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ConsiderThis 09-02-2007 07:01 PM

Needed? a forum for people suffering foreclosure and other legal problems -

I'm working on revising my appeal brief. I couldn't go to sleep last night at all. I finally got a couple hours this morning after 7.

I know a lot of people are going to be facing foreclosure, and it's so distressing.

(I blame Realtors for the nationwide problem... and they haven't ever been mentioned as far as I've heard.)

In any case, last night I saw that the lawyer for the mortgagee in my case lied repeatedly in court, and he also happened to say that's what his firm has done for years...

He didn't say, "We've been cheating and lying to people for years," rather he described what he did and my case and said they'd been doing it for years.

The thing is, it's taken me over a year to see this because it was so stressful and the more stressed I am, the less well I see things.

And, the lawyers I hired and that cost me 7 times as much money as I have left now, totally either agreed with him because they're all lawyers, or else they didn't bother to do a very good job for me and didn't find the problems although the problems were repeatedly made.

I cannot tell people enough how important it is to really look at your legal papers, because there are rights you should have... and that lawyers are keen, VERY KEEN, to deprive you of.

So.... that's why I think we could use a forum for this kind of thing...

What do you think?

Wiix 09-02-2007 11:26 PM

OF course this is a good place to talk about this since it is Probably affectiong your health either mental or physical or BOTH.

Foreclosure is Rampant in the U.S. right now. Don't totally blame yourself. The banks, ******* LAWYERS and the finance companies are the only winners in this MESS. People can't make ends meet because wages are so low for the average Joe. Price fixing, the Government and runaway inflation is Killing a lot of working people. It's the system gone haywire and I hate for individuals to blame themselves when forces beyond their control are Screwing them Over.

I'm sure if you look back NOW there may have been a way to avoid this but ONE major, unexpected expense can land anyone in your situation. Most people are, so I have heard, one month from being homeless, maybe two. I'm sure you have also heard how the American Dream has turned into a Nightmare. :o

I have never been homeless, well maybe ONCE when I was 17 I ran away from home to get away from abuse. I was gone for 2 weeks but the cops found me and dragged me back. But I remember sleeping on the hood of a car because it was warm, for a few hours anyway. But I do recall that feeling of not having a home.

My advice would be make arrangements NOW for a place to go. You don't want to be on the streets or living in your car. prepare for the worst and you are usually not disappointed. :hug:

I hope CT you can keep us Posted on what's happening with you.

ConsiderThis 09-02-2007 11:35 PM

Hi Wiix,

That's a very thoughtful and considerate reply, and I'm grateful.

I've weathered several foreclosures so far... I worry about people who aren't as conservative as I am and maybe not such fighters.

I used to try to not be such a fighter, but then it made me too vulnerable and I realized my mistake.

I was thinking an hour or so ago about how this is going to impact health in a widespread way. I would bet so, at least.

What I would like to say in a forum like that is that if someone thinks they may be going into foreclosure, it would be a good idea to get debt counseling... not those things that consolidate debt, but counseling.

I say that because I think the bankruptcy rules have been changed so that people can't file unless they've had counseling, so they won't be able to protect their property the way that I was able to.

That upsets me.


Thank you so much for writing such a thoughtful reply.

(My appeal is to get back a property that was foreclosed and sold without notice to me of the judgment or sale. That's a denial of due process. But so far it's been a battle ... That's because the Realtor was really happy to get my $150,000 equity and the judge laughed when I mentioned my disability.)

Wiix 09-03-2007 08:22 AM

Sounds like your drowning in a Sea of Legalities. I'm so sorry for you. All the legal system does is chew you up and spit you out.

I have been throught that a couple times. I was divorced twice and I had no control, the lawyers did. First time I got screwed over so I learned NEXT time if it should happen again just be as vicious and nasty and I benefitted from my experience.

I live a simple life now. I have just what I need and avoid all entanglements that may land me in court someday. That Includes marriage. The MORE you have the harder people try to take it away from you. Simplify, simplify, SIMPLIFY DAMN IT!!! I too have a disability but I don't tell many people IRL. Then they look at you as weak and try to take advantage.

IF I could live by myself on an island somewhere away from civilization and people I'd be SO happy.

