-7 years of smoking daily would have given me COPD in my early to mid 20's! There had to have been other contributing factors.I don't get it!:o

Aussie99 05-11-2007 04:57 PM

Not trying to sound funny here,but are you sure what you are feeling right now is the COPD?

It sound a bit like a flu virus or something. Also you said you are in pain from the COPD, what is it you feel exactly?

How was it diagnosed,and what symptoms did you have prior?

What does the doctor say?

Wiix 05-11-2007 05:48 PM

Justice. It sounds like you are going through the exact same thing I went through that started last September. It lasted for 5 months. It was Horrible. I too am a long time smoker and I HAD to quit the 2nd month I was sick. I just couldn't smoke. When I did the coughing and choking were debilitating. I had no problem quitting when the motivation was there to stop. I had never had such a lung infection as this one was. It was diagnosed as Legionaire's Disease and it took 3 courses of antibiotics to get it to go away. The Magic one was Clindamycin. Once I started taking it I felt a dramatic improvement on about the 3rd or 4th day. But the total time I was sick was a little over 5 months. I thought in the 2nd month I wasn't going to live through it and my voicebox, larynx, is damaged from all the violent coughing. I have problems now and use a store brand inhaler which I used throughout the illness. Doc did give me a couple of albuterol inhalers during the worst of it but wouldn't give me any refills so I do the best I can with these now.

If you'd like to talk about this in detail you can PM me. I usually come in here at least a few times a day.

dianne duncan 05-11-2007 06:30 PM

Hi justice
I am sorry to hear you are not feeling the best at the moment,my mother has copd and she has had it for around 25 years she is in the bad stages but she copes, what you discribe does not sound like what she has got,it sounds like you have got an infection and need to be on antbiotics plus inhalers to help,she get I might be wrong hear but l would go and get a second opinion here as it doesn't sound right.
hope you are feeling better soon.

Wiix 05-11-2007 08:23 PM

I can't imagine having it after only smoking 6 years. That just doesn't sound right J. I know if I don't drink enough water and my allergies act up I cough up alot of stuff and sometimes it gets stuck and I start wheezing. But once I cough it up I'm ok. I seem to be allergic to alot of things. Maybe you don't have COPD. I was told I have it and emphysema. But I tend not to believe alot of what doctors say. I have been misdiagnosed before in the past and know other people who have been too.

Justice 05-12-2007 08:32 AM

How I was Diagnosed and My Dr.s Opinion!.........

Originally Posted by Aussie99 (Post 98291)
Not trying to sound funny here,but are you sure what you are feeling right now is the COPD?

It sound a bit like a flu virus or something. Also you said you are in pain from the COPD, what is it you feel exactly?

How was it diagnosed,and what symptoms did you have prior?

What does the doctor say?

I was having a hard time breathing while laying down,and have for awhile,years,and a lot of chest pain,and coughing w/sputum,sometimes with blood in it.I have Asthma,and was diagnosed with Chronic Bronchitis in my mid twenties.So,I asked my Dr. to test me for COPD,and he just said I have it,and that he already knew,and he thought that I had already known as well. Then I started getting weaker and weaker with one thing after another,and have had pneumonia now for 3-4 months.I had the chicken pox again,throughout the month of February,when I just had it through January of 2006! Now I've had a chronic fever for about 3 months,a low grade,sometimes it spikes and gets pretty high,103 at the highest so far,and I have been having passing out episodes.3 of them in the last month,the first one,I don't remember hitting the ground,and I didn't come to for almost 5 hours.The second time was the same,I didn't remember hitting the ground,but I was only out for 2 hours,then the third was last week,and I was only out for 20 minutes,but I felt that one coming.So,I made it to the bed,just in time,but my legs were still dangling off the side,cause I didn't get there in time to put my legs up.I spike a fever whenever I do any type of physical activity,and the dizzy spells just come when i'm least expecting them.
Now when I went to the doctor last,it was the day after I passed out last,and I was running a fever of 100.4,and he said he was sure it was just my medication,my thorazine,which my second opinion said he's full of ****! He said he can't explain the passing out,so that's the medicine to! Once again,full of ****! They did a heart study,and it didn't show a heart condition,so he did not put me back on anti-biotics,he said just to deal with the fevers,and referred me to my shrink about my medicine! My second opinion said I need to get in to see a Pulmonologist ASAP! I have an infection somewhere,and I'm not getting enough oxygen.But with my insurance I need a referral from my doctor,and he won't give me one,because he is convinced it's my meds.So I'm getting a different doctor at a different building,that is right next to the hospital! I also heard a rumor that lately a few of his patients,my age,and even younger, have died.I'm only 33!:eek:
I believe I have the COPD,but there is something else going on right now with my body as well that is making me feel much sicker.I read that you can get COPD from having a lot of childhood respiratory infections also,and I did a lot,and left untreated,cause my Mom didn't want to pay the medical bills!:mad:

