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Dmom3005 07-12-2022 10:08 PM

July 12th
Today has been a good day. My eye is doing good. Its a little red from
the doctor. Which I was hoping was not just my imagination, so I was
kind of glad he stated it. Its pressure and my right one are both good.

I have had irritation for over two weeks in this eye so I'm not surprised
its red now too. But my vision is good. I'm going to definitely need
reading glasses for up close to read. But that is all. I'm honestly
not sure what to do about my drivers license. Because it states I
need glasses. But I don't know.

I need to ask the doctor next week what I do about that. Because
I have no need to go back for about 5 years.

Dan sold his second vehicle to my other son Devin today. But he is
getting so responsible he told me to wait a few days to take the
insurance off. So he can get his insurance on it. I'm really impressed
with him. So I texted Devin and told him to let me know when he
has the insurance and things on it so I can take Dan's off.

I am really thinking Derrick is doing great at work, he has been doing
a Sunday shift the last two weeks to make up for the shift on Thursday
he misses. So hopefully they figure out where his other shift went soon.

Or something.

I'm just recovering from my surgery and enjoying life right now.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 07-13-2022 07:13 PM

I am so glad that you are enjoying life. Do you keep up with parents over the summer?

Dmom3005 07-14-2022 12:41 PM

Yes, I have some that I keep up with during the summer.


Dmom3005 07-19-2022 06:21 PM

I'm a little irritated my air conditioner in my car decided to go on the fritz again.
Dale is trying to get it in the mechanic so hopefully it can get fixed for
real this time. It comes and goes. So hopefully when I go to the eye doctor
at 3:45 tomorrow its working.

One of my friends in Kokomo that was in our church who was good friends
with my mom died really suddenly yesterday. Luckily my sister had let
me know the night before she had gone in to hospice and wasn't expected
to be around long. I really wanted to go to the showing but I can't handle
the heat driving over an hour to Kokomo in 90 or higher degree weather
so I wont be going. Its just not possible.


bizi 07-19-2022 07:41 PM

send some flowers or a plant write on the guests areas most funeral homes have guest books virtually....on the net at their site.
sorry about the sudden death.

Dmom3005 07-21-2022 04:10 PM

I will in the end send a donation probably to one of her favorite things at the church. And let the family chose what exactly they would like to use it
for. She and her husband started a beautiful garden and she started a food pantry and book, but also she used to do a giving tree, that everyone in the community used to contribute too. My sister buys coats, hats, scarfs, nice sweaters, and other things that they hang on a big tree in the yard. Till last year about half way through, some people ( same lady or two) kept coming a stealing
things and then selling them. So they moved things inside, and once a week opened the room up for people that needed things. And if they needed something at a different time, people knew they just needed to go to the office and the office person would help them.

So I'm going to make a contribution to one of her nice areas.


bizi 07-21-2022 07:06 PM

how thoughtful Donna!
what a great idea.
You always have good ideas.

mymorgy 07-22-2022 05:05 AM

agreed about coming out with great ideas. so thoughtful and giving.

Dmom3005 07-26-2022 01:48 PM

I just need to get it done soon. Its still on my list of things to do.


PS> nothing new here. Just the bus issues still with Derrick here. And
the stupid heat. Till that goes down I'm usually in the house.

Dmom3005 07-27-2022 04:32 PM

Well today derrick finally got a gift card I guess it is for uber. To start using
part of the time, for his rides to and from places especially work.

We will work on this as time goes on. This will help when I need to not be around. This is great we have been waiting for about 1 1/2 months for this
to be gotten started. So glad its finally here.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 07-28-2022 07:10 PM

Is derrick good with his phone?
uber is usually an app on the phone that is free to install, you put your payments on the app .I am not sure how it works with a gift card.?????

mymorgy 07-28-2022 07:37 PM

be careful because in manhattan it can be more expensive than a regular cab. oops I guess where you live it is hard to get a cab

Dmom3005 07-30-2022 05:06 PM

Yes, he is good even better than me on the apps. But its his medicaid
waiver that has the money for his uber so he can call for one.

It sounds like they may have a deal with uber, so they can give
our kids with disabilities more ways to get around.

I know they say it should be around $ 7.00 which in this price with gas
right now I'd be fine with. But we will see.

The thing with how his bus is going, we don't know until its time for
it to come if its coming. So if I'm not sure he doesn't have a ride.


Dmom3005 07-30-2022 05:13 PM

Just like last night, about 2:30 Derrick informed me he hoped his bus
came. There had been a mess up that morning. And they were trying
to send one for his wabash class which it was the wrong week. So he cancelled
it. But got no notice that his bus was coming at 4:10 to 4:40, so I was back
from Oxford and told him not to worry I'd take him if it didn't coem.