ConsiderThis 09-03-2007 10:29 AM

OMG - How telling is that, that you'd choose to live on an island.

It's like I do. I seldom go out and I see people for only a few seconds five days a week when they bring me my dinner.

I'm glad you feel you learned and that it helped you, but how sad. How very sad that the legal system isn't seen as an opportunity for justice.

I was actually shocked when I saw from the record that the lawyer lied. In my first brief I had a lot of insults to the court because of how the judge treated me. I knew he was ignoring denials of due process and I know the law regarding the automatic stay. It's very clear, Damages are mandatory.

So when the judge refused me any kind of relief and gave my condo to this guy, the Realtor, I knew it was wrong. I'm very careful and I always check things before I say them. But I did not see that the Plaintiff hadn't resent the things he'd served in violation of the Automatic Stay. I just do not see things.

But the lawyers knew I was making a mistake.

So they took advantage of that.

But then, the one for Ocwen actually lied to make it appear in court that he hadn't violated the automatic stay.

On the back pain support group at WebMD a wonderful participant gave me a link to a site ... oh, I hate that things in my memory fade... RipOffReport, I think that's the name of the site. There are over 88 pages of reports on Ocwen. They really take advantage of people.

One of the things they used to do that was very confusing to me, is they would send a check, a real check ... some small amount of money, say $5 or $10. It was really hard to tell that if you cashed the check they were going to start charging you every month for whatever ...

It was so confusing because mortgage servicers do really send checks if there's an overage in the escrow account, so it seems a lucky legitimage thing. And then when you call to say no, you made a mistake, they give you such a run around that it's nearly impossible to stop the charges.

I can't imagine what people do who have the kind of disability I do but without the prior experience of success related to their thinking ability.

I think it must be very much more difficult not to be swamped.

Once again... I really appreciate your post.

thank you.

I hope you have a lovely day.

Are you going to be doing something fun?


Wiix 09-03-2007 01:19 PM

Thanks CT. I am having what I call a "WaterDay". I lay around, drink LOTS of water, take hot tub with epsom salts, nap, watch movies, listen to relaxing music, have a nice Treat of some kind. Just pampering myself today. Spent yesterday in the sun and got "FRIED", but had a lot of fun so I need to rehydrated and Moisturize. Maybe a nice Fresh Fruit Smoothie later too. Just ReCharging today. Tomorrow it's back to the RatRace out there. :(

ConsiderThis 09-03-2007 01:31 PM

That sounds lovely.

I'm enjoying it vicariously. :)

Do you have aloe at all?

I used to buy bottles of it, and now I use my plants. If you rub aloe on your skin where it was overexposed to the sun, it is healing. I've had it keep a burn from peeling. or is that... pealing... I think a bell peals... is that right.

Where oh where have my brain cells gone...


Wiix 09-03-2007 04:18 PM

Yes CT, I have Aloe plants. But I also have just about every kind of lotion one can buy. I have an entire basket of various kinds right on the floor next to my desk. But I find the best thing is really drinking lots of water and using Cocoa Butter. A large jar costs only about $3. at Walgreens. I go through a few jars a year. Especially good on your cracked heels. Mine get so bad I have to razor them at least once a week or they get thick like brick. :eek:Then if they crack they bleed and hurt like HELL!!

Right now I just lit a nice incense and have the AC on full blast. I was laying down watching a movie, "Mrs. Brown", starring Judy Dench, while enjoying a big mug of Bewley's Irish tea. I LOVE historic movies. Let's see, I should show you:

The story begins in 1864, three years after Queen Victoria (Dench) has lost her beloved husband and mentor Albert, plunging into a deep and dizzying depression, which results in a complete disappearance from public view. Despite incessable efforts by some of her children, her loyal staff--and her worshipping public--no one seems to be able to lift the spirits of the disconsolable queen, who's soon labeled "The Widow of Windsor."

Into this gloomy milieu enters Scottish servant Brown (Connolly), the Royal Family's loyal hunting guide and horse caretaker, who devotes his life to one goal: cheering his queen and protecting her, both physically and emotionally, from any potential harm. Down-to-earth and with no regard for protocol, Brown causes immediate upheaval in the Court, disrupting the previously silent dinners, whispering in hallways and other formal conventions. Charmingly nonchalant and single-mindedly committed to his task, Brown is the only person who doesn't treat the queen with gloves or fear.