Justice 05-16-2007 07:25 AM

I don't think anyone understands!
I feel like I'm dying,and I don't think anone gets it.Like right now,my chest hurts so bad,and I don't even get it.My Dr. wants to blame it on something it's not because he doesn't get it.I've been told that he's burnt out,and had a few patients my age,and some a little younger die lately,because he didn't get it,and gave up,just like he did me!:eek: It takes time to get a new Doctor,and all the records transferred.In the meantime,I'm getting worse by the day! My chest just started hurting out of nowhere,and I just spiked a fever again,just like 5-10 minutes ago! But since the ER won't treat me,there's nothing I can do! They did a heart study,but my Dr. said that the arrythmia was normal for people to have,and that the fact that my heart takes extra beats here and there,is normal to! I asked my friend if he was telling the truth,and she vouched for him on that,because I don't trust him! But I am miserable here,if you notice the time on my posts,I now can only sleep in the day,and I am up all night! Because of the fevers! I just don't have anyone to talk to about how I feel when my Doctor friend is getting ready to move in 3 weeks to a different state! I get to spend a few hours with her tomorrow,and I can't wait!:hug:

Wiix 05-16-2007 10:30 AM

J, you NEED to calm down. Your getting yourself ALL worked up over there.

Let's just TRY to figure this out, ok?

You say you have a fever, well, maybe you DO. If that's the case then you have caught something. Are you drinking plenty of OJ? Eating oranges?? Lots of Water?? Eating fruit?? Can you sit in the sun at all??
Direct sunlight is so healing.

I had an infected fingertip once, went to the doc about it. She said "Oh, put neoSporin on it and keep it covered." I did what she said it it wasn't getting any better, for MONTHS!! OK< so I figured out HER advice wasn't working. So I sat in an open window since this was in the winter, with the glass up and just the screen so the sunlight could get directly on it. Within a week the infection cleared up. The UV rays of the sun kill bacteria. I KNOW this yet I listened to the Doc. She was telling me just the Opposite of what I had to do.

OK, your chest is bothering you? Well, if you are anxious that can be the cause and you certainly do sound anxious. Can you take a long, hot shower and do some stretches in there?? Take your time, spread your arms back and let the hot water hit right on your chest, it will help to relax the tense muscles. When you get out, put some nice music on that is Calm and soothing. Not HeadBanging hard rock, that will NOT be beneficial. Lay on the floor in the sun if you can NAKED and try to slow your breathing down. But take long, deep breaths and exhale slowly. Stay down for a while and just relax, go to your HAPPY PLACE, you know, the BEACH.

TRY TO CALM DOWN AND RELAX, WILL YA??? ;) :wink: :winky: :hug:

Chemar 05-16-2007 06:07 PM


sure hoping you managed to get some rest and are feeling better

Let us know how you are ok

Justice 05-17-2007 05:06 AM

I Wish I could do those things........................
I'm allergic to direct sunlight,I'll break out in a rash,the COPD makes it to where I can't breath very well lying down,and the heat from the shower will spike my fever even higher,I just take baths,and even those spike my fever! But I was sick yesterday pretty bad,I tried to walk,and was found on the side of the road after 4 blocks throwing up,and brought home,and helped back inside,just to spend another 2-3 hours in the bathroom!:(

Wiix 05-17-2007 11:34 AM

Oh man. :o Well, Cool yourself down then. I once broke out in a rash from the sun but it was from some antibiotic I was taking at the time. Are you drinking lots of ICE Water?? If you are dehydrated that can make you sick to your stomach. Your fever seems to be raising hell with you. :hug: You should be resting then.

