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jake8105 03-05-2013 03:17 PM

Neurothapy or no?
I'll try to make a long story short.
Symtoms starting June 2012: Tingling, strange crawling sensations, burning in feet, sometimes sensitive skin or exxagerated sensitivity, tightness in calves, tightness on the top of my head(it hasn't happened lately), pins and needles in the heels of my feet
Starting February 2013: All of the above, now having muschle spasms, electrical zaps/shocks, aching/sore ankles and feet, sometimes sore pains shooting through my muscles(both arms and legs)
The pins and needles in my heels is usually just when I wake up in the morning but are gone shortly after.

Neurologist says no neurothapy, based on everyting I've read on here I'm not going to go by what she said. I have had an MRI which came back normal, countless blood test which where "normal", but on my next day off I'm going to to get a copy of all these and check all the numbers for myself.

Reasons that could have given me neurothopy, that I can think of would be from alcohol abuse, lyme diseas, or "anxiety" as my neurologist said. I hope she's right as she said that my condition is reversible, but now I'm left to figure the rest out for myself. I'm not going to take the chance on her being wrong and my conditions become drasticly worse and then me be wishing that I would have kept investigating. I guess my questions are have any of you or do you know anyone who has had these symptoms from anxiety and fully recovered from it? Or, do I need to continue to go to different doctors and continue to look for an answer for these symptoms? Does anyone have any other ideas as to what these symptoms sound like?
I will post my blood tests and numbers when I get them within the next few days.

mrsD 03-05-2013 04:02 PM

Anxiety will alter the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood, and
if you hyperventilate while anxious there can be all sorts of
odd sensations. Usually they are around the mouth. But top of the head is a prime spot for doctors to make this diagnosis.
Really severe hyperventilation will affect everywhere. Not just some locations.

If you know you are anxious there are two supplements you can try. One of them, also recommended for sensory neuropathies. Doctor's Best makes a good one. You can start there. 2 capsules twice a day and see what happens. This was recommended in Dr. Blaylock MDs newsletter and if you search
"theanine" here you will find posts about it.

Secondly you can start with magnesium soaks with epsom salts, at night before bed in the bathtub (6oz to a tub of lukewarm water for 20minutes to a 1/2 hr or more). This will relax your muscles and take the tightness away. Some will also be absorbed and help you sleep. If this works, then you can take a supplement like SlowMag twice a day.

Another anti-anxiety OTC product is PharmaGaba. This form is more easily absorbed and gets into the brain and works like a mini-Valium, without the addiction or sleepiness.
There are a few PharmaGabas out there, but they are very
This one is not and works for me:

Subjectively your anxiety should be less with either or both
theanine and pharmaGaba.

The magnesium is really important to nerves however and muscles, so start with that as soon as you can. Many of us on PN here use magnesium daily, in one form or other. Avoid the oxide form, as it doesn't get absorbed.

Here is my magnesium thread...

If you don't have results for B12 and Vit D...then you need to
get those measured. That is the first thing for people with nerve symptoms and pain.

Think back to when this started. Were you ill? virus? food poisoning, or did you take antibiotics for something?
Were you exposed to chemicals, toxins, insecticides, garden chemicals? Do you have well water? If so get it tested for arsenic.

Look at your diet. Do you eat MSG in processed and restaurant foods? MSG is very hard on some people, and in many things, soups, flavored chips like Doritos, sausages, sauces. Check food labels to find it. monosodium glutamate.
Some people become gluten intolerant and neuropathy symptoms can come just from eating wheat, barley and rye.
You may have to alter you diet, to see improvements.
Sugar, and white flour also are stimulants to nerve symptoms, especially in people with impaired glucose tolerance (this is not diabetes, yet, but a beginning to it).

