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Diandra 07-26-2015 09:02 AM

Concerning english dave...plse send healing energy
Dear friends,
for those, like me, who have come to know and care about Dave....well, he has had a fall, is now home resting with family. He can read a bit of the forum but it is difficult/painful for him to respond.

Dave....Please dont be upset I am sending this out without your permission but, you have been a good friend to many of us here and i know many will want to send good wishes, prayers and healing energy your way.

We care about you Dave and hope the damage from this fall heals rapidly and you are back to the forum soon. You are missed.

Healing energy from Connecticut, USA to you.
All my best,

mrsD 07-26-2015 09:13 AM

Sending healing vibes, to you, Dave... Sorry about this latest

St George 2013 07-26-2015 11:43 AM

Sending healing prayers across the waters to you
I am so very sorry to hear about your fall dearest Dave.

You mean so much to so many of us here at NT. I don't post often but I read everything you are a part of :) Your words to others mean that much to me and I'm sure to all others on here.

You will be in my thoughts and prayers daily.

Wishing you gentle healing and a very soft hug :hug:

Debi from Georgia

caroline2 07-26-2015 11:50 AM

I also send HEALING thoughts to Dave.... caroline from so cal

Hopeless 07-26-2015 03:41 PM

Hi Dave,

We are ALL pulling for your speedy recovery. You have touched so many lives here and we send our thoughts to you.


Lara 07-26-2015 04:26 PM

Another fall? :(
I'm very sorry to hear this.
I had wondered why you hadn't posted in a while.
Thinking of you Dave. Rest up in sunny (errr rainy) England!


Thanks for letting us know, Diandra.

bizi 07-26-2015 06:04 PM

oh no
sorry about your fall.
I hope you heal quickly.

kiwi33 07-26-2015 06:56 PM

Dave, I hope that you can read this.

Wishing you all the best for a speedy recovery from your fall.

bluesfan 07-26-2015 08:39 PM

Dave - in case you missed my post on your 'Got to do it' thread.

Sorry to hear you took a tumble - when you hadn't been around for a few days figured something was up (or down in your case) and hoped it wasn't too serious.

All the best for recovery - lots of healing wishes coming from down south here.

Thanks for the update Diandra


DejaVu 07-26-2015 08:44 PM

Hopeful Healing
Diandra, Thanks for letting us know! :)

Hi Dave,

Thinking of you. Hopeful you will be feeling better soon.

((((((((((( Dave )))))))))))))))
Love and Light Surrounding You

With Lots of Hope,

Cheryl1818 07-26-2015 09:09 PM

Oh no, Dave!
I'm so sorry to hear about your fall. I hope you feel better soon.
You have a gift of saying exactly the right thing to bring cheer and hope when we need it most.
Wishing you a speedy recovery, Cheryl

ger715 07-26-2015 10:22 PM

Haven't noticed Dave posting lately and was getting quite concerned. Like so

many others; looked forward to reading his posts.

Dave, be well; you are missed.


EnglishDave 07-28-2015 11:56 AM

Thank you All, my Friends, for your concern and good wishes.

Last Tuesday eve, 21st, I had another fall - just as when I busted up my ribs -onto my stiff right arm this time, jarring my neck. Pain in my neck and arm (I get referred pain) was bad from the shock and got worse overnight.

In the morning my Ex took me to Minor Injuries, who took one look, slapped me in a Collar and called an Ambulance. I was then totally immobilised in head restraints and back-board for the trip to the major Trauma Unit and for 14 hours total.

After Exams by 3 Drs and C-Spine MRI - quick way to get one, but not reccommended - turns out I have 3 Spinal Cord Compressions in neck at 5, 6, 8 and long- term degeneration everywhere. Luckily, I just aggravated the H… out of everything, no more damage, but they kept me in overnight as a precaution.

Now, neck is settling a little but I still cannot lift head up and movement to right has decreased by another 20%. Left arm numbness down to Middle, Ring and Pinkie fingers has increased by 50%. Right arm pain, to which I am no stranger, has increased exponentially and will not settle. That individual, stabbing, burning pain is an 8/9 - taken down to 5 for an hour by all my many meds. After a week I wonder whether the current frequency is my new 'Normal'?