When I had Legionaire's Disease last Winter I had the same symptoms you are describing. I threw up alot too and had the big "D". And stomach cramps and fever and chest congestion and overall aches and pains. It was just horrible.

You should go read about it. I may have a link saved, hold on a minute............

Wiix 05-17-2007 11:40 AM

OK, here is one link I Know I have read before:

But there is another one that gives Symptoms. I'll look for that one now. :winky:

Wiix 05-17-2007 11:42 AM

OK, here is that one:

Aussie99 05-17-2007 09:33 PM

Hi Justice
This doesn't sound like COPD. This sounds like allergies,something autoimmune going on, even infectious. Can you go see a partner of his, maybe a female GP? here in Australia we have GP centres. That is 6-10 doctors practicing in the same building. Your records will be there. You need some treatments and some help.

Maybe if you go to a hospital, and tell them that you are having trouble breathing, and so forth. They have to take that seriously, and maybe even admit you?

I just don't feel that your GP is giving you proper care,and that's a bit stressful. You are not going to die,so stop thinking like that. There is no actual proof that you even have COPD, only his opinion??

Please relax,and seek some help fast, and not by this jerk.

Also just to add, my husband is an ex smoker and he was hospitalised with pneumonia, one of his lungs collapsed with fluid. This was in 2005. His GP at the time told us that he had a mild upper respitory infection and gave him 3 rounds of antibiotics, all which did nothing. I saw him spitting blood in bathroom basin, and forced him to go to hosptal where I demanded he be admitted, he wasn't breathing, he was dizzy with fever and lastly horrific cough with blood. I refused to take him home. He was admitted, and he had to saty for 10 days because after they finally did their testing as they should have had in the first place,he was in very bad shape. The GP almost killed him, as he refused to beleive that he needed hopital care. But once again I'd like to emphasise that the hospital kept him for 10 days!! His oxygen saturation was incredibly low.

Wiix 05-17-2007 10:32 PM

I have the feeling J that you are obsessed with the idea that you have COPD. You are blaming all your current problems on that. But if you ARE 34, I have serious doubts that you have it. If you do then I would be very surprized.

From what I understand COPD is usually a condition found in much older people who have smoked for a very, long time. But then again, like I said in another thread, Why is Everything suddenly a disease? Just being dehydrated can cause the secretions in your lungs to get very thick and make you cough when they do make their way up. Many times I get sort of congested and start wheezing myself but if I TRY to drink a lot of water that day then usually I can cough it up in one session and everything is clear for quite a while after that.

But too J, you MAY very well have SOME form of Pneumonia. People get it and are walking around miserable for a very, long time AND, I don't want to scare you now but did you know that more people die from pneumonia each year than from diabetes? I think that some form of pneumonia will probably kill me. I am not too good at handling any sort of lung infection. I DID nearly die last November. I had to go to ER 4 times for breathing treatments which helped a little. I think if I had got any worse or stayed sick much longer it would have killed me for sure.

Most doctors don't test for Legionaire's. I SPECIFICALLY DEMANDED IT. I even brought a friend with me who is a Nurse Practioner to explain to the doctor my concerns. I felt it gave my suspicion MORE credibility and it worked. Like I said before, I felt a dramatic improvement in my condition on about the 3rd or 4th day into taking Clindamycin. and I had been sick almost 4 months by then. I did give me terrible diarrhea but it was worth it getting rid of that nasty bacteria. I HOPE you read the links I posted about the symptoms, it was the 2nd one I posted.