Those are your first steps. Let us know your test results, please.

jake8105 03-05-2013 06:30 PM

***My vitamin D level was low when they tested, but B12 was "normal", I will post exact numbers as soon as I can get over to the hospital to pick the records up. When these symptoms first started there were a few things that i can remember. 1. I had an absessed tooth. It took them a few months to find it they where saying "nothing was wrong" so they kept perscribing me amoxi-clav(I think this is how you spell it this has been almost a year ago), my diet was awful it was a binge drink on weekends, drink 5 cokes a day, and go to mcdonalds all the time diet. I HAVE cut out ALL alcohol and most cokes. I rarely get fast food I usually take a can of tuna and crackers with me for lunch now. I eat raw meat such as seafood and steak( I don't know if this would contain anything), and this is about all I can think of. I'm pretty sure no one in my family has had this, unless someone that lives out of state does and I'm not aware of it. This is about all I can think of, I don't think I was ever around any toxins.

jake8105 03-07-2013 08:20 PM

Lab Results
The following tests were taken on 10/18/12

MG= 1.9
FOLATE= >19.9
VITB12= 444
HIV QUAL******
PROT,S= 6.7
ALB,SER= 4.2
A1 GLOB,S= .2
A2 GLOB,S= .7
BGLOB,S= 1.0
GLOB,S= 2.5
A/GRAT= 1.7
PLS NOTE= Comment
LEADBLD= None Detected
MERTCBLD= None Detected
MMA= 111

If I need to provide any more information I will do so. I have an appointment scheduled for March 20th with a new primary care physician. I have been to a neurologist that said negative, and MRI has been negative, and these are my lab results( excluding a low vitamin D that was done at another doctors office last June, it was checked again later and was "normal") what are my next steps, what direction should I go from here? I'm willing to go to any type of doctor/specialist, and take any test necessary. I do have medical insurance so none of this should be a problem.

mrsD 03-08-2013 04:56 AM

Does your lab report give the ranges for that lab with the results?

This can be important, because of lab procedures and calibration.

If you are in US 444 for B12 is just barely normal. The lowest normal now is considered to be 400pg/ml.

Your MMA level seems odd.
From the net:
The reference range of MMA is 0-0.4 µmol/L (0-4.7 µg/dL).

Elevated MMA indicates that B12 is not working in the body, so the MMA builds up. One wants to see a very low number for MMA, therefore.

This link gives arsenic ranges:

So your arsenic level needs explanation.

Your magnesium is in the low end of normal.
This is common in the US where 70% of Americans show
some low magnesium levels.
So eating more foods that contain it, and avoiding diuretics like alcohol and caffeine, and diuretic drugs, may help that.
You can take a supplement like SlowMag twice a day. Or soak in epsom salt baths.

Your folate is elevated:
This is common when there are B12 problems.

You may not be methylating B12 and folic acid properly.

So you can start taking methylcobalamin and methylfolate OTC and see if that helps. Most doctors will not suggest anything with your test result. they are not aware of the new guidelines.

Folic acid is in fortified foods now in the US. If you cannot methylate (activate to folate) either, then it will build up in the serum. This failure is a genetic error and pretty common. Left untreated it can lead to cardiovascular damage and disease.

There is a DNA test for MTHFR genetic polymorphism if you care to delve more deeply into it.

Do the magnesium because it is really helpful for most people.
Here is my magnesium thread.

Methylcobalamin: 5mg daily orally on an empty stomach. Do for 3 months, and evaluate results. Your levels should be over 1000.

Methylfolate: Metafolin by Solgar, 800mcg a day to start.

Both of these are available online, example:

jake8105 03-08-2013 06:36 PM

Revised lab results with ranges
Test Range Units
Esrman=1 0-15 mm/hr
CRPHS= 3.9H 0-3.0 mg/L
MG= 1.9 1.8-2.4 mg/dL
FOLATE= >19.9 >3.0->3.0 ng/mL
VITB12= 444 211-946 pg/mL
HIVINDEX= <1.00 <1.00
HIV QUAL******
PROT,S= 6.7 6.0-8.5 g/dL
ALB,SER= 4.2 3.2-5.6 g/dL
A1 GLOB,S= .2 0.1-0.4 g/dL
A2 GLOB,S= .7 0.4-1.2 g/dL
BGLOB,S= 1.0 0.6-1.3 g/dL
GGLOB,S .7 0.5-1.6 g/dL
GLOB,S= 2.5 2.0-4.5 g/dL
A/GRAT= 1.7 0.7-2.0
PLS NOTE= Comment
ARSENIC= 5 2-23 ug/L
LEADBLD= None Detected 0-19 ug/dL
MERTCBLD= None Detected 0.0-14.9 ug/L
MMA= 111 73-376 nmo1/L

