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Alffe 03-04-2013 09:47 AM

What's on your plate?
Still trying to get used to this tablet.Reading is not the problem. The locals are all complaining about the cold here in Florida..great walking weather and sunny!!! Today we are taking the water taxie down the intercoastal waterway.
Of course we miss Cassie.

pooh_ac 03-04-2013 10:48 AM

Busy week
Dr appt today, work insurgery or on floor until next Monday:eek::eek:.

FeelinGoofy 03-04-2013 05:02 PM

choir practice tonight :) its a warm balmy 69 degrees here. :rolleyes: but a cold front is suppose to blow through tomorrow. of course:rolleyes:

still trying to come to grips with my feelings of self worth. (which are nil) LOL oh well..... hope everybody is doing well. its good to see Koala back home. sure was worried about her. {{{HUGS}}}}

Abbie 03-04-2013 06:57 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hiding from the snow they are calling for... 5 to 8 inches... probably get 1 to 3. Our weather man is a dork...he wants a blizzard!!!!!

Dreading Friday.... That's Ashley's Birthday she'd be 23. Not sure how it's going to hit me or how I'm going to handle it. Maybe grab a Monster Drink and go share it with Ash. That was her favorite drink. I've got a chair and a sleeping bag in my car... I can bundle up and stay a while if I choose. GOD I MISS HER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Tears are pouring down my face and a lump in my throat as I type this) Maybe I'll send her a purple balloon....or a few. (Depends on the weather.) I just wish I could smile....but with the circumstances....I can't...We were robbed.

The photo is Ash & her older sister Jen (But more like twins) They were ALWAYS together!!!!

To everyone in a better place... ENJOY and HAVE FUN!!!!
Love ya bunches,

Alffe 03-05-2013 08:28 AM

great picture Abbie, thanks for sharing. And I wanted to leave you a hug.:hug:

Abbie 03-06-2013 03:29 PM

We received about 6 inches of snow... it's the HEAVY water full stuff!!!!

I had to get up early to take my niece to work good thing I set my alarm early.... It took me over an hour to dig my car out!!!!! (I was MAD when I got there... both her Mom and StepDad were home....why couldn't one of them have taken her...their cars were already cleaned off.)

Thank you Mom & Dad....they are going to pick her up from work and take her home....

I think it's nap time....
Hugs and Love to all!!!!

Wren 03-08-2013 02:39 PM

What's on my plate? ..........
Success!! I replaced the batteries in all my upstairs smoke detectors.... I did it right all by myself!! I didn't have to try and try - then ask for help.
Now I can try the very different ones in the basement. :o

Mark56 03-12-2013 12:56 AM

Plate.... hmmm
Been gone
drove 23 hours through blizzard which choked Texas
to participate in the bar exam
was supposed to fly, but that was grounded
thus, drive.... a test of will
driving in a blizzard
we went so as not to lose the seat for so many months
and we were frightened out of our wits
having grown up in snow
played in snow
worked in snow
enjoyed its blanketing beauty
had a very close and personal lesson
in the fury of the blizzard
and it will eat a vehicle and its occupants....
won't do that again.

So, how about a piece from my plate about fear?

Fear Not
Mark56 20130310

Oh Lord, You draw me through the FEAR
the captive breath held tight, so dear
You show me life if utter joy
that fear is loss, frustration’s ploy
in You, in Love, all fear is lost
fire purifies, all fears just dross
the warehouse full of fearful chaff
which flame of faith consumes in draft
of consuming flicker, licked all clean
then fears all gone, heart for God now see
as Father, God, You leap in Love
and reach for me from HERE and ABOVE.

One thing my wife and I experienced up close and personal was dread fear.
Not going there again.... if we can help it.

yup :grouphug: for the room

FeelinGoofy 03-12-2013 01:58 AM

been there done that. i remember one winter we were driving home from Albuquerque at Christmas time. I-40 was a solid sheet of ice..... we finally got to Amarillo in a blizzard and found a hotel to park our weary bodies at. i totally understand that kind of fear. :hug:

jaded2nite 03-12-2013 10:24 AM

My plate is so full it is busting!!!

Just how thin can person spread herself? LOL!!

Getting organized for a big trip to Connecticut!! not a BIG deal normally, But, I am taking Mom 76 WIth ALZ...and a 5 year old that has never flown! LOL

Wish me LUCK!!!! LoL I think I have really lost my mind this time!!!

Abbie 03-12-2013 03:09 PM

Have a lumbar spinal block on Thursday, next Wednesday some more testing, and then the following Wednesday some more testing. I'm not too worried...simple stuff...just stuff I can only prepare for so much.

