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cybil_who 10-04-2006 06:13 AM

i am sad because
my mom ran over a skunklast nite. it was dark and car was coming on other side. by time she seen it she could not stop or go around. she said he was ok that the car is high and did not squish him. i want to go back and see but she wouldnt go back :(

Julie 10-04-2006 07:12 AM


Chemar 10-04-2006 08:07 AM


SallysMom 10-04-2006 12:03 PM


Your feelings are valid and it is good to get them out. Sad things do happen. I am feeling things myself today. I used to deny my feelings or suppress them but God is dealing with me about this...... so am feeling a little sad myself today.

But God is good all the time. He cares about us and our feelings.

I care about you Cybil.


moose53 10-04-2006 12:12 PM


You -- and me -- and a lot of others than you'll run into in your life -- the sensitive ones -- are the ones the keep the caring and civility alive and well in this society.

I hate to see animals suffer too.



Curious 10-04-2006 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by cybil_who (Post 19577)
my mom ran over a skunklast nite. it was dark and car was coming on other side. by time she seen it she could not stop or go around. she said he was ok that the car is high and did not squish him. i want to go back and see but she wouldnt go back :(


if something like that ever happens again, call the animal control or the highway patrol. do not try and take care of a wild animal yourself. they can be very scary if hurt and may bite. skunks have been nown to carry rabies.

take care hon.

crytears 10-04-2006 12:43 PM

I stop for anything!
I'm sorry you are sad about Gods little creatures. It shows you have a tender heart....even for a stinky skunk!
I stopped for a Salamander aka Newt, one time...even backed up to look at it.
I had my grand daughter in the back seat and an elderly lady I used to sit for.

So the two loving souls I had in my car were saved from what could have been a fatal accident...all because I stopped to look at this little creature crossing the road.

Because I took this time, a car got ahead of me in line at the traffic signal on the way into town.
After the light changed we traveled down the 4 lane road. A car was headed at a very high rate of speed and hit this very little old junky car, (Honda like)
It hit him head on....but the car was going so fast the motion made it spin around right into my path and missed me just by a fraction of an inch.
It was as if in slow motion this now bloodied screaming face passed in opposite direction right in front of me.
The little car in front of me was smashed into several pieces.
The driver badly parts went flying hitting my car making only little dents.
When it was all over I was so terrified my heart began skipping beats and I threw up. My 2 YO grand daughter was wide eye'd simply stated "uh oh" and the elderly woman (she had Alzheimers) mumbled a few lines as well.

Paramedics came to my car to see what they could do....I was way too shook up to drive...but I didnt need assistance. I needed a change of underpants though!:eek:
The traffic was tied up for hours.
My son and his wife had to pick up my grand daughter and my hubby picked me and granny up and drove us home....I left my car in a parking lot for a day.
I had a head on collision, same highway, back in '95 and anything close to an accident still freaks me out. That is why I drive a huge truck now.
I don't care about gas mileage! I don't go out that much.
We live out in the toolys....share the hiway with logging trucks and meth addicts in between a few horse trailers.

The girl who had driven at high rate of speed had taken some medication and had a severe reaction to it causing her to go into a daze with her foot on the accelerator. They deterimined she was driving well over 80 MPH in the middle turn lane. I was wondering what the heck she was doing passing up all the cars using the middle lane.

We all were lucky no one was killed. The guy in the small car would be OK....nothing major happened to him...just bad cuts and bruises a few broken least he was alive!
The girl only had cuts on her face and a few other minor injuries.
If I hadn't stopped for the Salamander, the other car would not have gotten in front of me.
I would have been hit head on...again! Who knows what would have happened to any of us? If we had been hit, would it have killed the girl because of my big car? Would I or my precious cargo have been injured?

I like to think of that Salamander as being my guardian angel that day...this accident could have been much worse than it was.