mrsD, I went to wal mart today and got some Slowmag, I'm looking into the Pharmagaba( I went to an herbal store in town and it was outrageous so I'm going to do some online shopping). As for my vitamin b level, I would like to bring it up would you recommend b-complex or just regular b-12 for that? As far as all the other tests go I am going to take your advice and get the other products online as well. I plan to take all this information to my doctor and hopefully he will comply with the steps I want to take, if not I guess I'll go doctor shopping again. Is there any other lab work I should request? I'm going to write down the levels suggested on some of the links on this forum and go every 3 months to make sure I'm maintaining levels that I want, and hopefully from cutting the caffeine, alcohol, and stress and maintaining a healthy diet (cutting fast food) I can get back to my normal self again. And this is probably an obvious question but I'm still new to this, if my conditions are from alcohol, poor nutrition, and anxiety, if i fix all these things will my "neuropathy" revere, or is this an irreversible cause?
And is there a suggested book or website that will give me a complete 100% guide of a great healthy diet, not for weight loss, just all around good health?

mrsD 03-08-2013 06:52 PM

Alot is unknown about PN. This why you are HERE, and why your doctor is not helping you.

Your lab range for B12 is the outdated old one, where lows are
in the 200 range and called "normal". This is unacceptable.

We have tons of information gathered here on the Subforum and on the B12 thread and some at the vitamin forum.

To start you need to up your B12 to a level at least of 1000.
Use Methylcobalamin 5mg orally on an empty stomach, for about 3 months and get retested.

Start the magnesium, and with both of those see how things go.

Avoid sugar, MSG, and gluten if possible. There are over 100 types of PN, and you have to approach this carefully and with thought.

You could have a hereditary CMT. At this point you just don't know. Try to relax, do meditation exercises, and keep your brain off your discomforts. If you focus on them they will burn a pathway to your pain centers and become self perpetuating.
This is the new way to approach chronic pain. Do not allow your brain to train itself to focus on discomforts. You can Google and find these techniques, for many types of pain.

jake8105 03-08-2013 06:55 PM

Thanks mrsD, I probably speak for everyone when I say I'm so thankful your on here and willing to help everyone.

Beachbum65 03-12-2013 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by jake8105 (Post 964091)
Thanks mrsD, I probably speak for everyone when I say I'm so thankful your on here and willing to help everyone.

This is great info, as I am in the same boat. Dr gave me 1 cc B12 injection per month seems to help for a few days after the shot so now I take 2 per month.along with a good multi vitamin,omega-3,B-1 300,Magnesium 250,Niacin 500 and Acetyl-L-Carnitine 500,alpha-Lipoic Acid 200.Thinking it is due to alcohol I wonder if I need something else .All the vitamins I had to figure out on my own except the injection .This with Gabapentin 300x4,oxy condone 5x3 and Amitriptyline 150 at bedtime.It helps somewhat but doesn't touch the severe flare ups that can last for days.I live in constant pain if I can knock it down a little more I am open for anything! Sometimes I can barely walk, need help it has took my life away.I am great full I found you guys since I have been praying for guidance ! I know you guys know what I am going through.I would not wish this on anybody but it is nice to know I am not alone. With all the very informed and knowledgable people here gives me hope that I had lost along time ago.Thanks so much!

mrsD 03-12-2013 09:25 AM

Welcome to NeuroTalk, Beachbum...

You are off to a good start. But check that magnesium and
make sure it is NOT OXIDE form. That type is not absorbed and is passed in the stool.

I think you would do better on active methylcobalamin oral 5mg a day on an empty stomach. The shots don't work well for everyone and they are not the activated type of B12 either, unless you get them compounded especially for you.

Anyone who drinks alcohol or suspects a connection with alcohol should try the improved B1 called benfotiamine. You can get this at or Amazon. Most of us use the Doctor's Best brand. Start at 300mg a day and see what happens. After 3 months or so you can drop to 150, if your improvements sustain.