Mark56 03-12-2013 06:45 PM

Hiya Abbie
Be takin care of that spine. One to a customer, you know. I been so there and done so THAT, and knowing this, I hope and pray all of your injection stuff and testing things go well, very well indeed!!

Hugs, for you :hug: and this room of full plates :grouphug:

FeelinGoofy 03-13-2013 09:18 AM

Off to work. Thank you to those of you who have sent me PMs, messages on facebook and emails.... you guys have no idea how much it means to me to know you care. {{{{HUGS}}}}

Abbie 03-13-2013 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Mark56 (Post 965281)
Be takin care of that spine. One to a customer, you know. I been so there and done so THAT, and knowing this, I hope and pray all of your injection stuff and testing things go well, very well indeed!!

Hugs, for you :hug: and this room of full plates :grouphug:

This is the 6th or 7th....Maybe 8th. All I know is the last one lasted approximately 45 minutes and the rebound was the worst pain!!! That was about 9 years ago. My new pain doc asked if I would give him a chance, I agreed....though silently relunctant.

I really don't think there is much to ease this RSD pain....but we'll see.

Well, i'm off to bed. I drew the early appointment slot.

Hugs to all and sweet dreams!

Alffe 03-14-2013 04:37 PM

Sending prayers that this one works dear Abbie. :hug:

Mark56 03-14-2013 04:39 PM

Ditto Ditto Ditto

Originally Posted by Alffe (Post 965930)
Sending prayers that this one works dear Abbie. :hug:


Abbie 03-14-2013 11:45 PM

Two shots.... one on each side of the spine.

Did nothing for the pain in my legs but my back is killing me and I have one heck of a headache!!!!!

My rules when I left the doc was to go home go to bed put a heating pad on and not move too much. Mom finally found the heating pad after helped a little but I think it was too late. It hurts to sit and walk!!!

Well I'm off to bed....gonna try the heating pad again....hope I don't fall asleep with it on.

Big HUGS and LOVE to ALL!!!

Alffe 03-15-2013 05:45 AM

I am thanking you for the love and the hugs...not the Dr apt news. Knowing that your RSD is the result of a senseless act of another makes it harder for me to get my head around it. I remain in awe of people like you, Mark and so many others who live daily with terrible pain and yet continue to reach to support others....such a lesson for us all.. :hug: :hug:

Alffe 03-19-2013 08:00 AM

I really need to bundle up and go outside and fill the bird feeders, scrubb the bird bath and refill it. Still hoping the blue birds will discover the meal worms..nasty looking things.(the worms, not the bluebirds.) Cold strong wind and light snow here. Then plan on making sour dough bread, bean soup, and lying on my butt in the bay window with a book.

So thankful to have a library branch about a mile down the road...if we had sidewalks out here I'd walk to nice weather that is. :rolleyes: Tried yesterday to duplicate the pie on a stick that I fell in love with in Florida...failed. lol

Mark I read about your frightening, dangerous drive in glad you and your wife came through it safely. Abbie I am sending prayers about your test...sure you'll do fine.

Made the national news, not in a good way, when an airplane crashed in a home about five miles from us...two killed, one in the hospital..3 damaged homes, one demolished.

Hugs for the room....what's on your plate? :grouphug:

FeelinGoofy 03-19-2013 11:21 AM

We made that same national news as that plane left out of Oklahoma and one of the people killed was an ex quarterback from the university of oklahoma :(

Both kiddos are home for spring break. totally loving it. Rebecca and i are going to get her passport today then go shopping.
I dont remember if i told you guys or not, she is going to study abroad the second semester of her junior year. going to Italy. what a great opportunity for her.


Mark56 03-19-2013 02:57 PM

Want to avoid making news....
Gonna leave on a jetplane tomorrow for New York for biz.... may it remain aloft safely. Be home EARLY Saturday a.m.

Prayerz for families affected by the aircrash news Alffe and Goofy.

Just gotta find some posties.....maybe I will see some in air terminal so I can do the sharing and get on task.

Hugz for the room.

Abbie 03-19-2013 03:19 PM

Thank you Alffe for the prayers... tests start @ 1 pm tomorrow and I am already a bundle of nerves... getting ready to pull out my Algebra for dummies book one last time.

I'm so glad that you are safe from the airplane wreck!! Have been sending prayers for those involved. are probably already in flight. Sending prayers for a safe trip!

To all....gentle hugs and warm wishes.
Much love to all!!

Alffe 03-20-2013 08:22 AM

Sending positive thoughts your way Abbie and Mark, safe travels.

