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aksnow 05-05-2007 04:39 PM

burning feet
Hi all,
I am new here and have a question that has probably been answered many times but here goes. Has anyone been able to stop the burning in the feet by lowering their body temp.?:confused:

MelodyL 05-05-2007 05:38 PM

Aha, I can't answer this one, but I know something about body temperature. The average body temperature is 98.6 degrees right? Well, if someone found a way to lower it by just 3 degrees, a human could live a much much longer life span. I read that in a science book.

What do we have to do, sit in a bathtub filled with ice cubes????

I do hope you find the answer hon. My feet started to burn last week, That's why I'm on the methyl b-12.

Best of luck,


daniella 05-05-2007 06:36 PM

Are you sure body temp and burning feet always go hand in hand? I have burning/tingling feet but then my feet go cold. My body temp is normal or a little under. The foot and ankle doc I see told me when we thought or may still be tarsal tunnel but have you been to a foot doc. I go back on Tues for possible shoe orthotics. Also while I was in the office and I don't know if in your case but many people with diabetes have that issue. Now I'm so confused and new to this though seems forever but basically 3 months so just throwing out some things I have picked up a long the way. Its a bad feeling though I know that.

aksnow 05-05-2007 06:53 PM

well I don't know if i am actually lowering my body temp. but if i turn down the heat at night and stay uncovered until i am just about to shiver my feet quit burning and hurting then if i cover up more than a sheet i start to burn and hurt again, shivering is not fun.. and i don't think i can sweat any more but don't know of a test. just though maybe someone else has experienced similar.

shiney sue 05-05-2007 07:00 PM

I've never heard of the body temp. It's awfull ,hope it doesn't get worse.
I wish we could put this burning and cold in a test tube,we would be
all feeling better and be very rich. Good luck,i'm just cranky because i
never thought of that.Hmmm if it turns out to be,i'm your new best
friend. :D Sue

shiney sue 05-05-2007 07:14 PM

I'm sorry i do know it's awfull,it's just been a lot of years for me.
Have you had a thyroid or a test for diabetes,have you asked your
question to your family Dr. The problem with PN,if that's what you have
is there something like 200 kinds..
Please will you keep posting,there so many kind and good people at
neuroTalk. This is a slow day,but you never know you may get many
answers very soon.. Many Blessings :) Sue

Brian 05-05-2007 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by aksnow (Post 95433)
well I don't know if i am actually lowering my body temp. but if i turn down the heat at night and stay uncovered until i am just about to shiver my feet quit burning and hurting then if i cover up more than a sheet i start to burn and hurt again, shivering is not fun.. and i don't think i can sweat any more but don't know of a test. just though maybe someone else has experienced similar.

The temperature has a lot to do with how your burning feels, but the nerves react to what the temperature is on the outside of your body, i use to feel the burning especially when the daily tempature got over 25 C's, were ever the temp rises or falls ,it will affect your small nerves because the small nerve's job is to feel pain, heat, cold, vibration, when they are damaged they send confused signals to the brain, this is why we get those awful unwanted feelings because they are not sending normal signals.

aksnow 05-05-2007 11:59 PM

If i am overwarm the burning drive's me crazy, but just above shevering i sleep just fine. no burning ect. It is my feet leg's and out side of my left arm also the left side of my face. I been to 5 neuro's with all different answers one dx me w/diabetes then about 5 gp.s said don't think so and 1 not so. where can one get a skin test. anyone know. would like to try that. thank you all for listen to my whyining.

shiney sue 05-06-2007 12:31 AM

I just read your post,and you beat me here..I told you someone would help.
Once again good luck,come back..:) :) Sue

Brian 05-06-2007 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by aksnow (Post 95522)
If i am overwarm the burning drive's me crazy, but just above shevering i sleep just fine. no burning ect. It is my feet leg's and out side of my left arm also the left side of my face. I been to 5 neuro's with all different answers one dx me w/diabetes then about 5 gp.s said don't think so and 1 not so. where can one get a skin test. anyone know. would like to try that. thank you all for listen to my whyining.

Winge as much as your like, no one here is going to mind, most of us have been through similar circumstances.
Its your damaged small fibre nerves that are making you feel like this, they can do a skin or nerve biopsy to check out damage but it won't tell them what is causing it.
I must sound like a broken record :) but you must find a neuro that is a PN specialist, a lot of neuro's will give you the basic tests and thats as far as you will get, if nothing is found you will get the label of idiopathic Neuropathy and just be given drugs to TRY kill the pain and told to go home and they will say there is nothing we can do for you, there is over 200 known reasons for PN an good neuro that is a PN specialist will keep on testing until they hopefully find the cause.

