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smyles12 05-02-2013 11:21 PM

need to vent
Well I really need to vent. I have been getting real angry and to the point I want to punch my husband in his mouth. Yesterday and today he drank and said so not so nice things and I'm sick of it. I'm bipolar not on meds nor have a doc for it.
At this point I have to much going on with my neck with cervical spinal stenosis and cervical radiculplasty and bulging disc. On top of that and the bipolar migraines and they have gotten worse anxiety is out of this work lately. But on a positive note no seizures .
All I can say is grr. Why in the world do men have to be such ****heads. Oh I love you you are so beautiful I'm so happy your in my life. Then later start saying mean and hateful thing. Then wonder why I don't want you near me really. Wve had this talk over and over again I will tape record or video tape him that way he can hear how he gets. Well thank you for letting me vent good night peace to all

Mari 05-03-2013 06:51 AM

:hug: :hug: :hug:


Dealing with a drinker is difficult.
'Sending you lots of hugs.


mg neck prob 05-03-2013 08:14 AM

[Hi smyles,

You have alot on your plate. I had neck fusion in 2010 and remember the pain like it was yesterday. Im sorry and feel bad for you -- dealing with your symptoms and the pain is alot to deal with period. Im sorry your husband drinking like that---your right its not helping your situation any. I know what it's like when your with somebody and your in pain --and they act supportive at times --but there really not. I had that experience when I went thru cancer and my neck fusion. Its very difficult. I hope you find help with your neck and the bipolar. Im wondering how come you have not found a good doctor to help you bipolar and u need a good neuro or ortho that deals with the spine. I noticed you in OH -i know some very good spinal surgeons if your near cleveland area.
I hope things turn around. Its good to vent it out your dealing with alot. I wish you all the best!!!!!

smyles12 05-03-2013 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by mg neck prob (Post 980313)
[Hi smyles,

You have alot on your plate. I had neck fusion in 2010 and remember the pain like it was yesterday. Im sorry and feel bad for you -- dealing with your symptoms and the pain is alot to deal with period. Im sorry your husband drinking like that---your right its not helping your situation any. I know what it's like when your with somebody and your in pain --and they act supportive at times --but there really not. I had that experience when I went thru cancer and my neck fusion. Its very difficult. I hope you find help with your neck and the bipolar. Im wondering how come you have not found a good doctor to help you bipolar and u need a good neuro or ortho that deals with the spine. I noticed you in OH -i know some very good spinal surgeons if your near cleveland area.
I hope things turn around. Its good to vent it out your dealing with alot. I wish you all the best!!!!!

Thank you. I'm in Mario and as far as a good doc for my mental health I have called over 20 and none will take me they tell me I need to go to hospital before they would. Take me as a patient. For my neck I do have a good doc he is doing everything to avoid surgrey. Last night my husbabnd brother came by which is rare and there is a lot of bad blood between them as well as me. The brother assulted my a few years ago and I did press charhes my husband and his family stood behind me on the chargess thankfully him drinking like last night doesn't happen very much. When I seen his brother here I knew it was going to be bad. His brother is a drunk and will and does steal from the family and I don't put up with it my husband workks very hard to provide for my daughter and I at this time I'm not working due to my neck you know how painnful it is and how much the pain takes out of you. My husband is putting in a vacation at work so he can have some free time to go fishing which will be good for him and so we can celebrate our first wedding anniversy which falls on fathers day.

smyles12 05-03-2013 08:39 AM

I met Marion. Sorry I'm on my phone so at times it doesn't seem to work right or maybe it my fingers I know my hand and finger don't work right all the time frommy neck thank you have a good day

mg neck prob 05-03-2013 08:48 AM

Im glad to hear --he's a good man then and chalk it up to a bad day. I don't know why but every family seems to have a black sheep. Where is Mario Ohio?? Good general doc should be able to get you a referral instead of having to go to hospital with the bipolar. You right you want to exhaust all conservative meathods surgery should be only a lost resort. I did not have option all 4 disc were pressing on my spial cord without surgery I would have been parlyzed. Im in good shape now from the surgery now and have no regrets.

bizi 05-03-2013 08:52 AM

Oh how I hate drama, and try to avoid it if possible.
hoping that you can sleep at night.
Wish it were easier for you.
try to be kind to yourself as possible. I thinkit is neglectful for the doctors to not see you becasue you have not been hospitalized. mine here did not do that.
welcome to the forums.