We are looking forward to our daughter coming on to the store to get the makings for a s s soup. *grin Happy spring...high today is 25. ~sigh

pooh_ac 03-20-2013 12:50 PM

My task is to be a bum! Have the day off and so far have managed to get one load of dishes washed in the dishwasher and so far about 3 loads of laundry. Other than that BUM!

Abbie 03-20-2013 08:13 PM

Tests done!!!!
Passed with flying colors....I think?
Reading Comprehension----99%

Not bad considering how long i've been out of school !!!!!!!!
Let's just say it's been a looooooong time!!!!!!!

Thank you for the positive thoughts!

Alffe 03-21-2013 04:58 AM

wonderful news to wake up to Abbie....I am so impressed!! Math has always been my downfall. You are off on a new path and it's exciting!!:hug:

Alffe 03-21-2013 05:01 AM


Originally Posted by pooh_ac (Post 967769)
My task is to be a bum! Have the day off and so far have managed to get one load of dishes washed in the dishwasher and so far about 3 loads of laundry. Other than that BUM!

poo I hope you didn't work all day on your "day off". :grouphug:

pooh_ac 03-21-2013 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by Abbie (Post 967884)
Tests done!!!!
Passed with flying colors....I think?
Reading Comprehension----99%

Not bad considering how long i've been out of school !!!!!!!!
Let's just say it's been a looooooong time!!!!!!!

Thank you for the positive thoughts!

Knew you could do it!:heartthrob:


DMACK 03-21-2013 04:43 PM

whats on my plate??????????????????

being transfred to a new company 1/4/2013
possible redundancy in new company 30/4/2013

[budget cuts in UK are savage]

diagnosed Aknolysing Spondeilitis [rapid on set] shoulder knee elbow on left side [last six months a nightmare]



Abbie 03-21-2013 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Alffe (Post 967972)
wonderful news to wake up to Abbie....I am so impressed!! Math has always been my downfall. You are off on a new path and it's exciting!!:hug:

It's quite frightening right now. Most of my classes will be online as they don't offer my degree at our campus yet. Plus with my agoraphobia, I can't handle being in a room with more than one or two people.


Abbie 03-21-2013 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by DMACK (Post 968129)
whats on my plate??????????????????

being transfred to a new company 1/4/2013
possible redundancy in new company 30/4/2013

[budget cuts in UK are savage]

diagnosed Aknolysing Spondeilitis [rapid on set] shoulder knee elbow on left side [last six months a nightmare]



So nice to see you! You've been missed!

Sorry to hear the job market is so shaky and scary right now. I have a friend going through the same thing. He's the #2 person doing the same job where maybe only one is needed. He's afraid he's going to be let go.

I'm sorry your in pain!! I understand pain though yours is different. Is there anything they can or are doing to help you?

Life testing you to the limits....lets you know you are alive. That's what I keep learning.

Gentle hugs,

Abbie 03-22-2013 08:37 PM

My friend called me today.....he was let go from his job.

He already has a lead on a job that pays nearly $10 more per hour than the job he just left. The guy that is doing the hiring is a friend of his....they worked together once before.

Another thing on my plate is.....I was able to talk to an old lost friend today. I made many mistakes that ended our friendship and I admitted this to her. We ended our conversation with both of us wanting to rebuild or begin anew. She was in a hurry, she had told me where she was heading....she ended the conversation asking me to stay in touch. HOW DO I STAY IN TOUCH WITHOUT BEING PUSHY??????:confused:


barbo 03-23-2013 06:22 PM

Just tell her the truth.

Wren 03-26-2013 06:34 PM

uuuugggggg .... I can't reach my denti$t. Really bad problem$. A dear, kind, caring denti$t I'd never seen before took me in yesterday. He $aid I had major problem$ that needed attention a$ $oon a$ po$$ible. He pre$cribed Lorcet Plu$ for pain and Amoxil for infection.
I $till can't find my usual denti$t - that' I've been u$ing $ince 1993.

FeelinGoofy 03-26-2013 08:42 PM

ugh tooth pain is one of the worse.... i'm so sorry Wren. {{{HUGS}}}}

Alffe 03-27-2013 07:30 AM

Awful to say nothing of expensive! So sorry dear friend. Hugs

FeelinGoofy 03-28-2013 08:40 AM

There are days i just do not want to go to work and this is one of them.... gotta tell the residents one of their peers passed away last night. and this is going to be a tough one.... :Sigh:

Alffe 03-28-2013 06:25 PM

I hope this is behind you now....You love your job so much, guess I never thought about this side of it. It had to have been so hard. :( :hug:

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