But we must never swerve our car to avoid hitting an animal because we could hit another car or pedestrian. It's sad to injure or kill a little animal, but these things happen sometimes. My sister and her husband hit a horse as they traveled back to the hospital to see their sick baby.
They were driving their hot little car going 60 MPH in the dark. It could have killed both of them...but a freaky thing happened....the hood of their car came off and sheilded their windsheild....the horse went up and over them.
The horse was killed instantly....totalled their car...but they walked away unharmed. It was sad about the horse...but horses have minds of their own and get out....our Stalion gets out once in awhile....but our new electric fence has so far kept him in.
But its sad to see dead and injured animals along side the road.
Deer always make me cry when I see them out here all the time. They are such gorgeous animals.
Blessings, Cheryl

cybil_who 10-04-2006 01:28 PM

thanks we drive a small car i hope we stay safe in it and it makes me sad to to see all animals hurt to (((hugs))) to every one

cybil_who 10-04-2006 01:29 PM

judy why r u sad? please do not be sad (((((((((hugs)))))))))) :(

SallysMom 10-04-2006 02:32 PM


That was quite a story. I am glad you were not hurt also......even though it was a serious story I had to laugh a little....(underpants LOL) My first husband was driving with my daughter and almost hit a deer. They were not hurt, Thank God!


Why am I sad? I don't know!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAA!
Actually it has more to do with a friend of mine who has made some really foolish choices and found himself in outpatient drug rehab. I hope that he takes this time to re-evaluate his life and get it together. He has such good potential.

The weather is cloudy, a little stormy. I got such a good start this week so just a little bit of a let down. Actually I am doing better now. I will make it!

I will survive:p ;) :) ;) :) because I have friends like you.


cybil_who 10-04-2006 08:04 PM

(((judy)))) big soft hugs

SallysMom 10-05-2006 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by JudyM (Post 19880)


Why am I sad? I don't know!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAA!
Actually it has more to do with a friend of mine who has made some really foolish choices and found himself in outpatient drug rehab. I hope that he takes this time to re-evaluate his life and get it together. He has such good potential.


Yesterday I was a little down. I am doing a lot better today. The thing about the above situation is it is beyond my control. His mother who is also my friend believes that the drug rehab is a waste of time in that it just teaches a person "how to use drugs". Not sure about that. He was doing well and the time spent in rehab will interfer with his job and financial situation.

That is in the short of things. In God's long term plan though this might do him good if he can take advantage of it and allows God to work in his life. He is a Christian, but with a lot of issues.

Co-dependency is something I do not want to get into here, so am just asking you to pray for him and then I am leaving it with the Lord.

Thanks Cybil, you are a sweetheart with a caring spirit.


cybil_who 10-05-2006 02:41 PM

judy u r right about it being out ofyour control. those r his choice he makes and no body can make him change except him and god but if he dont choose what u think is right there is nothing u can do about it except love him and hopefully not judge him. we all make bad choices some times some times even on purpose because we can not help it but we dont want people to feel sad either because of our choices. ((((hugs))))

DaisyMae 10-05-2006 05:00 PM

sending you a warm hug.........................


cybil_who 10-06-2006 10:52 AM

i am sad because i am going to miss summer and all the pretty flowers and birds. :( does the warm states have flowers all year grow?

Chemar 10-06-2006 11:09 AM

Hi Cybil

yes, here in Florida we do have green and flowers and birds throughout the year

in fact, the winter time is our very best season here as summer is soooooo hot and hunid. But in winter we have temps in the 70s (often even 80s) and fresh cool nights that seldom go below the 50s :) Everyone loves it here in winter and it is also our main tourist season. Occasionally it gets cold, which for us is in the 30s by night and 50s by day

but come summer...........
that is when we wish we were in the northern climes:o

cybil_who 10-06-2006 12:15 PM

to bad u cant come live here in the summer and i live there for the winter :D

cybil_who 10-14-2006 09:41 PM

i am just not very ahppy lately and dont know what to do about it :(

Chemar 10-15-2006 07:34 AM


do you know about SAD=Seasonal Affective Disorder ?

It is a clinically recognised depression that many people suffer when the fall/winter season begins and is believed to be triggered by the change in sunlight
That, couple with the fact that some illnesses can also flare when the weather gets colder and more damp and dark, may well be at the root of your sadness

I know that it is recommended that those daylight lightbulbs be used to help, and also maybe get a heating pad or an old fashined hot water bottle to be able to snuggle..........brings much comfort!