Originally Posted by Wiix (Post 100934)

Justice 05-18-2007 07:49 AM

I wouldn't call it obsessed,I would call it scared ******** of the idea that I have it,but I only am so worried because my Doctor is telling me all these things,like I'm never gonna get better,I'm gonna have to deal with frequent Pneumonia cases,breathing difficulties,might end up on oxygen.I mean how would that effect any 33 year old! If he wouldn't have told me I had that,I would just be afraid wondering what is wrong with me.But yesterday,I was with my Doctor friend for like 3 hours,and one of my pain attacks hit me,where I spike a fever,and she saw it,and saw my face go from white to red,then back to white again,that fast,and where I couldn't breath,while the pain was still there,she thinks it's my gallbladder,because thats where the sharp pain hit me,and it's been going on like that for a few months,and my doctor has been ignoring it.So she is gonna have a chat with him about it,and tell him what she saw,and hope he listens! Plus she'll be on call at the hospital Mon,and Tuesday,so you never know,if he doesn't listen,she may even straight admit me,and test me herself.She really cares about me.:hug: I just wish my doctor still did!:(
Ya know,I appreciate your support on all this so much,I just wanted you to know that,cause I'm like a scared little kid right now,wanting to go hide behind my Dad when a stranger walks in the room,you know!:hug:

Wiix 05-18-2007 09:02 AM

J, PLEASE try to calm down. :hug: You seem to be in Panic Mode.

I am only saying these things to you becasue I have been where your at myself. We can work ourselves up into a lather and Freak Out over things, I understand that, especially when you think there IS something terribly wrong with you and no one will believe you.

Anxiety can REALLY do a number on us. :o

Just think about how many complexities there are in the human body. If we are negative we worry and fret over how many things can go wrong. If we are Positive and optimistic we marvel at the wonder of it all and try to take care of ourselves. I spend so much time TRYING to do what will be good for my body. Exercise, eat healthy, get outside in the sun, take a good Multi-Vitamin, TRY not to dwell on bad things going on around me, rest and relax when I need to, take a walk just to clear my head sometimes.

You sound like you are lost in a world of turmoil and negativity. You NEED to calm down. Is there ANY chance at all you can do something NEW? Something you have never done before? Something you've always wanted to TRY or do but never got the chance? If you ADD something NEW to your life, something POSITIVE AND UPLIFTING you MIGHT start to feel better. If all your days and nights you are worrying about your health and what MIGHT happen 20 or 30 years from now then you are really wasting time you COULD be spending doing something you enjoy.

Is there some nice park somewhere close where you could go? Take a sandwich and maybe some fruit and something to drink. Bring a blanket and go have a picnic with your puppy. Get outside in the sun. Enjoy the birds singing. Look at the sky. ;)

You may need to think about what I'm saying for a while until it sinks in. But the more negativity AROUND you the worse you feel.

I find that hanging around doctors all the time just keeps a person upset and worried about their health. Doctors are in the business of making people believe they are sick. That's how they earn their money.

Try to relax, Please. :hug:

Justice 05-18-2007 09:40 AM

Oh,no worries,I'm not panicing right now.I'm actually pretty calm right now for a change.I'm actually feeling a little better today,I think part of my panicing problem is cabin fever from not being able to get out and have fun hardly ever.My friend I went out with,yeah she's a Doctor but she's different than most doctors,she's cool,and when you see her in her normal clothes,you would'nt even guess that she's a Doctor.We had so much fun,she took me on a small shopping spree at Wally-World (Wal-mart),we call it wally-world,because when we go together we just have the most fun,and laugh our asses off the whole time,and goof off in there! I wasn't expecting the pain attack to hit while we were there,but I didn't let it ruin our fun! And she got the cutest little tank top for my puppy! It's so cute on him,I'll switch my avatar to the photo I took of him wearing it! lol.................;) [/COLOR]

Wiix 05-18-2007 01:03 PM

Well that's certainly good to hear. I really hate to hear of people who let their emotions and fears take over their lives. And if you let it, it will.