Any wonder patients get frustrated with medical dills that can't even work out if someone is diabetic or not, a normal gp should be able to diagnose diabetes with no problems at all, a 3 -5 hour Glucose tolerance test would sort out if your prediabetic or not.

I suggest that you go to Liza Janes website download the charts to Excell, then get copies of all your tests you have had so far, fill them in the charts, post them onto the forum for the experts to look them over.
Even if you just copy of all tests you have had so far and post them on the forum , this might be a good starting point at least.
good luck
Brian :)

Brian 05-06-2007 03:00 AM


Originally Posted by shiney sue (Post 95535)
I just read your post,and you beat me here..I told you someone would help.
Once again good luck,come back..:) :) Sue

Hi Sue, i noticed you are very supportive to the others here,its great to have people like you on the forum, good on you :) :)
Brian :)

mrsD 05-06-2007 06:37 AM

rather than freezing the tootsies...
which decreases blood circulation to the nerves and may do more damage...

I'd suggest you try an ointment with menthol in it to mask the heat sensations.
Menthol stimulates cold receptors and overrides the sensation of burning.

It works well for many of us, including me. ( I have burning mostly and not major pain).

Biofreeze 3.5% menthol (alternate Freeze It from CVS that Mel uses)

IcyHot which is slightly higher in menthol 7.6% and extra strength=10%.
Tiger Balm is also about 10%

I prefer the Biofreeze...I have good results with is in a disappearing gel, seems to penetrate and
last a long time. It has been distributed by chiros and PTs mostly, but recently has escaped to
the general public on the internet.

Vicks VapoRub (I think it was the cream version)-- we had a poster once who swore by this product:

Yorkiemom 05-06-2007 11:32 PM

I use ice packs wrapped in a hand towel everywhere that burns, if on feet not too long-probably about 20-25 minutes... I know you are not supposed to leave them on very long, but sometimes it feels too good to stop using them when it numbs areas that hurt so much...

I think what feels good sometimes is to soak feet in alternate very warm, then very cool soaks under the faucet in the tub...


aksnow 05-07-2007 12:43 AM

hi, ya i sometimes just set in the tub on the stool and 2" of cold water, it feel's just great and last for a while.

aksnow 05-07-2007 12:55 AM

Hi Brian, maybe I just will have to just keepon keeping on. I had my gp check my B12? baicely all he did was a bt then gave me a shot of B12 then tested 7 days later and said it was normal, which sounds strange after reading the info here on B12??? My mma i think it was was 1 point below the high mark???? I am wondering if i should be rechecked by someone else.

snfkazee375 05-07-2007 01:04 AM

Anyone ever tried this stuff? I used it for little but didn't notice much...

mrsD 05-07-2007 05:10 AM

I checked the ingredients....
I am doubtful....

No menthol in there. Menthol seems to be the most active ingredient for


Peppermint oil may be safe in small doses, although multiple adverse effects are possible. When used on the skin, peppermint oil has been associated with allergic/hypersensitivity reactions, skin rash/hives/contact dermatitis, mouth ulcers/sores, chemical burn and eye irritation. Lung injury has occurred following an injection of peppermint oil. Peppermint oil taken by mouth may cause headache, dizziness, heartburn, **** burning, slow heart rate, or muscle tremor. Very large doses of peppermint oil taken by mouth have resulted in muscle weakness, brain damage, and seizure.

Brian 05-07-2007 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by aksnow (Post 95892)
Hi Brian, maybe I just will have to just keepon keeping on. I had my gp check my B12? baicely all he did was a bt then gave me a shot of B12 then tested 7 days later and said it was normal, which sounds strange after reading the info here on B12??? My mma i think it was was 1 point below the high mark???? I am wondering if i should be rechecked by someone else.

Hi aksnow, if it was me, i would ask for a copy of that blood draw result & post it into this forum, the experts will soon tell you here if its normal or not, if you would like to learn about b12, i strongly suggest that you read at Roses site at-

The more learning you do about this rotten disease and its causes the better, on the front page up top " important links & Stickies " well worth reading, its a lot to swallow i know, but just take your time & anything your not sure of just ask here, someone will answer you.