I have had to be away from this Forum I regard as Home as I have been unable to manage my Tablet or phone, typing causes unbelievable pain - bearable at this moment on my phone. It has added to my frustrations being unable to participate. Still, I am on the way back now, I'll just have to time my visits with my meds.

Oh, 2 Plusses, MrsD - I am off Statins, yay! And my PM appt has been brought forward, so I will be able to discuss all of this, and more, with a great Dr in 4 weeks.

Thank you All once again.


eva5667faliure 07-28-2015 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by EnglishDave (Post 1158239)
Thank you All, my Friends, for your concern and good wishes.

Last Tuesday eve, 21st, I had another fall - just as when I busted up my ribs -onto my stiff right arm this time, jarring my neck. Pain in my neck and arm (I get referred pain) was bad from the shock and got worse overnight.

In the morning my Ex took me to Minor Injuries, who took one look, slapped me in a Collar and called an Ambulance. I was then totally immobilised in head restraints and back-board for the trip to the major Trauma Unit and for 14 hours total.

After Exams by 3 Drs and C-Spine MRI - quick way to get one, but not reccommended - turns out I have 3 Spinal Cord Compressions in neck at 5, 6, 8 and long- term degeneration everywhere. Luckily, I just aggravated the H… out of everything, no more damage, but they kept me in overnight as a precaution.

Now, neck is settling a little but I still cannot lift head up and movement to right has decreased by another 20%. Left arm numbness down to Middle, Ring and Pinkie fingers has increased by 50%. Right arm pain, to which I am no stranger, has increased exponentially and will not settle. That individual, stabbing, burning pain is an 8/9 - taken down to 5 for an hour by all my many meds. After a week I wonder whether the current frequency is my new 'Normal'?

I have had to be away from this Forum I regard as Home as I have been unable to manage my Tablet or phone, typing causes unbelievable pain - bearable at this moment on my phone. It has added to my frustrations being unable to participate. Still, I am on the way back now, I'll just have to time my visits with my meds.

Oh, 2 Plusses, MrsD - I am off Statins, yay! And my PM appt has been brought forward, so I will be able to discuss all of this, and more, with a great Dr in 4 weeks.

Thank you All once again.


jeez Dave
when can we catch a break
is it not a beautiful thing
to know how very much you are missed
and very much needed
oh how well do i know when wanting to share
it to is painful
i type with a pencil and use the eraser side
laptop on its side left
and like today
want to catch up
as i am awaiting that break
you take care
sounds like ex is helpful
this is nice
this makes me happy
be happy things could
could have been sooooooooooooo
much worse
please be careful
loss of sight
i hope you are using two canes
if you must
falling my fear
fallen twice this year
walk with the cane in house also
when needed
otherwise i would bounce wall to wall
i'm sure you get the picture
now be safe
thank you for sharing

Littlepaw 07-28-2015 04:04 PM

Hi Dave,

It is good to have news of you, even if it is not good news. Obviously more than one of us was worried about you! I sincerely hope your new "frequency" is not the new normal and that you will have continued healing and settling. Honestly, you may be sore for 2-3 weeks so we will all hope for improvement.

Your compassion and kind eloquence are sorely missed but please do stay out as long as needed to properly care for yourself.

Sending prayers for recovery and healing love, :hug:

Lara 07-28-2015 04:38 PM

Rest up Dave.
We're all wishing you a speedy recovery.

Hopefully you can get to watch the Ashes game at Edgbaston instead of watching here. ;)

EnglishDave 07-28-2015 06:10 PM

Dear Eva,

You have no idea how much it means to have Worth here. I have so very little left in the Real World.

This one fall was when I wasn't using my cane, just taking 4-5 steps across the room. Although this type of fall would not have been stopped by anything. Am just going to have to creep about even slower and not try to push myself at all. Such is life.


bizi 07-28-2015 07:05 PM

oh dave, so sorry to read this. Glad that you are home, take care of yourself.

ger715 07-28-2015 09:28 PM

Sorry it took this fall for you, as well as all of us, to realize what a "treasure" you are.

