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FeelinGoofy 05-15-2007 08:02 AM

Wisdom Teeth
Scott is having his wisdom teeth out on Friday... I really wanted to wait until school was out but he has been in so much pain and wants them out NOW!!!!
Any advice will be most appreciated. They are going to put him out to do it.
thanks.... Vicky

Curious 05-15-2007 09:29 AM

aww shucks.

there are some posts on the dentistry forum. also lizard has a thread on weight loss.

my son had his pulled a year ago. my daughter a few months before him.


get his immune system up. take zinc.

make sure scott realizes he has to REST!! no talking. no drinking from staws. soft soft foods. keep the holes packed. take ALL the antibiotics. don't be afraid of taking the pain meds. from what my daughter said...when she tried to be tough...grimacing because of pain caused her MORE pain.

my daughter got dry socket. she used a straw...and talked and talked. bubba..he problems at all. even went back to soccer practice and games in less than a week. mega vitamins. ate lots of protien.

Chemar 05-15-2007 11:19 AM

that is such good advice from Curious there Vicky that all I can add is a :hug: and prayers it will all go smoothly as possible

in addition to building immune system prior to the surgery, I would also suggest magnesium supplement (that new Natural Calm drinkable mag powder is getting rave reviews re tic reduction) and of course the Epsom Salts baths are a real help too
I dont know what it is like for Scott, but dental stuff is always a tic trigger for my son. Magnesium always helps him when in major waxing mode

having my own toothy pain at present so he has my sincere sympathy!:hug:

Lara 05-15-2007 03:17 PM

All the best to your son with having this done. I had to have mine done when I was in my mid 20's and it was a pain.

It'll be harder if he has a lot of facial or phonic tics that use the muscles around the jaw. Oral surgeons here will prescribe a fairly strong painkiller for a couple of days. This might have the added benefit of calming any potential tics. The good thing about the mouth is that it heals so fast. Great advice from everyone else. He'll feel much better generally when this is out of the way.

FeelinGoofy 05-15-2007 07:42 PM

thanks guys.... he has horrible teeth clicking tics... right now hes not doing them, but who knows what this surgery will trigger...
I'll have to get him some zinc....and magnesium.
i think i'm more nervous about this than he is.... :rolleyes:

Hes already ordered potato soup and vanilla milkshakes LOL....

Lara 05-15-2007 08:31 PM

Vicky, he might find that after the surgery part and healing part are over, his mouth tics might actually settle down 'cause he won't have that feeling of pain and pressure in there that the wisdom teeth must be causing.

Curious 05-15-2007 09:40 PM

vicky..what about pm'ing or emailing who moi..and ask him if has had his wisdom teeth pulled?

FeelinGoofy 05-15-2007 09:53 PM

My dear sweet Monkey friend...... YOU ARE BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes:

Curious 05-15-2007 10:00 PM

:D i am...ain't i?



Chemar 05-16-2007 01:22 PM

brilliant and modest, monkey :D

FeelinGoofy 05-16-2007 06:44 PM

I called them today to make sure everything was in order for Friday and even got a chance to talk to the anethesiologist... ok i didn't spell it right but you know who i mean.... ANYWAY she said since scott has never been "put under" that they may consider doing this in the hospital... They weren't for sure if he'd get combative or not... i told her that would NOT work for us because of our crappy insurance. I dont know how hes going to act under anesthetic, but i doubt hes going to be combative!!!!:mad: I was nice, but she knew i was a little bothered by this... All was well until i told them he was 6'5 and weighed 270.....good grief......

Lara 05-16-2007 08:07 PM

combative??? What did they mean?

So, what's happening, Vicky? They were going to do it under a general anaesthetic in the dentist's surgery but now they wish it done in a hospital?

We had a similar problem here and my son needed a general because he had so many tics. They ended up doing it in day surgery but that was private and yes it was expensive. He had a bad reaction to the anaesthetic and a pain killer he was given too, so in the end I was really glad we had the procedure done where we did. These days he can see the dentist fine without his tics interfering thankfully.

How come they can't just give him a mild sedation to see him through the procedure? Is that because of his tics?