I know there are times when I start to feel a bit scared and start to worry and obsess over the future. I have 30 years on you J so I think I understand how you feel. For 7 years, during my second marriage I was agoraphobic. I forced myself to go out once a week to go food shopping but no where else. No fun, no movies, no dancing, no beach, no church, no socializing, no family gatherings, NO NOTHING!! It took me a long time to get better and during that time I too obsessed about my health. Panic attacks were almost daily. Until I got SO sick of it I decided to TRY to venture out a little at a time. When I would start to feel something coming on I would retreat and go back home. But over time I would go a little futher and stay there a little longer. It took me a few years to get over it. But by then I had burned a lot of bridges. People thought I was anti social or I didn't like them, then the gossip started and many people who were once in my life were no longer there. I never told anyone what really was wrong.

What goes on in your head can affect your body. Even now when I get in a bad way in my head I have to force myself to DO SOMETHING. Anything that will get me off my bad and disturbing thoughts. Usually a long, hot shower, getting dressed, going out for a while, someplace that I enjoy, usually the lake or I look for rummage sales or I go to a thrift store and just look around. Usually I find some little thing that will brighten my day and lift my spirits a bit.

Funny thing about our minds J. They can only have One Thought at a time. If that thought is distressing it can make you upset and sick physically. So go do something else to get yourself out of it. If you do this enough it becomes second nature and you'll feel better more often. :winky: :hug:

Justice 05-20-2007 05:59 AM

Yeah,staying inside so much can really effect you,it does me,big time! Before I got this sick,I had a daily routine where I would go for a walk in the morning,and it was a specific walk,I mean the area I walked to,and then back around to my apartment.But during this walk,I could get my bills paid,pick up my prescriptions,grab a cappucino,maybe rent a couple movies,and back! And I was burning off weight at the same time,and getting the fresh morning air! It was just part of my day.:)
Then I got sick,and still tried to go for my walk,and slowly I wasn't physically able to do it anymore,and it just killed me mentally. Still to this day,If I get really upset,I'll try to do my walk to clear my head,and it will make me really sick,and sometimes I barely make it home.I've passed out before when I got in the door,almost before I got in.But it hasn't stopped me from trying again in the future.Even though I've failed each attempt and gotten sicker each time I tried,I still try again,because I have hope that one day I will make it!;)

One time I took Nico just 4-5 blocks for his first time long walk in the snow,and he loves the snow,and just as I was standing on a patch of ICE,he yanked so hard on that leash to get to a tree he saw,I went down,like a ton of bricks!lol.......but he ran to my rescue,and started licking my hands and everything,but as I layed there for 10 minutes not able to move.He still stayed right by my side.I finally got up,and barely made it home in excrutiating pain.But he still layed next to me in bed,and just comforted me.
Then I found out once I got checked out medically,I had fractured the vertabra(3) between my shoulder blades,and hurt my knee,and ended up in a knee brace,with a Hematoma right below my kneecap,and to the right.Plus I had a goosebump on my head,and I didn't even remember hitting my head.
But my Little Prince was there for me more than anybody.I couldn't be mad at him,he didn't know I was on Ice,he didn't even know what ice was.And he just had to pee on that tree! lol..........But he did end up not being able to go outside for a few days because of my injuries,but after like 3 day's I had the neighbor kid take him out,so he wouldn't feel like he was in trouble.But I still tried to walk again,before my injuries were even healed! lol..I'm very stubborn,when it comes to staying in bed.My definition of bedrest,is letting the bed get some rest,without being disturbed! LOL.....:rolleyes:

Wiix 05-20-2007 08:06 AM

Gee Whiz J. Maybe you NEED to find a Walking Buddy.