That, and (((BIG HUGS))) from a friend who loves ya

cybil_who 10-15-2006 08:11 AM

hugs cheri my freind ((((hugs)))

Idealist 10-15-2006 04:07 PM

I am sad because I'm an idealist, and we idealists seem destined to live in a state of constant disappointment. When you want the world to be a perfect place, and everybody to be friends, and to be able to settle the really deep issues in're bound to get burned a lot.

cybil_who 10-15-2006 04:49 PM

(((idealist))) :(

Idealist 10-16-2006 09:14 PM

I'm sad because I lost a good friend last night...and don't understand why...

Chemar 10-16-2006 09:19 PM

oh Idealist.......I am sad to hear that :(

Julie 10-16-2006 10:16 PM


I am sad because Michael had a seizure during his EEG

Idealist 10-16-2006 10:29 PM

Thank you, kind as usual

Oh, Julie...I'm so sorry to hear that...

It must have been frightening for you! Is he okay?

JoJo6 10-17-2006 10:29 AM

(((( Idealist)))) I am so very sorry. You know we are here. ((((hugs))))

Julie 10-18-2006 12:54 PM

Thanks Idealist. I'm still waiting on a call from the doc on how to proceed.

Curious 10-18-2006 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by Idealist (Post 26446)
I'm sad because I lost a good friend last night...and don't understand why...

((((mr incognito))))

:( i'm sorry sweety.

i know i havn't been around as much into the weeeee hours lately. you know yo can pm or email me anytime. hope today is better and you find your answers.

don't give up on the ideal. pssst...keep that fire extinguisher handy. ;)

clouds z 10-19-2006 10:38 AM

im a pessimist i guess

sallyb 10-28-2006 08:09 AM

Matthew 10:29-30
Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Mt. 10:29-30

They say that God even sees the tiniest bird thatt dies. Sometimes, I think He sees through our eyes...or, we see through His. I think God looks down upon you and smiles.

Your friend.....sally

Idealist 11-17-2006 12:34 AM

Boo-hoo! I'm sad because a bad ol' thunderstorm blew a bunch of shingles off the roof of my house this morning. And we just had them all replaced year before last! This was something I REALLY didn't need, since in my condition there's now way I can fix it myself. Oh, well... Guess it's time to start thumbing through the yellow pages...:o

Chemar 11-17-2006 08:36 AM

ooooh I am sad because that happened Idealist :( and sure hope you find an honest and inexpensive roofer to help:)

clouds z 11-20-2006 09:59 PM

maybe the skunk was ill and wanted to die,not that people should kill themselves

animals can be bad

150 die in usa a year from cars hitting a deer and many injured

as for elk and moose i dont know how many

clouds z 11-20-2006 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by sallyb (Post 31573)
Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Mt. 10:29-30

They say that God even sees the tiniest bird thatt dies. Sometimes, I think He sees through our eyes...or, we see through His. I think God looks down upon you and smiles.

Your friend.....sally

are you sallym from chat?-probably not

KathyM 11-24-2006 03:07 PM

I'm sad for the people of Iraq.

I watched the news yesterday. Being Thanksgiving, there was a segment emphasizing the importance of home, family, feeding the homeless, etc.

It then switched over to footage of Iraq where hundreds of people killed/injured - their families wailing in sorrow, bystanders in utter despair over what has become of their homeland. It also mentioned 3 marines who were killed elsewhere in Iraq.

It toggled back and forth from the joy of stuffing our faces to the horror we've caused in Iraq.

Today. Being "Black Friday" - the emphasis is on grabbing all we can and fighting our neighbors for that last DVD player.

It switches to Iraq - mourners carrying 100+ coffins in the streets, businesses, shops and streets blown to shreds.

I'm sad because I screamed as loud as I possibly could to prevent the invasion of Iraq. People who cared patted me on the head and said it would NEVER be a ground war or anything like Viet Nam. People who didn't care said I had the blood of 9/11 victims on my hands for speaking out against invading Iraq.

I'm sad because I used to be a fan of Michael Richards (Kramer), but after seeing the garbage in his heart I'll never be able to look at him again. I've been pushed beyond furious in the past, and I've NEVER reduced myself to racial slurs. As Al Sharpton said, "you can't throw up what you haven't eaten."

I'm sad because people like Michael Richards got us into this mess we call the "War on Terror." They didn't see human beings - they only saw brown people they thought they could control.

Chemar 11-25-2006 09:29 AM


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