People getting B12 shots should have testing done to see if they are really working. Don't do any shot or supplement for 7 days before the test. You should be above 400pg/ml...which is the new cut off point for "normal". Don't accept "normal" comments from a doctor. Get your own numbers.

Beachbum65 03-12-2013 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by mrsD (Post 965089)
Welcome to NeuroTalk, Beachbum...

You are off to a good start. But check that magnesium and
make sure it is NOT OXIDE form. That type is not absorbed and is passed in the stool.

I think you would do better on active methylcobalamin oral 5mg a day on an empty stomach. The shots don't work well for everyone and they are not the activated type of B12 either, unless you get them compounded especially for you.

Anyone who drinks alcohol or suspects a connection with alcohol should try the improved B1 called benfotiamine. You can get this at or Amazon. Most of us use the Doctor's Best brand. Start at 300mg a day and see what happens. After 3 months or so you can drop to 150, if your improvements sustain.

People getting B12 shots should have testing done to see if they are really working. Don't do any shot or supplement for 7 days before the test. You should be above 400pg/ml...which is the new cut off point for "normal". Don't accept "normal" comments from a doctor. Get your own numbers.

Thank you mrsD. I go in for lab work again this week I will get the numbers , that's exactly what they said your "normal" last time! Since I have been taking shots and vitamins I will reschedule for a later date. Benfotiamine 300 a day I will order some, thank you for the info. This may seem to be a stupid question but as a long time drinker I also smoke cigarettes ,haven't kicked that habit yet but have cut way back. Is is possible that cigarettes causes neuropathy? I know it can't help but it calms my nerves on the outside. My neurologist said I have sensory neuropathy and it was most likely permanent and may get worse. Probably have had this 4 to 5 years hard to say for sure but it started as a tickle in my feet changed to pain and slowly crawled up my legs. I have no reflexes with the rubber mallet on my knees and in the bend of my arms, not sure what to make of that. Thanks again

Beachbum65 03-12-2013 11:06 AM

This says magnesium( as Magnesium Oxide and Magnesium Gluconate). 250 mg.
Wow what is better ? Thanks.:confused:

mrsD 03-12-2013 11:56 AM

Good absorption and good price= SlowMag. This comes in a generic too. WalMart has it. One tablet twice a day.


jake8105 03-15-2013 09:30 PM

It can be pretty scary I know. I take fish oil with omega 3, a daily vitamin, and SlowMag 2 times a day. I think it was like 10 bucks at wal mart. I'm going to get my vitamin B and D checked this week and go from there on that. I think mine was caused mostly from alcohol, because my diet was awful when I drank all the time. Good luck to you and hopefully you'll find some relief.

jake8105 04-07-2013 08:30 PM

More lab results
I have some more lab results from last summer. I also have some lab tests taken a couple weeks ago. Here they are.

** These are from last summer **
Metabolic Panel Result Range
Glucose, Serum 83 65-99
BUN .79 .76-1.27
eGFR If NonAfricn Am 125 mL/min/1.73 >59
eGFR If Africn Am 144 mL/min/1.73 >59
BUN/Creatinine Ratio 11 8-19
Sodium, Serum 139 134-144
Potassium, Serum 3.8 3.5-5.2
Chloride, Serum 98 97-108
Carbon Dioxide, Total 23 20-32
Calcium, Serum 9.7 8.7-10.2
Protein, Total, Serum 7.5 6.0-8.5
Albumin, Serum 4.8 3.5-5.5
Globulin, Total 2.7 1.5-4.5
A/G Ratio 1.8 1.1-2.5
Bilirubin, Total 0.3 0.0-1.2
Alkaline Phosphatase, S 66 25-150
AST (SGOT) 15 0-40
ALT (SGPT) 10 0-55
Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy 25.7L 30-100
TSH 1.57 .45-4.500
Vitamin B12 428 211-946
Folate (Folic Acid), Serum 18.0 >3.0

** These are from a couple weeks ago **
ANA Direct Negative
Creatine Kinase,Total,Serum 199 U/L 24-204
Calcitriol(1,25 di-OH Vit D) 46.8 pg/mL 10.0-75.0
(Note I take a multivitamin and 2,000 IU of vitamin D daily)
Lead, Blood (Adult) <1 ug/dL 0-19

Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
IgG P93 Ab. Absent
IgG P66 Ab. Absent
IgG P58 Ab. Absent
IgG P45 Ab. Absent
IgG P41 Ab. Absent
IgG P39 Ab. Absent
IgG P30 Ab. Absent
IgG P28 Ab. Absent
IgG P23 Ab. Absent
IgG P18 Ab. Absent
Lyme IgG WB Interp. Negative
Note: Positive: 5 of the following Borrelia-specific bands: 18,23,28,30,39,41,45,58, 66, and 93. Negative: No bands or banding patterns which do not meet positive criteria.
IgM P41 Ab. Absent
IgM P39 Ab. Absent
IgM P23 Ab. Absent
Lyme IgM WB Interp. Negative
RA Latex Turbid. 8.0 IU/mL 0.0-13.9
Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
Hep A Ab, IgM Negative Negative
HBsAg Screen Negative Negative
Hep B Core Ab, IgM Negative Negative
Hep C Virus Ab <0.1 s/co ratio 0.0-0.9
Uric Acid 5.8 mg/dL 3.5-7.2

I had more blood work taken this last week, I'll post it when they post my results. On the tests from the summer I wasn't taking anything. On the current tests I take a multivitamin, fish oil, some b12 type stuff that mrsD recommended, 2,000-4,000 iu of vitamin D a day, and SlowMag.

mrsD 04-08-2013 10:01 AM

Thanks for that list.

You are still marginal on your B12. I'd raise that to 5mg a day on an empty stomach.

CPK is close to being out of range however. Don't know at this point what that means.

jake8105 04-08-2013 09:48 PM

Thanks for the reply. I've been taking thr 5mg a day for a couple weeks and plan to do so for a few months and be retested. What is CPK, is it something else I should be concernrd about?

mrsD 04-09-2013 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by jake8105 (Post 973230)
Thanks for the reply. I've been taking thr 5mg a day for a couple weeks and plan to do so for a few months and be retested. What is CPK, is it something else I should be concernrd about?


Creatine Kinase,Total,Serum 199 U/L 24-204
This is link:

Basically it reflects some muscle problems, and hypothyroid issues.
This link gives a list of what else, can raise this.

Do you use statins for cholesterol? They can raise this.

Your test should be repeated in the future, in case this is a lab error.

jake8105 04-15-2013 04:36 PM

I read over the links that you posted. One of the causes for the increase was alcohol, but it's been at least 6 months since I've consumed any alcohol. Another reason said it could be from an EMG, which was done back in October, but surely it would be down by down? At the time the tests were taken I had been taking a one a day vitamin, vitamin D, SlowMag, folate 800mcg, methyl-cobalamin, fish oil with omega 3, and possibly alieve because the back of my left knee has been having sharp stinging pains. Within the past few months I have been experiencing muscle spasms and twitches. Within the past couple weeks my left leg has had a strange weird weak feeling that comes and goes, it seems to fatigues easy.

I'm getting to the point to where I'm not sure which direction to go with all the different symptoms I have. I had told my self it was neuropathy due to alcohol, stress, and not eating like I should. But I find myself wondering about MS or some sort of autoimmune disease. I'm just not really sure what my next move should be. They're wanting to do an ultrasound of my legs and feet thursday and I'm supposed to go to a neurologist in Nashville May 20th. He specializes in MS and is board certified in psychiatry. I thought he could help determine between it being anxiety or something else. I'm glad this forum is here, because everyone on here understands how hard it is to be their own full time doctor and still have personal obligations. Between this, being a full time student, and having 2 babies I'm not sure what to do.

jake8105 04-15-2013 07:43 PM

mrsD, I have been racking my brain for what could cause this to be high. I use to take creatine supplements when I worked out. This was a couple years ago though. I guess I need to have my kidneys tested?

mrsD 04-16-2013 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by jake8105 (Post 975395)
mrsD, I have been racking my brain for what could cause this to be high. I use to take creatine supplements when I worked out. This was a couple years ago though. I guess I need to have my kidneys tested?

Your other renal values don't show abnormalities.

The CPK has to do with muscle damage mostly. And then too, it could be a poor lab error. So just having it redone at another time is what is needed at this point.