Brown's insolence seems to be working a magical spell on the queen who, for the first time in years, begins to react emotionally--as a person and as a woman. Spurred by Brown's insistence, she begins to smile and resumes her rides, spending long days walking with Brown and confiding in him. Despite the sharp contrast in social status, and the impossible barriers of class, politics, and rigid norms, Victoria and Brown are attracted to one another as individuals needing the basic emotions of intimacy, affection and loyalty. However, as soon the Queen recommences the pleasures of "being alive" (as someone says), rumors of an affair begins to scandalize British society and a crisis in the Monarchy seems inevitable.

ConsiderThis 09-04-2007 03:17 AM

Hi Wiix,

you totally made my day. When you mentioned watching a movie I decided I should stop watching the live feed (two weeks free) of Big Brother and watch Crash which I have here from Netflix.

Have you seen Crash? Boy, to me it was startlingly good.

I love the thing you wrote about Mrs. Brown. I saw that movie on telly some time ago and just loved it. I really like Judy Dench. Did you ever watch that sit com she was in... I forget the name of it. She's soooo good.

Coco Butter? hmmm. I remember as a kid after I had chicken pox and my mother was pretty sure I was ruined for life because I had a scar on my face, she wanted me to rub coco butter on it every day. She was sure I could get rid of the scar.

I don't know if I didn't believe it, or if I didn't see results quickly enough, or if I didn't find the scar very noticeable... but I didn't keep at it. (Perhpas that's why I've never married.) LOL

Your basket of lotions sounds wonderful.

That's interesting about how you treat your heels.

I was rubbing aloe on my arms and then rubbing in olive oil... only then this court stuff got overwhelming and now ... well, not so much.

Thank you sooo much for writing to me and inspiring me to watch a movie instead of plugging away at the appeal all holiday. :)

As an aside the chat room at the Big Brother feeds had some really nice women in it.

I hope I can go to sleep in another hour or so....

I hope you have a great week. (((((((Wiix)))))))

Chemar 09-04-2007 07:37 AM

Hi karen

I have copied your first post here to Doc's sticky thread on forum feedback for new forum requests, and moved the rest of this thread here to social as it has become more of such a discussion now

here is the link to the forum requests thread where your first post now is

Wiix 09-04-2007 08:36 AM

Mornin CT. :hug:

Big brother Live Feed huh?? That'll rot your brain. If you know what I mean. I watch BB every year up until two years ago. It has changed so much since the first one, I just lost interest. Just like "Survivor". I LOVED that show but after what 8 years?? That too has lost it's charm. The only Reality show I watch now is "Fat March". NOW they are struggling.

"Crash"?? No, I don't think I have heard of that movie but I will check that out. I watch a lot of movies. Judy Dench? Love her. There is another movie you may like, Mrs "Something", let me go get the review I did, brb...........

Wiix 09-04-2007 08:41 AM

Nope, I was incorrect. it wasn't Mrs Something it was Vera Drake:


"Vera Drake" is a powerful British drama that was nominated for three Academy Awards: Best Actress (Imelda Staunton), Best Director (Mike Leigh), and Best Original Screenplay (Leigh again). As far as I am concerned, the movie was one of 2004's best.

In the title role, Imelda Staunton gives a performance I'll never forget. Vera Drake is a middle-aged, working-class, devoted wife and mother who earns money by cleaning the houses of the well-to-do. She's goodhearted, energetic, cheerful, and always helping others.

I would say the scenes with Vera's family in their cramped living quarters are the film's strongest. There's her mechanic husband, her tailor son, her shy daughter, and the daughter's suitor. The ensemble acting and dialogue are terrific.

"Vera Drake" is set in London in 1950, and one of the things I like most about the movie is its sense of time and place. The country hasn't fully recovered from World War II, and some commodities are still hard to get. But the Drake family has backbone, and when I think about Britain standing up to the Nazis, it's folks like them who come to mind.

The film's story centers around something Vera does that she keeps secret from her family. In her zeal to help others, she regularly performs a procedure on women that terminates unwanted pregnancies. Vera receives no money for this, and there is no doubt that her intentions are good. But what she is doing is illegal, and she is putting the women in danger because she has no connection whatsoever with any medical professionals.