Watch out your window and see if you ever see another person just walking by FREQUENTLY. Not just anyone who is walking by. You MAY have to make this a QUEST for a while. OR just sit outside. Do you have a lawn chair? Just go sit out there, in the sun everyday for a while. Maybe there IS someone you don't even know yet who talks walks around where you live that you could strike up a conversation with. Don't just YELL "Hey, you want to walk with me?" You'll scare them off. Take it slow and don't chatter so much. Let THEM get a word in. :winky: :hug:

Justice 05-21-2007 04:27 AM

Tons of people my age,well mostly a little younger walk by my place,but thier BYU students!!(mormons)Plus they walk really fast,I think it's called speed walking.Thier all Mormons,I'm surrounded!:eek: The people in my apartment building that know me,don't walk anywhere,thier lazy! If they had to go somewhere that was 2-3 blocks from here,they'ld drive there! Seriously! Smiths(the grocery store,where we all get our prescriptions from) they even drive there to get a prescription filled,and it's only 4 blocks!
In fact I have to go there today,try to walk again,and hope I make it this time.Last time remember what happened,I was found sick in the bathroom,and some lady drove me home! I have to pick up a prescription! It's my mustle relaxant,so it's not something that can wait! wish me luck!:rolleyes:

Wiix 05-21-2007 12:28 PM

Well, I got into that "Mode" for a while. Running everywhere, falling down, smashing and breaking toes, scrapes, bruises all over me. I had to "SLOW DOWN"!!. I know you have a racing mind but if you don't slow your body down you hurt yourself. Doing everything fast, as fast as you're thinking, will get you no where. Slow it down J. Your breathing. TRY to focus on One thing at a Time and not the 20 things that need doing. I am doing this right now. Slowing down my thinking to ONE thing at a time. Sometimes I have to make a real effort to do this. I am focusing right now on going swimming. I will be leaving shortly and I am going to walk slower, take my time, I have 4 hours I can swim, there is no need to rush. Slow it down J. :winky: :hug:

Justice 05-22-2007 09:02 AM

Yeah,I see what you mean!lol....I ended up in the ER yesterday,instead of Smiths!lol.....It was that damn pain in my side.And the puking thing! I was there all day,it took them 4-5 tries to get my blood drawn,it sucked.I told them,just hit the neck,and save me the torture,and they just laughed!lol...I have to have a HIDA scan tomorrow on my Gallbladder,that's where they're aiming at,it looks like my friend may have been right! But I didn't get home from the ER until almost 6 PM,and I usually go to bad at noon or 1 PM,so I was exhausted! But tomorrows the day,and I'll soon find out,and I'm scared to,even though I want to get to the bottom of what's wrong so bad.I'm still scared about it.But I'm trying to rest,and stay calm.Taking your advice!....I think I'll take a hot bath tonight,to help me relax!Thanks for always being here!:hug:

Aussie99 05-27-2007 03:59 AM

It sounds as if
the pain spells that you have may be soleely related to gallbladder issues? They seemt o hit you and then you have side pain. Maybe you don't have any pain from COPD. I beleive that shortness of breath can be a symptom of a number of illnesses unrelated to lungs.

Also the mormons thing is too funny. I tell you, you gave me a real good laugh! i would also consider taking up a mormon walking buddy despite the (mormonism), as a walking buddy is the primary thing you may be needing.

Justice 05-27-2007 10:48 AM

I actually scare most Mormons,because I'm like the KKK to mormons,whenever I see someone do something stupid,or like run a stop sign,or stop when there isn't one,and they just assume it's a four way stop,I forget that the people next to me are Mormons,and I just blurt out,those stupid ****ing mormons! Next thing I know,the people that were next to me,are gone!:D Since I'm from San Diego,I'm not used to being around them so much,so usually when I react like that,I hear others laugh,or actually agree with me.I think I'm just allergic to them,and that if I get away from Utah,I'll get better! The BEACH shall set you free!:D

Aussie99 06-05-2007 10:07 PM

Hi Justice
How have you been going? How were the results of your tests?
Are you a student?

rashelle 06-05-2007 11:34 PM

Hi Justice, I have a son that's 30. We found out about six months ago, he has Crohn's Disease. The Dr. said he's had it for about five years. We thought he was a healthy 30 year old. It is so bad he my need to have part of his large intestant removed. The Dr. said, he needs to quite smoking. He has smoked for twelve years. The Dr. gave him a proscription called, Chantix. He said instead of putting nicotine in his system it goes to the part of the brain where he has cravings and ,stops them. He said there has been a lot of success. My son took it for just over two weeks and said the craving had been stopped for several days. Maybe you could give it a try. Good luck

Doody 06-06-2007 08:18 AM

Just read this whole thread and wondering myself how it is going.