Well it didn't at 4:45 I took him, he is just a little away from the restaurant.
So I asked do I come get you just in case. We decided yes, but I got there
and in came his bus. So I went in and told him, the bus came in and was
early. And the driver was the only one on it. He is the last ride of the day when
this happens, especially when the guy is early. So I told him, I didn't want
him to tell the guy he didn't need a ride. Because its possible the guy waited
two or three hours to get Derrick as his last ride some nights he does.

Yes, he gets paid, but that just doesn't sit well with me. So I came home
and waited. He came in, I had gotten us dessert earlier. And he got it.

No more than he had half eaten it. And I was done, he tells me he isn't
sure what is up but he just used his magnet for a really bad headache
and will head to bed. So I made sure he got there and gave him tylenol.

Also we aren't sure sometimes its just before a seizure. It was just 2 months
before he had one. And the signs had been there for a day or two it was

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 07-30-2022 05:38 PM

It sounds like the bus service is really screwing up. not reliable.
sounds really frustrating.I wonder if derrick could learn how to drive. have you ever considered this.He seems high functioning. He could drive himself to work since it is that close.
just a thought.

Dmom3005 07-31-2022 07:34 PM

Derrick doesn't learn to drive because in Indiana you have to be seizure free at least 6 month's for your neurologist to let you drive. And with one of his seizures being the kind that he can kind of not know he is having one but also not know what he is doing. Its not really safe for him to drive. Its also why its not safe
for him to walk to work either. So we will stick to working on the other options.

It will work out I'm sure.

I just saw Harmony's results from her evaluation before kindergarten this fall.
I had been wondering because her mom wasn't really open to saying how it went. Other than they said, she was smart and shouldn't be held back in pre-school. Which I found odd. But it turns out I think mom is having a hard time
accepting her moderate disability and autism diagnosis. Which I had already known almost positively she had the autism diagnosis, even though the person doing the Evaluation didn't want to agree 3 years ago. Because she smiles and laughes and things. But she doesn't have complete eye contact.

And she is not doing some of the other things she should, and she definitely acts autistic.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

mymorgy 08-05-2022 05:28 AM

i am waiting for the weather to get cooler and my legs stronger and then i will have cataract surgery.

Dmom3005 08-06-2022 01:46 PM

Good Bobby,

I waited till my schedule would be less.

Derrick's phone died during the night. So he started on the one
that his dad bought by accident. THat runs on verizon. He is really
liking it so far. So this is good. But we will see when he gets home from work
if he gets home if he can finally get the internet on.

Its been giving him a hard time.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 08-06-2022 05:28 PM

I am glad that derrick likes his new phone!
Are you sure he can get internet on it?

Dmom3005 08-07-2022 06:20 PM

Yes, when he went to work he got some of the internet things there.

And he will get more things later. We will see when that is.

I am really not having a clue what to get Will for his birthday or xmas.
I'm hoping when I get around to asking my son Devin he will be more
help than Meluvja. Everything I suggest she vetos on me. So I keep coming
back to the drawing board. I'm at a loss nothing is working.

We will see.

I also saw Harmony's Evaluation the other day. I can't remember if I told
everyone the other day how it read. We will see were she is put in school.
But I'm guessing its going to be the special needs classroom, and
that her autism title will be now more taking things into prespective.

I am just hoping her mom will pay more attention. We will see.


mymorgy 08-07-2022 06:23 PM

you didn't answer my question. i still can read without glasses. could still read before the surgery?

Dmom3005 08-09-2022 11:53 AM


I couldn't read or see without glasses before surgery.

Now I can't read close up without glasses. Its very blurry.

But it gets better all the time, Doctor had told me ahead
of time odds were the degree my eyes were I would always
need reading glasses for my reading up close. But before
I needed prescription glasses for upclose reading just like
the rest of things. Now I can go to the dollar store and get
the 100+ and use them to read.

If they become to strong then I wont need glasses at all.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

Dmom3005 08-09-2022 11:55 AM


I hope that made more sense. My biggest problem was
driving in the dark, and walking in the dark outside especially.

I also hated walking in the dark in halls. Because I saw shawdows.

And I had spots in my vision in my eyes. Because I believe one of
the cataracts covered almost one of my whole eyes.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

mymorgy 08-09-2022 01:21 PM

that must been so awful and you didn't complain. wow

Dmom3005 08-10-2022 03:49 PM


I don't honestly complain because I've seen kids that I used to work
with that had bigger problems than I have ever had. Also Derrick's
seizures are worse than anything I'm going through now.