However, all of the women Vera tries to help by inducing miscarriages are from the lower classes. The movie contrasts their situation sharply with that of a woman who lives in one of the upscale houses where Vera works as a cleaning lady. When that woman becomes pregnant, she goes to carefully chosen doctors and pays a considerable sum of money, enabling her to check into what appears to be a private clinic and get a safe, legal abortion.

clouds z 09-04-2007 11:52 PM

this radio show probably has books and guests who know

good luck

clouds z 09-04-2007 11:55 PM

FRIDAY - SEPTEMBER 7 - Take Back America

This spectacular panel of researchers, actual participants, and judicial educators believe strongly this is the correct direction that every hard working Americans MUST become aware of to protect themselves, their property, assets and heritage. This may be just the medicine to stop the current Corporate/Government tyranny in it's corrupted, insatiable take-over.

Rae Copitka, Loma Wharton, Dennis Wharton, Reyavoni Carter, and Al Chazn

Sample Presentation starts 7-8 minutes in to Douglas, County Commissioners meeting on AUGUST 8; and again on AUGUST 29:

comes on at 2am nyc time and 4pm internet link is on there to click

ConsiderThis 09-04-2007 11:58 PM

OMG, I didn't know you replied. I was picturing you at work and too busy to write. I wonder if I didn't get a notice because this was moved.

BB was explosive this season... they have a father and daughter who were estranged. And he's been a favorite of a lot of people... but he's a bit abusive.

You should check it out... except it's calmed way down since they got rid of Jen who apparently was/is a nanny for Vanna White... They just hated her. She was a little over the top, from my perspective... but the way Evel **** treated her was... not appropriate, I didn't think. The father is Evel ****.

Crash is really good. It was mentioned at the Academy Awards. Sandra Bullock is in it, but it's not a sweet movie. I liked it a lot more than i expected to.

Well, I'm glad I found this. :)

clouds z 09-04-2007 11:59 PM

ConsiderThis 09-05-2007 12:01 AM

I'm confused. You didn't watch Mrs. Brown?

I never heard of the Vera Drake one.

I watched one the other night called Mrs. (darn I forget the name) at the Claridge. It said it was written by Elizabeth Taylor. It was quite charming. It was a movie you can watch right away... on your computer.

I sure hope I can sleep tonight. I have a lot I should do tomorrow.


ConsiderThis 09-05-2007 12:09 AM

Hi Cloudz,

Thank you for the links. I'm not sure I understand the Douglas one.

That's really nice of you to find that information for me.

I posted that bit from my Brief on eBay and got cut to shreads. Mostly people there just attack, not all, but some.

But, it did show me that it was hard to read so I rewrote it...
I'll put it here the way it actually appears, except I'll put what the lawyer said in bold... so you can see where I'm quoting.