You are an inspiration; when needed. Also; you tell it straight which is often needed.

You are quite talented in many ways. Thru your description, I can even visualize the beautiful scenery you see looking out your window.

Take care dear friend.:hug::hug::hug:


mrsD 07-29-2015 05:12 AM

Dave, just so you know, I use an aluminum walking stick/hiking pole around the house some days...and always on the stairs. I was warned by PT not to fall again, or risk ending up in a nursing home.:rolleyes:

I think you will notice an improvement with the end of your statin.
Those drugs affect the brain, and other tissues in a very negative way.

I think the stick is lighter than a cane, and a bit more stabilizing.
Don't try to do too much, until you feel more stable. Are you getting some physical therapy? I found mine after a nasty fall to be very helpful in the long run.

EnglishDave 07-29-2015 09:52 AM

Hi MrsD,

I am just changing over to an aluminium stick with an ergonomically designed handle now my weight has come down below the manufacturer's limit. It is much lighter and easier to use than my antique carved wooden African stick. I just - stupidly - get lulled into a sense of false security indoors and think I can do without. Many times, like these last two damaging falls, nothing would have made a difference, I would even have flattened a Walker.

I have no PT planned, they write me off as a 'Lost Cause' as they cannot butcher me. My PM Team may be able to offer something more, maybe another round of acupuncture. I am wary of traditional Physios after I had one at my local Clinic try to manipulate fused vertebrae in my lower back.

At the moment the plan is to keep taking the pain killers and muddle through til my PM appt next month.


DejaVu 07-29-2015 10:14 PM

Doggone It, Take It Easy!
Hi Dave,

Just checking in on you.
I see you have lots of visitors here!:grouphug:

I see your exchange with mrsD on walking aids. I often use an aluminum crutch, the type which has a "C" shaped ring which goes around my bicep area. It's very stabilizing for me. I have never found canes or walking sticks very stabilizing. Just my own very humble opinion, of course. ;)

I'd read, in another thread, mention of your German Shepherd. I hope your dog keeps you company as you continue to heal. I am a huge fan of this breed and have raised a few. I have trained one to "Service Animal" level, but that's a different story for a different time.

Your value? Truly Priceless. :eek::D
Nice to see you writing here again.

Take extra special care, 'cause we care and you are an important part of the NT family. :grouphug:

To Our Healing,

bluesfan 07-29-2015 11:53 PM

Hi Dave

Glad to see you're improving and to keep reading your input.
I realise you can't exercise at present but you probably remember my mentioning previously about Tai Chi being of benefit to wheelchair bound people. Thought I'd find a couple of links you could peruse while you're resting to maybe see if it's something that might suit you in the future. I've put comments in regarding how I think these compare to traditional Tai Chi.
This is a basic adaptive style - it has a good explanation and the focus on breathing is included. You may find some of the arm positions awkward with your injuries but they could be further simplified to suit.
This is a video of seated Tai Chi - the tutor's instruction style is easy to follow. This may be suitable for what I previously mentioned about just imagining doing the movements in your mind (without actually the physical actions). It'd be suitable to start with and then with practice you could do the same with more advanced forms. There are other videos on youtube.

Congratulations on the awesome weight loss - your determination to stick at this, in spite of setbacks, is an inspiration to those of us still struggling.


P.S. Another day, a new toss of the coin, and it's a completely different game - and who said test cricket was boring?

Lara 07-30-2015 12:11 AM

Please excuse my strange sense of humour but......


Originally Posted by bluesfan (Post 1158695)
P.S. Another day, a new toss of the coin, and it's a completely different game - and who said test cricket was boring?

It's never boring is it. I really did have to laugh out loud reading the press here.

They said groundkeepers were out there with UV light drying out the pitch?

They said they were using confiscated "cannabis lamps" given to the groundstaff by the local constabulary. :D

vintagewine 07-30-2015 10:32 AM

Hi Dave,

I'm so sorry that you fell.

I'm sending you lots of healing vibes for a quick recovery.