FeelinGoofy 05-18-2007 08:00 AM

Yeah... they're doing it under anaesthetic because of his tics... actually i think this place we're going does everybody that way...not for sure though...
I dont know why they think he might get combative... ANYWAY we have to be there at 9:00. I"ll let you guys know how it goes LOL... hes pretty nervous...
i've not even reminded him about the needles for an IV..... he HATES needles... he throws up when he gets shots.... i guess i'm pretty nervous about all this as well.... Please pray all goes well this morning...
:hug: hope you guys have a good Friday!!!!

Curious 05-18-2007 10:15 AM

sending my prayer for scott.

and lots of butt squeezes for you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

i know how hard it is to see your baby go through something painful. im me if you need to talk.

FeelinGoofy 05-18-2007 01:46 PM

The removal of the teeth went off without a hitch, BUT now hes getting the feeling back and the pain meds really arent working... poor kid.... His tongue is so swollen that hes having a hard time swallowing. he has a sensitive gag reflex so hes gagging quite a bit as well... I figure the next couple days will be the worst then he'll start to improve.... I dont think he expected to feel like this LOL.... thanks for your prayers and positive thoughts... I'm thinking I"LL be the one needing them before this is over :rolleyes:

Lara 05-18-2007 03:22 PM

So glad it's over. It will only be a couple of days. Not sure what pain meds they gave him, but the ones that dental surgeons usually prescribe here for adults after proceedures like that are pretty darn strong. Main thing is to take them as directed and on time that way the dose can do its job effectively. All the best to him for fast recovery. Bet you're glad that's done, Vicky. :hug:

FeelinGoofy 05-18-2007 07:37 PM

they gave him loratab....i want to say 7.5 mg.... LOL i' mto lazy to get up and go see for sure... Lets see they gave him phenegren for nausea, some antibiotics and some steroids.... Hes doing better his evening... he's still bleeding quite a bit though. They called to check on him earlier and said its probally because hes not biting on the gauze enough and hes sitting straight up to much instead of reclining slightly... I rented night at the museum for him and told him to stay reclined and not get up while he watched it LOL...

Chemar 05-19-2007 08:42 AM

Vicky I am sooo glad it is over and do hope the bleeding and the pain and swelling will quickly subside :grouphug:

I must say my hackles went up too when I read that they were concerned he might be "combatative":mad: TS people are so very misunderstood because of ignorance on the part of others who really dont have a clue what it is huh:(


it is past and now we focus on praying for his rapid healing :)

FeelinGoofy 05-19-2007 10:03 AM

yup agreed.... Actually over all it was a very positive experience. The oral surgeon was halarious. He and Scott had a commom bond of liking puns!! :thud:
I threatened to leave the room if they didn't stop!!!!:rolleyes:
They told him to either sleep on several pillows or in a recliner last night so hes still crashed out in the recliner. I gave him is meds around 4:00 this morning and he said he felt fine... other than hurting that is LOL... today he gets to start eating soft foods.... he was begging for a hamburger last night... LOL... THATS a good sign.... I guess its all about letting the sockets start to heal and let that blood clot form. only one of his wisdom teeth was empacted. :hug:
thanks to everybody who said aprayer for him and for me LOL... i know oral surgery isn't that big of a deal, but any time they put you under..... well, you guys know..... and when its your kids first time..... :grouphug:

Chemar 05-21-2007 09:19 PM

Vicky, I am just checking in to see how Scott is doing ( and you too :))

sure hope both pain and swelling are down and he is beginning to feel much better


FeelinGoofy 05-21-2007 10:09 PM

thank you for checking.... Scott is doing fine... he went back to school today. I'm glad its over with... He still has his antibiotics and steroids to take... I'll be glad when the steroids are gone... As far as pain goes, hes doing fine with tylenol and advil...
Now, if we can just get him through this last week and a half of school. He "forgot" about an assignment that was due today. A BIG assignment that was assigned over 2 weeks ago... sigh....needless to say hes been grounded yet again.... and of course his wisdom teeth are his excuse for not having it done... the thing is he hadn't even started on it.... ANYWAY dont get me started....

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