Also I love seeing smiles so I think if the kids and others can smile.
Then what do I have to complain about.


Dmom3005 08-21-2022 01:10 PM

Hi, Everyone.

I went to dinner at O'charleys with Dale on Friday night.

Derrick was the runner and served our steaks. I think
he was happy to see his dad in there.

His dad enjoyed seeing Derrick serving the food to others also.
He has never been in there when he was working. I have a few
times but not when he was a runner and serving food.

It was a nice dinner.

I've been having really nice weather and really hope it stays nice.
I hate it when it gets to hot. It just makes it hard to sleep.

But that is okay.


bizi 08-21-2022 02:35 PM

nice report.

is your Air conditioner broken why is it hot at night?

Dmom3005 08-22-2022 03:54 PM

sometimes until tonight I sleep on the couch in the living room.

Was waiting on a second bed to arrive. It did today. But the living
room doesn't have a window air conditioner that hte two rooms
with beds now do.

Do it wont be as hot anymore when sleeping


bizi 08-22-2022 08:14 PM

have you discussed getting central air.

I think we are in for more hot summers ahead of us.
Glad that you will sleep in a bed,

the couch must have been so hard on your back!
You are a tough cookie!

Dmom3005 08-23-2022 05:04 PM

Our house in Oxford has Central Air. Its Derrick's house that doesn't.

When he replaces the furnace(Dale) he is going to put in Central
air in this house also. But it has to wait till some of the rentals get finished
first. Its not been real bad on the couch just some nights has it been.

The bed was nice last night and the air conditioner felt good too.
Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 08-23-2022 08:17 PM

I think that getting the a/c on would be a priority for derrick and you too sleeping there.
just my opinion of course.

mymorgy 08-24-2022 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by Dmom3005 (Post 1300663)
Our house in Oxford has Central Air. Its Derrick's house that doesn't.

When he replaces the furnace(Dale) he is going to put in Central
air in this house also. But it has to wait till some of the rentals get finished
first. Its not been real bad on the couch just some nights has it been.

The bed was nice last night and the air conditioner felt good too.
Donna :hug::grouphug:

is Dale that talented that he can do all that? awesome.

Dmom3005 08-24-2022 09:26 PM

He does lots of things. And honestly thinks he can do more than he does.

But that is fine.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 08-30-2022 08:26 PM

When will dale put in A/C in derricks home?
Is it still hot there?

Dmom3005 08-31-2022 05:21 PM

No clue when that might be. Its finally getting cooler here somewhat.

But the bedrooms are fine, and the living room has nice fans. So its not
bad. It was just that until the second bed came the living room was to
hot to sleep in. So now its fine.

We have had two bats in the house this week. Not sure were they are coming
from. But trying to figure it out. HOpefully that is all of them.

One came in this morning really early. And doby came and got me. He
just whined and whined until I joined him. And I saw it.

I got it out, and then I couldn't find Jazzy the dog that we have trouble
catching, but she was in the house. And when I told Derrick that a bat
had been in the house again, and Doby had gotten me. HE screamed.

And then he really got big eyed when he found out it had been in his
room. He isn't handling them well.

So I hope they are gone.
Donna :hug::grouphug:

Dmom3005 08-31-2022 05:23 PM

For the rest of the news.

Derrick had a regular eeg today. And got there and learned he needed a AEEG which will be 48 hours. So it was either this weekend, or 6 months from now.

He chose to have it Saturday through Monday Morning, and miss work on Saturday night. So its set up. Shannon who took him to his appointment
had waited outside and was surprised when he came out and told
her. And said, when he told her it was set up and all the things. We have
taught you well.

Which is so true.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 08-31-2022 10:08 PM

Has Shannon been with derick very long?

Dmom3005 09-01-2022 02:31 PM

Yes, She has been a friend of the family for over 10 years.

But a provider for him for probably 10 years at least. She has been
with him through two companies, she just can't do many hours
with him in this company because she has 40 hours a week with
two clients already when we joined this agency.

So we look for another person, and still have none really. But
they allow her to do most of his doctor appointments.

Donna :grouphug:

Dmom3005 09-04-2022 07:12 PM

Hi everyone.

Derrick has been doing his 48 hour aeeg since Saturday morning.
It comes off tomorrow around noon. Then maybe we can go run
around awhile.

We are hoping to go to the mall, and window shop and get his
hair shampooed. And a few other things if time.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 09-04-2022 09:13 PM

I hope you have a nice time with derrick!

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