KnowNothingJon 07-30-2015 01:57 PM

I was checking out other sections during lunch and thought, engrish dave, poor fellow.

Egad, where are my glasses?!?

Not English Dave?!??!

Dave, rest up buddy. Queue up some Spring 1990 Grateful Dead after medicating and enjoy. 🌞

On a more serious note, I hope you take it easy until that appointment and that you receive the treatment you deserve

Be well,


EnglishDave 07-30-2015 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by DejaVu (Post 1158678)
Hi Dave,

Just checking in on you.
I see you have lots of visitors here!:grouphug:

I see your exchange with mrsD on walking aids. I often use an aluminum crutch, the type which has a "C" shaped ring which goes around my bicep area. It's very stabilizing for me. I have never found canes or walking sticks very stabilizing. Just my own very humble opinion, of course. ;)

I'd read, in another thread, mention of your German Shepherd. I hope your dog keeps you company as you continue to heal. I am a huge fan of this breed and have raised a few. I have trained one to "Service Animal" level, but that's a different story for a different time.

Your value? Truly Priceless. :eek::D
Nice to see you writing here again.

Take extra special care, 'cause we care and you are an important part of the NT family. :grouphug:

To Our Healing,

Hi DejaVu,

The clip/banded sticks are more stabilizing, but with my Hypersensitivity I cannot bear anything pressing on my arms - my sleeves burn like H…

My dear GSD was spoken of in the past tense, I lost her a number of years ago, although she originally belonged to my Ex, I took her in and we bonded closely. My Avatar is my late, giant Bull Mastiff we rescued from starvation and neglect, then lost to Cancer all too young. 160lbs of love when he passed, he used to help me stand up from the chair.

Now my doggy fix is provided by my daughter's Collie - he is the only living being I can bear touching me and he understands my pain and illnesses.


EnglishDave 07-30-2015 06:33 PM

Hi bluesfan,

Up until my fall I had started watching some Tai Chi videos and incorporating thoughts of the movements in my mind during my Meditative Hour. It is difficult to master, but I will study these new Links, thank you.

I am unable to do even simple Meditation because of the pain now, but Breathing Techniques kept me from having dozens of Panic Attacks when strapped down - and in the MRI machine.


EnglishDave 07-30-2015 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by Lara (Post 1158702)
Please excuse my strange sense of humour but......

It's never boring is it. I really did have to laugh out loud reading the press here.

They said groundkeepers were out there with UV light drying out the pitch?

They said they were using confiscated "cannabis lamps" given to the groundstaff by the local constabulary. :D

I reserve comment on the Match until it is over - Snatching defeat from the Jaws of Victory, you know…

As for confiscated cannabis lamps - in an enlightened Country they would be put to their original use for the benefit of pain sufferers, not sportsmen - although that is valid if the result is positive:D


DejaVu 07-31-2015 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by EnglishDave (Post 1158917)
Hi DejaVu,

The clip/banded sticks are more stabilizing, but with my Hypersensitivity I cannot bear anything pressing on my arms - my sleeves burn like H…

My dear GSD was spoken of in the past tense, I lost her a number of years ago, although she originally belonged to my Ex, I took her in and we bonded closely. My Avatar is my late, giant Bull Mastiff we rescued from starvation and neglect, then lost to Cancer all too young. 160lbs of love when he passed, he used to help me stand up from the chair.

Now my doggy fix is provided by my daughter's Collie - he is the only living being I can bear touching me and he understands my pain and illnesses.


Hi Dave,
I apologize for my misunderstanding.
Sounds like you have had some great dogs!
So glad you have a healing relationship with the collie now! :)

I hope you are recovering from recent injuries with each passing day!


DejaVu 08-04-2015 10:12 AM

How Are You, Dave?
Hi Dave,

How are you doing? Recovering from recent injuries?

Thinking of you daily. :hug:

EnglishDave 08-04-2015 07:09 PM

Hi DejaVu,

Things are not settling at all, I'm afraid. Neck and referred pain in right arm is excruciating and now I have new numbness in right thumb, index and middle fingers. Only relief from pain I get is laying flat with semicircular foam pillow under neck. Numbness never goes, makes typing harder to manage than just with double vision and I can only use my phone - Tablets are too heavy to pick up and manipulate.