I had my gallbladder removed a couple of years ago and it was 100% packed with stones. My symptoms were varied, but sure didn't include spitting up blood so that obviously still needs to be addressed.

The symptoms can vary with gallstones, but mine felt like I was having heart attacks. When it got to the point that my chest hurt pretty much every day for about 5 days, I went to the hospital and they admitted me. Thankfully, my GP told them to include an ultrasound of my guts in addition to all of the heart tests.

The ultrasound turned up the packed gallbladder. The doc said that women often present with chest pain like a heart attack which is not the most common side effect. I did have other symptoms like diarrhea, upset stomach and who knows what else in the years preceding that! Gallstones don't form overnight.

So Justice, did you have the ultrasound? Are you getting someone to address your fevers and coughing up of blood?

Justice 06-07-2007 09:56 AM

I'm not a student,I'm a hostage! lol.........Just to answer the first question.
The HIDA scan came back normal,so it's not my gallbladder.I saw the Dr. yesterday,and my temperature was 101.9,he asked when the last time I passed out was,and I told him it was a day or 2 after he told me the HIDA scan was normal,but this time I felt it coming on,and explained the syptoms I felt right before I passed out,he figured it out.He said that I'm having severe Anxiety attacks that are causing me to pass out,that my mind can't handle the excess stress,other then what I'm having already at home,so when I get stress from some where else,my brain just shuts down,and I pass out.He said the symptoms I described were exactly the symptoms that are a severe type of attack,and that I need to have my valium dose increased,or they could get worse.But the fever is still a mystery,so he prescribed me anti-biotics,and he thinks I have IBS.I asked about Chrohns,he said no,there would be more blood,than I've been spitting up and having in my runs.And I mentioned ulcerative colitis,and he said the same thing,more blood would be coming out,not the smaller amount that I've had.The spitting up blood he thinks is just my esophagus being irritated from the vomiting.I had half of it removed in 1993,and the rest is stretched together and stapled together ,so whenever I vomit it gets irritated where the staples are,and can cause some bleeding.If I vomit too much,it could rip a staple,but I would hemmorage and die within minutes if that happened,so that's not it! Or I would'nt be here to type this!lol... But it was my fever that got him to actually sit and listen to me,and realize that he needs to figure this out! because he looked at my chart and realized that for the past 5 months about,everytime I've come in,I've had a fever,so he can't keep coming up with excuses,he really needed to hear me out this time!
So,he thinks it's IBS,with the COPD,causing the respiratory infections,and the passing out due to severe anxiety! Fevers still unsolved!
What do you guys think,do you think he may be getting somewhere finally?:grouphug:

Aussie99 06-07-2007 08:29 PM

I at one stage was having severe anxiety and
I could have easily passed out. It finally abated on it's own, but anxiety can be instinctual. You are unwell, you know you are unwell, you have not received relief or treatment, you pass out.

The esophagal bleeding can very well be the old problems you had with esophagas. I don't know your medical history, but I know bulemia can cause blood in vomit, due to constant irritation from vomiting.

Your fever can be a number of things,and antibiotics is a reasonable step. You may feel alot better soon with the antibiotics. You may have an infection, unresolved bacteria. Just keep an eye on it.

Relax as much as you can. there is definately something acute going on that needs to be resolved first. Then the COPD can be adressed, if that is even correct. From reading thread, there does not appear to be enough medical testing done to confirm diagnosis. What testing was done? Who diagnosed you?

