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Doody 10-08-2007 09:02 AM

Wonder Thread #55
I wonder how excited I am to go through my colonoscopy prep this afternoon...NOT.

I wonder why sugarless premade Jello comes in all flavors, but sweetened Jello seems to be all red, which I can't eat.

I wonder if my grandson found a place for my pajamas. I left them there after spending the night Friday and I guess he walked around Saturday afternoon with my pajamas "Gramma's jammies, gramma's jammies."

I wonder at the crazy weather. Hot, hot, hot the last week and now cold and rainy.

Addy 10-08-2007 02:30 PM

I've been wondering where you were Doody and want to give you a :hug: as I know you're had a lot on your plate .... I hope your tests aren't/weren't too awful.

I wonder why the weather is so messed up and why a marathoner could lose his life at this time of year... :(

I wonder at how life changes with every heart beat...

I wonder if I should tell Alffe that yes, this is my first time being a great Auntie. Sparkle's grandbaby is due in May. I love to knit and crochet so this baby will be adorned with handmade treasures! Sparkle is delighted!

I wonder if you all remember that my sister's daughter (the mommy-to-be) lost her boyfriend to suicide when she was 19. She has come so far and I am so proud of her. She has a wonderful man and they will be awesome parents!


CoolAngel26 10-08-2007 05:41 PM

I wonder if I can leave the room a :grouphug:!

I wonder why the headache monster seems to like me so much the last two days..

I wonder if Curious wants some {{{{choccy hugs}}}}!!

Take care everyone...Love,CoolAngel26

Alffe 10-09-2007 05:40 PM

I wonder how Doodys colonoscopy went today....:hug:

I wonder if my red chard stems are pickled enough to serve some this Sunday in corn soup...........:rolleyes:

I wonder how the kids could play football in that heat!....they canceled the Chicago run because of the heat...these kids are in uniform! ackk!

I wonder at how proud I was that our grandson made two great tackles...
(doesn't matter that they lost 40 to zit...........:p)

I wonder at all the "destination" weddings that are taking seems to me that it's a great imposition to expect people to fly off, at their own expense, to see someone else's kid get married!

I wonder if that makes me an old grouch! :rolleyes:

I wonder if I can leave hugs for the room.

Wren 10-10-2007 08:27 AM

I wonder if I can BRAG :p Today is two years since I've had a cigarette - lol

I wonder how Doody is doing. I wonder when she will let us know. That colonoscopy is SO dreadful. :hug:

I wonder if dear Alf know that I imagine, never having tasted, pickled chard is pretty dreadful in corn soup. Good grief.

I wonder how sweet, kind Vicky is.

I wonder why it's taken all this time for me to realize that Sparkle and Addy were related. I AM so slow.

I wonder if all the hot weather is over here ..... it's 50* here this morning.

I wonder if everyone knows how much I appreciate and NEED this board.

FeelinGoofy 10-10-2007 11:20 AM

I wonder if i can tell Wren congratulations!!!!!!:You-Rock:

I wonder why the check engine light keeps coming on then goes off on my van???

I wonder if we'll ever be able to afford another car or if we're going to be stuck fixing the one we have over and over and over...:Sigh:

I wonder if this trip to Missouri will improve my husbands emotional well being??? i sure hope so....

I wonder how BJ is doing????

I wonder how a person goes about cleaning all the crud out of the keyboard on the computer???? :eek: I really wonder how it all got there???? :eek:

I wonder if i can leave a {{{HUG}}} for our room :hug:

Abbie 10-10-2007 11:25 AM

I wonder if I can let goofy know that my check engine light did that for a while... I took my car in and found that the problem was a loose gas cap. (hope that's all it is for you)

I have more wonders...but am out of energy so I'll type more later...


bizi 10-10-2007 11:45 AM

I wonder if I can share with vic how I just now cleaned out my keyboard....
I tried the cleaning duster and that did not work then I used a business card to go inbetween the keys and could not believe all of the cat hair that I got out. Handfuls! lol

Doody 10-10-2007 01:01 PM

I wonder if Wren knows how impressed I am with her for being off those addictive smokes for 2 years now.

I wonder if I can remember everything my gastro told me. Oh, the prep was awful, but necessary. The procedure is a breeze because he knocks me out. When finished he came to my room and said he thinks my UC has been flaring because I'm dumping lots of bile into the colon and my sick colon can't handle it. So he's putting me on some medicine, what I can't remember and have no clue. He also took the usual biopsies which I won't know about for another week-10 days. Thanks for wondering about it. :hug:

I wonder at how wonderfully cool it is now. Went from hot to fall in one day. Sweater weather here without a doubt.