If you don't use drugs that raise it, or have muscle pain? Just get it retested in 6mos or so.

jake8105 04-16-2013 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by mrsD (Post 975531)
Your other renal values don't show abnormalities.

The CPK has to do with muscle damage mostly. And then too, it could be a poor lab error. So just having it redone at another time is what is needed at this point.

If you don't use drugs that raise it, or have muscle pain? Just get it retested in 6mos or so.

I don't have muscle pain, but I do have spasms and sometimes weakness. Which could also be anxiety.

jake8105 04-18-2013 09:00 PM

The rest of my lab tests
These where taken about a week ago. Any imput will be greatly appreciated. I went and had an ultrasound of both legs down today, they said they'll call and talk to me about that next week. I think that everything on it looked fine though.

EBV Acute Infection Antibodies 3/27/2013 4:44 PM

Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
EBV Ab VCA, IgM <0.2 AI 0.0-0.8
Note: Negative 1.0

EBV Early Antigen Ab, IgG <0.2 AI 0.0-0.8
Note: Negative 1.0

EBV Ab VCA, IgG >8.0 AI 0.0-0.8
Note: Negative 1.0

EBV Nuclear Antigen Ab, IgG >8.0 AI 0.0-0.8
Note: Negative 1.0

TBILI 0.4 mg/dL 0.0-1.0
DBILI 0.20 mg/dL 0.00-0.30
Alk Phos 67 U/L 35-123
ALT 10 U/L 7-40
AST 14 U/L 5-34
Total Protein 7.2 g/dL 6.4-8.3
Albumin 5.0 g/dL 3.5-5.0

Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
Clarity Clear Clear
Color Yellow
GLU Negative mg/dL Negative
BIL Negative mg/dL Negative
KET Negative mg/dL Negative
SG 1.020 mg/dL <=1.030
BLO Negative mg/dL Negative
pH 7.0 5.0-8.5
PRO Negative mg/dL Negative
NIT Negative Negative
LEU Negative Negative
Urobilinogen 0.2 EU/dl NORMAL

BMP 4/3/2013 4:27 PM

Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
Sodium 143 mmol/L 136-145
Potassium 4.8 mmol/L 3.5-5.1
Chloride 103 mmol/L 98-107
CO2 25 mmol/L 19-29
BUN 12 mg/dL 7-18
Glucose 86 mg/dL 70-115
Creatinine 0.7 mg/dL 0.7-1.3
Calcium 9.9 mg/dL 8.5-10.5
GFR final 144.89 COMMENT >=60.00

CBC 4/3/2013 4:27 PM

Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
WBC 7.0 K/uL 4.0-10.5
RBC 5.02 M/uL 4.70-6.00
HGB 15.3 g/dL 13.5-18.0
HCT 45.7 % 42.0-52.0
MCV 91.0 fL 78.0-100.0
MCH 30.5 pg 27.0-31.0
MCHC 33.5 g/dL 32.0-36.0
RDW 12.2 % 11.5-14.0
PLT 304.0 fL 150.0-450.0
GRAN% 56.6 % 40.0-70.0
LYMPH% 36.5 % 20.0-45.0
MONO% 6.9 % 0.0-8.0

HEMOGLOBIN GLYCLATED (HGB A1C) (83036) 4/3/2013 4:28 PM

Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
Hemoglobin A1c 5.1 % 4.8-5.6

jake8105 04-18-2013 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by jake8105 (Post 976421)
These where taken about a week ago. Any imput will be greatly appreciated. I went and had an ultrasound of both legs down today, they said they'll call and talk to me about that next week. I think that everything on it looked fine though.