Originally Posted by Karen Kline in her Statement of the Case

March 8, 2006, because of my disability and the trauma from no notice of judgment and sale and short notice of hearing I didn’t fully understand hearing. I showed my confusion by thanking Judge Vigil for saying he was glad I made it, 10:11:06. Thanks after painfully short notice showed confusion as my stammering showed my disability. I knew I needed my bankruptcy to protect my property because of my 1997 experience, but combination of no and little notice confused me: I withdrew my motion to reopen so it wouldn’t conflict with state court, which was confused because I knew I needed its protection from state court. When I couldn’t grasp or remember I wanted the CD transcribed, but CD given to Agnes Samora, Adult Protective Services, March 13, 2006 [RP 439], was Ftr. It didn’t work on CD player where it was to be made into a tape, so I couldn’t see what happened. Leverick was way too fast/immoderate for me to follow at the time. To comprehend it now I had to listen more than ten times. I couldn’t grasp how Sale was confirmed despite violation of stay. Now I know Leverick falsely said at 10:22:32 that Complaint was filed March 5, 2005. In fact it was filed March 9, 2005 [RP 1]. At 10:22:40 he lied, “We got notification through the bankruptcy center that the Chapter 13 had been filed on March 23rd 2005 which was after the date we had served her with the Amended Complaint.” In fact my Chapter 13 which was filed March 21, 2005, see Exhibit 1 referenced p.1 of “Correction to Objection to Approval of Sale and Foreclosure Judgment” [RP 223] and amended complaint was served on March 29, 2005 [RP 64, 66, 68, 70] in patent violation of the automatic stay. I could not grasp what Leverick speciously said at 10:22:53, “However under Rules 1-005 subparagraph (A) we’re not required to serve her with the Amended Complaint ah if we don’t seek new or additional claims against her. Specifically it says, ‘No service need be made on parties in default for failure to appear except pleadings that assert new or additional claims for relief.’ The Amended Complaint was only brought before the court to add the additional parties to deal with their claims and their interest in the property. It did not assert a new or additional claim against Ms. Kline and therefore, and this has been the practice of this law firm for a long period of time, we were not required to serve her with any supplemental pleadings in the case.” By law I had 30 days to answer from service of Complaint on March 18, 2005 [RP 62]. I was not in default on March 29, 2005 [RP 66] when Amended Complaint was served in violation of stay; and Amended Complaint did not bring parties before court. It was served to no one at any other time. I could not grasp how sale was confirmed after I wired money to reinstate 10:17:25, wire instructions attached at [RP 440]; despite saying at 10:17:54 I’d tried to deposit $128,250; and after saying at 10:18:51 that condo association’s liens exceeded what is authorized by Condominium Act. I got sick on the way home and was sick for hours. That night I realized what the hearing was, why I needed the bankruptcy court, and why Green had Hope call me to be sure I came, so I wouldn’t lose my rights, he said, according to Hope. In reality he needed me for an illusion of due process. That was why Judge Vigil was glad to see me.

ConsiderThis 09-05-2007 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by Chemar (Post 144217)
Hi karen

I have copied your first post here to Doc's sticky thread on forum feedback for new forum requests, and moved the rest of this thread here to social as it has become more of such a discussion now

here is the link to the forum requests thread where your first post now is

I'm so confused.

I was thinking when I posted that I had the right forum... and then when the thread became friendly I thought it was similar to "Face Off" which never got moved...

Is it because I'm sooooo tired that I'm confused...



clouds z 09-05-2007 01:22 AM

ConsiderThis 09-05-2007 01:29 AM

oh my gosh, i am soooooo slow.

I see now.

Thank you so much for posting that link.

I'll go there tomorrow.

I'm hoping I can sleep some tonight, so I'm not so wrecked tomorrow. It's so hard to do things when I'm this wrung out.

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!

ConsiderThis 09-05-2007 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by clouds z (Post 144567)
FRIDAY - SEPTEMBER 7 - Take Back America

This spectacular panel of researchers, actual participants, and judicial educators believe strongly this is the correct direction that every hard working Americans MUST become aware of to protect themselves, their property, assets and heritage. This may be just the medicine to stop the current Corporate/Government tyranny in it's corrupted, insatiable take-over.

Rae Copitka, Loma Wharton, Dennis Wharton, Reyavoni Carter, and Al Chazn

Sample Presentation starts 7-8 minutes in to Douglas, County Commissioners meeting on AUGUST 8; and again on AUGUST 29:

comes on at 2am nyc time and 4pm internet link is on there to click

see, i'm soooo slow, i don't get it.

That's for this friday, right? is that right?

how do they figure to take back our rights? do you know?

I think that being pro se has got to be a part of it.

Wiix 09-05-2007 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by ConsiderThis (Post 144576)
I'm so confused.

I was thinking when I posted that I had the right forum... and then when the thread became friendly I thought it was similar to "Face Off" which never got moved...

Is it because I'm sooooo tired that I'm confused...



Me too.

ConsiderThis 09-05-2007 11:57 AM



Chemar 09-05-2007 01:44 PM

Sorry if there is confusion, but I thought I had explained so will try again........

the original post here was a forum request.
It is now on the forum requests thread on CFF where it belongs.

the rest began to be more social in nature and was moved here, because the discussion here had become too long for it all to be incorprated on the forum requests thread that Doc specifically keeps on CFF for just requests, not discussions, that way the requests dont get lost in the discussions.

The Face Off thread was directly related to CFF and a previous thread there and was a light hearted moment for all. that is why it stays there

I hope that clears any confusion.


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