I wonder at how awesome it was to meet Hilary Clinton. She was very pleasant and commanded everyone's attention. Those candidates are flocking across Iowa right now nearly every day. Obama's visit was so so. It was supposed to be for question/answer time, but he spent most of the time talking and only took 3 questions.

I wonder how afraid granddoody is of the ghost hanging outside the babysitter's house. She has it all decked out for halloween, and has this cute ghost that moves back and forth across a line hanging from her house to a tree and it makes scary noises. He doesn't like it except when he's saying good-bye to it for the day, LOL. He waves and says, "Bye ghost!"

I wonder if ((Vic)) knows I'm glad she likes the deer picture. :winky:

I wonder when I'll finally get around to sending Alffe my thank you for letting me visit gift. :rolleyes:

I wonder at how lonely I get lately. I think I need to get a little dog.

Alffe 10-10-2007 02:16 PM

I wonder if I can tell Doody...PLEASE, no thank you arrived with many many hello gifts....:hug: The plants are in the ground, ty and I haven't started the book yet but will as soon as I finish reading Born on a Blue Day.

I wonder if I can send Doody the darling picture of her kissing Cooper.....
I'm green with envy that you got to hear Hilary. One of my neices lives on the same street as Obama and she jogs past his house...she's gone to work for his campaign but I love her anyway.:wink:

I wonder if I can also congratulate Wren on her two years of not smoking..
I know how difficult that is! :hug: Now about the chard....:D I'm not talking about putting the big leaves in anything...I threw those out. I only pickled the red stems with hot pepper flakes and want to put a small...very small piece of the stem into the corn soup...along with half a seeded yellow cherry tomato and a tiny basil leaf. Can you tell that I'm into the details. :rolleyes:

I wonder what's wrong with Mr.Goofy!! He has so much to be thankful for. Want me to send someone over? *grin

I wonder too about the drop in the temperature...getting my car serviced tomorrow but told Mr.Alffe we are NOT putting the snow tires on it yet!

Curious 10-11-2007 09:40 AM

Attachment 1795

Attachment 1796

Attachment 1797

i wondered if y'all would like to see some pictures of grandmonkey at the farm? the one picture is of him and his girlfriend. :D

Curious 10-12-2007 11:29 AM

i wonder if you would like to see a new picture of lil'monkey? ;););) i wonder why she wanted her picture taken with a trucks tailgate? ;););)

Doody 10-12-2007 02:14 PM

Thanks for sharing monkey.

I wonder about the new addition to my arsenal of meds. :( I now have to take Colestid for my guts. He said my colonoscopy showed no relapse in my ulcerative colitis disease, which surprised me with what's been going on! He took 15 biopsies and all were benign. He said my problem has been large quantities of bile acid dumping from my liver and my damaged colon can't handle getting rid of it. So, that's what the colestid is for. Only 2 a day, but you should see the friggin size of these puppies!


I think my mom is on week 153 million of wearing her boot cast, at least it seems that way. She gets around with a walker but still can't put full weight on her heel. I have no idea how long she'll have to wear that and the doctor won't know either until they xray it in a couple weeks.

I'm anxious to see granddoody tonight.

Have a good weekend everybody. :hug:

Alffe 10-12-2007 06:59 PM

I wonder if Mr.Alffe is pulling my leg when he says he has to leave the car out of the garage tonight so a satellite and "talk" to it....:confused:

I wonder if anyone will believe me when I say that we (my sister and I) actually saw snow when we were driving on the bypass today....I mean it's Oct 13th!

I wonder if I should open all registers since the furnace is running...:eek:

I wonder if I should have let them put my snowtires on....:o

I wonder how Ada is today and if her daughter is feeling better...:hug:

I wonder if Scrabble will remember about the recipe...:)

I wonder if I can leave hugs for the room.... :grouphug:

Curious 10-13-2007 09:58 AM

i wonder if mr alffe is making sure the cars computer recieves the info about any repairs that might need to be done? yep alffe...some cars do talk to their "makers". what a world huh?

i wonder if our nice weather will hold? i love having the windows open and saving on ac.


FeelinGoofy 10-13-2007 10:49 AM

I wonder about Mr Alffe!!!!! :Scratch-Head: LOL

I wonder how many pecans my mom will get off her trees this year?

I wonder about my niece??? shes expecting and ordered something off the tv thats suppose to tell you the sex of the baby. LOL.....

I wonder if all the leaves will be blown off the trees before they get a chance to change colors??? :thud:

I wonder if i can leave a {{{HUG}}} for our room

Alffe 10-14-2007 06:07 AM

I wonder if Kristens headaches are any better....:hug:

I wonder if Mr.Alffe's sattelite conversation was about his OnStars new #..