About 4 years ago, i was in the same boat as you, i didn't know what to do, my feet were killing me they were on fire, tingling, electric zaps, all the normally PN symptoms, now 98 % of the time i don''t get any burning at all,or the other symptoms and i owe all this to finding the Neuropathy forum, then all the good advise i recieved & a good neuro that really is a PN specialist.

good luck
Brian :)

rose 05-07-2007 11:01 AM


When was your MMA tested? Was the sample taken before or after you were given the B12?


electrocuted 05-07-2007 11:44 AM

Nerve Damage
I take Lyrica for the burning in my feet. It gives relief, but I have developed a tolerance for the medication and am taking a much higher dose than what was prescribed now.

Brian 05-07-2007 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by electrocuted (Post 96079)
I take Lyrica for the burning in my feet. It gives relief, but I have developed a tolerance for the medication and am taking a much higher dose than what was prescribed now.

Hi Electrocuted, might be time to see a pain doctor or management, they seem to have a lot more consideration & experiences for people like yourself than a normal doc or Neuro.
good luck
Brian :)

hevensapples 05-07-2007 10:51 PM

burning feet and hands non diabetic
I Have Non Diabetic Severe Demyolating Motor Sensory Polyneuropathy Unknown Cause.
My Feet And Hands Hurt So Bad And Cant Seem To Get Them To Stop.
Went To Dr 3 Mo Ago Neuro Dr. Said There Is Nothing Else He Can Do.
I Use To Take Lyrica 75mg 2x Day Then Went To New Neuro And Not With That One Anymore She Doubled To 150 Mg 2x Day In March 2006 By May I Almost Died Of A Overdose.
I Dont Know What To Do Or Med To Take For This But Am On Neurontin Again At 600 Mg 3x Day Going To 4 Times A Day. Afraid To Take Cymbalta So Dont. I Cant Take The Pain Anymore Any Advise Plz


Brian 05-08-2007 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by hevensapples (Post 96346)
I Have Non Diabetic Severe Demyolating Motor Sensory Polyneuropathy Unknown Cause.
My Feet And Hands Hurt So Bad And Cant Seem To Get Them To Stop.
Went To Dr 3 Mo Ago Neuro Dr. Said There Is Nothing Else He Can Do.
I Use To Take Lyrica 75mg 2x Day Then Went To New Neuro And Not With That One Anymore She Doubled To 150 Mg 2x Day In March 2006 By May I Almost Died Of A Overdose.
I Dont Know What To Do Or Med To Take For This But Am On Neurontin Again At 600 Mg 3x Day Going To 4 Times A Day. Afraid To Take Cymbalta So Dont. I Cant Take The Pain Anymore Any Advise Plz


Hi & welcome to the forum, i am really sorry to read that your in so much pain but its best in many ways to start a new thread of your own, a lot more of the members will see your post & try to help you.
Can you get your doc to refer you to pain management, those doctors specialize in patients with extreme pain like yours ?
If your not sure how to start a new post, on the front page, just click on new thread and write your title, then explain down below that, your title will come up on the main board for everyone to see.
PS - i sent you a private message
all the best
Brian :)

aksnow 05-08-2007 02:02 AM

Hi, Rose
My b12 was 536 reference range200-1100 and mma was 242 ref. range 88-243. then after drawing for this test they gave me a shop of b12 don't know how much. then 7 days later retested and retic count 0.9 ref.range 0.5-1.5

rose 05-08-2007 11:17 AM

Good for them, checking MMA and giving you a shot! You very well may need the B12. MMA doesn't always go up, but it usually does, and yours appears to have been doing that.

I hope you keep up the B12.


aksnow 05-08-2007 11:33 AM

Hi, Rose
I didn't mention that the dr said after the test that my b12 was fine so i haven't been taking it, but maybe i should get on the b12 how much?????? thanks.

rose 05-08-2007 06:32 PM

At least 1000 mcg, which is 1 mg.


aksnow 05-08-2007 07:07 PM

Thank you Rose,
that's what i am going on right now. i think it will probably take a while to see if it helps. will post if i note any change. Bird

Brian 05-08-2007 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by aksnow (Post 96850)
Thank you Rose,
that's what i am going on right now. i think it will probably take a while to see if it helps. will post if i note any change. Bird

acksnow, you need to take a multi -B as well as the B12 [not at the same time though] best to take the B12 on a empty stomache, the multi- b helps the b12 work better, with the multi-B you normaly get what you pay for like most other things, someone here may be able to recommend a good one.
Sometimes people notice a differance just about straight away, but others not so, it can take months to years.
all the best
Brian :)

aksnow 05-09-2007 10:52 PM

thanks Brian,
i will try to find a good multi-b

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