Justice 06-08-2007 11:36 AM

The Diagnoses story......
With the COPD diagnosis on January 11th,2007,I went to my Dr.,and asked him to test me for it,and without any tests at all,he just said to me that I do have it,and that I have for many years,ever since he diagnosed me with Chronic Bronchitis when I was about 23-24 yrs.old,now I'm 1 month away from being 34 yrs.old.So he basically told me I've had it for about 10 years but he's never treated me for it,he just gave me the inhalers I needed for my Asthma,he said that Asthma,and Chronic bronchitis is the same thing as COPD,that chronic bronchitis is a stage of COPD,and that the next stage is Emphesema,and that if I don't quit smoking I might just get it,and it will kill me! But he said he thought I already knew I had it! I asked him why he never told me over all these years,he just said he never really thought about it,he just assumed I knew.:Doh:
So he never ran any tests,even when I was diagnosed with chronic bronchitis,it was a chest x-ray that was done to diagnose that,and the fact that it would'nt go away,even with anti-biotics,I only get pneumonia,never just bronchitis.I get pneumonia about 3-4 times a year!:confused:

Aussie99 06-14-2007 04:05 PM

That doesn't mean you have COPD.
Many people have chronic bronchitis. It's probably not even as chronic as you think. My kid has chronic coughing,bronchitis,asthma, and I assure you there is no COPD.

Those symptoms are more common than you think,especially in people with asthma. I think you need to get yourself properly evaluated by a pulmonologist in relation to all this. I also think you should not smoke anymore, and stay away from 2nd hand smoke too.

I don't beleive this doctor has evaluated you nor tested you in order to hand down this diagnosis. And worst off he was irresponsible because he is not treating you or managing your care. Why would he assume you have this illness and not speak to you about it? Very responsible of him!!:mad:

Please go see a specialist.

Justice 06-15-2007 12:45 PM

That's what my best friend told me,before she moved to Colorado. She was a Doctor in the same clinic as mine,but since we were friends they wouldn't let her be my Doctor. But while my Dr. was out of town for a month, they did assign her to me,so she got to look over my chart,and medical history. She told me to question the COPD, but in so many words that couldn't get her in trouble,that's when I asked him to test me for it,and he just said he already knew I had it! So,before she quit and moved just recently, she told me to get to a pulmonologist also! At my appt with my Dr. in May I noticed he changed some things in my chart,and now it say's I have a diagnoses of COPD,when it didn't say that before,it just said chronic bronchitis. He dummied up the chart.After that appt when I questioned him.:Doh:
2 days ago, my Psychiatrist questioned me about my MedDoc diagnosing me with my fevers being unexplained,he asked if he tested me for any of the auto immune disorders,or lupus,or ran any tests other than just blood tests,and he didn't! He just did bloodwork! When my PsychDoc knows the fevers have been going on for about 5 months! Now he's suspicous of him now to!:Scratch-Head:
My MedDoc used to be the best Dr. I'd ever had,and he was so attentive.He ran tests all the time to make sure he had the right diagnoses,and got me the right medicine to take care of it. He was such a caring and great Doc,he even spent time asking how things were in life other than just my body,he was a friend to! I found out his marriage failed and it affected his work,and he just got burnt out,and now he just doesn't pay much attention to anything,he's not the same. It's hurts to see him like that,when I know there is a good man inside of him,and a good Dr.,it's just going to waste.:Dunno:
But I will get him to refer me to a pulmonologist, if he has nothing to hide,he won't have a problem with it. If he won't refer me, my PsychDoc might be able to! I'll have to check. With my insurance, all specialists need referrals from my primary care order for my insurance to cover the visit!:Noooo:

I'm going to be pretty ****** off if he lied to me, just to save time,and keep him from having to order extra tests, and do extra paperwork. Just to find out he was just trying to give me an excuse for why I'm so sick, because he didn't want to spend the time finding out the real reason! His Malpractice insurance will go up so high, he'll be forced to quit!:mf_argue:

He already lost (they died) a few patients in the last few months, that were right around my age 33-35 yrs.old because of his not paying attention, so he's already in constant battles with his boss over ****! :Bang-Head: And his attorneys!

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