I wonder at what a nice suprise it was last night to have a church busload of kids from another church show up at our Praise Service....:D

I wonder at how touched we were to have a member ask for traveling mercies for Mr.Alffe and myself........leaving Wed, headed south. *grin

I wonder why I'm on this computer when I have much to do.....

I wonder how BJ is this morning and if she got any sleep last night....

I wonder what Ada wore to the halloween party and if she had fun....

I wonder if Curious is having as much fun on Ebay as Mrs. D. it...:winky:

I wonder if Addy is "touring" now..........

I wonder and wonder about the soup recipe.....Scrabble?...:D

Spanish Moss 10-14-2007 08:01 AM

I wonder if BJ is doing better yet and if her zapper will improve things even more

I wonder at the absolutely perfect weather we are having

I wonder how Scrabble and her family is doing

I wonder if Addy is singing right now

I wonder if Mr Alffe's car had a nice talk with whoever

I wonder if my car needs to talk to someone

I wonder if we will ever know what happened to our cat, Dan

I wonder about those ruins we saw yesterday on a nearby island - imagining the plantation and life that must have happened there....and how the Civil War ended it (d**n yankees! Oops - that's me too I guess)

I wonder at how sweet those pictures are in the previous posts

I wonder what soup recipe Alffe is looking for

I wonder if you know it will be a year next Sunday that I have been married to the most wonderful guy in the world

I wonder where Goofy's mom lives - I saw pecans yesterday, but didn't know they were in Oklahoma too

I wonder at all the things I still want to learn and how glad I am that life never stops teaching you things

CoolAngel26 10-14-2007 03:59 PM are so sweet,and answering you.Yes..I go through these rough patches every now and then,and have done it all my life.

I wonder how everyone's weekend went..

I wonder why I'm so relaxed..

I wonder what I should have for dinner...

:grouphug::hug::grouphug::hug:for everyone!!!

~scrabble 10-14-2007 09:19 PM

I wonder if someone else has a recipe for Tomato Basil soup for Alffe? :(

I wonder why my mom didn't write it down? :confused:

I wonder if a fairy will make me dinner? :rolleyes:

I wonder if you know what I'm doing for Wacky Hair Day at school this week? :eek:

I wonder if Ed knows I thought of him today, when I smiled and said 'thank you' to the smiling gentleman who held the door for me, as I left the bank? :)

I wonder if Doody is going to get a doggy? :hug:

I wonder where I will be for Christmas?

I wonder if you know how good it is to have my car back, all fixed up and shiny? :D

I wonder if there is anything worthwhile on TV tonight? :rolleyes:

I wonder if you know my Zero Gravity (lawn) chair is in my living room? :D

I wonder if you know I have finally figured out how to use my long, double-ended crochet hook that I bought from a thrift shop? :wink:

I wonder if I have weird wonders? :p

Alffe 10-15-2007 07:09 AM

I wonder if I can thank Scrabble for looking...I doctored up my sweet basil soup and Mr.Alffe gave it his stamp of approval...:rolleyes: (zapped it w/lemon juice)

I wonder if I can say...after seeing them 3 times now..that I never again want to see "Glenn Miller" gets smaller everytime and I find myself comparing them to the real way! Ain't nothing like the real thing baby......*grin

I wonder if I can admit that our dear friend, while very thin and frail, is determined to complete his round the world Queen Mary trip (you can take it in segments) and he claims he can have his dialysis on ship! :eek: What a world we live in...

I wonder if Lara is enjoying her walk about.......

I wonder if Kristen knows how glad I am that she's feeling better. :hug:

bizi 10-18-2007 07:17 PM

I wonder if mr. and mrs alffe are having a nice trip so far....
I wonder if I can give a shout out for our girlie, BJ.....
I wonder if I can procrastinate any more in avoiding my paper work....
I wonder why it is so quiet in here....
I wonder if curious was flooded with the rain that fell...
I also wonder about vic with those tornados in her area...

FeelinGoofy 10-19-2007 11:24 AM

I wonder if Bizi knows how much i appreciate her kind thoughts. The tornadoes went north and east of us.

I wonder when Alffe is suppose to get home?

I wonder if these shots i'm doing in my knee will work?

I wonder how Lara is doing? And BJ.... They've both been on my mind.

I wonder if i can leave a {{{HUG}}} for our room.

Curious 10-24-2007 03:15 PM

i wonder if you'll would like to see what happened to lil'monkey this weekend when i got scissor happy?

Alffe 10-24-2007 03:28 PM

What a beauty...she looks like her mama! And I love her tee shirt..*grin
this old white haired lady used to be a brunette..bout a 100 yrs ago.

Thanks for sharing....She's happy with it.....right? :p

Curious 10-24-2007 03:31 PM

ty. :hug:
yep. saves her so much time...not to mention shampoo! she wasn't even nervous about me cutting it. :p

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