EBV Acute Infection Antibodies 3/27/2013 4:44 PM

Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
EBV Ab VCA, IgM <0.2 AI 0.0-0.8
Note: Negative 1.0

EBV Early Antigen Ab, IgG <0.2 AI 0.0-0.8
Note: Negative 1.0

EBV Ab VCA, IgG >8.0 AI 0.0-0.8
Note: Negative 1.0

EBV Nuclear Antigen Ab, IgG >8.0 AI 0.0-0.8
Note: Negative 1.0

TBILI 0.4 mg/dL 0.0-1.0
DBILI 0.20 mg/dL 0.00-0.30
Alk Phos 67 U/L 35-123
ALT 10 U/L 7-40
AST 14 U/L 5-34
Total Protein 7.2 g/dL 6.4-8.3
Albumin 5.0 g/dL 3.5-5.0

Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
Clarity Clear Clear
Color Yellow
GLU Negative mg/dL Negative
BIL Negative mg/dL Negative
KET Negative mg/dL Negative
SG 1.020 mg/dL <=1.030
BLO Negative mg/dL Negative
pH 7.0 5.0-8.5
PRO Negative mg/dL Negative
NIT Negative Negative
LEU Negative Negative
Urobilinogen 0.2 EU/dl NORMAL

BMP 4/3/2013 4:27 PM

Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
Sodium 143 mmol/L 136-145
Potassium 4.8 mmol/L 3.5-5.1
Chloride 103 mmol/L 98-107
CO2 25 mmol/L 19-29
BUN 12 mg/dL 7-18
Glucose 86 mg/dL 70-115
Creatinine 0.7 mg/dL 0.7-1.3
Calcium 9.9 mg/dL 8.5-10.5
GFR final 144.89 COMMENT >=60.00

CBC 4/3/2013 4:27 PM

Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
WBC 7.0 K/uL 4.0-10.5
RBC 5.02 M/uL 4.70-6.00
HGB 15.3 g/dL 13.5-18.0
HCT 45.7 % 42.0-52.0
MCV 91.0 fL 78.0-100.0
MCH 30.5 pg 27.0-31.0
MCHC 33.5 g/dL 32.0-36.0
RDW 12.2 % 11.5-14.0
PLT 304.0 fL 150.0-450.0
GRAN% 56.6 % 40.0-70.0
LYMPH% 36.5 % 20.0-45.0
MONO% 6.9 % 0.0-8.0

HEMOGLOBIN GLYCLATED (HGB A1C) (83036) 4/3/2013 4:28 PM

Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
Hemoglobin A1c 5.1 % 4.8-5.6

***I don't know why these jumbled up, I took time and separated them so they'd be easier to read****

Koi13 04-18-2013 11:34 PM

Did you get tested for Mercury? If you have silver teeth fillings or eat a lot of cheap fish products, you could have mercury levels that can cause forms of neuropathy.

I am getting my mercury and heavy metal urine test tomorrow. I have a lot of old (1980s) silver fillings in my mouth. I am hoping that my tests show high mercury and/or low B12 (from blood test). At least that way I hope to know why I am having the same symptoms of neuropathy like you are having. The nerve zaps, tingling, and muscle twitches & spasms.

In 40+ years, I have NEVER been tested by my dozen of docs for VitB12. How ridiculous is that in today's modern medicine? I had to specifically REQUEST the B12 test and I am getting it for the first time. I had to self-educate myself via the internet. It's really sad that doctors do not test for B12 on a regular basis.

jake8105 04-19-2013 11:32 AM

Koi13, I don't think it has been tested, I will bring this up to my doctor when I go Monday. I do have several fillings, I am 26 so most of mine would have came in the late 90's and on. I know how you feel about researching every possibility, it's very time consuming. I find myself putting other things off just to sit around on the computer for hours digging for any information that may be out there. Good luck and I hope you find answers soon.

mrsD 04-19-2013 11:44 AM

Jake, your MCV is creeping up... not out of range yet, but in high normal. This means you may be low in B12...since MCV elevates when B12 is low.

Koi13 04-19-2013 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by jake8105 (Post 976555)
Koi13, I don't think it has been tested, I will bring this up to my doctor when I go Monday. I do have several fillings, I am 26 so most of mine would have came in the late 90's and on. I know how you feel about researching every possibility, it's very time consuming. I find myself putting other things off just to sit around on the computer for hours digging for any information that may be out there. Good luck and I hope you find answers soon.

Did you have an MRI done?

jake8105 04-22-2013 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by Koi13 (Post 976670)
Did you have an MRI done?

Yes, I had an MRI done sometime last fall, and they said everything looked normal. I think I'm going to suggest I have one of my spine, because my left leg and lower left part of my back have been feeling strange the past couple weeks.

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