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sophierose23 01-02-2015 12:13 PM

New and alone

I have had three concussions in the past year and a half with my most recent being three months ago where I don't really remember the following 2 days. I live in China so at first finding a doctor to take things seriously was hard until I went back home for a trip and managed to see an expert in neurology.She diagnosed me with post concussion syndrome. She prescribed me a low dose of anti depressants but only 2 months worth which she said would be enough.

I've since returned to China and started a new job which is a little stressful and last week officially ran out of the antidepressants. My headaches are back. I've stopped passing out but now I just feel a bit down and tired. Sometimes I feel a little dizzy but it passes quite quickly. My memory isn't getting better at all. Because I moved cities I don't have any people here I can trust which makes me feel a little alone because I have no one to talk to about this.

But now something else has also come up. I am getting paranoid about things. Is this normal?

I just want to know if this sounds right? Is this normal? I'm just so tired of this and just want it all to go away so I can be my old happy self again.

SuperElectric 01-02-2015 12:51 PM

Hi, did you taper off the anti depressants or did you cold turkey? Stopping AD's suddenly can be a shock to the system so that could be a cause of some of your symptoms. I would try and rest like your body is telling you, it can only be beneficial.

Also, curious as to how you got your concussions, three in eighteen months sounds unlucky.

Bud 01-02-2015 01:57 PM


My first inclination is that SuperElectric is spot on.

Paranoia, anxiety, headaches, dizziness ....all Classic symptoms of quitting anti depressants cold turkey.

Docs tell you that there are no problems quitting meds and especially if you have only been on one for 2 months.....they are dead wrong and they know absolutely zero about how to taper from ssri's, benzos etc.

Look at Point Of Return website....good info there on anti depressants.

My best to you.


Mark in Idaho 01-02-2015 02:06 PM


Welcome to NeuroTalk.

You don't say what anti-depressant. The common prescription for PCS is amitriptyline at only 10 to 20 mgs. Cold turkey discontinuation is not usually a problem at that low dose but you may be an exception. It is unfortunate the neuro believes you will have healed in 2 months. She was not an expert in concussions.

Stress is not good for PCS. It will be best if you can lower your stress levels. I know this is hard in China.

My best to you.

sophierose23 01-03-2015 07:23 AM

Thanks for all of your replies.

Yes it was amitriptyline and my doctor said that it would be enough time and then when I emailed her last week she said I will have to see another specialist in China because it hasn't got better.

So yes it was cold turkey. I was fine for the first few days as I was on holiday and relaxing but it really hit when I got back.

Thanks for the link. I'll take a look. I guess I need to make an appointment with the doctor to get some more!

Today wasn't so bad. I went outside for a walk and some fresh air but now feel exhausted. I feel like i'm back to square one.

Oh and the concussions? The first one I was hit by a motorbike at high speed, the second was a freak incident where someone fell on me and we both fell into a wall and I knocked my head on the wall and the third was I felt dizzy and just toppled over.

sophierose23 01-03-2015 08:15 AM

Thanks all so much for your comments.
I got my concussions in all freak incidents - the first I was hit by a motorbike, the second someone fell on me and we both fell into a wall where I hit my head and then the last one was from me feeling dizzy and I fell over.

Yes I am taking amitriptyline. The doctor said 2 months was enough time for it to make me feel better. I ran out of tablets so it was a cold turkey situation. I emailed her asking her for advice and she said I would have to go and see a specialist in China which is irritating because I don't really trust them here thanks to bad experiences.

I will have to go back and see someone anyway because I can't carry on like this. It's got considerably worse. I came off them two weeks ago and the first couple of days were okay because I was on holiday and relaxing but now i'm back at work etc I feel like i'm back at square one.

Kitt 01-03-2015 10:21 AM

Welcome sophierose23. :Wave-Hello:

lyndianne 01-03-2015 12:06 PM

Hi sophierose. I too had 3 concussions in a year while teaching in California. I am from Oregon. Being a state away from my home and support system was hard so I can't imagine being in China. I was wondering if you have considered acupuncture? I had acupuncture for two years after and during my concussions and it really helped me.

sophierose23 01-26-2015 12:03 PM

I haven't been able to find the meds anywhere in China however my doctor in the UK has finally agreed to prescribing me the medicine. Now got to wait it out until it arrives.

It's got considerably worse. This weekend has been awful. I went out to the shops and had to come back because I was in so much pain. I tried looking at my computer later in the day and that was painful - which has never happened before. I spent the rest of the evening in bed and the following morning. Looking at the computer now is fine - thankfully.

I'm getting so frustrated with it all.

SuperElectric 01-27-2015 05:25 AM

Make sure you get plenty of rest, it will help better than medications in the long term.

12many 01-27-2015 02:29 PM

happy life
Hi, I have had six concussions over the course of my life and multiple head injuries. Having several close together as you have, I believe makes it hard for the brain to recover. In my case, after 9 years from the last concussion, my symptoms have not improved. However, I must say that I have always pushed myself very hard to perform physically and mentally.
The one thing I have found that ALWAYS increases symptoms is STRESS.
No matter what else you do, try to dramatically reduce stress. As for the rest of the "triggers" I just view it as part of my life now, as when in the past I would hit it hard in some activity and felt sore or exhausted. I have to view my changed condition in this same way, when I overdo things I will get tired, takes longer to recover, but I try to gauge the benefits and enjoyment of the activity with the side effects and make the decision beforehand as to whether it is worth it.
I am not offering much hope, but you can survive whatever adversity you encounter by keeping focused on all the positive aspects your life offers.
One of the more positive results of my condition is that I am more empathetic of those with various disorders, especially when they are not physically apparent. I used to think people were just lazy or weren't trying hard enough, but now I realize that everyone has limitations in one thing or another.
Happy life to you..


sophierose23 04-21-2015 09:54 AM

It's been a while but I recently had a complete relapse. I had a group of friends come visit me and we went out to a bar - which is usually okay for me if I only have one drink. Suddenly everything was just way too much. I was sensitive to the lights, the noise, my eyes were glazing over. I was so embarassed.

Then for two weeks my headaches got worse and my eyes would randomly glaze over and I wouldn't be able to see anything - I read the news so you can imagine how difficult this is especially as I try and hide it from people at work. I also had that feeling again of being detached from things.

I went to see a neurologist here in China and they changed my prescription from amitriptaline to Topirimate but i'm still getting headaches and just generally feeling a bit off. I think i'm going to have to go to the doctor's again and see if we can up the dosage.

Anyone got any advice? I am so fed up after 15 months!

SuperElectric 04-22-2015 06:10 AM

Just hang in on there! My own experience of PCS is that it progresses in phases. I think you need more time to rest, you cannot push through PCS. I would try to pace yourself at work and try not to multi task at all.

AndromedaJulie 04-22-2015 07:54 AM

Hi Sophierose,

I'm sorry this is so frustrating. I experience upswings of symptoms and find it extremely difficult not to get down. Well, in fact I do get down, and it's hard to get up. So use whatever support you have, including this forum.

Probably you need to back way off and dial down your input until the symptoms recede for a bit. This is what I have to do whenever I completely overdo it. I am on Topamax also - I was before my injuries but an increased dose now - it's helpful but honestly, it's the reduction in stimulation that has the greatest impact. It doesn't mean you have to live in a bubble forever. But you may need to chill for a bit to let your brain recover and then take it back in slowly. Take a few sick days. Stay off the screens. Then, when your symptoms are a little better, just add in the minimum. Gradually, you'll get back to where you were.

I hope this helps a bit. Hang in there. You are not alone!!:hug:


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