The way things are going this may be a new 'Normal', but I see my wonderful PM Consultant in a few weeks, he may have some ideas.

Thanks for asking, sorry to be so negative. It is depressing not being able to participate fully here.


DejaVu 08-04-2015 07:44 PM

Hi Dave,

Oh Wow. So sorry. :(

I hope this isn't your new "normal."

It's great to have you here, Dave! Sorry it's so difficult for you.

Still praying for you and offering healing energy.:hug:


bluesfan 08-05-2015 12:17 AM

So sorry to hear this Dave - when you've shared so much to help others through their struggles, to read what you're experiencing now, makes me wish we could carry some of that pain for you. There needs to be a special EnglishDave shorthand so that you only have to type one character and we would know what you intend to say longhand.
Calm meditations.

Littlepaw 08-05-2015 09:41 AM

Ugh Dave no! I don't want to accept this as your new normal. I can only imagine how you must be feeling right now. I am so sorry you are stuck on your back.

I know you have a lot of vertebra issues so I don't know if this would be comfortable for you or not.... Some people benefit from a light stretch, emphasis on light, of the cervical vertebrae. A person can do it for you gently or there is an over the door light traction device. Sounds like you've gone and gotten more impingement or knocked something off kilter in there. Do you benefit from massage? sometimes just the muscle tension from an injury and compensation is enough to throw things off and then hold them there.

I like the idea of a Dave shorthand. :) several people here could use that. You could try sweet Eva's technique and start writing us some poetry instead. ;)

I hope you feel better soon. I am sending gentle hugs and prayers for healing. :hug:

Diandra 08-05-2015 10:14 AM

Oh Dave....This really sucks.
I, too, sure pray this is not your new normal.

With your great PM doc, I am sure they will pull something new out
of their bag of tricks.

I know it is hard but, please hang on to hope that this injury is
simply stubborn and slow to heal but it will.

I know we have talked quite a bit about the meds we take but I had forgotten
if you take one of the stronger anti-inflammatory like MOBIC or RELAFEN. I just restarted MOBIC last week and it has really helped me. I had an accidental thump to the top of my head that really exacerbated headaches and neck pain and the MOBIC was like putting water on a fire. I hope your doc comes up with something similar for you.

I also use a U shaped pillow called a BUCKY pillow for my neck.

from Amazon

or company website

It has an internal pillow filled, I believe with buckwheat groats, and a cover that zippers. I like it because you can move or remove the groats to suit your perfectly. Also, PamelaJune told me she has a few similar pillows she puts in the freezer and they don't have the sharp cold of a regular icepack
that would bother your sensitivity but give you some gentle cold.

All my best,

EnglishDave 08-05-2015 06:24 PM

Thank you all for your concern, I like the idea of a shorthand but I never even embraced Textspeak. Things will either become the new 'Normal', in which case PM will help and I can become accustomed to this level over months, or they will ease and the problem will dissipate slightly. My real worry is the new numbness in my right hand.

Littlepaw - Massage! Are you mad?!? With my Hypersensitivity the very thought of someone touching me is enough to send me climbing the walls. I cannot bear my clothes touching my body, let alone anything else:eek::D

Diandra - The anti-inflammatory I take is Arcoxia. Without it my hands, knees and neck swell up, become bright red and burningly painful. I am loath to increase the dose because of the affect it has on the heart.


PamelaJune 08-06-2015 03:41 PM

Including you in my prayer this morning Dave. You are an inspiration to this group.:hug::hug:

kiwi33 08-06-2015 11:02 PM

Dave, I am sorry that things are not improving as well as you would like.

Please don't worry about not being able to contribute here as often as you have before - your needs always have to be #1.

Hang in there mate :hug: .

bluesfan 08-12-2015 02:18 PM

Dave - Just to say Hi and hope you're doing okay. Hope your PM appt. is soon and you get some relief sorted. Take care. NRN (No Reply Needed)

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