Dmom3005 05-03-2013 09:46 AM

Welcome to the forums.

I have no real ideas for you.

Maybe ask your regular doctor to help you get into someone.

Donna: :grouphug::hug:

smyles12 05-03-2013 08:56 PM

I actually have a referral for a pych doc but still haven't found one to take me my reg doc is awesome but doesn't give anything for mental health I'm going to keep looking for one might just cuss them out when I call and they say sorry we can't help you

bizi 05-03-2013 09:10 PM

sounds like a plan.

Mari 05-04-2013 03:00 AM

Hi, :hug: :hug: :hug:

Each step towards getting well is hard. Some steps are harder than others. Maybe the next step will be easier.
Get through this first step and get closer to feeling better.


smyles12 05-04-2013 08:37 AM

That's all I can do is take one step at a time. If I push myself to do more I know I will crash and crash hard so I conquer one thing at a time.

bizi 05-04-2013 11:11 AM

Do you suffer with depression? sorry if you mentioned this already. Maybe your regular doctor would prescribe an anti depressant?
just a thought.

smyles12 05-04-2013 01:16 PM

I can't take anti-depressants they make me very sucidal so that's not good

bizi 05-04-2013 05:53 PM

what about a mood stabilizer like lamictal? would he/she prescribe that?

Dmom3005 05-04-2013 06:50 PM

The other suggestion I have is. That sometimes a neurologist has some
experience with behavioral drugs. Which sometimes these are considered
in the category of.

And sometimes they prescribe them for patients, so you might see if
you can get into a neurologist.

Some of the drugs that are used for mood stabilizers, and the bipolar
drugs are ones that neurologist are very familiar with.

And they then can lots of times get you into a psychiatrist.


Mari 05-05-2013 03:03 AM


I hope that you have some good days.
How are you today?


smyles12 05-05-2013 07:53 AM

I have a seizure disorder as well so I've been on a lot of different meds depakote made me mean lamictal no sleep or appitite neurontine dizzy all the time geodom wired seraqul slept 16 hours and hands shook bad I can't remember all the meds that haven't helped one doc told me that I'm hard to medicate but wouldn't try lithum on me I know its suppose to be good but has its bad. Having a pretty good day today pain in my neck and shoulders is at like a 6 way better than a 10+ like it is a lot of times the sun is shining outside so might go for a walk with my daughter or maybe bake something. I love baking and I make things from scratch homemade. Well hope everyone has a good day

Dmom3005 05-05-2013 11:51 AM

Hope you find something that works.

Keep working on this. There are newer drugs. And maybe you could
use one of these.


bizi 05-05-2013 04:41 PM

wow! you have been on the medication merry-go-round.
just curious if when (if you remember) when You took the lamictal if you took it at night? Did you try taking it during the day? or were you like manic on it? not sleeping at all?
Just curious. I take it at night with out a problem but I have to take klonipin to get me to sleep. It works most nights that is unless I have had too much to drink.

smyles12 05-07-2013 12:56 PM

I think I took at night at first but I didn't sleep. So doc said try in morning went that way couldn't eat and still no sleep maybe hour a night was no fun and lost like 10+ pounds.

bizi 05-07-2013 04:20 PM

thank you for posting. How is your sleep these days?

smyles12 05-10-2013 08:44 AM

I sleep when I can trying to get it back on a schedule which is hard. I end up taking naps during day some of it might be my pain med knocking me out. Last night I kept waking up then had a hard time going back to sleep. Now I'm up hopefully for the day.

Dmom3005 05-10-2013 10:50 AM

Sounds good.

You have to sleep when you can. I have to nap right now because of
my radiation, so I totally understand.


smyles12 05-10-2013 06:05 PM

I hope all is going good for you with the radation. At times its hard to believe how pain wqears the body down and makes you so tired even if you just relax

Mari 05-11-2013 05:14 AM


I hope that today is a good day for you.


smyles12 05-11-2013 10:41 AM

So far today is good. I'm doing Mothers day crafts with my grandson and my daughter only 2years difference in their age. They are having fun and I'm enjoying the time with them we are making chocolate chip cookies as well so hopefully his mom will enjoy her homemade gifts tomorrow

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